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lilt.J . Peprrde Prorein Res. 42, I Y Y 3 .

4 Y l - 4 3 / Cupyri,'riyhr 0 Munksgaard 1993

Pnrired in Belgium - all rights reserved INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF
ISSN 0367-8377

Prediction of transmembrane P-strands from hydrophobic

characteristics of proteins


Depurtnietit of Phrsics. Bhnrathirlasriti C'riiversitj.. Tiriichirupalli. Tamil Nadir. India

Received 14 December 1992, accepted for publication 17 March 1993

The assembly of outer-membrane proteins consisting of 8-strands as transmembrane segments is somewhat

more complex when compared to the assembly of inner membrane proteins having a-helices as transmem-
brane parts. This is probably due to the difference in the amino acid sequences of the transmembrane part
strands and helices. Because of this feature, most predictive schemes which are successful in predicting
transmembrane helical segments fail to predict transmembrane strand segments. Here we propose a new
predictive scheme for forecasting the transmembrane strand segments in outer-membrane proteins with the
use of the general surrounding hydrophobicity scale developed both for the globular and membrane proteins
in the preceding article. Two major features of the scheme are (i) that it does not solely depend on the
amphipathic character of a sequence segment while identifying it as a transmembrane strand, and it is ca-
pable of predicting strands in varied lengths, a facility to reflect the variation in the membrane surfaces. This
scheme predicts the transmembrane P-strands in porin from R . capsulutus at 76"" accuracy (giving due weights
to over- and under-predictions when compared to X-ray results). The predicted 0-structure contents in OmpA,
porin from E. coli and maltoporin compared with the Raman spectroscopic results at 95% level. These ac-
curacy levels are far superior than the levels obtained from other existing methods. Apart from the above four
proteins for which experimental informations are available, ten other outer-membrane proteins, for which there
is no information about their secondary structure, are considered in the forecast. The results are analysed and
the coninion features in the folds of the set of fourteen outer-membrane proteins are deduced.
0 Munksgaard 1993.

During the last ten years we have been witnessing ex- formulations and practical applications. Of these pre-
citing advances in the field ofmembrane proteins. These dictive schemes. hydrophobicity analysis (hydropho-
advances relate to the accumulation of their amino acid bicity profile and hydrophobicity moment studies) re-
sequences, their common folds, the process of insertion mains the central focus (3-7). Unfortunately, until
of their segments into the membrane matrix, transport recently only the hydrophobicity scales developed for
of species across the membrane etc. These advances in the family of globular proteins were exploited in the
our general understanding of membrane proteins pose case of membrane proteins and obviously the outcome
many interesting questions about the basic functional was not very satisfactory (3, 8). In our preceding article
characteristics of these very complexed macromolecul- (9) we developed a hydrophobicity scale which is
ar systems. However, answers to these questions can- equally applicable to both globular proteins and mem-
not be found unless high-resolution three-dimensional brane proteins and used it to formulate a scheme to
structures of a statistically significant number of mem- predict trans-helical segments in a large set of mem-
brane proteins are available. Until recently n o crystal brane proteins. This scheme worked with a high degree
structures of membrane proteins have been solved at of success compared to other existing procedures. The
high resolution except the photosynthetic reaction cen- trans-strand segments in membrane proteins differ in
tre (PRC) from R . viridis (1) and porin from R . coppsii- sequence nature and length comparcd to trans-helical
lrrfzrs(2). The lack of enough crystal structures, and the segments, and hence they warrant a separate scheme to
availability of a statistically significant number of pro- predict them. In this article we make such an attempt
tein sequences. paved way for intensive structure- using the more general hydrophobicity scale already
predictive schemes of various kinds, and there contin- developed in ref. 9.
ues to be much discussion and debate over their The outer-membrane proteins are now classified as
Transmembrane P-strands
members with P-strands as transmembrane segments. dues, as is the case with transmembrane helical seg-
This class of proteins seem to follow a topology simi- ments of other membrane proteins; it is probably this
lar to the one exhibited by porin, a topology much property that makes the usual hydrophobicity-based
simpler when compared to those seen in the family of helix-predicting procedures fail in the case of trans-
globular proteins (10-12). The molecule of porin from strand predictions.
R. cupsulutus in the crystal consists of 16 anti-parallel Paul & Rosenbusch (13) tried to predict transmeni-
P-strands of different lengths (6- 17 residues) which brane strands by eliminating 8-turns and selecting a
form a right-hand twisted P-barrel. A notable feature of minimal length of six residues for a strand; this is an
the amino acid sequences of the transmembrane seg- indirect method. Vogel & Jahnig (14), on the other
ments of porin and other outer-membrane proteins is hand, tried to predict transmembrane strands on the
that they are not long stretches of hydrophobic resi- basis of the amphipathic character of segments, and

Porln ( R . capsulatus)


20 40 60 80 100 120 140

160 180 200 220 240 260 280

Amina acid seauence

a 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


160 180 200 220 240 2 60 280

Amino acid sequence

Structure prediction plots for porin ( R . rupsulutus). (a) Continuous line: 12-residue surrounding hydrophobicity profile; filled squares: ob-
served peaks in the profile; dotted lines: the first seven sites of the 6-residue hydrophobicity profile for each low peaks; filled circles: observed
peaks in the 6-residue profile. (b) Portions of single residue hydrophobicity profile to fix the ends of strands.
42 1
M.M. Gromiha and P.K. Ponnuswamy
this procedure seems to be the popular one so far (14- essence, HD is simply the average of the surrounding
17). Neither all the transmembrane helices nor all the hydrophobicities of the residues constituting the strand.
transmembrane strands need to be amphipathic in char- The facial components f i and f 2 of the hydrophobic
acter. There are quite a few transmembrane sequences character help us to define an index to measure the
which exhibit either negligible or zero amphipathicity amphipathicity of the strand as
(2,9, 18, 19). It is therefore more appropriate to develop
a scheme which does not depend solely on the amphi-
pathicity of the segment in question. In this article we
develop such a general procedure to predict transmem- Prediction of' transnienibrane fl-strands
brane strands in outer-membrane proteins, and com- Structure predictions from amino acid sequence were
pare the results with those already reported by work- made from a plot of Hij from eqn. (1) against sequence
ers using other methods. In essence, the present method, number for a protein, with a pre-set value of m. In such
based on the concept of 'surrounding hydrophobicity' a hydrophobicity profile, the value of HBat a residue site
proposed in our laboratory. identifies the transmem- represents the hydrophobic character of a segment of
brane 8-strands to an accuracy of 76",, a much higher chosen residues starting from that residue number.
predictive level than the existing methods. The method This hydrophobicity profile will consist of mountains
is applied to porin from R . capsulatus, porin from E . coli. and valleq s about the average hydrophobicity line,
segment 1-177 of OmpA, maltoporin and 10 other which in turn is obtained from the hydrophobicity val-
outer-membrane proteins. ues of all the amino acid residues in the sample set of
proteins. The sample set included in the present work
consists of porin from R . capsulafus, porin from E. coli,
the N-terminal 1-177 segment of OmpA, maltoporin,
MATERIAL AND METHODS and other 10 outer-membrane proteins.
The mountains of the H D profile of a protein have
The surrounding hvdrophobicitj?scale been used to identify the secondary structural elements
The development of a general surrounding hydropho-
in I t . The mountains were classified into two groups,
bicity scale (for the 20 amino acid residues) applicable
those of high peaks and those of low peaks: peaks
to both the globular protein and membrane protein within a height of 0.1 kcal from the average line are
families has been described in ref. 9. This scale has been
considered as low peaks, and those having heights
obtained by judiciously combining the high-resolution
above the 0.1 kcal limit are considered to be high peaks.
crystal structure data of a set of 64 globular proteins
The high peaks were used to identify transmembrane
and of the two membrane proteins PRC and porin from
scgments with a length oft)?residues, and the low peaks
R . ccipsulatus. The same scale is used in the following
were used to identify strands which have lengths less
hydrophobicity profile computations for the outer-
than nz residues.
membrane proteins.
In any attempt to frame rules to predict transmeni-
brane strands one has to treat properly the three im-
H,vdrophobic character of ,&strands portant factors, namely the length of the strand, the
The hydrophobic character of a 8-strand has been de- termini of the strand and the role of the special residue,
termined by following the procedure proposed earlier proline. From their IR and X-ray results of porin from
by us (20). In this procedure a 8-strand segment is E. coli, Kleffel et al. (2 1) have suggested that the trans-
considered to have two faces, one of residues i, i + 2. membrane 8-strands may have an average length of
i + 4, ... i + ni - 1, and the other of rcsidues i + 1, i + 3, 10-12 residues. Using Raman data on segment 1-177

i + 5 , ..., i + nz, i being the N-terminal residue, and I I I of OmpA, Vogel & Jahnig (14) concluded that the av-
being the number of residues in the segment. The av- erage length of a strand may be 13 residues. Indicating
erage surrounding hydrophobicity, which is taken to be the uneven character of the surfaces of membrane pro-
a measure of the hydrophobic character of the segment, teins (due to factors such as the presence of channels),
is given by Paul & Rosenbusch (13 ) have chosen a minimum length
of 6 residues for a strand. Stoorvogel et al. (16) sug-
gested a length of 9 or 10 residues. Interestingly, the
molecule of porin from R. capsulatus contains 16
with 8-strands of lengths ranging from 6 to 17 residues in its
crystal form (2, 22). The above theoretical inferences
"f; = 1 (11, ,I,
f (2) and experimental results strongly support the view that
the segments traversing the membrane matrix may be
where h is the surrounding hydrophobicity index of the of varied lengths, but they are neither too long nor too
residue (H,,, in Table 1 of ref. 9), n is the total number short. Accordingly, in our predictive scheme we assume
of residues in the face, and j increases at an interval of that the lengths fall around two values, namely, 12 and
2 from 0 to in - 1 if i = 1, and from 1 to tn if i = 2. In 6 residues.
Transniembrane P-strands
From an analysis of the terminal residues of the 16 phobicity values about the average line: if so, extend the
P-strands in porin from R . cnpsulatus, we note that the length until the above pattern breaks.
N - 1 and C + 1 positions are occupied mainly by the Step 5 . Check whether Pro occurs inside the seg-
three residues, Asp, Gly and Ala, but there was no ments predicted in step 4; if so, cut the segment, and
particular preference by any residue in the N and C select the largest of the resultants.
positions. However, a careful study of the hydropho-
bicity patterns of three or four residues preceding resi- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
due N, and three or four residues succeding residue C,
indicate that out of 32 ends, 21 show a pattern of low Prediction of transriienibrnne D-strnrid.~iii poriii froin
and high hydrophobicity values about the average line, R. capsulatus
a typical P-strand pattern (23, 24). This indicates the As a working example, here we apply the above steps
fact that most of the transmembrane strands acquire to predict the transmembrane strands in the protein
amphipathic character at their terminal parts, even porin from R. cnpsulntus:
though they are not so in total. In view of this obser- Step I (compute the profile): Figure l a is the t ? i = 12
vation, we make a specific rule in our predictive scheme hydrophobicity profile for this protein.
to look for the amphipathic character of the terminals. Step2 (select the peaks and assign the longer strands):
Proline, owing to its peculiar backbone structure, is 16 peaks are marked on the in = 12 profile; of these 11
not a favoured residue in the P-strands of normal globu- are high and 5 are low peaks; these peaks were selected
lar proteins (25). It has been indicated by Deber et al. as follows: in the first mountain, sites 2-5 and 8-12
(26) that prolines create thermodynamically less stable register surrounding hydrophobicities well above the
structures in membranes. Hence we do not permit pro- average line; as site 4 registers the highest hydropho-
line to occupy positions within the length of a trans- bicity, it is taken to be the high peak in this mountain;
membrane strand, except at the ends. With these re- hence the corresponding 12 residues, viz. 4-15, are the
strictions we constructed a predictive scheme consisting first segment to be selected. In the second mountain,
of the following steps. site 19 registers the highest hydrophobicity, and hence
residues 19-30 are to be selected as the relevant seg-
The predictive scheme ment. All other peaks and the respective initial seg-
Step 1 . With the use of eqn. (l), construct hydro- ments can be selected in the same way. The 16 initial
phobicity profiles with control lengths of in = 12, 6 and segments thus selected are given in Table 1.
1. Step 3 (assign shorter strands): Site 41 is the first low
Step2. Consider the mountains in the t n = 12 profile. peak in the porin profile (Fig. la). We have to look at
Identify the top peak in each mountain, and classify the nz = 6 hydrophobicity profile (not shown here)
such selected peaks into high peaks and low peaks around the seven six-residue segments, namely, 4 1-46,
according to their heights above the average hydropho- 42-41,43-48,44-49,45-50.46-5 1 and 41-52. We do
bicity line: high peaks will have heights above 0.1 kcal not observe any high peaks for these segments, and
from the average line, and low peaks will have heights hence we resort to computing the amphipathy indices
equal to or below 0.1 kcal above the average line. As- for the seven segments; of these, segment 41-46 has the
sume that each high peak corresponds to a transmem- largest A Dvalue, and hence it is selected as a possible
brane P-strand of around 12 residues whose ends will transmembrane strand (computational details not pro-
be adjusted in step 4. vided).
Step 3 . For each low peak, consider the first seven Step 4 (fix the end residues): Consider the first seg-
sites of the m = 6 hydrophobicity profile, select the high- ment 4-15, and look at the single-residue hydropho-
est peak in it, and assume that it represents a trans- bicity profile (Fig. lb) for residues 1-4 and for residues
membrane P-strand of the relevant six residues, whose 15-18: it shows that residues 1, 2, 3 and 4 alternate in
end residues will be fixed in step 4; if no peaks are hydrophobicity about the average line; hence residues
discernable in any of the seven sites, compute amphip- 1-3 can be appended, making residue 1 as the N -
athy indices Ag [from eqn. (3)] for the same first seven terminus of the segment. Residues beyond 15 do not
six-residue segments, pick up the segment which has alternate in their hydrophobicity values (not shonm):
the largest A0 value, and assume that this segment is a hence, residue 15 itself can become the C-terminus of
transmembrane P-strand, whose end residues will be the segment. Accordingly, residues 1 - 15 form the pre-
fixed again in step 4. dicted transmembrane strand segment from the first
Step 4 . List the predicted 12-residue segments (from high peak of the profile. Consider the second segment
step 2) and 6-residue segments (from step 3); check 19-30. The single residue profile for residues 16-19
each of the 12-residue and 6-residue segments thus se- and 30-33 indicates that residues 18-31 alternate in
lected, to see whether the single-residue (tn = 1) hydro- their hydrophobicities: hence residues 18 and 31 can
phobicity profile continues beyond the end residues in become, respectively, the N- and C-terminal ends of the
a zig-zag way, following a pattern characteristic of the segment. Accordingly, residues 18-31 form the final
two faces of a strand, adopting high and low hydro- strand segment predicted from the second peak. Simi-
M.M. Gromiha and P.K. Ponnuswamy
Predicriori of rr(ztisr?ienibrune8-srmrids iri porirr (R. capsulatus) (continued)

Experimental (X-ray) results (2,22.27) Theoretical prcdictions

1-15 (15) 161-171 (11) Lenghts Lengths Final Over- under-

18-35 (17) 181-192 (12) from from predicted predi- predi-
39-46 (8) 195-206 (12) step 2 step 3 segmenis ction ction
59-65 (7) 227-130 (14)
68-74 (7) 243-254 (12) Vogcl & Jahnig (14)
118-125 (8) 258-271 (14) 1-14 (14) 0 0
128-135 (8) 275-285 (1 1 ) 20-34 (15) 1 1
148-158 (11) 292-301 (10) 38-47 (10) I 1
61-72 (13) 2 2
74-83 (10) 10 0
Theoretical predictions 0 8
128-139 (12) 4 0
Lengths Lengths Final Over- Under- 149-158 (10) 0 1
from from predicted predi- predi- 0 11
step 2 step 3 segments ction ction 183-192 (10) 0 2
0 12
Present work 210-219 (10) 10 0
4-15 1-15 (15) 0 0 222-231 (10)
19-30 18-31 (14) 0 4 233-242 (10) 8 1
41-46 39-47 (9) 1 0 243-252 (10) 0 2
59-70 59-72 (14) -1 0 256-265 (10) 2 4
72-77 72-77 (6) 3 0 277-286 (10) 2 7

118-129 118-129 (12) 2 0 292-301 (10) 0 0

129-134 129-134 (6) 0 1 Total 40 47
150- 16 1 149-162 (14) 2 1
162-167 162-168 (7) 0 3
Accuracy: 49.1 <:
186-197 183-199 (17) 2 I
Stoorvogel er ul. (16)
0 7
2 14-225 214-219 (6) 2-11 (10) 0 4
6 0
231-242 227-243 (17) 20-29 (10) 0 7
2 0
243-254 243-255 (13) 37-46 (10) 2 0
1 0
260-27 1 58-67 (10) 4 0
259-271 (13) 0 1
27 1-282 271-283 (13) 68-76 (10) 3 0
2 2
2 92 -2 9 7 292-301 (10) 106-115 (10) 10 0
0 0
Total 0 8
23 20
128-137 (10) 2 0
Accuracy: 75.8", 148-157 (10) 0 1
158-167 (10) 3 4
Paul & Rosenbusch (13) 182-191 (10) 0 2
8-13 (6) 0 8 192-201 (10) 3 5
0 17 227-236 (10)
39-57 (19) 11 0 237-246 (10) 2 8
61-89 (28) 18 1 264-273 (10)
109-114 (6) 6 0 274-283 (10) 5 6
0 8 292-301 (10) 0 0
125-134 (10) 2 1 Total 34 45
139-158 (20) 8 0
Accuracy: 5 3.8 O 0
163-170 (8) 0 3
176-206 (31) 7 0
210-227 (18) 16 0 larly, considering the segment 4 1-46, the relevant por-
231-236 (6) 0 6
tions of the single residue hydrophobicity profile indi-
240-245 (6) 2 3
219-261 (13) 3 8
cate that residues 39-41 and 45-47 have the pattern of
275-282 (8) 0 -1 a strand; hence the length of this strand can be fixed as
291-301 (11) 1 0 39-47. We could fix all the lengths in a similar way. In
Total 74 57 Table 1 we list the sites of the 16 peaks (1 1 high peaks
and 5 low peaks), the correspondingly selected 12- or
Accuracy: 29.8",
6-residue initial segments and the final predicted trans-
membrane strands for porin.
Transmembrane p-strands
Predicted trutistnenibrutie j-strunds it1 OtnpA. porin (E. coli). niulfoiporiti (continued)
arid OmpX protein
Presently predicted Amphipathy Previously suggested
Presently predicted Amphipathy Previously suggested scgmcnts (AD ) segments
scgment s ($' 7) segmcnts
OmpX ref. 16
Omp A (1-177) segment ref. 14 1-6 (6) 1.23 1-10 (10)
6-19 (14) 0.85 7-18 (12) 23-32 (10)
34-46 (13) 0.76 33-44 (12) 36-46 (11) 0.67 37-46 (10)
49-64 (16) 1.50 49-61 (13) 60-68 (9) 0.28 61-70 (10)
76-86 ( 1 1 ) 1.46 74-87 (14) 74-86 (13) 0.13 76-85 (10)
90-105 (16) 0.26 91-104 (14) 108-118 (11) 0.49 107-116 (10)
121-132 (12) 0.61 119-131 (13) 122-134 (13) 0.47 122-131 (10)
138-154(17) 1.17 135-146 (12) 135-149 (15) 0.09 140-149 (10)
160-171 (12) 0.59 159-170 (12) j-content 52.3:0 53.7""
/?-content 62.7y0 57.6";
p-content from Raman data: 687;
In Table 1 we include the theoretical results provided
Porin ( E . coli) ref. 13 by three other groups for comparison with our present
10-24 (15) 0.78 17-23 (7) results. In their procedure Paul & Rosenbusch (13) first
54-66 (13) 1.82 38-51 (14) identified turns in a segment of three or more residues;
83-94 (12) 0.12 59-66 (8) then, by eliminating the turns, they predicted the mem-
95-106 (12) 0.31 71-76 (6)
brane Ij-strands as a long stretch of (minimum 6) amino
116-121 (6) 0.87 82-96 (15)
128-141 (14) 0.09 103-109 (7)
acid residues. In an alternative way, Vogel & Jahnig
148-160 (13) 0.65 128-138 (11) (14) computed the amphipathicity of segments with 9
169-183 (15) 0.78 144-158 (15) or 10 residues and selected those lengths which had as
184-195 (12) 0.06 178-194 (17) high an amphipathicity as the probable Ij-strands.
213-225 (13) 0.80 199-205 (7) Stoorvogel et al. (16), in their procedure of selecting the
225-236 (12) 0.34 211-218 (8) transmembrane strands, included two additional rules,
255-269 (15) 0.58 222-229 (8) along with amphipathicity, (i) that the hydrophilic
271-281 (11) 0.73 255-269 (15) maxima of the protein are exposed at the cell surface
291-303 (13) 0.61 280-303 (24) and (ii) that these maxima are separated by about 40
306-317(12) 0.45 311-318 (8)
326-340 (1 5) 1.25 332-340 (9)
We note from Table 1 that the Ij-turn elimination
8-content 57.3%
j-content from Raman data: 60% procedure of Paul & Rosenbusch (13) has predicted
131 residues wrongly (74 over-predictions and 57
MaltoporIn ref. 28 under-predictions) in the 16 /?-strands, the accuracy of
1-14 (14) 1.15 19-24 (6) prediction being just around 30% [the accuracy is com-
63-77 (15) 1.19 33-53 (21) puted using eqn. (4) of ref. 91. The results of Vogel &
97-102 (6) 0.33 64-76 (13) Jahnig (14) show 164 residues in the trans p-strands,
112-124 (13) 0.03 80-87 (8) with 40 over-predictions and 47 under-predictions; this
131-144(14) 0.27 113-122 (10) method thus performs at an accuracy level of 49%. The
149-160 (12) 0.22 127-144 (18) method of Stoorvogel et al. (16) has a slightly higher
170-182 (13) 0.68 166-181 (16)
accuracy level, namely 54%. On the other hand, the
186-193 (8) 1.92 186-191 (6)
204-210 (7) 0.97 202-208 (7)
present method provides results at an accuracy level of
213-224 (12) 0.97 213-235 (23) 767;.
224-234 ( I 1) 0.96 252-263 (12) The data of Table 1 also show that the present
248-254 (7) 0.11 268-273 (6) method predicts 2 1 terminal residues correctly within
267-278 (12) 0.23 284-297 (14) an error of 2 residues; on the other hand, the method
284-298 (15) 0.56 303-326 (24) of Vogel & Jahnig predicts 20 terminal residues, the
304-31 1 (8) 0.57 331-336 (6) method of Stoorvogel etal. predicts 18 terminal resi-
318-327(10) 0.02 342-353 (12) dues, and the method of Paul & Rosenbusch predicts
342-354 (13) 1.45 362-376 (15) 12 terminal residues, correctly within the same error
361-366 (6) 0.44 388-397 (10)
396-403 (8) 0.65
410-421 (12)
410-421 (12) 1.83 Perdiction of transmembrane P-strmds ,for other oufer-
8-content 51.37; 55";
membrane proteins
8-content from Raman data: 49.5%
In addition to R . capsulatus porin, we selected 13 other
outer-membrane proteins for the purposes of predicting
M.M. Gromiha and P.K. Ponnuswamy
Predicred ~raiisiv~enibraiie
srrarrds 111 iiriie orher oiiter iireitibraiie prore firs (continued)

Presently Amphi- Prescntlj Amphi- Presently Amphi- Presently 4mphi-

predicted Path) predicted path) predicted pathy predicted pathy
segments (A01 segments (Air) segnients ( AJI segments ('40)

OmpV protein, ref. 33 162-174(13) 0.94 404-4 15( 12) 0.60

1-14 (14) 0.36 113-125(13) 0.75 177-192(16) 0.13 439-457( 19) 0.20
15-27 (13) 0.79 133-147 (15) 0.41 fl-content 52 9",
35-48 (14) 0.3 1 149-161 (13) 0.08
49-65 (17) 0.47 186-195 (10) 0.80 PI. ref 39
67-79 (13) 0.20 206-212 (7) 0.11 5-14 (10) 0.22 180-1 91( 12) 0.45
97-111 (15) 1.64 227-238 (12) 0.97 19-32 (14) 1.43 221-232(12) 0.14
8-content 65.5"" 52-60 (9) 0.61 235-246( 12) 0.02
72-85 (14) 1.13 250-264( 15) 0.49
MOMP, ref. 34 96-109 (14) 0.07 267-280( 14) 0.43
10-21 (12) 0.13 182-194 (13) 0.03 121-128(8) 0.32 282-295( 14) 1.13
31-43 (13) 0.33 202-215 (14) 0.06 130-142 (13) 0.00 318-329(12) 0.33
47-53 (7) 0.39 247-261 (15) 1.20 158-169(12) 0.23 334-348( 15) 0.07
71-76 (6) 0.61 264-278 (15) 0.02 8-content 57 5",,
97- 109 ( 13) 0.13 279-285 (7) 1.39
110-125 (16) 0.73 300-312 (13) 1.50 PhoE. ref. 10
126-137 (12) 0.06 314-327 (14) 0.03 10-25 (16) 1.05 172-187( 16) 0.06
153-162 (10) 0.07 335-347 (13) 0.17 35-41 (7) 1.40 2 13-227(
1 5 ) 0.60
168-182 (15) 0.00 356-370 (15) 0.31 49-60 (12) 1.50 262-269(8) 0.24
8-content 60.1 93-105 (13) 0.56 280-292( 13) I .04
126-134 (9) 0.45 296-309( 14) 0.71
Protein H1, ref. 35 137-152 (16) 0 . I4 3 13-325(
1 3 ) 0.76
6-18 (13) 0.23 113-126 (14) 0 . I5 []-content 46 I",
27-39 (13) 0.11 137-150(14) 0.85
55-67 (13) 0.97 155-166 (12) 0.83 OmpT. ref 40
75-81 (7) 1.10 184-200 ( 17) 0.96 1-12 (12) 0.25 158-170( 13) 0.60
96-105 (10) 0.65 16-28 (13) 0.07 185- 192(8) 1.OO
8-content 56.5"" 31-43 (13) 0.98 199-2 10( 12) 0.85
67-80 (14) 1.17 21 7-226( 10) 0.91
Protein P2. ref. 36 83-92 (10) 0.36 249-262( 14) 0.61
4-16 (13) 0.30 193-206 (14) 0.35 92-103 (12) 0.53 264-278( 15) 0.90
30-42 (13) 1.23 213-229(17) 0.65 139- I44 (6) 1.41 300-3 17(18) 0.25
56-73 (18) 0.63 236-248 ( 1 3 ) 0.25 8-contcnt 53 6""
78-84 (7) 0.84 250-263 0.65
101-113 (13) 0.68 279-285 1.13
126-133 (8) 0.74 31 1-323 0.54 their transmembrane strands. Of these, the amounts of
138-144 (7) 0.85 325-336 0.44 secondary structures present are known from Raman
161-173 (13) 0.36 350-361 0.81 spectroscopy for three proteins, namely fragment 1-177
/?-content 53.5"" of OmpA (14), porin from E. coli (13) and maltoporin
(28). The secondary structure of OmpX protein was
Protein F. ref 37 predicted by Stoorvogel et 01. (16). We first applied our
25-38 (14) 0.07 149-161 1.22 technique to these four proteins and compared our re-
40-48 (9) I .46 206-213 (8) 0.63
sults with the transmembrane segments already indi-
71-80 (10) 0.42 271-282 (12) 0.60
89-105 (17) 0.5 I 283-295 (13) 0.72
cated. The results pertaining to these four proteins are
109-124 (16) 0.58 3 12-326 ( 15) 2.02 given in Table 2. The surrounding hydrophobicity pro-
8-content 39 0"" files and the resultant folding patterns for segment
1-177 of OnipA, porin ( E . coli) and maltoporin are
Protein PI, rcf. 38 presented in Figs. 2-4. The predicted results for the
7-18 (12) 0.18 192-204 (13) 0.30 rest of the nine outer-membrane proteins for which no
28-41 (14) 0.41 240-251 (12) I .07 information is available concerning their secondary
43-54 (12) 0.27 257-272 (16) 1.34 structures are prescnted in Table 3 .
64-81 (18) 0.66 313-324 (12) 0.55
83-95 (13) 0.25 350-362 (13) 0.62
118-123 (6)
A few biological studies carried out on mutants of
0.15 375-386 (12) 0.44
130- I46 (17) 1.25 391-403 (13) 0.54
OmpA and maltoporin provide information about the
exposure of certain regions of the polypeptide chain
Transmembrane 8-strands
facilitating functions, such as antibody binding, phage are accessible from the outside of the membrane. A11
adsorption etc. These regions, being mostly hydrophilic, these suggestions are acceptable in our folding model
should fall on the surface or loop regions of the folded (Fig. 4b): except for residue 155, none of these residues
protein. Morona et ul. (29, 30) studied the mutants of falls inside the predicted trans 8-strand regions.
OmpA, and indicated that the regions enclosing sites Our method has predicted eight trans 8-strands in
25, 70, 110 and 154 are exposed on the cell surface. 1-177 OmpA, the average length of these strands being
From our folding model of 1-177 OmpA (Fig. 2b) we 14 residues. The predicted /?-strand residues constitute
note that residues 25, 70 and 110 are exposed on the 63 % of the total residues, which is close to the predic-
cytoplasmic surface, each within a large loop segment; tion (68%) from Raman data; the method of Vogel &
residue 154 is also very near the surface (Fig. 2b). Jahnig (14) predicts only 58% of the residues to be in
Gehring et a]. (3 1) indicated that in maltoporin the the 8-structure. From Table 2 and Fig. 3a we note that
residue positions 18 and 259 are phage-resistant, resi- the present method predicts 16 trans /J-strands for the
due position 333 is an antibody binding site, and re- molecule of porin ( E . coli), most of them ranging in
gions near residues 150 and 380 are on the exterior length from 6 to 15 residues; the results show that about
surface. Ferenci et ul. (28) hypothesised that in the 57% of the residues are in strands, as against 6070
starch-binding mutants of maltoporin, residues 163 and predicted from Raman data; the method of Paul &
245, are accessible from outside of the pore. Shenkman Rosenbusch (13) predicts only 5 0 x of the residues in
et ul. (32), from their proteolysis studies of LamB pro- strands. For maltoporin, 20 transmembrane strands
tein, suggested that sites near residues 155,203 and 380 are predicted, which constitute about 51 O 0 of the total

I 1
20 40 60 eo 100 120 140 160
Amino acid sequence

OmpA protein

llOV y G K
1 “ N

T T 30 G T G 0
)D I
s I20 T



(b) ~~ GT
Y lo a N
Y ~170
W v G

T G 50 L 0

D “
E -
P K A A pi77

(a) Structure prediction plot for the segment 1-177 of OmpA protein. (b) Folding model of the OnipA fragment 1-177; the transmembrane
/&strands are shown in boxes.

M.M. Gromiha and P.K. Ponnuswamy

".'I . , , , , , , , j
n 20 40 60 80 I00 120 140 I60

I 180 200 220 240 2 60 2 80 300 320 340

Amino acid sequence

DG Ty40
G R Porin ( ~ . c o I i )
30 N
a G
G cT
N ' S_
250 N K
K210 K
- D L
GK a 50 L A
N G D 320S -

0 _I
R N E ~ 2 9 0D V
- 01 L " c _ _

r A S


- Y
D -
K80 s L

' AE

(a) Structure prediction plot for porin ( E . coli). (b) Folding model of porin ( E . coli)

residues. This is in good agreement with the Raman From the predicted results of the other nine outer-
spectroscopic results, which indicate that 50% of resi- membrane proteins (10, 33-40) in Table 3, we observe
dues are in strands; the method of Ferenci etal. (28) that thc p-strands traverse many times inside the mem-
predicts 5 5 % residues in strands. In OmpX, although brane in all these proteins: OmpT has 14 strands, OmpV
the predicted p-content is approximately equal to that has 12 strands, MOMP and P1 each have 18 strands
predicted in the present method, the lengths of all the etc. The predicted P-strands are even in number in most
strands are equal in the method of Stoorvogel e t u l . , of the proteins (12 out of 14 proteins), including porin
whereas they adopt different lengths in the present ( R . cupsulutus), for which the X-ray structure is known.
method. Interestingly, the total number ofthe predicted P-strands
Transmembrane /I-strands

P 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420
Amino acid sequence

Ma1t o w r i n

F 60 D
To R H l10
‘“3s N



w s
~130 A O300 v
‘ N I N
D N90 A
80 A 0
F v

(a) Structure prediction plot for maltoporin. (b) Folding model of maltoporin.

and the total number of residues in 8-strands do not strands; 16 8-strands are predicted both in porin
depend on the total number of residues in a protein. ( R . capsufatus)and in protein P2, even though they dif-
Raman data show that porin ( E . coli) with 340 residues fer by 60 residues. Similarly, OmpV protein, with 238
has a 8-strand residue content of 60%, whereas m d - residues, has 12 strands, but only 10 strands are pre-
toporin, with 421 residues, has only 49.5% of them in dicted in protein F, which has 326 residues.
M.M. Gromiha and P.K. Ponnuswamy
TABLE 4 ticle (which is equally applicable to globular proteins,
Aniphipathic characrers of ~-straridsiti porirr / R. capsulatusi inner-membrane proteins involving trans-helices and
outer-membrane proteins involving trans-strands), and
Observed Amphi- Observed ‘Amphi- a few well defined steps to determine the lengths and
p-strand pathy /3-strand pathy the end residues of strands, we were able to predict
(X-ray) AP (X-ray) A /I successfully the transmembrane strand segments in 14
1-15 (15) 1.37 161-171 ( 1 1 ) 0.07 outer-membrane proteins: the predicted result for porin
18-35 (17) 0.83 181-192(12) 0.45 from R . c~apszriatzisis at an accuracy level of 76% with
39-46 (8) 1.54 195-206 ( I ? ) 0.30 the X-ray structure, and those for the segment 1-177
59-65 (7) 0.50 227-240 (14) 0.03 of OmpA, porin ( E . coli) and maltoporin come to an
68-74 (7) 1.42 243-254 (12) 0.10 accuracy level of 95”, with Raman results. These ac-
118-125 (8) 0.24 3 8 - 2 7 1 (14) 0.35 curacy levels are far superior to those obtainable from
128-135 (8) 0.55 275-285 ( I I ) 0.14 methods available in the literature.
148-158 (11) 0.66 292-301 (10) 1 .jj

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