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2019 Advanced  
Genki English  
30 Day  
Before we start  
+ the first 11 days 1 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 

Here we go .... 
Welcome to the Advanced  
Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 

Over  the  next  30  days  we  are  going  to  transform  how  you  think  about  English.  You're  going  to 
learn  lots  of  new  words  &  lots  of  new  phrases.  But  more  than  that, you will form habits that have 
been proven to benefit both your language ability and many other areas of your life. 

So before we start … 
We need to find out where you are and where you want to be. 

So take a look back at your English learning journey. What results have you achieved so far? 

What have been the biggest positive influences on your learning so far?  

How will you continue to nurture these positive influences going forward? 2 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 

And I'm sure there may have been a few other influences that have maybe slowed you down in 
your journey.  

What thinking has held you back the most in your English journey so far? 

What feelings, thinking and techniques will you use to you overcome this in the 30 Day 

⚡Finally,  if  I  could  wave  a  magic  wand  and  get  the  most  amazing  result  for  you at the end of this 
challenge,  what  would  it  look  &  feel  like?  Close  your  eyes,  let your imagination run wild and be 
as descriptive as you can. The more clear you are here the better results you will achieve! 

🎬  Now  make  a  video  of  these  answers  &  post  it  to  the  Facebook  group.  You can of course 
leave out any that make you feel too uncomfortable. 3 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 

How to use the journal and book pages .... 

The  journaling  is  best  done  first thing in the morning, as soon as you wake up. To instill calmness 
and  happiness  you  will  first  do  3  gratitudes  followed  by  a  plan  of  what would make today a truly 
wonderful day.   

As  you  progress  through  the  first  few  days  you  will  begin  to  vary  and  think  about  other areas of 
your  life  where  you  are  truly  grateful  and  also  other  areas  of  your  life  you  wish  to  work  on  and 
improve each day. 

The  next  step  will  be  to  write down an affirmation that you wish to work on for the day. There are 

many  such  affirmations  online  or  in  books,  so  choose  one  that  is  positive  in  outlook  and  fits  the 
areas  of  your  life  you  wish  to  improve  the  most. Choose a different one each day.  Say it outloud 
at  least  3,  if  not  many  more,  times.  The  more  passion  and  emotion  in  your  voice,  the  more 
effective the affirmation will be. 

📱  Once  you  have  done  this  either  take  a  photo,  or  even better record a video, of the journal 
page and upload it to the day's thread on the Facebook group. 

Then go and have an awesome day. :)  

Part  way  through  the  day,  or  maybe  even  immediately  after  the  journaling,  it's  time  to  read 
today's  book.  First  you  will  ​need  to  download  the  app.  You  will  get  one  free  book  each day. 
Or  if  you  wish  to  read  several  books  per  day,  ​you  can  upgrade  and do that too.   For now, one a 
day is all we expect.  

Read  along  with  the  audio  narration  and  as  you  read  and  listen,  make  notes  of  new,  unfamiliar 
words,  sentence  structures  or  phrases  that  appear.  Either  pause  the  recording  and look up the 
words  there  and  then  or  wait  till  the  end  and  look  up  the  meanings.  These  new  words  and 
phrases  will  form  your  own  personal  learning  journal  so  be  as  thorough  as  you  can  and  write 
down all the new language you encounter. You can of course use additional pieces of paper. 

Finally  it's  time to write up some of the new ideas you have heard in the book.  We will cover a lot 

of  topics,  some  will  be  familiar,  some  will  be  new.  You  don't  have  to  agree  with  the  book's 
author,  you can always make comments along the lines of "I learnt that certain people believe ..... 

Then  before  you fall asleep at night we have a reflection of the day and positive thoughts on how 

things  will  improve  in  the  future.  Again  take  a  photo  or  make  a  video,  upload  this  to  the 
Facebook group and have a very pleasant sleep. 💤 4 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 

And let's get a head start on  

Affirmations .... 

Each  day  you  will  write  down  an  affirmation  and  say  it  outloud.  Yes,  everyone  will  think  you're 
crazy  but  that's  OK.  To  get  you  a  head  start,  and  to  save  you  having  to  go  online  to  look  every 
morning,  here  you  will  brainstorm  a  series  of  affirmations  that  you  would  like  to  have  apply  to 
your  life.  Remember  they  always  have  to  be  framed  positively.  If  you  say  "I  am  stopping  eating 
junk  food"  all  your  brain  hears  is  "stop"  and  "junk  food"  so  that's  what  it  gives  you  more  of!  So 
you'd  reframe  that  as  "I am eating healthy, delicious food that keeps me enriched & full of energy 
throughout the day." You see how it works?   

So  get  online,  or  pick  up  a  good affirmations book, and on this page brainstorm as many positive 

affirmations as you can.   


OK, I think we're ready to begin! This is going to be an amazing adventure! 😀 5 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Journal Day 1 Friday November 1st 2019 
⏰ Good Morning - as soon as I wake up! ​ Here are 3 things I am thankful for today:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will make today a great day?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Daily Affirmation -​ I'll find a new affirmation that inspires me and say it aloud at least 3 times!

Today I am ​___________________________________________________________________________________________

Upload time! ​Either take a photo of this page so far, or make a video, and upload it to the Facebook
group in today's thread. Then go have an amazing day!

💤 Good evening - before I go to bed! ​ What 3 awesome things happened today?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will I do to make things even better next time?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Day 1 Friday November 1st 2019

No Book of the Day today - reading starts 

Be sure to do the journaling though! 7 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Day 2 Saturday November 2nd 2019 
⏰ Good Morning - as soon as I wake up! ​ Here are 3 things I am thankful for today:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will make today a great day?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Daily Affirmation ​- I'll find a new affirmation that inspires me and say it aloud at least 3 times!

Today I am ​___________________________________________________________________________________________

Upload time! ​Either take a photo of this page so far, or make a video, and upload it to the Facebook
group in today's thread. Then go have an amazing day!

💤 Good evening - before I go to bed! ​ What 3 awesome things happened today?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will I do to make things even better next time?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Book of the Day  
Day 2 Saturday November 2nd 2019

Today's book title: __________________________________________________

Written by:___________________________________________ My review: ☆☆☆☆☆

New vocab:
As I listen and read, I will write down & look up all the new words I have seen in today's book.

Awesome new phrases, expressions or constructions:

I will write down all the new phrases, expressions and constructions I have found in today's book.

What new ways of thinking did I learn in today's book?

These are all real books on real topics, so what did I learn today that I didn't know before? 9 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Day 3 ☀ Sunday November 3rd 2019 
⏰ Good Morning - as soon as I wake up! ​ Here are 3 things I am thankful for today:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will make today a great day?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Daily Affirmation ​- I'll find a new affirmation that inspires me and say it aloud at least 3 times!

Today I am ​___________________________________________________________________________________________

Upload time! ​Either take a photo of this page so far, or make a video, and upload it to the Facebook
group in today's thread. Then go have an amazing day!

💤 Good evening - before I go to bed! ​ What 3 awesome things happened today?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will I do to make things even better next time?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Book of the Day  
Day 3 Sunday November 3rd 2019

Today's book title: __________________________________________________

Written by:___________________________________________ My review: ☆☆☆☆☆

New vocab:
As I listen and read, I will write down & look up all the new words I have seen in today's book.

Awesome new phrases, expressions or constructions:

I will write down all the new phrases, expressions and constructions I have found in today's book.

What new ways of thinking did I learn in today's book?

These are all real books on real topics, so what did I learn today that I didn't know before? 11 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Day 4 Monday November 4th 2019 
⏰ Good Morning - as soon as I wake up! ​ Here are 3 things I am thankful for today:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will make today a great day?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Daily Affirmation ​- I'll find a new affirmation that inspires me and say it aloud at least 3 times!

Today I am ​___________________________________________________________________________________________

Upload time! ​Either take a photo of this page so far, or make a video, and upload it to the Facebook
group in today's thread. Then go have an amazing day!

💤 Good evening - before I go to bed! ​ What 3 awesome things happened today?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will I do to make things even better next time?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Book of the Day  
Day 4 Monday November 4th 2019

Today's book title: __________________________________________________

Written by:___________________________________________ My review: ☆☆☆☆☆

New vocab:
As I listen and read, I will write down & look up all the new words I have seen in today's book.

Awesome new phrases, expressions or constructions:

I will write down all the new phrases, expressions and constructions I have found in today's book.

What new ways of thinking did I learn in today's book?

These are all real books on real topics, so what did I learn today that I didn't know before? 13 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Day 5 Tuesday November 5th 2019 
⏰ Good Morning - as soon as I wake up! ​ Here are 3 things I am thankful for today:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will make today a great day?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Daily Affirmation ​- I'll find a new affirmation that inspires me and say it aloud at least 3 times!

Today I am ​___________________________________________________________________________________________

Upload time! ​Either take a photo of this page so far, or make a video, and upload it to the Facebook
group in today's thread. Then go have an amazing day!

💤 Good evening - before I go to bed! ​ What 3 awesome things happened today?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will I do to make things even better next time?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Book of the Day  
Day 5 Tuesday November 5th 2019

Today's book title: __________________________________________________

Written by:___________________________________________ My review: ☆☆☆☆☆

New vocab:
As I listen and read, I will write down & look up all the new words I have seen in today's book.

Awesome new phrases, expressions or constructions:

I will write down all the new phrases, expressions and constructions I have found in today's book.

What new ways of thinking did I learn in today's book?

These are all real books on real topics, so what did I learn today that I didn't know before? 15 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Day 6 Wednesday November 6th 2019 
⏰ Good Morning - as soon as I wake up! ​ Here are 3 things I am thankful for today:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will make today a great day?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Daily Affirmation -​ I'll find a new affirmation that inspires me and say it aloud at least 3 times!

Today I am ​___________________________________________________________________________________________

Upload time! ​Either take a photo of this page so far, or make a video, and upload it to the Facebook
group in today's thread. Then go have an amazing day!

💤 Good evening - before I go to bed! ​ What 3 awesome things happened today?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will I do to make things even better next time?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Book of the Day  
Day 6 Wednesday November 6th 2019

Today's book title: __________________________________________________

Written by:___________________________________________ My review: ☆☆☆☆☆

New vocab:
As I listen and read, I will write down & look up all the new words I have seen in today's book.

Awesome new phrases, expressions or constructions:

I will write down all the new phrases, expressions and constructions I have found in today's book.

What new ways of thinking did I learn in today's book?

These are all real books on real topics, so what did I learn today that I didn't know before? 17 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Day 7 Thursday November 7th 2019 
⏰ Good Morning - as soon as I wake up! ​ Here are 3 things I am thankful for today:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will make today a great day?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Daily Affirmation -​ I'll find a new affirmation that inspires me and say it aloud at least 3 times!

Today I am ​___________________________________________________________________________________________

Upload time! ​Either take a photo of this page so far, or make a video, and upload it to the Facebook
group in today's thread. Then go have an amazing day!

💤 Good evening - before I go to bed! ​ What 3 awesome things happened today?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will I do to make things even better next time?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Book of the Day  
Day 7 Thursday November 7th 2019

Today's book title: __________________________________________________

Written by:___________________________________________ My review: ☆☆☆☆☆

New vocab:
As I listen and read, I will write down & look up all the new words I have seen in today's book.

Awesome new phrases, expressions or constructions:

I will write down all the new phrases, expressions and constructions I have found in today's book.

What new ways of thinking did I learn in today's book?

These are all real books on real topics, so what did I learn today that I didn't know before? 19 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Day 8 Friday November 8th 2019 
⏰ Good Morning - as soon as I wake up! ​ Here are 3 things I am thankful for today:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will make today a great day?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Daily Affirmation -​ I'll find a new affirmation that inspires me and say it aloud at least 3 times!

Today I am ​___________________________________________________________________________________________

Upload time! ​Either take a photo of this page so far, or make a video, and upload it to the Facebook
group in today's thread. Then go have an amazing day!

💤 Good evening - before I go to bed! ​ What 3 awesome things happened today?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will I do to make things even better next time?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Book of the Day  
Day 8 Friday November 8th 2019

Today's book title: __________________________________________________

Written by:___________________________________________ My review: ☆☆☆☆☆

New vocab:
As I listen and read, I will write down & look up all the new words I have seen in today's book.

Awesome new phrases, expressions or constructions:

I will write down all the new phrases, expressions and constructions I have found in today's book.

What new ways of thinking did I learn in today's book?

These are all real books on real topics, so what did I learn today that I didn't know before? 21 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Day 9 Saturday November 9th 2019 
⏰ Good Morning - as soon as I wake up! ​ Here are 3 things I am thankful for today:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will make today a great day?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Daily Affirmation -​ I'll find a new affirmation that inspires me and say it aloud at least 3 times!

Today I am ​___________________________________________________________________________________________

Upload time! ​Either take a photo of this page so far, or make a video, and upload it to the Facebook
group in today's thread. Then go have an amazing day!

💤 Good evening - before I go to bed! ​ What 3 awesome things happened today?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will I do to make things even better next time?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 22 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Book of the Day  
Day 9 Saturday November 9th 2019

Today's book title: __________________________________________________

Written by:___________________________________________ My review: ☆☆☆☆☆

New vocab:
As I listen and read, I will write down & look up all the new words I have seen in today's book.

Awesome new phrases, expressions or constructions:

I will write down all the new phrases, expressions and constructions I have found in today's book.

What new ways of thinking did I learn in today's book?

These are all real books on real topics, so what did I learn today that I didn't know before? 23 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Day 10 ☀ Sunday November 10th 2019 
⏰ Good Morning - as soon as I wake up! ​ Here are 3 things I am thankful for today:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will make today a great day?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Daily Affirmation -​ I'll find a new affirmation that inspires me and say it aloud at least 3 times!

Today I am ​___________________________________________________________________________________________

Upload time! ​Either take a photo of this page so far, or make a video, and upload it to the Facebook
group in today's thread. Then go have an amazing day!

💤 Good evening - before I go to bed! ​ What 3 awesome things happened today?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will I do to make things even better next time?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Book of the Day  
Day 10 Sunday November 10th 2019

Today's book title: __________________________________________________

Written by:___________________________________________ My review: ☆☆☆☆☆

New vocab:
As I listen and read, I will write down & look up all the new words I have seen in today's book.

Awesome new phrases, expressions or constructions:

I will write down all the new phrases, expressions and constructions I have found in today's book.

What new ways of thinking did I learn in today's book?

These are all real books on real topics, so what did I learn today that I didn't know before? 25 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Day 11 Monday November 11th 2019
Good Morning - as soon as I wake up! ​ Here are 3 things I am thankful for today:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will make today a great day?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Daily Affirmation -​ I'll find a new affirmation that inspires me and say it aloud at least 3 times!

Today I am ​___________________________________________________________________________________________

Upload time! ​Either take a photo of this page so far, or make a video, and upload it to the Facebook
group in today's thread. Then go have an amazing day!

💤 Good evening - before I go to bed! ​ What 3 awesome things happened today?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

What will I do to make things even better next time?

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26 
Advanced Genki English 30 Day Challenge! 
Book of the Day  
Day 11 Monday November 11th 2019

Today's book title: __________________________________________________

Written by:___________________________________________ My review: ☆☆☆☆☆

New vocab:
As I listen and read, I will write down & look up all the new words I have seen in today's book.

Awesome new phrases, expressions or constructions:

I will write down all the new phrases, expressions and constructions I have found in today's book.

What new ways of thinking did I learn in today's book?

These are all real books on real topics, so what did I learn today that I didn't know before? 27 

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