Story Project

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Started on March 16th 2020 during the pandemic of Corona virus Covid 19. Day 2 of confinement,
probably 1 day before a total shut down.



Build an online school- ma propre école- an experience with on line community with a very solid
English teaching an online international community- creating in the arts/crafts/architecture AND a
STORY that comes alive. Dans “C’est Mon Mien” on peut toujours proposer/mentionner « en
option » les cours en ligne.

Virtual summer camp: so that I can keep telling stories.

4 Years in real life classes- probably faster on line.

A rocket to go into space as a symbol with 2 permits- and jewels as fuel.

The story I tell allows them to feel a Fellowship- a Fellowship of Heroes who travel together. They
come out stronger on the other side. They also come out knowing English- because speaking English
allows them to feel more like they are in a story that is alive/in a performance.

The whole class is a PERFORMANCE. The kids become someone else- thru the language, but I also
give them characters to play.

In this case: we’re travelling in a space ship.

(Discipline logically follows: Respect each other- Say if you don’t understand ).

Put a headband on with a character- you become someone else- whatever your age.

Course- to create a community of story performers (like people in the Stone Age dancing around the
fire in an elaborate ceremony).

1. Give input + a task in video (lessons pack to buy on Teachable (with GE)- not very expensive). In
the end of each video: encourage them to create something. This is what I’m doing now with
Facebook videos that are free: they offer a story- some vocabulary and gestures- and “a call to

2. Have a live meeting with a group (a closed FB group; Streamyard or Zoom) where the accent is on
kids communicating & give feedback (correct-encourage) (payed).

3. In between create a number of activities (artistic or other) for this to be a community. Closed FB
group next year.

4. Create a support group/ course for parents: to explain and change their perspective on education.
It is important to enrol them into the flipped classroom idea- through the kids. What if- in order to
participate in the story- kids need to speak English. And the kids must know this.

5. Make some live events.

Real-life teaching: input through videos on WhatsApp (that are the equivalent of my Teachable
course + Teachable (Genki English).
Very suddenly- we’ve leaped into the world where traditional teaching – forcing kids to sit down and
repeat is for all purposes a “thing of the past”. It’s a new normal where the whole structure is
changing. What is it that I can offer that will distinguish me from “watching “Peppa Pig” for 4 hours”
(that will be much more effective language teaching wise)?

The soft skills matter now: EMPATHY- capacity to hold it together-to make connections- to lead.

“Time around the fire”: support and connection.

Focus on: live storytelling- content creation- learning.

Last year with Virginie. No doubts in my mind about teaching 3-7 year olds. My own office. My
accountant. A house by the sea in the very near future- a different life.


1. Learn about on line teaching (check “Cult of Pedagogy”).

2. How do I use “flipped classroom”? I can only follow one conversation at a time whilst on
3. April challenge.
4. My avatar and their pain.
2.a. Both or at least one of the parents is highly sensitive- sometimes it’s “better” when it’s
dad- I have to get to see him. Both parents usually work. Their kids (they often have 2 close
in age) are often very young.
2.b. Pain: right now they don’t need help teaching so much (the kids are young and the
parents are usually quite educated). They need to see their kids happy and joyful because
they feel they’re failing as parents if that’s not the case. Also when they are done working
they want something creative for themselves and their kids to do (they also want to escape)
– a story around which they can build something.

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