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School: Grade Level: VI

Teacher: Learning Area: Mathematics

Dates and Day: Week 2- Day 5 Quarter: First

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of the four
Standards fundamental operations involving fractions and decimals.

B. Performance The learner is able to apply the four fundamental

Standards operations involving fractions and decimals in
mathematical problems and real-life situations.

C. Learning The learner creates problems (with reasonable

Competencies answers) involving multiplication without or with addition
or subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions.(M6NS –
Ib- 93.2)

Creating Problems (with reasonable answers)
Involving Multiplication Without or With Addition or
Subtraction of Fractions and Mixed Fractions.

Creating non - routine problems (with reasonable
answers) involving multiplication without or with addition
or subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions.

Problem-solution concepts,
A .References K to 12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide, 21 st Century
Mathletes 6, pages 28 - 29

1.Teacher’s Guide
Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages 21st Century Mathletes 6, pages 28 - 29
4. Additional
Materials from

Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning
Resources Activity card, flash cards, Manila paper, colored
papers, power point presentation, picture of a land
field, stone, tree, flowers or real objects


A. Review Previous 1. What is a routine problem?

2. Have the pupils give an example of a routine

B. Establishing a. Have pupils analyze the problems on page 28 of 21 st

purpose for the Century Mathletes of Grade 6 book.
b. Have them give their answers by group ( create at
least 5 groups)

c. They will answer if the problem/s is/are a routine or

non-routine problem.

d. Each group will write their answers on a manila paper

and present it after 5 minutes. Check pupils answers.

C. Presenting a. Based from the answers on letter B (establishing

Examples / purpose for the lesson), get the non-routine problem, like:
instances of the
new lesson  For her youngest son’s birthday party, Mother
bought 6 ¾ kilograms of hotdog and 5 1/3 dozens
bread rolls. Hotdogs costs P160.00 per kilogram
and a dozen of bread rolls costs P25.00. How
much did she spend in all?

a. Explain what kind of problem was stated above. Give

the meaning of a non-routine problem.
 Non–routine Problem – is any complex problem
that requires some degree of creativity or
originality to solve. Non-routine problems typically
do not have an immediately apparent strategy for
solving them Often times, these problems can be
solved in multiple ways.

D. Discussing new a. Have at least 5 groups in the class, set norms

concepts and while having the group activity.

practicing new b. Each group will create a non-routine problem
skills # 1 in 5 minutes from the given data.
c. In presenting their outputs do the “Cabbage
d. Guide them in checking the answers of each
group word problem.

Advance Learners Average Learners

Direction: Re-arrange the sentences and/or phrases

to create a non-routine problem. Then, show your
solution in finding the complete answer.

1. If 150 pies were left, 1. If 150 pies were left, how

2. had a buko pie sale. many pies had been sold?
3. In the morning, 2. In the morning, 2/3 of the
4. A supermarket pies were sold and in the
5. and in the afternoon afternoon 1/6 of the pies were
1/6 of the pies were sold.
sold. 3. A supermarket had a buko
6. how many pies had pie sale.
been sold?
7. 2/3 of the pies were

E. Discussing New Advance Learners Average Learners

Concepts and
Practicing New
Skills # 2 Direction: Form a non-routine problem using the data
given below and give the complete answer.

Problem: Problem:

A square lot which is A square lot, ,

meters on each is covered with . The lot
covered with Bermuda is by a cemented path
. The lot is
. of the cemented
by a cemented path 1
¼ meters wide. Find path.
the of the
cemented a. surrounded
. b. Find the area

a. path c. which is 6 3/5 meters on
b. side each side
c. area d. 1 ¼ meters wide
d. surrounded e. Bermuda grass
e. grass
f. 6 3/5

a. Pair Activity
In pairing activity, have the girls drawlots
the name of their classmate (boys) and
whoever she picked, he will be her partner.
b. Each pair will create/write one non-routine
problem for 5 minutes.
c. After 5 minutes they have to let their output
check by other pairs. (the pair may choose
other pair who will check their output.).
d. The checkers will report the output of the other
pair before the class.

F. Developing  Guide the learners in answering the given

Mastery problem.
(The activity will be for 10 minutes).

Direction: Create a non-routine problem from the data

given below:
(may be written on a strip of paper or cartolina)

Advance Learners Average Learners

Problem: Problem:

3 ½ minutes per A (clock, ship) was (walk,

hour set) right at 6:00

A clock was set

a.m. If it gains, 3 ½ (minutes,
kilograms) per (second, hour),
what (time, years) will it show at
on the same day?
6:00 p.m. on the same day?

at 6:00 a.m.

If it gains,

what time will it

show at 6:00 p.m.

G. Making 1. What is a non-routine problem?
Non-routine problem – is any complex problem that
requires some degree of creativity or originality to solve.
Non-routine problems typically do not have an
immediately apparent strategy for solving them. Often
times, these problems can be solved in multiple ways.

H. Evaluation Advance Learners Average Learners

I. Fill in the blanks with the
correct answer.
I. Direction: value square
1. Create / write rectangular
one (1) non- total 33 3/5
routine residence
problem for 10
width lot
1. A vacant near
you is for sale. The lot
is in form
having a length of 23 2/9 units
and of units.
The price of lot per is P765.00.
What is the area of the


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