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Name : Naomi Elisabeth Sianturi

Nim : 210705102

Subject : Basic Reading Comprehension

I. Getting the ideas from the reading text!

a. What are the ideas that you get from paragraph 1,2,3, and 4 ?
- From paragraph 1
What thing that you can do if you don’t want to stay at home?
= you can take holiday locally,for example camping at a local campsite
In my opinion , it’s mean that you can do staycations by taking a camping
around your house,or around your area or place that can make you relax.
- From paragraph 2
Why the term of staycations became popular in 2008 ?
= because of the financial crisis of 2008 ,when people were looking for ways
to cut back on their spending.
In my opinion, by having a financial crisis people will choose a simple holiday
just in case to save their money during the financial crisis and also it’s
benefits them by not having a problem when they associated with travel.
- From paragraph 3
How we can base our self to have some staycations at home ?
= we can base our self at home like to follow a set of rules, such as setting a
start and end date, and planning activities ahead of time and avoiding
In my opinion, it’s mean that we don’t have to go out from home like
booking a ticket hotel , but we can do it at home for example we make a list
of our staycations such as decorate our home with a holiday vibes or maybe
we can have barbecue outside our home with some music on it. So we will
get the vibe of holiday and maybe you can invite some of your friends to
make it more fun .
- From paragraph 4
What does Karen Ash do to feel the holidays like in Japan?
=Karen Ash decided no to go to Japan, as she had originally planned, But she
took a weeklong Japanese vocation in her city. She buying postcards and
souvenirs at a Japanese market, eating ramen , she can do all of this without
leaving New York. Her intinerary involved joining in at a traditional Japanese
tea ceremony , attending taiko drumming concert.and watching Japanese
soap operas on DVD.
In my opinion , what does Karen Ash do is one of to cut back on spending
money. So Karen musn’t go to Japanese but she can feel the vibes of
weeklong Japanese vocation in her city, she can feel through buying and
eating something related to Japanese and watch the opera. So it feels like
Karen in Japanese now .
b. What the ideas that you get from paragraph which is related to each other ?
= The ideas that I get from paragraph 1 until 4 tells about Staycations is not only
doing things around house but we can take a trips and you can make a camping
at a local campsite. After that the term of Staycation popular because of the
crisis of financial that happen in 2008, so people don’t must go to country
destination but you can feel it through taking long driving or picnic in your
country. For example Karen Ash is one of the stacationer whose story appeared
in the Wall Street Journal, She’s about decided not to go to Japan but she joining
a traditional Japanese tea ceremony and also she buy lots if souvenir and buy
something that related about Japanese so she’s musn’t go to Japan because in
New York city .

1. What are you doing on your staycation?
Answer : I’m not really doing much thing during staycation, My family and I
usally go to Lake Toba, going to Samosir . During the vocation I really enjoy all of
the view, especially the air of Toba area is very fresh. Sometimes if we fet tired
we just stop in rest area and we bought some drink snd we ate dessert.And don’t
forget to take a picture with a nice view.
2. Have you ever been on a bus tour or walking tour of the city?
Answer : Yes, I have been on a bus tour when I was in senior highschool, our
class having a tour to visit some place in Berastagi. We visit some of the historical
house , and then we go to Piso-Piso waterfall, we meet some tourist there and
we talk to the tourist also. And my teacher during the trip told about the history
of Karo.
3. How often you visit the city’s main museums or galleries ?
Answer : I rarely visit museums or galleries, I usually visit museums because I
have an assignment or trip from school.
4. Are there parts of your local Area that you haven’t ever visited ?
Answer : Yes of course there are some place that I haven’t visit such as

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