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Service organization: Baemin

Group members: Nguyen Tran Bao Ngoc

Nguyen Thanh Long

Tran Nhu Phuong

Truong Hoang Nhat Vy

Nguyen Quynh Nhi

Nguyen Vu Minh Dat

Quach Tran Minh Quan

I) PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION........................................................................................................5
II) SERVICE AND PROBLEM RESEARCH......................................................................................6
III) TARGET MARKET AND USER PERSONAS..........................................................................6
IV) BRAINSTORM SOLUTIONS......................................................................................................7
V) LOW- FI PROTOTYPE................................................................................................................8
VI) HI- FI PROTOTYPE......................................................................................................................8
VII) DESIGN A BETTER SERVICE...................................................................................................9
VIII) REFERENCES............................................................................................................................10
IX) APPENDIX...................................................................................................................................11


Baemin, which was established in 2020 by South Korean Woowa Brothers in 2010, is a
mobile application supplying an E-commerce platform food delivery service. Since it
entered the Vietnam market in Jun 2019, Baemin’s vision has constantly evolved while
staying true to its original mission to bring tasty food to people no matter where they
are. Up until now, Baemin has operated across some districts in Ho Chi Minh City and
Hanoi, and has provided working opportunities for thousands of local drivers and
businesses with its partner network (Ng, 2020).


According to the theory learned, the causes of quality problems at the macro level will
be determined by distance. And in this distance model, service gap 1 is the knowledge
gap. Gap 1 occurs when what the customer expects from the service differs from what
the managers perceive as what the customer wants from the organization's service
(Wirzt & Lovelock 2004). Going through the review section of Baemin Vietnam
Facebook Fanpage, we can see lots of honest feedback about the level of service the
app experience has provided. Some of the complaints have been raised about the store
rating process associated with using the app. Specifically, at the moment restaurant
reviews are collected from customers with brand experiences regarding the dish and
service. However, users who are looking for dishes and restaurant choices only have
access to the overall rating point of the suppliers without finding any particular feedback
from others, which sometimes makes them struggle with their decision processing. Also,
the feedback from customers showed that when using the Baemin app on smartphones,
they could not find detailed information about the restaurant and true pictures of the
entire menu of each restaurant. Furthermore, both the customers and the delivery
people said that Baemin has not cooperated with the eateries in the areas that do not
belong to the central districts (Appendix A). This makes customers feel disappointed
and shippers have to run long distances to pick up applications in central districts. As a
result, this area of operation needs comprehensive and effective improvement so that
service quality can be enhanced and the brand can develop its reliability and reputation
on the market.


Well defining the project's goals is considered the biggest reward in the project's
success. This means that understanding the goals that the project is aiming for plays an
important role in coming up with solutions to address them (Chua et al., 1999).
Therefore, we survey on social networks like Facebook, Zalo with a survey created on
Google Form. The purpose of this is to define customer behavior and attitudes towards
Baemin's service (Appendix B). There are 9 questions in this survey. It is divided into
three parts. The first section included three questions related to the participant's
demographics. The next two questions were investigating the participant's behavior
toward food ordering apps. Finally, the 4 questions were used to directly find out the
participant's assessment of Baemin. For example, the participant's satisfaction with
Baemin, points where the participant was not satisfied. As a result, only 30% of the
participants were satisfied with Baemin (Appendix C). In addition, 47 people participated
in evaluating the Baemin application that did not have many illustrations of food.
Besides, 35 people are interested in the shipper's position in the food delivery process.
Moreover, 51 participants want to see previous customer reviews that new customers
could use to easily make an order decision (Appendix D).


Businesses will easily choose the right marketing strategy by knowing the personality of
the customer. Along with this, the company is also able to build strong relationships with
customers based on their response to their needs and have solutions that improve
service problems based on customer's opinion. To do these things, Baemin has
explored the market and the tastes of buyers to meet the needs and services of
customers. Therefore, Baemin has a clear understanding of the target market and its
main customer group to find development and market access strategies.

In this case, we used empathy mapping tools to get an overall picture of our target
audience (Appendix E). we have found two types of customers that Baemin focuses on
are young customers and office workers with stable income. The first target group to
target is a group of young customers from 16 to 24 years old. This group is usually
students and students who have a lot of time in social networks, self-motivated and
trendy. The next target group is the office staff group from the age of 25 to 35. This is a
group that is in the process of building and developing a career. Therefore, time is what
they always put first. That means cooking will take them longer than ordering food
online. After interviewing two people from these two target groups, Baemin will envision
the company's target market:

Persona 1: Young customers (Appendix F)

Cong is a 22-year-old man living in Ho Chi Minh City and is a full-time student. He is
studying at the University of Economics, and he also has part-time jobs after school. In
addition, Cong is a person who already had a job. Therefore, he could find his income.
Moreover, his habit is using credit card for payments. Because he is young, he only
focuses on studying and working hard, actively, and does not care much about food, so
his only desire is to be quick in finding food. However, Mr. Cong thinks that Baemin has
met his needs such as fast, easy food selection as well as a neat way to pay. Besides,
because he is young and does not have a stable income, Mr. Cong also looks to
Baemin because it provides him with promotional incentives when using the service.

Persona 2: Office workers (Appendix G)

Ly, 28 years old, lives in HCMC and she is working for SCSC company. She is an office
worker with a monthly income of about 15 million and regularly uses credit cards. Due to
the busy nature of the employee, she thinks she has a lot of problems with her eating
and drinking. She loves fast, convenient and most of all, as an office worker, she
demands healthy meals as well as keeping fit. Through interviews, Ly said that she
regularly uses Baemin for the reason that Baemin has properly met her needs such as
offering clean food, as well as suggestions on food to help her lose weight.


After doing research to find out the service problems and identify the needs and
wants of the two target market groups of Baemin, we use the How Might We theory to

solve the problems detected (Appendix H). There are 9 solutions given to solve the
problems that Baemin sees from the research process.
From the solutions are given from ideas generation, we have filtered out and
selected the three most appropriate solutions that are suitable for solving three
problems discovered from the research process (Appendix I). This method is
considered the most reasonable choice to be able to offer solutions to meet the needs
of customers.


According to Hosseini-Khayat et al. (2011), the low-fi prototype is an easy and

quick way to go through the process of converting design concepts into tangible objects
that are testable. In addition, the role of this function is to test the external appearance
of the product. The benefits of the Low-fi prototype are the designers can test their
ideas without pressure. Moreover, this stage can help designers to obtain external
information from products and services without cost.
To solve the identified problems, Baemin needs to launch new research surveys
on platforms such as Google forms, Facebook and Zalo. The purpose of this survey is
to collect information about customer needs about their expectations of specific
information and images of restaurants and their cuisines. Furthermore, the expansion of
Baemin's activities to non-CBD districts as desired by customers will also be mentioned
in the survey. Thereby, the organization will have options for a high-fidelity prototype.
Besides, Baemin will have strategies in developing and upgrading their applications.
Thereby, customers can more easily use the application. Through the survey results, we
realize that Baemin needs to provide and train staff with the skills needed to respond
and solve problems (in hi-fi part). Besides, based on the survey results, Baemin needs
to upgrade their application to become more complete.


High-fi prototype is a step in implementing product activities. Furthermore, this

step is often carried out by the organization when they have thoroughly tested and
understood the product as well as service to make the final product. The benefit of the

High-fi prototype is that designers can offer end products and services that are more
familiar to the customer because they have been tested at the Low-fi step. In addition,
this step goes deeper into realizing the tested concept which will enable the designer to
gather more detailed feedback that the low-fi step cannot test (Huang et al., 2013).

For this part, Baemin needs to select and train staff responsible for collecting
information about all relationships between restaurants and organizations to ask them to
provide pictures and more specific information about the product that the restaurant
offers. This will help restaurants increase the trust of customers as well as attract more
new customers through the eye-catching image in Baemin application. In addition, the
team of surveying and collecting information is necessary for the organization because
it will help Baemin have to get more information from their customers in expanding the
collaborative relationship between the organization and restaurants about the potential
areas that customers desire. Furthermore, negotiation skills will be essential to
Baemin's staff in expanding collaborative relationships with new restaurants. Finally,
Baemin needs to apply advanced technologies to the application such as the
cooperation between Baemin and e-wallets in the Vietnamese market. Furthermore,
application development and enhancement such as the addition of location technologies
from Movecrop Shipper will enable customers to track and monitor the delivery of food
by their drivers. In addition, the development of an application as a feedback frame on
the Baemin app enables consumers through this application to learn more about
previous customer experiences of restaurants. Thereby, Baemin's customers can
assess the restaurant quickly as well as make it easier to make an order decision.


Once the solutions have been selected, they will be implemented when the
blueprint is adopted to create a better service. The customer journey has been created
to describe the process clearly (Appendix J). Completing the low-fi and high-fi
prototypes as well as collecting feedback helps us to come up with a solution to deal
with Baemin's limitations. Firstly, adding information and images of restaurants in
partnership with Baemin will be necessary which can help customers feel the
professionalism of the restaurants they follow as well as that of Baemin. Secondly,

Baemin will upgrade the application to cover non-CBD restaurants. In this regard,
Baemin will expand cooperation with new restaurants that will enable the organization to
increase brand awareness in the minds of customers. Thirdly, the Baemin app will also
be upgraded by adding a feedback box to each restaurant on the app. This will make it
easier for new customers to find old self-customer experiences that make it easier for
them to make food ordering decisions. Finally, Baemin will add navigation technology
which is Movecrop Shipper to the app that makes it easy for customers to find the exact
location of the food delivery driver as well as the restaurant's location. These solutions
will be essential for Baemin organization in building brand awareness in consumers'
minds at the professional level.

In conclusion, the specific solutions we mentioned can solve the gap that
Baemin is currently facing. In addition, they will help the organization to become even
stronger in the Vietnamese market.


Chua, D. K. H., Kog, Y. C., & Loh, P. K. (1999). Critical success factors for
different project objectives. Journal of construction engineering and
management, 125(3), 142-150.

Lovelock, C. H., & Wirtz, J. (2004). Services marketing: People, technology,


Ng, M. 2020, ‘A Brand’s Story: BAEMIN Builds a Culture of Conversationalists’,

[online] Vietcetera, viewed 21 March 2021.

Retrieved from:


Hosseini-Khayat, A., Seyed, T., Burns, C., & Maurer, F. (2011, June). Low-fidelity
prototyping of gesture-based applications. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM
SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems (pp. 289-

Huang, D. Y., Yocum, K., & Snoeren, A. C. (2013, August). High-fidelity switch
models for software-defined network emulation. In Proceedings of the second
ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Hot topics in software defined networking (pp. 43-


Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

How do you feel about the service and utility of this ap-



Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied

Appendix D

What makes you unsatisfied with the food delivery app


50 47




3 2 1
Time to receive Ordering process There are not Unobserved Cannot see the Other
food many pictures of shipper's route reviews of other
the dishes people on the
application about
the dishes

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix H

Appendix I

Appendix J


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