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Continuing Science Research Education in Time of Pandemic”.

July 2, 2021
9:00 am via Google Meet


* Say good morning to the participants, let them write good morning messages in the chat box.
* Read their messages in the chat box


9am Program Proper

Fatima: Good morning everyone, To formally start our program may I request everyone to
please rise as we offer word of praise to our Almighty God to be followed by the singing of
Nationalistic Song.

Rinalyn: To lead us in prayer may I call in the Vice president of RAHS YRS, Hanna H. Jabbar
for the Muslim Prayer and Alyanna Charise Barrientos, g10 representative of YES-O for the
Christian Prayer.

*after prayer AVP na ng Nationalistic Song

Rinalyn: Again a pleasant morning everyone, today we are virtually gathered here to experience
a meaningful webinar that will surely bring knowledge and engaging discussions for everyone.

Fatima: This activity aims to inspire us, young researchers to continue the passion on learning
and doing science research inspite of the Covid 19 threat.

Rinalyn: And for today we will be your masters of ceremonies, I am Rinalyn Colambo, President
of RAHS Science Club

Fatima: and I am Fatima Olama, Secretary of RAHS Young Researchers Society (YRS),
welcomes you to our Science Research Webinar.

Rinalyn: with the theme Continuing Science Research Education in Time of Pandemic

Fatima: So today we are able to have this webinar session together with principal, head teachers,
science teachers and learners who are with us in the meeting.
Rinalyn: and by the way, we are also live via FB, so hello to our learners who are watching with
us live, you may use the comment section for your messages.

Fatima: Since we are doing this live, we’re hoping not have some technical glitches, but incase,
just click again the google meeting link or open our fb page.

Rinalyn: Are you excited to start the training today? Without further a do, let us now hear a
welcoming message from the President of RAHS YRS, Jasmine I. Delmo

Fatima: Thank you so much, for a warm message.

Rinalyn: To continue, this webinar wont be complete without hearing the message coming from
our diligent, hardworking and humble principal Mr. Danilo B. Estavillo. Good morning Sir!

Fatima: Thank you so much Sir Dan the inspiring message for everyone.

Rinalyn: Now at this point in time, before we start our lecture sessions, let us be guided with our
house rules to be given to us by a member of Robotics Club, Gretel Janjury O. Valeza.

Fatima: So participants make sure that we will follow the house rules, for us to have a good and
meaningful webinar today.

Rinalyn: So I think we are all set; can you send a heart emoji if we are all ready, *check the chat
box) so without further a do, may I call in the Secretary of Science Club Francheska Judiel T.
Joson, to introduce our first speaker.

“Developing Science Research Alexis S. Rodelas

in the New Normal” Teacher III, C. Arellano HS


Angelica: Thank you so much Sir/Mam, at this moment let us answer some questions from our
particpants, you may now send your concerns in the chat box.

*basa ng questions at comments from google meeting and fb live.

Angelica: I think there are no more questions; with that again thank you so much Sir. We really
learned a lot. So I give now the floor to our emcees.

Fatima: Thank you Angelica, grabe first speaker pa lang marami na agad tayong nabaon right

Rinalyn: Yes tama ka jan,and I believe there’s more. At this juncture let us recognize the effort
and expertise of our speaker, may I call in our lovely and smart Science Club Adviser Mrs.
Marygin T. Joson for the awarding of Certificate.

Fatima: Again congratulations Sir and thank you so much. Let us now listen to our 2nd speaker
to be introduced by the Vice President of YES-O Princess Fharra Mauyag.

“Strategies in Making SIP: Christopher Tristan G. Sunga

From Title to Paper” Teacher II, Raja Soliman Science and
Technology High School


Angelica: Thank you so much, let us answer some questions from our particpants, you may now
send your concerns in the chat box.

*basa ng questions at comments from google meeting and fb live.

Angelica: I think there are no more questions; with that again thank you so much Sir. We really
learned a lot. So I give now the floor to our emcees.

Fatima: Thank you Angelica, at this moment for the awarding of the certificate let us call the
diligent and gorgeous YRS adviser Ms. Judielle Mae T. Lim

Fatima: Again congratulations Sir and thank you so much. Avancenas do you want some more?

Rinalyn: Of course we want to give the best for our participants, let us now hear our last speaker,
to introduce may I call on Sunshine Arzaga, Vice President of Science Club,

“Tips and Best Practices in Shirley Custodio

Writing SIP” Master Teacher II, Nolasco HS

Open Forum:
Awarding of Cert: Mam Gin

Fatima: Wow today’s webinar is a blast!

Rinalyn: I agree to you partner, Sulit talaga yung pakikinig nating lahat.

Fatima: So, at this moment, I guess, we have done well enough for our Science Research
Webinar, we are now on the last part of our program.

Rinalyn: Let us hear the President of Robotics Club Benedict Montilla for closing remarks.

Fatima: Thank you so much benedict, before we formally end, let us listen to our smart and
hardworking Science Department head Mam Nelia B. Bronce, for some reminders.
Rinalyn: As our training proper, we would like to express our appreciation to all the our
participants who are with us today for taking the challenge,

Fatima: and to RAHS Sci-Force for making this activity possible. Thank you so much Mams.

Rinalyn: Now, Let us all apply what we learned today, and encourage other learners to love and
do research.

Fatima: Again I am Fatima Olama,

Rinalyn: and I am Rinalyn Colmabo

Fatima and Rinalyn: your emcees, signing off! Good day every one, that ends our program for
today. Byee!

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