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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Grade and section: 12-STEM B
Date : September 22, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM

1. Health and Safety Protocols
2. Class Schedule
3. School Uniform
4. School Rules and Policies (Kasunduan ng Magulang at ng Paaralan)
-Students Attendance, Behavior, Haircuts, Earrings, Ripped Jeans
5. Voluntary Contribution (BSP/GSP)
6. Science Month Activity (Fruits/Vegetables Display)
7. Election of HRPTA Officers
8. Homeroom PTA Projects
9. Other matters

Presider: Romel B. Bayaban/Class Adviser


The HRPTA Meeting was called by the class adviser, Mr. Romel B. Bayaban
to discuss the various agenda. The meeting started at 1:30 PM when number of
attendees reached the quorum. The parents signed the attendance sheet as soon
as they were ushered inside the classroom of Grade 12 STEM-B. The meeting
started with an opening prayer facilitated by Mrs. Cristy Obispo, one of the
parent attendees.
Prior to the meeting proper, the Class Adviser started with “Kumustahan”
with the parents and introduced himself as the Grade 12 STEM-B Adviser. It was
followed by the roll call of the attendees. There were nineteen (19) parents who
attended the meeting out of thirty-three (33) expected participants.
The first agendum to discuss was the Health and Safety protocols. Mr.
Bayaban stated that wearing of facemasks and social distancing still should be
followed and strictly observed inside the classroom. If some students manifested
virus like symptoms, they should not come to class and should send an excuse
The second agendum discussed was about the class schedule. It was
announced that the class hours were from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm. Mr. Bayaban
reminded the parents of their roles and responsibilities as stakeholders of the
school. He encouraged parents to follow up and monitor their children’s
homework and projects at home.
The third agendum dealt on the wearing of school uniform. The parents
agreed that they will let their children wear school uniform but some parents
have a second thought if it still necessary to buy a uniform since Grade 12 are
about to graduate and they will be using if for one year only. Later, it was agreed
that they will buy for a school uniform.
The fourth agendum discussed was about the School Rules and Policies
particularly the Kasunduan ng Magulang at ng Paaralan. Mr. Bayaban read and
explained it thoroughly and gave some reminders regarding the class attendance,
behavior, proper haircut and the appropriate pants to wear.

Salvacion, Daraga, Albay
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

The fifth agendum focused on the voluntary contributions. It was mentioned

that the amount to be paid for BSP/GSP is 100 pesos.
The sixth agendum discussed was about the science month activity where
students need to come on Friday for the Clean-Up Drive activity in the school
with the parents’ consent. It was also mentioned the assigned Display Booth for
Grade 12 which is the Fruits and Vegetable display through consignment.
Parents were encouraged to join and participate if they have products to sell.
The seventh agendum was the election of Homeroom PTA Officers. It was
done through nomination and casting of votes by parent attendees. The following
are the newly elected HRPTA Officers:

President: Ronnie A. Napay

Vice President: Noel A. Napay
Secretary: Maylene Musa
Treasurer: Cristy Obispo
Auditor: Diana V. Saralde
P.I.O: Elsie N. Naz
Bus. Mngrs: Shirly L. Reduta
Adelina M. Nase
Peace Officers: Vilma M. Solano
Melany G. Vibar
Mr. Bayaban and the newly elected HRPTA Officers had their photo
documentations. It was followed by the jutting down of homeroom projects to be
prioritized. Among the listed projects are stand fan, broom box, minor repair of
door and blackboard and padlocks. It was agreed that all parents will be sharing
worth two hundred fifty pesos (Php. 25.000) as their HRPTA contribution for the
whole year. Mr. Noel A. Napay raised his hand and promised to donate one stand
fan for the school. It was agreed that the first priority to purchased was the two
stand fan. The deadline of payment was on September 30, 2022 to the HRPTA
Other matters discussed was about Home Visitation and HOPE 3 modular
approach. The program ended at 3:00 pm with a closing prayer led by Mrs. Diana
Saralde, one of the parents.

Prepared by:

HRPTA Secretary

Noted by:


Salvacion, Daraga, Albay
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

HRPTA Meeting Photo Documentations

Salvacion, Daraga, Albay
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Salvacion, Daraga, Albay
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Proof of Attendance

Salvacion, Daraga, Albay
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

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