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End-of-Course Reflection Paper/Questionnaire

Guide Questions Response/s

How relevant and applicable were the course This course is very relevant and applicable in
contents in helping you enhance your competencies helping me enhance my competencies as 21st century
as 21st Century teacher? teacher, and I am very thankful to be given the
opportunity to enroll in this course. The two modules
have helped me to be refreshed and updated with the
current trends and landscape in education. All the
course contents are applicable in honing my
competencies towards becoming a 21 st century teacher.
Through this Guro21 course, I have realized that I need
to adapt to the current trends and changes in the world
in order to cater the needs of the 21 st century learners. I
have also realized that I should not remain stagnant,
but I need to adjust my teaching styles and techniques
in order to meet the demands of the changing
landscape in education and also the varying needs of
the learners. Through this course, I was also able to
explore various literacies and teaching styles which I
believe can help me produce competitive and excellent
graduates who can overcome the challenges of a
competitive world. I am now equipped with the
knowledge and is more confident to face my learners
knowing that I can give them the best education that
they need in order for them to become fruitful citizens
of the future.

What significant learning insights did you gain I have gained a lot of insights from the Guro21
from the course? course. First, as a 21st century teacher we need to
become more dynamic, creative and innovative, well-
rounded, flexible and adaptable, and a good
communicator. Second, we should not be subject-
matter experts only but we should develop a good
classroom management skills and facilitator of
learning skills. Third, it is important that we cater the
different needs of our learners. Provide them with
differentiated activities in order to meet their learning
needs. Lastly, it is important to equip ourselves with
the current trends in education especially in the use of
ICT tools. Being a 21st century teacher means that we
should be well-versed with the new teaching and
learning strategies and trends.

What challenges or difficulties did you experience The greatest challenge and difficulty I have
during the course? encountered during the course is the time constraint
due to hectic schedule and the overlapping of activities
both in work station and in my PhD study. This was
the main reason why I lack the time to read and study
the two modules, no matter how I want to concentrate
and study the modules, I have so many works to
accomplish and requirements to make both as a full-
time teacher and a graduate school student.
Another challenge that I have encounter is the
shooting of my video lesson/presentation, it bothered
me a lot because I can not meet my pupils due to the
pandemic health protocols which prohibits the pupils
in going to school. It was a challenge to improvise and
teach without the learners, as well as the editing and
uploading of the video.
I am also a single father to my son and it is
challenging for me when I need to teach him with his
assignments and perform other parental duties while
enrolled in this course and my graduate study. Fatigue
and lack of sleep is my number one enemy.
However, these challenges have given me more
determination to finish all the requirements of this
course. I know that finishing this course would give
me happiness and self-satisfaction.

What areas related to 21st Century teaching and Learning is a life-long process, and my 21 st
learning do you still need to improve on and why? century teaching and learning have many areas that
needs improvement. First, I want to improve more on
content and pedagogical knowledge. I want to have a
deeper understanding of every content of the lessons
that I am teaching to the learners. In this way, I can be
more confident that I am delivering the right content to
the learners and ensure that they are well- taught by
me. Next, I want to improve my classroom
management skills by making the learners feel that
they are the center of attraction inside the classroom.
In this way, they will be motivated to learn more and
excel in every topic that I teach. I do not want to build
just a classroom, but a place where every learner can
feel love and acceptance. Lastly, I want to improve on
providing different activities to cater the different
needs of the learners. Sometimes, some learners are
left behind when their learning needs are not met. I
want to ensure that no learner is left behind, that
everyone will be given equal opportunities to develop
their potentials through differentiated activities and

What can you say about your overall experience If I have to describe my overall experience in
(i.e. comment on chat, forum, course requirements, Guro21 in one word, it would be: CHALLENGING. It
FLT competency, and the online modality)? is my first time to encounter such kind of online
learning – the iflex and it has developed my
vocabulary and reasoning skills especially during our
chat sessions. Every session pressed me to my limits,
but I have learned a lot and every challenge and
endeavor are not wasted. I found myself doing things
that I have not done before like striving to give the best
answer possible to the questions of my FLT while
battling against time and the fast-paced chat sessions.
Luckily, I had the very competent and intelligent
learning tutor in the person of Dr. Roberto Montero.
Our chat sessions are always productive and
informative, he is very active in giving feedbacks as
well as motivating us to learn more and aim for
excellence. My co- learners shared fruitful and
informative ideas; we have developed a sense of
belongingness with each other through our group chat.
The course requirements are the most challenging
tasks I have ever seen in my whole life. My PLLP took
me more than a month to finish, as well as the action
plan and the video recorded demonstration teaching
which are all very challenging. The competencies that
we discussed are timely and relevant, I know it can
help us to prepare ourselves and develop our skills to
become 21st century teachers.

What are your other comments / suggestions for I think the best way to improve the online
improving the content coverage and future course modality of the course is to add more chat or video
deliveries? sessions so that the tutor and the learners can have
more time to discuss and study the topics in the
modules. Having limited sessions forces the tutor and
the learners to be always in a hurry, I think it is better
if the topics can be thoroughly discussed for better
understanding of the learners. Overall, the course
succeeded in motivating me to become a better teacher
and I am sincerely thankful to every person behind this
program. Thank you and a big salute to our Flexible
Learning Tutor Dr. Roberto Montero.

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