SOCSCI3 - Week 1

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SLIDE 1- We are separated by generations

Baby Boomer - 1946-1964 (Postwar Babies)
X- 1965 -1980
Y- 1980-1996
Z - 1997-2015

We are accustomed to various changes that evolved within our generation and these changes have
one way or another significant impact in our lives (Changes in technology, politics, economy, culture
and societal). But there is one common denominator among these generations: there are witnessing
changes in the global landscape that are deemed beneficial to human progess or pose an existential
threat to the survival of human species. And these changes are as follows:

SLIDE 2: Climate changes and Global Warming and other environmental problems relative to the
above are new source of anxiety for many of us. The Philippines is a constant victim of extreme
weather disturubances as evidenced by typhoon Yolanda and recently typhoon odette

Slide 3: Age of Anthropocene - the culprit of environmental problem besieging us is man himself. His
industrial activities primarily caused the global warming. The dumping of huge volume of plastics in
the ocean, the sudden depletion of forest reserve, the extinction of bio diverse species are perpetrated
by human beings

Slide 4 : The evolution of technology is a source of heigtened excitement for many of us - AI, IOT,
Virtual Reality, 3d printing, etc., which will unleash the tremendous force of empowerment to many.

Slide 5 : Technology shrinks the world into a small village which paved the way for heightened
cooperation and collaboration among nation states across the globe
Slide 6: New Habits New Skills New Identity - Creation, Sharing, Uploading, Selfie, Downloading are
buzzwords for current generation but there are downsides to this phenomeno- more time in social
media but less time in interpesonal opportunities
Slide 6 -The spirit of entrrepeneurship and consumerism are further explored in the Social Media
Slide 7: On the other hand, Social Media is replete hate words among opposing sides. There is so
much toxicity in the Social Media dividing people in war mongering sides dilawan vs DSS Republicans
vs Democrats etc

Slide 8 Will the improvement of technology whose skills and abilities can be at par with human in the
near future make human existence redundant? So much uncertainty
Slide 9 : The revival of terrorism and its web of organizations both in local and international sphere
are visble in the horizon ex domestic terrorism in US and the rebirth of Taliban in Afghanistan

Slide 10 : Contagiuos Viruses as invisible enemies is a proff that the tug of war between virus and
man shall remain to evolve in a much contagious and deadly fashion
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Slide 11: The likes of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jack Ma and others are extraordinary story of
individual success in globalization. They uploaded their skill which hastened the process of
globalization and hugely got their profitable dividends from their respective enterprise.

Slide 12: Unfortunately, the tremendous wealth generated by globalization got hoarded by few
individuals. The middle class earning got stock in the advancaed and industrialized economies.On the
contrar, millions of people were lifted from poverty level especially in China and India courtesy of

Slide 13 New brand of leadership came into being as backlash against globalization appeared
inevitably. Leaders who are intolerant of criticism, anti establishment, subscribing to conspiracy
theories, fond of making lies or distorting truth, tendendcy to become autocratic example Donald
Trump of USA, Oban of Hungary, Bolsonaro of Brazil, Duterte of the Philippines

Slide 14: The bad news is that these leaders have huge number of sympathizers and supportes who
would rather subscibe to fake news and chalenge the truth preach by mainstream media (Post Truth

Pessimist- the end of the line for the entire humanity. A sign of decaying society.We are doomed to
Fence Sitter - I have no concen with all these changes. I does not bother me personally
Revolutionary- The current system does not work for many and it works only for few. It is a mess and
it needs a complete overhaul
Changemaker- change can even start at your own backyard. Small change can a make a difference

Hope Whisperer- there will be light at the end of the dark tunnel

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