From Intramurals

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Intra means within and muralis means wall. It means the activity
which are performed within the walls of the campus of an institution.
In this no student of other school can participate infact it is one of
the best means to motivate all the students of an institution for
taking part in the games and sports. A game for each is the and each
for a game may be considered the motto of intramurals.


The following points can express the need of intramurals for


1. It is very essential for physical, mental, emotional and social

development of students.
2. Intramurals teaches us the ethical values in students.
3. Intramurals are essential lto calm down the fighting instinct of
4. Intramurals provide maximum recreation to the students.
5. It provides maximum opportunities to the students to
participate in games and sports.
6. It is essential to develop the leadership qualities among the
7. Intramurals makes the child agile.


1. It provides opportunites to every student to participate in

games and sports.
2. To develop the leadership quality among students
3. To develop the feeling of cooperation
4. Intramurals provide recreation.
5. Intramurals develops the feeling of sportsmanship.
6. It provides the opportunity to learn a variety of games and
7. It provides opportunity to know how to manage things.
8. Intramurals helps in finding out the good sportsperson.
9. It provides the opportunity to develop personality.


1. LOCAL CIRCUMSTANCES- before organising the competition

the local circumstances should be kept in mind. For example
favourite game of school or availability of playgrounds or
sports equipments.
activities the equipment should be of good quality which
motivates the students to participate.
3. INTEREST- The interest of students should be kept in mind. It
means the selection of intramural activity should be such in
which children finds interest and wants to participate.
4. BUDGET- Intramural activity should be based on the of the
school. Which means if the budget is less than the activity
should be organised according to the budget available.
5. TIME- While organising intramurals, it should be kept in mind
that the teaching periods should not get disturbed , it should
be organised on holidays or in the evening time.
6. EMPHASIS ON WINNING- In intramurals, there should not be
over emphasis on winning. Teachers and coaches should not
think that they are evaluated on this basis.
7. MEDICAL EXAMINATION- Medical examination of students
should be performed in advance, so that such students can be
identified who have serious health problems.
8. CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS- The classification of students
should be performed in advance on the basis of age, ability,
weight, class. The physically handicapped students may also be
classified in the same way.


The activity of intramurals should be selected very carefully, it
should be based on two factors: interest of the students and
the availability of resources. Hence the selection should be
made out of the following categories:-
 Major games- Volleyball, cricket, football,badminton etc.
 Minor games- Shuttle runs, sack race, three legged race,
collecting things etc
 Rhythmics- Lazium, marching, folk dance, solo dance,
group dance.
 Creative activities- painting, drawing, making models
 Comabative activities- boxing, judo, karate, taelwondo


Extra means outside and muralis means wall. It means the activities
which are performed outside the walls of institution or school. It
means those activities which are organised between the children of
two or more schools. Extramurals are also called interschool
competition. Extramurals are fixed well in advance so that teams
may get well prepared for the competition.

1. It provides opportunities to the school to show their sports

2. Extramurals enhances the standard of sports by performing
strenuous effort.
3. Extramurals helps players to get appropriate knowledge by
participating in the competition.
4. It helps in making and implementing the programmes of
physical education more effective.
5. Many schools get opportunity to participate in sports activities
as few school may not have enough infrastructure.


 To improve the standard of sports- by participating in sports

children technically and tactically efficient in their sports. They
learn new skills by which they improve their game.
 Provides experience to students- Experience has its value in
every field, which is earned by students when they take part in
extramurals competitions.
 Children develop sportsmanship spirit- by participating in
extramural competition participant develops sportsmanship
spirit in them.
 To broaden the base of sports- Schools who do not participate
in extramurals get motivated. Such motivation broadens the
base of sports.
 Knowledge of rules- By participating in extramurals
competitions, children learn new rules and know about the
advanced techniques.
1. To participate in competition willingly- Students should not be
forced to participate in extramural competition. Teachers
should see that if the child is motivated to participate then only
player he should participate.
2. Medical examination prior to competition- The organisers may
face difficulty during the competition if the participants are not
examined before the competition.
3. Should be organised on holidays- The dates and time of the
extramural competition should be fixed in such a way during
holidays so that children may not miss their studies.
4. Arrangement of efficient officials- There will be minimum
chances of disputes if efficient officials are arranged in
extramural competition. Their abilities and capabilities should
be seen before selecting them.
5. Programmes should be according to the convenience of
players- While preparing the programmes of extramural
competition the organisers should look after that various
events may not clash.
6. Winning should not be over emphasised- coaches lay too
much stress on winning because their performance is evaluated
on the basis of results, which is wrong from the point of view of
the player.
7. Good quality of sports equipment should be used- The sports
equipment to be used in extramurals should be of good quality,
if it is not used the chances of injuries to the players may be

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