MODULE I - Learning Activity I - Patterns and Numbers in Our World

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MODULE I – Mathematics in Nature and Arts

Learning Activity I – Patterns and Numbers in Our World

Name: Picazo, Angel E.

Course, Year and Section: BSN 1D

Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer from the given choices and write only
the letter/s before each number that represent/s your answer.

A 1. Pattern is known as _____.

A. A group of recurring objects or shapes
B. Movement of energy from one place to another
C. Curve that starts at a center point
D. Starts from a single point and grow outward in many directions

A, B, C, D 2. Where can patterns in nature be found? Choose all possible

answers. A. Animals B. Plants C. Rocks D. Weather

A 3. Can patterns be found in things that we can’t see?

A. Yes B. No

A 4. What is the branching pattern?

A. Patterns start from a single point and grow outward in many
B. Curve that starts at a center point and moves away from the center
C. Occurs when an organism has no right or left side
D. Repetition of straight-line shapes

A 5. Radial symmetry is considered ______.

A. When an organism has no right or left side
B. Movement of energy from one place to another
C. A group of recurring objects or shapes
D. A curve that starts at a center point and moves away from the center

A 6. What happens when you divide an organism through the middle

with radial symmetry?
A. There are two (2) identical halves
B. The right side is bigger than the left side
C. The left side is bigger than the right side
D. The bottom I s bigger than the top
Module I Learning Activity I – Patterns and Numbers in our World
A 7. Waves are considered _____.
A. Movement of energy from one place to another
B. Repetition of straight-line shapes
C. Group of recurring objects or shapes
D. Curve that starts at a center point and moves aways from the center

A 8. The high point of energy is called _____.

A. Crest B. Radio C. Trough D. Wave

C 9. The low point of energy is called _____.

A. Crest B. Radio C. Trough D. Wave

C 10.The patterns of polygons are _____.

A. Group of recurring objects or shapes
B. Movement of energy from one place to another
C. Repetition of straight-line shapes
D. Start from a single point and grow outward in many directions

A 11. This polygon makes the strongest pattern is called

______. A. Hexagon B. Octagon C. Pentagon D. Triangle

A 12.A spiral is considered _____.

A. Curve that starts at a center and moves away from the center
B. Occurs when an organism has no right or left
C. Repetition of straight-line shapes
D. Start from a single point and grow outward in many directions

13-20.Identify the following photos on which natural patterns they belong.

Write the letter of your choice before each number.

Choices: A. Branching D. Spiral

B. Polygons E. Waves
C. Radial Symmetry

C 13.

Module I Learning Activity I – Patterns and Numbers in our World

D 18.
A 14.

B 15. B 19.

C 16. A 20.

E 17.

Module I Learning Activity I – Patterns and Numbers in our

Application. Perform what is being asked in each
statement and write your answer/s on the space
provided for each number.

1. Determine the next number to 12, 15, 18, 21.

2. Describe the pattern in the sequence and find the

next three terms, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25
Pattern: The Pattern of this Fibonacci sequence is
that each number has two intervals in them.
Therefore, to get the next term is just add 2 from
the last term of the sequence.

3. How many of these sequences have a common difference of -4?

-19, -15, -11, -7, -3, …
19, 15, 11, 7, 3, …
3, 7, 11, 15, 19, …
-3, 7, -11, 15, -19, …
Answer: Only 1 sequence
4. In the sequence 700, 70, 7, 0.7, 0.07, what is the next term?
Answer: 0.007

5. What is the next term in the sequence O, T, T, F, F, ____?

Answer: S

Module I Learning Activity I – Patterns and Numbers in our World

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