Assignment 3 Adam Attariq

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Name: Adam Attariq NIM: 10019022 Study Program : Petroleum

Part A. Circle the best answer. Are the following sentences grammatically correct or wrong?
1. Did Mr.Ali had a new house in Jakarta ? Correct
2. Peter and Paul were not jogging right now because it’s raining. Wrong
3. I’m always forgot to tap my smartcard. Wrong
4. Judas always complains about his teammate. Correct
5. I’m agreed with the new policy about social media. Wrong
Part B. Arrange these following sentences into a Yes/ No Question.
1. Were you there yesterday? No, i wasn’t there yesterday.
2. Was Mr. Andrey an English teacher?
Yes, He was.
3. Why didn’t you study English regularly?
Because i didn’t have enough time.
4. Will you come to my house tonight?
Yes, i will.
5. Why you didn’t help your neighbour
Because he didn’t ask me.
6. Why are you going to Bombay?
I want to meet my friends there.
7. Do they know a good book?
Yes, they do.
8. Have you read the book?
No, i have not.
9. Were they sad yesterday?
Yes, they were.
10. May i borrow your dictionary?
Yes, of course.
Part C. Put in the verb in brackets into the gaps and use the simple past.
1. I ( did )  my maths homework yesterday. (do)
2.  ( did ) Susan ( go ) to England by plane? (go)
3. They ( visited ) a farm two weeks ago. (visit) 
4. Jenny and Peggy ( weren’t help) their brother. (not/help)
5. The children  ( won’t be ) at home last weekend.  (not/be)
6. When you ( designed )  this wonderful skirt? (design)
7. My mother  ( didn’t crash ) into the van. (not/crash)
8. The boys  ( took off ) the mudguards of their bicycles. (take off)
9.  you  your aunt last week? (phone) ( i dont get it sir ) . ( did you call your aunt last week ? )
10. He (didn’t drink) milk at school. (not/drink)

Part D. Complete the text below with the appropriate “Will & Be Going To”
1. A. Why are you holding a piece of paper?
B. I am going to write a letter to my friends back home in Texas.
2. A. I’m about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!
B. I will get you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up
3. A. I can’t hear the television!
B. I will turn It up so you can hear it.
4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We are going to visit Paris, Nice
and Grenoble.
5. Sarah is going to come to the party. Olive will be there as well.
6. Ted: It is hot in here!
Sarah: I will turn the air-conditioning on.
7. I think he is going to be the next President of the United States.
8. After I graduate, I am going to attend medical school and become a doctor. I have wanted
to be a doctor all my life.
9. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too
small for four people.
B: That man at the service counter will help you.
10. As soon as the weather clears up, we are going to walk down to the beach and go

Part E. Read the following story and answer the questions at the bottom of the text.

Yesterday Waira had a job interview.  She went downtown to the company. The interview
was for an accounting job. Waira graduated university 3 months ago. Her interview was at 10:00
am. She woke up at 7:00 am and left her house before 8:00 am. She waited for the bus, but it was
late. She was very worried because she did not want to be late for the interview. She tried to
phone the company to warn them, but her phone battery was dead.
When the bus arrived, it was almost 9:00 am. Then the bus was slow because there were
many other cars. The bus finally arrived at Waira’s stop at 9:45 am. Waira ran from the bus stop to
the office building. When she entered she saw a sign that said the company was on the 24th floor.
The elevator ride took almost 5 minutes because many people stopped at different floors.  
When Waira arrived at reception, it was 9:58. She was in time!  
“I am here to see Mrs. Lewis” said Waira.
The receptionist checked her book and replied:  
“She is not here today.  What is your name please?”
“My name is Waira Wood.”
“Sorry Waira, but your appointment is tomorrow.”
Waira checked her agenda. It was true. She was there on the wrong day! 

Answer the question with the information from the reading above.
1. What time did Waira wake up? 7:00 am
2. When did the bus arrive at the stop? 9:00 am
3. Did Waira successfully phone the company? No she didn’t, because her phone battery was
4. Was Waira late? Yes she was
5. Did Waira go on the correct day? No she didn’t


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