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Pengertian Expression of Like and Dislike

Expression of like artinya ekspresi atau ungkapan yang menyatakan suka/senang

terhadap sesuatu. Expressing like berarti mengekspresikan rasa suka.
Expression of dislike artinya ekspresi atau ungkapan yang menyatakan tidak
suka/benci terhadap sesuatu. Expressing dislike berarti mengekspresikan rasa tidak

Contoh expressing like and dislike

 Expressing like

Berikut ungkapan yang mengekspresikan rasa suka:

1. I like…
2. I love…
3. I really love…
4. I enjoy…
5. I really enjoy…
6. I feel like…
7. I am crazy about…
8. I am very fond of…
9. I am very keen on…

 Expressing dislike

Berikut ungkapan yang mengekspresikan rasa tidak suka:

1. I dislike…
2. I don’t like…
3. I hate…
4. I detest…
5. I loathe..
6. I abhor…
7. Oh, how awful.
8. I am not keen on…
9. I am fed up with…
10. I don’t think i like…
11. I can’t stand with…
Contoh kalimat expressing like and dislike

Expressing Like Expressing Dislike

(ekspresi suka) (ekspresi tidak suka)

I like coffee. I don't like coffee.

I like dancing. I detest dancing.

I love singing. I dislike singing.

I enjoy reading novel. I hate reading novel.

I am crazy about you. I can't stand with you.

I am very fond of cooking. I don't think I like cooking.

I am very keen on flowers. I am not keen on flowers.

I really enjoy learning English. I am fed up with learning English.

Contoh Percakapan Expressing Like And Dislike

Waiter : Do you want some drinks?

Dion : I want a glass of coffee. And you?
Tomi : Orange juice, please.
Waiter : Alright, please wait.
Dion : Why don’t you order a glass of coffee? Do you like coffee?
Tomi : I don’t think I like coffee. I prefer juice. How about you?
Dion : I am very fond of coffee. I think it can refresh my mind.

Buat contoh kalimat lain (selain dari contoh diatas) expressing like and dislike
dengan menggunakan frase berikut:

1. Expressing like
a. I like…
b. I love…
c. I really love…
d. I enjoy…
e. I really enjoy…
f. I feel like…
g. I am crazy about…
h. I am very fond of…
i. I am very keen on…

2. Expressing dislike
a. I dislike…
b. I don’t like…
c. I hate…
d. I detest…
e. I loathe..
f. I abhor…
g. Oh, how awful.
h. I am not keen on…
i. I am fed up with…
j. I don’t think i like…
k. I can’t stand with…

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