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1. Background

Teaching is a learning process to give something information that somebody

know to tell another people. Richards and Schmidt (2010:589) state that teaching

is intended to give student teachers experience of classroom teaching, an

opportunity to apply the information and skills they have studied in their teacher

education program, and a chance to acquire basic teaching skill. The learning

process will be effective if the students can read what the teacher conveys from

the text. Therefore, reading cannot be separated in learning process.

Reading is one of the key skills in language learning. It reinforces the skills

students acquire in speaking, listening and writing. According to Aebersold and

Field (1997: 15), reading is what happens when people look at a text and assign

meaning to the written symbols in that text. In other words, we assume that

reading activity is people’s activity to read a text, there is an interaction between

the reader and the text when people read the text. Moreover, Wixson & Lipson

(1991) says that reading is a complex activity. It requires the successful selection,

application, and monitoring of multiple strategies.

Other factors that affect students’ ability to comprehend are the presence of

unknwon vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and complex sentence structure.

Actually, the objective of reading is understand what they have read to get new
information from the text. The following some types of reading comprehension on

the text such as : Narrative, desciptive, report, recount, and hortatory exposition

texts. In this case, the writer only focused on narrative text.

Narrative is a kind of text that used to entertain the readers. According to

O’Connor (2005:53) “Narrative text is a story with a beginning, a middle and an

end. But the internal structur of a narrative is ordered essentially by its human

dimension, and narrative takes its form from human experience” In narrative text,

the story has ganeric structur to build the main idea in a paragraph.

Based on the writer’s observation and investigation in Field Teaching Practice

or Praktek Pengenalan Lapangan (PPL) 2 at state junior high school

Muhammadiyah 1 palembang, the writer found out that the students who did not

like reading because when the students read a paragraph, they got confused with

the main ideas of text, they did not know the meaning of the text. According

Akyot al., (2014:201), “Readers having difficulty with word recognition and

discriminition may lose the meaning of the text.” Therefore, the students having

difficulties in reading can not improve their reading skills and the students lack

vocabulary mastery so that they could not understand word in the text.

The way to achieve the teaching reading skill goes out well and to help the

students learn to read, the teacher should use strategies to make the students enjoy

in learning process, one of the some strategies that can be used to teach reading is

visual imagery strategy. Visual imagery is the ability to create mental pictures.

The old saying, A picture is worth a thousand words, may explain why
comprehension is increased when visual imagery is employed. When children

make visual images about information and stories while listening, the pictures

may provide the framework for organizing and remembering the information

(Gambrell & Bales, 1987)

Therefore, based on the explanation above, the writer was interested in doing a

research by using visual imagery, the title of the research is “Teaching

Reading Narrative Texts Through Visual Imagery Strategy To

The Eighth Grade Students Of State Junior High School 35


2. Problem of Study

The problem of this study are the students’ difficulties in learning reading

such as: what the text that they read, they did not know the meaning of the text,

finding the main ideas and supporting ideas.

2.1. Limitation of Study

This study will focus on “ Teaching reading narrative texts through visual

imagery strategy to the eighth grade students of state junior high school

Muhammadiyah 1 palembang.” For the narrative texts will focus on “fairytale” by

using pictures as the media and prepares some vocabularies to support of visual

imagery strategy.
2.2 Formulation of Study

“Is there any significant diffrence between teaching reading narrative text

through visual imagery stratgey to the eighth grade students of state junior high

school Muhammadiyah 1 palembang those who are not?

3. Objective of Study

The objective of Study is to find out whether or not there is any significant

difference on the students’ reading narrative texts before and after being

taught through The visual imagery strategy with the theme “fairytale” to the

eighth grade students of state Junior High School Muhammadiyah 1

Palembang ?

4. Significance of Study

The significance of this study would be useful for the following people.

1. For Teacher

The teacher of english are expected to used this technique in

learning process especially in reading skill.

2. For students

Hopefully this research will improve the students’ reading ability

especially in narrative text, they can find the main idea and

supporting idea

3. For the other researcher

This research was limited on teaching reading narrative text in

theme “fairytale” hopefully this research will be able to help other

researchers to get more sources in doing research

4. For the writer himself

The writer hopes that the result of this study can enlarge his

knowledge in learning reading.

5. Literature Review

5.1 The Concept of Teaching

According to Brown (2000:7) teaching is showing or helping someone to

learn to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of something,

providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. He states further that

teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enable the learner to learn setting the

condition for learning.

According to Ellie Chambers & Marshall Gregory (2006 : 40) teaching is a

complex of activities, strategies, mechanisms, invitations, stimuli and rhetorical

ploys designed to help students learn and to become better learners.

According to A.H. Sequeira (2012) teaching is a set of events, outside the

learners which are designed to support internal process of learning. Teaching

(Instruction) is outside the learner. Learning is internal to learners. You cannot

motivate others if you are not self-motivated. Motives are not seen, but,

Behaviors are seen. Is learning a motive or behavior? Learning is both a motive

and behavior but only behavior is seen, learning is internal, performance is

Based on some definitions above, the writer can take the point that

Teaching is an effort from teacher to the student in order to make the student have

good enough knowledge, and confident to facing the future.

5.2 The Concept of Reading

Reading is one of the important skills which have to learn of students to

master english well. According to Johnson (2008:3), reading is practice of using

text and create meaning. Using the text, students read and comprehen the meaning

of the text. Student have to know about kinds of text that they read.

According to H. S. Alyousef (2005) Reading can be seen as an

“interactive” process between a reader and a text which leads to automaticity or

(reading fluency). In this process, the reader interacts dynamically with the text as

he/she tries to elicit the meaning and where various kinds of knowledge are being

used: linguistic or systemic knowledge (through bottom-up processing) as well as

schematic knowledge (through top-down processing).

“Reading is the most important language skill for second language

students” (p. 187). This, Grabe and Stoller (2001) state, is because reading is seen

as “the central means for learning new information and gaining access to

alternative explanations and interpretations” as well as being a “means for

independent learning”.

Based on the statement above, the writer conclude that reading is

essential part in learning process. It is not only to understand and comprehend

what they read in the written. But also reading help students to improve another

knowledge in their material.

5.3 The Concept of Visual Imagery Srategy

According to Gambrell & Bales (1987) Visual imagery is the ability to

create mental pictures. The old saying, A picture is worth a thousand words, may

explain why comprehension is increased when visual imagery is employed. When

children make visual images about information and stories while listening, the

pictures may provide the framework for organizing and remembering the


Every student has unique background and prior experience. The type of

experince each of us has differs but how these background are accessed is similar,

so for make the students that has diffrent beckground is similar writter need

strategy procedur by using the visual imagery. The visual imagery strategy was

designed to fasilitate reading compherehension by requiringg students to read a

passage and to create visual images representative of the content of the passage.

Students followed these procedure :

1. READ : Read the first sentence. For make teaching and learning

process is success writterr give intructuction for studens to read the

sentences. Students must read the first sentence to know the intruction and

understand about the students will to do of the image.

2. IMAGE : Try to make an Image a picture in your mind. Creative

learning has become an important part in imvroving the quality of

learning. The essence of creativity is producing something new, even

better. By creating something new will continue to fishing the students

imagination,so from using a picture writter want to developing

imagination and creative thinking in students .

3. DESCRIBE : Describe the image.

a. If students cannot make an image. Ask the student s

and make they explain why theycannot and go on to

the next sentence.

b. If students can make an image. Decide if it is the same

as an old image (one held in memory from the most

recent image). The old image changed somewhat, or

an entirely new image ( not at all similar to the most

recent memory image). Make a changed image by

adding or subtracting things from the picture they had

in their mind.

c. If the students have an image. Give an intructions for

describe or explain it in front of their friends.

4. EVALUATE : Evaluate you image for its completeness.

a. Check to make certain their image includes as much

of the sentence content as possible. If content is

missing, adjust their image and continue.

b. If their image is comprehensive, continue

5. REAPET : if the students still confuse, students can read the next

sentence and reapet steps 1 though 4

5.4 The Concept of Narrative Text

According to Grave, Juel, Graves (2007) “story grammar include a

setting with a character who has a problem or a goal to achieve, the character’s

attempts to solve the problem or achieve the goal, the result of these attempts, and

a conclusion. The conclusion illuminates the story’s theme.”

Anderson and Anderson (2003) Narrative text is a text, which related a

serried of logically and chronologically related events that are caused or

experienced by factors. A key of comprehending narrative is a sense of plot, them,

characters, events, and how they relate.According to Gunning (2010) story

grammars concentrate on setting, character, and plot. ” Plot is divided into the

story problem or the main character’s goal, principal episodes, and the

resolution.” “ Asstudents progress through the grades, stories and structures

become more complex. Goals and the motivations of major characters are more

important”. “ Narratives focus on the goals of the main character. The reader

comprehend the story in terms of the main character’s attempts to resolve the

problem or a conflict.” (p. 358)

5.4.1 The Purpose of Narrative Text

The purpose of narrative is to amuse the readers with actual or

imaginary experiences in diffrence way. Moreover, according to (Sudarwati and

Grace, 2007:154), reading used to entertain the reader with a story that deals with

complication or problematic events which lead to a crisis in turn finds a

5.4.2 Generic Structure of Narrative Text

The generic structure of this text is orientation, evaluation, complication,

resolution and reprientation. Orientation sets the scene and introduces the

participants involved in the text. Evaluation is stepping back to evaluate the

plight. Complication happens when a crisis rises. Resolution is when the crisis

resolved for better or for worse. And reorientation is an optional one that contain

writer’s opinion or conclusion. (Rukmini: 2010: 20)

The example of narrative text:


Once upon a time there was an old couple who didn’t have a child. They
lived in a small house near the village forest. “Please give us a child,” they asked
God everyday. One day, from the household Shinto altar, they heard a cute cry,
“Waa! Waa!”
They looked and saw a crying baby who looked just like a little finger.
“This child must be a gift from God. Thanks to God!” “We will call this child
‘Issumboshi’,” they said. They raised Issumboshi with much care, but Issumboshi
never grew bigger. “Hey, Issumboshi, do you want to be eaten by a frog?”
Issumboshi was always being bullied by the children of the village and often went
home feeling unhappy. Grandmother would make some big rice balls and
encourage him. “Eat a lot, and grow up quickly,” Grandmother said.
One day, Issumboshi said “ I will go to the capital to study and become a
respectable person. Then I will come back.” Grandfather and Grandmother were
worried about him, but Issumboshi’s mind would not be changed. At once they
began to prepare for his trip.
Issumboshi sheathed a needle sword in a straw case, put on a cup for a
sedge hat, and started out with a chopstick staff, in high spirits. “I’m going now,”
Issumboshi said.
“Is he safe? With such a small body?” Grandfather and Grandmother
asked as they saw him off.
Issumboshi went on the trip with a big wish in a small body.
At last Issumboshi reached the capital city and anchored under the
bridge. Then he climbed up to the railing and viewed the town. “There is a fine
palace over there. I shall ask them at once.” At long last Issumboshi arrived at the
palace. “Excuse me, but I want to meet the feudal lord.”The lord came to the door,
“What? Who’s there?” “Here I am, at your feet.” “Oh. How small! Why do you
want to meet me?” “Please let me be your retainer.” “I wonder if your very small
body can do anything.” “I’ll stay in your pocket and guard you from all harm.”
When Issumboshi said so, a bee came buzzing by. “Yhaa!”Issumboshi yelled,
stabbing the bee. “Bravo! I employ you. It would be good if you became the
Princess’s man.” “Oh! What a cute fellow he is!” said the Princess, putting
Issumboshi on her palm. “I will defend you upon my life,” said Issumboshi.The
Princess liked Issumboshi, and she taught him reading, writing, and various
studies. Further, Issumboshi practiced fencing very hard in order to be strong. One
day the Princess went out to worship at the Kiyomizu Temple. Suddenly there was
a strong wind, and some demons appeared. The leader of the demons tried to grab
the Princess.
“Help me!” she screamed. Issumboshi tried to help her, but the demon
caught him and threw him into his mouth. Issumboshi, who was swallowed,
jabbed and jabbed the demon’s stomach. The demon rolled over and spat out
Issumboshi. Issumboshi jumped at the demon and stabbed his eyes. The
remaining demons were frightened. They ran away in great haste, but one demon,
who was left behind, trembled while holding the magic hammer. “Do you want
me to stab your eyes, too?” Issumboshi asked. “Please, don’t. This is the magic
hammer that will grant you a wish. I give it to you, so please spare me.” And
saying this, he ran off in a hurry. “Thank you, Issumboshi. You have saved my
life,” the Princess said. “Princess, please wave this magic hammer and make a
wishthat I may become big,” said Issumboshi. The Princess waved it and asked,
“May Issumboshi become big!” And then, strangely, before her eyes, Issumboshi
began to grow. He grew into a nice young man. They went back to the palace, and
the Princess asked the King to let her marry Issumboshi.
The Princess and Issumboshi then got married, and they invited
Grandfather and Grandmother to live with them in the palace. They lived happily
ever after
(Adapted from Japanese Fairy Tales, 1987)

5.5 Teaching Procedure

In this study, some organized procedures of teaching were applied in

the classroom in order to create an effective teaching and learning environment.

The procedures of teaching which involves some organized steps were used to

carry out this experiment. There are divided into 3 major steps in which they are

pre-activities, whilst- activities, and post- activities. In this study, taken were

described as follows:

1. Pre- activities

 Greeting the students and checking their attendance

 Explaining the students about the course that they would have in general

 Telling the students about the purpose of the course that they would have

 Motivating the students by explaining them how important the course was.

2. Whilst- activities

 The teacher explains the material

 The teacher explains about visual imagery

 The teacher gives reading text

 The teacher asks student to write on the white board by their own word

about the information they get.

 The teacher gives some question to the students about the main idea,

supporting idea, and kinds of text

 The teacher asks students about their difficulties in learning reading

3. Post- activities

 The teacher and students make the conclusion

 The teacher will be close the activities

5.6 Previous Related Study

There are two previous related studies that related to the writer

research. In this study, the writer use journal. The first, It is “improving the

reading comprehension of the eighth grade students of smp n 1 wonosari by using

the visualization strategy in the academic year of 2012/2013” by Yuli Susanti

Prihastuti (2013). The second is “using visual imagery and background

knowledge to improve reading comprehension” by McDonald, Shannon (2001)

5.7 Hypotheses

According to (2012:83), a hypotheses is simply put a

prediction of the possible outcomes of a study. Based on the problem and

objective of the study, the writer proposes hypotheses in the form of Null

hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis as follows :

Null Hypothesis (Ho) : there is not any significant difference in reading

achievment between the students’ who are taught

reading narraive texts hrough visual imagery

strategy to the eighth grade students of State

junior High School 35 of Palembang.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) : there is any significant difference in reading

achievment between the students’ who are taught

reading narraive texts hrough visual imagery

strategy to the tenth grade students of State junior

High School 35 of Palembang.

5.7 Criteria for Testing Hyphotheses

For testing hypotheses, writer will use the critical value of t-distribution

table. The number of students as the experiment is 64 students with degree of

freedom (df) is 62 (32+32)-2, the significance level is 95% or 0.05 for the two

tailed-test, the critical value is 1.669. The criteria for testing the hypotheses in this

study is as follows :

 If the value of the t-obtained is more than t-table (1.669), the null

hypothesis (Ho) is rejects and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepts.

 If the value of the t-obtained is lower than t-table (1.669), the null

hypothesis (Ho) is accepts and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejects.

6. Research Procedure

6.1 Method of Study

In this research, the writer uses Quasi-Experimental and Pretest-posttest

nonequivalent group. According to Creswell (2012:298) that in quasi-

experimental research design the researcher assigns, intact group the experimental

and control treatments, administers a pretest to both group, conducts experimental

treatment activities with the experimental group. In this research, the writer

selected two classes to research. Which is one class as control group and this class

doesn't use treatment. Meanwhile one another as experimental class which uses

chunking strategy as treatment in learning process.

Cohen, et al (2007:283) explains that the design can be diagrams as follows:

Experimental O1 X O2

Control O3 - O4


O1: Pre – test for experimental group

O2:Post – test for experimental group

O3: Pre – test for Control Group

O4: Post – test for Control Group

X: Treatment by using visual imagery

-: conventional treatment for control group

6.2 Research Variable

There are two kinds of variable in this study, the independent variable and

dependent variable. Fraenkel, et. al., (2012:80), states that an independent variable

is persumed to affect (at least partly cause) or somehow influence at least one

other variable. The dependent is the variable presumed to affect.

The independent variable of this study is “visual imagery” in teaching

reading narrative texts to the eighth grade student of state junior high school 35

palembang and dependent variable is the student’s reading.

6.3 Operational Definitions

The title of this study is “Teaching reading narrative text through visual

imagery strategy to the eighth grade students of state junior high school

Muhammadiyah 1 palembang”. In this study writer tries to improve the

achievment of the eight grade students of junior high school Muhammadiyah 1

palembang through visual imagery.

1. Teaching

Teaching is an effort from teacher to the student in order to make

the student have good enough knowledge, and confident to facing the

2. Reading

Reading is a part of language skills which readers have to get

information of the text what they read. Reading comprehension is the

way to comprehend part of text like main ide, supporting sentence and


3. Narrative texts

Narrative text was narration of the story about experience, legend,

fable and soon. Narrative text was also the way to the students be esier

to write about conclude the story, legend, fable and other

4. Visual imagery

Visual imagery is the ability to create mental pictures of students,

to improve their abilty in teaching reading comprehension.

6.4 Population and sample

6.4.1 Population

Fraenkel, et al (2012:91) states that the large group to which one hopes to

apply the result is called the population. According to Sugiyono (2017:80)

explains that population defined as a generalization area consisting of: objects or

subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by researcher to

be studied and then conclusions drawn. The population of this research is all of

the eighth grade students of junior high school Muhammadiyah 1 palembang

which eighth classes of 240 students. It can see in table 1.


1 VIII. 1 30
2 VIII. 2 30
3 VIII. 3 30
4 VIII. 4 30
5 VIII. 5 30
6 VIII. 6 30
7 VIII. 7 30
8 VIII. 8 30
(source: State Junior High School 35 Palembang in academic year 2018/2019)

6.4.2 Sample

According to Fraenkel, et al (2012:91) sample is the group on which

information is obtained. It is selected in such a way that was presented the larger

group (population) from which it is obtained.

Moreover Sugiyono (2017:81) states that sample is part of the number and

characteristics of the population. In this study, the writer will use purposive

sampling technique to get accurate data. There are 60 students that devided into

two group. It can see in the table.



VIII. 1 30 Experimental Class

VIII. 2 30 Control Class


(source: State Junior High School Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang in academic year


6.5 Technique Collecting Data

The writer uses a written test to get the data. The writer give reading

material and then asking the students to read it. For the pre-test, the writer get the

range of reading text without visual imagery strategy and for the post-test, the

range of reading text through visual imagery.

There are 40 items that given to the students of 40 items in form of

multiple choice question. Before giving the test to students, the validty and

reliability of the test were estimated. Moreover, the writer describes the terms of

validty and realibity as follows:

6.5.1 Vaidity

According to Fraenkel, et al (2012:148) explains that validity refers to the

appropriateness, correctness, meaningfulness, and usefulness, of the specific

inferences researchers make based on the data they collect. Futhermore creswell

(2012:159) Validity is the development of sound evidence to demostrate that the

test interpretation. In order to make the test materials have high validity, the writer

uses a written test. Therefore, the writer presented the table of the test

specification in table 3.
Table 3. Test Items Specification

Number Total of Type of

Objective Material Indicators
of item items test
To measure The narrative The students can find Multiple
ability of text with the out: choice
students in titles such as :  Main idea 3&8 10
reading 1. Issumboshi  Specific 1.4 & 7
comprehensio information
n  Synonym 2&9
 Supporting idea 5&6
 Moral value 10

2. Cinderella  Main idea 16 & 18 Multiple

 Specific 12,13 & choice
information 14 10
 Synonym 11 & 15
 Supporting idea 17 & 19
 Moral value 20

3. Beauty and  Main idea 23 & 25 Multiple

the beast  Specific 21,24 & choice
information 26 10
 Synonym 27 & 28
 Supporting idea 22 & 29
 Moral value 30

4.Pinocchio  Main idea 32 & 35 Multiple

 Specific 31, 34 & choice
information 37 10
 Synonym 33 & 36
 Supporting idea 38 & 39
 Moral value 40
Total 40
6.5.2 Reliability

The test has to reliable in research. According to Fraenkel, et al (2012:147)

reliability refers to the consistency of scores or answers from one administration

of an instrument to another, and from one set of items to another. The writer uses

Kuder-Richardson Approaches to calculate the reliability.

 The formula of KR21


Fraenkel, et al(2012:156)


KR21: Kuder-Richardson Reability Cofficient

K: Number of items on the test

M: Mean of the students correct answer

SD: Standard Deviation of the set of the test scores

 The formula of Standar Deviation is as follows:

SD = Ʃ ( X −X )

SD = Standard Deviation

X = Number of Correct Answers

X = Students Mean Score

n = Number of Students

∑ = Sum Square of Students Score

6.6 Technique Analyzing Data

In analyzing the data, the writer will use paired sample t-test and

dependent sample t-test by using calculating of t-test formula. The calculation

used SPSS 23. In paired sample t-test, the writer will compare students' score in

pre-test and post-test of both experimental and control class. The independent t-

test is used in situations in which there are two experimental conditions and

different participants have been used in each condition (Field, 2009:334). Paired

sample t-test and independent t-test use to find out whether or not there are

significant different scores obtained by the students who are taught by using

visual imagery strategy and those who are not.

 The formula of paired sample t-test is as follows :

X 1−X 2

√ ( √ )( √ )
2 2
s1 s 2 s1 s2
+ −2r
n1 n1 n1 n2
(Sugiyono, 2017:197)


t = The value by which the statistical significance between two means will be


X 1 = The average of sample before treatment

X 2 = The average of sample after treatment

s 1 = Standard deviation before treatment

s 2 = Standard deviation after treatment

s1 = The variation before treatment

s22 = The variation after treatment

n1 = The number of the students before treatment

n2 = The number of the students after treatment

 The formula of independent sample t-test is as follows:

X 1 −X 2

2 2
s1 s 2
n1 n2

(Sugiyono, 2017:197)


t = The value by which the statistical significance between two means will be

X 1 = The average of sample before treatment

X 2 = The average of sample after treatment

s1 = The variance before treatment

s2 = The variance after treatment

n1 = The number of the students before treatment

n2 = The number of the students after treatment


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