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Civil engineering internship report in ethiopia

1. DEBRE TABOR UNIVERSITY FACULTY of Technology Civil Engineering Division Project Title: Final Internship Report Hosting Company: Duration of internship of Seid Ahmed Nur Ehitus PLC: 11 March, June 30th , 2009 E.C. Posted by Nahom Balcha Regd. No: ENG(R)/1499/06 Contact address: E-mail: Phone: +251-921593345 Mentor: Mr Getachew B. Site Supervisor: Ms. Jemila Mohammed Submission Date: October 6, 2010.
Presented by: Mr. Amare Debre Tabor, Ethiopia. 2. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page ii Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 STUDENT DECLARATION This is explained that I, Nahom Balcha Debre Tabor University 4th year civil engineering student Roll Nr. ENG(R)/1499/06 has completed Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC's Adamas industrial training if necessary for a four-month project semester. This report has not previously been submitted to any other
university, college or organisation for an academic, qualification, certificate, diploma or degree. I hereby guarantee that the work I have submitted will not infringe existing copyrights. I also confirm that the report has been prepared solely for my academic purposes, but not for any other purpose. It may not be used for the benefit of the organisation and/or the university counterparty. Nahom Balcha Log: .......... Approved by: Mentor: Mr. Getachew B. Signature:
............. 3. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page iii Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 RECOGNITION I use this opportunity to expand my thanks to Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC has given me an incredible practical learning experience during workouts. It was really a pleasure to be part of such an organization. First of all, I commend God the Almighty for giving this opportunity and for giving it a successful opportunity. I would like to express my deep
appreciation to all those who offered opportunities to comply with this report. Special thanks to our technical report writing and research methodology course instructor, Mr. Zeleke W, whose contribution by stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped us coordinate our project especially by writing this report. Secondly, I am no less grateful to other employees for their kind cooperation and spontaneous response. Last but not least; I express my gratitude to
my family members, teachers and friends for encouraging them to help me complete this training. Thank you all. Nahom Balcha 4. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page iv Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This final industrial internship report on the broad spectrum contains four chapters in which I have tried to explain my four months of industrial training experience with Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC. The content of all chapters is
deeply and widely discussed. The report shall be prepared and developed on the basis of the practical basis for the work work, which has been In the opening chapter.C of the 1970s, I have tried to give the company an inventive history that includes the company's mission, vision and purpose, the company's main products and end-users, the projects passed by the company have been mentioned. In this chapter, I have placed the company's overall organizational
structure and site workflow. The second chapter concerns only the general experience of traineeships I have received from the industrial training programme. This chapter of the report is fundamental and which I will present mainly. It highlights the general work I've done. The third chapter is dedicated to the general internship benefits that I have grasped in this program. The points discussed in this chapter include practical management skills, improving business
skills. The final and fourth chapters of this report have raised conclusions and recommendations. This section specifies the recommendation for the organisation and the university and the conclusion of the entire traineeship report. 5. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page v Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 INTRODUCTION I have completed four months of training Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC. I have spent most of the training on the site instead of the office
where the planned and planned projects will be carried out on site. This is a report on the internship program, which lasted four months from the beginning of March to the end of June. In particular, most of my training period has progressed to observation, alleviating the possibility of similarity and the difference between the work planned and planned and the work carried out. However, I have presented small tasks to help with projects, and self-study sessions
such as over-viewing concrete filling, performing leveling on the running part of the site, and so on. Here at this session of a five-year training program at the university I have developed theoretical skills, practical skills and socio-economic skills. I have developed a skill to communicate with a different class of employees. I have also developed skills in work ethic such as accuracy, working with others (teamwork). I am buried in the mind that the engineer must
remember municipal conditions, building bye laws, environment, financial capacity, water supply, sewerage layout, future supply, aeration, ventilation, etc. recommending a certain type of plan for each customer. 6. Final internship report DTU-CEng Page vi Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 ACRONYMS / ABBREVIATIONS B + G + X= Cellar plus Ground plus X building. E.C. = Ethiopian calendar. ETB = Ethiopian birr. G+X= Earth plus X building. PLC = private limited
company. 7. Last Practice Report DTU-CEng Page vii Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of contents Page STUDENTS
I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
v Acronyms/Abbreviations........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (vii) Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (vii) LIST OF DRAWINGS
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (ix) LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... X CHAPTER
1....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1. COMPANY
PROFILE.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC
background........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Short History of the Company
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Company mission, vision and purpose
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.2.1 Company
mission.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Company's vision............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.2.3 The company's objective
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Company's main products
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3.1.4 End-users of the Company's
3 1.5 General organisational structure................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.6 Description of labour and
equipment.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.6.1 Labour description .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.6.2 Company machinery and equipment
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.7 Company's overall workflow 7 CHAPTER
2............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8. GENERAL EXPERIENCE OF TRAINEESHIPS ....................................... 8 Introduction: Project Project 8 2.1 A brief overview of how I got into the
9 2.2 The part of the company I have been working on............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 8. Reporting by DTU-CEng Page viii Pr.
Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 2.3 For the
11 2.4 Works I have made....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.4.1 Concrete
work................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.4.2 Substructure work
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.4.3 Superstructure works
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 2.4.4
Filling works ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 2.4.5 Temporary construction work
21 2.4.6 Reinforcement ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 2.4.7
24 2.5 Major problems
25 2.6 Solutions to challenges................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 CHAPTER
3.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26 3. THE GENERAL BENEFITS I RECEIVED FROM THE PRACTICE ................................. 26
Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 3.1 Advantages of improving my practical
skills........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 3.2 Advantages of supplementing my
theoretical knowledge..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 3.3 The
benefits I have received to improve my skills in interpersonal communication. 27 3.4 Advantages of improving teamwork skills ........................... 27 3.5 Advantages of improving my management
skills.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 3.6 Benefits of understanding issues related to work
ethics............................. 28 3.7 Advantages in the field of entrepreneurial skills........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 CHAPTER 4 30 4. CONCLUSION AND
RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30 4.1 Conclusion Conclusion 30 4.2 Recommendation
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 4.2.1 Recommendation to the company
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 4.2.2 Recommendation to university ............................. 31 TECHNICAL IMPORTANCE OF TRAINEESHIPS
........................... 33 REFERENCES....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
ANNEXES....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 9. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page ix Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 DRAWING LIST Pages Figure 1.1.General organisational structure. ....................................................................... 4 Figure
1.2.Flowchart ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 2.1.Project sub-plan
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 2.2.Executive Hotel No-2 archicad. ........................................................................ Figure 2.3.Entrance card.
................................................................................. Figure 2.4.Simulation of concrete mixing. ........................................................................... 12 Figure 2.5. Ground plate concrete. ...................................................... 13 Figure 2.6.Gauge
16 Figure
18 Figure 2.8.Columns to be
shed.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Figure 2.9.Wrong
work. ...................................................................................................... 21 10. Last Internship Report DTU-CEng Page x Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 TABLE LIST Pages Table 2.1 For workflow section
11 Table 2.2 Mixing
16. Table 2.2 Time for Removing
23 11. Report on the latest practice DTU-CEng Page 1 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 CHAPTER 1 1. COMPANY PROFILE Introduction Seid Nur Construction PLC 1.1 A brief history of Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC was founded in 1984.C. The company has its title according to owner Seid Ahmed Nurnime. At this point, the company is built different buildings for the owner. Ato Seid Ahmed Nur, the owner of the company, has begun building buildings and
construction works with Italian engineer Fikadu Bantuma. At first, the company could have built the Plaza Hotel (now called the Palace Hotel), adama in the city of Kebele 09. This hotel will last about two years and cost about 800,000 birr. After that, the company continued to build four projects with every 2 million birs, such as Nur Gebeya (Kebele 19), Wulesh Giby (Kebele 20) and others since 1986 E.C. C that he had received a 6. All these jobs cost about 6
million birr. These buildings and works are owned by the company's owner, Ato Seid Ahmed Nur. Thus, the company had remained in the construction of its projects for more than 9 years. During this time, the contractor had increased its capital at a high rate. After that, the company began building buildings, the Olympic Hotel and Mereb Buildings, which are not owned by the construction company's owner in 1993 and 1994 E.C Since 1994 E.C, for about seven
years, the company had gone through a significant period of government support. During this time, the company provides police stations, meeting rooms and other government buildings that are now providing services to people almost more than five kebeles in Adama City. For the construction of these 12. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page 2 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Government buildings, the company was not profitable; it did so to support the
government in meeting the needs of society. And then, a construction company could have built the malls that are named for the joint Arada, which includes five malls like the Cherka Trade Center (G+3), and the other four similar Cherka. Each cost 2 million birr and a total of 10 million birr 2002 E.C. These shopping centres now provide services to society. At the end of 2003 E.C, Nur City Center has built a budget ETB of 21 million. Mereb Hotel (ETB's 17 million
projects) and Olympic Hotel (G+8) had been building since 2004.C. in mid.C 2005, the company has begun to build the MuluYerer Hotel (B+G+6). And also the company has had projects in various places such as 3 million birr projects in Addis Ababa city. in 2006 . C started building the Pasta and Macaroni factory in Addis Ababa, a shopping mall and eatery in Adama City, Kebele 07 and 16 respectively. The site where I was practicing my internship program is a 2
basement and a 15-story hotel called Executive Hotel Number 2, located in Kebele 09, Adama, Ethiopia. The project's client is Executive Hotel PLC. Hailegabreil Architectures and Plc. In general, the company has played a major role in the development of the state in the provision of different access. 1.2 Company mission, vision and purpose 1.2.1 Company mission  Solving national infrastructure problems such as road and housing.  play an important role in
the construction sector.  participate actively in the development of state real estate; ensure maximum customer satisfaction. In order to ensure that these objectives are achieved, it is the responsibility of the company to feel its presence in the development of the country's economy and the preservation of social values, while remaining fully in the dynamism of the business world. 13. Final Practice Report DTU-CEng Page 3 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 1.2.2 Vision
of the company  Observing an advanced, beautiful and internationally competitive country.  Active and leading player in the development of Ethiopia.  To be a very competent construction company in various construction works across the country.  Hold a license for a construction company of one class.  Work on road and water projects.  Build reliable, standard and high-quality buildings. 1.2.3 The company's objective  Infrastructure development such as
buildings, roads, etc.,  Industrial development. 1.3 The company's main products At the end of construction, the company's main product is Executive Hotel Number 2. 1.4 End users of the Company's product The company produces its products to society, such as residential, recreational, industrial and institutional structures, which are single and multi-storey buildings that meet the needs of society. In general, end users or suitors are a community or society as a
whole. 14. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page4 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 1.5 General organisational structure The number of permanent employees in the company in both the office and on the project sites is over 250 and the number of daily work varies according to the site of the project and the type of work to be carried out. For example, executive Hotel Number 2 employs up to 50 temporary staff at the project site and the business centre project owned
by Adama Steel and Nail Factory Group employs approximately 35 temporary staff. Figure 1.1.General organisational structure. The company address The company currently has its head office in Adama, Ethiopia on the 4th floor of eagle tower office number 404-408. Contact address: TEL: +251930107826 +25122589564 E-mail: General Manager Audit legal service construction electromechanical contract management and monitoring
location Coordinating quantity Surveying Site supervision Financial and Administrative Finance Department 15. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page5 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 1.6 Description of labour and equipment 1.6.1 Description of the workforce A. The project manager is the one who manages the entire project of the project sites company. On projects he explores plans before moving to the site to make themselves familiar with the structures to be
built. His task on the project site is to divide the area into managed units or sections, assigning the engineer or Forman depending on the type and work size of the work, and then allocates resources according to needs. It pays particular attention to preventing waste of materials while allocating resources. The project manager's second responsibility is to prepare meetings with different section managers for the review of timetables; assess performance, better
understand problems and solutions, recall resources, eliminate doubts, speed up plans, etc. Closer monitoring of site activity is another important task for the project manager to verify all progress according to the plan. In general, the project manager acts as a manager, planner and decision maker. B. Site Engineer Control all construction activities on site from the beginning. On construction sites, depending on the schedule given by the project manager, civil
engineer;  Establish an area,  Check the excavation and earthworks according to the specification and drawings,  Check the construction of all construction and finishing works,  Make all necessary reports to the project manager, including all activities on the site and materials used on the construction site.  Strictly follow these schedules to avoid delaying the completion of the project. C. Office Engineer Collect data from a supervisor or data collector, on the
spot, then compile and analyze this data to prepare the Payment Certificate  Monthly  Weekly 16. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page6 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 He also reports to the project manager and makes detail drawings in easy construction and give it to the reviewer, Foreman or any relevant part. Mr Foreman acts as the agent's right-hand man to perform his work on the ground, his job is to keep the work going as the agent has planned. He
often has a lot of power on the ground, and is often surprisingly capable of his long experience in construction. In many civil works, Foreman is the main person in the construction of the building. E. Store Keeper Check the quantity and type of materials entering and leaving. F. Collection of data Collection data on daily activities, including type and quantity of material used, type and number of employees involved in the specific work. In order to sum up the above
workflow, all of the above workers and machinery shall be organised under the effective management of the project manager and the project will be completed in accordance with its timetable within the agreed timeframe and within the limits of the budget for the intended purpose and for the provision of services. 1.6.2 The Company's machinery and equipment Company has filled in a variety of machines and equipment that are important for the four contractors.
These are:  3 tipper trucks  1 crusher  4 mixers  1 loader  3 pick up  More than 10 vibrator 17. Latest Practice Report DTU-CEng Page7 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 1.7 The company's overall workflow Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC's overall workflow is shown below. Accurate information about the number of employees in each company and the job description cannot be provided because of the privacy policy of such a sensitive institution and the very
high number of employees. Figure 1.2.Flowchart Project Manager Civil engineer Civil engineer Bureau engineer Administrative Secretary Data collector Quantity Meter Shop keeper General Forman Subcontractor Forman Carpenters Bar benders Daily laboratoryer Electrical Mons Mechanical Sanitary Surveyor 18. Report on the latest practice DTU-CEng Page8 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 CHAPTER 2. GENERAL PRACTICE EXPERIENCE Introduction: Project
description Internship Site: Executive Hotel No. 2; Maa+15-2Kelder; This property also has one of the top-rated locations in Kebele 09! Client:Executive Hotel PLC Consultant: Hailegabreil Consultancy PLC Initial cost: 60 million ETB figure 2.1.Project site plan. This site consisted of two blocks with the same structural integrity. Mat, combined, and isolated type of foundation was met. So they dug the soil both extensively and into pit forms. A swell resy has been
used to distinguish the blocks. 19. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page9 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Figure 2.2.Executive Hotel No-2 archicad. 2.1 At a glance, I was given a letter of application to propose that the company inherit me as an intern. This letter was prepared and posted to the internship of candidate students at the Debre Tabor University Industry Linkage Office as 3. I, my friends and my family members have provided several copies of this letter
to illegible university industry linking companies and when the opportunity for many of the applications was accepted. Proceeds from Bolo City City Government, Sunshine Real State PLC and Seid Ahmed Nur Construction 20. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page10 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 PLC were the best examples of industries that have shown readiness. My friend Tibebu Abera and my brother Getachew Balcha were the controversial nations where
they are the ones who submitted letters to Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC and Sunshine Real State PLC respectively. Although the adoption of the confirmation letter, the companies I have given, were given back to me after I started the fourth year of the academic year by email. During the first two months of the academic year, we have asked trainees to submit a letter of confirmation. By the time I had the confirmation letter and filed at DTUUIL, Sunshine
Real State PLC's. Thanks to the DTUUL Office, we have been given the opportunity to reconsider and present other alternative companies. Timely my friend Tibebu was I was able to have ahmed nur construction PLC's acceptance document, which I submitted. We were given an entrance card at the project site. Figure 2.3.Entrance card. 2.2 Part of the company I have worked in When I reach the site I ask the company supervisor and other employees of the
company to get their specific task, but they were not volunteers. Instead of giving your specific task they told me to participate in every work assignment. Therefore, it was my decision to participate in the site's work. This site consisted of two blocks with the same structural integrity. Mat, combined, and isolated type of foundation was met. So they dug the soil both extensively and into pit forms. A swell resy has been used to distinguish the blocks. 21. The final
internship report DTU-CEng Page11 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 2.3 The workflow in Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC's workflow in Executive Hotel No 2 is given in the table below. Table 2.1 Workflow dispatcher under Item number Job/ Career Total 1 Project Manager 1 2 Site engineer 3 3 Job designer 3 4 Office Engineer 3 5 Store Keeper 2 6 Guard 2 2.4 Works performed 2.4.1 Concrete works Are available for a variety of specific services for residential and
commercial construction. The concrete was made using batches in the factory, which is a fixed site. Most concrete classes have reinforced concrete C-30 (with 28 days 150mm cube crushing strength 30MPa), cast form-works and vibrated around the rod reinforcement bars. (&Form-job reinforcement bars are measured separately. 22. Final internship report DTU-CEng Page12 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Figure 2.4.Concrete mixing simulation. And concrete
tea of a special concrete type that has its own mixture ratio and lean concrete C-5 is used. After the mixing is completed at the batch factory, fresh concrete is transported with truck ing mills to the desired place. Concrete has different types of mixture added for different purposes. For example, a repair mortar is added to the concrete to make the ground bigger and avoid. 23. Final internship report DTU-CEng Page13 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Figure 2.5.Ground
under slab concrete levelling. Advantages of concrete work a. Concrete has a high compression strength compared to other building materials. B. Concrete fire and weather resistance is fair. c. The concrete construction system is more durable than any other construction system. 24. Report of the Latest Practice DTU-CEng Page14 Pr. By: Nahom B. 0 1 0 d. Concrete, like liquid material, at first, can be economically molded into an almost unlimited range of
shapes. E. The maintenance costs of concrete are very low. Weaknesses in concrete work I. Compared to other binding materials, the tensile strength of the concrete is relatively low. II. Concrete is less plastic. Iii.. The weight comparison is great compared to its strength. IV. Concrete contains soluble salts. Soluble salts cause the inflorescle. Concrete beetypes  Classes (C20, C25 and C30, etc.):-Concrete is known by its own class, marked as C15, C20, etc.,
where the letter 'M' refers to a concrete mixture and the number 15,20 is indicated by the 150mm cube of the specified pressure strength (fck) for 28 days, expressed in N/mm2.  Compression strength: - the strength of the concrete is also a quality that varies greatly for the same concrete mixture. Therefore, one representative value, called characteristic strength, is used.  Characteristic strength:- This is defined as a strength value below which a 95% probability
of achieving this value of only 5% does not achieve the same value).  Tensile strength  Resistance  Sliding:- defined as plastic deformation under load. Creep strain depends mainly on the duration of permanent loading. According to the code, the final crawl coefficient is taken as 1,6 at the time of 28 days of charging.  Contraction:- is a characteristic of volume reduction during drying and hardening, called contraction. This depends mainly on the duration of
exposure. Once this strain is prevented, it produces tensile concrete and thus concrete develops cracks.  Concrete work defects 25. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page15 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Chemical Attack Chemical Attack May occur because concrete is alkaline and chemically reactive. It can be attacked by acids; some alkalis; numerous saline solutions; and organic substances such as fermentation fluids, sugars and animal oils, in particular if
they contain vans. Seawater attacks the concrete. Crazing This is a network of very small surface cracks usually spreads across large areas or across the surface. Crazing is caused by finishing concrete to bleed water on it. Inflorescence Efflorescence is more likely to find concrete that has been available for some time. Concrete contains water-soluble salts. As the water in the interior of the concrete travels to the surface and evaporates, salts are deposited on
the surface, usually from a white stain.  The concrete mixture ingredient in the concrete mixture has three main components: A. Ordinary Portland cement: - is the most common cement used in general concrete construction when there is no contact with sulphates in the soil or groundwater. B. Water: - tap water from drinking water is used. C. Aggregates (rocks and sand)  Site quality test of the concrete ingredient  Design of concrete mixture: - is the process of
finding the proportions of the concrete mixture in relation to cement, sand and coarse aggregates. For example, a concrete mixture of 1:2:4 means that cement, fine and coarse aggregate is ratiod to 1:2:4 or the mixture contains one part of cement, two fine aggregates and four coarse aggregates. The design proportions of the concrete mixture are either by volume or The water-cement ratio is usually expressed as mass. Batch weight is used to measure materials
to achieve the right part of mixing concrete. Since the batches there are different concrete classes such as C-5, C-25, C-30, and C-35 in the place we are practicing. 26. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page16 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Table 2.2 Mixing Ratio Concrete Class Ratio Box Dimensions(cm3) Uses C-5 1:5:7 20*40*50 Lean Concrete C-25 1:2:3 18*40*50 Footing Pad, Grade Tala C-30 1:2:3 16 *40 *50 Footing Column, Plate C-35 1:2:3 13 *40*50
Reljeezole, Displacement Figure 2.6.Gauge box. Drying and pouring fresh concrete is a process by which the speed and extent of moisture loss of concrete during cement hydration is checked. Drying, wet on continuously exposed surface; avoid moisture loss. 2.4.2 Substructure Work Had been carried out when I arrived. 2.4.3 The work of the superstructure The superstructure is the part of the building which is above the ground and is called the living load. The
superstructure of the building is the part that is completely above its foundation or cellar. 40cm 50cm m 27. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page17 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Type beams: - are generally horizontal structural members that carry loads horizontally along their length into supports where loads are usually resolved into vertical forces. Beams are used to resist vertical loads, shear force and bending moments. Different types of beams can
be classified according to the type of support. Four different types of beams are: i. Just supported beam ii. Fixed beam iii. Cantilever Beam iv. Continuously supported beam i. Simply supported beam When the ends of the beam are made to rest freely supports the beam, it is called a simple (freely) supported beam. ii. Fixed beam A-beam fixed to both ends. iii. Cantilever Beam – a beam attached at one end and the other end free of charge. iv. Continuously
supported beam There are more than two support. All of the above types of stairs are built on our website. Stairway types: - Staircase or staircase is one or more flights of stairs leading from one floor to another, including landings, new poles, handrails, balus wires and additional parts. Dogged-legged Staircase This staircase consists of two straight flights with steps with direct turns between them. This staircase is very useful if the total width of the staircase
is only twice the width of the steps. 28. Final Practice Report DTU-CEng Page18 Pr. By: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Figure 2.7.Staircase. Column types: - is a structural element which pushes the mass of the structure above by pressure to the other structural elements given below. In other words, the column is a compression member. Columns are often used to support beams or arches, which have walls or Recreational flight 29. Reporting by DTU-CEng Page19 Pr.
Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Figure 2.8.Valad columns. Column types can be listed based on the material, function, shape, and structure configuration used. Material: Stone, Wood, brick, concrete, steel. Function: Construction columns, platform support columns, portico/canopy support columns, additional columns, stand-alone poles or poles, pilots, etc. Shape: solid, hollow, sewn, battered, rectangular, square, round, octagonal, hexagonal, hollow, flutes, decorative
columns such as ionic, Doric, Corinthian single-step, double-tiered, rolled shape, or built tiles, Structural configuration: brace, brace, jammed, fixed base columns, fixed base columns, long columns (based on slender) bob Plumb Catcher work Form Bracings Cravat 30. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page20 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Types Of Plate Plate: -is built to provide flat surfaces, usually horizontal, building floors, roofs, bridges, and other types
of buildings. The plate has been supported by walls, reinforced concrete beams and columns. This project has used the same rigid plate. Two types are classified according to the length and width of the normal plate: 1. One-way plate 2. Two-way plate types Wall Wall: -Wall is a structure that defines the area, carries a load, or provides shelter or security. There are many different walls. Displacement wall: - is a structural system consisting of brace panels to
combat the impact on the structure of the side load. Wind and seismic loads are the most common loads that shear walls are designed to carry. 2.4.4 Aggregates aggregates are material of coarse or medium-grained particles used in construction, including sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag, recycled concrete and geosynthesic aggregates, broad category. Aggregates are the most extracted materials in the world. Aggregates are part of composite materials such as
concrete and asphalt concrete; is a strengthening to add strength to the whole composite material. Aggregates are the most massed ingredient in making concrete (up to 70 percent). It is purchased from suppliers. 31. Report on final practice DTU-CEng Page21 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 2.4.5 Temporary works Temporary works Temporary works are defined as parts of works which enable or permit the construction, protection, support or access to permanent
works and which may or may not remain in force at the completion of the works. False work  False work is temporary work used to support the building during construction, including all necessary factories, moulding and concrete panels. It is also used to support panels and beams. Procedures  Measure the height of the space to be built on a given floor.  Drive the pound into the column and tie the string around all columns.  Check if it is water level or not. 
Prepare a vertical i.e. props and cristy.  Erect vertical support and pair them with columns using a wooden purlin.  Put soffit and sideform work, i.e. a suspended part of the beam  Attach a horizontal member called modeno with the upper edge beam form-work supported by a vertical member named ponte. Then check whether it is water level or not and give another horizontal member named firgrig between the previous horizontal member. Figure 2.9.Wrong
work. Cristy 32. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page22 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Form work Form work is a temporary building material used to mold the structure required by shape and dimensions and support it until it works hard enough to gain self-support. When the concrete is sufficiently ready and hardened, the form work is removed. The form work may be made of steel or wood material in the desired shape. Different types of construction work are
used in the construction industry on the construction site. It may be;  Plywood (wood):- Wood wood with a cross-grain structure providing a strong and reasonable economic.  Hard plate (Oil hardened):- Almost impermeable, this material gives concrete a uniform surface color but with unavoidable impact holes.  Steel or panel: - These are different dimensions and angles. Steel form-work has many advantages. For example;  It can be placed on a large
number of the surface of the box.  It has greater stiffness.  I have the opportunity to observe the construction of support pads, beams, columns, slabs, shear wall and staircase form at our project site. They use both steel and wood molding. Procedure for setting up formal works  Intermediate containers with the required dimension shall be bound along the apart design with longitudinal reinforcement strips to ensure the required clear cover  The required
dimension and angle panel is placed forward of the previously presented bulkheads. These panels are designed for s  It ensures simplicity of removal (removal)  It ensures a smooth and smooth con  both directions (back and front) in good shape.  The duration of removal of this form work depends on the type of structure to be poured, i.e. whether it is a vertical (column, mounting wall and shear wall) or horizontal (plate and beam) type. If the 24-hour period is
sufficient for a vertical structure, if it is longer (14-28 days) for horizontal structures. 33. Final practice report DTU-CEng Page23 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0  The time between dismantling concrete castings and form work depends on the development of concrete strength and the function of the formwork.  The time between casting and removing the form work depends mainly on the development of the strength of the concrete and on the function of the
formwork, which is the next minimum recommended time. In our case, we have used the next period. Table 2.2 Time of removal of mouldings Formwork Drying Time Vertical member (columns and shear) Sides of beams 1 day (24 1 day (24 hours) Beams soffit and/or tablet requisites 21 days 21 days Good form Work must meet the following requirements:  The formwork should be strong enough to carry the dead load of wet concrete placed on it safely and the
living load of men and machinery used to place concrete.  It should be practically waterproof so that it does not flush water as concrete.  The connections between the forms should be smooth so that the finished unit does not show unwanted surface irregularities.  The formwork should be reused as much tin as possible.  The formwork should not be bent, cracked and straight and strong.  On 8 December 2005, the Commission Bracing  It is used to attach
panels to your place. Without bracing s there is no way that the panels can withstand the pressure of that concrete. 34. Final Practice Report DTU-CEng Page24 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Scaffolding Scaffolding is used as a temporary staircase, and placing wooden forms used by pavement workmen. Scaffolding is built:  Steel/prop  Wood  Eucalyptus trees Intermediate containers consist of concrete which insures the reinforcing steel or rebar in reinforced
concrete structures, since the rebar is in place before the final concrete casting. The space tanks are left in place to pour to keep the strengthening in place, and to become a permanent part of the structure. 2.4.6 Reinforcement works On site is a bar shop where bar bending, cutting and making skeletons of structures such as colons, beams and plate meshes are ready then structures of skeletons are transported to the required site. The process of working on the
compound is that the engineer prints out the required structure of the bar schedule and gives the bar for Foreman then Foreman orders to prepare the bar. This was my job to control the work done on the structural drawing. There's a weakness in this department that I've observed, to be reluctant to be economical. 2.4.7 Surveying in the work of site surveying is a decisive because for example, grade and compact select material to control the levels of colons,
constructing concrete road, ditch and pit excavation, screeding, steel construction work, ditch lines, septic tanks, sanitary lines is one of the work that very much requires help with surveying work (total station and levelling) on the other hand by participating in surveying work because it touches different work types helps to collect additional skills for another work to perform. 35. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page25 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 The challenge I
have encountered in this sector was the lack of communication between I and the abisides next to me, because the compound they have in their communication words, gestures, and sign language. But gradually with the help of senior inspectors I learned local words and communicate easily. Carpentry Carpentry Carpentry includes form construction work; foundation cushion and columns, grid beam, embossing colons, plate and staircase (soffitforming),
scaffolding work (crust). Most form-work is made of Swan Zigiba wood because it is used and performed means if they used it is not possible to recycle wood. In this area, my supervisor was tasked with checking whether the drawing and the work that was done were consistent, and to check the dimensions, straightenness, connection and other quality of the work, and if there is an error, I will inform the person responsible and take corrective action. 1- Difficulty in
understanding local work words such as Linga, Crusty, Fondo, Sponda and skuadra, etc. 2. Misunderstanding and some staff were not happy to accept the recommendations of trainees. 3. The contractor has different projects in different locations, and this makes them unable to complete at the scheduled time. 2.6 Solutions to the challenges for the above-mentioned first challenge was a measure I took to ask and examine the strange words of the employee. In
this context, I was able to communicate with the staff in a short period of time. In fact, people by their nature are not happy when they have said their mistakes, even if it depends on how it is said. So I criticize them individually, and my relationship becomes smooth. 36. Final Practice Report DTU-CEng Page26 Ms. By: Nahom B. 0 1 0 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL BENEFIT I RECEIVED INTERNSHIP INTRODUCTION There were many benefits that I have received
from my internship program. Because this was my first practical experience everything was new and important to me. I mentioned the advantages of:  Practical skills  Theoretical knowledge  Interpersonal communication skills  Teamwork skills  Management skills  Work ethics issues  Business skills 3.1 Advantages of improving practical skills This program gave me many opportunities to test and improve my skills. In order to make theoretical knowledge
applicable and to make it a practical skill, there should be such an opportunity. This program helps me build and improve my confidence in construction tasks. Some of the things that help me improve my practical skills are:  Different site work is done constantly that I have learned in theoretical classes.  Theoretical lessons I take before the internship.  My motivation and ambition to know new things.  Best relationship I've ever had with the construction site
team. 3.2 The benefits I gained in terms of updating my theoretical knowledge this program helped me strengthen my theoretical knowledge. All the courses I've taken, except some of them that are focused on the theoretical part. Since practice depends first on theory, it is easy to work with a person with a good theoretical base. In addition to the that when I was 37. Final Internship Report DTU-CEng Page27 Pr. Author: Nahom B. 0 1 0 Practicing I am involved in
the theory of practical issue, so at this time it will help me to update my theoretical knowledge. In general, my theoretical knowledge could strengthen more of these practical techniques invested locally. 3.3 The advantages of improving my skills in interpersonal communication Since construction work is by nature teamwork, there are different persons with different professions and personalities to solve different problems and manage all the work, so that good
people-to-people communication is successful here. By the time I started an intern-ship program I couldn't find out how to deal with people in the workplace, so I didn't know how to communicate with different employees. It was hard for me to communicate with the staff. But later I believe that a good relationship and communication skill is the key to getting the experience and knowledge needed for the intern-ship program. On this basis I tried to change my
approach to people in the workplace and over time I became able to see the progress myself. So in conclusion I can say that I have a good lesson in terms of communication skills when my stay in the company's intern-ship program. I used to have different discussions with my friends who are intern students and staff on the site. Different ideas will be raised during the discussions. This teamwork made it easier to solve problems that arise. Therefore, it is easy for
me to improve my human-to-people communication skills. 3.4 The benefi s go so mp ov ng eam sk eamwo k s a way o success and s eng h ea ned ha as pa o he eam he eng nee shou d wo k w h a pos ve a ude w h n he g oup s success p o ec When ca ed o ead he eng nee mus have good managemen and eam p ay ng sk s The e o e y o mp ove my eam s p ay ng sk s o be a success u eng nee Con den eng nee s can
succeed by ga n ng con dence n coope a on Ove a know ha an eng nee w h a good eam p ay ng sk s has he o ow ng cha ac e s cs  Shows e ab y n he 38 h cen u y F na n e nsh p Repo DTU CEng Page28 P Au ho Nahom B 0 1 0  Commun ca es cons uc ve y  Ac ve y L s ens  Ac ve Pa c pan s  Sha es pub c y and vo un a y  Wo ks oge he and p ch o he p  Exh b s ex b y 3 5 Bene s n e ms o mp ov ng my managemen
sk s Managemen has he ab y o manage con o and mon o peop e The n e n sh p he ps me mp ove my eade sh p a en s o u u e emp oye s my ab y o wo k we w h d e en ypes o peop e and my sk s n see ng p o ec s h ough s a o n sh have seen how each emp oyee s con o ed and o gan zed o pe o m he da y ac v es Among a he o he s a s have seen ha mos mpo an have ac ua y o owed he me hod o check ng he
wo k ng me and quan y o wo k o each emp oyee so ha he wo k con nues acco d ng o he wo k p an A he momen d dn p ac ce eade sh p a a h ghe eve Howeve mee an e ec ve p o ec manage and unde s and a g ea dea o know edge abou va ous ssues such as how o ea d e en nd v dua s and how o con o gene a ac v es on he g ound Ove a n e ms o eade sh p sk s ve go a good expe ence s a so an e ec ve gu de
ea zed ha pe sona va ues such as  T us  E ec ve Commun ca on 3 6 Bene s ece ved ega d ng unde s and ng wo k e h c ssues n he n e nsh p w he p me know he va ues o wo k e h c so y o p ac ce and unde s and wo k e h c ssues du ng my n e n sh p  Accu acy means con nu ng he wo k o compan es w h he s a and end me and u ng he ask w h n a g ven me  O ce spec a s you do no have o d s u b he wo k ng
env onmen a wo k Fo examp e e a n om open ng oud vo ces oud mus c songs and h ngs ha d s u b o he emp oyees moods 39 F na n e nsh p Repo DTU CEng Page29 P Au ho Nahom B 0 1 0  Re ab y The wo ke shou d be qua ed o be a pa he shou d pe o m He mus have he app op a e sk s and know edge o he ass gned ask  Hones y Rega d ng he va ue o any emp oyee ega d ess o h s o he s a us shou d e a n om
bad behav o such as chea ng b as co up on e c  Coope a on Each emp oyee shou d commun ca e and coope a e w h each o he wh e wo k ng Th s s because s easy o so ve such sys em p ob ems 3 7 Advan ages o en ep eneu a sk s The cons uc on p o ec ma n y equ es a ge human nanc a phys ca e ma e a s and equ pmen esou ces En ep eneu sh p s de ned as human a en wh ch he ps manage hese ac o s o p oduc on such
as wo k mach ne y and cap a and akes sks o ose The unde ak ng s ob ged o es ab sh a mean ng u e a onsh p be ween he ac v y and he ns u on wh ch s c ose y nked o he p ann ng unc on Human esou ces managemen own ng a qua y wo ke s manda o y he pe son has o be p oduc ve have he e o e been ab e o unde s and ha ak ng espons b y o he sa e y and we be ng o wo ke s n wo k e a ed ac v es by p ov d ng sa e y
ea u es such as sa e y shoes and he me sand nsu ance wh ch can be suppo ed Con o o he use o equ pmen Managemen o cons uc on equ pmen he ps he pe son o p an and mon o cons uc on equ pmen n o de o  mp ove op ma use  nc ease he e c ency o p oduc v y o npu s n cons uc on p oduc s  Ha mon sa on o s anda ds and mp ovemen o he qua y o wo k  F nanc a managemen La ge sca e nanc a ows a e
ach eved h ough de a ed ma ke esea ch A shou d a so be poss b e o use we qua ed and e c en s a o p epa e con ac s and paymen s Du ng my n e n sh p expe ence have been ab e o gu e ou deas abou human esou ces managemen equ pmen use and nanc a ow and a so deve op he con dence o p ay w h my s eng h o be eve n myse and ak ng sks o my u u e ca ee 40 Repo o he La es P ac ce DTU CEng Page30 P By
Nahom B 0 1 0 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUS ON AND RECOMMENDAT ON n oduc on Th s sec on spec es he ecommenda on o he o gan sa on and he un ve s y and he conc us on o he en e n e n sh p epo 4 1 The conc us on have d awn a o n h s a ea s ha managed o app y he un ve s y s heo e ca know edge n p ac ce h ough a w de ange o ac v es asks asks have mp oved sk s such as n e pe sona s en ng p esen a on sk s
ac ng ee y a ound peop e w ng sk s accoun ng eco d ng p esen a on w ng con c eso u on o gan za ona sk s o men on on y a ew have ea ned many essons ha nc uded how o se up an accoun ng sys em how he wo k ng env onmen wo ks e c have d e en deas o d e en emp oyees o he o gan za on and a so n e ac ng w h o he n e ns om d e en un ve s es and he ped a o o know edge and expe ence n gene a h s
n e n sh p p og am has p ayed a ma o o e n p ov d ng he oppo un y o c ass oom ea n ng expe ence o nk heo e ca know edge o p ac ca wo k F na y he n e nsh p was un and he e o e s uden s a e encou aged by Deb e Tabo Un ve s y o con nue g v ng s uden s h s oppo un y o make he academ c c a m an n e nsh p w h an ndus a o gan za on 4 2 Recommenda on 4 2 1 En e p se Fac a on The managemen o Se d Ahmed Nu
Cons uc on PLC shou d pu chase mo e ac es such as compu e s veh c es n o de o enab e he company o ope a e smoo h y and o espond o a dynam c compe ve env onmen and g oba sa on Th s echno og ca deve opmen s he 41s cen u y F na n e nsh p Repo DTU CEng Page31 P Au ho Nahom B 0 1 0 a ows he o gan za on o manua y mod y compu e based me hods o p ocess ng and p ope accoun ng o documen s And veh c es
p ay a o e n p ov d ng anspo a on se v ces o company emp oyees Re ab y and g v ng mo e ca ee n e ns wou d ecommend ha you con nue g v ng n e n sh p p acemen s o as many s uden s as poss b e because some m ss h s expe ence wh ch s a so an mpo an equ emen o un ve s y G an s he o gan sa on shou d p ov de g an s o a nees n pa cu a anspo subs d es Mos s uden s s ay a om n e n sh p oca ons hus be ng on s e
and a end ng an n e n sh p p og am nc eases he cos s he e o e ecommends ha he o gan sa on ake h s ac on o mo va e a nees and a nees o p oduc v y eve n he pe o mance o he asks as an a achmen o he e d Se ous mon o ng o s a he o gan sa on shou d nc ease and ensu e g ea e mon o ng o s a n o de o wo k e ec ve y and a so e m na e s a who e ax wo k and ac ve y ac a e see ng he supe v so y au ho es Job
g ow h a so expand ng and en ch ng obs w h new y g adua ng s uden s Th s ensu es good wo k ng e a onsh ps be ween he company and he emp oyees o he M n s y o Educa on 4 2 2 Recommenda on o he un ve s y Con nuous supe v s on o s uden s he a nee ecommends ha he un ve s y mon o and supe v se s uden s on a con nuous bas s du ng a neesh p a n ng n o de o encou age hem o pe o m he du es n u and accu a e y
a so c ea es a c ose nk be ween academ c supe v so s and on s e supe v so s n o de o p omo e an app op a e assessmen o wha n e ns do n h s a ea Sa e n e nsh ps o s uden s 42 F na n e nsh p Repo DTU CEng Page32 M s Au ho Nahom B 0 1 0 Un ve s y shou d he p s uden s secu e n e n sh p pos ons acco d ng o he espec ve p og ams h ough un ve s y c pp es o a ev a e he a n ng pe ods and p even pa n om ece v ng s uden s
seek ng n e n sh p p acemen s Shou d con nue h s p og am Th s s because he ps p epa e s uden s o he ca ee s n he u u e and a so o a ow s uden s o p ac ce heo e ca know edge ga ned du ng c ass me p ac ca y a so he ps o deve op s uden s unde s and ng o wo k e h c wo k equ emen s espons b es and oppo un es The cu cu um shou d be ev ewed cou ses ha shou d be p e g ven be o e he n e n sh p p og am was no augh
and ha made us no compe e and be he s uden ha he company e es on 43 F na n e nsh p epo DTU CEng Page33 P Au ho Nahom B 0 1 0 TECHN CAL MPORTANCE OF THE TRA NEESH P The po en a bene s o ou eng nee ng a n ng among s uden s nvo ved n he eng nee ng a neesh p p og am a e  o ga n mean ng u eng nee ng expe ence o comp emen academ c esea ch  deve op a p o ess ona a ude e ec ed n he
pe o mance o du es and asks and ea n abou he mpo ance o p o ess ona sm n he ea wo d  assess he u u e emp oye  o ge mo e n e es ng and sa s ac o y obs due o he expe ence o a neesh ps  s and ou n he eyes o o he g adua e emp oye s  ea n money by ga n ng va uab e expe ence  Use he p ac ce as a bas s o he end o he ou h yea du ng he a neesh p pe od 44 Repo on he a es p ac ce DTU CEng Page34 Ms By
Nahom B 0 1 0 REFERENCES 1 Ze eke W e a 2007 E C Modu e o he echn ca epo w ng and s udy me hodo ogy cou se Deb e Tabo Un ve s y Deb e Tabo E h op a 2 Y aya T 2008 E C Cons uc on cou se modu e Deb e Nea Deb e Un ve s y Deb e Tabo E h op a 3 Esma A agaw 2005 E C F na epo on a neesh ps Un ve s y o Hawassa Hawassa E h op a 45 F na p ac ce epo DTU CEng Page35 P Au ho Nahom B 0 1 0
ANNEXES A Ob ga ons and ob ga ons o emp oyees 1 Ana s = s ands o ca pen e who pe o ms woodwo k 2 G nbegna= means masons who mason y Append x B Name and use o ma e a s on s e 1 A ma a = Conc e e cons s ng o agg ega es cemen and wa e 2 K se = S ange wh ch s used o ma n a n he s eng h o he o m wo k o keep he eve s ab e 3 Tumb = P umb Bob s used o eve ng o uses o ho d a ve ca a gnmen s uc u e ke
a co umn Co umn

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