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Manuel S. Enverga Academy Foundation Inc.

(Formerly Luzonian Academy)

Sampaloc, Quezon
(042) 555-8215

Name: Princess Edelyn Mae Principe Score: / 56

Grade 11 – Hestia Mrs. Nerissa B. Buri
Personal Development Worksheet 5
Third Quarter
TOPIC: Powers of the Mind & Mental Health and Well Being
NEEDED TO COMPLETE: February 21 – 26, 2022

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 discuss that understanding the left and right brain may help in improving one’s learning;
 explore two types of mind – mapping techniques, each suited to right brain or left brain dominant thinking
 make a plan to improve learning using left and right brain through mind – mapping activities;
 interpret the concepts of mental health ang psychological well – being in everyday observations about mental
health problem during adolescence; and
 create a plan to stay mentally healthy during adolescence.

Activity 1: Pre – Assessment: Page 50 & 59
Identify whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. (1-5)
Page 50 Page 59

Activity 2: Answer the following.
1. How to determine which side of your brain is functioning?
 It is by knowing the aspect of the abilities that we have and on when we are good at. Like
for example, we love language, analytical thinking, and logics and we are doing great on it,
it means that our left brain is the one that function. But, if we are more on creative things
and visuals that we are doing great on these things, it means that our right brain is the one
that functioning.

2. Why do people who are using left-brain are good in academics?

 It is because our left-brain is responsible for in language functions, analytical thinking, and
logics that’s why students who are using left-brain are more on into outlines, math/science,
lectures, long-reading assignments and didactic environments wherein, they are good doing
these things.

3. How do the left and the right brain may help in improving one’s learning?
 It may help by combining and helping each other functions wherein, the left
brain will help in improving the right brain functions on its weaknesses and
the right brain will help in improving the left brain functions on its
weaknesses. For example, the left brain is credited with language, and the

12 @Manuel S. Enverga Acade

Manuel S. Enverga Academy Foundation Inc.
(Formerly Luzonian Academy)
Sampaloc, Quezon
right brain helps you understand context and tone. By their connection, they
(042) 555-8215
both improve one’s learning.

4. How would you define Mental Health based on your own words?
 Through my own words, mental health is all about what people feel, think, and act in a
specific situation. It involves the emotions, changes, and the challenges that we encounter
and it resulting an action based on what we feel and it is the one that should never be
affected because it is connected to our health.

5. How can you incorporate Self- esteem with Mental Health?

 It is by knowing that the state of our self-esteem will affect our mental health wherein, if we
know our worth, we know how to love our self, we accept our flaws and we proud of
ourselves then our mental health will be in a good condition wherein, we only have positive
thoughts, feelings, actions, and decisions which is good for individual. But, if we have low
self-esteem wherein, we are shy about everything about us, we didn’t know our worth, we
are insecurity within ourselves then, our mental health will cause depression, anxiety, being
unhappy, and didn’t want to socialize.

Activity 3: Assessment Page 57 & 65
I. List at least three qualities for the left brain and right brain according to the Brain Dominance Theory
Right Brain Left Brain
a. Geared towards holistic thinking a. important in language functions
b. for creativity b. analytical thinking
c. for visuals c. tend to be logical

II. Define briefly in your own words the terms below in relation to the module discussed.
1. Social Support - it is kind of support that you get from your family, friends, lovers, classmates and in other people
wherein, you would feel their physically and emotionally comfort, care for you, love for you, and value you.
2. Mental Health – it is all about what people think, feel, act in a specific situation based on their emotionally and
physiologically state.
3. Maturity – it involves the development changes on our emotions, actions, thinking, and behavior wherein, we feel of
being matured and we adapt the changes of full advanced development within ourselves.
4. Negative self-concept – it is when we focus on our weaknesses, faults, and imperfections wherein, we always
bringing down ourselves, we said bad things about us, and we always think that it’s our fault, we have no talents,
we couldn’t do it, and we don’t have purpose.
5. Well – being – it is the state that we are comfortable, happy, and have a good health wherein, we are always happy,
satisfied, positive thinking, have self-worth, and feeling good.

III. Read the following items carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which hemisphere is responsible for the control of the right side of the body, and is the more academic and logical
side of the brain?
A. Right Hemisphere C. South Hemisphere
B. Left Hemisphere D. North Hemisphere
2. Which hemisphere is responsible for the control of the left side of the body, and is the more artistic and creative side
of the brain?
A. South Hemisphere C. Right Hemisphere
B. North Hemisphere D. Left Hemisphere
3. The following activities are Right-Brain Functions, except:
A. Right-hand control C. Imagination
B. Left-hand control D. Insight
4. The following options are Left-Brain Functions, except:

12 @Manuel S. Enverga Acade

Manuel S. Enverga Academy Foundation Inc.
(Formerly Luzonian Academy)
Sampaloc, Quezon
A. Science and Math C. Holistic thought
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B. Number Skills D. Analytic thought
5. Which of the following choices is a Right-Brain Function?
A. Logic C. Reasoning
B. Language D. Intuition
6. “Stigma” refers to:
A. A plan or treatment agreed to by patient and doctor
B. Lack of knowledge about mental health
C. Societal prejudice that can prevent people in need from speaking up or seeking help
D. Being unfair
7. Mental Health refers to:
A. Achieving a period of 12- 18 months without a psychotic episode
B. Striking a balance in all aspects of your life- social, physical, spiritual, economic, mental
C. A constant feeling of contentment
D. Emotional encounter
8. Who is likely to get a mental illness?
A. Poor, uneducated people
B. Mental illness can affect anyone, regardless of intelligence, social class, income level
C. People with stressful jobs
D. Prisoners

9. Clinical depression is:

A. Severe feelings of worthlessness, sadness and emptiness that last for several weeks and begin to interfere
with a person’s work and social life.
B. Sadness or disappointment
C. Depression brought on by frequent trips to a hospital or dental clinic
D. Stressfulness in life
10. ___________ is the most common eating disorder
A. Anorexia C. Binge eating
B. Bulimia D. Vegetarianism

I. Create a mind map from the work “THINK”. Draw your mind map using the space provided below.

Naka picture po ma’am

12 @Manuel S. Enverga Acade

Manuel S. Enverga Academy Foundation Inc.
(Formerly Luzonian Academy)
Sampaloc, Quezon
(042) 555-8215
II. Being vulnerable means being physically and / or emotionally low; these are things that makes us scared and
insecure. Think of five things that make you vulnerable and write why you feel vulnerable when being confronted by
these things.

 My face, it makes me vulnerable when it comes to my face because I insecured on how it looks like
even though I shouldn’t be because that’s the gift from god but it is the that making my self-esteem low wherein, I
prefer to be not seen by others who I consider has beautiful faces. However, I am still very thankful for having these.
 Not good in socializing, it makes me vulnerable because I am scared of being judge and mislead
by others knowing that I am typically a overthinker wherein, I cannot sleep, I cannot think properly because I want to
know why others thinks that I am a bad person, snob, and any other characteristics.
 Poor outfits, it makes me vulnerable because I am inscure of other girls like me that has a good clothes
and outfits, they always has new and branded clothes, shoes, accesories. I feel ugly and down everytime I see them
and I always tell to myself that I can achieve it to once I got a good job and financially stable.
 My future, it makes me vulnerable because I am scared on the future, I am scared to fail and cannot
achieve my goals for my parents and for myself. There’s a lot of what if, what if I cannot do it, what if I
cannot give my family a good life.
 Adulting, it makes me vulnerable because I am scared that I am not able to do the things that I do when I
was teenager, kid, and of course when I am about to leave my parents for having my own family. I am afraid to think that
one day I woke up they were not here forever, on my side, and there is no bonding.

III. Basing on your answers II, make a mind map on ways of achieving psychological well-being starting with your own
vulnerabilities. List down long-term goals and plans on how to comfort these vulnerabilities and issues in your
adolescence stage.

Nasa picture din po yung mind map

My goals and plans:
Face: Adulting Poor outfits
 Skincare enjoy every single time buy new clothes
 Make ups do what makes me happy be creative
 Sleep early experience it all have confidence
 Acceptance love my parents be contented
 A am beautiful care for my family find my style
Not socialize person: My future
 Be friendly don’t be pressured
 Be visible\ focus on my goal
 Be true I can do it
 Show your skills give all my best
 Approach them don’t compared

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