Output Process Analysis of The Peak Cell Rate Monitor Algorithm

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University of Wurzburg Institute of Computer Science Research Report Series

Output Process Analysis of the Peak Cell Rate Monitor Algorithm

F. Hubner
Report No. 75 January 1994 Institute of Computer Science, University of Wurzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Wurzburg, Federal Republic of Germany Tel.: +49/931/8885511, Fax: +49/931/8884601, e-mail: huebner@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de

The monitoring of tra c streams in ATM networks is one of the crucial actions which are performed to avoid network congestion and to be able to guarantee the users a desired grade of service. In this paper, we derive the exact cell inter-departure time distribution from the peak cell rate monitor algorithm as proposed by the CCITT (ITU-TSS) in Draft Rec. I.371 7]. For input cell streams which follow a general independent distribution, we compute the distribution of the time that is expected by the monitor algorithm to pass until the next cell arrives. This distribution is derived by a discrete-time iteration and using this distribution, the cell inter-departure time distribution is given in closed form. We present some numerical examples which show how the inter-cell distributions are altered by passing the monitor algorithm.


1 Introduction
The peak cell rate of a connection in ATM environments is, at the moment, the only parameter which is de ned by the CCITT1 for tra c and congestion control. Once a connection has negotiated its peak cell rate in the tra c contract with the ATM network, this peak cell rate must be monitored by the network to be able to guarantee the desired grade of service for all connections according to their tra c contracts. Therefore, an easyto-implement but e ective algorithm for monitoring the cell stream from a connection was proposed by the CCITT in Draft Rec. I.371 7] and was also adopted as generic cell rate algorithm (GCRA) by the ATM Forum in 3]. Both versions of the monitor algorithm, namely the virtual scheduling algorithm and the continuous-state leaky bucket, are equivalent in that sense, that the same cells are rejected/accepted. We refer in this paper only to the virtual scheduling algorithm. The peak cell rate of an ATM connection is de ned as the inverse of the minimum time between the generation instants of two cells from this connection at the TB reference point (cf. Fig. 1). If cells from one connection are generated too closely to each other, the negotiated cell rate will be exceeded and the peak cell rate monitor algorithm must detect this violation. But cells can also arrive too closely to each other at the monitor algorithm due to cell delay variation (CDV) for which the connection is not responsible. CDV can e.g. be introduced by multiplexing cells from di erent ATM connections usage parameter control (UPC) and network parameter control (NPC) functions segmentation and reassembly in the ATM adaptation layers other network and protocol functionalities The e ect that CDV virtually increases the peak cell rate of a connection must be tolerated by the monitor algorithm. Contrary to this claim, as many cells as possible, stemming from a misbehaving tra c source, must be detected and tagged/rejected by the monitor algorithm. The reference con guration for the de nition of the peak cell rate and CDV between ATM connection endpoints and the TB reference point is depicted in Fig. 1. End-to-end (based on 2-point) CDV and its measurement is de ned in CCITT Draft Rec. I.356 6]. The tra c streams from di erent connections are multiplexed together and then shaped in a proper way to reduce CDV introduced by multiplexing. A cell spacer was proposed in 5] as tra c shaper, whereas a spacing policer was proposed in 13]. It is still under discussion whether the shaping should be performed in the customer equipment (CEQ), i.e. outside the ATM network, or inside the network.
CCITT is renamed International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-TSS)

CDV Tolerance Traffic Source 1 Connection MUX Endpoints Traffic Source N Shaper PHY SAP Physical Layer Functions Other CEQ 1/T Functionalities UPC Generating S T B B CDV

ATM Layer

Physical Layer

Equivalent Terminal

Figure 1: Reference con guration from CCITT Draft Rec. I.371. But after the tra c shaping, CDV is introduced between the physical layer service access point (PHY SAP) and the TB reference point. The peak cell rate monitor algorithm is part of the UPC functions which are performed after the TB reference point. Thus, the output from the monitor algorithm constitutes the tra c stream which enters the ATM network. Therefore, it is of interest to know how the output from the monitor algorithm looks like, or how the monitor algorithm alters the cell streams by rejecting some of the cells. As pointed out above, there exists a contradiction between the claims to tolerate CDV and to detect cells from misbehaving tra c sources. Therefore, the parameters of the monitor algorithm must be chosen in a way to ful ll both claims in a best manner. In a previous paper 8] we have derived the exact cell rejection probability of the monitor algorithm. In contrast to other published dimensioning studies we took general independent (GI ) cell inter-arrival time distributions into account. This enabled us to consider also complex tra c scenarios at the connection endpoints (cf. Fig. 1). In this paper we make use of the analysis presented in 8] and derive the exact cell inter-departure time distributions of GI cell streams which are monitored by the peak cell rate algorithm. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we derive the cell inter-departure time distribution. In Subsection 2.1 the virtual scheduling algorithm is described. The distribution of the number of slots that are expected until a new cell arrival at the monitor is derived in Subsection 2.2. Using this distribution, the exact cell rejection probability and, in Subsection 2.3, the exact cell inter-departure time distribution are given. Some numerical results are presented in Subsection 2.4 and Section 3 concludes the paper and gives an outlook on further studies.

2 Analysis of the peak cell rate monitor algorithm

2.1 Description of the algorithm
The peak cell rate monitor algorithm is, as mentioned earlier, described in two versions in CCITT Draft Rec. I.371 7]. We refer here to the virtual scheduling algorithm. As described in 3], the algorithm can also be used to monitor the sustainable cell rate together with the corresponding burst tolerance. In this paper, we restrict ourselves to the monitoring of the peak cell rate of an ATM connection. As mentioned already, the peak cell rate is de ned as the inverse of the minimum inter-arrival time T of two ATM cells. Thus, the time di erence between two cell arrivals (at the reference point at which the monitor algorithm is employed) shall not be smaller than T . The CDV is taken into account by the CDV tolerance . The time instant at which the next cell is expected to arrive is called theoretical arrival time (TAT). A owchart of the peak cell rate monitor algorithm is shown in Fig. 2.
cell arrival at time t


TAT < t ?


compliant cell (1) TAT:=t+T no

TAT > t + ?


compliant cell (2) TAT:=TAT+T

non-compliant cell (3)

Figure 2: Virtual scheduling algorithm for peak cell rate monitoring. The monitor algorithm determines if a cell arrives too closely to the last cell (indicating that the ATM connection generates cells with a rate higher than the negotiated rate) or not. The time instant at which a cell actually arrives is denoted by t. Clearly, the TAT for the rst monitored cell is set to its arrival time. Three cases can be distinguished: 1. If a cell arrives later than its TAT, the connection generates cells with a rate smaller than the peak cell rate. Therefore, the cell is accepted (case (1)) and the TAT for the next cell is set to t + T , i.e. the late arrival of this cell does not allow for an earlier arrival of the next cell. 3

2. If a cell arrives before its TAT but not before TAT- , the cell arrives too early but within the allowed CDV tolerance. Therefore, the cell is also accepted (case (2)) but the TAT of the next cell is set to TAT+T. 3. If a cell is generated before the time instant TAT- , the cell is recognized as a noncompliant cell (case (3)) and is rejected2 . The TAT for the next cell is not modi ed in this case. The aim of the next subsections is to provide an exact and numerically tractable analysis of the inter-cell distribution for tra c streams which have passed the monitor algorithm.

2.2 Basic analysis

We derive an iterative algorithm to determine the exact cell inter-departure time distribution from the peak cell rate monitor algorithm, if the cell inter-arrival time distribution follows a GI distribution. As appropriate for ATM environments, time is discretized into slots of cell duration length. Since cells from a compliant tra c source are spaced normally by at least T (slots), we consider the number of slots until a new cell is expected to arrive and use for this the time-dependent random variable Z (and its variants Z ; and Z +). The following speci c notation is used:
; Zn discrete random variable just before the arrival instant of cell n for the number of slots cell n was expected to arrive later. + Zn discrete random variable just after the arrival instant of cell n for the number of slots until cell n + 1 is expected to arrive. An discrete random variable for the number of slots between the generation instants of cells n ; 1 and n. ; + The distributions of the discrete-time random variables Zn , Zn , and An are denoted ; (k), z + (k), and an (k) respectively. If the cell arrival process is a renewal process, by zn n the distributions an(k) are identical and independent of n. Therefore, we simply use a(k) to denote the cell inter-arrival time distribution. It should be pointed out, that the analysis which is presented in the following allows also to consider non-renewal cell arrival ; + processes. An example evolution for the random variables Zn and Zn is shown in Fig. 3. + + Since Zn represents the number of slots until the next cell is expected to arrive, Zn is decreased by one each slot if it has a positive value. The number of slots until arrival of + cell number n + 1 is An+1 . Each accepted cell increases Zn by T according to the peak ; cell rate monitor algorithm (cf. cases (1) and (2) in Fig. 2). If Zn+1 is zero at the arrival instant of cell n + 1 (cf. Fig. 3), the expected time between the arrival instants of cells n and n + 1 has expired and cell n + 1 is accepted. The gray shaded regions in Fig. 3 denote

Cells which are identi ed as non-compliant cells can optionally be tagged or rejected (see 7]). We consider here only the case of cell rejection.

Z T+ T

arrival of cell n A n+1



non-compliant cell

T Z - Z+ n n Zn+1

time (in slots)

; + Figure 3: Zn and Zn process example for < T .

the time periods in which cells are accepted due to the CDV tolerance (e.g. cell n + 2 in ; Fig. 3). The gray shaded regions begin when Zn reaches the value . A cell generation at the beginning of the gray shaded regions can therefore lead to the maximum value of + ; T + for Zn . Cells which arrive at time instants with Zn > (i.e. before the gray shaded regions in Fig. 3 begin) are recognized as non-compliant cells. In the following, we propose an iterative algorithm for the computation of the distributions ; + of Zn and Zn if the cell generation process follows a general distribution. Using z; (k), ; the equilibrium state distribution of Zn , the exact cell rejection and inter-departure time distribution can be derived. The algorithm is based on the algorithm for the computation of the system size distribution in the G X ]=D=1 ; S queueing system proposed by TranGia and Ahmadi in 11]. Applications of this type of algorithm for the analysis of tra c models in UPC context can e.g. be found in 8], 9], and 12]. ; + Zn+1 is given using Zn by
; + Zn+1 = maxf0 Zn ; An+1 g:


+ This eqn. is driven by the decrease of Zn by one each slot until it reaches zero. Zn is ; determined by Zn in the following way: + Zn

; Zn ;+T Z

; Zn ; Zn

+1 : 5


The rst case corresponds to the arrival of a non-compliant cell (rejection) whereas the ; second case corresponds to the arrival of a compliant cell (increase of Zn by T ). According ; is given by to eqn.(1), the distribution for Zn+1
; + zn+1(k) = 0 (zn (k) an+1(;k)) 0 k T +


where denotes the discrete convolution operation and 0(z(k)) is de ned by

8 > k<0 > P0 < 0 z(i) k = 0 : 0 (z (k)) = > > i=;1 : z(k) k > 0
+ If < T , the distribution for Zn is given according to eqn.(2) by


8 > 0 0 k < + (k ) = ; zn (k) +1 k T ;1 : zn > ; : z (k) + z; (k ; T ) T k T + n n



+ T , zn (k) is determined in di erence to eqn.(5) by

8 > 0 0 k T ;1 < + (k ) = ; (k ; T ) zn T k : > ; zn : z (k ; T ) + z; (k) + 1 k +T n n


Using alternatingly eqns.(3) and (5) for < T and eqns.(3) and (6) for equilibrium state distributions z; (k) and z+ (k) are derived by iteration as
; z; (k) = nlim zn (k) !1

T , the


+ z+(k) = nlim zn (k): !1

We derive the complete distribution z; (k) by the iterative algorithm, i.e. we determine the probabilities that the expected time until the next cell arrival is still k slots (0 k T + ) at the time instant of a cell arrival. The rejection probability pr , i.e. the probability to observe a non-compliant cell, (cf. case (3) in Fig. 2) is simply given by

pr =

k= +1

+T X ; z (k):


This part of the analysis has been already presented in 8], but we revised it here, since the results are required for the analysis of the cell inter-departure time distribution in the following subsection. 6

2.3 Inter-departure time distribution

The exact cell inter-departure time distribution d(k) can be derived using z; (k) in closed form. Since cells are not delayed by the peak cell rate monitor algorithm, the departure process is the same as the arrival process if no cells are rejected. The peak cell rate algorithm monitors streams of cells belonging to one speci c ATM connection at the TB reference point (cf. Fig. 1). Therefore, cells arrive one behind the other and no batch arrivals have to be taken into account. The probability that an inter-arrival time of zero occurs is therefore zero (a(0) = 0) and we consider here only inter-arrival time distributions with this property. To derive the cell inter-departure time distribution, we consider a time instant at which a cell is accepted and determine how many slots pass by until the next cell is accepted. To make the steps in the analysis more clear, we depict in Fig. 4 an example scenario.
Zn n cell arrivals

T+ T+j T

j Zn time (in slots) T+j- cell departures

Figure 4: Cell departure scenario for < T .

; We assume that cell n arrives at a time instant with Zn = j and is therefore accepted. + takes on value T + j and the next cell can be accepted at the earliest T + j ; Then Zn slots later. All cells arriving within the T + j ; ; 1 slots immediately after cell n are rejected and do not occur in the departure process. The rst cell which arrives T + j ; or more slots after cell n determines the inter-departure time between cell n and itself. Inter-departure times must be at least T ; slots for < T , since this is the shortest period of time in which two cells can be accepted by the peak cell rate monitor algorithm.


T the shortest inter-departure time is one slot. Therefore, it follows that d(k) = 0
for 0 k

maxf0 T ;

; 1g: ; 1g

(9) slots is

The probability that the cell inter-departure time equals k > maxf0 T ; given by:

d(k) =


; P fcell n sees Zn = j jcell n is acceptedg

P fsum of inter-arrival times of rejected cells and of next accepted cell = kg: (10)
Since z; (k) denotes the equilibrium state distribution at cell arrival instants, the proba; bility that an accepted cell (with no. n) sees Zn = j is 1 ; P fcell n sees Zn = j jcell n is acceptedg = z; (j ) 1 ; p r for 0 j


For the derivation of the probability, that the sum of the inter-arrival times of possibly rejected cells and of the next accepted cell equals k slots, two di erent cases must be distinguished: 1. No cell is rejected. Then, the inter-arrival time between both accepted cells must be exactly k slots. 2. One or more cells are rejected. Cells are rejected within k ; i slots after arrival of cell n and the time between the last rejected and the subsequent accepted cell equals i slots. By discrete convolution of a(k) with itself (m times), the distribution (k) for an arbitrary number of cell arrivals within k slots is given by: (k ) =
m=1 |

1 X

a(k) :{z: a(k} : : )



Since a(0) = 0 is valid, at most k cells can arrive within k slots and therefore, it is su cient to stop the summation in eqn.(12) at m = k: (k ) =
m=1 | k X

a(k) :{z: a(k) : : }



; The shortest inter-departure time after an accepted cell which has seen Zn = j is T + j ; . Therefore, k T + j ; or, equivalently, j k + ; T must be valid, i.e. that j is upper bounded by minf k + ; T g. According to Fig. 4, the rejected arrivals must take place within the T + j ; ; 1 slots after the arrival of cell n. If the sum of interarrival times of rejected cells shall equal k ; i slots, 1 k ; i T + j ; ; 1 or, equivalently, k ; j + 1 ; T + i k ; 1 must be valid. Thus, inter-departure times with k > maxf0 T ; ; 1g occur according to eqns. (10) - (12) with probabilities:

d(k) = 1 ; p

minf X ;T g k+ r j =0

2 z; (j ) 4a(k) +

k;1 X i=k;j +1;T +

3 (k ; i) a(i)5 :


2.4 Numerical results

Some numerical examples for cell inter-departure time distributions can be seen in Figs. 5 and 6. For the cell inter-arrival time, we use a geometric distribution which is shifted by one to make sure that no batch arrivals can occur. In general, any GI distribution or distribution which is derived by any form of measurement (e.g. from a simulation) could be used for a(k). The cumulative arrival time distributions are shown in both Figs. by the curves with the "+" symbols. The peak cell rate monitor algorithm parameters are T = 10 and is varied (both cases T and T are considered). As expected, the probabilities for inter-departure times smaller than maxfT ; 0g slots are zero in both Figs. In Fig. 5 the mean cell inter-arrival time is E A] = 15 slots, i.e. larger than expected by the peak cell rate monitor algorithm. Thus, most of the cells are accepted as compliant cells. It can be observed that the curves for cell inter-arrival and inter-departure time distributions become more similar as is increased. For ! 1 both curves coincide, since the cell rejection probability is zero in this case. In Fig. 6 the mean cell inter-arrival time is E A] = 5 slots, i.e. smaller than expected by the peak cell rate monitor algorithm. Such tra c streams are generated by connections which do not comply with their tra c contract. Therefore, some cells are rejected and, contrary to the former example, a signi cant di erence between arrival and departure time distributions remains, no matter how large is chosen. The curve for = 200 shows almost no di erence to the curve for = 20 and can be seen as a limiting distribution. The cell rejection probability decreases with increasing , but is lower bounded by pr = (T ; E A])=T , i.e. in this example by pr = 0:5. We can learn from Fig. 5, that the investigated monitor algorithm is able to tolerate the e ect of CDV, which is not introduced by the tra c source itself, if is chosen large enough. On the other hand, choosing "too large" allows for the generation of some back-to-back cells which pass the monitor algorithm. Such back-to-back cells are one of the major sources of network congestion and it should be therefore avoided to send them to the ATM network. A characteristic of cell inter-departure time distributions from the monitor algorithm is that the minimum inter-cell time is T ; if a numerical value smaller than T is chosen for (cf. Figs. 5 and 6). Therefore, the peak cell rate monitor 9

cumulative distribution function







+ +++++++ + ++++++ ++ + ++++ +++ + ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ + + + + + =20 + + + =5 + + + + =0 + + 0 10 20 30 40 50 inter-departure time

Figure 5: Mean cell inter-arrival time larger than T .

cumulative distribution function 1.0 ++++ +++ ++ + + + + + =200 + =20 =5 + + 0.2 + ++++ ++++++++





0.0 + 0 5 10





inter-departure time

Figure 6: Mean cell inter-arrival time smaller than T . 10

algorithm is able to provide some kind of spacing functionality if < T is valid. Fig. 6 shows that there is a remarkable di erence between inter-arrival and inter-departure time distributions if cell streams which originate from a misbehaving tra c source pass through the monitor algorithm. It should be noted that the numerical values for T and are chosen in the presented examples to demonstrate some basic e ects. It constitutes no complexity problem to take into account more realistic values, e.g. T = 200 and = 200.

3 Concluding remarks and outlook

We derived the exact cell inter-departure time distribution from the peak cell rate monitor algorithm in closed form. The distribution for the expected time until the next cell arrival at the monitor was used and this distribution has been computed by a discretetime iteration. The cell streams, which are subject to monitoring, must follow a GI distribution and the numerical results have shown how these cell streams are altered by the monitor algorithm. Departing cell streams have the nice property, that a minimum inter-cell distance of T ; slots exists, as long as < T is chosen. In future studies, the end-to-end CDV according to CCITT Draft Rec. I.356 6] will be investigated. It is still under discussion whether the peak cell rate monitor algorithm should be also applied inside the ATM network or at the receiving site of an ATM connection, i.e. after the ATM network has been passed by the tra c streams. The presented analysis of the monitor algorithm at the entrance of the ATM network at the TB reference point will serve as a basis for future studies. Since the tra c from a speci c ATM connection passes several multiplexing facilities inside the network, studies dealing with the interdeparture time distributions of queues with general input and some kind of interfering tra c as proposed in 1], 2], 4], 10] could be taken into account.

The author would like to thank Prof. P. Tran-Gia and M. Ritter for proof-reading the manuscript.



1] M. D'Ambrosio, R. Melen, On the Modi cation of the Cell Streams within an ATM Network, COST3 242, Technical Document (93)005. 2] M. D'Ambrosio, R. Melen, On the Limit Behaviour of the ATM Tra c within a Network, IBCN&S, Copenhagen, April 1993, paper #23.1. 3] ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface Speci cation, Version 3.0, September 1993. 4] J.L. van den Berg, J.A.C. Resing, Cell Level Performance Analysis of ATM MultiService Networks: Tandem Queues with Crossing Interference, COST 242, Technical Document (92)040. 5] P. Boyer, F.M. Guillemin, M.J. Servel, J.-P. Coudreuse, Spacing Cells Protects and Enhances Utilization of ATM Network Links, IEEE Network Magazine, Vol.6, No.5, September 1992, pp.38-49. 6] CCITT Draft Recommendation I.356, B-ISDN ATM Layer Cell Transfer Performance, March 1993. 7] CCITT Draft Recommendation I.371, Tra c Control and Congestion Control in B-ISDN, June 1992. 8] F. Hubner, Dimensioning of a Peak Cell Rate Monitor Algorithm Using DiscreteTime Analysis, University of Wurzburg, Institute of Computer Science Research Report Series, Report No.59, March 1993 (to appear in Proc. of ITC-14, Antibes, France, June 1994). 9] F. Hubner, P. Tran-Gia A Discrete-Time Analysis of Cell Spacing in ATM Systems, University of Wurzburg, Institute of Computer Science Research Report Series, Report No.66, June 1993 (also available as COST 242, Technical Document (93)036). 10] Y. Ohba, M. Murata, H. Miyahara, Analysis of Interdeparture Processes for Bursty Tra c in ATM Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 9, No. 3, April 1991, pp. 468-476. 11] P. Tran-Gia, H. Ahmadi, Analysis of a Discrete-Time G x]=D=1;S Queueing System with Applications in Packet-Switching Systems, INFOCOM 1988, pp.861-870. 12] P. Tran-Gia, Discrete-time analysis technique and application to usage parameter control modelling in ATM systems, 8th Australian Teletra c Research Seminar, Melbourne, December 1993. 13] E. Wallmeier, T. Worster, The Spacing Policer, an Algorithm for E cient Peak Bit Rate Control in ATM Networks, ISS 14, October 1992, paper A5.5.

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Institut fur Informatik Universitat Wurzburg

Verantwortlich: Die Vorstande des Institutes fur Informatik. 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] 7] 8] 9] 10] 11] 12] 13] 14] 15] 16] 17] 18] 19] 20] 21] 22] 23] 24] 25] 26] 27] 28] 29] 30] K. Wagner. Bounded query classes. Februar 1989. P. Tran-Gia. Application of the discrete transforms in performance modeling and analysis. Februar 1989. U. Hertrampf. Relations among mod-classes. Februar 1989. K. W. Wagner. Number-of-query hierarchies. Februar 1989. E. W. Allender. A note on the power of threshold circuits. Juli 1989. P. Tran-Gia und Th. Stock. Approximate performance analysis of the DQDB access protocol. August 1989. M. Kowaluk und K. W. Wagner. Die Vektor-Sprache: Einfachste Mittel zur kompakten Beschreibung endlicher Objekte. August 1989. M. Kowaluk und K. W. Wagner. Vektor-Reduzierbarkeit. August 1989. K. W. Wagner (Herausgeber). 9. Workshop uber Komplexitatstheorie, e ziente Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen. November 1989. R. Gutbrod. A transformation system for chain code picture languages: Properties and algorithms. Januar 1990. Th. Stock und P. Tran-Gia. A discrete-time analysis of the DQDB access protocol with general input tra c. Februar 1990. E. W. Allender und U. Hertrampf. On the power of uniform families of constant depth threshold circuits. Februar 1990. G. Buntrock, L. A. Hemachandra und D. Siefkes. Using inductive counting to simulate nondeterministic computation. April 1990. F. Hubner. Analysis of a nite capacity a synchronous multiplexer with periodic sources. Juli 1990. G. Buntrock, C. Damm, U. Hertrampf und C. Meinel. Structure and importance of logspace-MOD-classes. Juli 1990. H. Gold und P. Tran-Gia. Performance analysis of a batch service queue arising out of manufacturing systems modeling. Juli 1990. F. Hubner und P. Tran-Gia. Quasi-stationary analysis of a nite capacity asynchronous multiplexer with modulated deterministic input. Juli 1990. U. Huckenbeck. Complexity and approximation theoretical properties of rational functions which map two intervals into two other ones. August 1990. P. Tran-Gia. Analysis of polling systems with general input process and nite capacity. August 1990. C. Friedewald, A. Hieronymus und B. Menzel. WUMPS Wurzburger message passing system. Oktober 1990. R. V. Book. On random oracle separations. November 1990. Th. Stock. In uences of multiple priorities on DQDB protocol performance. November 1990. P. Tran-Gia und R. Dittmann. Performance analysis of the CRM a-protocol in high-speed networks. Dezember 1990. C. Wrathall. Con uence of one-rule Thue systems. O. Gihr und P. Tran-Gia. A layered description of ATM cell tra c streams and correlation analysis. Januar 1991. H. Gold und F. Hubner. Multi server batch service systems in push and pull operating mode | a performance comparison. Juni 1991. H. Gold und H. Grob. Performance analysis of a batch service system operating in pull mode. Juli 1991. U. Hertrampf. Locally de nable acceptance types|the three valued case. Juli 1991. U. Hertrampf. Locally de nable acceptance types for polynomial time machines. Juli 1991. Th. Fritsch und W. Mandel. Communication network routing using neural nets { numerical aspects and alternative approaches. Juli 1991.



31] H. Vollmer und K. W. Wagner. Classes of counting functions and complexity theoretic operators. August 1991. 32] R. V. Book, J. H. Lutz und K. W. Wagner. On complexity classes and algorithmically random languages. August 1991. 33] F. Hubner. Queueing analysis of resource dispatching and scheduling in multi-media systems. September 1991. 34] H. Gold und G. Bleckert. Analysis of a batch service system with two heterogeneous servers. September 1991. 35] H. Vollmer und K. W. Wagner. Complexity of functions versus complexity of sets. Oktober 1991. 36] F. Hubner. Discrete-time analysis of the output process of an atm multiplexer with periodic input. November 1991. 37] P. Tran-Gia und O. Gropp. Structure and performance of neural nets in broadband system admission control. November 1991. 38] G. Buntrock und K. Lorys. On growing context-sensitive languages. Januar 1992. 39] K. W. Wagner. Alternating machines using partially de ned \AND" and \OR". Januar 1992. 40] F. Hubner und P. Tran-Gia. An analysis of multi-service systems with trunk reservation mechanisms. April 1992. 41] U. Huckenbeck. On a generalization of the bellman-ford-algorithm for acyclic graphs. Mai 1992. 42] U. Huckenbeck. Cost-bounded paths in networks of pipes with valves. Mai 1992. 43] F. Hubner. Autocorrelation and power density spectrum of atm multiplexer output processes. September 1992. 44] F. Hubner und M. Ritter. Multi-service broadband systems with CBR and VBR input tra c. Oktober 1992. 45] M. Mittler und P. Tran-Gia. Performance of a neural net scheduler used in packet switching interconnection networks. Oktober 1992. 46] M. Kowaluk und K. W. Wagner. Vector language: Simple description of hard instances. Oktober 1992. 47] B. Menzel und J. Wol von Gudenberg. Kommentierte Syntaxdiagramme fur C++. November 1992. 48] D. Emme. A kernel for funtions de nable classes and its relations to lowness. November 1992. 49] S. Ohring. On dynamic and modular embeddings into hyper de Bruijn networks. November 1992. 50] K. Poeck und M. Tins. An intelligent tutoring system for classi cation problem solving. November 1992. 51] K. Poeck und F. Puppe. COKE: E cient solving of complex assignment problems with the propose-and-exchange method. November 1992. 52] Th. Fritsch, M. Mittler und P. Tran-Gia. Arti cial neural net applications in telecommunication systems. Dezember 1992. 53] H. Vollmer und K. W. Wagner. The complexity of nding middle elements. Januar 1993. 54] O. Gihr, H. Gold und S. Heilmann. Analysis of machine breakdown models. Januar 1993. 55] S. Ohring. Optimal dynamic embeddings of arbitrary trees in de Bruijn networks. Februar 1993. 56] M. Mittler. Analysis of two nite queues coupled by a triggering scheduler. Marz 1993. 57] J. Albert, F. Duckstein, M. Lautner und B. Menzel. Message-passing auf transputer-systemen. Marz 1993. 58] Th. Stock und P. Tran-Gia. Basic concepts and performance of high-speed protocols. Marz 1993. 59] F. Hubner. Dimensioning of a peak cell rate monitor algorithm using discrete-time analysis. Marz 1993. 60] G. Buntrock und K. Lorys. The variable membership problem: Succinctness versus complexity. April 1993. 61] H. Gold und B. Frotschl. Performance analysis of a batch service system working with a combined push/pull control. April 1993. 62] H. Vollmer. On di erent reducibility notions for function classes. April 1993. 63] S. Ohring und S. K. Das. Folded Petersen Cube Networks: New Competitors for the Hyepercubes. Mai 1993. 64] S. Ohring und S. K. Das. Incomplete Hypercubes: Embeddings of Tree-Related Networks. Mai 1993. 65] S. Ohring und S. K. Das. Mapping Dynamic Data and Algorithm Structures on Product Networks. Mai 1993. 66] F. Hubner und P. Tran-Gia. A Discrete-Time Analysis of Cell Spacing in ATM Systems. Juni 1993. 67] R. Dittmann und F. Hubner. Discrete-Time Analysis of a Cyclic Service System with Gated Limited Service. Juni 1993. 68] M. Frisch und K. Jucht. Pascalli-P. August 1993. 69] G. Buntrock. Growing Context-Sensitive Languages and Automata. September 1993. 70] S. Ohring und S. K. Das. Embeddings of Tree-Related Topologies in Hyper Petersen Networks. Oktober 1993.


71] S. Ohring und S. K. Das. Optimal Communication Primitives on the Folded Petersen Networks. Oktober 1993. 72] O. Rose und M. R. Frater. A Comparison of Models for VBR Video Tra c Sources in B-ISDN. Oktober 1993. 73] M. Mittler und N. Gerlich. Reducing the Variance of Sojourn Times in Queueing Networks with Overtaking. November 1993. 74] P. Tran-Gia. Discrete-Time Analysis Technique and Application to Usage Parameter Control Modelling in ATM Systems. November 1993. 75] F. Hubner. Output Process Analysis of the Peak Cell Rate Monitor Algorithm. January 1994.


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