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2020G.c Academic Year STAY HOME Online Recourse

Write True if the statement is correct or FALSE if not

1. Climate makes the tropical zone different from the temperate zone.

2. Mediterranean region is a high latitude region of the earth that is covered with ice.

3. Coniferous forest region ( Taiga) lies between 55 degree North and 70 degree North

4. Rural settlement refers to town or city settlement. 5.Censuses are the main source of poon


6. Ethiopia lies in a zone of maximum insulation where every place has overhead sun twice a year.

7. The major economic activities found in the hot desert are lumbering and hunting and

8. Trans humanse is the practice among pastoral farmers moving their herds ad flocks between
two regions

9.Double entry and periodicity are factors affecting the quality of data.

10.Vital registration collects information only from a part of the whole poon.

Choose the correct answer.

11. A part of the eart's surface which has similar physical and similar human activities is known as

A.spatial C.region. D.globe

12. How many division has the tropical region?

A.Two. B.Three C.Four. D.Five

13. Which one is not included among mammals and arboreal animals in equatorial forest.

a. Alligator. B.Bats. C.Squirrel. D.Apes

14. Equatorial rain forest region has uniformly high temperature with rainfall .

A.‹500mm. B.500mm_1500mm. C.1000mm_1500mm. D.1500_2500mm

15. Temperature from 20 degree_30 degree in Ethiopia climate is for .

A.Be re ha. Bwoinadega. C.Kolla. D.Sega

16. Identify the elevation of kola region in Ethiopia.

A.0_100masl. C.500m_1500masl

B.2300m_3000masl. D.above3000masl

17. Which of the following is the characteristics of highlands of Ethiopia.

a. Account haif of the total Area

b. B.experience cool climate and adequate rainfall

c. Iocate above 1000m

D.All of the above

18. Which one of the following is biotic factor?

a. Animal. B.Sunlight. C.Air D.Soi

19. Interms of the objectives of the environment policy which one of the following counties is
different from the others?

a. England. B.Ethiopia. C.France. D.Netherland

20.Which of the following type of environment consists of non-living substance?

A.Biotic environment. C.A biotic environment

B.Physical environment. D.Social environment

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