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MINERVA BERNARDINO (feminist leader)

Women who shaped the universaldeclaration As Eleanor Roosevelt is leading a role as

Chairperson of the drafting committee of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, other
Eleanor Roosevelt (First lady
women also played essential parts in shaping the
of the United States of America
document. Minerva Bernardino was one of them.
from 1933 to 1945 )
She's a great feminist leader who kept arguing for
Eleanor Roosevelt served as the first inclusion of “the equality of men and women”
Chairperson of the Commission on with other Latin American women. She had also
Human Rights and played an essential played a crucial role in advocating for the
role in drafting the Universal inclusion of women’s rights and non-
Declaration of Human Rights. discrimination based on sex in the United
Nations Charter. EVDOKIA URALOVA
Evdokia Uralova was a rapporteur of the
Hansa Mehta-All human beings are
born free and equal
Commission on the Status of Women to
the Commission on Human Rights. She
Hansa Mehta was fighting for women's strongly contended for equal pay for
rights in India and abroad, she changed women. Her efforts made this statement
the phrase that was super important to true - "Everyone has the right to equal pay
human rights which is 'All men are born for equal work, without any
free and equal' to 'all human beings are discrimination."
born free and equal'
Diary (Excerpts) (1943)
Leaving the Christmas Island

According to her diary on 20 August 1943. When she just
left Christmas Island, she shared her experience on According to her diary on 20 August 1943. When she just
airplane: The head transport sergeant took her to left Christmas Island, she shared her experience on air One
breakfast in the air transport boys' mess; And later on, of the important memory she remembered from
she introduced about the island-- Bora Bora. The Colonel Guadalcanal is her visit to the cemetery. she was impressed
and others have built airfield and they were pretty busy by those symbols which have special meanings for them. It
at that time, so on one have left for a long time. was very moving for her to walk among the graves and
realize how united these boys had been in spite of
Arrived at Samoa island differences in religion and background.
When she arrived at Samoa island, One major problem
she discovered is that there is not a victrola that can be
used, and no needles. Eleanor Roosevelt also noticed
that there is no place for them to sleep for night, to write
a letter or to play game. Furthermore, she thinks It's
unbelievable how young some of these boys are, but the
responsibility of war matures them quickly.

Eleanor Roosevelt broke the mold of what a First Lady could be

Eleanor Roosevelt support and advocate for Eleanor Roosevelt decided to forge a new role all her own.
refugees during World War II and pushing She established a precedent at the White House by calling
for policies to help the poor and homeless weekly press conferences with women journalists.
people, what they've done helped to set the During the Great Depression in the 1930s, Eleanor pushed
stage for her later work. Eleanor Roosevelt for policies that would help women, children, and the poor
had already been pushing boundaries for cope with the unprecedented economic downturn. She also
years. She redefined what a president’s wife pushed for more jobs for women in the White House and
could do for her country and who became a forged connections with the press corps.
beloved figure for a nation fighting the Great
Depression and the Second World War. AN EARLY LIFE OF PRIVILEGE AND PUBLIC


She grew up in a world of wealth and privilege in New York. But
her childhood was marked by tragedy: both of her parents died
She formed a committee to help refugee children enter the when she was youn, then Eleanor was raised by her maternal
U.S. with the help of temporary visitor visas. Currently, grandmother, who kept her relatively isolated.However,
people remembered her not just because she broke the education brought a teenaged Eleanor out of her shell and
restrictive First Lady mold, but also used her outsized helped her became who she is today. She learned social ease
influence to raise awareness and support for social justice and independence, within this time, she also developed sense of
causes that continue to this day. One great quote she wrote her duties to others.
in 1960- “You gain strength, courage and confidence by
every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the Albert Einstein’s Letter to Eleanor Roosevelt
face,” “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

My Day
Eleanor Roosevelt wrote "My Day". She recorded her daily life
in it, it is more likely to be a dairy. In her dairy, she recorded
that she swam, she ate watermelon, . and she also have a chat
with Mrs. Meloney about what their people could do
Eleanor Roosevelt has
handwork in in New Lebanon. We found that Mrs Roosevelt 's
supported Eourpean
life is very interesting and fun, like going picnic, go swimming
refugees. Albert Einstein
and riding a horse.
wrote a letter to Eleanor
Roosevelt about
application of immigration
rules and regulations. He
reminded Eleanor
Roosevelt to send this letter
to the president FDR.

FBI Files on Eleanor Roosevelt

FBI never launched a formal investigation of Eleanor
Roosevelt, but the reference to her was one of the largest
single files in J. Edgar Hoover's collection.The 3,000-page
FBI file contains allegations against her including alleged
communist activities, threats to her life for her disloyalty
to the state, close monitoring of her activities and writings,
and records of possible insurgent groups she may have

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