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Real life experience

Back when I was in my first year in high school I barely participate

in any physical activities in both school and in my community, I do play
basketball sometimes, but I am not that fond of playing it. I am always
in front of computer playing video games and online games every after
class until I was introduced in a sporting event in school called
intramurals, it was my first time experiencing it because in my years in
grade school I’ve never experienced it. That was the time when I realize
how exciting playing in intramurals and representing your batch and
competing with everyone in school. I started to lessen my computer
gaming and started training every after class, playing in different
basketball courts and enjoying the game. I didn’t notice that after few
months I started to gain muscles, and my stamina boost a lot compared
when I was in first year. The time I felt like I am now a different person,
I started to focus more in studies, training and basketball games. I
learned about balancing my meal, more exercise, more time to sleep
and most importantly I fell in love with the game. The time, effort,
training and everything I’ve put on the line just to improve myself paid
off as I became a regular member of our batch’s basketball team and
one of the reserves of the school’s basketball team. From that I’ve gain
a lot of experiences and improve in playing and finally became part of
the regular varsity team and being the starting point guard for our


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