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SketchUp with V-Ray

SketchUp with V-Ray

Move (M)
This is tool is used to move, stretch, copy and array selected entities.

1. Use the Select tool to select object/s to move.

2. Activate the Move tool.

3. Pick first point (holding point).

4. Move your cursor to a direction and then pick second point.

As you move your object, the inferences and

Measurements box change:
•An inference line appears between the start and
ending points of the move.
•The distance of the displacement is displayed
dynamically in the Measurements box.

Using Move Tool to Create Multiple Copies

Once you’ve placed the copy of your object, type letter “x” and
the number of copies.

Example: In the Measurements box, type “x5” to create 5

copies of your object

Using Move Tool to Create Equally Spaced Copies

1. Create a copy of your object with specified distance (for example, 300)
2. In the Measurements Box, type a slash and number of items ( /3 )
SketchUp with V-Ray
Flipping geometry along an axis
To flip your geometry, right-click on selected objects, select Flip Along then select an axis.

Mirroring geometry
By combining the Copy and Flip Along commands, you can mirror geometry.

Rotate (Q)

1. Using Select tool, select object/s to rotate.

2. Activate the Rotate tool. The Rotate tool's protractor-shaped cursor appears.
3. Move your cursor around until the rotation plane aligns with the object's face.

4. Click to set your angle's vertex.

5. With the circular arrow cursor, specify first point of rotation angle.
6. Move the cursor in the direction of rotation and type a value for angular rotation.
SketchUp with V-Ray
Scale (S)
To resize and reshape your model based on the relative sizes of your edges and faces.

▪ Click a corner grip for a uniform scaling
▪ hold CTRL key to scale from the center (equally from both sides)

Offset (F)
It creates copies of edges parallel to the original edges at a specified distance.

▪ If your offset will create an overlap, the tool eliminates these overlaps by default. However, if the
overlap is desired, press ALT key to make the overlap appear.

▪ Double-clicking another face immediately after you create an offset automatically applies
another offset, of the same amount, to the face.

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