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The Level of Perception of the Community in

the Effectiveness of Using the Safety

Precaution during Covid-19

Table of Contents
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
Research Questions


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Covid-19 is pandemic that is happening right now in our world. Before, they call it
Novel Corona Virus and then later on they call it Corona Virus Disease 19. This pandemic was
originally started way back 2019 in the country of China and suddenly it spread it all over the
world. This virus is spreading all over the world and is affecting the lives and economic status
of every country. Because of this virus, each country has their own protocols to follow in
order for them to be safe and to decrease the risk of transmission. In Philippines, the
Department of Health issued a protocol about wearing mask and doing the 1 meter social
distancing when outside last March 16, 2020 and they released new protocol last July 1, 2020
about wearing face shield. Every Filipino citizen is required to wear both safety precautions
when going out. It is also mandated in each public establishment. With this mandated
protocol, there are some people who are just complying without knowing the reason of using
the safety measures.
The relevance of this study is to measure the perception of each individual regarding
with the use of safety precautions. The researchers want to know if each individual believes
that the safety measures are really effective or if they are just complying with the said
protocol. This study will help the researchers to determine the knowledge of the different
individuals regarding on the said topic. With the rationale of the study, the researcher will base
the information dissemination once the data are collected.

Theoretical Framework
The researcher isHealth Promotion
Profile: use Health Belief ModelPerceived severity
developed Data Gathering
by Irwin M. Rosenstock during
Perceived benefits
barriers Action: Information
1950.Age, theory will help the researchers to determine the level of respondent’s perceptionDessimination
Knowledge, Education,
regarding on the health. It will help to determine the human behaviors towards health. It
represents the different key elements of the model to use on the adaptation of health
promotion and disease prevention programs. The researchers choose the Health Belief Model

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in order to represent the theoretical framework of this study. It will help the researchers to
determine the demographic profile of the respondents such as their age. gender, education,
ethnicity and knowledge to measure their perception regarding on the topic, the cues to action
and the action itself such as data gathering and data analyzing will be beneficial for the data
collection. This model will help the researchers to gather all the perception of each individual
and to measure the effectiveness of each safety precautions. This will serve as a guide to the
researchers to know the knowledge of the respondents based on the research topic. With this
model the researchers are able to explain and predict the individual perception and how it will
change later on their knowledge about it. It will also help to determine the level of knowledge
of each individual and will be able to come up with health education as a tool.
Research Questions:
1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents?
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Ethnicity
d. Education
e. Working
2. What is the different level of perceptions of the respondents?

For this part, the researcher will show how they will conduct the research. The
researchers will use a structured survey questionnaire to a random sampling selection of
respondents in total of 50. The survey questionnaire has a total of 10 questions for the
respondents to answer. This survey will be through the online platform using the Messenger to
send the questions and answer from the surveyors with a picture of the respondent while
answering. The photo will be blurred to promote and respect the privacy of each individual.
The photo will serve as documented proof that the particular respondent answered the survey.
This questionnaire will help to identify and to come up with the results of the study.

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