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Lesson 1.1

The Mathematics of Our World

 In the book of Stewart, Nature’s Number, he that mathematics is a formal system of thought that was gradually
developed in the human mind and evolved in the human culture. Thus, in the long course of human history, our
ancestors at a certain point were endowed with insight to realize the existence of “form” in their surroundings. From
their realization, a system of thought further advanced their knowledge into understanding measures. They were able
to gradually develop the science of measures and gained the ability to count, gauge, assess, quantify, and size almost

Mathematics is a Tool-Mathematics, as a tool, is immensely useful, practical, and powerful. It is not about crunching numbers,
formulas, and symbols but rather, it is all about forming new ways to see problems so we can understand them by combining
insights with imagination. It also allows us to perceive realities in different contexts that would otherwise be intangible to us. It
can be likened to our sense of sight and touch. Mathematics is our sense to decipher patterns, relationships, and logical
connections. It is our whole new way to see and understand the modern world.


 Art
 Study of patterns
 Language
 Process of thinking
 Set of problems- Solving tools

Mathematics is Everywhere-We use mathematics in their daily tasks and activities. It is our important tool in the field of
sciences, humanities, literature, medicine, and even in music and arts; it is in the rhythm of our daily activities, operational in
our communities, and a default system of our culture. There is mathematics wherever we go. It helps us cook delicious meals by
exacting our ability to measure and moderately control of heat. It also helps us to shop wisely, read maps, use the computer,
remodel a home with constrained budget with utmost economy.

The Essential Roles of Mathematics

 allows us to learn and understand the natural order of the world.

 helps us to take the complex processes that is naturally occurring in the world around us and it represents them by
utilizing logic to make things more organized and more efficient.

 facilitate not only to weather, but also to control the weather ---- be it social, natural, statistical, political, or medical.
 s also becoming a useful tool in biological sciences: for instance, the spread of various diseases can now be predicted
and controlled.
 Scientists and researchers use applied mathematics in doing or performing researches to solve social, scientific,
medical, or even political crises.

The Mathematical Landscape-The human mind and culture developed a conceptual landscape for mathematical thoughts
and ideas to flourish and propagate. There is a region in the human mind that is capable of constructing and discerning the
deepest insights being perceived from the natural world. In this region, the mathematical landscape exists- wherein
concepts of numbers, symbols, equations, operations calculations, abstractions, and proofs are the inhabitants as well as
the constructs of the impenetrable vastness of its unchartered territories. In this landscape, a number is not simply a
mathematical tree of counting. Also, infinite variables can be encapsulated to finite. Even those something that is hard to
express in decimal form can be expressed in terms of fractions.

How Mathematics is Done-Math is a way of thinking, and it is undeniably important to see how that thinking is going to be
developed rather than just merely see face value of the results. For some people, few math theorems can bring up as
much remembered pain and anxiety. For others, this discipline is so complex and they have to understand the confusing
symbols, the difficult procedures, and the dreaded graphs and charts. For most, mathematics is just nothing but something
to survive, rather than to learn.
Mathematics is for Everyone-The relationship of the mathematical landscape in the human mind with the natural world is
so strange that in the long run, the good math provides utilization and usefulness in the order of things. Perhaps, for most
people, they simply need to know the basics of the mathematical operations in order to survive daily tasks; but for the
human society to survive and for the human species to persistently exist, humanity needs, beyond rudiment of
mathematics. To safeguard our existence, we already have delegated the functions of mathematics across all disciplines.
There is mathematics we call pure and applied, as there are scientists, we call social and natural. There is mathematics for
engineers to build, mathematics for commerce and finance, mathematics for weather forecasting, mathematics that is
related to health, and mathematics to harness energy for utilization.

The Importance of Knowing and Learning Mathematics-It is because those rules and structures explain what is going on. It
is because they are beneficial in generating conclusions and in predicting events. It is because they provide clues. The clues
that make us realize that interference in the motion of heavenly bodies can predict lunar eclipse, solar eclipse as well as
comets’ appearances. That the position of the sun and the moon relative to the earth can predict high tide and low tide
events affecting human activities. And that human activities need clues for the human culture to meaningfully work.

Mathematical training is vital to decipher the clues provided by nature. But the role of mathematics goes clues and it goes
beyond prediction. Once we understand how the system works, our goal is to control it to make it do what we want. We
want to understand the mathematical pattern of a storm to avoid or prevent catastrophes. We want to know the
mathematical concept behind the contagion of the virus to control its spread. We want to understand the unpredictability
of cancer cells to combat it before it even exists. Finally, we want to understand the butterfly effect as much as we are so
curious to know why the “die” of the physical world play god.

Lesson 1.2

The Mathematics in Our World

Different Kinds of Pattern

Patterns of Visuals. Visual patterns are often unpredictable, never quite repeatable, and often contain fractals. These
patterns are can be seen from the seeds and pinecones to the branches and leaves. They are also visible in self-similar
replication of trees, ferns, and plants throughout nature.

Patterns of Flow. The flow of liquids provides an inexhaustible supply of nature’s patterns. Patterns of flow are usually
found in the water, stone, and even in the growth of trees. There is also a flow pattern present in meandering rivers with
the repetition of undulating lines.

Patterns of Movement. In the human walk, the feet strike the ground in a regular rhythm: the left-right-left-right-left
rhythm. When a horse, a four-legged creature walks, there is more of a complex but equally rhythmic pattern. This
prevalence of pattern in locomotion extends to the scuttling of insects, the flights of birds, the pulsations of jellyfish, and
also the wave-like movements of fish, worms, and snakes.

Patterns of Rhythm. Rhythm is conceivably the most basic pattern in nature. Our hearts and lungs follow a regular
repeated pattern of sounds or movement whose timing is adapted to our body’s needs. Many of nature’s rhythms are
most likely similar to a heartbeat, while others are like breathing. The beating of the heart, as well as breathing, have a
default pattern.

Patterns of Texture. A texture is a quality of a certain object that we sense through touch. It exists as a literal surface that
we can feel, see, and imagine. Textures are of many kinds. It can be bristly, and rough, but it can also be smooth, cold, and

Geometric Patterns. A geometric pattern is a kind of pattern which consists of a series of shapes that are typically
repeated. These are regularities in the natural world that are repeated in a predictable manner. Geometrical patterns are
usually visible on cacti and succulents.

Patterns Found in Nature

 Common patterns appear in nature, just like what we see when we look closely at plants, flowers, animals, and even
at our bodies. These common patterns are all incorporated in many natural things.
Waves and Dunes
Spots and Stripes
Reflection symmetry (line symmetry or mirror symmetry)

Symmetries in Nature

 From the structure of subatomic particles to that of the entire universe, symmetry is present. The presence of
symmetries in nature does not only attract our visual sense, but also plays an integral and prominent role in the way
our life works.
Human Body
Animal Movement

Lesson 1.3

The Fibonacci Sequence

Sequence- an ordered list of numbers called terms, that may have repeated values.
1, 3, 5, 7, …
(1st term) (2nd term) (3rd term) (4th term)
ARITHMETIC SEQUENCE-To determine if the series of numbers follow an arithmetic sequence, check the common difference
between two consecutive terms.
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 , …
10 – 8 = 2
12 -10 =2 2 is the common difference
GEOMETRIC SEQUENCE-To determine if the series of numbers follow a geometric sequence, check the common ratio between
two consecutive terms.
2, 8, 32, 128, …
8/2 = 4 , 32/8 = 4 , 128/32 = 4
common ratio = 4
Geometric progression, also known as a geometric sequence, is a sequence of non-zero numbers where each term after the
first is found by multiplying the previous one by a fixed, non-zero number called the common ratio.
HARMONIC SEQUENCE-a progression formed by taking the reciprocals of an arithmetic progression/ sequence.
½ , ¼, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10 , 1/12, …
 a series of numbers governed by some unusual arithmetic rule
 organized in a way a number can be obtained by adding the two previous numbers
 formed by adding the preceding two numbers, beginning with 0 and 1
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …
 nickname Fibonacci
 Italian Mathematician
 most talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …

The ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers approach the number (Phi) , also known as the Golden Ratio – approximately equal
to 1. 618
nth term of Fibonacci sequence = Fib(n)

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