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1. What is Hemostasis.

Hemostasis in simple terms po is the process of healing a wound. This is the body’s response to stop
bleeding caused by an internal or external injury and this involves different coagulation factors and
processes. It has three phases: the PRIMARY, SECONDARY, and FIBRINOLYSIS phase.
Primary hemostasis is about the formation of white thrombus, secondary hemostasis naman is
about the formation of fibrin clot and the conversion of white thrombus to red thrombus. Finally
yung finbrinolysis po is about breaking of fibrin clots.
2. Opinion on module. The module po was very long since it explained everything we need to know
about hemostasis from its phases to the different coagulation factors and coagulation models.
Nahirapan lang po ako iaacces since sobrang bagal ng internet naming since morning and interactive
yung module kaya need talaga ng mabilis na connection. Pero overall po, It is very well explained
naman po kasi may mga animations and visual presentations na pinapakita to help us understand
the lesson more easily. Meron rin pong short exercises once in a while to help us recall or asses what
we have learned in the particular topic.
3. Can platelets bind to collagen w/o vWF?
Yes. In some conditions, platelets can bind to collagen directly without vWF as mediator.
4. How are platelets activated?
Platelets are activated pagnaattach yung platelets to vWF via the exposed tissue collagen p.3
5. Purpose of Calcium.
Calcium acts as a mediator since the negatively charged clotting factors and negatively charged
phospholipids of the cells cannot bind without the presence of Calcium. P4
6. Prothrombin Complex.
Factor Va and Xa forms the complex. With this complex po, the activation of thrombin po is
accelerated a thousand-fold. P4
7. Most important inhibitor of Factora Va.
Protein C/Protein S complex system.
8. Summary of primary hemostasis page 8
9. Proteases. page 8
10. Fibrin – acts as glue to seal the area of endothelial damage
11. Cascade model (summary in page 12 bottom right)
Interaction of the coagulation factors in secondary hemostasis are described using this model p8. it
describes not only the linear process but also the retroactive effects po. It is a self-reinforcing
process po however it has drawbacks rin which is it can be partly inconsistent at times. (p12)
Three steps: Extrinsic, Intrinsic, Common Pathway
12. Cell based model (summary on page 18 bottom left)
More recent explanation used for the process of secondary hemostasis. It also more significantly
powerful than the latter model. it describes the hemostasis among real physiological conditions. It
describes where activation takes place, to what extent the processes occurs and how they reinforce
each other.
Three phases: Initiation, Amplification, Propagation
13. Cascade model VS Cell Based Model
Cascade model is helpful in understanding the functioning in vitro coagulation test while the cell
based model provides better explanation of the process in vivo such as in injured vessels.
14. Formation of Fibrin Polymer.
Prothrombinase complex will convert fibrinogen to fibrin then the fibrin monomers will bind
together to form the fibrin polymer.
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