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Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy

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Trimodal therapy for muscle-invasive bladder


Joachim Mathes, Steffen Rausch, Tilman Todenhöfer & Arnulf Stenzl

To cite this article: Joachim Mathes, Steffen Rausch, Tilman Todenhöfer & Arnulf Stenzl (2018)
Trimodal therapy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer, Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy, 18:12,
1219-1229, DOI: 10.1080/14737140.2018.1535314

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/14737140.2018.1535314

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Published online: 17 Oct 2018.

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2018, VOL. 18, NO. 12, 1219–1229


Trimodal therapy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer

Joachim Mathes, Steffen Rausch, Tilman Todenhöfer and Arnulf Stenzl
Department of Urology, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany


Introduction: Radical cystectomy is the standard therapy for patients with muscle-invasive bladder Received 3 May 2018
cancer. Organ-preserving surgical procedures have been established as alternatives to radical surgery Accepted 9 October 2018
for localized malignancies in other anatomic sites. Trimodal therapy consisting of radiation therapy, KEYWORDS
chemotherapy, and either transurethral resection of the bladder or partial cystectomy is an effective Chemotherapy; cystectomy;
treatment for selected patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer that allows for preservation of the muscle-invasive bladder
urinary bladder. cancer; radiation; trimodal
Areas covered: This review provides an overview of the value of trimodal therapy in the treatment of therapy; TURB
muscle-invasive bladder cancer.
Expert commentary: Prerequisites for trimodal therapy for bladder cancer include: good bladder
function, unifocal cT2 urothelial carcinoma of the bladder, and absence of hydronephrosis. Careful
selection of patients and accurate assessment of the anatomic extent of the tumor is important for
patient safety. The basis for successful trimodal therapy is complete transurethral resection of the
tumor, followed by radiation therapy with concurrent radiosensitizing chemotherapy. Cystoscopic
controls and follow-up biopsies should be performed at completion of adjuvant therapy or shortly
after induction of trimodal therapy to identify nonresponders for whom salvage radical cystectomy may
be indicated.

1. Introduction 2. Methods
Urothelial carcinoma of the bladder is the ninth most A non-systematic literature review was conducted to identify
common cancer worldwide [1] and the fourth most com- articles and studies reporting on trimodal therapy of MIBC
mon among men in the United States. In 2016, the esti- between 1980 and 2018. A search was performed using the
mated incidence was 76,960 cases, with a cancer-specific PubMed database and a free-text hand search using single or
death-rate of 16,390 cases [2]. Approximately 75% of different combinations of the following keywords:
patients with urothelial carcinoma of the bladder present trimodal therapy, trimodal therapy for bladder cancer, blad-
with nonmuscle invasive disease (NMIBC) confined to the der preservation, bladder preserving therapy, bladder sparing
mucosa (Ta, CIS) or submucosa (T1) [3]; the remainder therapy.
present with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) [4,5]. Initially, articles were screened by title and abstract to
Radical cystectomy with urinary diversion and pelvic lymph identify publications suitable for full-text review. A manual
node dissection is the standard therapy for patients with search of publications in journals not listed in PubMed was
MIBC, recommended in both, the National Comprehensive also performed. Articles not available in the English language,
Cancer Network guidelines (2017) and European editorials, and case reports were excluded.
Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines [6]. Advances in
surgical therapy of localized malignancies in other ana-
3. Patient selection for trimodal therapy
tomic sites have focused on organ preservation as alter-
natives to radical, organ-ablative surgical procedures. Radical cystectomy with urinary diversion and pelvic lymph
These conservative surgeries typically achieve respectable node dissection is the standard therapy for patients with
oncological results and increased quality of life while MIBC. It is also a therapeutic option for patients with high-
avoiding the potential morbidity or mortality of more radi- risk NMIBC or can be used in a palliative setting. The utiliza-
cal operations. Trimodal therapy for urothelial carcinoma, tion of this treatment protocol is supported by a high level
which includes the combination of radical transurethral of evidence [7,8]. It allows for local tumor control, including
resection of the bladder (TURB) or partial cystectomy, removal of micrometastases with the aims of preventing
ionizing radiation, and chemotherapy, is an effective blad- local recurrence and increasing chances for cure [9,10].
der-preserving treatment protocol for selected patients However, despite all these advantages, radical cystectomy
with MIBC. The aim of this article was to review the cur- is associated with a complication rate of 31–51% and a 30-
rently available literature on trimodal therapy. day postoperative mortality rate of 1.5–2.7% [11–13].

CONTACT Arnulf Stenzl arnulf.stenzl@med.uni-tuebingen.de Department of Urology, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Moreover, elderly patients (the median age at diagnosis for 5. Trimodal therapy: split or continuous course?
patient with MIBC is 70 years) and those with multiple
Trimodal therapy of MIBC can be performed in two ways referred
comorbidities may not meet the minimal physical require-
to as split or continuous course (Figure 1). The basis of both
ments to safely undergo such a radical surgical procedure
approaches is maximal transurethral resection of the bladder
[14]. In addition to these patients, who are potential candi-
tumor followed by induction radiotherapy of the whole bladder
dates for a bladder-preserving approach, another subset of
and pelvic lymph nodes (40–45 Gy), which is then followed by
patients with (1) good bladder function, (2) nonextensive
consolidation radiation therapy of the bladder (55 Gy) and tumor
carcinoma in situ or unifocal cT2 urothelial carcinoma of
bed to a total dose of 65 Gy finally. Concurrent chemotherapy
the bladder, (3) complete transurethral resection without
with cisplatin or mitomycin C plus 5-fluorouracil (Table 1) is also
visible tumor remaining and (4) an absence of hydronephro-
administered for radiosensitization. Depending on the regimen,
sis has been proposed for an organ-sparing approach to
controls via urine cytology and cystoscopy with biopsy are per-
surgical therapy [7,15]. Based on these recommended criteria
formed either after induction (split-course) or completion (con-
approximately 6–19% of patients with MIBC are potential
tinuous course) of trimodal therapy [7,16,40]. If recurrent MIBC is
candidates for trimodal therapy. Careful selection of patients,
detected during surveillance, radical cystectomy is indicated. If
including accurate assessment of the anatomic extent of
recurrent NMIBC is instead detected at restaging, TURB must be
bladder cancer is of utmost importance for safe and success-
repeated in combination with intravesical chemotherapy. Both
ful application of this therapeutic option [1,16–19]. Studies
the split- and continuous course regimens have been assessed
have shown impressive outcomes for selected patients with
only in retrospective series and prospective studies [21,22,28,41].
MIBC treated with trimodal therapy [1,20–24]. Rates of com-
No randomized controlled clinical trials have directly compared
plete tumor response and survival achieved with trimodal
these different regimens. Thus, whether a split or continuous
therapy were similar to cohorts undergoing radical cystect-
course is recommended is typically based on the experience of
omy [25–27]. Complete response rates of 60–80%, 5-year
the treating clinicians [42].
disease-specific survival rates of 60–70% [28,29], 10- and
15-year disease-specific survival rates of 42–59% and 57%,
and 10- and 15-year overall survival rates of 35% and 22%
6. Transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB)
have been reported [1,21,29,30]. However, patients treated
with immediate radical cystectomy have a 20–40% higher 5- Patients undergoing complete transurethral resection show
year cancer-specific survival rate compared to non-respon- improved disease-specific and overall survival compared to
ders treated with trimodal therapy [21,28,31–35]. those undergoing radical cystectomy [44,45]. TURB for
Kim et al. [14] compared the clinical outcomes of 79 NIMBC is also associated with lower rates of disease recurrence
patients treated with radical cystectomy or trimodal therapy and with improved long-term oncologic outcomes for patients
using propensity score matching. With respective median fol- treated with trimodal therapy. Nevertheless, 30–70% of
low-up intervals of 23 for the radical cystectomy group and 32 patients develop tumor recurrence after primary TURB
months for the trimodal therapy group, 5-year distant metas- [42,46,47]. Important factors that have a decisive influence
tasis-free survival (58% vs. 67%), overall survival (56% vs. 57%), on the outcome of the TURB procedure include the experience
and cancer-specific survival (69% vs. 63%) rates were similar in of the surgeon, surgical technique used, tumor location and
both treatment groups. However, the 5-year local recurrence- size, and documentation of complete tumor resection [48,49].
free survival was significantly better in the radical cystectomy The results of a long-term follow-up study of 133 patients
group than in the trimodal therapy group (74% vs. 35%) [14]. treated with TURB monotherapy and achieving complete radi-
cal transurethral resection of cT2 bladder cancer showed a 5-
year overall survival of 73.3%, disease-specific survival of
4. Exclusion criteria for trimodal therapy
81.9% and progression-free survival of 75.5% [45]. In a study
Different exclusion criteria for trimodal therapy for MIBC have of survival outcomes of 900 patients after cystectomy with
been defined and include: metastatic tumors, multifocal pelvic lymph node dissection (without neoadjuvant che-
lesions, concomitant carcinoma in situ, incomplete or nonfea- motherapy), 20.1% of patients who had complete transure-
sible transurethral resection, aggressive histology, and hydro- thral resection (pT0 pN0 at completion cystectomy), reached
nephrosis [7,36]. The presence of high-risk NMIBC (T1/Tis, with 10-year tumor-specific survival rates of up to 91.0% [50]. In an-
high grade/G3, or CIS) is associated with a higher risk of local other study, patients with an initial cT2-cT3 urothelial carcino-
relapse with decreased overall therapeutic success rates fol- mas of the bladder restaged as cT0-cT1 after TURB had a 10-
lowing radical cystectomy [37]. Furthermore patients with year disease-specific survival of 76% and were able to avoid
locally advanced urothelial carcinoma (T4) or carcinoma in radical cystectomy in 57% of cases [44]. Consequently, com-
situ benefits of radiotherapy as monotherapy have not been plete TURB of all visible tumors, including the detrusor muscle,
observed [38]. Hydronephrosis has been an exclusion criterion is essential for bladder-preservation therapy. It is the most
for Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) protocols since important factor for oncologic control and success of trimodal
1993 because the response rate of patients without evidence therapy especially for those cases who would be considered
of ureteral obstruction is ≥1.5 times higher than patients with overtreated by radical surgery [21]. The use of intravesical
hydronephrosis [29,39]. Bladder-preserving therapy cannot be therapies, such as Mitomycin C, Valrubicin, and bacillus
recommended when one or more of these exclusion criteria Calmette Guerin (BCG) together with TURB has not yet been
are present [28,35]. investigated [42].

Radical TURB


Split-course Continuous-course
chemoradiotherapy chemoradiotherapy
(40 to 45 Gy) (55 to 65 Gy)

Cystoscopy Cystoscopy
+/-Re-TURB +/-Re-TURB
(after 3-4 weeks) (after 8-10 weeks)

Response Residual Residual Complete
muscle- muscle- Response
invasive invasive
disease disease
20-25 Gy: total
radiation therapy
dose 55-65 Gy) Cystoscopy

(after 8-10 weeks)

Cysto- Recurrence Recurrence

scopy (muscle invasive) (muscle invasive)

Salvage radical cystectomy

Figure 1. Pictographic Algorithm of trimodal therapy, modified after [43].

patients treated with carboplatin [56]. Replacement of cisplatin

7. Chemotherapy
by carboplatin exhibits inferior efficacy, but also a lower inci-
If possible, systemic first-line therapy for advanced or metastatic dence of nephrotoxicity (which is particularly beneficial in elderly
disease should be cisplatin based. For almost 30 years, the and comorbid patients) [56,57]. Radiosensitizing chemotherapy
combination of methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin, and cis- prior to external beam radiotherapy is associated with better
platin (MVAC) has been used successfully, either in normal dose oncologic outcomes for patients treated with trimodal therapy
intensity [51,52] or as dose compressed with granulocyte-colony compared to radiation therapy alone [58–60]. Kaufman et al. [59]
stimulating factor (G-CSF) support (dose-dense MVAC) [53]. The followed 34 patients with clinical T2-T4a, NX, M0 bladder cancer
combination of gemcitabine and cisplatin (GC) has been shown treated with complete TURB followed by induction chemoradia-
to be less toxic, with similar response rates and median long- tion (cisplatin 15 mg/m2 i.v. and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) 400 mg/m2
term overall survival [54,55]. Patients treated with MVAC were i.v. on days 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, and 17. On day 1, 3, 15, and 17, radiation
also found to have more severe grade 3–4 toxicities compared to was performed immediately following chemotherapy using

Table 1. Studies of trimodal therapy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer (2006–2012).

Study N (months) CT-R RT-Dose OS CSS CRR Course
[21] 348 92.4 Various Various 52% (5y) 64% (5y) 78% Split
[34] 39 72 Cisplatin 64.8 Gy 73% (5y) 82% (5y) 80% Split
[114] 51 96 Cisplatin and 3× 5-FU 63 36% (8y) - - Split
[41] 473 71.5 Various Various 49% (5y) - 70.4% Split
[32] 104 71 2× Cisplatin 60–65 Gy 68% (5y) 76% (5y) 78.8% Split
[63] 80 49.4 Cisplatin (weekly) and 5× Paclitaxel 64.3 56% (5y) 71% (5y) 81% Split
[adjuvant cisplatin and 4× Gemcitabine]
[115] 50 18 Cisplatin (weekly) 66 Gy 100% (1.5y) 84% (1.5y) 60% Split
[116] 29 69.4 2× Cisplatin (neoadjuvant 2× CMV or Gemcitabine/Cisplatin 64.8 Gy 72% (6y) - 86% Split
[23] 230 60 Cisplatin 65 Gy 52% (5y) - 93% Continuous
[22] 360 69.9 5-FU and 55/64 Gy 48% (5y) - - Continuous
2× Mitomycin
[117] 50 36 Gemcitabine (weekly) 52.5 Gy 75% (3y) 82% (3y) 82% Continuous
[33] 78 66 Cisplatin 65 Gy 68% (5y) 74% (5y) 85.7% Continuous
(neoadjuvant 2× CMV)
[118] 112 27 Cisplatin and 55.8–59.4 Gy 74% (5y) 82% (5y) 88% Continuous
2× FU
[119] 113 23 Cisplatin (weekly) 63–64 Gy 50% (5y) 86% Continuous
[CT-R: Chemotherapy Regimen; RT: Radiotherapy; OS: Overall Survival; CSS: Cancer Specific Survival; CRR: Complete Response Rate; FU: Fluorouracil; CMV: Cisplatin,
Methotrexate, Vinblastine, y: year, Gy: Gray].

twice-a-day 3 Gy per fraction cores to the pelvis for a total Chemotherapy alone is not an appropriate therapy for
radiation dose of 24 Gy. Tumor response was evaluated by MIBC being treated for cure [69]. The RTOG investigated the
cystoscopy, cytology, and rebiopsy 4 weeks later. The complete efficacy of induction chemotherapy in TMT in serial phase II
response rate to induction therapy of 67% and 3-year survival studies. About 123 patients with T2-4a, Nx MIBC were rando-
with an intact bladder was 66%. A prospective randomized trial mized to receive two cycles of neoadjuvant cisplatin, metho-
of 99 patients examined the effect of concurrent cisplatin on trexate, and vinblastine chemotherapy followed by 39,6 Gy
local control and survival in patients with MIBC. Patients were pelvic irradiation with concurrent cisplatin (100 mg/m2) for
randomly allocated to receive pelvic radiation with concurrent two courses 3 weeks apart. In the other arm of the trial
intravenous cisplatin 100 mg/m2 at 2-week intervals for three patients did not receive MCV before concurrent cisplatin and
cycles or radiation without concurrent chemotherapy. radiation therapy. In result 5-year overall survival rate was
Occurrence rates of distant metastases were the same in both 49%; 48% in arm 1 and 49% in arm 2. Thirty-five percent of
study arms. However, 25 of 48 control patients developed a first the patients had evidence of distant metastases at 5 years;
recurrence in the pelvis, compared to 15 of 51 cisplatin-treated 33% in arm 1 and 39% in arm 2. The 5-year survival rate with a
patients (P = 0.036). The pelvic relapse rate in the two groups was functioning bladder was 38%, 36% in arm 1 and 40% in arm 2.
significantly reduced by concurrent cisplatin (log-rank test, None of these differences were statistically significant [31], so
P = 0.038) and this effect was preserved in a stepwise Cox that induction chemotherapy has not been established [69].
proportional hazard regression model controlling for other
important prognostic factors (hazard ratio, 0.50; 90% confidence
interval [CI], 0.29 to 0.86; P = 0.036). The authors concluded that 8. Radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy
concurrent cisplatin may improve pelvic control of locally Radiotherapy is an alternative to cystectomy for the treatment
advanced bladder cancer with preoperative or definitive radia- of MIBC, especially in patients for whom radical surgery is
tion but did not affect development of distant metastases or contraindicated (due to advanced age or poor medical condi-
overall survival [60]. tion) or who refuse radical cystectomy [70]. There are two
Phase 3 clinical trials have provided support for use of protocols for the implementation of radiotherapy in TMT.
radiosensitizing chemotherapy with cisplatin and mitomycin Standard radiation therapy regimen includes external-beam
C plus 5-fluorouracil [61]. However the most commonly radiotherapy to the bladder and limited pelvic lymph nodes
used chemotherapeutic regimens are cisplatin-based to a starting dose of 40–45 Gy, followed by cystoscopy (if
[31,62–64]. According to the results of RTOG 89–03, neoad- necessary rebiopsy of residual tumor tissue) and consolidation
juvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy, normal dose intensity chemoradiotherapy with additional 25 Gy or radiation in case
or dose-dense MVAC or gemcitabine with cisplatin regimens of negative biopsy. The alternative radiation protocol includes
have shown 5–6% improvement in overall survival in clinical full-dose chemoradiation to the whole bladder to 55–65 Gy
trials [58,65]. followed by rebiopsy and surveillance in case of negative
Chemotherapy in a neoadjuvant setting allows to evaluate rebiopsy [7,61,71,72]. The standard fractionation used of
the tumor in vivo for response and assessment whether it is both radiotherapy protocols is of 1.8–2 Gy/fraction with the
sensitive to the chosen regimen. Also, the tolerability of the total radiation dose to the bladder of 55–70 Gy and 45–50 Gy
patient is better before than after surgery [66]. Moreover it to the pelvic lymph nodes [73].
allows a downstaging of the tumor mass, which may increase Intravesical Lipiodol Injection Technique for Image-guided
the chances of complete resectability [67,68]. Radiation therapy is a supportive option to refine the

treatment of MIBC. Lipiodol is an iodinated contrast agent that MIBC an approach using hypofractionated intensity-modu-
improves visualization on daily kilovoltage cone beam CT, lated radiation therapy has been reported [84].
when injected into the submucosa of the bladder along the Ritch et al. [85] performed a propensity matched compara-
tumor periphery [74] (95%, 20–30 injections) before external tive analysis of survival in a total number of 8379 patients
beam radiation (6–7 weeks) in a bladder sparing approach. In following chemoradiation or radical cystectomy for muscle-
addition to the good visualization of the tumor, Lipiodol is invasive bladder cancer using the National Cancer Database
well tolerated [74,75]. Most series have a low number of cases. (2004–2013). In result chemoradiation therapy was associated
Tumor imaging rates of up to 88% and 3-year OS and disease- with decreased mortality at year 1 (hazard ratio [HR] 0.84, 95%
free survival rates of up to 71.1% are reported [76]. confidence interval [CI] 0.74–0.96; P = 0.01), but at 2 years (HR
Compared to solitary radiotherapy, synchronous radioche- 1.4, 95% CI 1.2–1.6; P < 0.001) and 3 years onward (HR 1.5, 95%
motherapy is associated with increased rates of local control CI 1.2–1.8; P < 0.001) CRT was associated with increased
and improved survival [59,77–79]. Since the publication of two mortality. The 5-year OS was higher for radical cystectomy
studies demonstrating significant improvements in complete than for chemoradiation therapy (38% vs. 30%, P = 0.004).
response, overall survival, and local tumor control with cispla- The authors of the study concluded from these results, that
tin-based radiosensitizing chemotherapy followed by external patients who are suitable surgical candidates, with a low risk
beam radiotherapy [60,80], a combined cisplatin-based of morbidity, may be better served by radical cystectomy.
approach is recommended for patients with MIBC. The RTOG Cahn et al. [86] examined the OS in a total number of
showed a complete response rate of 67% when patients with 32,300 patients undergoing radical cystectomy or bladder-
MIBC were treated with induction chemotherapy [81]. preservation therapy for muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma
Radiosensitizing therapy consisting of a combination of of the bladder between 2004 and 2013. Patients receiving
cisplatin and paclitaxel and adjuvant chemotherapy of gemci- bladder-preservation therapy were stratified as having
tabine and cisplatin achieved complete response of 81% and a received any external-beam radiotherapy (any XRT), definitive
2-year overall survival of 73% [54]. The effects of two different XRT (50–80 grays), and definitive XRT with chemotherapy
radiosensitizing chemotherapy regimens (5-fluorouracil and (CRT). The statistically determined magnitude of the OS ben-
cisplatin versus paclitaxel and cisplatin) were compared in a efit became attenuated on multivariate (any XRT: hazard ratio
study of 93 patients. Both study arms received twice-daily [HR], 2.115 [95% confidence interval [95% CI], 2.045–2.188];
radiation and adjuvant chemotherapy (cisplatin, gemcitabine, definitive XRT: HR, 1.870 [95% CI, 1.773–1.972]; and CRT: HR,
paclitaxel). Overall survival, 5-year complete response rates 1.578 [95% CI, 1.474–1.691]) and propensity score (any XRT:
and bladder preservation rate in the paclitaxel/cisplatin arm HR, 2.008 [95% CI, 1.871–2.154]; definitive XRT: HR, 1.606 [95%
was 71%, 72%, and 71%, respectively, compared to 75%, 62%, CI, 1.453–1.776]; and CRT: HR, 1.406 [95% CI, 1.235–1.601])
and 67% in the 5-fluorouracil/cisplatin arm. These results were analyses. In result improved OS was observed for radical
considered comparable [82]. Whole bladder radiation and cystectomy in all groups.
reduced high-dose volume using a tumor boost, with or with-
out chemotherapy (mitomycin C and 5-fluorouracil) was com-
9. Partial cystectomy
pared in the BC2001 trial [22,83]. Compared to solitary
radiotherapy, 5-fluorouracil and mitomycin C resulted in a While radical cystectomy continues to be the gold standard
statistically significant improvement in locoregional disease- for surgical management of MIBC, there is renewed interest in
free 2-year survival (54% vs. 67%) and 5-year overall survival partial cystectomy [87]. Partial cystectomy is another bladder-
(35% vs. 48%) [22]. In a retrospective study of 30 bladder sparing alternative to radical cystectomy that avoids interposi-
cancer patients treated with bladder-preservation surgery tion of bowel into the urinary tract and preserves urinary
with concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) and 20 patients bladder continence and sexual function. Selection criteria for
treated with radiotherapy alone, 60% of patients treated with partial cystectomy include absence of carcinoma in situ and
combined therapy showed complete response and 26% unifocal bladder disease. Currently, partial cystectomies repre-
showed a partial response. The 5-year overall survival rate sent approximately 10% of all cystectomy procedures [5,88].
was 37.2%, and the 5-year disease-free survival rate was The role of partial cystectomy has been controversial ever
30.2%. Urinary bladders were preserved in all patients. In since three publications questioned the effectiveness of the
multivariate analysis, tumor grade and CCRT were significant procedure (resulting in poor oncologic outcomes and high
predictors of overall survival [70]. Tunio et al. [23] compared recurrence rates) in the presence of in situ carcinoma [89–
outcomes after treatment with bladder-only (BO-CCRT) and 91]. Nevertheless, 5-year recurrence-free survival rates of
whole-pelvis concurrent chemoradiation therapy (WP-CCRT) 39–67% have been reported in more recent series [92,93]. In
in 230 patients with MIBC and negative lymph nodes. With a 2009, a matched cohort study showed similar overall and
median follow-up interval of 5 years, WP-CCRT was associated cancer-specific survival rates for radical and partial cystectomy
with a 5-year disease-free survival of 47.1% compared to [94]. These results were subsequently confirmed 2012 [95].
46.9% for patients treated with BO-CCRT. Bladder preservation These investigators reported 10-year metastasis-free survival
rates and 5-year overall survival rates were 58.9% and 52.9% rates of 61% versus 66% (P = 0.63) and cancer-specific survival
for patients treated with WP-CCRT and 57.1% and 51.0% for rates of 58% versus 63% (P = 0.67), and the authors concluded
patients treated with BO-CCRT. Thus, both treatments showed that partial cystectomy (for selected patients) does not com-
similar rates of bladder preservation, disease-free survival and promise oncologic outcomes. Based on a retrospective analy-
overall survival [23]. For the treatment of elderly patients with sis of 101 patients with pelvic lymph node-negative MIBC,

lymphovascular invasion was predictive of poor outcomes, low toxicity when treated by chemoradiation compared to radi-
while a prior history of urothelial carcinoma and ureteral cal cystectomy alone. The 2- and 5-year overall survival rates after
reimplantation were discussed as contraindications for partial surgery alone (74.4% and 54.8%, respectively) were not signifi-
cystectomy. Innovative approaches such as cystoscopic tattoo- cantly different than after chemoradiation (70.2% and 56.6%;
ing of tumors [96] or the use of free near-infrared fluorescence P = 0.8). Similarly, 2- and 5-year disease-free survival rates after
contrast agents to improve the localization of pathologic surgery alone were 67.8% and 63.2%, compared to 63% and
lesions [97] aim to increase the odds of an oncologically 54.3% after chemoradiation (P = 0.89). Side effects were mild in
satisfactory complete resection and improve surgical out- both groups, with grade 3 toxicity seen in only two surgical and
comes. In a series of selective bladder-sparing therapy consist- four irradiated patients [101]. A propensity score matched-ana-
ing of induction low-dose chemotherapy and radiation lysis of 112 patients comparing trimodal therapy and radical
followed by a partial cystectomy, the 5-year cancer-specific cystectomy for patients with MIBC showed a 5-year disease
survival was 71% among the total patient population. specific survival rate of 73.2% for radical cystectomy and 76.6%
Among 46 patients who underwent partial cystectomy after for trimodal therapy [102]. In summary, no significant differences
chemoradiation, 5-year cancer-specific survival and survival between these therapeutic options were observed in these
free from recurrent MIBC was 100% [98]. Partial cystectomy studies.
therefore represents an acceptable alternative to radical
cystectomy for a very select group of patients [87].
12. Conclusion
Prerequisites for trimodal approach to therapy of MIBC include
10. Surveillance after trimodal therapy
good bladder function, unifocal cT2 urothelial carcinoma,
The aim of bladder-preserving therapy using the trimodal complete transurethral resection without visible tumor
therapeutic approach for MIBC is to offer a quality of life remaining and an absence of hydronephrosis [7,15]. The effec-
advantage and avoid the potential morbidity or mortality of tiveness of trimodal therapy depends mainly on locoregional
radical cystectomy without compromising oncologic out- tumor control [103]. This bladder-sparing treatment regimen
comes [61]. Taking the strict selection criteria for bladder- has been shown to produce comparable oncological results to
preserving therapy into account, the primary goal is complete radical cystectomy alone. The basis for successful trimodal
tumor control. It is absolutely necessary that patients under- therapy of MIBC is radical and complete [42] followed by
going trimodal therapy agree to commit to lifelong surveil- radiation therapy with concurrent radiosensitizing chemother-
lance with the option for radical cystectomy in the case of apy. Cystoscopic controls with biopsies should be performed
treatment failure. Regular surveillance consists of physical and at completion or shortly after induction of trimodal therapy to
cystoscopic examinations including bladder biopsies, abdom- identify nonresponders. These patients can then be offered
inal imaging by computed tomography or magnetic reso- salvage radical cystectomy [61]. Partial cystectomy can sel-
nance imaging and cytopathologic examination of urine domly be integrated into the trimodal regimen as an alterna-
samples [16,61]. One should also consider that the incidence tive to TURB. Patients who receive trimodal therapy seem to
of developing a urothelial malignancy of the upper urinary be older and have more medical comorbidities and poorer
tract after primary urothelial carcinoma of the bladder is performance status than patients who undergo radical cystect-
between 1 and 7%. Therefore, surveillance imaging of the omy [14]. Correct and careful selection of patients is of highest
upper tract is recommended every 1–2 years [99]. importance for safe and successful trimodal therapy.
Nevertheless, radical cystectomy with urinary diversion and
pelvic lymph node dissection, as recommended by the
11. Reasons for choosing a bladder-sparing
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (2017) the
European Association of Urology [6] remains the gold standard
An important reason for choosing a bladder-sparing therapy therapy for patients with MIBC.
such as the trimodal therapeutic approach is preservation of
urinary bladder and sexual function. In urodynamic series and
13. Expert commentary
quality of life questionnaires nearly 75% of patients showed
normal bladder function after bladder-sparing surgery. Distress Radical cystectomy with urinary diversion and pelvic lymph
from urinary symptoms was reported in <50% of patients node dissection is the standard therapy for patients with MIBC.
(increased urinary urge 15%; urinary incontinence 19%) [100]. The utilization of this treatment protocol is supported by a
Efstathiou et al. [21] examined the prevalence of genitourinary or high level of evidence [7,8]. However, despite all advantages
gastrointestinal pelvic toxicity in 157 patients 2 years after blad- demonstrated in studies [9,10], radical cystectomy is asso-
der-preserving therapy and found no incidences of grade 4 ciated with a complication rate of 31–51% and a 30-day post-
toxicity in their cohort; 7% of patients showed grade 3 toxicity operative mortality rate of 1.5–2.7% [11–13]. Especially elderly
(urinary urgency and hematuria was reported by 5–7% of patients and those with multiple comorbidities may not meet
patients; sigmoid obstruction or proctitis was reported in 1.9%). the minimal physical requirements to safely undergo radical
Also, there was no indication for salvage cystectomy secondary cystectomy [14]. While advances in surgical therapy of loca-
to pelvic toxicity. A small, nonadjusted, case-controlled series of lized malignancies in other anatomic sites have focused on
33 patients with biopsy-proven T2-T4a, N0, M0 urothelial bladder organ preservation as alternatives to radical, organ-ablative
cancer showed similar overall and disease-free survival rates with procedures, its standing in treatment of muscle-invasive

tumors is low. There is just a manageable amount of publica- durvalumab, an antiprogrammed cell death ligand-1, and
tions dealing with trimodal therapy and partial cystectomy radiotherapy in terms of safety, efficacy, and tumor growth
[95] for patients with MIBC. Although, these therapeutic rate. In result, there was no unexpected adverse event. On 10/
options typically achieve respectable oncologic results [1,20– 15 in-field evaluable lesions, the objective response rate was
24], only 6%–19% of patients with MIBC are potential candi- 60%. All evaluated in-field lesions had a tumor growth rate
dates for trimodal therapy [1,16–19]. Nevertheless, the data decrease resulting in a significant decrease in the tumor
summarized thus far suggest that trimodal therapy is a poten- growth rate between the two periods (before versus after RT;
tial alternative to radical cystectomy for a selected group of P < 0.01). Overall, the combination therapy was well toler-
patients with MIBC. It is confirmed by the work of a group that ated [109].
examined a total number of 57 studies involving 30,293 The NCT03150836 study, a Phase II multicenter study,
patients. The mean 10-year overall survival was 30.9% for investigates the effect of a combination of radiation therapy
trimodal therapy and 35.1% for radical cystectomy (P = 0.32). and anti-PD-L1 checkpoint inhibitor (durvalumab) with or
The mean 10-year disease-specific survival was 50.9% for tri- without anti-CTLA-4 inhibition (tremelimumab) in patients
modal therapy and 57.8% for radical cystectomy (P = 0.26). with unresectable, muscular invasive or metastatic urothelial
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy significantly increased the rate of carcinoma of the bladder that are ineligible or refusing
pT0 from 20.2% to 34.3% (P = 0.007) in cT2 and from 3.8% to chemotherapy.
23.9% (P < 0.001) in cT3-4. A 5-year overall survival, disease- Another phase II study, that examines radiation therapy in
specific survival, and recurrence free survival in downstaged combination with pembrolizumab in patients with localized
patients (≤ pT1) at radical cystectomy were 75.7%, 88.3%, and urothelial carcinoma of the bladder cancer will start in May
75.8%, respectively. Patients who experienced downstaging 2018 (NCT number NCT03419130).
after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radical cystectomy The promising results of the new therapies suggest that
exhibited improved survival compared to patients treated they will soon become part of trimodal therapy.
with radical cystectomy only [104]. However, the challenge is to identify patients who are most
A comparable effect is also evident with the use of radio- likely to benefit of these therapies. Toward this goal, validation
therapy in other studies. Compared to solitary radiotherapy, of clinical, molecular, and imaging biomarkers that serve for
synchronous radiochemotherapy is associated with increased prediction and monitoring of treatment response are of cen-
rates of local control and improved survival [58,66–68]. Since tral interest [110].
the publication of two studies demonstrating significant A promising approach is provided by molecular subtyp-
improvements in complete response, overall survival, and ing in muscle invasive bladder cancer. Seiler et al. [111]
local tumor control with cisplatin-based radiosensitizing che- investigated the ability of molecular subtypes to predict
motherapy followed by external beam radiotherapy [59,69], a pathological downstaging and survival after neoadjuvant
combined cisplatin-based approach is recommended for chemotherapy in a series of 343 patients. By using a single-
patients with MIBC. sample genomic subtyping classifier (GSC), it was shown
In particular, the use of combined methods shows an that luminal tumors had the best overall survival with and
improvement in the patient’s outcome in terms of disease without neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Claudin-low tumors
control. were associated with poor overall survival irrespective of
A constant challenge is the combination of new and exist- treatment regimen. Basal tumors showed the most
ing therapies to optimize the outcome for patients in the improvement in overall survival with neoadjuvant che-
context of tumor therapy. motherapy compared with surgery alone. The authors of
After a period of perceived stagnation, the approval of the study concluded, that molecular subtyping may have
vinflunine in the second-line treatment of locally advanced an impact on patient benefit to neoadjuvant chemother-
and metastatic urothelial carcinomas provided a discrete apy and if validated in additional studies, patients with
improvement compared to best supportive care. The estab- basal tumors should be prioritized for neoadjuvant che-
lishment of gemcitabine and cisplatin as an alternative to motherapy [111].
MVAC was another step. The introduction of checkpoint inhi- In addition to the possibility of highly efficient therapy, a
bitors raised the therapeutic potential of treating tumors to a biomarker-based approach to identify patients with MIBC who
higher level. Recently, PD-L1 inhibitors, atezolizumab, durva- should undergo neoadjuvant chemotherapy, was shown to be
lumab, and avelumab, and PD-1 inhibitors, pembrolizumab more cost-effective than unselected use of neoadjuvant che-
and nivolumab, have been approved by the US Food and motherapy or radical cystectomy alone [112].
Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of patients with In addition to the exploration of molecular relationships,
advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma of the bladder the use of imaging techniques is indispensable for diagnosis
[105–108]. The clinical studies for the FDA approval showed and treatment planning. Recently, the feasibility of noninva-
overall objective response rate (regardless of PD-L1 expres- sively imaging the PD-L1 status of tumors by small-animal PET
sion) of 13–24% [108]. studies was shown [113]. The early initiation of a specific
Therefore, the next challenge will be to use the new thera- therapy should be possible by that approach.
pies for the trimodal approach. Further studies are necessary to examine the molecular
The effect of combination of radiotherapy and checkpoint structures of urothelial tumors and their targeted drug manip-
inhibitors is investigated by studies. In a series of 10 patients ulation in combination with improved imaging with the aim to
(2014 and 2016) Levy et al. analyzed the combination of use their benefits in trimodal therapy.

14. Five-year view funding from Johnson & Johnson, Roche, Cepheid, Amgen Inc, Bayer AG,
CureVac, Immatics Biotechnologies GmbH, Novartis AG and Karl Storz AG.
Advances in imaging, use of biomarkers, pharmaceutic and T Todenhoefer reports acting as a consultant for Ipsen Pharma and Roche
radiotherapeutic enhancements enable the treatment of an Pharma. The authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial invol-
expanding spectrum of metastatic tumor diseases. vement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or
financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the
Therapeutic options for treatment of advanced or metastatic manuscript apart from those disclosed.
carcinoma have been significantly improved by the introduc-
tion of check-point inhibitors. The use of checkpoint inhibitors
alone and in combination with other therapeutic methods in Reviewer disclosures
the treatment of urothelial carcinoma is subject of ongoing Peer reviewers on this manuscript have no relevant financial or other
studies. A phase II trial that investigates the effect of neutron relationships to disclose.
radiotherapy with concurrent checkpoint inhibitor immu-
notherapy (Pembrolizumab) in patients with advanced urothe-
lial carcinoma started in June 2018 (NCT number: References
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