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Table of Contents
Personal report.................................................................................................................................3



Difference in education in my home country and the UK...........................................................5


Action plan.......................................................................................................................................8

Reference list.................................................................................................................................10

Personal report
I am an avid journal keeper and carried this as a hobby since I learned writing. I still do keep one
and carry it with myself to reflect on work, life, my daily actions and the languages I am
learning. This step helps me in controlling my anxiety and reflecting on my thoughts to
understand the world in a better way. I started learning languages about 6 years ago and worked
on journaling the process. I reflected my actions and the things I was learning about. I
additionally worked on the glimpses of the world to which I was exposing myself.
The amalgamation of journaling while learning a new language has allowed me to relax a little. I
realised that learning takes a bit more time and patience and failing is a process of learning itself.
The mentioned sort of undoing through the process of speaking and learning new languages
allowed me to express my personality which was once highly subdued. Recently, I started
studying the language my family speaks to with one another but not with the children of my
generation such as my cousin or siblings: Sindhi, it is a language I have heard several times used
for telling jokes, gossips and stories. The language is often used in close family gathering by the
elders in my family.
Initially, the process of learning was not easy, I felt tense while communicating. I am awkward
and cannot seem to let the words escape from me. However, when I eventually manage I feel that
they seem nice on the ears. In the mentioned process of learning, I feel like a child again learning
the language my parents use to communicate. I need to set a part free in myself that is playful
and eager to learn new things. Similarly, when I speak French now, I cannot seem to be loud
enough or fast for the native French speakers. The teachers I interact with on a daily basis talk in
an excited manner using hands and other gestures to put across their perspective.
I have been living here for a long time and this part of the culture does not seem to mix well with
my existing personality. It seems I much shyer in speaking French. Initially I thought that it was
just because I was not well versed with the spoken aspects of the language; however, I worked
on improving my speaking skills. I found that I just could not bring myself to talk over someone
else or interrupt them. The thing I always loved abut France is the art and culture of the place,
the movies and the songs. These sorts of things often nurture my existing introverted nature.
While learning the written language, it was speaking that was easy for me. The particles used in

the language being learned seem easy and most importantly it felt natural. The ability to choose
to being natural or polite came natural to me, making it easier for me to learn.
As an adult, going back to the elementary levels of learning can be a bit difficult and most
importantly painful. It is painful to know the history of the culture and yet not able to speak
properly due to lack of understanding. Learning French is easy as few vocabulary set is same as
English words. The French language is strict in terms of grammar rules, just like as my native
language, but as I said above, it feels a bit different, totally out of my comfort zone


Education is profoundly unique and natural in nature as it continues advancing with the
progression of time and human brain. The prime explanation behind the arrangement of
education is given differs according to the country. As affected by Lim and Williams Øerberg
(2017), standards based on which instructive frameworks are shaped differ according to
countries. Be that as it may, the prime point of education in all the nations continues as before, to
ingrain a feeling of inventiveness inside the psyches of people. As expressed by Bala (2016),
each instructive framework is bound with points of interest and impediments. As a creating
country, the instruction framework in India developed on the mainstays of help through the
usage of hypothetical information and setting up the understudies for the hardest serious tests. In
any case, the instructive frameworks in the UK are exceptionally adaptable in nature permitting
their preferred understudies to follow a vocation, instead of the current standard choices. India
being a steadily creating country endures because of absence of required assets. Starting with the
utilization of research based, there stays a progression of things that India needs to accomplish
inside their momentum instructive framework. As affected by Gordon (2019), occasions of
refreshing the educational plan combined with adaptability and worldwide extension of
information can help in tending to the holes. In this way, it is imperative to comprehend the
contrast between the instruction arrangement of the UK and India. Along these lines, a
correlation between the instruction arrangement of India and the UK can chip away at giving the
required direction

Difference in education in my home country and the UK

India UK

FLEXIBILITY Students fail to switch their Students in the referenced

significant subjects in their instructive framework are
school related courses. For permitted by the colleges to
example, in the event that the switch subjects for training
understudy is a significant in and the understudies are not
Chemistry, at that point the constrained to only one
individual can't pick subjects, subject
for example, Economics or
Language in their center

PERCEPTION TOWARDS The educational program The educational program of

EDUCATION identified with Indian the colleges in the UK
instructive association centers follows a useful methodology
around usage of hypothetical in the field of instruction for
methodology. There stays a empowering parts of new
shortage of proactive research. The instructive
measures at training and framework is known to
instruction is fundamentally energize new research for
reliant on the exploration led better comprehension of the
previously issue as opposed to relying
upon existing examination
substance and results

RESEARCH RELATED The Indian government Research in UK based

APPROACH apparently provides colossal colleges is supported by some
degree for research based greatest associations. In this
education. In any case, there manner, it would be
remains no proof of research reasonable enough to express

because of absence of assets the way that the activities
and in this way the identified are varied and
examination activities are provides immense scope of
restricted innovation

CURRICULUM Changes based on the cutting Instruction inside the UK

edge and affirmed proof colleges are continually
based investigations are refreshed inside a gap of
regularly executed very late in scarcely years and offering
the Indian instructive better instructive
educational plan, making the methodology
Indian training framework
repetitive in nature.

EXPOSURE The introduction of the Indian Students believe, travel to the

training framework is UK colleges for showing
exceptionally restricted in signs of improvement
nature. India is yet to be understanding about the topic.
presented to universal Consequently the
methods of training. India understudies are fruitful in
slacks in pulling in the increasing better presentation
understudies from global
outskirts because of
constrained methodology
inside the instructive

CHOICE OF COURSE Limited scope of courses and The scope of specialization is

subjects to choose from varied and provides range of

SCOPE OF The scope of employment The universities in UK

EMPLOYMENT within the traditional provide excellent scope of
educational courses is limited placement after course
and the increasing level of
competition is a big threat to
the students who want to
make it big in the industry. It
is for the same reason, the
students are seen to opt for
variety of courses for getting
a better chance in industry

FUND Affordable Costly due to the high

amounts of rent and fees

ROI ROI is conditional and The ROI is clearly reflected

depends on the course being on the fees and expenses. The
taken and finally determined international studies gives an
by the marks scored by the upper hand to the students

SCHOLARSHIPS Limited number of Universities as in the UK

scholarships provide multiple scholarships
and part time employment

Table 1: The difference between the education system in the UK and India
(Source: Bala, 2016)
Education is highly extraordinary in nature and continues to progress with the advent of time and
human development. The prime explanation in regards to the development of education as per
the country can be attributed to continuous development. As per the study conducted by Beech
(2018), the standards of educational framework are subjected to change as per the framework of
the country. The educational framework is laced with opportunities and challenges that make it
good or worse. As a developing country India the education system here is still developing and

makes use of one of the toughest means to check the educational and intelligence level of the
students. Beginning with the use of research based education; there are progressions of things
that India needs to achieve for obtaining an unblemished educational system. As influenced by
Gordon (2019), the use of refreshing educational program, coupled with flexibility in
development of the education, removing the potential gaps. In this way people can distinguish
between the education system in the UK and India.

The education system is highly dynamic in nature. The efficacy of the education system was
such that it helps in gaining better rates of advantage in the industrial environment. Hence,
obtaining the right kind of education can shape the career for better.

Action plan
Step one – STOP being shy
One of the prime issues that people learning a new language including me feels is the extremely
shyness. The extreme shyness is one of the biggest reasons that overpower the confidence of
learning with fear. There remains no doubt that the course of learning is laced with challenges,
difficulties and mistakes. However, fearing about the mistakes without thinking about the
possible chances of success can hinder the events of learning. In addition to that I need to stop
comparing myself with others; however, I should not stop being inspired by them at any cost.
Thus, there remains no better solution than standing in front of the mirror and practicing it
several times a day.
Step two – Do not consider the grammar rules
While one must often say that disregarding for the grammar is an insult to the language being
learnt, I would regard it as getting rid of extra burden that may make me tensed while speaking
the language. Everything that I have learnt in grammar rules could be easily manifested through
my subconscious mind. Thus, if I speak and try to implement the grammar rules, all at the same
time, I will create an unnecessary effort which in many ways could work on slowing down my
speech, by creating double load on my mind while speaking.
The third step – ACCEPT

Acceptance can be termed as a great way of learning. Even, it may sound completely
demotivating than what I am trying to achieve. However, it does not mean that I plan not to
learn. I feel acceptance of shortcomings can help me in emerging out as a fluent learner. A few
days ago I went to visit my native place and I started stuttering while speaking the language. I
know that I did not speak to my native relatives for the longest time. The sudden change made
me loose capability of conversing in my native language. Thus, it is important to think and
accept the fact, that if such moments occur again, it is important to assess myself. The last thing
that needs to be done in such situations is to get tensed, being tensed can make me confused and
Fourth step-Reflect
Keeping a journal can be termed as a great way of reflecting and learning. The daily activities
can be rightly reflected through the series of journals and the ways it can be handled for better
outcomes. It is important to understand that learning is a gradual process, a time consuming and
patience testing activity. Hence, it becomes important to understand the fact that learning
language is a process that needs time.
At first, the way toward learning was difficult, I felt tense while imparting. I am ungainly and
can't appear to let the words escape from me. Be that as it may, when I in the end oversee I feel
that they appear to be pleasant on the ears. In the referenced procedure of learning, I feel like a
youngster again learning the language my folks use to impart. I have to liberate a section in
myself that is fun loving and anxious to learn new things. So also, when I communicate in
French now, I can't appear to be sufficiently noisy or quick for the local French speakers. The
educators I collaborate with consistently talk in an energized way utilizing hands and different
signals to put over their point of view.

Reference list

Bala, R., 2016. Higher Education in India: A Geographical Study. Journal of Education and
practice, 7(7), pp.39-46.

Beech, S.E., 2018. Adapting to change in the higher education system: International student
mobility as a migration industry. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(4), pp.610-625.

Gordon, P., 2019. Journey into Higher Education: A Study of Postgraduate Indian Students’
Experiences, as They Make the Journey to a New Teaching and Learning Environment in the
UK. Critical Tourism Studies Proceedings, 2019(1), p.60.

Lim, M.A. and Williams Øerberg, J., 2017. Active instruments: on the use of university rankings
in developing national systems of higher education. Policy Reviews in Higher Education, 1(1),

Ponnuswamy, I. and Manohar, H.L., 2016. Impact of learning organization culture on

performance in higher education institutions. Studies in Higher Education, 41(1), pp.21-36.


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