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Student Number: 1958598

Programme:(e.g. Business International Foundation

Management) Programme

Module Title: English Language Seminar Group: J1


Module Code: LC3000 Word Count: 485

I confirm that no part of this assignment, except where clearly quoted and referenced has
been copied from material belonging to any other person e.g. from a book, handout, another
student. I am aware that it is a breach of UEL regulations to copy the work of another
without clear acknowledgement and that attempting to do so renders me liable to disciplinary

Personal report
I am an avid journal keeper and carried this as a hobby since I learned writing. I still do keep
one and carry it with myself to reflect on work, life, my daily actions and the languages I am
learning. This step helps me in controlling my anxiety and reflecting on my thoughts to
understand the world in a better way. I started learning languages about 6 years ago and
worked on journaling the process. I reflected my actions and the things I was learning about. I
additionally worked on the glimpses of the world to which I was exposing myself.
The amalgamation of journaling while learning a new language has allowed me to relax a
little. I realised that learning takes a bit more time and patience and failing is a process of
learning itself. The mentioned sort of undoing through the process of speaking and learning
new languages allowed me to express my personality which was once highly subdued.
Recently, I started studying the language my family speaks to with one another but not with
the children of my generation such as my cousin or siblings: English, it is a language I have
heard several times used for telling jokes, gossips and stories. The language is often used in
close family gathering by the elders in my family.
Initially, the process of learning was not easy, I felt tense while communicating. I am
awkward and cannot seem to let the words escape from me. However, when I eventually
manage I feel that they seem nice on the ears. In the mentioned process of learning, I feel like
a child again learning the language my most known persons use to communicate. I need to set
a part free in myself that is playful and eager to learn new things. I realized making others
acquainted with my culture can provide an immense scope of learning about me and my
traditional belonging. I personally feel that knowing about each other’s culture is a good way
of starting to learn respect for one another. I planned my presentation my showing the vibrant
things in my culture, the traditional dress and headgear that makes us unique. However, the
prime challenge I faced was arranging the information in right manner. I was confused to
read from the slides or the speaker notes. However, I ended up reading from the slides.
As an adult, going back to the elementary levels of learning can be a bit difficult and most
importantly painful. It is painful to know the history of the culture and yet not able to speak
properly due to lack of understanding. Learning English is easy as few vocabulary set is same
as Punjabi words. The English language is strict in terms of grammar rules, just like as my
native language, but as I said above, it feels a bit different, totally out of my comfort zone

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