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Brian Fabio sitanggang

Kelas E
1. While common law does rely On some scattered statutes, which are legislative
decisions, it is largely based on precedent, meaning the judicial decisions that have
already been made in simiLar cases.
Common law (noun) : The body of law derived from judicial decisions rather than
from statues or condition.
Ex Sentence : The development of common law carried out in indonesian is running

2. It offered a store of legal principles and rules invested With the authority of ancient
Rome and centuries of Distinguished jurists, and it held out the possibility of A
comprehensive legal code providing substantive and Procedural law for all situations.
Jurist (noun) : A person who has thorough knowledge of law
Ex Sentence : They Looked at those jurist with ghastly gazes.

3. substantive law establishes which acts are subject to criminal or civil prosecution,
procedural law establishes how to determine whether a particular action constitutes a
criminal act, and penal law establishes the appropriate penalty.
Penalty (noun) : Punishment imposed on a wrongdoer,
usu. in the form of imprisonment or fine; esp., a sum
of money exacted as punishment for either a wrong to
the state or a civil wrong (as distinguished from com-
pensation for the injured party's loss). • lhough usu.
for crimes, penalties are also sometimes.
Ex sentence : the judge gave the penalty to the perpetrators of the theft.

4. Yet traces of the civil law tradition and its importance in the hemisphere maybe found
within state legal traditions across the United States.
Civil law (noun) : One of the two prominent
legal systems in the Western world, originally admin-
istered in the Roman Empire and still influential in
continental Europe, Latin America, Scotland, and
Louisiana, among other parts of the world; ROMAN
Ex sentence : We bought civil law books.

5. English common law emerged from the changing and centralizing powers of the king
during the Middle Ages. After the Norman Conquest in 1066, medieval kings began
to consolidate power and establish new institutions of royal authority and justice.
Justice ( noun) : The fair and proper administration of laws.
Ex sentence: The woman said justice in this country was disappeared.
6. Thomas Jefferson, For example, owned several editions of Justinian’s institutes, and
praised the first American translated Edition from 1812, with its notes and annotations
On the parallels with English law, for its usefulness To American lawyers.
Lawyers (noun) : To practice as a lawyer cassociates often spend their days and
nights law vering, with little lime for recreation
Ex Sentence : I Saw many lawyers in front of building.

7. Medieval scholars of Catholic church law, or canon law, were also influenced by
Roman law scholarship as they compiled existing religious legal sources into their
own comprehensive system of law and governance for the Church, an institution
central to medieval culture, politics, and higher learning.
Institution (noun) : The commencement of something,
Such as a civil or criminal action.
Ex sentence : legal institution help people in their daily lives.

8. English common law emerged from the changing and Centralizing powers of the king
during the Middle Ages. After the Norman Conquest in 1066, medieval Kings began
to consolidate power and establish new Institutions of royal authority and justice.
Authority (noun) : The right or permission to act legally
on another's behalf; esp., the power of one person to
affect another's legal relations by acts done in accor-
dance with the other's manifestations of assent; the
power delegated by a principal to an agent authority
to sign the contract.
Ex Sentence : The police have the Authority
To protect the public.

9. And while Blackstone prevails as the principal source for pre-American precedent in
the law, it is Interesting to note that there is still room for the Influence of Roman civil
law in American legal tradition.
Precedent (noun) : The making of law by a court in recognizing and applying new
rules while administering justice.
Ex sentence: The France precedent too famous in east Europe.

10. This means that there is no comprehensive compilation of Legal rules and statutes.
Rules (noun) : An established standard, guide, or regulation; a principle or regulation
set up by authority, prescribing or directing action or forbearance; as, the rules of a
legislative body, of a company, court, public office, of the law, of ethics.
Ex Sentence : People must obey the rules have been set by the government.

11. The precedents to be applied in the decision of each new case are determined by the
presiding judge. As a result, judges have an enormous role in shaping American and
British law.
Case ( noun) : A general term for an action, cause, suit, or controversy, at law or in
equity, a question contested before a court of Justice, an aggregate of facts which
furnishes occasion for the exercise of the jurisdiction of a court of Justice.
Ex sentence: The police handled the case with care.

12. The birth and evolution of the medieval civil law tradition based on Roman Law was
thus integral to European legal development.
Roman law ( noun) : The legal system of the ancient Romans,
forming the basis of the modern civil law
Ex sentence: Indonesian should imatate implementation of roman law.

13. Countries With civil law systems have comprehensive, continuously updated legal
codes that specify all matters capable of being brought before a court, the applicable
procedure, And the appropriate punishment for each offense.
Punishment (noun) : A sanction
such as a fine, penalty, conhinement, or loss of property, right, or privilege assessed
against a person who has violated the law. 
Ex sentence: he gets punishment for what he did.

14. Church courts applied canon law, urban and rural courts applied local customary law,
Chancery And maritime courts applied Roman law
Canon law ( noun ) : A body of western ecclesiastical law that was first compiled
from the 12th to 14th centuries.
Ex sentence: People in eastern Europe still use the Canon law in their lives.

15. Many of the southwestern states reflect traces of civil law influence in their state
constitutions and codes from their early legal heritage as territories of Colonial Spain
and Mexico.
Heritage (noun) : Property that passed on deathto the owner's heir, esp, land and all
the property connected it (such as a house)
Ex sentence: The book is heritage from ancient roman times.

16. Only in the seventeenth century did common law triumph over the other laws, when
Parliament established a permanent check on the power of the English king and
claimed the right to define the common law and declare other laws subsidiary to it.
Parliament (noun) : The supreme legislarive budy of sunf Telons: esp. (cap.), in the
United Kingdom, the natind legislature consisting of the monaich, the House d Lords,
and the House of Commons
Ex sentence: The members of parliament have a meeting in that room.

17. This difficulty gave birth to a new kind of court, the court of equity, also known as
the court of Chancery because it was the court of the king’s chancellor.
Equity (noun) : Fairness; impartiality; evenhanded dealing (the company's policies
require managers lo use cquity in dealing with subordinate employees).
Ex sentence: Gender equity court in Indonesian still favor men.

18. Throughout the esArly modern period, this desire generated scholarly attempts to
systematize scattered, disparate legal provisions and local customary laws and bring
them into harmony with rational principles of civil law and natural law.
Natural law (noun) : A physical law of nature «gravi tation is a natural law>. 2. A
philosophical system of legal and moral principles purportedly deriving from a
universalized conception of human nature or divine justice rather than from legislative
or judicial action; moral law embodied in principles of right and wrong <many ethical
teachings are based on natural law>. Also termed law of nature; natural justice; lex
aeterna; eternal law; lex naturac; lex naturalae; divine law; jus divinum; jus naturale;
jus nature; (in sense 2) norma- five jurisprudence; jure nature.
Ex sentence: in ancient Times human still used the natural law in their lives.

19. As a result, judges have an enormous role in shaping American and British law.
Judges (noun) : A public official appointed or elected to hear and decide legal
matters in court.
Ex sentence: Everyone looked at judges very seriously

20. Likewise, certain kinds of writs, such as warrants and subpoenas, still exist in the
modern practice of common law
Warrants (noun) :A writ directing or authorizing someone to do an act, esp. one
directing a law enforcer to make an arrest, a search, or a seizure.
Ex sentence: They received a warrant from their superior.

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