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Hello lesson 3: say it with me

• Play Let’s Get Ready to Learn from Lesson 1. Demonstrate the actions for the children to
mimic as the chant.
• Use the Fifi puppet to say Hello to individual children and ask them their names.
• Show the children lots of picture books. Explore
the books with the children. Ask the children to
identify pictures and text. Ask them what the text
tells us (stories, signs, names, etc).

1 Listen and chant.

• Make the Fifi puppet say I love letters! Show the children the alphabet poster. Use the Fifi
puppet to show the children the letters that the animal characters’ names start with, but
don’t expect the children to say the letters or what they stand for yet.
• Make the Fifi puppet say I like to draw letters in the air! Practice making letter shapes in the air
with the puppet. Demonstrate as you say Up and down and round and round.
Encourage the children to copy the movements you make.
• Play the Alphabet ride chant and teach the children the actions (they draw up
and down shapes in the air for the first line, draw round and round shapes in the
air for the second line, then mime being superheroes / flying / cheering for the
last line).
• Play the Alphabet ride chant again for the children to do the actions and join in
where possible.

Are you ready, kids? We’re going on an alphabet ride! Up and down. (drawing
shapes in the air up and down)
Round and round. (drawing shapes in the air round and round)
Let’s make letters. And let’s make sounds.
(being superheroes / flying
cheering for the last line) Weeeeeeeee!

2 Listen and point. Listen and chant

 Look at the picture in the book. Point to each of the carriages in the “alphabet ride” and say the
colors. Ask the children to say the colors for each of the carriages
 Ask the children Can you find any letters on the ride? Invite the children to say any letters they
• Play the chant and encourage the children to chant along with the alphabet if they can.
3 Color.
• Ask the children to take out their colored pencils. Point to the first train carriage and trace
the colored outline with your finger. Ask the children to hold up the sam
• e color crayons. Demonstrate coloring in the first train carriage and tell the children to do
the same. Repeat for the other carriages.
Round up
• Congratulate the children on their achievement. Play and do the actions for the Bye bye

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