Leverage Your LinkedIn Profile For Job Search

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LinkedIn is quickly becoming the source for companies to post their opportunities. A 
LinkedIn profile rather than a resume might be requested in the application process when 
you find a job posted on LinkedIn. Recruiters have grown particularly fond of LinkedIn and 
probably 9 out of 10 recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates. 
LinkedIn Help 
We have reprinted general content from the Help menu in this worksheet but dig into the 
site to learn specific help content for iOS, Android, or Mobile Browser and Lite App. Both 
the L​ inkedIn’s Help Center​ or the ​Help Forum​, and the LinkedIn Blog 
(​https://blog.LinkedIn.com/​)​ are great sources for information. LinkedIn is constantly 
evolving, and new content is added or removed from the site daily. 
Best Practices for Using Keywords and Being Found on LinkedIn 
Your LinkedIn profile is one of the first things potential recruiters see when they’re 
evaluating candidates. It’s also how recruiters can find you for relevant opportunities. Will 
you stand apart from other applicants and will a recruiter be able to find you? Y ​ our 
LinkedIn profile is an extension of your resume and allows you to tell your story in a 
more compelling way.​ To gain an advantage, build an All-Star status profile. The 
guidelines to build a profile can be found in the worksheet B ​ uild Your Professional 
LinkedIn Profile​. Attend the live webinar presented monthly “Optimize Your LinkedIn 
Profile” to ask questions. 
Best Practice​: Although you positioned keywords in your resume, now is the time to 
conduct additional research to add key skills to your profile.  
Headline Keywords: We know that keywords are important for a human reader so draw 
their attention to your profile by developing a great Headline (shown directly under your 
name), Showcase key skills AND a value proposition in the 120 characters available (and if 
you edit this Headline section on your mobile phone you gain an additional 90 characters!).  
Summary/About Keywords: While we do not know the exact parameters that LinkedIn uses 
for the search algorithm; we have learned that in a recruiter search ~25% of a search is tied 
to the Summary/About section. You have a space of 2600 characters to tell your story. 
Include a list of key competencies and skills (tip: Enter the Skill with the same word phrase 
as found in the Skills & Endorsement section). 
Job Title Keywords: You have an option to add additional keywords on the line that shows 
your Job Title in the experience area so add a title that is very searchable, then additional 

(​Example​: Creative Director | Digital Strategy | Online Marketing)  
Experience Keywords | Skills & Endorsement Keywords: Populate the best 50 skills for your 
Skills & Endorsements section. Include the most important keywords and synonyms 
multiple times, don’t forget to include related options as well in your Experience section. In 
any search LinkedIn looks at two things: how many times you use the words in your profile 
and how they rank based on the searcher’s network. Search results are unique to each 
person running the search, the same as each network is unique to the individual.  
Accomplishments Keywords: Add as much information as possible to the Accomplishments 
area – Projects, Certifications, Publications and more – include plenty of keywords.  
Here is a quick check point to determine if you have the most important skills: 
1. Use the Perfect Match system in the CMS as a starting point. How well does your 
resume rank against ideal jobs that have been posted? 
2. Compare your LI profile with other professionals in your field. Identify skills you 
may have missed and add to your profile.  
3. Use the Search box to enter a specific job title then hit enter (do not choose 
anything from the dropdown menu that may appear). The top skills identified with 
that title will be shown in the column to the right. Use this as a checkpoint for your 
profile. Identify your current title and titles you are targeting. 
4. Determine if your current resume and profile have the keywords that match your 
ideal job. Follow the prompts on​ www.jobscan.co.  
5. There are additional options when you have a Premium account with LinkedIn. 
Review a job posting on LinkedIn and scroll down to “How you match”. They will list 
the skills they’re looking for in the job description. 
Let Recruiters Know You’re Open to Opportunities 
You can make your job search status visible to recruiters only to let them know that you’re 
open to new opportunities. You can also share with all LI members that you are currently in 
a search. Start at the Jobs tab, then update your Career Interests. By adding titles and 
locations you’re interested in, you’ll help recruiters understand what you’re looking for. 
When you set the types of opportunities you’re open to, a job alert will be set-up for you. 

Build Your Professional Network of Contacts 
They can’t hire you if they never find you! With 80% of the jobs being filled before being 
advertised it becomes necessary to gain visibility with your targeted employers. A top 
priority will be to add connections to further the goal of being referred into jobs because 
LinkedIn looks at how you are connected to the “searcher.”  
Your profile is more likely to show up in a LinkedIn® searcher’s first page of results if you 
are 1st-level connections so connecting with prospects is key. LinkedIn has shared that 
users with 500+ connections are more likely to land higher up on the search results 
because that 500+ connections is considered in their algorithm (Unfortunately we don’t 
know the full parameters for the algorithm because it has never been fully disclosed). 
LinkedIn recently released results of a study they conducted and in brief they shared that a 
single connection makes a huge difference and can change the trajectory of a career. 
Having at least one connection at a company makes you 6 times more likely to get a job 
there. Having a formal referral from that connection makes you 9 times more likely to get 
the job. 
To get started, think about who you already know without categorizing them as someone 
who might know someone at your target company. Connect with relatives, friends, alumni, 
former colleagues, former business acquaintances, etc. Reach for network contacts far and 
wide, you don’t really know the extent of their connections and you could be 2nd or 3rd 
degree from someone in your target organization.   
Every day that you have communications with someone new, not necessarily a face-to-face 
meeting, it can be through any type of contact, make it practice to request a connection. 
Spend time reviewing your second- and third-degree connections and move them to first 
degree. Follow this same best practice with your LinkedIn Groups – review the list of group 
members and ask many of them to connect at 1​st​ degree. 
Find Nearby​: Are you attending an event? Quickly find and connect with people in your 
proximity using the “Find Nearby” feature from the LinkedIn mobile app! For more 
information check this link: https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/75689. 
What Should I Post? Stay Active! 
LinkedIn is your forum for professional, relevant information that can help strengthen your 
brand as a valuable subject matter expert. LinkedIn measures your activity levels to 
determine where you may be positioned in search results. They keep the algorithm private 
but have shared that this is important to how the system operates. The Social Media Lab 
experiment about LinkedIn hashtags shows that posts using at least one hashtag get 
29.59% higher impressions. 
Read this article to understand the importance and strategies for posting LinkedIn updates: 

Some excerpts from the article​: Posting an update means sharing something of interest 
about you or others in your LinkedIn updates feed. Your update feed is visible in the center 
column of your profile, each time you log into your LinkedIn account. As of this writing, you 
post an update by clicking on the content in the block that appears at the very top of the 
center column. This action is also called “sharing an update”, “an activity update” and 
“updating your status”, among other things. Use updates in these two ways: 
1. React to other people’s updates with comments, shares, likes and other reactions. 
First, follow people whose radar you want to be on, and those who work at your 
target companies. After that, view their updates in your LinkedIn stream. Share the 
ones that will be relevant to your network and/or the people you want to be visible 
2. Comment on other people’s relevant updates. Similarly, when you see a relevant 
update by someone else, take a few moments to leave a meaningful comment. 
Write a comment that positions your subject matter expertise. You want something 
more than “Great article”. 
3. Like or otherwise react to other people’s relevant updates. This is the simplest and 
most time-saving LinkedIn update tactic. On relevant updates of others, simply 
hover over the Like icon and you will see a couple of ways to react to the post. 
Expand Contacts with Groups 
Join and actively participate in LinkedIn Groups that are specific to your industry, 
profession, location, and people that might have similar interests (you can now join 100 
groups). Recruiters are notorious for trolling these groups in search of qualified candidates. 
Look at the Jobs posted in your groups – these do not necessarily appear in the general 
Jobs listing.  
Don’t forget to join any alumni groups that exist for your alma mater or previous 
employers. Consider looking at profiles for your connections, or leaders in the industry to 
determine which groups they have joined. When we think about the LinkedIn search 
algorithm you have a better chance to appear at the top of a list if you have a connection, 
and group connections are considered. 
Identify Groups by using search terms in the Search box and when the drop down appears, 
select See All Results. You are now in the Advanced Search mode. Select More, and from 
that dropdown you can select Groups to narrow down the list of groups related to the 
search term you entered. You can also learn which groups LinkedIn might suggest for you 
by following this path: start at the nine-dot box at the top right corner labeled Work; then 
select Groups. Once on this page click on tab “Requested” to see a link to “Discover”. Based 
on your current profile and connections a suggestion of groups will appear. 

Click on the following link to learn more about joining LinkedIn groups: 
Stay active in your groups! Engage in discussions, leave comments, and ask questions. It’s 
this interaction that could lead to your next new connection or opportunity! 
Identify Targeted Contacts 
Start with your target list of companies and conduct a search for the Company page by 
entering company name in the search box. On the company page you have the option to 
Follow the company which will pull their news to your home page.  
From the company page you can see a list of the current employees of the company. This 
list will be overwhelming so use the Advanced Search tools to identify best targets. If you 
are researching a company and want insider tips, consider identifying people who are 
former employees because these individuals may be willing to share information about the 
company and likely have many contacts at that target company. 
NOTE​: The number of advanced searches that can be conducted with a Basic (free) account 
with LinkedIn is limited each month and resets at the first of the month. You will be notified 
if you are reaching your limit. 
Identify contacts at a couple of different employee levels. Start with someone who would 
be a peer (and not a competitor for your job). Next identify someone who might be your 
Direct Manager, then the one level up manager. For example, if you normally report to a 
director, you might pull directors as well as senior directors and/or VPs as your one level 
up. Multiple contacts at your target company increase your chance of being found! 
Best Practice: ​Once you have identified individuals, go to their profile. Review their 
background, jot down groups they have joined, and think about the best way to approach 
them, ​then​ ask to connect. Once you have connected, then ask for a 5-minute 
conversation to talk with you about some things you could not research on the web! 
You might see a Connect link on their profile page, but if not, you do not need to use the 
Message service. InMail is a paid feature on LinkedIn (available at no cost if you have a 
premium account). Use the M ​ ore​ button to see the drop-down menu and you should find a 
Connect option there that is no charge. 
NOTE:​ To connect with others using your mobile device look for the 3-dot icon that allows 
you to add a note. 


You won’t necessarily know the person, but it is critical that you Add a Note. It can be 
something like this: 
“You don’t know me, but (what do you have in common?) Recently I have been working in 
____industry and I’m currently in transition, hoping to stay in the local market and identify 
opportunities with ___ companies. Let’s connect at first degree and I hope we can meet in 
person later”.  
Best Practice: ​Check “Who viewed your profile” every day found in the left margin on your 
Home page. See a name you don’t recognize? Check their LI profile and then invite them 
to connect with you. 
Using LinkedIn Advanced Search 
To access the search feature place your cursor in the Search box at the top and the 
Advanced Search options appear. You can immediately select one of these filters (People, 
Jobs, Content, Companies, Schools, Groups) to begin your search. Once you select a filter, 
there will be more options to customize your search. The number of searches you can 
conduct monthly will vary based on your LI account (increases when you have a Premium 

Best Practice​: Keep the search simple to start because the more restrictions on the search 
parameters might limit the results.  

Search and apply for the right jobs 

You can easily s​ earch for jobs on LinkedIn​ and narrow down your results using filters, 
keywords, and a ​ dvanced search​. You can either search for jobs in the search bar at the top 
of L
​ inkedIn homepage​ or navigate to the ​LinkedIn Jobs homepage​ to manage your job 
search. Once you discover opportunities relevant to you, consider researching the 
companies and ways you can recognize and avoid fraudulent tactics​ before​ you apply. If 
you have any concerns about a job posting, you can report them 

Click the Jobs icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. 


Click the Search jobs field and enter keywords or a company name. You can also select 
from the job roles suggested by LinkedIn based on your qualification and experience. 
Enter the job location that you prefer in the Search location field and click Search. You’ll be 
directed to the search results page where you’ll see a list of job postings that suit your job 
role and location preference. Use the filters options at the top of the search results page to 
filter the results. 

Job Alerts on LinkedIn 
To reduce your effort in a job search, you can ​set up job alerts​ based on your previous job 
searches, preferences, and specific companies. These alerts ensure that you’ll regularly 
receive relevant job suggestions via email or notifications, and help you track your ​saved 
and applied jobs​. You can also ​Save Jobs​ while browsing on LinkedIn and come back later 
to apply.  
To create a job alert, search for a job on LinkedIn. At the top left of the job search results 
page, switch the Job alert toggle to “On” to create a job alert for your current search criteria. 
Switch the toggle to “Off” to turn off the job alert. 

Create job alerts for specific companies 
Search for the company you’re interested in on the LinkedIn homepage. Click the Jobs tab 
on the left rail of the LinkedIn Page. Click Create job alert to setup alerts for when the 
company posts jobs that match your skills. 
Once you create the job alert, you can also let recruiters know that you’ve created job alerts 
for their company by switching the toggle to On. To stop notifying your interests to 
recruiters, switch the toggle to Off. 
Your changes will be saved automatically. 
Manage your job alerts 
To manage the job alerts, click the Jobs icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. Click 
Manage alerts under the search box at the top of the page. The Manage search alerts 
pop-up will appear. You can edit or delete search alerts. 
Click Save. You can also click Cancel if you don't want to save your changes. 
Managing the Jobs you have saved on LinkedIn 
When you search for a job on LinkedIn, you can save it at any time by clicking the Save 
button on the job details page. 
To access and “unsave” jobs click Jobs at the top of your homepage. Click “Track my jobs” 
above the search bar at the top of the page. Any jobs you've saved are listed under Saved 
jobs. Click on a job to view the job details and begin the application process. 
To unsave a saved job, click the Cancel icon to the right of the job title. You can also unsave 
a job by clicking the job and clicking Unsave at the top of the job details page 

Contacting a Recruiter for a Job Posting 

Important: L ​ inkedIn is currently rolling-out a new feature to members, where you can 
directly send a message to the job poster if your skills closely match the ones listed in the 
job posting. 
If your skills and criteria match the ones listed in the job posting, LinkedIn offers you the 
ability to directly send a message to the job poster of a job for free. LinkedIn notifies you 
that you’re a good match for the posting and allows you to contact the job poster directly. 
You can do this by clicking on Message Job Poster. These messages will be free and will not 
require any InMail credits. 
Applying for Jobs on LinkedIn 
If you see a job that you're interested in as you search for jobs, you can easily apply for it 
on LinkedIn. Based on what the job poster chooses, you'll see an Easy Apply or Apply 
Once you apply for a job, you c ​ annot​ withdraw or modify your application submitted 
through LinkedIn. You’ll need to directly contact the job poster through an InMail or 
external method. 
To apply for a job on LinkedIn using Easy Apply  
To make the application process faster and easier, on the job posting page, click Easy Apply 
to directly apply to jobs without having to leave LinkedIn.com. This is not available for all 
Where does my application go? 
Your completed application will be securely sent to the relevant company and you may 
receive a confirmation or follow-up email.  
NOTE:​ If you’ve completed an application for a role posted by a recruiting agency, then 
that recruiting agency may share your application with its other customers for roles that 
may suit your profile.  
What does the "saved answers" feature do? 
Saved answers allow you to reuse your uploaded resume and other application 
information for future job applications. After your first time completing an application, 
you'll be prompted to save your job application information. You can manage your recently 
used and default resumes from the Job Applications Settings page. 
NOTE:​ LinkedIn doesn’t save answers to equal employment opportunity and self-identity 

If enabled, LinkedIn will store and pre-fill answers for future job applications and may use 
the information to recommend jobs that are relevant to your qualifications. You’ll always be 
able to delete answers, and review and update information in applications before they’re 
Apply for a job (without using EasyApply) 
You’ll be redirected to the company or third-party website where you can apply for the job 
If you don't want to apply for a job at this time, you can save it by clicking Save above the 
job description. You'll be able to access your saved jobs at any time to begin the application 
Additional LinkedIn Strategies 
Update and upload resume 
Your resume is an important part of showcasing your skills and expertise to specific 
employers. You can save up to 5 resumes on LinkedIn so that you can instantly use them as 
you apply for jobs through the EasyApply feature.  
NOTE​: LinkedIn offers this as an option to jobseekers, but each person needs to decide on 
their comfort level regarding privacy. Review your Settings & Privacy options as you launch 
into your search. We recommend you build a complete All-Star profile and not rely on a 
resume so the search technology can find you.  
Disadvantages of uploading a resume: The resume posted within LI may be only one 
viewpoint of you and you are encouraged to tweak your resume for each opportunity. If 
you gain interest through your profile a call may be prompted allowing you to converse 
with the recruiter to present yourself in the best light and learn about the opportunity. 
Remember that you lose control over who sees your resume once it gets uploaded. It 
becomes easy to download, and people can share, pirate, copy, or use that resume without 
your knowledge. Ask yourself if you’re comfortable with such a scenario and whether you 
might be putting yourself at risk. 
Add a Skills Assessment 
The LinkedIn Skill Assessments feature allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of the 
skills you’ve added on your profile by completing assessments specific to those skills. You 
can find the library of assessments in the Skills & Endorsements section when you are in 
the edit mode. Once you pass the assessment, you can choose to add a badge to the Skills 

section of your profile to showcase your proficiency. A typical assessment consists of 15 to 
20 multiple choice questions and each question tests at least one concept or subskill. The 
questions are timed and must be completed in one session.  
To Pay or Not to Pay 
It’s important to weigh the options for LinkedIn’s free and premium account memberships. 
While a free account offers enough features to get you started, going premium can 
increase your access to additional tools, allow you to view the full list of people who have 
checked out your profile, and open LinkedIn’s InMail internal messaging system. A new 
feature with Premium accounts is a link to Interview Prep videos. You will be prompted to 
take advantage of Premium for one month at no charge, just check the top right corner of 
your profile page. 

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