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1 Attempt
2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt
 Task 1: Complete a risk assessment ☐ ☐ ☐

 Task 2: Create an action plan ☐ ☐ ☐

 Task 3: Communicate new procedures ☐ ☐ ☐

 Task 4: Monitor WHS procedures ☐ ☐ ☐

 Task 5: Undertake a training evaluation ☐ ☐ ☐

☐Satisfactory ☐Satisfactory ☐Satisfactory
OUTCOME ☐Not ☐Not ☐Not
Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory
DATE / / 20 / / 20 / / 20



Document Name: SITXWHS003_Assessment 2_Project RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 1 of 21

Document Name: SITXWHS003_Assessment 2_Project RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 2 of 21
SITXWHS003 Implement and Monitor
Work Health and Safety Practices
Assessment 2 – Project
Assessment task description
This assessment requires you to:
 Complete a risk assessment.
 Create an action plan.
 Communicate new procedures.
 Monitor WHS procedures.
 Undertake a training evaluation.

You are required to do the following.

 Complete the tasks.

 Organise a team meeting on WHS procedures.
 Answer all the questions.
Note: You will need to save this assessment document and submit this document via Didasko .

Task 1: Complete a risk assessment

 You are required to complete a risk assessment in your workplace or a simulated workplace
related to three out of the five following situations:
 Evacuation of staff and customers.
 Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people.
 Handling chemicals and hazardous substances.
 Workplace accidents.
 Hazard identification and reporting.
 You need to complete the risk assessment matrix based on these risks to assess the risks
from most important to least important to address.
 You will find the Risk assessment template on the next page.

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Potential hazard Who is at risk? Existing control measures Preventative measures Responsibilities
(Workplace accidents) Staff and Wet floor sign ,mop bucket Being careful with handling any HR Manager and
customers chemical or liquid and always wear supervisor
CHEMICALS SPILL gloves. Where possible do not
ON THE FLOOR store the chemical in the kitchen,
keep them in designated area for
storing chemical.

(Hazard Substance) Kitchen staff Slippery floor sign, clean the floor Trained staff properly. Provide Shift Supervisor
Oil split on floor staff with written procedure or safe
work guidelines.

(Handling chemicals All kitchen Replace sponges Always use fresh sponges to clean Safety Manager
and hazardous staff kitchen counter and disposed dirty
substances) sponges immediately.
Kitchen sink pipe

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Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 4 of 21

Very high

High severity 1. Drinks spill

3 on the floor

2. Oil split on
2 the floor

Low severity 3. Kitchen sink

1 pipe leaking

Medium Very high

Low likelihood High likelihood
likelihood likelihood
1 3
2 4


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Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 5 of 21

Risk Risk assessment equation Risk rating

1. Drinks spill on the floor 3×2=6 1ST

2. Oil split on floor 1ST

3. Kitchen sink pipe

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Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 6 of 21
Task 2: Create an action plan
 From task 1 choose three of the risks to create new workplace health and safety procedures.

 You need to complete the action plan for the three new WHS procedures.

 You will find the Action plan template on the next page.

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Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 7 of 21

Date of plan: Name of person completing plan:

New WHS procedure Who is responsible Areas and team Timeframe for roll-out Training Review
for implementation? members involved When will new Provide a description and When will the new
Include anyone procedures need to timeline for WHS training. procedure be
who will need to be fully rolled out? reviewed for
assist and their job effectiveness?
1.Training for handling HR Manager and Front area and Immediately on his Training him proper On his third shift
procedure supervisor involved just next shift process of closing
himself chemical bottles lid and
handling out for him
next 2 shift hours.

2. Training for oil handling Shift supervisor Kitchen floor and As we clean the Trained the staff With the every shift
the staff member on area immediately members how to handle
shift the oil

3. Maintaining the kitchen sink Safety manager In the kitchen area When kitchen pipe Training the kitchen staff With every shift
pipe services fully recovered immediately

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Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 8 of 21
Task 3: Communicate new procedures
 You are to run a team meeting outlining the three new procedures you identified in Task 2.
 You will organise a suitable time for the meeting with your assessor and your team members.
 During the meeting you must include the following.
 Explanation of new WHS procedures.
 Any changes to WHS policies as a result of this.
 Any changes to hazard identification, risk assessment or reporting.
 Ask for input from team members about the new WHS procedures.
 Outline how the team’s ideas can be applied to the new WHS procedures.
 Outline when and how the new procedures will be rolled out to all team members.
 Explanation of how the new procedures comply with WHS legislation or hospitality
industry safety codes of practice/standards and the ramifications for non-compliance.
 Explanation of where documents of the new procedures can be accessed.
 Explanation of any training that will be provided to team members.
 You need to organise a meeting agenda and any other tools and documents you need.
 Conduct your team meeting and use the Meeting agenda template on the page 9
 Your assessor will use the checklist which is given on the next page to assess your
performance during the meeting.
 You need to answer the following questions AFTER you have completed the meeting

Q1: What issues did you identify during the consultation process and what action did you take
to resolve the issues?
 Management did not provide proper training to staff to keep keys etc. Some staff don not
take the keys seriously and just leave them everywhere and carry them around. Keys can
be lost and dangerous at any time. Handed over only to authorized persons, not to anyone

 Employees were not aware of risks such as use, control and storage in the workplace.
Improper use of equipment and excessive attention to the sofa can damage the skin and
seriously damage the image, another problem is lack of awareness, lack of
communication between employees.

 Employees are unfamiliar with chemicals such as use, care and storage. Medicines can
leak at any time due to improper handling of medicines, lack of awareness or lack of
knowledge about how to store medicines due to loose lids on containers.

 Provide staff with written procedures.
 Provide appropriate staff training.
 Use the right knife.

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Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 9 of 21
 Remember to meet regularly.
 When someone signs up, they have to confirm.

 Do not give the key to anyone. Provide training properly.
 You need to grant access to the key only to specific individuals.
 Always keep all keys safe.
 Perform regular inspections and unlock all keys.
 Provide the key chart on wall.

 Provide appropriate staff training.
 Have regular meetings.
 Maintenance should be checked daily.
 Provide basic safety procedure chart on wall.
 Provide accurate PPE information.

Q2: Describe any feedback you’ve provided to management during or after the completion of
your consultation activities in Task 3.
The results of the discussion must comply with the political rules and regulations. Therefore, the
work environment will be safe and will get out of the workplace to know the problem after
discussing the problem.

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Have you
completed this
You must complete the following tasks for this assessment task?
Yes No

Organised and distributed agenda. YES

Explained three new WHS procedures. YES

Used oral communication skills to explain WHS procedures and information on

safe work practices. YES

Consulted with staff about new WHS procedures. YES

Listened to and used team feedback to identify ways to improve WHS

procedures. YES

Provided an opportunity for staff members to contribute their views on current

and future WHS management practices. YES

Outlined how and when the new WHS procedures would be rolled out. YES

Explained how the new procedures comply with WHS legislation or industry
codes of practice/standards and any ramifications for non-compliance. YES

Explained any training that team members will undergo for the new procedures. YES

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Sunday, October 2, 2022

Stanley Evans

TYPE OF MEETING Discussion meeting


Time Alloted agenda topic presenter
Discussion about the
Stanley Evans
9:15am – Present at workplace and
Operational Manager
10:15am risk associated with the

Discussion about hazard

Stanley Evans
10:15am – and
Operational Manager
11:15am Risk identifications

Discussion about hazard

identification forms and
other Stanley Evans
11:00am –
Documentation and the Operational Manager
process of filling up all

Document Name: SITXWHS003_Assessment 2_Project RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 12 of 21
 During working hours, we discuss the risks that occur in the kitchen and the problems
that occur during work.

 Workplaces need to be improved as employees need to be properly trained and adhere

to WHS policies to keep employees and customers safe.

 The work environment must be safe.

As a result of the discussion, you must comply with WHS policies and regulations. This will
ensure a safe work environment and create a workplace where you can learn about issues after
you have discussed them.

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Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 13 of 21

They must know how to store, use and control

Staff members
Training to use the knife Staff members

OBSERVERS Provide the training and regular meetings to observe everything

SPECIAL NOTES Provide training properly

Recommended Policies:-
Following discussion, please detail below your three recommended policies, within each policy you need to highlight the following
pieces of information discussed and agreed with your colleagues during this meeting:-

 Department Responsible
 Policy Detail and background
 Training and Implementation schedule.
 Person Responsible
 Deadline for completion

Document Name: SITXWHS003_Assessment 2_Project RTO Code: 52010 CRICOS Code: 03548F
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1 week
Policy 1.) Chemical substances
 Good observation from the senior
 Provide staff with proper training
 Look out for the instruction sheet
on the kitchen wall
 Have regular meeting
 Guidelines were provided and staff
were trained

All the staff and

2 weeks

1 week All the staff and 2 weeks

Policy 2.) Loosing the store room keys management
 Provide employees with appropriate
 Conduct regular inspections
 Display a chart of basic safety
procedures on the kitchen wall
 Provide relevant information about

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Policy 3) Workplace accident like cut the One week
finger with knife
 Provide adequate training
 Display the charts on the wall in the
 Use the knife in the correct way
 Conduct regular inspections All the staff and
 Hold regular staff meetings 2 weeks

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Task 4: Monitor WHS procedures
 You have now implemented the three WHS procedures that you identified in Task 2.
 You need to monitor the work operations and the use of the three new procedures in your
area of responsibility.
 You need to report on issues of non-compliance with the new WHS procedures and work
health and safety legislation, procedures and safe work practices.
 Use the Monitoring template (provided on the next page) to document any action you intend
to take as a result of your observations (hazards identified through staff processes, who you
will notify or consult with, training needs identified, reports to be completed, etc.). An example
is provided in the template
 You need to answer the following questions AFTER you have completed the template.

Q1: What action do you need to take as a result of your monitoring.

I will follow the restaurant’s daily plans and guidelines and ensure that all necessary items
including stock, tools, machines and groceries are available. I will check if it is held regularly
also I would have a look for any hazard, if anything which can hazard I will report, replace and
remove them immediately and make sure everyone is fully aware of their duties and

Q2: How will you implement these actions? Include information about timelines.
I will create a WhatsApp group for all the staff and share all the information and plan the next
days in groups before going to bed, it will be easier to understand the next day and take less time
for everyone who already has about have informed changes or their responsibilities.

Q3: How do you monitor the day-to-day effectiveness of WHS practices in maintaining the
health, safety and security of personnel?
First of all, if anyone has a health problem such as cough, cold or sneeze, please take medicine and if
problem is serious, wear mask and gloves and then they will be asked to leave.

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Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 18 of 21

Date Issue identified Intended action Effectiveness? Recommendations

How do the existing procedures maintain the Are there any recommendations for change?
health, safety and security of team members?
12/07/22 Not all group Retraining non- Everyone’s safety is guaranteed unless all  Ensure that all non-compliant
members use the compliant team team members follow the new collection employees are retrained in the new
new collection members method procedures and disciplined
technology. accordingly.
 Immediately empty the stack from

14/07/22 Improper use of Provide employees Injuries such as burnt, cuts and abrasions can  Ensure proper training and regular
equipment such as with appropriate occur if all team members do not follow the meetings with staff.
knife, gloves and training. new technique  Provide charts on the wall
aprons. Lack of
lack of knowledge.
09/07/22 Keys of storeroom Provide keys only If you do not follow the technique, cooking  Ensure proper training and regular
are lost to authorized and may be delayed. meetings with staff
responsible person  Give strict instructions
 Instantly freeze stacks in storage

24/07/22 Spill the chemical Provide If they do not follow the procedure, they can  The caps must be tight
on the floor information on get hurt, like anyone can slip, burn eyes  Store the chemical separately
how to store,
monitor and use
the chemical and
store the chemical

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Task 5: Undertake a training evaluation
 Choose two of the new procedures that you implemented in task 3
 Over the last week you have observed, monitored and analysed one employee’s proficiency
in completing each of the required tasks.
 You need to document your observations in a training needs analysis and make
recommendations for further training required.
 For this task choose one procedure that the employee performed well and the other
procedure is not being performed well.
 You will find the Training Needs Analysis template on the next page.
 You need to answer the following question AFTER you have completed the template.

Q1: Research two possible providers for the training needs you identify. Include information on
training costs and arrangements.

 Create a WhatsApp group and share information about technology.

 Provide the literature
 Provide charts on the wall in the kitchen.

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Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 20 of 21

Employee: Stanley Evans___________________________________

Job role: _Kitchen hand________________________________

Task breakdown or Employee skills/knowledge displayed Competency demonstrated in Further training required?
skills/knowledge required to this task? Yes/No
perform task (Yes/No) (Include details)
Workplace accidents  Keep the knife sharp Overall good, but needs Yes, he needs training to fit
How to use knife  Always bother more safety than blades. around his work schedule.
 Keep an eye on the blade
 Wear a cutting gloves
 Cut on the cutting regular box
 Carry the knife pointing down.

Chemical substances  Label all chemical containers He is good but he needs to Yes, they have to train to be on
How to store the chemical  Use of personal protective equipment remember the time and the time during work hours.
 Provide the exact location of each right way.
medication and store medications


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Version: 1.1 Approved on: 21 Jun 2021 Review Date: 21 Jun 2023 Page 21 of 21

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