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Paternidad 05

“A los niños se les debe enseñar cómo pensar, no qué pensar”.

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Los arquitectos (INTJ) son conocidos por su racionalidad y autocontrol, y cualquiera
que no comparta estas fortalezas puede desconcertarlos, por ejemplo, los niños. Para
estas personalidades, la crianza a menudo requiere dominar nuevas habilidades y
desarrollar flexibilidad cognitiva. Afortunadamente, los arquitectos casi siempre están
listos para los desafíos, y para los arquitectos que tienen hijos, la paternidad puede
ser un desafío especialmente significativo.

Una conexión honesta

Architects want their children to grow up to be capable and self-reliant, with clear
interests and strong critical-thinking skills. Rather than enforcing pointless rules,
parents with this personality type look for age-appropriate ways to foster their
children’s independence. That’s not to say that Architects are lenient – far from it.
They expect their children to use their freedom responsibly.

Architect parents treat their children the way they want to be treated
themselves – with candor
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Some personality types might shelter their children from difficult subjects, but
Architect parents believe that knowledge is far better than ignorance. For them,
candor is a way of showing respect, and shielding their children from reality would be
a disservice. Of course, the success of this approach depends on Architects’ ability to
correctly gauge their children’s readiness for these hard truths.

The Chaos of Emotions

Compared to many other personality types, Architects aren’t especially comfortable

with displays of affection. Showering someone with love and praise can feel unnatural
to them – even if that “someone” is their own child. But children need cuddling and
approval and other expressions of love, particularly during their younger years. As a
result, Architect parents may need to expand their emotional comfort zone in order
to show their children just how much they are loved.

Another challenge for parents with this personality type is offering emotional support.
Architects take pride in being in command of their feelings, and they might
(consciously or unconsciously) expect their children to be able to do the same. But
this expectation isn’t reasonable – emotions may be confusing and, at times, chaotic,
but they’re perfectly normal, and children need validation and support in order to
navigate them.

Architects are at their best when they can develop a plan to solve a
problem’s root cause. But sometimes the best solution to a kid’s problem is
just sitting with them as they explore their feelings.
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Preparing for Life’s Challenges

Los arquitectos tratan de asegurarse de que sus hijos estén preparados para hacer
frente a cualquier cosa que les depare la vida. Los padres con este tipo de
personalidad tienen talento para reformular los desafíos como oportunidades de
aprendizaje y, al hacerlo, pueden inspirar a sus hijos a desarrollar su propio estilo de
pensamiento racional y resolución de problemas. Con el tiempo, los hijos de
arquitectos pueden aplicar estas habilidades a situaciones cada vez más complejas,
aumentando su confianza a medida que crecen.

Cada padre tiene un sueño diferente para el futuro de su hijo. Para los arquitectos, el
sueño es criar a un adulto competente que conozca su propia mente y resuelva sus
propios problemas. Los arquitectos entienden que esto no puede suceder si protegen
a sus hijos de todo lo difícil o desagradable de la vida. Pero su esperanza es que, si les
dan a sus hijos las herramientas adecuadas, no tendrán que hacerlo.

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