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- Circle the correct words:

Did you watch The Walking Dead last night?

Yeah, it was good, wasn’t it? And that reminds/remembers me, did I tell you I saw them filming it a few
weeks ago?
Really? Did you remember/recognise the actors?
Not at first, no. I can’t/couldn’t remember why I was in town that day… Ah, yes, I remember/remind, I
was just coming back from the dentist when I noticed/recognised a whole lot of police cars. At first, I
thought there’d been an accident, but then I realised what it was.
What were they filming?
I’d/I’ve forgotten exactly what was happening, but I can remember/can forget them filming the same
scene again and again. Looking/Watching back, it was actually quite boring, nothing like the TV
programme when you see it!

12.- -ing/to + infinitive/past simple:

I’ll never forget ________met__ (meet) your father for the first time.
I never remember __________ (charge) my mobile at night, so it’s always run out in the morning when
I need it.
I can remember the hotel where we __________ (stay) on our honeymoon, but I don’t remember its
I forgot __________ (send) my sister a birthday message, and she was really upset.
I’ve forgotten how __________ (access) my account. Can you remember?
I completely forgot that I __________ (have) a dentist’s appointment yesterday until they rang me this
morning. I think they were a bit annoyed.
I don’t remember __________ (do) anything special for my birthday last year.
I remember that I __________ (be) on holiday in the mountains when the Berlin Wall came down.

13.- Circle the impossible word:

The CD/screen/page is scratched.

The jacket/magazine/T-shirt is the wrong size.
The CD cover/plate/car is cracked.
The colour/T-shirt/magazine is torn.
The on-off switch/jacket/freezer doesn’t work.

14.- Match the sentence halves:

We often travel economy class to complain about the service at the hotel.
Could you come to the office next week so as not to be late.
I listen to jazz in order to meet your new colleagues?
We took a taxi to the theatre to relax when I’m stressed.
I use online dictionaries in order to save money.
I’m writing to look up words I don’t know.
15.- Present perfect simple/progressive:

I __________ (wait) to speak to someone for twenty minutes.

I __________ (write) to you three times, but I __________ (have) a reply.
I __________ (stay) in your hotels for over five years, and this is the first time you _________ (charge)
me extra for breakfast.
I __________ (try) to call you for the last two days, but your lines are always busy.
You __________ (repair) my computer for two weeks now. I can’t believe it’s still not ready!
I __________ (wait) for three weeks for the book I ordered from you. Can you tell me when it was
I’m really not happy with the service your company __________ (provide) this time.
I __________ (try) all week to speak to your manager, but she’s never available.

16.- Circle the correct verbs:

The girl took/brought all her money with her and ran away from home. Her parents hired a detective to
take/bring her back to them.
When you come to lunch on Sunday, take/bring the dogs with you. My daughter can take/bring them
out for a walk.
“Are you coming/going to the bank this afternoon?” “Yes, I am. Do you want to come/go with me?”
She came/went home to visit us here in Barcelona before coming/going on holiday to Mexico.
“You can borrow/lend my car if you need it.” “Thanks, but the garage has borrowed/lent me one while
mine is being repaired.”
Could I lend/borrow your lecture notes? I’ll bring/take them back as soon I’ve read them.

17.- Fill the gaps:

predecessor / approval / refuse / stated / assert/ did / foreign affairs

The first thing José Manuel García-Margallo when he took up the post of
minister in December 2011 was to reply to a letter that UK Foreign Secretary William Hague
had sent 18 months earlier to Margallo’s , Miguel Ángel Moratinos.

In it, Margallo explained that he would not allow Hague to that London would not
discuss the matter of Gibraltar’s sovereignty without prior from the residents of the
British Overseas Territory.

The Spanish minister that the United Kingdom could consult with anyone it liked
regarding the future of its territory, but that it could not to talk following its commitment
to do so at the 1984 Brussels Process.

18.- Cross out the wrong expression:

So we were talking about the traffic and I said/I said to him/I said him, ‘I’m thinking of getting a bike
and cycling to work.’ And then he went/he say/he goes, ‘I can’t ride a bike, actually.’ And I’m like/I
like/I was like, ‘You’re joking!’ And he says to me/he said/he saying, ‘No, seriously. I grew up in the
mountains and I just never learned.’ So I goes/I go/I say, ‘OK, I’ll teach you.’ So we’re both going to
buy bikes next weekend. I’m slightly regretting it, actually.
19.- Underline the correct verbs:

- Anyway, I hadn’t written this essay for Dr. Patel and when she asked/told me why she hadn’t received
it, I told/explained that I’d been ill.
- Were you?
- No, but I had to tell/say something. It was a bit embarrassing, really. She was really nice and
asked/told me if I was OK now.
- What did she say/ask about the essay?
- Well, she explained/agreed to give me extra time, but she said/told that I have to give it to her on
Monday morning at the latest.
- What did you say/tell?
- I explained/promised to do it, of course. So that’s my weekend gone!

20.- Use the correct forms of the verbs:

hear, hear, hear, say, say, speak, speak, tell

· Have you _____ to Kurt lately?

· No. Someone _____ he’s moved to another office.
· Who _____ you that?
· I can’t remember, but I _____ it at the conference last week.
· That’s not what I _____. I thought he was going to Caracas.
· Who _____ that?
· I think it was Teresa. Did you _____ about her move, by the way?
· Yeah, I _____ to her last week. She’s fine.

21.- Use the following words:

all, any, are, finally, further, going to, move on, start with, talk about, there

Today, I’m _____ _____ the yoga courses we offer at our centre. To _____, I’ll describe briefly the
different types of yoga. First of _____, it’s important to wear loose, comfortable clothes. I’m going to
_____ now to talk about breathing techniques. _____ _____ any questions? And _____, I’d like to
invite you to our demonstration lesson next Friday. So, thank you for listening. ____ _____ questions?

22.- Make these questions more polite using Could I ask you…?/Could you tell me…?:

Which bank do you have an account with?

Are you satisfied with the service?
How often do you go to your nearest supermarket?
Are you happy with the range of products offered?
Do you ever go to the cinema?
How many films do you see in a year?
Do you use the public transport in this area?
How efficient is the service?
How many cafés or restaurants are there in your area?
Do you eat out more for lunch, or dinner?
23.- Match the sentence halves:

You can find the sports results on a date for the meeting.
We must decide on your shopping trip yesterday?
He insisted on the patient’s progress.
How much did you spend on page 333.
The report is based on walking me home after the party.
Young people shouldn’t depend on a recent survey.
The doctor gave his opinion on their parents for financial support.

24.- the/-:

I took a photography course ____ last week and it was a great experience. You needed a good camera,
your own computer and a passion for photography. So _____ day before it started I bought a new
camera. I had a lesson every day in ____ evening. We started at ____ 7.00 pm and finished at ___ 9.30
pm; we spent the evenings taking photos and analysing them later. I wasn’t very experienced but my
tutor thought that I had some good ideas and a natural eye for photography – that was really
encouraging! ___ last day of the course was great. We went out in __ evening and danced all ___ night.
___ next month I’m going to Morocco on holiday and I’m really excited about it. I’ll probably take
photos all ___ time!

25.- Match the questions and the answers:

What do ghosts have for dessert? Because he had no body to go with.

Why is six afraid of seven? Because it said ‘Twist to open’.
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance? Because it’s too far to walk.
Where do cows go to have fun? To the mooovies.
What time is it when an elephant sits on your chair? It’s time to get a new chair.
Why did the fly dance on top of the jar of jam? Ice scream.
Which two English words have the most letters in them? Because 7, 8, 9. (seven ‘ate’ nine).
Why do birds fly south? Post office.

26.- Put the verbs in the correct form:

bankrupt, build up, fire, resign, run, set up, take over, take over

John started working in the clothing industry at 15 years old. He got off to a bad start. He was
__________ from his first job when he was rude to the manager, but did well in his next job and, after a
few years, he __________ the company from the owners. Over the next 35 years, he __________ the
small business into a successful chain of factories and shops. He _________ from the company at the
age of 54, when it was __________ by an American group.
By an ironic twist, his brother went __________ soon afterwards, after investing his money in the same
American company, which had then failed. The two brothers __________ a small business selling
original designs in luxury fabrics. They _________ it with a small staff of three people, and are doing
27.- should/could have + verb:

I __________ (go) to university when I left school, but I decided to get a job instead. Now I’m 35, and
I’m working part-time while I study for a law degree. It’s hard work studying when you’re older and
working, too. I __________ (not refuse) my university place when I was 18.
I’m a civil engineer, and in my first job I was asked to work in Saudi Arabia for two years. I refused
because my wife was expecting our first child. I _________ (accept) the job; I __________ (earn) a lot
of money to support my family, and I would have been promoted by now, too, with that extra
When I left university, I __________ (join) my uncle in his business, but I wanted to get some
experience first. I came to work for this multinational corporation, but I’m unhappy and stressed in my
job. I __________ (go) to work with my uncle, but I missed the opportunity, and he’s taken on
someone else now.

28.- Complete the sentences:

Why didn’t you ask me? I _________ (help) you if I __________ (know) you were having difficulty.
If he _________ (not be) sick as a child, he __________ (not start) writing poems and songs.
If he _________ (come) to the meeting yesterday, I __________ (ask) him.
I __________ (finish) by now if my computer __________ (not crash) this morning.
If we __________ (stay) in Montreal, the kids __________ (grow up) speaking French as well as
I ordered this book on the Internet, but I __________ (not buy) it if I __________ (see) it first. It’s
really boring.
I __________ (not tell) him if I __________ (know) he was going to be so upset.
If you _________ (not eat) so much yesterday, you __________ (not have) difficulty sleeping.

29.- Change the incorrect sentences:

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all our employees happy holidays!
Did you have nice holidays last week?
Lisa’s looking forward to her holiday in Barbados. She’s been packing her suitcase all week.
Tim’s school holiday has passed so quickly – he goes back next week!
I’m planning on going on holidays at the end of June this year.

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