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Nicko Jay Y.

BSE – General Science

Educ 311 – Facilitating Learner Centered


Activity 1.

1. Yes
2. No
3. No
4. Yes
5. No
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. No


A. This statement applicable in the selection of instructional, motivational and affective purposes because it is necessary to
the learning process between the diversity of the learners, their linguistics, cultural and social background.

B. As a teacher we have different strategies to influence the students to alter their perception and attitude about the
statement above through motivation to do something, to accomplish something to train them to master their skills and
to discover their interest without necessarily being forced. Through motivation and affective strategies teacher influence
the learners and make the learners actively engaged in the learning process.


The successful learner can link new

information with existing knowledge
in meaningful ways. The successful
learner can create and use a
repertoire of thinking and reasoning
strategies to achieve complex
learning goals. Acquisition of
complex knowledge and skills
requires extended learner effort and
guided practice.
The successful learner, over The successful learner can create
time and with support and and use a repertoire of thinking
instructional guidance, can and reasoning strategies to
create meaningful, coherent achieve complex learning goals.
representations of knowledge. COGNETIVE They understand and can use a
Educators can assist learners in METACOGNETIVE variety of strategies to help them
creating meaningful learning FACTORS reach learning and performance
goals that are consistent with goals, and to apply their
both personal and educational knowledge in novel situations.
aspirations and interests.
Learning is influenced by
environmental factors, including
culture, technology, and instructional
practices. Learning does not occur in
a vacuum. Cultural or group
influences on students can impact
many educationally relevant
variables, such as motivation,
orientation toward learning, and
ways of thinking.


Symbollism Explanation

LAPTOP Laptop is one of the gadgets that very helpful for both students and
teachers, especially in our situation now that we have pandemic. We
cannot able to go school for face to face and this thing is one of our
ways to have interaction and to do our activity.


1. Yes, it is important to the beginning teachers to be aware of the learner– centered psychological principles for school
reform, so the teacher provide the knowledge that the learners need in many ways. It can provide also to the teachers to
improve and better development for their learners.
2. For me Yes, it is one of advantage of a teacher having a longservice in teaching because they have more experience on
how to be more effective in the lerners especially when they are active and they are following the trends, what is the new
especially in using the new technologie.

Which among this or her practices, do you believe, is the best or is the most effective.

In order to provide students with effective and accurate feedback, teachers

Formative Assessment need to assess frequently and routinely where students are in relation to the
unit of study's learning goals or end product (summative assessment). Hattie
recommends that teachers spend the same amount of time on formative
evaluation as they do on summative assessment.
Teacher Clarity
Metacognitive Strategies


1. A
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. B

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