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Aside from ethics, there are 4 other branches of philosophy, namely - epistemology,

metaphysics, logic, and aesthetics. To start, the word epistemology derives from the Greek word
"episteme," which means "knowing." Concerning the nature, source, and extent of knowledge,
epistemology is a core branch of philosophy. Without regard to any particular field of knowledge,
it might be regarded as the study of knowledge as such (e.g., math, science, economics). It has
been one of the philosophical topics that has generated the greatest research and discussion
throughout history. This debate has largely centered on the justification of knowledge claims and
how knowledge connects to ideas like truth, belief, and proof. The importance of experience, the
function of logic, the distinction between "knowing that" and "knowing how," the relationship
between faith and reason, and the status of certainty, doubt, and skepticism are only a few of
the fundamental issues in epistemology (Saint Francis University Library, 2022).

As for metaphysics, it is derived from the Greek terms "meta" and "physics," which mean
"nature" and "after/beyond," respectively. The study of "basic principles" and "being" is
fundamental to this branch of philosophy (ontology). Ontology answers queries like "What sorts
of things exist?" with lists of categories of things that already exist (entities, actions, properties,
relations, etc.). Change and identity across time, the issue of free will, and the nature of space
and time are other metaphysical issues. Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of
Science, and Philosophy of Religion are some philosophical topics that are closely related to
metaphysics. The term "metaphysics" has come to be associated in modern times with
occultism and new-age mysticism, which have nothing to do with the formal study of
foundational principles and being (Saint Francis University Library, 2022).

Aside from ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics, another branch of philosophy is logic. The
Greek word logos, which can also be translated as "sentence," "discourse," "reason," "rule," and
"ratio," is where the word "logic" originates. These translations, of course, do not fully convey
the more specific sense of "logic" as it is used today. What then is logic? In a sense, logic can
be described as the study of the rules of sound reasoning. This is only a general explanation
because there is considerable debate on the proper definition of logic (Saint Francis University
Library, 2022).

Lastly, the fifth branch of philosophy is aesthetics. The term "aesthetic," which was first used to
describe a type of object, a type of judgment, a type of attitude, a type of experience, and a type
of value in philosophy throughout the eighteenth century, has since grown to mean a variety of
things. Aesthetic theories have largely disagreed on issues specific to one of these categories:
whether artworks are necessarily aesthetic objects; how to reconcile the purported perceptual
basis of aesthetic judgments with the fact that we provide reasons for them; how to best capture
the elusive contrast between an aesthetic attitude and a practical one; and whether to define
aesthetic experience according to its phenomenological or representational nature (Saint
Francis University Library, 2022).

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