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New words:

1. Resolve 1. rɪˈzɒlv 1. Вирішити

2. Aspire 2. əsˈpaɪə 2. Прагнути
3. Utilities 3. ju(ː)ˈtɪlɪtiz 3. Комунальні послуги
4. Assume 4. əˈsjuːm 4. Припускати
5. Distributive 5. dɪsˈtrɪbjʊtɪv 5. Розподільний
6. Expense 6. ɪksˈpɛns 6. Витрата
7. Vice versa 7. vaɪs 7. Навпаки
8. Integrative ˈvɜːsə 8. Інтегративний
9. Concession 8. ˈintəɡrādiv 9. Концесія
10.Mandatory 9. kənˈsɛʃən 10. Обов'язковий
11.Conceding 10. ˈmændətəri 11. Поступка
12.Jet 11. kənˈsiːdɪŋ 12,13. Зміна поясів
13.Lag 12. ʤɛt 14. Подальший
14.Subsequent 13. læg 15.Дочірнє
15.Subsidiary 14. ˈsʌbsɪkwənt підприємство
16.Allotted 15. səbˈsɪdiəri 16. Виділено
17.Promptly 16. əˈlɒtɪd 17. Негайно
18.Rushed 17. ˈprɒmptli 18. Кинувся
19.Allegiance 18. rʌʃt 19. Вірність
20.immaturity 19. əˈliːʤəns 20. незрілість
21.disruptive 20. ˌɪməˈtjʊərɪti 21. руйнівний
22.encoded 21. dɪsˈrʌptɪv 22. закодований
23.dealmaker 22. ɪnˈkəʊdɪd 23. угодник
24.averse 23. diːl ˈmeɪkə 24. огидний
25.Packaging 24. əˈvɜːs 25. Упаковка
26.Concession 25. ˈpækɪʤɪŋ 26. Концесія
26. kənˈsɛʃən

Collocations :
 joint decisions
 to walk away
 put ourselves in the other party's shoes
 keep our emotions in check
 vice versa
 fixed pie
 jet lag
 feel rushed
 to lose face

Video review “Negotiation top 10 tips”

The speaker picked up a list of ten tips for negotiation. Here is the summary:
1. Don’t negotiate.
If you're selling, get the value proposition, identified and sell to the value,
sell to the customers, solve the problem and then ask for the money: no
negotiation needed.
If you're buying it to the other side of the coin what you just do - is you
work out.
2. Never negotiate with yourself.
Everyone has a tendency to lose a bit of confidence when they do go into a
negotiation. They're thinking how much can they get away with what's the
other guy thinking, what should they really be making as an offer. Well, the
first thing you do is ifyou're selling lead with your list price: don't negotiate
with yourself and don't try and round down your offer to make it appear a bit
more acceptable to the other party. If you're buying again don't negotiate
with yourself, set a figurethat you want to spend might be within your
budget or just might be an expectation. And don't, don't change from it, go
straight on make that. If you have to make it as a first offer make it that way.
3. Never except the first offer.
There's always always a better one behind it. Not necessarily lower money,
but a better offer can always be made. So rule number three: never ever ever
accept the first offer.
4. Never make the first offer if you can avoid it.
The point about this is that if the other guy makes his first offer he's not
going to try and break rule number two but you're not going to break rule
number three and accept it anyway. So you never make the first offer if you
can avoid it. Always get the other person to put their stake in the ground
because that might be the best price you're going to see today. But of course
we're not going to accept it so we're going to negotiate further on it.
5. Listen more and talk less.
When we go into any interaction with another party, whether we're buying
or selling, we have to be aware that we got two ears, two eyes and one
mouth. And what we should be aiming to do is use them in that proportion -
( sometimes called the 80/20 rule) you use your ears and eyes 80% of the
time and you use your talking muscles 20% of the time.
6. Never give anyone a free gift.
Never give anyone a free gift make sure they work for it for two reasons:
 number one today's free gift is tomorrow's starting point so if you happen to
give someone a 10% discount just because you can on this deal. They
accept it next time you get engaged with them and you send them a
thousand dollar deal on the table in their mind they'd already starting with a
ten percent discount, so your thousand dollar deal is actually 900 dollars to
them before they've even started talking to you.
 The second reason you don't give anyone any free gifts is not only is it
today's starting point, but it's an additional extra point that they're looking
forward after this. So they'll take the 10% and because you easily gave them
10% last time. But one another 10% is a minimum so you thought you were
starting with $1000 on the table. They are actively now talking about 810
they've got taken their ten percent from last time and they're taking the next
10 percent as $90 on this one never give anyone any free gifts.
7. Watch the salami.
Now there are two things that happen in a salami the best one is you can do
it to yourself let's say. For example that we have we're selling a carpet fitting
service and what we have is obviously we have the carpet which is the raw
8. Avoid the rookie’s regret.
You have to be able to answer the three trading questions before you close the deal
1. Number one. If I'm about to make a concession to the other party what is it
going to cost me. So if I'm going to give this person an extra 10 days credit
on a million-dollar deal and my credit end what's it actually going to cost me
as extra 10 days. When it's in his bank not mine.
2. Second what is it worth to the other guy the 10 days credit might be worth
an awful lot to him or it may be cash rich and it might matter to him and
then the third question we have to ask whether 3tq is.
3. If I know what it's going to cost me and if I know what it's worth to the other
guy what do I want in return preferably of equal cost to them and equal
value to me. So if it's going to cost him $10 to give me $100 value. I should
be aiming to give him something that cost me $10 to give him $100 value
and that's the 3 T cube and if you can avoid these bad questions and get the
right answers every time you will avoid the rookies regret and that's rule.
9. Avoid the quick deal.
Every negotiation that you're going to be involved in hazard, as a time scale
and the tempo of its own you'll recognize this when you pass on it. The thing
you have to be aware of is when the other party starts changing the tempo
usually speeding it up.
10.Never tell anyone what your bottom line is
No matter how friendly you are. No matter how tempting it is to get into a
conversation with the other party about, how the deal went. Never tell them
how far you could have got pushed even if there was a penny movement
even if there was a one-day movement never tell them, because you could
change what was a win-win into a perceived lose win on their part. If they
think they could have got an extra day worth of credit and extra dollars
worth of finance and you've kept it for yourself they will see it as a lose.

Video review “Public Speaking”

The speaker gave several tips how to make public speaking excellent. They are:
 Do not speak too fast
 Know your audience
 Use deep breathing
 Use the two fingers rule ( when you are speaking your mouth should be in
the position when your two fingers are between your caves)
 Welcome your audience
 Give your audience the chance to listen, absorb and then to listen again.
 Share information, don’t give
 Speak with passion, commitment, and variety
 Change the speed of your speech
 You may tell children’s stories

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