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Group: 515

Name: Geovani Rugerio Miramontes

Assignment 2
Summary (adverbs of frequency and time expressions)
These adverbs are important when you talk about habits and social
activities that you share with your friends and family, or when you are
referring to present, past and future events. Some examples are:
always, never, sometimes. It is important to mention that adverbs of
frequency and time expressions are groups of words (usually 2 or
more) that are used as common expressions to signal either the
repetition of an action or the moment when an action takes place, an
adverb of frequency goes before a main verb (except with to Be), an
adverb of frequency goes after the verb to Be. We use time
expressions such as every day or every morning, to express the
frequency of our daily activities.
Group: 515
Name: Geovani Rugerio Miramontes
Assignment 1
How to talk like a native speaker
1 and 2: The simplest and clearest experience has having visited
Russia without knowing anything about the language, I think it’s the
perfect example to the importance of the language in situations of
common life or even work, this example, is the most basic about it, but
determines the relevance today. As for the practice in our context, the
most appropriate for it, is try to “minimize the accent with songs or
movies. In addition to rescuing the actions of the natives, to finish, the
practice with foreigners is difficult, considering the limitations of
distance, applications are the best option in this case.
 Scratching: scratch (verb) [transitive, intransitive] to rub your skin
with your nails, usually because it is itching.
 Easier: easy (adjective) (comparative easier, superlative easiest)
not difficult; done or obtained without a lot of effort or problems
 Traits: trait (noun) a particular quality in your personality
 Gesture: (noun) [countable, uncountable] a movement that you
make with your hands, your head or your face to show a
particular meaning
 Signaling: signal (verb) [intransitive, transitive] to make a
movement or sound to give somebody a message, an order, etc.
 Oxford. (s. f.). scratch_1 verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation
and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at Oxford Learners Dictionaries.
Recuperado 23 de agosto de 2022, de
 Oxford. (s. f.-a). easy_1 adjective - Definition, pictures,
pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary at Oxford Learners
Dictionaries. Recuperado 23 de agosto de 2022, de
 Oxford. (s. f.-c). trait noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation
and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at Oxford Learners Dictionaries.
Recuperado 23 de agosto de 2022, de
 Oxford. (s. f.-b). gesture_1 noun - Definition, pictures,
pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary at Oxford Learners
Dictionaries. Recuperado 23 de agosto de 2022, de
 Oxford. (s. f.-d). signal_2 verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation
and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at Oxford Learners Dictionaries.
Recuperado 23 de agosto de 2022, de
 TED [Tedx Talks]. (2018, 9 enero). How to Talk Like a Native
Speaker | Marc Green | TEDxHeidelberg [Vídeo]. YouTube.

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