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College of Arabic & Social Studies, Department of English & Translation,

Intensive Course Program - 422 Midterm Examination 2021

Academic No: Reading Skills ENG-025
Group No:
Time Allowed: 90 minutes Total marks: 30

Gender and Communication on Campus

SECTION I Reading Comprehension Read the passage. Then answer the questions that
(1.5 points each)
A Experts on education find that boys and girls, men and women, usually do better in
single-gender classes. In other words, they do well in a class with other students of the same
gender. Why? Their learning styles are different. The two genders feel comfortable with different
styles of teaching.
B As children, boys usually play in big groups with a hierarchy. They often argue about
rules to their games. They are often loud and very active. As children, girls usually sit and talk
with one best friend or in a small group. They often talk about their feelings or tell personal
stories about their lives. In school, boys do well in a loud, active class. Girls do well in a class
that has small groups. Interestingly, experts tell us that girls have better hearing than boys. In a
classroom, it sometimes seems that boys aren’t paying attention. Often, this is because they don’t
hear a teacher with a quiet voice.
C In many college classes in the United States, participation in important. Teachers expect
students to speak in class. In discussions, students often argue different sides of an issue. Men
usually feel comfortable with this style of teaching. Speaking in a large group seems natural to
them. It gives them status in the hierarchy of the class. Women don’t usually feel comfortable
with this style. Many women don’t participate much in class discussions, but they do participate
when the class breaks into small groups.
1. The topic of “Gender and Communication on Campus” is _______.
A. The two genders and styles of communicating
B. the two genders feel comfortable with different styles of learning and different ways of
C. the two genders feel comfortable with different styles of teaching.
D. the two genders and styles of learning.
2. The main idea of “Gender and Communication on Campus” is _______.
A. The two genders and styles of communicating
B. the two genders feel comfortable with different styles of learning and different
ways of playing.
C. the two genders feel comfortable with different styles of teaching.
D. the two genders and styles of learning.
3. The topic of paragraph A is ______.
A. The two genders and styles of communicating
B. the two genders feel comfortable with different styles of learning and different ways of
C. the two genders feel comfortable with different styles of teaching.
D. the two genders and styles of learning.
4. The main idea of paragraph A is ______.
A. The two genders and styles of communicating
B. the two genders feel comfortable with different styles of learning and different ways of
C. the two genders feel comfortable with different styles of teaching.
D. the two genders and styles of learning.
5. Boys often talk with one best friend or in a small group.
6. Girls often argue about rules to their games.
7. Girls have better hearing than boys do.
8. Girls and women usually feel comfortable speaking in a large class.
9. Boys play in big groups with a hierarchy.
10. Males usually feel comfortable when they need to argue different sides of an issue.
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Eat Your Vegetables

A Did your mother say, “Eat your vegetables”? Some people don’t like vegetables. They
don’t taste good. They look funny. And how do you cook them, anyway? But your mother was
right: You should eat your vegetables! Scientific research shows this: Eating lots of vegetables is
important for good health. Vegetables have vitamins and phytochemicals. These help your body
stay healthy. In fact, they fight many diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
B So, you’re going to eat your vegetables. Where do you start? Experts say that you should
eat a variety—many different types—of vegetables. Look for color. Different colored vegetables
have different benefits, things that are good for you. Choose a variety of different colors every
day—red, green, orange, purple, and even white vegetables. Dr. DiSogra of the National Cancer
Institute says, “If you eat vegetables from each color group, you will get a variety of
phytochemicals and vitamins.”
C Now, how much should you eat? Five servings a day is the minimum—the smallest
amount to eat—according to experts. Very active people, such as athletes, need more. A serving
is usually one half of a cup, or 120 grams. And it’s OK to eat fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables
—just eat them!
D What is the best way to cook vegetables? Vegetables are an important part of many
cultures, so look at ethnic cookbooks, books with cooking ideas from different cultures. This is a
good way to learn to make your vegetables more interesting. Chinese and Italian cuisines (styles
of cooking) use a lot of vegetables and have many delicious ways to cook them. So do many
other traditional cuisines. Mix dark green, leafy vegetables with hot red peppers and anchovies
(tiny fish)! Cook orange and yellow peppers with purple garlic! Mix your colors and your
ingredients, and stay healthy.
11. “Eat Your Vegetables” is about _____.
A. the phytochemicals in vegetables
B. reasons to eat vegetables
C. different colors of vegetables
D. cooking with vegetables
12. What is paragraph B about?
A. why phytochemicals in vegetables are important
B. why the colors of vegetables are important
C. why green vegetables are important
D. why ethnic cookbooks are important
13. A benefit is ______.
A. a type of vitamin
B. a type of phytochemical
C. something that keeps you healthy
D. something that is good for you
14. According to experts, you should ______.
A. eat a minimum of seven servings of vegetables a day
B. eat a minimum of five colors of vegetables a day
C. eat a minimum of five servings of vegetables a day
D. eat a minimum of 120 grams of vegetables a day
15. Cuisine means ________.
A. a style of cooking
B. Chinese cooking
C. cooking with garlic
D. a book of cooking ideas
16. Choose the meaning of the underline pronoun (They) in paragraph A?
A. mother
B. people
C. vegetables
D. cats
17. One example of diseases is ______
A. chocolate
B. vegetables
C. phytochemicals
D. cancer
18. a variety means _______
A. many different types
B. experts
C. eat
D. vegetables
19. Which sentence from paragraph B is an example of advice?
A. Different colored vegetables have different benefits, things that are good for you.
B. Experts say that you should eat a variety—many different types—of vegetables.
C. So, you’re going to eat your vegetables.
D. Where do you start?
20. Anchovies are _____
A. green vegetables
B. red vegetables
C. tiny fish
D. fish brain

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