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Monthly Exam
August 2022

Answers & Solutions

➔Social Science
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

Subject: Mathematics
Topic : Rational Numbers, Linear
Equations in One Variable,
Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data
Class: Standard VIII
Handling, Squares and Square
Roots Time: 00:25 hrs

If a + 10o, 3a + 10o, 5a - 10o and 3a - 10o are the angles of a quadrilateral,
then what is the value of a?

 A. 50o

 B. 40o

 C. 20o

 D. 30o

Given, a + 10o, 3a + 10o, 5a - 10o and 3a - 10o are the angles of a


We know that the sum of angles of a quadrilateral is 360o.


(a + 10o) + (3a + 10o) + (5a - 10o) +(3a - 10o) = 360o

⇒ 12a = 360o

⇒ a = 30o

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Rational Numbers, Linear Equations in One Variable, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Squares and Square Roots
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

2. Find the sum of 𝑥, 𝑦, and 𝑧 (in cm) in the figure given below.

 A. 28 cm

 B. 29 cm

 C. 30 cm

 D. 31 cm
The given figure is a rhombus.
In a rhombus, all sides are equal.
⇒ z = 13 cm

In a rhombus, diagonals bisect each other.

⇒ BO = OD

⇒ y = 12 cm

⇒ AO = OC
⇒ x = 5 cm

x + y + z = 5 + 12 + 13 = 30 cm

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Rational Numbers, Linear Equations in One Variable, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Squares and Square Roots
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

The denominator of a rational number is greater than its numerator by 3. If
the numerator is increased by 7 and the denominator is decreased by 1,
then the new number becomes . Find the original number.


 11

 B. 8

 C. 10


 5

Let the numerator of a rational number be x.

Then the denominator of a rational number would be (x + 3).

When the numerator is increased by 7, it becomes (x + 7) 

When the denominator is decreased by 1, it becomes
⇒ x + 3 − 1 = x + 2

The new number formed = 3

(x+7) 3
So,  =
(x+2) 2

  2x + 14 = 3x + 6

  3x − 2x = 14 − 6

             x = 8

∴ Numerator, x = 8

Denominator, x + 3 = 8 + 3 = 11

Hence, the original rational number is 8


Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Rational Numbers, Linear Equations in One Variable, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Squares and Square Roots
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

4. In an isosceles triangle, the equal sides measure 4x - 1 and x + 5 units. The

value of x is ___ units.

 A. 1

 B. 2

 C. -1

 D. -2
Since the sides are equal,
4x − 1 = x + 5
⇒ 3x = 6

⇒ x = = 2 units

5. Tell what property allows you to compute 1

× (6 ×
)  as  (
× 6) ×
3 3 3 3

 A. Closure

 B. Commutative

 C. Associative

 D. Distributive
The given expression can be computed using the associative property. 

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Rational Numbers, Linear Equations in One Variable, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Squares and Square Roots
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

6. Find the sum of x² – y², y² – z², and z² – x².


 A. 0

 B. 3x²
 C. 3y²

 D. 3z²
(x² – y²) + (y² – z²) + (z² – x²) 
= x² – y² + y² – z² + z² – x²

7. What must be subtracted from (x 3

− 3x
+ 5x − 1)  to get (2x 3
+ x
− 4x + 2)

 A. −x
+ 4x
+ 9x − 3

 B. −x
− 4x
+ 6x − 3

 C. −x
− 4x
+ 9x − 9

 D. −x
− 4x
+ 9x − 3

Let the expression to be subtracted be y.

3 2 3 2
(x − 3x + 5x − 1) − y = 2x + x − 4x + 2

On rearranging the terms, 

y = (x
− 3x
+ 5x − 1) − (2x

+ x
− 4x + 2)

3 2 3 2
y = x − 3x + 5x − 1 − 2x − x + 4x − 2

3 3 2 2
y = x − 2x − 3x − x + 5x + 4x − 1 − 2

3 2
⇒ y = −x − 4x + 9x − 3

So we have to subtarct (−x 3

− 4x
+ 9x − 3) to get the required value.

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Rational Numbers, Linear Equations in One Variable, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Squares and Square Roots
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

8. Multiply the following terms: 4p 3

, −3p

 A. −12p

 B. −12p

 C. 12p

 D. 12p
3 3 4
4p × −3p = (4 × −3)(p × p) = −12p

Evaluate: 103 × 104

 A. 10,812

 B. 10,712

 C. 10,612

 D. 10,512
Using identity: (x + a)(x + b) = x + (a + b)x + ab 2

103 × 104 = (100 + 3)(100 + 4)   [x =100, a = 3, b =4]

           = (100) + (3 + 4)100 + 3 × 4


           = 10000 + 700 + 12

            = 10712.

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Rational Numbers, Linear Equations in One Variable, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Squares and Square Roots
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

Simplify 3x(4x – 5) + 3 and find its value for x = .

 A. −

 B. 3

 C. −

 D. 1

3x(4x - 5) + 3 = (3x × 4x) - (3x × 5) + 3  

[using distributive law of multiplication]

                       = 12x - 15x + 3.


Now put  x =   in the above simplified equation,


                       = 12( - 15 ×  + 3 
1 1

2 2

                       = (12 × ) -  + 3  

1 15

4 2

                       =  3 -  + 3 

(6− 15 + 6)


(−15 + 12)

                       = − . 3

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Rational Numbers, Linear Equations in One Variable, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Squares and Square Roots
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

11. Write the additive inverse of  . 



 A. −2

 B. 9

 C. 2

 D. None of the above

We know that additive inverse of a rational number,
a −a a −a
 is  ( ) , such that  + ( ) = 0
b b b b

So, the Additive inverse of 2

is . 2

12. Use the identity (x + a)(x + b) = x 2

+ (a + b)x + ab to find (x + 3)(x + 7)

 A. x
+ 10x + 21   

 B. x
+ 21x + 10   

 C. 21x
+ x + 10   

 D. 10x
+ 21x + 1   
U sing identity (x + a)(x + b) = x + (a + b)x + ab]
(x + 3)(x + 7) = (x) + (3 + 7)x + 3 × 7

= x
+ 10x + 21    

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Rational Numbers, Linear Equations in One Variable, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Squares and Square Roots
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

13. Add the following:

 l 2 2
+ m ,m
+ n ,n
2 2
+ l
and 2lm + 2mn + 2nl

 A. 0

 B. 2(l
+ m
+ n
+ lm + mn + nl)

 C. l
+ m
+ n
+ lm + mn + nl

 D. 2(l
+ m
+ n )

2 2 2 2 2 2
Sum  =  l + m + m + n +l + n + 2ml + 2mn + 2nl  (adding like terms)

Hence, the sum is

​2(l + m + n + lm
+ mn + nl)
2 2

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Rational Numbers, Linear Equations in One Variable, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Data Handling, Squares and Square Roots
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

Subject: Science
Topic : Combustion and Flame,
Conservation of Plants and Animals,
Force and Pressure, Crop Production
Class: Standard VIII
and Management, Microorganisms:
Friend and Foe Time: 00:25 hrs

1. Which of the following is a water-borne disease?

 A. Common cold

 B. Cancer

 C. Cholera

 D. Corona virus
Diseases which spread through contaminated water are called water-borne diseases.
E.g., cholera, dysentery, etc. Cancer is caused due to abnormal growth of cells and is a
non-communicable disease. Common cold and corona virus spread through air.

2. Which of the following is a protozoan disease?

 A. Cholera

 B. Malaria

 C. Typhoid

 D. Hepatitis
Malaria is the protozoan disease which is caused by the Plasmodium.
Cholera and Typhoid are bacterial diseases which are caused by Vibrio cholerae
and Salmonella typhi respectively.
Hepatitis A is a viral disease which is caused by Hepatitis A virus (HAV).

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Combustion and Flame, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Force and Pressure, Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

3. Deforestation leads to unwanted effects like ___________.

i. loss of habitat of animals
ii. increase in carbon-dioxide
iii. decrease in surrounding temperature
iv. cleaner place
v. global warming

 A. ii, iii, iv

 B. i, ii, v

 C. i, iii, v

 D. i, ii, iv
Deforestation i.e., cutting down of trees eventually leads to loss of habitat of
Trees regulate the exchange of gases by absorbing carbon-dioxide. If absent, it
results in global heating of earth known as 'global warming'.

4. Match the following.​

Column I Column II

A. Rahat I Manual labour to pull bucket attached to a wooden beam

B. Dhekli II Farmer rotates a wheel to collect water

C. Chain Pump III Cattle rotate a wheel attached to another wheel with buckets. 

 A. A: III; B: II; C: I

 B. A: III; B: I; C: II

 C. A: II; B: III; C: I

 D. A: I; B: II; C: III
Rahat: Cattle is connected to a wheel. When the cattle moves, it rotates the wheel
that has buckets attached to it. This helps in drawing water from the well.
Dhekli: A bucket and a rock is attached to a wooden beam at either ends. When the
farmer immerses an empty bucket into the water, the bucket is pulled up due to the
weight of the rock attached to the other end of a wooden beam.
Chain pump: The farmer rotates a wheel that allows the buckets attached to a chain
to collect water.

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Combustion and Flame, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Force and Pressure, Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

5. Chemical substances which increase the fertility of the soil are known as _______.

 A. manures

 B. pesticides

 C. fertilisers

 D. weedicides
Fertiliser is a man-made chemical substance which is rich in plant nutrients. It is widely
used in agriculture to replenish soil with nutrients. It enables higher yield in crops.
Examples of fertilisers include NPK, super phosphate, ammonium sulphate, urea, potash,

6. Which zone of a flame does a goldsmith use for melting gold and silver?

 A. Luminous

 B. Non-luminous

 C. Dark

 D. Innermost
Goldsmiths use the non-luminous zone (outermost zone) of the flame as the temperature
in this zone is the highest among all the zones. This helps goldsmiths to melt gold and
silver easily.

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Combustion and Flame, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Force and Pressure, Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

7. How does pouring of water extinguish fire?

 A. Water decreases the temperature of the fuel below its ignition temperature.

 B. Water cuts off the supply of fuel.

 C. Water increases the supply of oxygen.

 D. Water decreases the ignition temperature of the fuel.

Water is the most common fire extinguisher. It controls fire in two ways:

∙ Water cools the fuel (combustible material) so that its temperature is brought below its

ignition temperature.

∙ On pouring a large quantity of water on a fire, water will absorb a lot of heat and

transform into steam. This steam surrounds the combustible material, helping in cutting
off the supply of air (oxygen).

Thus, water extinguishes fire by lowering the temperature of the fuel below its ignition
temperature and removing the oxygen supply. 

8. The unit in which the calorific value of a fuel is expressed is _________.

 A. J/kg

 B. kJ/kg

 C. kJ/g

 D. kg/J
The amount of heat generated on complete combustion of 1 Kg of fuel is known as
its calorific value.
The unit in which the calorific value of a fuel is expressed is kilojoule per kilogram

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Combustion and Flame, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Force and Pressure, Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

9. Which of the following can never be a push force?

 A. Electrostatic force

 B. Magnetic force

 C. Muscular force

 D. Gravitational force
Electrostatic force between two like charges is repulsive. This means that the charges
apply a pushing force on each other.

Similarly, the magnetic force between two like poles is also repulsive, i.e., a pushing

Muscular force is the force which is exerted by the muscles of our body. It can be a push
or a pull depending upon our will.
Gravitational force, however, can never be pushing in nature. It is always attractive in
nature. It is a pulling force which the earth applies on all the objects towards its centre.

10. When the two forces applied on an object are equal in magnitude and opposite in
direction, then these forces can ______________.

 A. move the object and change the shape of the object

 B. move the object

 C. change the mass of the object

 D. change the shape of the object

Two equal forces acting on a body in opposite directions, cancel each other's effect and
hence do not cause any motion in the body. But the forces can change the shape of the
For example, applying equal and opposite forces on dough or clay will change its shape.

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Combustion and Flame, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Force and Pressure, Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

11. When we press the bulb of a dropper with its nozzle kept in water, air in the dropper is
seen to escape in the form of bubbles. Once we release the pressure on the bulb, water
gets filled in the dropper. The rise of water in the dropper is due to_______.

 A. pressure of water

 B. gravity of the earth

 C. shape of the rubber bulb

 D. atmospheric pressure
When the bulb of a dropper is pressed, air present in the tube and bulb escapes out in
the form of bubbles. This reduces air pressure inside the dropper. 

As there is atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of the liquid, the pressure just
outside the nozzle tip is higher now. The atmospheric pressure pushes the liquid from a
high pressure region to a low pressure region - inside the tube.

This is how a dropper works.

Thus, atmospheric pressure is responsible for the rise of water in the dropper.

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Combustion and Flame, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Force and Pressure, Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August
Date: 22/08/2022
Subject: Social Science
Class: Standard VIII
Topic : Civilising the "Native",
Educating the Nation Time: 00:10 hrs

1. Which of the following aspects of India interested British to colonise the


 A. Territory

 B. Revenue

 C. Culture

 D. All of the above

Territorial conquest, control over revenue and culture interested the British
towards India to colonise effectively.

2. The Calcutta Madrasa was set up in the year _____.

 A. 1780

 B. 1781

 C. 1782

 D. 1783
The Calcutta Madrasa was set up in the year 1781 by Warren Hastings. It
was set up to promote the study of Arabic, Persian and Islamic law. 

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Civilising the "Native", Educating the Nation
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

3. Mahatma Gandhi vehemently ______ the colonial or western education.

 A. supported

 B. promoted

 C. opposed

 D. criticised
Mahatma Gandhi vehemently opposed the colonial or western
education. He wanted students to value practical knowledge and be
exposed to live experiences. 

4. Education was seen as a means to inculcate a strong feeling of _______.

 A. communalism

 B. casteism

 C. nationalism

 D. colonialism
Education was seen as a means to inculcate a strong feeling of nationalism
against British colonialism.

5. Which of the following was the primary focus of the Hindu college?

 A. Brahmi scripts

 B. Arabic texts

 C. Sanskrit texts

 D. Persian texts
Sanskrit texts were the primary focus of the Hindu college. It was
established in 1916 by Madan Mohan Malaviya.

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Civilising the "Native", Educating the Nation
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

6. Santiniketan was established by ______ in the year ______.

 A. Mahatma Gandhi, 1901

 B. Rabindranath Tagore, 1901

 C. Mahatma Gandhi, 1911

 D. Rabindranath Tagore, 1911

Santiniketan was established by Rabindranath Tagore in the year 1901. It
was 100 kms away from Calcutta. 

7. Orientalist method of learning means:

 A. Discovery of new texts

 B. Understanding the meaning

 C. Translation

 D. All of the above

British scholars discovered new sacred texts of India, understood their
meaning, translated it to local Indian languages and spread its values. This
is known as Orientalist method of learning.

8. Pathshalas were _________.

 A. higher educational institutions

 B. small village institutions

 C. Gurukulas

 D. girls school
Pathshalas were small institutions in the villages of India. These were set up
by wealthy locals or by a guru of a community.

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Civilising the "Native", Educating the Nation
BYJU'S Monthly Exam - August

9. James Mill was a ______ of the orientalists.

 A. supporter

 B. active member

 C. critic

 D. financier
James Mill was a critic of the Orientalists. He declared that the British effort
should not be to win a place in their hearts but to teach native what is useful
and practical.

10. “A single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native
literature of India and Arabia” was told by ___________.

 A. Thomas Babington Macaulay

 B. Henry Thomas Colebrooke

 C. William Jones

 D. Annie Besant
“A single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native
literature of India and Arabia” was told by Thomas Babington Macaulay, who
was a critic against the orientalist methodology of reviving eastern

Copyright © Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Civilising the "Native", Educating the Nation

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