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It is a special unit in prison where by newly arrived prisoners will be admitted for diagnostic
examination, observation

A. Medium Security Compound

B. Reception and Diagnostic Center

C. Maximum Security Compound

D. Minimum Security Compound

Answer Reception and Diagnostic Center

You got the wrong answer.

Question 2. The purpose of commutation of sentence is to:

A. do away with the miscarriage of justice

B. break the rigidity of the law

C. restore the political and civil rights of the accused

D. all of the above

Answer all of the above

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 3. The New Bilibid Prison, the Correctional Institution for Women (CIW), Iwahig Prison and
Penal Farm, and Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm are all under this agency.


B. Bureau of Corrections

C. Provincial Government

D. Department of Justice

Answer Bureau of Corrections

You got the wrong answer.

Question 4. The institution for dangerous but not incorrigible prisoners in the Philippines is the

A. Minimum Security Institution

B. Maximum Security Institution


D. Medium Security Institution

Answer Medium Security Institution

You got the wrong answer.

Question 5. These were abandoned or unusable transport ships use to confine criminals during the
early period of treating criminal offenders.

A. Galleys

B. Transportation

C. Hulks

D. Gaols

Answer Hulks

You got the wrong answer.

Question 6. Elmira Correctional Facility, known otherwise as ___, is a maximum security prison
located in New York in the USA. The prison is located in Chemung County, New York in the City of

A. the rock

B. the school

C. the hill

D. the dungeon

Answer the hill

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Question 7. This pillar/component of our criminal justice system has been regarded the weakest pillar
due to its failure to eliminate recidivism and habitual offenders.

A. law enforcement

B. correction

C. court

D. prosecution
Answer correction

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Question 8. A recipient of absolute pardon is ________ from civil liability imposed upon him by the

A. partially exempted

B. exempted

C. conditionally exempted

D. not exempted

Answer not exempted

You got the wrong answer.

Question 9. What correctional institution houses accused persons awaiting trial?

A. Prison

B. Halfway house

C. Jail

D. Rehabilitation center

Answer Jail

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Question 10. Which of the following instances Pardon cannot be exercised?

A. before conviction

B. during service of sentence

C. after conviction

D. before trial

Answer before trial

You got the wrong answer

Question 1. He wrote his book “State of the Prisons” and he was also considered as the great prison
A. Domets of France

B. William Penn

C. John Howard

D. John Augustus

Answer John Howard

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Question 2. One of the following is an admission procedure which involves the frisking of the prisoner.

A. Identification

B. minimum security prisoners

C. Briefing/Orientation

D. Searching

Answer Searching

You got the wrong answer.

Question 3. Opponents of capital punishment claim that a prisoner'’ isolation and uncertainty over
their fate constitute a form of mental cruelty and those especially long-time death row inmates are
liable to become mentally ill, if they are not already. This is referred to as

A. None of these

B. Execution syndrome

C. death row phe’omenon

D. Cruelty syndrome

Answer death row phenomenon

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 4. The law creating the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.

A. RA 8551

B. RA 9165

C. RA 6975
D. RA 4890

Answer RA 6975

You got the wrong answer.

Question 5. One of the following is considered as the corner stone in reformation n which includes all
the life experiences which shape a persons attitudes and behaviors.

A. Recreational program

B. Religious program

C. Work program

D. Educational program

Answer Educational program

You got the wrong answer.

Question 6. Besides religious laws such as the Torah, important codifications of laws were developed
in the ancient Roman Empire, with the compilations of the Lex Duodecim Tabularum.This law refers to

A. the Corpus Juris Civilis

B. lex taliones

C. the Twelve Tables

D. the Hammurabic code

Answer the Twelve Tables

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 7. What is nature in hearing the violation of a probation?

A. None of these

B. Due process

C. Formal

D. Summary

Answer Summary

You got the wrong answer.

Question 8. The enactment of Republic Act no. 6975 created the BJMP. It operates as a line bureau
under the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG). This statement is:

A. partially true

B. true

C. partially false

D. false

Answer true

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 9. The following are forms of executive clemency, EXCEPT

A. Pardon

B. Amnesty

C. Commutation

D. Reform model

Answer Reform model

You got the wrong answer.

Question 10. Under the prison service manual, the prescribed color of prison uniform for maximum
security prison is –

A. Blue

B. Stripe Orange

C. Orange

D. Brown

Answer Orange

Question 1. The punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated, to afford the
society or individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable punishment as might be
enforced. Offenders should be punished because they deserve it.This is one justification of
punishment called:

A. Atonement
B. Incapacitation

C. Retribution

D. Deterrence

Answer Retribution

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 2. A branch or division of law which defines crimes, treat of their nature and provides for
their punishment

A. Remedial law

B. Political law

C. Criminal law

D. Civil law

Answer Criminal law

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 3. The Panopticon is a type of prison building designed by English philosopher Jeremy
Bentham in 1785. The concept of the design was derived from the word meaning of “pan” and
“opticon”. “Opticon’ means:

A. avoid wItching

B. To walk in military manner

C. to allow an observer to observe

D. with out the prisoner

Answer to allow an observer to observe

You got the wrong answer.

Question 4. Parole is a matter of ___.

A. Privilege

B. Requirement

C. Right

D. Grace
Answer Right

You got the wrong answer.

Question 5. Upon receipt of the probation officer investigation report, the court shall resolve the
application for probation not later than-

A. 5 days

B. 60 days

C. 15 days

D. 45 days

Answer 5 days

Question 6. Takes charge of financial matters especially in programming, budgeting, accounting, and
other activities related to financial services. It consolidates and prepares financial reports and related
statements of subsistence outlays and disbursements in the operational of the jail.

A. Mess services branch

B. Property and supply branch

C. Budget and finance branch

D. General services branch

Answer Budget and finance branch

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 7. One of the following is an admission procedure which involves the frisking of the prisoner.

A. Identification

B. minimum security prisoners

C. Briefing/Orientation

D. Searching

Answer Searching

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 8. A ___, also called a 'block' or 'isolation cell'‘ used to separate unruly, dangerous, or
vulnerable prisoners from the general population, also sometimes used as punishment.

A. Cell 45

B. Reception Un’t

C. Segregation Unit

D. Quarantine Unit

Answer Segregation Unit

You got the wrong answer.

Question 9. The putting of offenders in prison for the purpose of protecting the public and at the same
time rehabilitating them by requiring the latter to undergo institutional treatment program is referred
to as:

A. Trial

B. Imprisonment

C. Conviction

D. Detention

Answer Imprisonment

You got the wrong answer.

Question 10. Retaliation is the earliest remedy for a wrong act to any one (in the primitive society).
The concept follows that the victim’s family or tribe against the family or tribe of the offender, hence
“blood feuds” was accepted in the early primitive societies. Retaliation means:

A. Personal Vengeance

B. Eye for an Eye

C. Tooth for a tooth

D. All of these

Answer Personal Vengeance

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 1. During the 16th up to the 18th century, a criminal may be sent away from a place carried
out by prohibition to coming against a specified territory. This is an ancient form of punishment

A. Exile

B. Transportation

C. Public trial

D. Banishment

Answer Banishment

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 2. Imprisonment is not always advisable. Placing a person to custodial coercion is to place
him in physical jeopardy, thus drastically narrowing his access to source of personal satisfaction and
reducing his self-esteem. This principle is based on the ____ of community based treatment programs.

A. Legal aspect

B. Managerial aspect

C. Humanitarian aspect

D. Restorative aspect

Answer Restorative aspect

You got the wrong answer.

Question 3. The first convict in the Philippines, sentenced to death by means of Lethal injection was

A. Boy siga

B. Leo Echagaray

C. Asiong Salonga

D. Gregorio S. Mendoza

Answer Leo Echagaray

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 4. Which program plays a unique role in the moral and spiritual regeneration of the
A. Work programs

B. None of these

C. Education programs

D. Religious programs

Answer Religious programs

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 5. An agency under the Department of Justice that is charged with custody and
rehabilitation of national offenders, that is, those sentenced to serve a term of imprisonment of more
than three (3) years


B. Parole and Probation Administration

C. Bureau of Corrections

D. Provincial Government

Answer Bureau of Corrections

You got the wrong answer.

Question 6. What is the name of the prison institution situated in Zamboanga, named after Capt.
Blanco of the Spanish Royal Army?

A. Old Bilibid Prison

B. Sablayan Prsions and Penal Farm

C. Iwahig Penal

D. San Ramon Prison & Penal Farm

Answer San Ramon Prison & Penal Farm

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 7. Who is the Father of Philippine Probation?

A. Jose Lacson

B. Juan Ponce Enrile

C. Antonio Torres

D. None of these
Answer None of these

You got the wrong answer.

Question 8. It is a penalty wherein a convicted person shall not be permitted to enter the place
designated in the sentence or within the radius therein specified, which shall not be more than 250
and not less than 25 kilometers from the place designated.

A. P19.00/day

B. Fine

C. P22.00/day

D. None of these

Answer None of these

You got the wrong answer.

Question 9. The head of the Bureau of Corrections is the

A. Prison Inspector

B. Director

C. Secretary of the DND

D. Chief of Executive

Answer Director

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 10. When an inmate is given a “shakedown” before admission, it means:

A. He has taken the process of identification, record, fingerprint and photograph

B. His commitment paper are delivered to record clerk

C. He has been examined for contraband

D. All of these

Answer He has been examined for contraband

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 1. There are three (3) casework techniques applied by the parole officer, which is not

A. The manipulative techniques

B. The trick and treat techniques

C. The executive techniques

D. The guidance, counseling and leadership techniques

Answer The trick and treat techniques

You got the wrong answer.

Question 2. A detention jail in Philadelphia but it was converted into state prison and became the first
American penitentiary.

A. Auburn Priso

B. Bride Well

C. Pennsylvania Prison

D. Walnut Street Jail

Answer Walnut Street Jail

You got the wrong answer.

Question 3. An inmate maybe granted parole if he

A. earned good conduct time allowance credit

B. serve minimum sentence

C. earned good behavior while serving prison term

D. all of these

Answer all of these

You got the wrong answer.

Question 4. A person who is detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has not been convicted
is a –

A. City Prisoner

B. Detention Prisoner
C. Provincial Prisoner

D. Municipal Prisoner

Answer Detention Prisoner

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 5. A correctional institution that has the authority to detain convicted offenders for longer
or extended period of time, including those who are waiting their death sentence.

A. Prison

B. Prison

C. Farm house

D. Jail

Answer Prison

You got the correct answer

Question 6. Prisoners who are nearly to leave the institution, awaiting transfer,those in disciplinary
status, and those who are chronically ill with mental disabilities are considered:

A. all of these

B. unassignable prisoners to undergo prison programs

C. minimum security prisoners

D. special group of offenders

Answer minimum security prisoners

You got the wrong answer.

Question 7. Which of the following is a maximum security prison in Ossining, New York, USA? It is
located approximately 30 miles (48 km) north of New York City on the banks of the Hudson River
which the Auburn Prison system was applied

A. Alcatraz prison

B. Silver Mine Farm

C. Wulnut Street Jail

D. sing Sing Prison

Answer Sing Sing Prison

You got the wrong answer.

Question 8. Benefit of clergy, judicial reprieve, sanctuary, and abjuration offered offenders a degree of
protection from the enactment of

A. criminal liabilities

B. soft sentences

C. harsh sentences

D. code of Hammurabi

Answer harsh sentences

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 9. A minimum and maximum amount of time to be served in prison is referred to as

A. a corporal punishment

B. a determinate sentence

C. a capital punishment

D. an indeterminate sentence

Answer an indeterminate sentence

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 10. For amnesty to be granted, there should be __.

A. Recommendation from C.H.R.

B. Application from C.H.R

C. Concurrence of the congress

D. Recommendation from U.N.

Answer Concurrence of the congress

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 1. An alternative to incarceration granted after a convicted person served a part of his
sentence and is allowed to complete a sentence at large, subject to restrictions and supervision.
A. Probation

B. Work release

C. Parole

D. Halfway houses

Answer Parole

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 2. A special group of prisoners composed of incorrigible, intractable and dangerous persons
who are so difficult to manage inside prisons.

A. Medium Security prisoners

B. Minimum Security Prisoners

C. Super maximum security prisoners

D. Maximum security prisoners

Answer Maximum security prisoners

You got the wrong answer.

Question 3. Giving punishment to a person so to serve as an example to others is the theory of

A. Self-defense

B. Social defense

C. Equality

D. Exemplary

Answer Exemplary

You got the wrong answer.

Question 4. Long, low, narrow, single decked ships propelled by sails, usually rowed by criminals, a
type of ship used for transportation of criminals in the 16 th century. This referred to as the:

A. Stocks

B. Hulks

C. Gaols
D. Galleys

Answer Galleys

You got the wrong answer.

Question 5. After individuals are found guilty of an offense and sentenced to execution, they will
remain on death row while following an appeals procedure, if they so choose, and then until there is a
convenient time for __.

A. Amnesty

B. Parole

C. Execution

D. Pardon

Answer Execution

Question 6. An alternative to incarceration that allow convicted persons to remain at large and under
varying degrees of restriction and supervision and certain conditions imposed by the granting court.

A. Halfway houses

B. Parole

C. Probation

D. Work release

Answer Probation

You got the wrong answer.

Question 7. The temporary stay of execution Of sentence is called

A. Amnesty

B. Communication

C. Pardon

D. Reprieve

Answer Reprieve

You got the wrong answer.

Question 8. Aside from protecting the public, imprisonment has for its latest objective, the
A. segregation of offender

B. reformation of offenders

C. deterrence

D. confinement of Offender

Answer reformation of offenders

You got the wrong answer.

Question 9. Which of the following is an executive clemency that requires the concurrence of

A. Probation

B. Pardon

C. Amnesty

D. Parole

Answer Amnesty

You got the correct answer !!!

Question 10. The only early Roman place of confinement which was built under the main sewer of
Rome in 64 B.C.

A. Bridewell Workhouse

B. Wulnut Street Jail

C. Burgundian House

D. none of these

Answer none of these

You got the wrong answer.

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