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What are you going to do in the summer.

Learning a language course, doing voluntary work or learning

to play a sport. Which do you think is the best choice?

I am thinking of what activity is the most suitable one for me to do in the summer as I have three
months off for summer vacation. There are three options which I am considering: taking a language
course, doing voluntary work or learning to play a sport. The first option is learning a language course.
Having an excellent command of a second language, especially English, would provide you with several
valuable opportunities, especially if you want to get a scholarship to study abroad or work in a
multinational company in the future. Besides, the learning process can widen your knowledge of many
aspects of a brand-new country. However, the price of a language course is costly while you can improve
your language skills effectively through self-study. Learning to play a sport cannot be a wise choice I am
afraid either, even though your physical health will be better when you have a habit of playing a sport,
you can easily be injured while playing and it is barely helpful for your job in the distant future. Doing
voluntary work is the best choice since the skills and experience you get from this activity are
momentous for your progress. You may have to tackle unexpected trouble and work with a large
number of people, therefore, soft skills such as communication and problem-solving skills will be
promoted significantly. Moreover, Volunteering can help you gain confidence by giving you the chance
to try something new and build a real sense of achievement. Besides, Volunteering can challenge you to
try something different, achieve personal goals, practice using your skills, and discover hidden talents.
So all in all I think I will do voluntary work.

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