00 English Test Elementary 1

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Basic English grammar in use

Table of content
1. a. this / that / these / those

1. b. Imperative

2. The verb ‘be’

3. a. plural nouns

4. possessive adjectives, possessive case

5. a. a / an / the – indeterminate / determinate articles

5. b. question words

6. modal auxiliary – ‘can’

Created by 1
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
1. a. this / that

I. Complete the sentences with ’this’, ’that’ or ’these’, ’those’.
1. Look at newspaper here.
2. are my grandparents, and people over there are my
friend’s grandparents.
3. building over there is the Chrysler Building.
4. is my mobile phone and is your mobile phone on
the shelf over there.
5. photos here are much better than photos on the book.
6. was a great evening.
7. Are your pencils here?
8. bottle over there is empty.
9. bricks over there are for your chimney.
10. John, take folder and put it on the desk over there.

Created by 2
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
1. b. Imperative

Created by 3
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
I. Put the words in the correct order!
1. salt Pass me please the
2. door please Answer the
3. lunch Don’t your forget
4. English Speak please in
5. Wait please for me
6. nicely sister Play with your
7. your speak Don’t mouth full with

II. Fill in the correct form of the verb

1. careful not to fall down! 1. to be
2. the street on the red light! 2. not to cross
3. I don’t understand you. slowly, please. 3. to speak
4. ! I hear you quite well. 4. not to shout
5. to his explanation attentively! 5. to listen
6. this water! It is very cold. 6. not to drink
7. these words altogether! 7. to repeat
8. to call your grandmother today! 8. not to forget
9. your book on page 86! 9. to open
10. drive carefully! It is slippery. 10. to drive

Created by 4
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
2. a. The verb ‘be’

I. Choose from Is / Are / Am

1. It cold today.
2, I at home now.
3, They Korean.
4, My name Peter.
5, She an English teacher.

Created by 5
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
II. Decide whether the sentences are grammatically correct or not. There are
10 MISTAKE and 6 sentences with NO MISTAKE.

1. Mr. Paddington are from Peru. is

2. Maria and Joseph are at the supermarket. 
3. I am go to work at seven o’clock every morning.
4. My brother and I am both very busy today.
5. Is Mr. Jones is at the park?
6. Why are the books on the floor?
7. Do they both work at the supermarket?
8. Where the post office is?
9. Are you know the answer to the question?
10. I don’t know the answer to the last question.
11. The students at the library.
12. I am happy today because today a holiday.
13. What colour your new car is?
14. Carol likes the new Italian restaurant.
15. January is the first month of the year.
16. Are they is at the movie theatre?

Created by 6
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
3. a. plural nouns

Created by 7
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
4. possessive adjectives, possessive case

Created by 8
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
I. Choose the correct answer. Circle A, B, or C!
1. This car is my car, and that car is ....
a) Tom
b) Toms
c) Tom’s
2. We need some pens. Where are your ...?
a) pens
b) pen’s
c) pens’
3. Do these books belong to Alex? Are they ...?
a) his’
b) he’s
c) his
4. My ... like to go swimming at a lake near our home.
a) brother’s
b) brothers’
c) brothers
5. My ... favourite food is pizza. They both share one every week.
a) brother’s
b) brothers’
c) brothers

Created by 9
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
6. How many ... did you ride your bicycle last week?
a) times
b) time’s
c) times’
7. My ... house is over there. They live just across the street.
a) cousins’
b) cousins
c) cousin’s
8. (A) How many ... do you have?
(B) Two.
a) apple’s
b) apples
c) apples’
9. Monday was their last ... to study before their test on Tuesday.
a) days’
b) day’s
c) day
10. How many ... did the children eat at the park?
a) chocolate
b) chocolate’s
c) chocolates

Created by 10
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
11. ... bicycle is broken, so he’s going to take a bus to work today.
a) Robert’s
b) Roberts’
c) Robert
12. The ... teacher is standing at the front of their classroom.
a) student’s
b) students’
c) students
13. Next ... English class will begin at two o’clock, not three o’clock.
a) Thursdays’
b) Thursdays
c) Thursday’s
14. Those are my ... toys on the floor. They didn’t put them away.
a) children’s
b) childrens
c) childrens’
15. There are many students and many ... at the college.
a) classrooms’
b) classroom’s
c) classrooms
16. (A) What is your ... name? (B) Leonardo.
a) friends’
b) friend’s
c) friends
Created by 11
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
II. Translate the sentences into English!
1. Az én biciklim piros.

2. Tom-nak az anyukája nagyon kedves.

3. Fordulj balra az utca végén!

4. Ő a mi orvosunk.

5. Az a mi házunk, nem az övéké.

6. Nekem nem tetszik az ő új autójuk.

7. Ez itt a kutyának a labdája, imád játszani.

8. A filmnek a vége nagyon izgalmas.

Created by 12
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
5. a. a / an / the – indeterminate / determinate articles

Created by 13
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
I. Correct the story with the articles A or An (you have to insert 9 these
articles 9 times)! The first one is done for you.

My Neighborhood
My neighborhood is A very interesting place. My home is located
in apartment building downtown, near many stores and offices. There is
small supermarket across the street where my family likes to go
shopping. There is also post office and bank near our home. In our
neighborhood, there is small, green park where my family likes to have
picnics on weekends and holidays. There is small pond in the park, and
there are many ducks in the pond. We like to invite our friends when we
go there, and we always have great time! In addition, there is
elementary school close to our home where my little brother studies in
the third grade. There are so many things to see and do in my
neighborhood, and that’s why I like it! It’s really great place!

II. Complete the conversation below by adding ‘a/an’ or ‘the’.

Julia: Well, here we are, number 378 Maple Street. I think this is (1)
house we saw on-line. What do you think of (2) location?
Steve: It’s in (3) nice neighborhood. And it’s close to downtown.
Julia: And there’s (4) bus stop not too far away.
Steve: How many bedrooms are there?
Julia: Um. There are three bedrooms. They’re all upstairs, I think.

Created by 14
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
Steve: There’s (5) back yard behind the house, right?
Julia: That’s right. (6) back yard is actually quite large. It would be
great for our kids to play in.
Steve: Yeah, I think so, too. Did you see any photos of (7) living
room on- line? What does it look like?
Julia: (8) living room looks great. It looks bright and sunny and it
has (9) nice view of (10) mountains. But (11)
kitchen looks a little small.
Steve: And ... I remember you said there isn’t (12) basement, right?
Julia: No, but there is (13) attic where we can put things.
Steve: Hmm .... That’s good. Remember, we’ll have to put our bicycles away
during (14) winter. I wonder if there’s (15) school nearby.
Julia: Let’s ask (16) real estate agent when she comes. She said she
would be here at three o’clock.
Steve: Hey, look! There she is now!

Created by 15
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
5. b. question words

Created by 16
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
I. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.
1. Thomas studies English at college.
Where ?
2. Her friend lives in London.
Where ?
3. Susan studies math.
What ?
4. Eva lives in New York.
Who ?
5. His brother always gets up at six o’clock in the morning.
When ?
6. Mr. Brown goes to work by bus.
How ?
7. The supermarket sells apples.
What ?
8. They usually travel to the countryside on holidays.
Where ?
9. Richard is a teacher. He teaches English.
What ?
10.This bus goes to the shopping mall.
Where ?

Created by 17
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
6. modal auxiliary – ‘can’

Created by 18
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University
Basic English grammar in use
I. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.

1. I go to work today because I’m sick.

2. A: your uncle speak Spanish? B: Yes, he .
3. No, my friend drive, but he ride a bicycle.
4. We go to the beach today because it’s raining.
5. A: they come with us to the store? B: No, they .
6. Denise play the piano. She knows how to play it.
7. I already finished my work, so I go home now.
8. Excuse me, where I buy a bus ticket?
9. you help me with my homework?
10. Penguins fly, but they swim very well.
11. I’m sorry, but I believe what he said! He’s not telling the truth!
12. Henry meet us tomorrow at three o’clock. We’ll meet him in
the library.
13. My little brother tell the time. Now he knows what time to watch TV!
14. A: you see that bird? B: No, I Where is it?
15. Do you think you find your way home?

Created by 19
Attila Zsohár
ELTE University

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