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Marine Ecology. Muq. 25.09.2022nd.

 What is ecology short answer?

 Ecology is the study of organisms and how they interact with the
environment around them. An ecologist studies the relationship
between living things and their habitats.
 # Ecology, is the branch of science including human science,
population, community, ecosystem, & biosphere.
 # Ecology, is the scientific study of the interactions between
organism & their environment.
 Ecology is mainly divided into two branches, they are autecology
and synecology.
 Autecology, is the ecology of an individual species ecology.
 autecology, also called Species Ecology, the study of the
interactions of an individual organism or a
single species with the living and nonliving

 Synecology, is the ecology of an individual species and is also

called species ecology.

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 Biotic and abiotic factors are what make up ecosystems.
 Biotic factors are living things within an ecosystem such as plants,
animals, bacteria, & fungi.

 Biotic factors, is the environment made of living things.

 Abiotic factors are non-living components such as water, soil,

sunlight, and atmosphere. The way these components interact is
critical in an ecosystem.

 Abiotic factors, is the environment made up of non-living


 Types of Ecology.

 The different types of ecology include

 Molecular ecology
 Organismal ecology

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 Population ecology.
 Community ecology
 Global ecology
 Landscape ecology &
 Ecosystem.
(1). Global ecology, is the science of the Earth ecosystem.

(2). Landscape ecology, is the study of the interactions between the

temporal and spatial aspects of a landscape and the organisms within it.

(3). Ecosystem ecology, Is the integrated study of living (biotic) and non-
living (abiotic) components of ecosystems and their interactions within
an ecosystem framework.

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(4). Community ecology, is a group of actually or potentially interacting
species living in the same location.

(5). Population ecology, is the study of these and other questions about
what factors affect population and how and why a population changes
over time. Or, Is the study of population ecology includes understanding,
explaining, and predicting species distributions.

(6). Organismal ecology, focuses on the morphological, physiological,

and behavioral adaptations that let an organism survive in a specific

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(7). Molecular ecology, Is the use of molecular genetic tools to study
ecological questions.

Characteristics, Some of the major characteristics of a community

ecology are as follows:
(a) Species Diversity
(b) Growth From and structure
(c) Dominance
(d) Self-reliance
(e) Relative abundance
(f) Trophic structure.
Thanks a lot.
BY: Capt. Kuruu

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