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Layer of Protection Analysis:

Generating Scenarios
Automatically from HAZOP Data
Arthur M. (Art) Dowell III,a P.E., and Tom R. Williamsb
Rohm and Haas Company, Deer Park, TX 77536; (for correspondence)
ABS Consulting, Risk Consulting Division, Knoxville, TN 37932

Published online 25 January 2005 in Wiley InterScience (

DOI 10.1002/prs.10061

This paper details the concept of automatically gen- Keywords: LOPA, HAZOP, linking, risk assessment
erating layer of protection analysis (LOPA) scenarios tools
from a process hazard analysis (PHA) conducted using
the hazard and operability (HAZOP) methodology. INTRODUCTION
Specialized software selects consequences that meet se- Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) helps compa-
verity criteria or risk criteria. It then takes each end nies understand, in a rational and consistent manner,
consequence, follows each link path to an initiating how many safeguards are enough for a particular acci-
dent scenario. LOPA takes a predefined cause– conse-
cause, and presents each rolled-up link path as a single
quence pairing (typically identified during a qualitative
LOPA scenario, complete with all the safeguards (that
hazard evaluation), determines how many indepen-
is, candidate protection layers) found along the link dent protection layers (IPLs) are provided by existing
path. The scenarios can be presented in database or and/or recommended safeguards, and evaluates
spreadsheet format. The rolled-up LOPA spreadsheet whether this number of IPLs provides adequate risk
allows the analyst(s) to identify safeguards that are mitigation. LOPA goes beyond the typical use of a risk
independent protection layers and assign appropriate matrix but is less detailed than quantitative risk analysis
values to each independent protection layer. The (such as fault tree analysis). LOPA is an order-of-mag-
spreadsheet calculates the resultant mitigated risk (or nitude tool. It basically separates the question of “How
mitigated likelihood or frequency) in real time. This likely is it?” into two issues:
makes it easy for the analyst(s) to determine which
independent protection layer or group of independent 1. Likelihood (frequency) of the initiating event
protection layers provides the most effective means for 2. Probability of failure on demand (PFD) of the IPLs
reaching or maintaining a target risk threshold. LOPA can provide a company with the following
The concept (demonstrated using ABS Consulting’s information for a scenario on a consistent basis:
HazardReview LEADER™ software) makes the process
1. Worst-case unmitigated risk (assuming all safe-
of going from PHA results to LOPA results a lot less time
guards fail)
consuming. It avoids retyping and reduces the risk of
2. As-is mitigated risk (with existing safeguards in
overlooking scenarios. The paper will present lessons place)
learned from applying the tools in real PHA/LOPA ap- 3. The improvements necessary to reach a target risk
plications. © 2005 American Institute of Chemical En- threshold, as described in Dowell [1, 3– 6] and CCPS
gineers Process Saf Prog 24: 38 – 44, 2005 [2]
The general format of a LOPA table is shown in
Originally presented at the AIChE Loss Prevention Symposium, New Or- Table 1 from Dowell [1] with sample information filled
leans, LA, April 2004. in for one scenario.
HazardReview LEADER™ is a trademark of ABS Consulting.
The severity of the consequence is estimated using
© 2005 American Institute of Chemical Engineers appropriate techniques, which may range from simple

38 March 2005 Process Safety Progress (Vol.24, No.1)

Table 1. General format of LOPA table.

Preventive Independent Protection Layers

Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD)
Initiating Mitigation
Event SIF Independent Mitigated
Consequence Initiating Challenge Process BPCS Operator Response (PLC Protection Consequence
and Severity Event (Cause) Frequency Design (DCS) to Alarms Relay) Layers (PFD) Frequency
Column B Column B 0.1/yr Column B high Column B 0.001/yr
Catastrophic high level level alarm by relief valve
Rupture, due to DCS prompts (0.01)
Fatality Column B operator to
high feed reduce Column
flow rate B level
due to Tank manually; not
A low level independent of
due to Tank Tank A LIC (1.0)
A LIC loop

“look-up” tables to sophisticated consequence-model-

ing software tools. One or more initiating events
(causes) may lead to the consequence; each cause–
consequence pair is called a scenario. LOPA focuses on
one scenario at a time. The frequency of the initiating
event is estimated (usually from look-up tables or his-
torical data). Each identified safeguard is evaluated for
three key characteristics:
• Is the safeguard effective in preventing the sce-
nario from reaching the consequence?
• Is the safeguard independent of the initiating
event and the other IPLs?
• Is the safeguard auditable?
If the safeguard meets all of these tests, it is an IPL.
LOPA estimates the likelihood of the undesired conse-
quence by multiplying the frequency of the initiating
event by the product of the PFDs for the applicable Figure 1. Comparison between LOPA and event-tree
IPLs using Eq. 1 from CCPS [2]. analysis. [Copyright © 2001, AIChE, reproduced by

写 PFD ⫽ f ⫻ PFD

f Ci ⫽ f Ii ⫻ ij
i i1 ⫻ PFD i2 ⫻ · · · (1)
One approach to developing LOPA scenarios is to
⫻ PFD iJ use a simple screening risk matrix in the HAZOP or
other process hazard analysis methodology. Each
where fiC is the frequency for consequence C for initi- consequence is ranked for its severity, and the asso-
ating event i, fiI is the initiating event frequency for ciated causes for the consequence are placed into
initiating event i, and PFDij is the probability of failure categories for their unmitigated frequencies, that is,
on demand of the jth IPL that protects against conse- the frequency before application of safeguards. The
quence C for initiating event i. risk associated with a scenario—a cause– conse-
Typical initiating event frequencies and IPL PFDs are quence pair—is estimated by the intersection of the
given by Dowell [1, 3] and CCPS [2]. Figure 1 illustrates consequence severity and the cause frequency on
the concept of LOPA: that each IPL acts as a barrier to the risk matrix. Many companies have established
reduce the frequency of the consequence. Figure 1 also guidance criteria to select higher-risk scenarios for
shows how LOPA compares to event-tree analysis. A additional analysis. For example, the “Red” zone on
LOPA analysis describes a single path through an event the risk matrix may represent consequence severities
tree to the highest-severity consequence, as shown by of one or more fatalities with a frequency above a
the heavy line in Figure 1. An IPL may prevent an given threshold. A company’s guidance criteria may
undesirable outcome (shown by IPL1), or an IPL may require LOPA or more complex quantitative analysis
mitigate the outcome to a tolerable level (shown by for all scenarios in the “Red” zone.
IPL2 and IPL3). In either case, the frequency of occur- Translation of HAZOP information into LOPA sce-
rence of the highest-severity consequence is reduced. narios is shown graphically in Figure 2 [3]. Note that

Process Safety Progress (Vol.24, No.1) March 2005 39

Figure 2. Relationship between HAZOP and LOPA information.

not all the information from the HAZOP is included ated causes and safeguards. Such activities are tedious,
in the LOPA. Consequences that do not meet the risk and information can be overlooked or left out, partic-
matrix criteria are omitted. Very low frequency ularly if the PHA is not documented logically, thor-
causes may be omitted. Safeguards that do not meet oughly, and consistently.
the IPL criteria will not be given credit as IPLs in the To help ensure logical, thorough, and consistent
LOPA (but they may be noted in the LOPA documen- PHA documentation for processes involving interre-
tation). Additional IPLs may be added as a result of lated process parameters and interconnected equip-
the LOPA study. ment, interrelated HAZOP deviations are often linked
The user can manually review the PHA documenta- electronically such that the consequence of one devi-
tion; identify consequences that meet the risk matrix ation is shown as a cause of another deviation, and vice
criteria for additional analysis; and develop LOPA sce- versa. Although this is the most efficient, logical, and
narios for those consequences, including the associ- thorough way to document a PHA in many cases,

40 March 2005 Process Safety Progress (Vol.24, No.1)

linking makes manual extraction of LOPA scenarios
more difficult.
Alternatives to this approach include the following:
1. Avoiding the use of logical cause– effect linking in
favor of documenting complete HAZOP scenarios
within single deviations. Although this approach
often results in erroneous, misleading, or incom-
plete HAZOP results, it can help minimize the effort
of importing HAZOP results to LOPA.
2. Using specialized software that queries linked HA-
ZOP scenarios and assembles the causes and safe-
guards along the entire cause– effect link path to
create a complete LOPA scenario for each cause–
consequence pair. This approach is equally effective
in minimizing the HAZOP-to-LOPA effort while also
allowing the HAZOP to be conducted and docu-
mented in a logical, thorough, and consistent man-
For example, the authors have analyzed systems (and
audited such analyses) in which a deviation in one Figure 3. Cause– effect linking.
area/operation cascaded to a series of other system
deviations, leading to an ultimate consequence in an-
other area/operation. Where the first approach (docu-
menting complete HAZOP scenarios within single de- LEADER Link then shows the cause– effect relation-
viations) was used, the HAZOP team tended to ships between the Tank A low-level deviation, the
overlook or incompletely document other similar high-feed flow deviation, and the high-pressure de-
and/or interrelated scenarios involving intermediate viation. Thus, the LEADER Links methodology cred-
causes, consequences, and safeguards. These errors of its the relief valve as a direct safeguard at the high-
omission were most likely caused by the inherent in- pressure deviation, but not at the Column B high-
ability of the analysis team to analyze the details of feed flow or Tank A low-level deviation. Any
multiple analysis nodes at once. These types of errors safeguards that can detect and prevent the high flow
have been most pronounced in HAZOPs of large, com- to Column B caused by the Tank A LIC failure would
plex systems and those involving continuous opera- be also captured by the LEADER Links methodology
tions. Using the second approach, particularly for com- for this scenario.
plex, continuous systems, helps to ensure that the This concept is important for understanding the
similar and/or interrelated scenarios are carefully con- power of LEADER’s LOPA module. The LOPA mod-
sidered during the team discussion of each analysis ule rolls up linked scenarios into Excel spreadsheets.
node. That is, it takes each end consequence, follows each
HazardReview LEADER includes a LOPA module link path to an initiating cause, collects all the exist-
that implements the second, more thorough approach. ing and recommended safeguards for each link path,
It rolls up individual cause– consequence LOPA scenar- and presents each rolled-up link path as a single
ios from more broad PHA scenarios recorded in Haz- LOPA scenario, complete with all the safeguards
ardReview LEADER. It is particularly powerful when (that is, candidate protection layers) found along the
used in conjunction with the LEADER Links feature. link path.
LEADER Links are used to show cause– effect rela- Each rolled-up LOPA spreadsheet allows the ana-
tionships between multiple HAZOP deviations. When lyst(s) to assign appropriate values (or credits) to each
used correctly, LEADER Links help prevent duplication safeguard, and the spreadsheet calculates the resultant
or multiple crediting of safeguards as well as helping to mitigated risk (or mitigated frequency) in real time.
ensure that safeguards are listed only at deviations This makes it easy for the analyst(s) to play the “what-
where they are directly applicable. This is the first step if” game to determine which safeguard or group of
in moving a PHA toward LOPA. safeguards provides the most effective means for reach-
For example, as shown in Figure 3, a relief valve is ing or maintaining a target risk threshold.
not a direct safeguard against a low level in Tank A, A screenshot of the LEADER LOPA wizard is shown
but a consequence of interest is catastrophic rupture in Figure 4. At this point, the wizard has examined all
of Column B. As shown by the arrows, catastrophic the consequences in the HAZOP study, selected those
rupture can be caused by high pressure in Column B, that meet the criteria to be considered for LOPA, and
which can be caused by a high level in Column B, worked back from each consequence through all the
which can be caused by high-feed flow to Column B, related deviations to the initial cause for each scenario.
which in turn can be caused by a Tank A LIC loop In this example, 539 scenarios (cause– consequence
failure, identified in the Tank A low-level deviation. pairs) have been listed for consideration by the analyst.
The relief valve on Column B thus protects against The analyst has checked the second visible scenario to
the scenario initiated by a Tank A LIC failure. A be analyzed using LOPA. As shown, the consequence

Process Safety Progress (Vol.24, No.1) March 2005 41

Figure 4. Leader 4 LOPA wizard screen shot. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available

of the selected scenario is located at Deviation 1.9 in the high level should not be assigned a risk matrix
HAZOP table, and the selected cause is acid corrosion severity. Assigning a safety severity to high pres-
arising from the high concentration of water (which is sure is sufficient to ensure that high level and its
Deviation 1.8), resulting from the high concentration of preceding causes will be captured in the rolled-up
water in the compressed air system (which is Deviation LOPA scenario.
3.10), resulting from a defective or improperly maintained 2. Assign safeguards only to the specific deviations
desiccant dryer (which is the initial cause located at De- where they apply (see the relief valve example
viation 3.10). Note that there are other causes located at above). This will avoid having a particular safeguard
Deviations 1.8 and 3.10 [and perhaps elsewhere (out of appear multiple times in a particular LOPA scenario.
the current view)] that the analyst could select to form 3. Exercise discipline and consistency in linking. For
separate LOPA scenarios. The wizard also allows quick example, similar analysis nodes should have similar
selection of all scenarios as well as grouping and sorting link paths. To illustrate, a process system similar to
of scenarios by location, by consequence, and/or by that in Figure 3 should have a link path similar to
cause to aid the analyst. that shown in Figure 3.
The LOPA module does not provide the answers to 4. Minimize parallel link paths having the same ultimate
the LOPA study, but it makes the process of going from cause and the same ultimate consequence, but with
PHA results to LOPA results a lot less time consuming. different intermediate causes and consequences.
As described in previous publications [1, 2, 3, 5, 6], the Where parallel link paths are appropriate, use explan-
effort and expertise to execute a LOPA study (deter- atory text to differentiate the two paths.
mining which safeguards are IPLs, assigning initiating 5. Avoid circular links. (In working backward from an
event frequencies, and assigning PFDs to IPLs, etc.) are ultimate consequence, a circular link returns to the
not trivial. A trained LOPA analyst is needed to apply deviation with the ultimate cause. In essence, the
the LOPA rules appropriately and consistently. consequence is its own cause—a logical inconsis-
There are some pitfalls to avoid when using the tency!) For each ultimate consequence, the software
LEADER Links methodology. If linking is done inap- needs to be able to work back through each link
propriately, the user may find a multitude of essentially path to an ultimate cause without revisiting the de-
duplicate scenarios that must be screened by hand. viation having the ultimate consequence.
Based on lessons learned during actual HAZOP 6. Use the same text to describe the same consequence,
meetings and LOPA preparation, we emphasize the cause, or safeguard, wherever each item occurs.
following key points for successful linking and gener- This will help in eliminating duplicate items in the
ation of LOPA spreadsheets: LOPA scenarios.
1. Avoid assigning risk matrix severities to interme- There are also some important things to keep in
diate consequences. In the preceding example, mind when developing a LOPA protocol for your com-
where high level leads to high pressure, if there is pany. These items have a direct impact on the software
no safety consequence for the high level by itself, you choose and how, when, and by whom LOPA

42 March 2005 Process Safety Progress (Vol.24, No.1)

Differences between Typical PHA and LOPA Risk Matrices
Impact-Based Severity Categories
Typical risk matrix severity categories used in PHAs are based on the types/extent of personnel, public,
and environmental impacts rather than quantity, type, and conditions of material or energy released or
number of persons potentially exposed to life-threatening injuries. For example, the following is a popular
set of safety severity categories used in PHAs:

1. No injury
2. First-aid injury
3. Lost-time injury
4. Fatal injury

It requires a subjective judgment to determine what types of protection layer and conditional modifiers
(probability of ignition, probability of person present, probability of fatality) reduce the expected
frequency of a fatal injury from once per year to once in 10, 100, or 1000 years. Likewise it is a subjective
judgment to determine what types of conditions make the potential for a fatal injury “not credible” [that
is, the perceived frequency of a severe consequence is so low that the analyst(s) assigns a lower severity
category]. The less-severe consequence can be visualized on Figure 1 by the path where IPL1 and IPL2
fail, but IPL3 is successful, leading to the second from the bottom consequence, a less-severe conse-
quence. For example, if IPL3 is a relief device, the more-severe consequence of vessel rupture and
release leading to multiple fatalities may be avoided, but there is now a release from the relief device,
which itself may have sufficient risk (severity and frequency) to require analysis.

Range-Based Severity Categories

On the other hand, many LOPA methods use a release range severity risk matrix. The severity category is
based on the amount of material released, its toxicity or flammability, and the conditions of the release. It is
much more objective and defensible to state what type of protection layer reduces the frequency of a 1000-lb
release of flammable material above its boiling point (or a release large enough to potentially expose 100
persons to life-threatening injuries) from once per year to once in 10, 100, or 1000 years. It is also objective
to state what types of conditions make this type of release “not credible” such that a 100-lb release (or a
release potentially exposing only 10 persons to life-threatening injuries) becomes the assigned severity. Again
as mentioned above, if IPL3 is a relief device, the more-severe consequence of release from the vessel rupture
may be avoided, but there is now a release from the relief device, which itself may have sufficient risk
(severity and frequency) to be analyzed. However, very few risk matrices used in PHAs have these types of
severity categories.
Typical PHA risk matrix categories can be used for LOPA, but the analyst(s) must be very careful and
understand the assumed conditions that are built into each category. Also, consequence categories must be
well characterized using consistent terminology with detailed documentation describing their bases, and
likelihood or frequency categories must be based on sound data with documentation showing the data’s
applicability to the system/components/situations being analyzed. Most PHA teams are not afforded this level
of detail nor the training necessary to understand the risk matrix categories to this degree. To help bridge this
knowledge gap, companies have taken two basic tacks, including (1) providing specialized LOPA training to
select engineers/analysts, and (2) developing more specific or advanced LOPA rules and tables to help
minimize subjectivity when estimating the frequency of fatality or injury from a given release event, described
in Dowell [1, 3, 6] and CCPS [2]. Again, we believe LOPA and particularly the more advanced LOPA rules are
best applied by trained engineers/analysts outside of PHA meetings.

studies will be conducted. The following are two of the to be conducted outside of the influences of the
most critical items to consider: various interests and biases of a typical PHA meet-
1. LOPA is an objective, deductive engineering ing. (However, some organizations do report suc-
study, in contrast to the subjective, inductive cessful use of LOPA protocols during the PHA
brainstorming nature of a PHA. LOPA does not meeting. Note that the risk tolerance criteria used
have to be quantitative or even semiquantitative, for such LOPA decisions must be based on a
but it does need to be objective. With this said, it per-scenario frequency. If the risk tolerance crite-
is nearly impossible to develop objective LOPA ria involve summation of multiple scenarios, it is
results during a PHA team meeting. LOPA needs much better to do the LOPA analysis after the PHA

Process Safety Progress (Vol.24, No.1) March 2005 43

is complete [6].) The experienced opinion of the PHA Process Hazard Analysis
authors is to do LOPA after the PHA. PLC Programmable Logic Controller
2. Most risk matrices being used for risk ranking in SIF Safety Instrumented Function [the sensors,
PHA meetings are not appropriate for use in LOPA. wiring, logic solver, and final elements
The reasoning is not obvious or easily understood (valves, motor trips) that take the process
without practice. However, the sidebar is a brief to a safe state when out of range process
attempt to explain this issue. variables are sensed]
SIS Safety Instrumented System (a system that
CONCLUSION includes one or more SIFs)
LOPA has proven to be an effective tool to deter-
mine whether there are enough safeguards and suffi- LITERATURE CITED
cient risk reduction to meet the risk tolerance criteria 1. A.M. Dowell III, Layer of protection analysis for
for scenarios developed from PHA information. How- determining safety integrity level, ISA Trans 37
ever, preparing for LOPA can require tedious efforts in (1998), 155–165.
sorting through complex and duplicative PHA informa- 2. Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), Layer
tion to develop meaningful LOPA scenarios. These ef- of protection analysis: Simplified process risk as-
forts can be minimized by applying risk matrix rules sessment, American Institute of Chemical Engi-
consistently, carefully documenting PHA information neers, New York, 2001.
in a logical manner, and using specialized software that 3. A.M. Dowell III, Layer of protection analysis: A
automates the rollup of LOPA scenarios from interre- new PHA tool, after HAZOP, before fault tree anal-
lated HAZOP deviations. ysis, Presented at CCPS Int Conf Workshop on Risk
Analysis in Process Safety, Atlanta, GA, October 21,
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AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers New York, 1997, pp. 13–28.
BPCS Basic Process Control System 4. A.M. Dowell III, Layer of protection analysis and
CCPS Center for Chemical Process Safety inherently safer processes, Process Safety Prog 18
DCS Distributed Control System (1999), 214 –220.
HAZOP Hazard and Operability Analysis 5. A.M. Dowell III, Layer of protection analysis: Les-
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission sons learned. ISA Technical Conf. Series: Safety
IPL Independent Protection Layer Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry, Bal-
ISA The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automa- timore, MD, May 14 –16, 2002.
tion Society 6. A.M. Dowell III and D.C. Hendershot, Simplified
LIC Level Indicating Controller risk analysis—Layer of protection analysis (LOPA),
LOPA Layer of Protection Analysis AIChE 2002 National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN,
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44 March 2005 Process Safety Progress (Vol.24, No.1)

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