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National Law University, Odisha

Submitted By – Sagar Priyadarshi & Aditya Kumar Pandey

Roll no – 2020BBA056 and 2020BBA003
Subject – Business Economics
Topic – Impact of Covid-19 on Sports Business
Submitted to – Ms. Madhubrata Raya Singh
(Asst. Professor,NLUO)
In today's competitive environment, there is a war for survival in which those
who have the drive to achieve really succeed. A project is a bridge between
theoretical and practical activity. With this concept in mind, we embarked on
this endeavor.
First and foremost, we would want to praise the ultimate force - the Almighty
God, who is clearly present. The one who has always kept us on the correct road
and helped us accomplish the unattainable.
This endeavor would not have been possible without his assistance. Our parents
are standing next to him, who raised us with love, compassion, and
encouragement and to whom we are eternally grateful.
Second, we would like to use this occasion to express our heartfelt gratitude to
our Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ved Kumari, and our Business Economics mentor,
Prof. Madhubrata Rayasingh, who have given us with continual motivation and
support while also being easily available to us when we needed to dispel our
doubts about the issue. They were always helpful in pointing us in the proper
route.They aided us in the creation of the project by providing input.
We have no more valuable words that describe our gratitude, but our hearts are
still full of appreciation for all of the favors and assistance we have obtained
during this effort.

The iCOVID-19 iepidemic iaffects iall iaspects iof ilife, iincluding isports,
icausing ia iworldwide iupheaval iin ithe isports isector ithat ihas inot ibeen
iseen isince iWorld iWar iII.
As ithe iCoronavirus ispreads ithroughout ithe iworld, ia irising inumber iof
iimportant isports iactivities iand imatches i(at ithe iinternational, iregional,
iand/or inational ilevels) ihave ibeen idelayed ior icancelled iin iorder ito
isafeguard ithe ihealth iof iplayers, ifans, iand ieveryone ielse iinvolved.
iAthletes, iteams, iand ileagues ihave iall ibeen iimpacted, ias ihave
isponsorships, isport iretail, igastronomy, iand imedia icoverage.
For iexample, ifor ithe ifirst itime iin imodern iOlympic ihistory, iand ias ione
iof ithe iworld's imost-watched iathletic ibroadcasts, ithis iyear's iOlympic iand
iParalympic iGames iin iTokyo ihave ibeen ipostponed iuntil inext iyear. iThe
iannouncement iwas imade i122 idays ibefore ithe igrand iopening iceremony,
iwhich iwas ito itake iplace iat iJapan's inewly icompleted iOlympic iStadium
iin iTokyo.
iTo irecap, iTokyo ihas iinvested iUS$ i26 ibillion iin ipreparations iand
iundoubtedly iexpects ia ireturn ion ian iinvestment. iThe iname i"Tokyo i2020"
iwill ibe iretained iin ithe iexpectation ithat ithe iOlympic iflame iwill ireturn ias
iour iimmortal iemblem iof icontinuity.
Similarly, ithe iUEFA iEURO iChampionship, iwhich iwas ischeduled ito itake
iplace ithroughout ithe iEuropean icontinent ithis isummer ito icommemorate
iUEFA's i60th ianniversary, ihas ibeen ipushed iback ifrom i2020 ito i2021. iAll
iclub iand inational iteam itournaments iand imatch i(including ifriendlies)
ihave ibeen istopped iuntil ifurther inotice, iincluding iplayoffs. iThe iEuros iare
iusually iheld ievery ifour iyears, iafter ia irigorous iqualification iprocedure.
iThis iprocedure ihas inot iyet ibeen icompleted ifor iEURO i2020; itwenty iout
iof itwenty-four iteams ihave iqualified, ibut ifour islots iare istill iwaiting ifor
iplayoffs ischeduled ifor ilate iMarch. iThe iEuropean iChampionship iproduces
iaround i€2 ibillion iin irevenue ifor iUEFA ifrom isponsors iand ibroadcasters,
ibut ibecause ilife ihas icome ito ia ihalt, ithese ifirms ihave ialso icome ito ia
FIFA, ianother iimportant iathletic iorganization, iis iworking itogether ito iwin
ithe imatch iagainst iCOVID-19. iFIFA ihas ilaunched ia i"Pass ithe iword ito
ikick iout icoronavirus" icampaign iin iconjunction iwith ithe iWorld iHealth
iOrganization i(WHO), iestablishing iawareness iby iurging ithat ieveryone
iadopt ifive iessential imeasures ithat ican ihelp icombat ithe idisease's ispread.

For ithe ifirst itime iin iits i124-year ihistory, ithe iBoston iMarathon ihas ibeen
icancelled. iInstead, i"the iBoston iMarathon iVirtual iExperience" iwill ibe
iheld, iin iwhich icompetitors imust iprove ithat ithey icompleted ithe i42km ion
itheir iown iand, iif iso, iwill istill ibe ieligible ito iearn itheir ifinisher's imedal
i(, in.d.). iSimilarly, ithe imarathons iin iLondon, iAmsterdam, iParis,
iand iBarcelona ihave ibeen ipostponed.
Over i900 itournaments ihave ibeen icancelled ior ipostponed, iincluding ithe
iWimbledon, iUS iOpen, iand iRoland iGarros, iand ihalf iof ithe iInternational
iTennis iFederation's iworkforce ihas ibeen ifurloughed.
The iWimbledon itennis itournament iis ian iexception, ias iit iis iinsured iin
ithe ievent iof ia ipandemic. iAfter ithe iSARS iepidemic iin i2003, ithey
idecided ito ioffer ipandemic iinsurance. iDespite ipaying iroughly iUS$31.7
imillion iin ipremiums iover ithe iprevious i17 iyears, iWimbledon iwill iget ia
iUS$142 imillion iinsurance ipayout ifor ithis iyear's icancelled icompetition
i(Insurance iJournal, i2020).
For ithe ifirst itime isince ithe i1954 iseason, ithere iwill ibe ino iMonaco
iGrand iPrix ion ithe iFormula iOne ischedule ithis iyear.
The iNBA istopped iits iseason iin iMarch iwhen iRudy iGobert, ia iUtah iJazz
iplayer, itested ipositive ifor ithe icoronavirus. iThe inews ioccurred isoon
ibefore ia igame iversus iOklahoma iCity; iGobert iwas inever iin ithe istadium,
ibut iplayers iwere iwarming iup ion ithe icourt iwhen ithey iwere iinstructed ito
ireturn ito ithe ilocker irooms. iThe iNBA iannounced iin iJune ithat ithey iwill
ireturn iin iAugust, iwith i22 iteams iplaying iin ia i"bubble iisolation izone" iat
iWalt iDisney iWorld's iESPN iWide iWorld iof iSports iComplex inear
iOrlando, iFlorida.
The iGerman iBundesliga iwas ithe ifirst iof ithe imajor ifootball ileagues ito
iresume iplay ifollowing ithe ipandemic ihalt, iand iit icompleted iits ischedule
iin ilate iJune. iThe inew iseason ibegins ion iSeptember i18th, igiving iclubs ia
itwo-and-a-half-month ipre-season. iThe iPremier iLeague iand iLa iLiga iare
iboth iset ito iresume iplay ion iSeptember i12th. iLa iLiga iis iset ito iconclude
ion iMay i23rd, i2021, iwith ithe igoal iof icatching iup iwith ithe inormal
iseason icycle iin itime ifor ithe iEuropean iChampionships. iWhen ithe iFrench
igovernment iprohibited iall imajor isporting ievents iuntil iSeptember, iLeague
i1 iopted ito iproclaim iParis iSaint-Germain ias ichampions.
There iwere icertain irules ilike, iall iclubs iare irequired ito iplay iwithout ia
ilive iaudience, iand isome ihave idevised iinventive iways ifor isupporters ito
icontinue ito isupport itheir ifavorite iteams. iSome inew ifan ibases inow iallow
ieager ifootball ifans ito ipay ito ihave itheir ifaces ipainted ion imannequins iin
ithe istadium, iwith ithe iproceeds igoing ito ithe ibattle iagainst iCOVID-19.
iThe iyear i2020 iwas ian iOlympic iyear. iAt ithe ibeginning iof ithe iyear,
iathletes iaround ithe iworld iwere itraining ifor itheir iselection itrials iand
ithose ialready iselected iwere ipreparing ifor ithe igrand ievent iwhich iwas
ischeduled ito icommence iin iJuly iin iJapan. iWhile ithe iorganizers iwere
imeticulously iplanning iand irelentlessly iworking itowards ihosting ione iof
ithe ibiggest isporting ievents iin ithe iworld, ion ithe iother ihand, iat ithe isame
itime, iparts iof ithe iworld iwas ialready ifacing ia igrave ihealth icrisis. iThe
icoronavirus, ia icase iof iwhich iwas ifirst ireported iin iNovember i2019 iin
iWuhan iprovince iin iChina, ihad ispread ito ivarious icountries iby iJanuary
i2020.On iMarch i11, i2020, ithe iWorld iHealth iOrganization i(WHO)
ideclared ithat ithe iNovel iCoronavirus iDisease i(COVID-19) iis ia ipandemic.
Between iJanuary i2020 iand iMarch i2020, iCOVID-19 ispread ito imost
icountries iof ithe iworld, iwith icountries iimposing iinternational itravel ibans
iand iregionwide ilockdowns, ito icontrol ithe ispread iof ithe ivirus. iThe
iimposition iof isuch istrict imeasures ihad ian iimpact ion ivarious ibusinesses
iacross ithe iworld, iincluding ithe ibusiness iof isports.
In iIndia, ithe iMinistry iof iHome iAffairs i(MHA) iimposed ithe ifirst iphase
iof ilockdown ion iMarch i25, i2020, iwhich iwas ithereafter iextended ion
imultiple ioccasions iand iwas iin iforce itill iMay i31, i2020.The iMHA
ipermitted i`the iopening iof isporting icomplexes iand istadiums, iwithout
ispectators, ifrom iMay i18, i2020. iHowever, isports igatherings iwere inot
ipermitted. iThe iaim iof ithe irelaxations iwas ito iallow iathletes iin ithe
itraining icenters ito iresume itraining. iThe iSports iAuthority iof iIndia i(SAI)
iissued ia istandard ioperating iprocedure ifor iits itraining icenters iand iathletes
iwere igradually iallowed ito iresume itraining iin iaccordance iwith ithe
The iMHA iannounced ithe iopening iof iareas i(which iwere inot imarked ias
icontainment izones) iin ia iphased imanner ias ipart iof ithe i‘Unlock i1'
iguidelines. iThe inotification iissued ion iMay i31, i2020 istated ithat isubject
ito ithe icircumstances, isports igatherings iwould ibe ipermitted iunder ithe
ithird iphase iof ithe iunlock.7 iUnder isubsequent iunlock i2 iand i3
iguidelines, isports igatherings iwere inot ipermitted iacross ithe icountry,
iincluding ioutside icontainment izones. iThe iMHA iissued i‘Unlock i4'
iguidelines ion iAugust i29, iwhich ipermitted iresumption iof isports iactivities
iwith ia igathering iof imaximum i100 ipeople ifrom iSeptember i21, iwith
imandatory iwearing iof iface imasks, isocial idistancing, iprovision iof ithermal
iscanning, iand ihand iwash ior isanitizer.

The iguidelines iissued ion iSeptember i30, i2020, i(‘Unlock i5') ifurther ieased
ithe irelaxations ion iorganizing isports ievents, iallowing istate/union iterritory
igovernments ito ipermit igatherings iof imore ithan i100 ipersons iat isports
igatherings ifrom iOctober i15, i2020, isubject ito ithe ifollowing iconditions:
i(i) iin iclosed ispaces, ia imaximum iof i50% iof ithe itotal icapacity, iwith ia
iceiling iof i200 ipersons, ishall ibe ipermitted; ior i(ii) iin iopen ispaces,
irespective istate igovernments imust itake iinto iconsideration ithe isize iof ithe
iground/space ito idetermine igathering ilimits, ito iensure ithat isocial
idistancing inorms iare imaintained; iand i(iii) iwearing iof imasks, isocial
idistancing, isanitizing/ ihand iwashing iand ithermal iscanning, ishall ibe
imandatory iin iall icases.
The i‘Unlock i5' iguidelines, iwere ia iwelcome irelief ifor iswimmers, ias ithey
ifinally ipermitted ithe iopening iof iswimming ipools ifor isportspersons
istarting iOctober i15, i2020. iThe iMinistry iof iYouth iAffairs iand iSports
i(MYAS) iissued ia iStandard iOperating iProcedure ion iOctober i9, i2020 ifor
ithe isame10. iThe iSOP ipermits ionly icompetitive iswimmers iabove ithe iage
iof i12, iengaged iin itraining ifor ithe ipurposes iof iparticipation iin iswimming
icompetitions, iinside ithe iswimming ipool, iand iexcludes icontact isport isuch
ias iwater ipolo, ithose ilearning ito iswim ior iswimming ifor igeneral ifitness.
iThe iSOP imakes iuse iof ithe iArogya iSatu iapp imandatory ifor iswimmers
iand ithe istaff iat ithe iswimming ifacility iand ilays idown ithe inumber iof
iswimmers ithat iwould ibe iallowed iinside ithe ipool iat ia itime, isubject ito
isize iof ithe ipool i(maximum i10 iswimmers iare ipermitted iat ia itime iin ia
i50 imeters i10 ilane ipool, iwhile ionly i16 iswimmers iare ipermitted iin ia i25
ior i50 imeters i8 ilane ipool. iFurther, ithe iSOP ibars iany iform iof icontact
iamongst ipersons iinside ithe itraining iarea, iand imakes iit imandatory ito
ifollow iadequate isocial idistancing iand isanitization iprotocols. iWhile ithe
iswimmers ihave iresumed itraining, ithe iunexplained idelay iin iallowing
iopening iof iswimming ipools, idespite ithe iWHO istating ithat i‘swimming iin
iwell-maintained, iproperly ichlorinated ipool iis isafe'11, ihas iperplexed ithose
iassociated iwith ithe isport.
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iTHE iBUSINESS iOF iSPORTS
Before idelving iinto ithe iimpact iof iCOVID-19 ion isports' ibusinesses, iit iis
iimportant ithat iwe iunderstand iwhat iconstitutes ithe ibusiness iof isports.
iThere iare ithree iprimary irevenue isources ifor ia ilive isports ievent: i(i)
ibroadcasting irevenue; i(ii) iadvertising iand isponsorship irevenue; iand i(iii)
imatch iday irevenue ii.e. iticket isales. iThese ithree irevenue isources ifor ithe
isports iindustry idried iout isince ino ilive ievents itook iplace idue ito ithe
iimposed ilockdown iand irestrictions. iFurther, ithe isports ibusiness ientails
inot ijust ithe ilive ievents iwhich iare itelevised iand ibroadcast, ibut ialso iall
ithe ibusinesses iassociated ior idependent ion ithe ioccurrence iof isuch ilive
ievents. iThe iassociated ibusinesses iinclude ithe iproduction iof ilive ievents,
istadium irentals, ihospitality, ifantasy isports iand ibetting, imerchandise iand
isporting igoods, ietc., iall iof iwhich ihave isuffered ihuge ilosses. iSeveral
icompanies irely ion isponsoring ithe ievents ito icome iinto ipublic ieye iand
iboost itheir isales. iIndividuals, iwho iwork ilargely ion iper ievent/ imatch
ibasis, isuch ias iumpires iand iother isupport istaff, iathletes iwith ino
isponsors/ iregular isource iof iincome, ihave ialso ibeen iseverely iimpacted.
i i i i i i i i i i iIMPACT iOF iCOVID-19 iON iTHE iBUSINESS iOF iSPORTS
At ithe ibeginning iof i2020, ino iathlete/ ifan/ iorganizer iwould ihave
iimagined ithat ia imatch, ilet ialone itournaments iin itheir ientirety, iwill ibe
iheld ibehind iclosed idoors i(in iempty istadiums iand iquiet iatmospheres),
ihowever, ithe ipandemic ibrought ithe isporting iworld ito ia istandstill. iWhile
ilive isports ihave igradually iresumed iover ithe ipast ifew imonths, iit iis ionly
iunder istrict ihealth iguidelines iand iwithout ifans. iThe igravity iof ithe
icircumstances ican ibe iascertained ifrom ithe ifact ithat ithe iInternational
iFootball iAssociation iBoard i(IFAB) imandated ithat iin ithe ievent ia iplayer
iis ifound ito ibe ifaking ior ideliberately icoughing, ihe i/ ishe icould ibe
ipenalized iwith ia ired icard, isubject ito ithe idiscretion iof ithe ireferee. iThe
iInternational iCricket iCouncil i(ICC) ialso iamended iits iplaying iconditions
iregulations ito iban iuse iof isaliva iby iplayers ito ishine ithe icricket iball,
ihowever, ithe iplayers ican iuse isweat ito ishine ithe iball. iWhile inew irules
iemerged ion ione ihand, itechnological iadvancements iwere imade iuse iof ito
icreate ia iPre-COVID iera istadium iatmosphere iand iunique iways ito icreate
ia iviewer iexperience iemerged. iDanish ifootball iclub, iAarhus iGymnastic
iforewing i(AGF), ipartnered iwith ivideoconferencing icompany iZoom ifor
ione isuch iinitiative. iBefore ithe imatch, iAGF iasked iits ifans ito isign iup
ifor ivirtual itickets iin ithe isection iof ithe istadium iwhere ithey iwould
inormally isit, iand ithen igrouped ithem itogether ion ivideo icalls iof iup ito
ieighteen i(18) ipeople. iThereafter, ia igroup iwas iprojected ionto ione iof ithe
igiant ivideo iscreens iset iup iinside iAGF's istadium iCeres iPark ifor ia ibrief
iperiod ibefore ibeing ireplaced iby ianother igroup. iAGF ihad ialso iset iup ia
ismaller iscreen idedicated ifor ifans iof ivisiting iteam, iRanders. iThe isounds
ifrom ithe ispectators' imicrophones iwere ialso iplayed ithrough ithe istadium's
iloudspeakers. iThis iuser iexperience iwas ialso iintroduced iin ithe iPremier
iLeague. iThe iability ito iwatch ia imatch ifrom ithe isafety iof iyour ihomes,
ialongside ifellow ifans ion igiant iscreens iinstalled iin istadiums, idid imanage
ito icreate ia iunique istadium iexperience ifor ithe ifans, ithe iviewers iand
imore iso ithe iplayers. iA istudy iconducted iby iPricewaterhouseCoopers
i(PwC) ihas iprojected ithat ithe isports isector iwill igrow iat i3.3% ifor ithe
inext i3-5 iyears, icompared ito ithe i8% igrowth iin ithe iprevious i3-5 iyears.
iThe istudy ifurther iprojected iannual igrowth irate iin isponsorships ito ireduce
ito i2.2% iin i2020 i(4.5% iannual igrowth irate iin i2019) iand ilicensing iand
imerchandising ito i3.4% i(compared ito i4.1% iin i2020).On ithe icontrary,
ieSports iand ivideo igames isaw itremendous igrowth iduring ithe iinitial
imonths iof iCOVID-19 iera. iEsports istreaming iplatforms ireported ia isurge
iin igrowth iduring ithe imonths iof iMarch iand iApril, iwith ia i20% iincrease
iin iusage ihours iand i75% iincrease iin igaming itraffic iduring ipeak ihours.
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iFederations iand iLeagues/
One iof ithe imajor iconsequences iof ithe ispread iof ithe icoronavirus ihas
ibeen ithe icancellation ior ipostponement iof imajor isports ievents iwhich
iwere ischeduled ito ibe iheld iin i2020, iincluding ithe iOlympics i2020
i(Japan), ithe imen's iT20 iCricket iWorld iCup i2020 i(Australia), ithe iEuro
i2020, ietc. i(which ihave ibeen ipostponed) iwhile iother ievents isuch ias ithe
i2020 iWimbledon itennis ichampionships, ithe iBoston iMarathon iwere
icancelled. iThe ifirst ieffects iof ithe ipandemic iwere ifelt iin ithe isporting
iworld iwith ivarious ileagues isuch ias ithe iNBA, ithe iPremier iLeague, ietc.
ibeing isuspended iindefinitely. iIn iIndia, ias iwell, ithe ifinals iof ithe iIndian
iSuper iLeague i(ISL) i(the itop idivision ifootball ileague) iwere iplayed
ibehind iclosed idoors ion iMarch i14, i2020.
The iI-League i(2nd idivision ifootball ileague) i2019-20 iseason iwas
ischeduled ito ibe iheld ifrom iNovember i30, i2019 ito iApril i12, i2020,
ihowever iall iremaining imatches iof ithe iI-League, istarting iMarch i15th,
i2020 iwere iinitially isuspended iand ithereafter, ion iApril i18th,2020, ithe iAll
iIndia iFootball iFederation i(AIFF) iannounced icancellation iof ithe
iremaining imatches iof ithe iseason. iMohan iBagan iwere ideclared ias
ichampions iand iawarded ithe ientire ichampion's iprize imoney iof iUSD
i136,150 i(as iit ihad ian iunassailable ilead). iThe iremaining iprize imoney iof
iUSD i170, i187 iwas idivided iamong ithe iother i10 iclubs, iwith ieach iclub
ibeing iawarded iUSD i17.
In iMarch i2020, ithe iSouth iAfrican icricket iteam ihad itravelled ito iIndia
ifor ia ibilateral iseries. iWhile ithe ifirst iODI iin iDharamshala iwas iwashed
iout idue ito irain, ithe iother itwo iODIS iwere icancelled ion iaccount iof
iCOVID-19, iwith iboth ithe icricket iassociations iagreeing ito iwork ion ia
irevised ischedule. iThe iSouth iAfrican icricket iteam ireturned ihome
ithereafter. iFurther, ithe i2020 iseason iof ithe iIndian iPremier iLeague i(IPL),
ithe iBoard iof iControl ifor iCricket iin iIndia's i(BCCI) iflagship ievent, iwas
ischeduled ito istart ion iMarch i29, i2020, ihowever, idue ito ia inationwide
ilockdown, iit iwas iinitially ipostponed itill iApril i15, i2020, iand ithereafter
ipostponed iindefinitely ias ithe iIndian igovernment iimposed istrict imeasures
ito icontain ithe ispread iof ithe ivirus. iOnce ithe iT20 iCricket iWorld iCup,
iwhich iwas iearlier ischeduled ito ibe iheld ifrom iOctober i18 ito iNovember
i15 i2020, iwas icancelled iby ithe iInternational iCricket iCouncil i(ICC), ia
iwindow ifor iorganizing ithe iIPL iwas icreated iin iplace iof ithe isame. iThe
ievent, iwhich istarted ion iSeptember i19, i2020, iis icurrently iongoing iin ithe
iUnited iArab iEmirates i(UAE), iinside ia ibio-secure ibubble iwith istrict
ihealth iand isafety iprotocols. iApart ifrom ithe iIPL, ithe iBCCI ihas iissued ia
itentative icalendar ifor ithe i2020-21 idomestic iseason ischeduled ito istart iin
iNovember, iwhich idoes inot iinclude imajor iannual ilimited iover
itournaments isuch ias ithe iVijay iHazare itrophy iand ithe iDuleep iTrophy.

Federation iInternational ide iFootball iAssociation i(FIFA), ithe iworld

igoverning ibody ifor ifootball, iissued iguidelines iallowing iexpiring iplayer
icontracts ito ibe iextended iuntil ithe iend iof ithe iseason i(if iseason ihas ibeen
iextended iby ithe inational ifootball iassociation). iThe iguidelines ifurther isaid
ithat ithe iplayer icontracts iwhich iwere idue ito icommence iat ithe istart iof
ithe inext iseason ishould ibegin ion ithe inew istart idate iof ithe inext iseason.
iThese iguidelines ieased ithe iconcerns iof iseveral ifootball iclubs iacross ithe
iworld ias ithey iwere iable ito icomplete itheir iseasons iwith ithe iplayers ithey
ihad isigned itill ithe iend iof ithe i2020-21 iseason iof ithe irespective ileague,
iwithout ihaving ito irenegotiate iwith ithe iplayers ior itheir inext iclubs ito
iallow ithe iplayer ito istay itill ithe iend iof ithe iseason. iThe iAll iIndia
iFootball iFederation i(AIFF), ifootball's igoverning ibody iin iIndia, ialso
iissued isimilar irules ifor iits idomestic iseason. iThe i2020-21 iseason iof ithe
iISL iwill ialso ibe iplayed ientirely iin ithe istate iof iGoa i(1 icity) iacross
ithree istadiums i(3 ivenues), iunlike ithe iusual iformat iof igames ibeing
iplayed iin ithe ihome iand iaway iformat iat ihome istadiums iof ithe iclubs iin
itheir icity.
In ithe ievent iIPL i2020 iwould ihave ibeen icancelled, ithe iBCCI icould ihave
ifaced ia iloss iof irevenue iamounting ito ia isun iof iapproximately iUSD i530
imillion. iWhile icricket iis ia ireligion iin iIndia iand itherefore ithe ihigh
istakes, ithe icancellation/ ipostponement iof ievents isuch ias ithe iUltimate
iTable iTennis iseason i2020 iand ivarious inational iand istate ilevel
itournaments ihas ihad ia idirect ibearing ion ithe iathletes iparticipating iin
isuch isports, ias iwell ias ithose iwhose ilivelihoods idepend ion ithese ievents,
isuch ias iumpires, ireferees, iground istaff iand isupport istaff. iIn iAugust,
iDream iSports iFoundation i(DSF), ithe iphilanthropic iarm iof iDream iSports,
ithe iIndian isports itechnology icompany iwhich iruns iDream11, ilaunched
i‘Back ion iTrack', ian iinitiative ito isupport iand iprovide ifinancial iaid ito
ivulnerable iathletes, isports iprofessionals, iacademies iand iassociated
istakeholders iwho iare ipart iof ithe iIndian isports iecosystem. iDSF's
iprogrammed iwill iprovide iimmediate iaid iby iway iof isports iequipment,
idiet iand inutrition, itraining iand icoaching, imonthly istipends iand ihygiene
ikits iamongst iothers, ithe icompany isaid. iAlready, iDSF ihas iidentified iand
isupported iover i300 iathletes iand icoaches iacross ithe icountry iin ithe ifirst
iphase iof ithe iprogramme iand iis iplanning ito iextend ithe iaid ito iover
i5,000 iathletes iin ithe isecond iphase. iThis iinitiative iaims ito iensure ithat
ipeople iwhose ilivelihood idepends ion isports ido inot idropout idue ito ilack
iof iopportunities iand iresources.
i i i i i i i i i i i i iPlayers iand iclubs/ iassociations
The ieconomic iimpact ihas ialso ibeen ifelt iby imajor iclubs iacross ithe
iworld. iOn iaccount iof ilack iof irevenues, iseveral iclubs inegotiated ithe
iremuneration istipulated iin icontracts, iwith iplayers iof iBarcelona iagreeing
ito ia i70% ipay icut33, iwhereas iclubs iin ithe iEnglish iFootball iLeague
i(EFL) iand iother ileagues iacross ithe iworld iagreed ion ideferment iof
isalaries iwith iplayers iand istaff. iPremiership iRugby iclubs iunanimously
iagreed ito ireduce ithe isalary icap ito i£ i5 imillion ifor ithe i2021-22 iseason
ifrom i£ i7 imillion. iThe iclubs ialso iagreed ithat ithe icap iwould ibe ireverted
ito iits icurrent ilevel iif irevenues iincrease ito iappropriate ilevels iin ifuture
iseasons. iPlayer/ iathlete iunions isuch ias ithe iProfessional iFootballers'
iAssociation i(PFA), iassociation iof iPremier iLeague iplayers iand iMajor
iLeague iBaseball iPlayers iAssociation i(MLBPA), iplayed ia isignificant irole
iin ithe idiscussions ithat iled ito isalary icuts iand ideferrals. iPFA irejected ithe
i30% ipay icut iproposed iby ithe iPremier iLeague iand itheir iclubs ion
igrounds ithat iit iwould imean ilesser itaxes ipaid ito ithe igovernment iwhich
iwould ibe idetrimental ito ithe ifight iagainst iCOVID-19.
There ihave ibeen iinstances iwhere iplayers ihave irefused ito iaccept ithe ipay
icuts ior ideals ioffered iby iclubs. iSwiss iclub, iSion, iunilaterally iterminated
icontracts ifor ithose iplayers iwho irefused ito itake ithe iunemployment
isettlement ioffered iby ithe iclub. iPremiership iRugby iclub, iLeicester iTigers,
isacked iManu iTuilagi iafter ihe irefused ito isign ia inew icontract iwith
ireduced iconsideration iin iline iwith ithe ileague's irevised isalary icap irules.
iThese iunilateral itermination iof iagreements iby iclubs ican ibe iconsidered ia
ibreach iof ithe iagreed iterms ibetween ithe iclub iand ithe iplayer. iAlex iSong,
iwho iwas isacked iby iFC iSion, ihas iapproached iFIFA iclaiming i‘unfair
The igovernment iof iUnited iKingdom iintroduced ithe ifurlough ischeme ito
ihelp ibusinesses isustain iduring ithe iCOVID-crisis iand iprotect ijobs.
iCompanies icould ifurlough iemployees iduring ithe imonths iof iMarch ito
iJune, iwhich ihas inow ibeen iextended itill iOctober, iwho iwould ibe ipaid
i80% iof itheir isalary ito ia imaximum iof iGBP i2500, iper imonth, iby ithe
igovernment. iPremier iLeague iclubs, iLiverpool iF.C. iand iTottenham iSpurs
iF.C., ifurloughed ithe istaff iat ithe iclubs. iHowever, ithe iclubs irescinded ion
itheir idecisions ito ifurlough iemployees iafter ithe icriticism ifrom ifans iand
ithe ipublic, ias ithe iplayers ihad inot ibeen igiven ia ipay icut.
According ito ia istudy iconducted iby iKPMG, ithe iaggregate ivalue iof ia
iplayer iin ithe itop i10 iEuropean ifootball ileagues idecreased iby i6.6 ibillion
ieuros ior i17.7%, idue ito ithe imatches iof ithe i2019-20 iseason ibeing iplayed
ibehind iclosed idoors iafter ithe ileagues iresumed. iThe istudy ialso inoted
ithat iif ithe itop i10 iEuropean ifootball ileagues ihad ibeen icancelled iwithout
icompletion iof ithe i2019-20 iseason, ithe idecrease iin iplayer ivalue iwould
ihave ibeen i10 ibillion ieuros ior i28.5%. iThe iKPMG istudy idid inot itake
iinto iaccount ithe iimpact iof icancellation iof ifootball ileagues iin isome
icountries iand icompletion iof ileagues iin iother icountries. iWhile ithe iclubs
iin itop irungs ihave imanaged ito istay iafloat iwith isports iresuming
igradually, iwith igames ibeing iplayed ibehind iclosed idoors ihas idirectly
iimpacted ithe irevenue iof iclubs iin ilower idivisions iin iEurope iand iother
icontinents, iwho iprimarily irely ion imatch iday irevenues.
While ispectators iare igradually ireturning ito ithe istadiums iin isome iplaces,
iUnited iKingdom igovernment ihas idecided ito inot iallow ispectators iinside
istadiums iunder iits inew imeasures iannounced ion iSeptember i22, i2020,
iwhich icould ilast ifor i6 imonths. iThe isports ipilot ievents, iwhich iwere
irestricted ito i1000 ipersons iin iattendance ifrom iSeptember i10th, i2020,
ihave ialso ibeen ipaused. iAfter ithe iannouncement, ivarious isports
ifederations iand iorganizations iapproached ithe igovernment iinforming iit iof
ithe ifinancial irepercussions iof izero iincome ifrom igate ireceipts. iWhile ithe
igovernment ihas ipromised ia irelief ipackage iwill ibe iannounced, iit ihas
iasked ifinancially istable iorganizations, isuch ias ithe iPremier iLeague ito
ihelp ithe iclubs iin ithe ilower idivisions.
While ithere ihave ibeen ino ireports iof iplayer isalaries ibeing ireduced ior
ideferred iin iIndia, ithe iforce imajeure iclause ihas ibeen iactivated ion
iaccount iof ithe iCOVID-19 ipandemic ito iterminate iplayer iagreements.
iForce imajeure iclause iprovides ithat iif idue ito ian ievent ibeyond ithe
ireasonable icontrol iof ia iparty, ithere iis idelay iin ior iinability ito iperform ia
icontractual iobligation, ithe iparty ishall ibe iexcused ifor isuch idelay ior
iinability iand iit iwould inot iconstitute ia ibreach iof icontract. iSection i56 iof
ithe iIndian iContract iAct, i1872 iprovides ifor ifrustration iof icontracts ias ia
istatutory iremedy iwhich ican ibe iinvoked iin icases iwhere iit ihas ibecome
iimpossible ifor ia iparty/parties ito iperform iobligations iunder itheir
iagreement iand ithe iobject iof isuch iagreement ihas ibeen ifrustrated.
iHowever, iit icannot ibe iinvoked ion iground ithat iunder icertain
icircumstances iit iwould inot ibe icommercially iviable ifor ia iparty ito
iperform iobligations iunder ithe iagreement.
After ithe iI-League iseason iwas icancelled iby ithe iAll iIndia iFootball
iFederation i(AIFF), icouple iof iI-League iclubs, iChennai iCity iFC iand
iQuess iEast iBengal iFC, iterminated itheir iplayer icontracts iby iactivating
ithe iforce imajeure iclause, iciting iCOVID-19 ipandemic ias ia ireason. iForce
imajeure iclause iprovides ithat iif idue ito ian ievent ibeyond ithe ireasonable
icontrol iof ia iparty, ithere iis idelay iin ior iinability ito iperform ia icontractual
iobligation, ithe iparty ishall ibe iexcused ifor isuch idelay ior iinability iand iit
iwould inot iconstitute ia ibreach iof icontract.

Review of Literature
Future of sports, how the role and sports industry will change after
This article deals with The Change in Future of Sports After COVID-19 by U.S.
Chamber of Commerce Foundation and published in the year OCTOBER 2,
The universe of sports has been in transition since the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
Not just have associations needed to evaluate how they'll play out their flow and
forthcoming seasons, however the general business has needed to roll out
clearing improvements that will affect how sports are delighted in and played
for quite a long time to come. Sports and Coronavirus: Fans Now Have a More
Interactive Experience Than Ever Before.
The Covid has been an impetus for another kind of avid supporter experience.
Organizations have established virtual conditions for fans to watch and
associate with their cherished associations and competitors. Virtual watch
parties, for instance, have permitted fans to show their help while cooperating
with different fans, and sometimes competitors themselves.
Coronavirus Has Forced Organizations to Create Multiple Backup Plans for the
Future of Sports. The world was stunned when the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were
deferred a whole year because of the pandemic. With the now-2021 games
quickly drawing nearer, the Olympic council has needed to anticipate how they
would manage the infection in spite of its vulnerabilities in general.
While a large part of the current framework and arranging had as of now been
done, The Olympics and different games associations presently need to put
Covid guidelines.
Proficient Athletes Are Expected to Use Their Star Power for Social Good.With
such a lot of cultural turmoil in the previous year, proficient competitors have as
of now not had the option to remain uninvolved with regards to significant
social issues. Presently like never before, these games stars will be relied upon
to utilize their VIP status for social great to discuss issues that are both critical
to them and applicable to their fans.

From cricket to athletics how COVID taking toll on sports industry and
future of it.
This article deals with "From cricket to athletics" how Covid-19 has hit the
sporting world by Dipankar Lahiri and it is published on April 11, 2021.
The worldwide financial droop set off by the Covid-19 pandemic could change
the whole games industry in manners thought unfathomable till now. A few
games will be hit more earnestly than others. The monetary construction of
global cricket is probably going to change and lower-positioned countries will
confront a smash in reserves. Cricket slowed down, India could get a greater job
Indian cricket saw the series against South Africa deserted because of the
infection and could see the IPL cleaned out, notwithstanding, it could in any
case arise with a greater task to carry out going on. Cricket is probably going to
see an arrival of the Big 3 income sharing model, with the overwhelming
majority going to India, England and Australia, a monetary model initially
contrived to hold over the 2008 downturn.
Veteran South African director and previous ICC CEO Haroon Lorgat had told
the Indian Express that this would mean a «battle for endurance for more fragile
nations». «Without enough income, a few countries may even battle to meet
fundamental use and except if they are furnished with help, there could be some
casualties. Football on hold.
The Indian Super League last was held in a vacant arena in Goa on March 14.
The I-League season was stopped on March 15, with the Neroca versus Chennai
City 2-2 draw turning into the last match of the period.
After analysis, badminton shrieks to an end
The All England Championships, which finished up on March 15, was the last
occasion India's significant badminton stars took part in.
In tennis, worry for lower-positioned players
India was to take on Latvia in a Fed Cup season finisher on April 17-18 yet that
has been deferred. With occasions getting dropped in tennis, there has been a
worry that lower-positioned players who rely upon rivalries will be monetarily
Other Olympic Sports will see a hit in financing
Olympic games are isolated into five classifications, and every worldwide
organization gets cash from the International Olympic Committee relying upon
their crowd and size, with those in top-most section getting around $40 million
and the least getting $7 million. With the deferment of the Games, the IOC is
probably going to freeze these installments. This, thusly, is set to influence the
biological system of a few games in India.
It will hit us. The inquiry is the means by which large will it hit us, International
Hockey Federation CEO Thierry Weil had told this paper. Top Indian
competitors across sports are probably not going to be hit monetarily, with the
Sports Ministry having guaranteed that their cash-based recompenses, month to
month payments and their preparation and-contest consumption won't be hit. In
any case, spending will be cut on framework projects.
Games: Track and field competitors will be in for a feverish time frame in the
mid-year of 2022, with three significant rivalries arranged more than two
We should live with the danger of the coronavirus, said Desai from Deloitte,
and cautioned that sports may never return completely to the manner in which it
was before 2020.

COVID19 pandemic effects on sports industry

This iarticle ideals iwith i"Coronavirus i(COVID-19) idisease ipandemic ieffect
ion ithe isports iindustry i- iStatistics i& iFacts" iPublished iby iChristina
iGough iwhich iis ipublished ion iJun i1, i2021
The iCovid ipandemic ithat ihas icleared iacross ithe iglobe isomewhat irecently
ialtogether iaffects igeneral iwellbeing, isociety, iand ithe ieconomy iall iin iall,
iit ihas iadditionally iunleashed idevastation ito ithe idonning ischedule. iIn ia
ibid ito istem ithe ispread iof ithe iinfection, inumerous iexpert iand ibeginner
iassociations iacross iall imainland’s iand isports ifound ia iway ithe
iextraordinary iway ito idefer ior isuspend itheir iseasons ion ithe icounsel iof
ithe iCDC ito istay iaway ifrom isocial ievents iof ia ilot iof iindividuals. i
Following ithe inews ithat iUtah iJazz ifocus iRudy iGobert itried ipositive ifor
iCOVID-19, ithe iNBA iwas ithe imain ipro iathletics iassociation iin ithe
iUnited iStates ito isuspend iits iseason iendlessly. iThe iday iafter ithe iNBA
iwas iinitially isuspended iin iMarch i2020, ithe iNCAA, ithe iassociation
ianswerable ifor ischool isports, itaken icues ifrom ithe iexpert iassociation iby
idropping ithe ientirety iof iits iexcess iwinter iand ispring ititles, iwhich
iincorporated ithe igigantically iwell iknown i'College ibasketball's imen's ib-
ball icompetition. iTV iand ipromoting iprivileges ifor ithis icompetition ialone
iamount ito i867.5 imillion iU.S. idollars, iwhich iwas iall itossed iinto idisarray
iwith ithe iinformation ion ithe icompetition's ifirst icancelation isince iits
idebut iseason iin i1939. iJust ias ithe imonetary ihit ithat ievery ischool idue ito
icontend iin ithe ioccasion iendured, ithe icity iof iAtlanta, iwhich iwas ito ihave
ithe iFinal iFour iphase iof iMarch iMadness, iwas ihit iespecially ihard. iOf
ithe iGrand iPrix ibooked ion ithe ifirst ischedule, ijust ifour iraces ikept itheir
iunique idates. iIn ithe i2021 iseason, ithree iGrand iPrix iwere idropped ior
idelayed, iwith i23 iraces ibooked iuntil iDecember i2021.
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iCOVID i19 iand iworld iof isports i– iway
This iarticle ideals iwith i"how iCOVID-19 iis iaffecting ithe iworld iof isports"
iby iStefan iHall iwhich iis ipublished ion ithe i09 iApr i2020.
The iCovid ipandemic ihas isent ishockwaves iall ithroughout ithe iplanet,
iprompting ia igeneral iwellbeing icrisis ithat ihas ikilled ithousands iand idove
ithe iworldwide ieconomy iinto iwhat ithe iInternational iMonetary iFund
icautions icould ibe ithe ikeenest islump isince ithe iGreat iDepression. i
To istart, ithe ifundamentals. iIn ithe ieasiest iterms, ithere iare ithree iprimary
irevenue istreams ifor isports iassociations: ibroadcasting, ibusiness iand imatch
iday iincome. I
Conversations are occurring between sports bodies and TV network
accomplices to discover common answers for «force majeure» statements that
work for the two sides. These incorporate associations paying telecasters pay,
allowing them extra freedoms and expanding arrangements.
Long haul change
Looking to the long haul, the essential working model of sports associations
ought to stay unaltered. The following are three groundbreaking patterns we
ought to hope to find in the games business.
The increment in media utilization brought about by Covid doesn't line up with
customary transmission TV, which structures its fundamental programming
around an evening early evening window. This is probably going to speed up
reception of D2C administrations to appropriate games content. These
administrations are really engaging now since they have no decent timetable
and huge libraries of content to keep individuals involved. Buyers will test a
greater amount of these administrations – and many will stay with them once
the pandemic dies down – speeding up the current decrease in satellite TV.
This thus will decrease telecasters' publicizing pay and their ability to buy sports

Coronavirus’s economic impact on the industry

The global pandemic COVID-19 has affected the economic sectors to a great
extent. The regular drop in stock markets could be seen all over the world.
Sports being an economic sector has suffered to great extent. The cancellation
and rescheduling of sport events, matches being conducted with zero audience
and other decisions resulted to
losses which is inevitable. These decisions not only result in damages of teams,
leagues and players but also to an entire economic sector. The Tokyo Olympic
Games which is considered to be one of the biggest events is most like being
cancelled due to this pandemic. Tourism and sport sector contribute towards
world economy to a great extent. Audience and crowd gatherings are the
strength of sport sectors which totally violated in today's time. The huge fan
base of this sector impacts on huge production chain, which includes
transportation, food, drink, entertainment, product purchase and government
When a fan buys a ticket and goes to a sporting show, its impacts go far beyond
what it spent on buying the ticket.
According ito ianalysis iby iSports iValue, ithe iglobal isports imarket imoves
iUS$756 ibillion iannually. iThis iis ithe idirect ivalue imoved iby iindustry.
iThe iindustry’s ilargest irevenue isource iis isports iretail, iwhich iaccounts ifor
imore ithan i1/3 iof ithe iglobal ibusiness. iProfessional isport, ialthough inot
ithe imain isource iof irevenue, iis iundoubtedly ithe ione ithat imost iimpacts
ithe iproduction ichain, iwith iits imatchday irevenues, isponsorships, iTV
irights, iplayers´ itransfers iand iits ihigh imedia iand iemployment icharacter.
iLosses iwill ibe iinevitable. iProjected iearnings iwill ibe inullified, irevenues
iwill iplummet, ithere iwill ibe iless iimpact ito ithe isponsors’ ibusiness, iless
itourist iflow, iultimately ia iheavy irecession ifor iall ithose iinvolved iwith
isport. iEconomist iMonica ide iBolle iwas iasked, iabout ihow ito iminimize
ithe iinevitable ilosses iof ithe iSports iIndustry, iwhich ialready ilives ithe
ireality iof iclosed igates iand icancellations iand isuspension iof icompetitions.
iGovernment ihas ito idirectly ichannelize iit's isupport ito imost iaffected
isectors iamong ithem iare: isports, ientertainment iand itourism, iboth ileisure
iand ibusiness. iThis igovernment isupport iis idone iwith iliquidity iinjections,
ifacilitated icredit, isubsidies iand itax iexemptions iand ithis iis ithe ionly iway
ito isomewhat icompensate ithe iloss.
Wise ilessons ithat iwe imust iunderstand, iassimilate iand iunderstand iquickly
iin iBrazil, isince isoon iour isports isector imust ilive ireality ilike iAsia,
iEurope iand iUSA.

Understanding the impact of covid-19 on the sports economy

The global pandemic COVID-19 has affected various sectors which also
includes sports. Having a great fan base and crowd attraction it was expected for
various sport events but due to the norms of COVID-19 the matches and
competition were cancelled and postponed. This affected the economic
condition of the world and the owners, broadcasters and sponsors are trying to
minimize the impact of cancellation and various modifications.
Concerning the current situation various questions were raised. Management of
Crowd attraction and fans expectations, minimize operational disruption, plans
for future in both short and long term are some questions which were raised.
The most important question is now that covid 19 restricts crowd gatherings can
the new technologies and channels will be able to engage fans during suspended
or modified league operation.
This pandemic is being predicted to be a part of our life for next few years, the
entire sport system will have to discover new ways to deal with threats to
financial and business continuity arising from disrupted cash flow, legal and
insurance challenges and possible impacts on longer-term attendance and

In this research the strategy for statistical analysis has been
extensively used which is concerned with the status of sports industry
and the sports business after the covid-19.
The research done also points towards that the sports industry was
severely hit during these challenging times but what specifically it
shows is that people are hopeful and willing to help for the full revival
of the sports business.
The theory that could be derived from here is once this pandemic end
and the people are free to roam again like the old times, they will
surely engage in the act of going to stadiums to watch the matches
and enjoy sports to its full throttle.
Research Gap
The question that has not been answered in any of the studies or
research done is whether the after the pandemic is over and things
start to get back to normal, will the organizer of the sports events that
are organized very year in many parts of the country will host similar
types of sporting events that are held at such a large scale, lakhs of
people walk in the stadium, as the there still be scare in the people to
gather in such large numbers.
The other very important question that is left unanswered is the
research and study done does not share any opinion of any sport
person or athlete and their opinion is yet to be known whether or not
they would be willing to play right after such a deadly pandemic with
a crowd of lakhs.
Critical Analysis of Questionnaire

1. Which Age Group Do You Belong?

This graph shows that more than half of the people belong to 18-30 age group
category and also that most of the replies are given by students. 20.7% (6
people) belonged to the under 18 age group. Also 17.2% (5 people) belonged to
the age group 30-50. And lastly 62.1% (18 people) belonged to the 18-30 age
group. No responses were given by the people of age group above 50.

2. I believe a cashless payment for fans is the future of stadium event

Most of the people agreed with this statement as cashless payment is fast and
easy. It is also contact less which is great as the world is suffering from
COVID-19. One of the candidates told us that he uses cashless payment
methods only as it is not only safe, easy and fast it is also trustworthy and
protected. Some people disagree as they think that it’s a waste of time and they
would be rather old fashioned and carry money with them. Some are neutral
with the answer as they don’t really agree or disagree with the sentence. So as
per the given answer we could conclude that cashless payment is the future of
stadium event operations.

3. How many hours do you spend watching sports on tv, mobile or web
per week?

This graph here shows that most of the people spend 2-5 hours watching sports.
And 25% of people watch sports for 0–1-hour also 25% of people watch sports
for 5-10 hours. There are also 14.3% of people who watch sports for less than 1
hour. 3.6% of people watch sports for more than 10 hours a week which is on an
extreme level as this can cause problems.
4. Which platform do you use to watch the most sports during COVID-
19 crisis?

According to the following chart most of the people used their mobile phones
as their primary source of sports entertainment. The number of people using
television has reduced and is lower than mobile users. Least number of people
used the web services to watch or stream sports during the covid times.

The pie chart above shows the opinions of people when asked whether they
think that the sports industry will be back to normal after the pandemic ends and
the majority of the people had not a very surprising opinion which was , 41.4
percent of them believed that the sports industry will be back to full force after
the pandemic is over although there were a few people who believed that the
industry will take a major blow due to the ill effects of the pandemic.

The question that was asked here was whether people think that the greatest
strength of sports is to bring crows, gather interest, and fill people with
emotions and a clear majority of more than 80% of the respondants readily
agreed to it.

Here people were asked whether their sports watching habits changed during or
due to the pandemic, a large number of people responded that no. there was no
change of their sports watching habit during or due to the pandemic.
People’s opinion were taken here whether they want the re-opening of
tournaments around the world and most of the people answered yes that they
would want the sporting tournaments to start again in the whole world.

The question here was whether believe that the impact of covid-19 will be long
lasting and a huge chunk of people believe that the impacts will stay for long.
According to this graph majority of the respondents believe that if not all at
least all the floor jobs will be taken over by automation and related
technological advancements.

The respondents were asked if they’ll be interested in watching the sports events
live, in an outdoor stadium once the pandemic is over and 60% of the
respondents had a positive answer to it and they were willing and hopeful to
soon watch a match live.
The Indian Express. 2021. From cricket to athletics, how Covid-19 has hit the
sporting world and will change it. [online] Available at:
Statista. 2021. Topic: Impact of the coronavirus on sport. [online] Available at:
World Economic Forum. 2021. This is how COVID-19 is affecting the world of
sports. [online] Available at:

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