Reading Comprehension

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c. Hunter
d. Victim
A cat is a precision instrument – a 5. Cats have acute hearing except the white cat
perfectly engineered hunting machine, designed with blue eyes which do not
for stealth, capture and self- defense. It has a. Hear well
padded feet the make no sound and muscles of b. See well
enormous power and bulk for the size. c. Hunt well
Its bones are attached at energy-efficient d. Eat well.
angles that create a system of springs and levers PASSAGE 2: WORK
perfect for bounding, leaping and climbing. Its Let me do my work from day to day,
claws are sharper than those of any other mammal In the field or forest, at the desk or loom,
and can be withdrawn under sheath like pads In roaring market-place or tranquil room;
where they escape injury and wear. Let me but find it in my heart to say,
No teeth are better suited for hunting When vagrant wishes beckon me astray,
than those of the cat – great canines for tearing “This is my work; my blessing, not my doom;
and scissor-like premolars for shearing off bits of “Of all who live, I am the one by whom
flesh small enough to swallow. “This work can be best be done in the right way.”
In the cat’s eye, the colored fibers of the Then shall see it not too great, nor small,
iris respond immediately to light changed to To suit my spirit and to prove my powers;
permit exactness of vision in all light conditions. In Then shall I cheerful greet laboring hours,
the darkness of the night the iris contracts to And cheerful turn, when the long shadows fall
widen the pupil and admit any trace of available At eventide, to play and love the rest,
light. In the binding light of midday, the iris Because I know for me my work is best.
expands and the pupil shuts down to a thin vertical 1. From the lines” in the field or forest, at the desk or
slit. loom” what do you mean be the word loom?
Except in white cats with blue eyed, a a. A flowering plant
cat’s hearing is extremely acute. Each ear has b. Small table
twenty-seven muscles that allow the cat to rotate c. A mushroom
the ear in all direction to collect sound. The cat’s d. Machine for weaving
reaction to sudden movement or noise is so swift 2. According to the article, we can say that work is
that it can usually escape threatening danger – and something that can be?
the little quarry passes unharmed. a. Useful to everyone
1. We can conclude from the selection that the b. Proud of
cat is an animal which can ______ c. Motivation
a. Do a lot of tricks d. Inspiring
b. Be domesticated 3. What can be implied to this poem?
c. Be very dangerous a. Work is important in everyday living
d. Survive on its own b. Whatever task we set to do, we must do it
2. The sentence “ the cat is a precision the best we can
instrument is a _________ c. No small things when you work hard for it
a. Hyperbole d. Working day by day is very important
c. Metaphor In the light of social changes, we come to the
d. Irony question: What qualities should distinguish the
3. The selection is mainly about educated Filipino today? I venture to suggest that
___________ the educated Filipino should first be distinguished
a. How the cat differs from a dog by the power to do.
b. The cat as a hunting machine The oriental in reflective thinking he is
c. How the cat is like a mammal philosopher. The occidental is a doer; he manages
d. The cat as a house pet things, men and affairs. The Filipino of today needs
4. The word “quarry” as used in the last more of this power to translate reflection into
paragraph means_________ action. I believe that we are coming more to this
a. Target power to translate reflection into action.
We are coming more likely to the attention in the 1970’s when it became a United
conviction that no Filipino has the right to be Nations Vietnamese Refugee center.
considered educated unless he is prepared to take At this time, a disturbance in Kenya also
an active and useful part in the work, life, and saw the transport of endangered animals from its
progress of our country as well as in the process of savannas to the plains Calauit Island. However, it
the world. was only a sea accident in 1979 that eventually led
1. What is meant by this line? “ the oriental is a to the opening of Palawan into major tourist
philosopher: attraction.
According to a story, a tuna line disabled
a. Oriental people have the blood of great d dive boat’s propeller in the middle of the night
philosophers forcing it to drop anchor in an inlet. The following
b. Oriental people are contemplative morning, the divers woke up with amazing scenery
c. They have the tendency to become of skyscraping dark cliff.
philosophers 1. When the Palawan did attracted foreign
d. They think like great Solomon attention?
2. What value is implied in the same passage a. A disturbance in Kenya also saw the
above? transport of endangered animals
a. Justice b. Divers woke up with amazing scenery of
b. Active involvement skyscraping cliff
c. Courage c. It became a united nations Vietnamese
d. Hyperactivity refugee center
3. As used in the selection, what does word d. A tuna line disabled a dive boats propeller
“conviction “mean? in the middle of the night
a. Intellectual guess 2. What does the word “diversity” in the
b. Strong belief sentence mean?
c. Verdict a. Variety
d. Allegiance b. Equality
4. What is the best paraphrase of the last c. Similarity
paragraph in the passage? d. Distinction
a. A truly educated Filipino participates 3. Which could be an appropriate title of the
actively in the work and progress of the selection?
country and the world as a whole. a. A Palawan and it’s settlers
b. Participation in the work and progress of b. Palawan and it’s extraordinary natural
our country is sought by every Filipino beauty
c. The country’s progress and advancement c. El Nido in 1970’s
depend primarily on educated Filipino d. The discovery of El Nido
d. To be considered educated, one has to be 4. It can be concluded from the selection that
globally competitive and willing to take _____________
risks a. El Nido is a tourist spot
5. What trait is found in the most Orientals but b. El Nido is a popular place
needs to be deepened in Filipino? c. El Nido was discovered by diver
a. Action oriented d. El Nido has its amazing natural beauty
b. Reflective thinker PASSAGE 4: PASTA
c. Patience A world without pasta seems inconceivable.
d. Good in managing Macaroni and cheese loving children across the US would
PASSAGE 4: PALAWAN howl in protest; Italy might suffer a heart attack; social
Unique to Palawan is its mega diversity. unrest could explode in china where noodles are the main
For a long time, only many ethnic communities staple. But if humans want to keep eating pasta, we will
that thrive in these islands and a few other daring have to take much more aggressive action against global
settlers who wanted to live in unpolluted warming. Pasta is made from wheat, and a large growing
surroundings know Palawan’s bountiful resources, body of scientific studies and real world observations
abundant wildlife and extraordinary natural suggest what wheat will be hit especially hard as
beauty. The island province first attracted foreign temperatures rise and storms and drought intensity in the
years ahead. Three grains wheat, corn and rice account for
most of the food that humans consume. All these are 2. How would you describe the author as the he
already suffering from climate change, but wheat stands to describes the young generation?
fare the worst in the years ahead, for it is the grain most a. Assertive
vulnerable to high temperatures. That spells trouble not b. Inquisitive
only for pasta but also for bread, the most food of all. c. Informative
International agricultural research centers and the private d. Provocative
sector have woken up to the fact that higher temperatures 3. According to the selection, which of the following
are most almost inevitable and they have very little in their is not a characteristic of youth?
genetic toolbox to deal with them. a. Rosy cheeks
1. The meaning of inconceivable in the first sentence b. Imaginative
of the passage must be ____ c. Adventurous
Ans: not imaginable d. Timidity
2. The passage emphasizes an alarming future 4. According to the author, one has grown old if
scenario because ____ a. He has lost the desire to improve himself
Ans: three significant grains, especially wheat may b. He indulges in hazardous himself
be lost to humans. c. He has reached the age of 70
3. This passage entitled Pasta Crisis points out with d. His child have set up their own families
urgency that 5. The selection tells us that youth is based on one’s
Ans: more aggressive action against global a. Physical appearance
warming is needed b. Status in life
4. Another way of expressing the idea in the c. Charm and glamour
sentence “ it is the grain most vulnerable to high d. View about life
temperature” it is grain ___ PASSAGE 7: DRUG ADDICTION
Ans: most affected under intense heat The literature on drug addiction has grown at a
5. The idea in the passage is develop using ____ rate that defies anyone to keep abreast of the literature,
Ans: exposition and apparently in inverse proportion to our understanding
PASSAGE 6: YOUTH of the subject. Addiction, or dependence, as it is more
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is fashionable to call it, excites controversy and speculation
not a matter of rosy cheeks; red lips and supple knees; it is yet true understanding of the phenomenon remains
a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of elusive.
the imagination, a vigor emotions; it is the freshness of the In fact the area is fraught with speculation and
deep springs of life. acrimonious debate. Definition of terms such as ‘drug’
Youth means a temperamental predominance of , ‘addiction’, and abuse is obviously less controversial than
the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. This often attempts to explain the nature of drug dependence, yet
exists in a man 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old even the terminology is imprecise and overlain with
merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our subjective connotations. At its most basic, a drug, as
deals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up defined by the world health organization, is simply any
enthusiasm wrinkles the soul, worry, fear, self-distrust substance which when taken into the living organism may
bows the heart and turns the spirit. Back to dust. Whether modify one or more of its functions. This kind of definition
60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of is too wide to be of any use in a discussion of dependence;
wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and it covers everything from insulin to aspirin, penicillin to
joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my alcohol.
heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives 1. The author implies that he thinks the term
messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from ‘dependence’ in the context of drugs
men and from the infinite, so long are you young. When the a. Is more accurate the older term “addiction”
aerials are, down and your spirit is covered with snows of b. Has not always been preferred term
cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grow old, c. Is a currently under used term
even at 29, but as long as your aerials are up to catch waves d. Is an Avant grade aberration
of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80. 2. We can infer from the first sentence that _____
1. The most appropriate title for this selection is? a. Not all that has been written on the subject
A. On growing old of addiction has added to our understanding
B. On being young b. No one can have read all the literature on any
C. Young and old drug
D. You can be young
c. The more that is published the more we are Ans: image
likely to understand 2. Who are them and they refer to?
d. The rate of growth should be higher if we are Ans: students of poetry
to understand the subject 3. Hold them up to light like a color slide press an ear
The art generally depends on ridiculous, but the Ans: senses
theater is most ridiculous of all imagine, asking us to 4. What does the author trying to convey out the
pretend that we are Bangkok after the fall of Saigon and passage?
that tea is a Vietnamese bar girl who kill herself because Ans: enjoy and realized
she believes that suicide is the only solution to her PASSAGE 10: HOMER( ILIAD AND ODYSSEY)
problems. The views and beliefs of societies are often
More than that engaged asking us to believe that portrayed in the literature, art, and cinema of a certain era.
all other characters in the play talk to each other by singing. Tha Illiad and Odyssey give scholars and historians an idea
The theater is a lily that inexplicably asset from a single how the Ancient Greek lived their everyday lives. The Iliad
weedy falsities, yet it is precisely from the tension produced and Odyssey are two classic stories told by homer. Within
by absurdity that theater is able to create each poetry, these stories the roles of the gods are very important to the
power enhancement, and truth. story line and how the characters throughout.
In Iliad, more gods are involved with the
1. What is the best title of the selection? characters whereas in the Odyssey there are only two
Ans: The imaginative power of drama major gods that affect two majors’ characters. The roles of
2. Based from the excerpt, the author believes that the gods in Iliad are through different stances of immortal
all the statements are true, EXCEPT? versus immortal and moral versus immortal. The roles of
Ans: theater teaches us that suicide is the only the god in the Odyssey are through major gods and they
solution to the problem affect the plot as Poseidon versus Odysseus and Athena
3. The word “ABSURDITY” means? versus Telemachus.
Ans: foolishness Iliad was a tragedy illustrating the despair and useless
4. Which of the following can be conducted about suffering associated with war.
theatre from the selection? Homer’s odyssey wan an epic tale of long suffering
Ans: it is able to create poetry, power resolving in triumph. Though there were a great many
enhancement and truth differences between the two works, there was an
5. The author’s attitude towards unreal situations in underlying theme of the love which ran through both. Not
the drama is one of: just the physical manifestation of infatuation, but the kind
Ans: worry of love that makes one willing to die for another.
6. The word “inexplicably” means 1. We can infer the selection that birth of homer is-
Ans: cannot be explain Ans: birth of homer is inconsistent
7. The phrase “jungle of weedy falsities” contains: 2. The epic story
Ans: metaphor Ans: still remains a great piece in ancient Greece
PASSAGE 9: INTRODUCTION TO POETRY 3. Iliad and Odyssey is a story of all about
Ans: about long epic struggles of heroes
I ask them to make a poem,
4. Epic means
And hold it up to the light
Ans:story of heroism
Like a color slide.
5. Iliad and Odyssey uses
Or press an ear against its hive.
Ans: artistry and intelligence
I say drop a mouse into a poem,
And watch his probe his way out,
Invention enhance people’s lives. Inventions are
Or walk inside the poem’s room,
improvements of previous discoveries. With technology,
And feel the wall for a light switch.
inventions are easier to complete. One such invention is the
I want them to waterski
camera. The invention of camera gave way to the first
Across the surface of the poem
underwater camera in 1856. It was placed in a tightly sealed
Waving at the author’s name on the shore.
container. However, when the contraption was
But all they want to do is tie the poem
underwater, the container broke before many pictures
To the chair with rope
were taken. It was only in the 1980’s that the camera was
And torture a confession out of it.
made which is able to go deep underwater without being
They begin beating it with a hose
damaged. Less than twenty years later, technology allowed
1. What does the stanza 3, 4, and 5 shown?
underwater cameras to take photographs in color and to go c. Kindness
even deeper into the water. With better technology, an d. Solidarity
invention will never stay stagnant. 3. What is the most important factor that will equip
1. What can we infer from the selection? rural people to survive in the city?
Ans: man is constantly in search of new invention a. Money
2. What is the main idea expressed in the selection? b. Education
Ans: to seek comfort is man’s goal in life c. Kindness
3. What can we conclude about inventions in the d. Home
selection? 4. The selection is simple about?
Ans: improve people’s lives a. Providing homes for the poor
4. What figure of speech is used in the last line if the b. Helping street children get an education
selection? c. Factors why children lives in the street
Ans: personification d. How to lessen pressure on the family
5. What is the value presented in the selection? 5. Based on the text, we can conclude that street
Ans: ingenuity children are____
6. Which of the following invention in the passage Ans: victims of poverty
that were invented in 1907
PASSAGE 11: POVERTY 1. A. Public pools have consistently
Studies have consistently pointed to at least three B. demonstrated the public willingness
major immediate factors that push children to stay or to C. economic growth
live on the streets. These are the poverty of family, family D. for environment protection
relationship (physical or sexual abuse) and peer influence. 2. A. remembering a person’s name
Poverty and peer influence when compounded with B. required us to retrieve first
problems and stresses in the family such as family break up, C. our useful memory of the person and then
child abuses and neglect, domestic violence by D. our memory
step0parents, underemployed parents, etc. altogether 3. A. outside of written records
create under pressure on the child to leave home and find B. evidences of Philistines existence
solace, protection, and support from the peers on the C. have survived
street, eventually becoming susceptible to their influence D. in pottery relics
and lifestyle. 4. A. in many cities around the world
In metro Manila, population growth, urbanize and B. the number of homeless people
migration have increased through the years. Children are C. have become
often forced try circumstances to help their family eke out D. a big problem
of living or tend for themselves on the streets. Most of 5. A. the man
them are children of poor parents who migrated from rural B. gives antidote so powerful
areas in the hope of finding better job opportunities in the C. that any poison was made harmless
city, but whose lack of education rendered them I;;- D. after taking it
equipped to struggle for survival in the urban jungle and are 6. A. finance statement
thus curtained to a life of object poverty. For the street B. are formal reports
children, life on the street is constant struggle to overcome C. prepared
the various negative comments that threaten to overtake D. by accountants
them and destroy their hopes for survival. They work under 7. A. the tale that was
the heat of the sun or in the dark of the night from 1-6 B. told in a low and mystery voice
hours, seven days a week to survive. C. kept us on the
1. To “eke of living” means D. edge of seats
a. To earn income 8. A. the gleaning Network,
b. To live with other B. an organizer in the United Kingdom
c. To stay in the street C. is trying to reduce waste
d. To work in the street D. and solve farming problem
2. Based on the selection, what values seem to be 9. A. In 1964,
missing in the families of street children? B. the African countries of Tanganyaki and
a. Loyalty Zanziban
b. Honestly C. has united to from
D. a single country, now called Tanzania
10. A. As a mode of expository writing
B. the narrated writing offers writers
C. a chance to think and write
D. about themselves
11. A. the obligations of the accountant to the client
B. rested upon the agreed scope
C. of the engagement which
D. in effect represents a contractual agreement
12. A. many medication are safe and effective when
taken alone
B. and ineffective or counterproductive
C. when taken in combination
D. when something else
13. A. to lessen many expenses
B. the newlywed decided
C. to rent a small apartment
D. in the old building
14. A. the expensive antiquity silver mirror
B. was formerly owned by my only surviving aunt
C. who in turn gave it to me during
D. my 18th birthday celebration
15. A. most important thing in the world
B. has been accomplished be people
C. who have kept on when there
D. seemed to be no hope
16. A. Wallowin disappointment
B. over something
C. you did
D. is not productive
17. A. you are not always in control
B. of what goes in your mind
C. because only you can determine
D. what stays there
18. A. team led by the government agency concerned
B. say that chemicals from the factory
C. had contaminated sediments in the bay
D. and entered the food chain
19. A. money is not natural reward of love
B. that is why we called a man mercenary
C. if he marries a woman
D. for the sake of her money
20. A. any government
B. should implement certain policies
C. which would cater to the economic, political,
D. and the social needs of the nation
21. A. thinking like a winner means not always having
to defeat someone else
B. but it means that one is being able to learn
from a situation
C. which would be of great help
D. to rise above that failure and to be able to reach
one’s goal

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