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Chapter 1

On a darkned dawn the winds blew with a mighty strength. Waves with a bellowing thunder crashed
upon the barrier walls almost enveloping them entirely, whilst the spray coated all that sat upon the sea
front with an enternal eagerness. Light begins to creep over the horizon yet the rays of the forgiving sun
fail to pierce the through the blanketing clouds that stretch as far as the eye can see. Along the harbour
sails are raised, mouring lines pulled tight and cargo afixed with extra line for fear that it might be lost to
the black swell that threatened the bodys of ships with each contact.
Yet, within the safety of the bay a young sailor sleeps. Deep bellow in the belly of the privateer ship
*SHIP NAME*, protected by the great oaken skin that built the body of the vessel, lay a man undisterbed
by the great chaos that unfolded around him. Hung between two large shelve stacks that house the
precious cargo secured to the great walls, dressed in tattered silk hose and nothing but a leather vest to
protect the body the man rocked his rope cott with a great comfort he always missed when sleeping on
land. He dreamed of the open sea. Stood proudly at the helm, the sun beating down upon his skin and
hand gripped tightly on the handle of the wheel there was nothing else on this earth that saciated him
more quite like the act of cutting through waves heading to his next destination. Strangely, upon opening
his mouth to give commands to the men that worked the deck bellow he heard not the words that ran
through his head but his own name. He tried once again to give order but with a distant ring only his
name would pass his lips in a rather impatiant manor.
"Owens...OWENS!". With a great sigh the man once again returned to the waking world and felt the
chill that had nipped at his cheeks whilst he slumbered. A small wool blanket that barely reaches his
chest fights as best it can to keep out the cold ultimatly failing at the enormous task placed upon it in the
cold English winter.
"If you don't get your arse moving the Captain will tip you over board along with the rotted apples"
How rather rude Owens thought. To be woken from such a wonderful dream in such ugly fashion. How
he missed the suns rays that broke in through window panes gently arousing him from his rest.
"I do not care for what the Captain has to say nor being tossed into the waves as punishment...I would
quite like to be taken by the sea so long as I have not to endure this place any longer". The man that
awoke him grumbled into his chest that lay at the end of his bunk as he sorted through his belongings
pulling forth a wooden comb that he hoped would tame the long charcol strands that proceeded to
assault his eye line.
"If I have to hear another enraged speech about your lazyness echoing through the timber I shall hang
you from a tree myself and bury you atop the tallest mountain I can find". Ownes turned to his side and
with a small sly smile he began to poke. "If you were to rid of me then who would be there to lighten up
your every day. In fact, if I were to be gone there would be nobody to listen to your drunken stories for
the serveral hundreth time nor anyone to take up song along side your wailing which you seem to think
passes for singing...honestly, a sailor who cannot hold a tune is a sad matter to hear of".
Knowing from past exchanges he was sure that this would get a rise from his friend however with yet
another disapointment in his still short morning there was no jeer returned. Standing from his chest the
man meerly grunted, looking over his bed ridden friend and said "The Captain wants all bodies present
on deck for this mornings announcement, I believe that we may be departing soon". "Departing!"
exclaimed Owens with a joy in his voice that he had almost forgotten he could muster. "I thought we had
yet another month before our contract expired".

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