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Your privacy is important to us. the address below. We will use it with
care and it will only be shared in the
This leaflet tells you how ways explained in this leaflet, or if we
Openwork and your Adviser use are required to by Law or the Financial
Conduct Authority (FCA).
the information you give us and
how we protect your privacy. It Your personal information will only be
also explains your rights under the held for as long as necessary and
General Data Protection collected for the purposes of providing
Regulations. advice in respect of the range of
products and services outlined in the
Collecting Information and Initial Disclosure Document or Client
Protecting Your Privacy Proposition Brochure provided by your
Our aim is to offer advice that helps you Adviser. In addition, we will make every
plan your financial future. To provide effort to ensure that the information
such advice, we need to know about you provide is recorded accurately and
your personal situation and your Adviser that it is only passed to companies who
may request sensitive and private comply with the General Data
information about you, for example, Protection Regulations. If it is required
your income, current financial to send your information abroad, we will
arrangements, health, family only do so to countries within the
commitments and any legal proceedings European Union (EU) or to a third
you may be involved with. Much of the country that the EU has determined
information you provide will, as part of provides an adequate level of protection
your application, be passed to the and where you are able to exercise your
company whose products you apply for rights to access your personal
and details of how they use your information under the General Data
information are included in their data Protection Regulations.
protection literature.
Controlling and using your
If you are unable or unwilling to provide personal information
some or all of this information, your A Data Controller is someone who
Adviser will be unable to provide you determines the purposes for which and
with advice suitable for your the manner in which your personal data
circumstances. We do not collect should be processed. Openwork, its
personal information from third parties. Appointed Representatives (your
Adviser) and the companies whose
Openwork is committed to protecting products you buy are all Data
your privacy and, as we would like you to Controllers. Your Adviser will have given
be a lifetime client, we need to earn you their contact details and
your trust and assure you that we will Openwork’s contact details are
keep your personal information documented at the end of this leaflet.
confidential and secure and only keep it
for as long as is necessary. The criteria We use your information in a variety of
we use to determine how long this ways:
period is can be obtained from
Openwork’s Data Protection Officer at • To introduce you to a range of
products and services offered by the
companies we are associated with complete a medical statement of health
(or may be associated with in the in private. If this is the case, please send
future). it with your application marked for the
• To help with administration. attention of the “Consultant Medical
• To contact you with details of Officer” in a sealed envelope.
changes to products you have
bought. We do need your explicit consent to
• For business analysis and research. collect and process your health details,
• For marketing products and services which of course you may withdraw at
we think may be suitable for you any time. To provide this consent, please
(unless you ask us not to send you sign and provide one copy of this form
this information). to your Adviser.
• To comply with the Law and/or our
FCA’s requirements. Mortgage Credit Checking
• To verify your identity by searching If you apply for a mortgage your
publicly available records held by information will be passed to the lender,
credit reference agencies. who will carry out a credit check. You
will also have to provide details of any
• To prevent fraud and money
criminal convictions you may have had.
laundering, we may pass your details
These details will be passed to the
to other companies, public bodies
lender to carry out any necessary checks.
including the police or to an
insurer’s database. Insurance
Marketing and Sharing
companies can search databases for
Your Information
any relevant information that exists
The information you give us will be
about you.
added to any other details we hold
about you. Openwork will never sell your
We therefore process your data because
details to a third party, but we may
it is necessary for:
share your information with carefully
selected companies we are associated
• the performance of a contract to
with. Therefore, we (or they) may
which you are a party.
contact you (by mail, email, telephone or
• compliance with legal obligations to other appropriate means) to tell you
which we as the controller are about products, services or offers we
subject. believe may interest you. The products
and services may not be related to
None of the information gathered financial services. You can ask us not to
about you will be used in automatic contact you for this reason, at any time,
decision making. by writing to us at our Head Office. This
will not affect your relationship with
Your health details your Adviser.
If you apply for some types of insurance
(eg. life insurance, pensions, sickness
We may have to pass your details to
etc) you will be required to provide another Adviser if, for example your
details of your health. Under the Adviser is ill or you need advice in a
General Data Protection Regulations, different product area. If your Adviser
this is regarded as sensitive personal leaves we may pass your details to
data. another Adviser so that we can continue
to provide you with a high standard of
Your Adviser will have access to your service.
medical details unless you prefer to
We may send your information to third We may record telephone calls so we
parties that are carrying out work on can check we have acted on your
our behalf. instructions correctly and to ensure we
are giving you appropriate service. We
Your Data Protection Rights may also monitor calls for security and
You have certain rights under the training purposes.
General Data Protection Regulations.
These include the right to: Complaints
If you have any complaints about the
• Ask for a copy of your personal way we or your Adviser have handled
information in a portable format. your personal information, please
There is no charge for this. contact the Data Protection Officer at
• Stop us sending you marketing the address given above.
material about products and
services. You also have the right to refer your
• Have any incorrect information we complaint to the Information
hold about you corrected. Commissioner.
• Ask us to restrict processing of your
personal data. Declaration
I have read and understood the
As the processing of your personal provisions set out in the leaflet above.
information is necessary for a legal Where my health information has been
obligation placed upon us by the FCA collected for the purposes of the
and may be required for the provision of life or sickness insurance, I
establishment, exercise or defence of consent to my Adviser and Openwork
legal claims, we will not be able to collecting it and processing it in
permanently delete your personal accordance with the provisions above.
information until the end of the period
we have deemed necessary. Signature

How to get more information …………………………………………

If you would like further details on how 07/03/2022
we use your personal information or if Date………………
you have any data protection queries,
please write to: Signature
The Data Protection Officer …………………………………………
Openwork Limited
Washington House 07/03/2022
Lydiard Fields
Swindon SN5 8UB
Openwork Limited is authorised and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in
You may receive more information
England 4399725. Registered office: Washington
about data protection from the House, Lydiard Fields, Swindon SN5 8UB. Telephone:
companies that we have introduced you 0370 608 2550

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