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Taylor Magazine (December 1992)

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7W ime Museum reads the small, brown,
highway information sign at Interstate-90's
ing the death of each hour and serving as a
reminder of the brevity of life.
Rockford, 111., exit. I've often passed it en "What potent symbolism" I thought. Modem
route to visit family in Minnesota, but I'd clocks and watches may sport cartoon mice, fancy
never stopped at the museum until this fall. graphics, or LCD displays; ne\ertheless. there is a
And even then, I called ahead to ask if it would skeleton hidden in each one. Whether or not we are
be worth my while. "We're putting together a hourly conscious of it. time does march on; life is
magazine on the subject of time," I said. "Would it brief Our view of time affects our use of it. And
be worth my time to drive up there?" our use of time may well be of eternal significance.
There was a long pause, then the woman on "Within that context, what is the
the other end of the phone replied, "Sir, we best use of my time?" asks Winfried
are the Time Museum —
the only one Corduan in this issue. Mark
of our kind in the world, with an Cosgrove explains that we li\e
extensive display of time-keeping best as we live stretched o\er
and time-measuring devices." time. Leon Adkison shares one
She was, of course, telling reason why the tempo of life
the truth. The museum teems keeps speeding up, and Daniel
with clocks and other time- Hammond looks to the future
measuring devices of every and some re\'olutionar\'
size, shape, and descrip- changes on the horizon.
tion, many of specific The Honor Roll of
historical significance. Donors, included in this

I was fascinated, and issue, celebrates those

perhaps no more so who are helping Taylor
than by those clocks make her mark in
(like the 18th-century time. Through their
Geiman one pictured conti"ibutions. the>'.
here) which have a too. are leaving their
skeleton in their mark on time in —
works. some exciting w ays.
This fellow, so my It may be w ell

tour guide explained, \\ orth your while to

appears evei"y 60 read about it.

minutes to turn an —Doug Marlow SI.

hourglass, announc- editor
Volume 85,Number 1
December 1992

Taylor University
Dr Jay Kesler '58, president
Dr. Daryl R. Yost, provost

ray/or is publistied quarterly for alumni,

students, faculty, staff, parents of current
students, and friends of Taylor University by
tfie Office of Institutional Relations, Dr.
Ctiarles R. Jaggers '69, senior vice
president. 1 2 DAZE OF OUR LIVES by Winfied Corduan

Instead of resting in God's time, we try to make something

Douglas J. R. Marlow '81 editor and
of our time in God's behalf.

Betty Freese, alumni notes editor
Jim Garringer, pfiotographer
1 4 LIVING ABOVE TIME an interview with Mark Cosgrove
Student assistant Sue Red '93
editor: Lori We become fully human only as we stretch
Student w/riters: Angela Cox '94, Randy
ourselves over time.
Dillinger '95, Beth Lundquist '93

Regular contributing auttnors: Jay Kesler

'58,Wesley Robinson '50

Guest auttnors this issue: Leon Adkison,

DRUMMER by Leon Adl<inson
Winfned Corduan, MatV. Cosgrove, Bill The computer has forever changed
Gerig, Dan Hammond, Sherri Harter, Jeff
the way we do
Raymond '86.
business —
and the pace at which
Address letters and comments to: Editor, we do it.

Taylor. 500 W
Reade Ave Taylor ,

University, Upland, IN 46989-1001. The

staff reserves the right to publish
representative sample of letters and to edit
letters for space Unsolicited manuscripts by Dan Hammond
are welcomed for possible inclusion in the
The physical sciences are on the
magazine. Enclose a self-addressed,
stamped envelope for return of material. verge of a revolution, one that
Selection and publication are at the centers on our concept of time. The
discretion of the editor and his advisory implications are legion.
panel Opinions expressed in Taylor are
those of the authors, not necessarily Taylor

Persons wishing to reproduce any portion of

Tay/or magazine's contents are requested to
call or write in advance for permission.

1 A HONOR ROLL OF DONORS a Time for Every Purpose

Front and back cover photographs by Jim

Taylor University complies with all federal REGULAR FEATURES:

and state nondiscrimination laws. Taylor
University is an equal-opportunity institution.
Direct inquines to the Office of the President,
Taylor University, Upland, IN 46989, 317/
998.5201 or the Office of
, Civil Rights,
Washington, DC.

Please mail address corrections to Alumni 10 JAY KESLER 26 ALUMNI NOTES

OfTce, Taylor University, 500 West Reade
Avenue, Upland, IN 46989-1001. 21 TAYLOR GATHERING 32 VISTA

Harriet Davis Holcombe '40 Howard McFarland '75 Daniel Rupp '86

Ann Arbor. Ml Ardmore. PA Blisslield Ml

Paul and Sandra DenHartigh James tvlcFarland '76 Angela Rupp Schaffer '92
Kalamazoo. Ml New Wilmington. PA Wayne. OH

Nancy DenHartigti Knibble'f Richard and Nancy McSorley Richard '52 and Pauline Russell
Kalamazoo. Ml Brooklyn. NY Grosse Pie Farms. Ml

Linda DenHartigh "I Donna IVIcSorley Draney '73 Laren Russell Benson 76
Oak Park. Ml Norris, TN Grosse Pte Shores. Ml

"91 Cathy IVIcSorley Moore '75

Alesha DenHartigh Richard E. Russell 76
Their Children Kalamazoo. Ml Hampton Bays. NY Grosse Pte Farms. Ml

Shall Rise Up and Paul and Florenoe Haines Donald McSorley 79 Beth Russell Halvorsen '86
Winona Lake. IN Pon Washington. NY Spokane. WA
Call Them
Judy Haines Shively ' x'74 Harold and Jacquline Miller Eli* and Emma' Steiner
Blessed . .

Piano. TX Fort Wayne. IN

Phyllis Steiner McCoy '44

Paul Lowell Haines '75 Deborah Miller '79 Orange. CA

Indianapolis. IN Bluffton IN

Wilma Steiner Petersen '47

An addendum to the
Doug Haines '79 Cheryl IVIiller Fanning '83 Fort Wayne. IN
special insert
Gurney. IL Indianapolis IN
publistiedinthe Paul Steiner '50

Spring '92 issue Terry Haines '80 Charles Miller '86 Fort Wayne, IN
Beltendorl. lA Canlon. Ml
tionoring parents
Richard Steiner '54
nominated tor ttieir Cliarles* and Nettie* Holcombe Lionel and Marion (Unkenholz 'S6| Muthiah Zaire

love and sacrifice in Mandan, NO

Alice Holcombe '39 Carolyn Steiner Rowell x'55
having three or more
Upland. IN Lorene Muthiah Coffey '84 New Haven. IN
children attend
Batavia IL

Taylor University. Warne Holcombe '42 Sharon Steiner Connor '67

Ann Arbor. Ml Lora Muthiah Helton '84 Fort Wayne W
Wheaton. IL

Jean Holcombe '45 Alfred '52 and Louise' (Penner x'54)

Betty and Ivar Askeland E.

Succasunna. NJ Muncie. IN Robert Muthiah '88 Thompson

Batavia. IL East Hampton NY
Carol Askeland Chauvelte 'I
George Holcombe' '45
Momstown, NJ Richard Muthiah '89 Alfred Thompson II

Upland. IN Danville. NH
Allen and Lois Korfmaclier
Barbara Askeland '85
York PA
Chris and Babette Newhouse Thompson '76
Succasunna. NJ Keith

Peru. IN Redmond WA
Sherryl Kortmacher Haines '76
David Askeland
Indianapolis. IN
Upland. IN Heidi Newhouse '89 Carolyn Thompson Thompson '80

Chicago. IL Freeport. Grand Bahamas

Doreen Kortmacher '79
Louis' and Esther* Butz
Wayne. PA
Peter Newhouse '91
Leonard Robbins II

Hazel Butz Carrulh '38 Ann Arbor. Ml

Ron Kortmacher '83 CarmeL NY
Upland. IN
Upland. IN
Micah Newhouse '93
Richard and Gerry Walton
Alice Butz Uphold '39 Peru IN
Albin* and Bertha* Kruschwitz Carol Stream. IL
Whiltier. CA
Gretchen l^ewhouse '96
Verlin Kruschwitz '35 Doug Walton '81
Earl Bulz '41 Peru. IN
Louisville. KY Geneva. IL
Sioux Falls. SO
Boh '61 and Judie (Ohirich '63) Rudolph
Lucille Kruschwitz Hershey ': Brian Walton '84
Dennis and Kathy Clarlt Grand Rapids. Ml
Hummelslown. PA Chino Hills. CA
Harlville. OH
Robyn Rudloph Woda '86
Walter Kruschwitz '42 Phil Walton '85
Susan Clark Beadle '81 London England
Tampa. FL Weslmille OH
Manassas. VA
Jonathan Rudolph '92
John Kruschwitz '45 Robert' '22 and Clytice' Weed
Doug Clark '84 Grand Rapids. Ml
Louisville. KY
Akron. OH
Maxine Weed Robinson '40
Jennifer Rudolph '95
Orville Kruschwitz '47 Kenton. OH
Linda Clark Smilh '86 Grand Rapids Ml
El Paso. TX
Akron. OH
Betly Jean Weed Kruschwitz '44
C. L.' 'SO and Evelyn Rupp
Russell* and Dorothy McFarland Louisville. KY
Floyd* and Edna* Davis Blisslield Ml
New Wilmington. PA
Lois Weed '51
Eunice Davis Dodge* '31 Rebecca Rupp Flagel '71
George IvIcFarland '72 Upland IN
Ionia. Ml
Haverlown. PA
James Davis '33

East Handolph. NY
stepson of Alfred Thompson
CLARIFICATION: The 1963 article in the Tradition column. Summer 1992 issue, describes
Taylor proposed move to Fort Wayne, Ind., two decades ago. The article states that Indiana

IndusPial Universit\' agreed to purchase the Upland campus. Indeed, representatives of

Taylor and IIU signed a contract to that effect. However, by the time the latter school began
holding classes on campus concurrently with Taylor, the newly incorporated institution was
known as Indiana Northern Universit}', and later still, as Indiana Northern Graduate School
of Professional Management Our thanks to Dr William Thompson '57 of Pomona, Calif,
who brought it to our attention. Editor —

Family Matters graphics. It literally personifies what Let's do better next time.

I regret that I did not see the "call lies behind the merger of two Rev. Gaty Sinclair '71
for nominations" in a previous Taylor
outstanding Christian colleges. Mahomet, IL
magazine. Iwould have submitted Certainly, without such men of vision Destiny Awaits
my parents, C.L ("50) and Evelyn and commitment, these schools
Probably there is no other college,
Rupp. My father began as a fi"esh-
would be mediocre at best. Though
near or far, which could have met the
man in the fall of '42, but WWII there will be a multitude of chal-
needs of Summit Christian College as
interrupted his education. He came lenges as these two become one, the
Taylor does, and I would like to
back to Taylor in the fall of "47, this fijmre appears exciting as we watch
believe that Summit Christian
time with a wife. My mother worked how God will continue to use Taylor
College with its urban setting may
to help put him through
With school. for his glory on into the 21st century.
add some values to the University.
several part-time jobs and the GI bill, "It is indeed something to celebrate."
Bill Swathwood I was president of Fort Wayne Bible
my dad graduated in 950, in spite of 1

Taylor parent College when Taylor University

the fact that was bom in Febmary of

Zhengzhou, Henan, China made a serious effort to move back to

1949, and my mother quit working to
Fort Wayne. The failure in that effoit
care for me. I came to Taylor in the
The cover of the special merger might well lead us to believe that it
60 's and gi'aduated in '71. My
issuewas excellent. It was very was not God's would now
time. It
brother Dan graduated in "86, and my
meaningful to me since I was raised appear that this is God's high hour of
sister Angle graduated this past
in the Missionaiy Church. My grand- destiny for both colleges, now one
spring. My father wasn"t there to see
father servedon Summit's (FWBC) institution under God.
her. He died of cancer in 1989 but
governing board with Dr. Witmer I Jared F. Gerig, PhD
left financial provisions for her to
enjoy reading the Taylor magazine. Glendale, Arizona
finish. So you see, my dad or one of
his children has been at Taylor in
You are doing an excellent job. Sporting Gratitude
each decade from the "40s Carolyn (Kraner) Highley '67
to the Just a note to thank you for all the
goes as planned, my son, Rockford, Ohio
'90s. If all hard work that is put into Taylor
C.L.'s oldest grandchild, will gi'ad- magazine.
uate from Taylor in the year 2000. As an alumnus I am gratefiil to see
Also, as an alumna, I would like to
The influence of Taylor University Taylor growing through its merger
thank the coaches at TU. for their
has meant a lot to our family and our with Summit. However, I was
dedication and commitment to their
growth as individuals. distressed to see the rather hideous
spiritual sport(s). The coaches that 1 had not
It was a lot of fijn reading the
and grotesque cover of your "special
only helped me perfect my skills, but
names of fiiends and other families issue" highlighting this new en-
showed their spiritual commitment.
who also have a long heritage with deavor.
They were not only concerned about
Taylor Instead of expressing "unity and
winning and losing, but played a big
oneness" your cover portrayed a
Rebecca (Rupp '71) Flagel part in my academic and spiritual life.
Ionia, Michigan feeling of disjointedness and chaos,
So a big thank-you to all of you
hardly messages you ought to be
Cover Story who believed in my teammates and
sending alumni and Taylor
myself Your encouragement and
I was stmck at once by supporters.
support brought on success in all
the cover of the Summer Although the
areas of my college career. I believe
1992 issue of Taylor cover's selection may have we were all proud to represent Taylor
magazine. What unique started out as a novel idea,
University. You were appreciated
graphics to illustrate the in my opinion the fmal
more than you will ever know. I pray
merger of Summit and product was far below
that I have as big an impact on my
Then when read
Taylor. I
Taylor's typical standards
athletes as you have had on me. God
Doug Marlow's explana- of quality and excellence.
bless you all!
tion, I realized that it was Intention is one thing;
Michelle Hollar '89
much more than just unique perception is eveiything.
Summer New Paris, Indiana
Richard Russell


Mr. Richard Russell, president of Russell
Homes, Inc. of Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich.,
and member of the Taylor University Board
of Trustees, has been elected moderator of
the North American Baptist Church, head-
quartered in Chicago. Russell has served on
the Board of Trustees since 1973.

GOD BLESS UPLAND, INDIANA Taylor Ranks Among Top 10, says USN&WR
So read the banner at the Main Street
Again this year, Taylor University tion. 7. student selectivity,-. 5. and
entrance to campus this fall during Upland's
is named among the 10 "Top student satisfaction. 2.
quasquicentennial celebration. Taylor, which
Regional Liberal Arts Colleges of the Scores for academic reputation are
has been a part of Upland's history for very
Midwest." The ranking appears in the based on survey responses fi"om
nearly 100 of the town's 125 years, kicks off
US News & World Report 1993 2.527 college presidents, deans and
a year-long "100 Years in Upland" celebra-
College Guide. admissions directors on the subject.
tion this January.
Of the 384 regional liberal arts According to the editors of the report,
colleges receiving mention in the academic reputation is "cntical to
ACROSS CULTURE survey, Taylor ranks tenth in one of opening doors for students in both
Chicago's ethnic neighborhoods provided the four regional divisions. graduate schools and the job market.'"
the cross-cultural setting for this year's The USNe^rs& World Report Selecti\ity statistics are taken
CoUegue's College, an annual three-day survey ranks a total of ,373 four-
1 from information pro\'ided by the
event that marks the start of the academic year colleges in 14 different catego- schools and include acceptance rate
year for Taylor faculty. ries. Schools are assigned to their of applicants, percentage of smdents
Participants were offered three ethnic respective categories using guide- accepted who enroll, enrolled
experiences: African-American, Hispanic and lines set by the Carnegie Foundation students' class standings and S.AT or
their choice of Chinese, Islamic, Polish or for the Advancement of Teaching. ACT scores.
Vietnamese. Faculty members learned first- Institutions within each grouping are The student satisfaction ranking is
hand about the cultural distinctiveness and similar in size. selecti\'ity. types of based on "the a\ erage percentage of
social problems within each community. degrees offered, dollar amount of stTidents in the 1983 to 1986 fi-esh-
Teamwork was an important ingredient campus research, and geographical man classes who graduated within
for the faculty, according to Faye Checowich, location. fi\e years of the year the\' enrolled."
assistant professor of Christian education. Overall ranking is detemiined by By that detlnition. Taylor's retention
She says, "Our experience is much more a school's composite score from rate is approximateh' 9 1 percent and
powerful than my experience." several measures. Taylor recei\ed is the highest among the top 10
Students have shared vicariously in the especially high ratings (indicated by liberal arts colleges listed for the
event, as well. "I realized I was using a low number) for academic reputa- Midwest recion.
illustrations [fi^om the trip] my first day of
class," says Checowich.


Eleven students participating in a cross-
cultural business research project last
summer served as liaisons for Sayett
Technology, New York.
The team, led by Christopher Bennett,
assistant professor of business, researched the
feasibility of the company doing business
with Zeta Technology, Singapore, in manu-
facturing and marketing products in Asia.
Executives of the two companies have
since met in New York and ha\ e adopted
several of the team's recommendations.
According to Bennett, Taylor will
continue this program on a biannual basis,
NATIONAL RECOGNITION: ravlor L iiiwrsit}- receives high marks from the editors of a
the next trip scheduled for 1994.
special report which rank orders educational institutions across the eountiy.

Randall Cuts Ribbon,

Opens Doors to Future
The dedication ceremony for the
$2.1 milhon Randall Environ-
mental Studies Center was held
during Homecoming this October.

Superintending the service was a

newly-unveiled portrait of Dr. Walter
Randall '38, noted physiologist, and
his late wife, Gwen (Neibel '40)
"We had all hoped she would be
here today," said Taylor University
President Jay Kesler, refeiring to the
retired teacher who died Aug. 3 1 . just
days before students began attending
classes in the center named for her
and her husband. "We who have the
blessed hope know that she is watch-
ing us today. Gwen is a part of it." BANNER DAY: JValter Randall 'if< snips the ribbon in dedicating the environmental
Echoing that sentiment was the strudies center named to honor him and his late wife. Gwen (Neibel '40) Randall.
couple's son, physiologist Dr. David
Randall of the University of Ken- fijture Taylor gi"aduates, as well. "It is because of Leland's vision
tucky. He noted that a detailed list of That should be no problem. that I believe we are here today,"
his father's accomplishments exceeds According to Dr. Edwin Squiers, Brolund said. He said Boren under-
25 pages, and chronicles the life of director of the University's environ- stands that humans must better
one of the country's leading cardio- mental science progi'am. there are steward the environment God
vascular physiologists. "But if the cun^ently about four jobs for every created.
truth be known, he could not have applicant in the field. Graduates of The new facility is among the first
accomplished any of it without Mom. Taylor's environmental science of its kind in the nation for an
"If there were ever a team an — program have found positions in undergraduate institution, according
example of what God meant when he related areas across the country, and to Squiers. It features specialized
put man and woman together it was — with the new center on campus, labs, research and teachings labs,
Mom and Dad." interest in the major among cuirent climate-control chambers, a seminar
Cutting the ribbon for both students is high. "It has been my room, classrooms, and faculty
members of that team was Walt hope and prayer that Taylor can make offices. Future plans call for a
Randall. Asked by a reporter for the an impact on an area that has become research greenhouse, nattiral histoiy
local newspaper after the ceremony if driven by politics, avarice, and museum, and nature center, open to
he felt Gwen was really present, the greed," said Squiers. the public.
eminent scientist replied, "Of course. Enabling Taylor's efforts in this Reflecting on the center, Walt
I think she's front and center, and area, saidTheodore F. Brolund. Randall said. "You know that this is
enjoying it much more than I am." chaimian of the Board of Trustees, is not my field of research. But I give
Randall's excitement rises at the the generosity and concern for my heart and my mind to this facility,

prospect of working in a new environmental issues demonstrated as well as my name, trusting it will be
research laboratory, and the new by businessman Leiand Boren. a place to uiuavel the mysteries that
center has provided him that opportu- chainnan of Avis Industrial Corp., God has given to us to solve."
nity. He looks for it to open doors to Upland.
1 —

President Jay
Kesler accepts
class of 942 presented a record-
reunion class gifts
$35,000 check as their class gift at
from representa-
Homecoming ceremonies this past fall. The tives of the classes
monies translate into $1.5 million in future
of 1942 (far left)
endowment through Taylor's Endowing the
and 1965-
Vision life insurance program. Similarly, in

celebration of their 25th reunion,members of
the class of 1967 made a gift equalling
$500,000 of fijture endowment fiinds.
Disabled Alumnus Is

Focus of Documentary
fifiO °'^^ would describe my life as
Taylor's fall Spiritual Renewal Week
featured Scottish-bom pastor Alistair Begg of
tragic. If pressed to describe it
in one word, I'd say 'blessed.'
The Chapel, Salon, Ohio. Begg spoke on So says Jere Truex, assistant for
topics relating to the Covenant of Renewal, a institutional relations. That comment
year-long focus of the chapel program. is part of a documentary about his
He discussed humility, adversity, anxiety, life and that of other disabled people
and slander, among other topics, using
passages from Romans, James and I Peter as
centerpieces of his messages.
which airs on WFYI-TV. channel 20,
Indianapolis, on December 15 at
Begg demonstrated genuine concern for
10:30 p.m. The documentary made
its broadcast debut in September,
W-- ^^
. '>s
students as he offered relevant ways for when it twice aired on public tele- v ^ X

improving relationships with God and others. vision station WIPB, Muncie, Ind.
The half-hour documentaiy.
NO SOONER SAID THAN DONE Against the Wind, is produced by

En route to a semester-long sabbatical to BaiTy Pavesi, television producer in

be spent teaching biology at Tunghai residence, and a crew of six mass

University, Taichung, Taiwan, Professor of communication students. It traces PRIME TIME: Referring to Jere Truex 's

Biology Andrew Whipple last summer Truex's life stoiy and includes fright) stoiy being told on Indianapolis

presented a paper at the American Scientific snapshots of Taiex both before and television, Producer-in-Residence Ban-\-

Affiliation's annual conference. The subject after he conti'acted polio at age se\'en. Pavesi says, "\ot only is the gospel

of his report? Internationalizing the college six months before the Saulk polio message going out. but those of us who
cuiTiculum to equip students to deal with vaccine was made available. htOM- Jere can razz him about being on
future trends. The disease left Tmex a paraple- television in Indianapolis.

"Those themes are exactly what my sab- gic. He sleeps in an iron lung and

batical is about, and what I've been teaching breathes with the help of a respirator. follow suif he says.

seniors in senior seminar," he says. Whipple A 1968 magna cum laude graduate of Pa\esi beliexes the documentan.-
rettims to the Upland campus in Januaiy Taylor, Tmex has been honored as can help change people's stereot\pes
"Hoosier of the Year" and as state about the disabled while infonning
STILL ON THE RISE: ENROLLMENT recipient of the national Victor them about .AD.\.
Award. His detemiination. gentle Such was the experience of the
Combined enrollment figures for fall,
humor, and profound faith in God are students w ho helped produce the
1992, on the Upland and Fort Wayne
part of the stoi"y told in the \ ideo. \ideo. Most of the them had iie\ er
campuses totaled 2200-plus. A record 493-
According to Pavesi. one third of had contact with handicapped
member freshman class pushed the Upland
the documentaiy focuses on the persons, according to Tmex. ".\\\ of
enrollment to 1 8 1 7; TUFW enrolled 4 1
Americans with Disabilities Act the suidents thought [the process of
(ADA) which became law on .luly 1 w orking closely with a handicapped
By October's end, Taylor had received
of this year. The ADA prohibits indi\"idusl] was a good experience."
over 1 5,000 inquiries regarding admission to
discrimination against persons with .\nn Rutherford, a senior fi"om
theUpland campus for fall, 1993. Approxi-
disabilities. Grand Rapids. Mich., agrees. She had
mately 425 openings will be available at that
Pa\'esi is excited about the seen Tiiiex on campus but before
time, according to Dean of Admissions Herb
exposure the documentaiy is w orking w ith him on the documen-
Fi^e. The total number of inquiries received
receiving. "Now that the Indianapolis tan had been afraid to approach and
during the entire previous year was approxi-
mately 14,700, Fi-ye says.
market — the nation's 1 Wh largest talk to him. "\ thought itw ould be
has made a commiuiicnt to it. there \ eiA ditfrcult to talk to .lere. but I

aie other markets thai will w ant to found that wasn't tiiie" she sa\s.

Communication Arts Center A Dream Coming True

Bringing the various programs of for development. Fund raising efforts
the communications arts depart- remain on track, he says, with nearly
ment together under one roof has one-half of the needed flinds now in
long been a dream of department hand.
chainnan Dr. Dale Jackson. Recently, selected alumni and
"There's been official talk about it friends were encouraged to "pur-
for over 20 years. It appears as if the chase" a theatre seat through a
dream might be coming true," he donation of $1200 over three years.
says, referring to ground breaking for Persons interested in this giving
the new $4.6 million communication oppoitunity may contact Dr. Dale
arts center, planned to coincide with Jackson, Taylor University, 500 West
commencement ceremonies this Reade Ave., Upland. Ind., 46989. for
spring. more infomiation.
The diverse department Jackson
GOING UP: The new communications arts
chairs includes academic programs in
building, depicted in this artist 's
media, theatre, and communication
rendering, will complete phase two of a
studies. CuiTently, each program is "
three-part fine arts complex.
centered in a different campus
"Maintaining unity in diversity New IVIembers Join Board of Trustees
will be much easier when people and
Three new members were Chrisitianity Today,
programs are under one roof." recently elected to serve on the Inc. A graduate of
Jackson says. "The new facility will Taylor Univesity Board of Tmstees. Fort Wayne Bible
symbolize the coherence of our They include Richard Gygi, Paul College, later
philosophy and curriculum and a Robbins, and Paul Steiner. Board Summit Christian
faculty that shares common goals." members are charged with oversee- College, and now
Communication arts is one of the ing the University's adherence to her Paul Robbins
Taylor University-
University's fastest growing majors. mission statement. As volunteers, FortWayne,
Sustained growth has called for a they receive no financial compensa- Robbins and his wife, Mary, live in
revision in the original building plan tion for their considerable investment Carol Stream, III., and have two
to include additional classrooms, of time and effort in the affairs of the sons, Daniel and David.
office space, and a dark room, University. Steiner is president and chairman
according to Jackson. Former president of both the of the board of Brotherhood Mutual
Those changes are being made Taylor University National Alumni Insurance Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. and
by a newly retained architect, Council and Parents' Association a gi'aduateof the Taylor University
Fanning/Howling Associates, Celina, Cabinet, Richard "Dick" Gygi '67 is classof 1950. He and his wife, Ruth
Ohio, as the original architect group, president of CPS Coip., Nashville, (Henry '51),
James Associates, Indianapolis, Tenn. He and his attend Brookside
declared bankmptcy, according to wife, Bonni (Fisher Evangelical
Provost/Executive Vice President Dr. '67) have four Church in Fort
Daryl Yost. children, Kimberly Wayne and have
A $500,000 matching grant '91, Christopher four children,
through the "Dream of Distinction" '96, Jennifer, and Mark '75, Nancy
program of Indianapolis-based Eli Suzanne. (Steiner x' 77)
Lilly, Corp. launched fund-raising
Robbins serves Keller, Jonathon
efforts for the facility in 1988, says as executive vice- '84, and David
Tom Beers, associate vice president president of
Richard Gvgi 'SA Paul Steiner
Taylor's printed football program was
named Best in the Nation, Division C, in the
publications competition sponsored by the
College Sports Information Directors of
America last summer. CoSID A judges
awarded second-place honors to the Trojan
basketball brochure, also designed by Sports
Information Director JefiF Raymond '86.
NAIA District Titles Tal(en
NEW FACES IN THE COACHING CROWD Three Trojan teams took first place
The Trojan coaching lineup includes a few in NAIA District 21 competition

new faces this year, due to the departure of this fall, including a first-ever win for
three of last year's staff Bill Bauer, who the Trojan soccer team who defeated
served as head track coach, assistant athletic Indiana W'esleyan. Marion. Ind.. 5-1

director, and went to

assistant football coach, in the championship game.
Sterling College, Kansas. Karen Traut, head The Taylor women's tennis team
coach for women's volleyball and softball, won its third consecuti\'e NALA
now fills those roles at Judson College, 111. District 2 1 title in a tournament that
Scott Polsgrove, assistant basketball coach, came down to only a few points in
You're Welcome, Mr. President
was tapped to serve as head basketball coach different matches. The Lady Trojans
at King's College, Tenn.
On his way through Indianapolis, won three of the six singles flights
President George Bush stopped to and n\o of the three doubles flights
Filling Bauer's shoes are Chris Coy,
extend personal thanks to Mary to score a total of 24 points.
Taylor's men's cross country coach, who
Michaelson '92, last year's com- Also scoring big was the Taylor
assumes the head track coaching duties, and
munity outreach student co-director, women's cross countn^ team, who
Kirk Talley, new assistant athletic director
and Mary Raybum, director of capmred the NAI.A Disttict 2 title
and assistant football coach. Also new this 1

year Angela Cox, who fills the positions

student ministiies, who represented this fall for the first time since 1986.
vacated by Traut. No replacement for
the University, this year named a Naomi Moore "95 ser\ ed as pace-
daily Point of Light for the nation. setter for the Lad>' Trojans team.
Polsgrove has yet been named.


University Welcomes New Faculty Members to Campus
Steve Reash '72, of Lafayette, Ind., was Sixteen faculty members ha\'e Jeran and retiring faculr\' member
recently inducted into the Indiana Basketball joined the Taylor University Robert Freese are Dr. Be\ erh'
Hall of Fame. During his career at Lafayette campus in Upland for the 992-93 1 Schemmer. assistant professor of
Jefferson High School, Lafayette, Reash Ind., academic year. education, and Dr Patricia Wilson.
was his school's first 1,000-point scorer and Taking new positions are Dr. associate professor of education.
was twice named to the All-Sectional and Mark Colgan, assistant professor of Replacing Doug Rolimian on the
Regional teams, and was named All- mathematics and Dan Smith, faculty roster is Dr. Cath\ Hamer.
Semistate and All-State, Co-MVP and Co- assistant professor of chemistiy and assistant professor of social work,
Captain of his team. He, "I think I am safe in biology. while new faces in the deparmient of
saying he has the most basketball credentials Filling positions left by retired health, pin sical education, and
as a high school player of anyone who ever faculty members Dr. Ray Bullock recreation include insmjctor .\ngela
attended Taylor University," says former and E. Stanley Rotnick. respecti\ eh', Cox and assistant professor Kirk
Taylor basketball coach Don Odie. are Lon Kaufinann, assistant TallcN. filling positions pre\ iousK
During each of his two years of basketball professor of ai1 and Dr. Lany held b\ Karen Traut and Bill Bauer,
play for the Trojans, Reash was leading Rottmeyer, associate professor of respectix ely.
scorer and named to the all-HCC (Hoosier marketing. Sei"\ ing one or more semester for
Collegiate Conference) team. He averaged 30 Taking positions held b\' retired faculrs' members on sabbatical are
points a game before being injured after only faculty member Dr. Edward Dinse Dana Collins, assistant professor of
1 2 games. Though he played only four and Di'. Ken S\\ an. w ho w as ap- music (for Dr. Philip Kroeker):
conference games that year, he was a pointed vice president for Ta\ lor Donald Miller, associate professor of
unanimous choice for All-Conference University-Foil WaN ne. are assistant chcmisti'N (for Drs. LeRo\ Kroll and
honors, accordinu to Odle. professors of English Dr. KimbcrK Daniel Hammond'); and Dr. .lohn
Moore-.Iumonville and Dr. Colleen Moore, assistant professor of biology
Wairen. (for Drs. .\ndre\\ Whipple and Paul
Filling posts left b\- Dr. Daniel Rothiock).

AclCADEMIC programs presently offered bear on the Fort Wayne campus, carrying on Christian radio station has garnered national
at TUFW include biblical literature, the tradition of mission-mindedness and attention.
business. Christian education, general integrity in leadership that has characterized
studies, international studies, pastoral the educational histoiy there. Ik^TUDENT LIFE is characterized by close-
ministries and psychology. Additional knit relationships and a wami, caring
programs, are being developed. 1%E^
:NNETH swan, vice president for the atmosphere.

R BUSINESS is cun"ently offered as a two-

year degree with consideration being given
Fort Wayne campus,

cooperation with all

provides resident
program leadership and management in
other senior officers of
-1 RADITION is almost palpable on the
TUFW campus. The merger of Summit
to a four-year bachelor's degree. Taylor's the University. Swan previously served as Christian College, fonneiTy Fort Wayne
business progi'am is nationally recognized professor of English and director of general Bible College, into Taylor University
for its integration of faith and learning. studies at the Upland campus. resulted in an institution with a combined
heritage of nearly 250 years of service to
CvOMMUNITY SCHOOL OF THE ARTS offers Ejutheran college of health profes- Christian higher education.
music classes and services designed to meet sions (located just a few blocks from the
the needs of students, as well as individuals Fort Wayne campus) and Taylor have VnJRBAN SETTING abounds with personal,
of all ages, local churches, schools, and established several cooperative programs to and educational opportunities for
communities. share selected services. Cuixent discussions TUFW students, ranging from the Fort
regard a cun'icular relationship. Wayne Philhamionic to Komets hockey to
Di 'IVERSITY is evident on the Foil Wayne practical experience in supei"vised intern-
campus. Students from as far away as Papua Meb ERGER/LIAISON officer Dr. Charles ships.
New Guinea mingle with those from Jaggers, senior vice president, divides his
(literally) just down the street. Unity is time between the two campuses, providing WARSITY sports of men's basketball and
found in a common commitment to Christ. TUFW with strategic planning and manage- soccer and women's basketball and volley-
ment. ball offer collegiate and intercollegiate
E^ENROLLMENT for the fall semester competition.
enrollment is 41 The number of students I\c \I-TRADITI0NAL
1 .

who returned this up by 12 percent. A

fall is STUDENTS (e.g., older, BCY is slated to be on the air by
genuine spirit of excitement exists among manied, already in the December At 89.5 FM. WBCY will
1 .

students. work force) comprise transmit its signal about 40 miles in most
some 30 percent of the directions of Archibald. Ohio, simulcasting
F,ACULTY inembers TUFW student body. WBCL's programming.
include 31 ftill-time and They enhance the
32 part-time persons, learning environment
and strengthen the
Xt lTRA (OK, we're stretching the rules of
all with professional spelling, but we didn't want to discuss the
experience in their educational experience. number of xylophones on campus). Students
academic disciplines. receive "xti'a" individualized attention with
tfTPORTUNITIES FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH the faculty/student ratio at 18:1.
tPRADUATE STUDIES include regular chapel services, Bible
in education, psychol- studies, spiritual
student ministries,
emphasis weeks, and
among many
M OUTH MINISTRIES is one of the many
ogy, and theology are a possibility for the others. areas of ministry in which students become
near future at TUFW. involved each semester. TUFW has a rich
"aSTORAL ministries program at TUFW of voluntaiy service to the local
HeLOME AWAY FROM HOME describes the iswidely recognized for its superior training
of pastors and church workers.
community, churches and social service
campus for the 1 50 resident students. The asencies.
remaining students commute to campus.
'UALITYa word that accurately
^STITUTE OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDIES describes theteamwork effort of staff and characterizes graduates
offers accredited, college-level courses for administrative members who give of as they leave the
over 2,700 individuals — students, teachers, themselves to fiirther the Taylor mission. TUFW campus for
ministers, missionaries, lay leaders and sei'vice, be it in the

others —who appreciate the convenience Rac \DI0 STATION, 90.3 FM, WCBL, coiporate board room,
and flexibilty this program offers. broadcasts an award-winning lineup of church, classroom, or
Christian music and programs, together with mission field. — SH. BG
Jay KESLER, as president of Taylor AP Network and local news, from the
University, brings his vision and energy to campus. This award-winning 50,000-watt
In Such a Time as This
ho knows but that you have come to body of Christ which "there is neither Jew
royal position for such a time as nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female for

this? This question asked of Queen you are all one in Jesus Christ." While the
Esther by her uncle. Mordecai, is the world is returning to tribalism and rebalkanizing
central question asked by all of us as we search in the name of cultural diversity, we ha\e a
for meaning and significance. "Is there a divine chance to celebrate diversity and love one
reason for my existence and do I make any another as brothers and sisters in the human
difference?" Countless millions have watched family.
Jimmy Stewart eveiy Christmas see the edited In such a time as this, we can reassert our
version of his loved ones' lives with his contri- heritage of global caring expressed in the
bution deleted and once again found meaning worldwide missionary movement and. with the
and value in the seeming insignificance of their same dedication and sacrifice as our
lives. Those who cannot find a connection are forebearers, reach out with the gospel and loose
said to have an "identity crisis." Indeed, much the power of Christ in a modem world.
of modem society and, more particularly, many In such a time as this, our emphasis on in
institutions suffer from this malady. loco parentis can demonstrate to a watching
In this last decade of the 20th century is world that when young people mature, they
there a role for a small Christian college? Those need not declare their independence by
obsessed with size and mega-solutions doubtles separating themselves from parents, but can
conclude that anything without a budget in the enjoy a new and more level relationship assisted
billions of dollars and not mandated as a federal and interpreted by a caring college community.
initiative cannot really make an impact. To their As an intentional community we ha\e the
minds, individuals or small groups of individu- oppoitunity to demonstrate that human freedom
als have nothing to contribute of significance. does not consdtute license and that responsible
It is interesting that long before the world living actually fi-ees us from the bondage of our
reached its present state of complexity and sin and restores our true liberty.
before the population explosion God described In such a time as this, when the political
the role of the Christian in the world in minority climate seems obsessed with the politics of self-
terms. We are to be the "salt of the earth," and a interest, we can measure our acti\ities by the

"candle in darkness." In the midst of the example of Christ and go beyond self to senice
national debate over the condition of American and compassionate concern for the poor, the
education, small private colleges continue to weak, the sick, the homeless and the hurting.
emphasize quality and the significance of each In such a time as this, we can join those who
student. Small classes, small student/faculty are concemed for the planet "this is our
ratios, individualized assignments, caring and Father's world." while a\oiding the ti'ap of
engaged teaching canied out in a family pantheism and worshiping the earth itself Our
atmosphere typify our kind of institution. new en\ii"onmental center places us in the
In addition the Christian college attempts to fi'ontline of small colleges on this issue.
add certain other components that, though In such a time as this, between
the contiMsts
recently out of vogue, are at this moment in the spirit of the age and the Christian gospel are
time being discussed even in secular .settings. I, clear. We ha\ e the opportunitv not onl\ to
among many others, feel it is time to ask if debate the issues but to demonstrate our
modem man can actually "live by bread alone." distinctives in the midst of our grow ing national
Former Marxist countries worldwide are pluralism. If we can do this with a combination
acknowledging the bankruptcy of materialism of fidelity to our God and humilits- before our
and seeking to restore spiritual undeipinnings. neighbors, "Who know s but
In such a time as this, Taylor University has an that we ha\ e come to this
opportunity to demonstrate that indeed faith and position for such a time as
leaming are compatible without yielding to reli- this?" m \ >

gious ob.scurantism or lelativistic secularism.

In such a lime as this, we at Taylor Univer- Or Jay Kcsler '58
sity arc challenged to go beyond mere civility serves (IS prcsi(jcnf of
and live as a kning family in Christ. Though we Ta\i(>r L'niwrsin:

are increasingly di\ersc racially, economically,

ethnically and politically, we arc part of the

ow much we are influenced by our
conceptions of time! How little
thought we give to the subject.
There was a time — before the
invention of the mechanical
clock —when we lived by the
cadence of the seasons, by the rise

and fall of the sun, and by myriad

other natural rhythms. Then, says
Lewis Mumford in Technics and
Civilization, with the invention of
the mechanical clock we became a
society of time-keepers, time-
savers, and now, time-servers.
With the idea that humans
could measure time came the idea
that they could control it and other
aspects of the human condition. So
it was that the groundwork for the
Renaissance, the Scientific Revolu-
tion, and the Industrial Revolution
was lain.

Today, our physical, social,

mental, and spiritual selves move

in tune to an ever-excelerating
experience of time.
This issue of Taylor addresses a
select few aspects of this multifac-
eted topic and the implications for
the ways inwhich we live our daily

a man
n a hike ride through the
coimtiy recently. I came across
painting his fence posts
He was squatting next to a
that all
Is this what I

My friend reminded me. "The point is

we do, including pumping gas. should
contribute to the eternal glory ofJesus Christ."
"I agree." I responded. "That
swer. But having the answer does not keep
the question

from coming up again and

to do with


the an-

post, his paint can beside him. again."

meticulously working paint into Nonetheless, we must not let the fascina-

the wood.
tion of the question beguile us into ignoring
the answer. Is there a biblical view of time?
Of course there is. It is premised on the view-
As pedaled past, let my eyes scan the
I I that God is at the controls of the uni\erse. He
propeity; it was extensive, with many such began time when he created the world. Time
posts. Two days" worth of work at that pace, moves forward in a straight line. At the cross
I thought. How can anyone stand to give up of Christ we find the center of time. When
two days of his hfe just to make sure his Christ returns, time will be no more.
fence posts are white? This biblical view of time stands in con-
As I shifted up a gear and moved on trast to the perspecti\'e of time in other set-

along the cornfields, I forced my mind to tings. In many traditional cultures, tiine is a
take up this man's perspective. He was circle lasting exactly one year. As the com-
making a small investment of his time: two munity moves through the progression of
days of easy work to extend the life expect- seasons and annual festivals, time is enacted.
ancy of his fence, nomially about 20 years, When the cycle is complete, it starts all o\-er

to 50. Surely that was worth the time and again. Thus, it provides a sense of stability
effort. Furthemiore, the question occuiTed and security for the community.
to wonder how he feels about people
me, 1 On the other extt-eme is the modern secu-
who seem to have nothing better to do with lar view of time which cannot help but
their time than to ride around the country? generate anxiety. It is linear like the biblical
Who's to say what the best use of time is? view, but it is is no begin-
open-ended. There
I'm a little peiplexed when I think ning, no middle, no end. Like an infinitely-
about my use of time. My personality dic- extended moving sidewalk to nowhere, we
tates that I want my time to be productive. 1 can get off and on at certain points: we can try
feel guilty if have to tell myself at the end
I to make the best of the moments we ha\e. but
of a day that didn't get anything done. 1 get
I when we are done, we are no better off than
angry if I feel that people are "stealing" time someone else who went for the ride. On
from me, as in making me sit for hours in the other hand, in the biblical \iew we also
iiTclevant meetings or expecting me to un- have the idea of a for\\ aid progression, but it
dertake projects for which 1 have neither occurs with puipose and security, for it is
interest norability. And yet I enjoy spending directed by God.
an hour chatting about trivia with a friend, Do e\ angelical Cliristians today live by a
and I cherish the days w hen can get on my 1 biblical \iew of time? would say that we are I

bike and exhaust myself riding 50 miles in in confusion, if not in trouble. The secular-
a big circle whicii ends up precisely where ized \ iew of time has taken o\ er, and we
it started. How do justify using the time 1 plan, wony, execute our plans, wony, e\alu-
allotted to me? ate our accomplishments, and wony some
menlioned my perplexity about time to
I more, lest our li\es. both indi\ idually and
a friend in Gemiany. told him that these I collecti\ely, run through our fingers. Instead
questions come to mc at the most odd mo- of resting God's time, we tiA to make
ments. Perhaps while pumping gas into ni>' somethingof our time in God's behalf Grimly
car find mvsclf wonderiniz, "Is tliis w orth-
I we cliim to a traditional e\ cle of liolida\s in


Like eveiyone else I know, if I made a
list of eveiything I should get done to get
caught up immediately. 1 should do about 26
hours of work during the next 24. procure
some fence posts so that can presene them I

for posterity, and save my bike for church

picnics only. But this is lunacy.
It occurs to me that at the heart of my time

problems is not mismanagement but bad

theology. I tend to forget that ultimately I am
accountable only to of my
God for the use
time. should never allow demands from

other people to override God's priorities for

me. God himself has called me to be faithftil
to my ministiy and sen'ice. But it is also God
himself, and not me.
who has decreed that 1

should spend time with

my family, that 1 Instead of rest-
should put people
ahead of things,
should maintain
ing in Gods
an attempt to order our time. For contempo-
rai7 American evangelicals, the four major
highlights of the church year are Thanksgiv-
body in

and, yes, that

time, we try to
ing, Christmas, Easter, and Mother's Day. rest. In short, other

Yet, even mentioning these holidays elicits pressures may tell me make something
feelings of anxiety, not of calm reassurance. to attend a meeting,

Allow me
further. God
to press my complaint a
decreed that one day in

my fence, write a
or fill out a
of our time in
lengthy questionnaire
we should rest.

creed that this one day

Our church
culture has de-
seven (at least) on time usage, but God Gods behalf
should be given over to frenzied participa- may tell me to ride my
tion in institutional programs; the more "in- bike.

volved" we are. the more spiritual we are I also tend to forget that the outcome of all
considered to be. time is already assured. Time is not open-
is coming soon. What does that
Christ ended: it is already brought to completion in

beliefmean to us? For the early church, it the mind of God, and all that remains is

was the sum of all hope andjoyous expecta- living it out. That assurance includes my
tions: Regardless of what happens now, God individual life as well. It is not the sequence
will bring his plan of redemption to fniition. of many haphazard years, but it is part of

There is an end to history: victoiy is assured. God's accomplishing his puipose through
Today we frighten each other with this doc- redeemed creatures. I do not have to chase
frine. We use it as a scourge to whip our- after time. Dr. Benjamin Chew, founder of

selves into action lest we be found below Singapore Youth for Christ, said it all when
quota when Christ returns. It was not meant he chose the words of the Psalmist 3 5 to ( 1 : 1 )

in this way for believers. Time should be an entitle his biography, "My times are in his
oppoitunity, not a burden. hands." M
I, too, am caught in this tangle. It is rare
that I set myself to a task, let alone some IViiifried Coiduuii, PhD is professor ofphiloso-
recreation, without fighting off the feeling phy and religion at Taylor. He has sen'ed the
that I could be doing something more impor- Taylor commiiuiti- since 1977.


We become fully human only
as we sti'etch ourselves over
time, says Professor of Psy-
You 've written extensively about the disappear. Imagine the situation if nght
qualities thatmake us humans different chology Mark Cosgrove, PhD now. you had only two minutes of
from any other species on Earth. Among memory. By now you would ha\e
Interview by Doug Marlow '81
other factors, in The Amazing Body forgotten why you came here. sa\^ I

Human, »'«// highlight our face, our "Remember, you came here to inteniew
brain, our skin, even our ability to blush. me." But in another n\'o minutes you'll
But what about the human ability to again be saying. "What am I doing here?"
reckon time? How do our concepts of Where we get a clear picture of what it You're pemianently li\ing in the present
time relate to our being human? means to our humanness is in examining tense. I might explain to \ou what's
people who have lost that ability. In wrong with you. and you'd be shocked,
That question comes up in some of the
examining people who have had certain but then n\ o minutes later you wouldn't
material I present in Freshman Seminar.
parts of their brains damaged in accidents, remember it. "^'ours is a carefi'ee. fearful,
And knowing you were going to ask that
we often fmd out what the various parts of present-tense nothing.
question today, I've reread some articles
the brain can do. We fmd there are certain Apparently, for human beings, our
and rethought some things I've written.
The conclusion I come to is that for
areas of the brain that, damaged, can
if —
personhood but not its \alue emerges —
damage self-awareness and personhood.
human beings, our self-awareness — our
Frontal lobes seem to relate to a person's
out of our ability to hold past, present, and
ftiture all together.
personhood is related to our time
ability to stand above time and hold past, Too. there are areas in the brain that
experience. A detemiiningwhat factor in
present, and fijture all together Persons allow us to attach meaning to objects and
makes us fully human is our experience of
with damage OK men- When
time —
our ability to hold past, present and
fi'ontal lobe are
but they sometimes can't plan ahead.
e\ents. those areas are destroyed,
we lose part of our personhood. man .A.
ftiture all together.
They cannot perfomi simple tasks that who had Alzheimer's disease suffered just
demand connecting past experience with such a loss. He was asked to look at a rose
/';/; not sure I know what you mean by the present. They may remember missing and describe what he saw. "It's a red
the ability to hold past, present, and bus yesterday, but are unable to
their con\oluted fomi with a green cylindrical
future together.
make the connections between getting attachment." he said. He had lost

Well, for example, I have many, many dressed to catching their bus to getting to "roseness." He had present experience,
memories of the past. And am I experienc- work on time today. They are otherwise but was unable to attach meaning to tlie
ing a present with some meaning — that is,
perfectly intelligent people who are things around him. The humanness to
I am not just experiencing your being somehow not able to stand abo\e time. which we're called in\"oh es stretching
here, but I know why you're here and how Another function of the brain that can be oursehes o\er time and all the meaning
you feel about me. While I have meaning damaged in\'olves the memoiy systems. that entails.

in the present, I also anticipate the future: Apparently we ha^e short- and long-tenn
I know I have classes; I know have to go I
memoiy Short-temi memoiy is a few- How does that ability to stretch over time
to a track meet; I know have to pay my
minutes long. If I you my phone
told make us different from other creatures?
bills. "Me" stretches to the past, and "me" number, for example, you'd remember

for a few minutes, but without concerted

Most creamres probabh li\ e their lives
am able to
stretches to the future, and I

am some- effort, you'd soon Long-temi

in the present tense — the momentary
meaning in the present.

able to stand above time and


memory in\olves memories that could experience —w hich is really nothing.

span a lifetime. Sometimes by alcoholism,

Some animals such as dogs and chimpan-
coordinate my present experience with
zees ma\' ha\ e longer memories, but to be
memories of the past and what 1 anticipate a car accident, or Alzheimer's disease,
persons lose the ability to mo\e short- a w onn. a spider, or a ma\ tly is to be a
the future to hold.
present-tense experience. That is a major
tenn memories into long-temi memon.
Though perfectly healthy in e\eiy other
separation ben\ een humans and animals.
How is that ability a part of what makes For us humans, all meaning, all literamre.
us human? way. they are reduced to present-tense
experiences, and their pei"sonalities
and the wealth of all we tenii "human-


ness" comes from our ability to sit on top stand above time in the book of present. We can put present suffering in

of time. Ecclesiastes. The writer asks about the the context of knowing there is a mean-
However, we humans can at any time meaning of life, especially in the face of ingful past and we are heading for a
reduce ourselves to present-tense experi- suffering. Chapter 3, which contains the meaningful Because we don't need

ence. And we often do. It happens when answer, is one of the more famous the moment as the source of all meaning,
we live for momentaiy pleasure, when passages in the Bible. Beginning with the we are more able to give up momentai'y
we're injured and suddenly in screaming words "There is a time to be bom and a pleasures. Meaning comes from the whole
pain,when we lose our tempers. In such rime to die," the first eight verses of of life, not just the moment.
instances, we become momentary non- Ecclesiastes 3 draw a time line, suggesting The silly seventh-grade girl and if I —
persons. We isolate a particular moment there is a beginning and an end to life and had a seventh-grade girl 1 probably
and focus solely on our own desires or much acti\'iry inbetween. To put it in —
wouldn't say this cries into her pillow,
needs at that time. In such moments, we in modem tenns, there's a time when you "I didn't make cheerleader, and Johnny
our selfish, carnal, sinful humanity get manied and a time when you go to a dumped me: I feel like I could die." Her
become animal-like, living solely in the funeral, a time when there's war and a mother, who is more stretched over time,
present moment. But we are not called to time when there's peace, and so on. Its can say, "Hey, in a year or a month you're
animalhood. Rather, we are called to be veiy rigid, artless poetiy creates a solid going to look back and say it didn't really
human — to attach the moment to its wider line —and gives you the feel of the matter." Stretching ourselves over time
contextual meaning. fmd we become
I Controller of the line. Life is not chance, and looking to the past deepens our
more fijlly human, or have more depth of but is drawn by the Creator It
like a line is perspective and makes us more ftilly

personality, when we are stretched out going somewhere. The line is a part of a human.
over time. We are then able to hold greater artwork. Ecclesiastes teaches us that the moment
memories and understand and leam from The interesting thing for us as Christians takes meaning from the total experi-

them, anticipating the fliture while living is that if we really are able to stretch ence of time. The atheist says, "There's no
meaningfully in the present. ourselves over time, we live better in the meaning to life; I may as well just live for
the moment." As believers, however, we
iVhat is the source of this call to he wore are more able to give up the moment

fully human? which we all have to do, anyway. Eveiy

moment is lost; nothing stays the same.
I leam this first from the nature of God
The kids in eveiy family grow up and
himself His name is "Eternal Present
leave. Eveiybody gets old. All wealth is
Tense." He calls himself "'I Am," for he
eventually lost when one dies. Life itself
has captured all time, is above all time,
is lost. By sensing time, 1 am able to yield
and has all time in his grasp. It's all reality
the moment. can pass up a nice house

to him. Whereas my fiiture is anticipated

and go to the mission field, for example,
and not real to me, to God, it is real. I'm
because I see an etemity, a fiiture, beyond
not just a present-tense "me" to God —I'm the present. I don't have to get meaning
a past me and a future me, as well. In his
from owning a nice house. Meaning
eternal present tense, God holds the reality
comes from the etemity ahead of me. The
of thepast, the present, and the future all
atheist who has no futtire must get
combined in present-tense fashion.
meaning from the moment because in the
We humans, created in the image of fiature he will get old and eventtially die.
God, become more human when we're
He needs to live for the moment. In doing
able to live our lives holding ourselves
so, he becomes less human — but not less
above time, even though our best efforts
pale in comparison to what God does.
valuable —more like the animal state.

I find a second source for the call to


Should we never enjoy the moment, 'A" in this class": on "I need a boyfiiend."
then? For that person there's nothing else going
on. And there's something less human
On the we as
conti'aiy, Christians can
about that. Yet we all engage in that t\pe
enjoy the moment more since we don't
of beha\'ior sometimes.
need it for meaning. We can go to
But in a uni\ersity. in the courses of
Ivanhoe's for ice cream, for example. And
history and literamre. for example, we
I think that's why Ecclesiastes says, "Eat
stretch people. To watch Mel Gibson's
drinlc and be meny" half a dozen times,
Hamlet or to read Shakespeare is to
and. "Enjoy the wife of your youth." It

sounds rather secular as if that were the he holds us together in the present while
stretch ourselves into another
another culture. It is to think difterently.
mind, into

answer for meaning. But we don't need holding our past and future, as well. The
Ivanhoe's milk shakes for meaning. We're more we live holding all of time —our more broadly about people and not just
fi'ee to take them or leave them because past, present, and fiiture — the more we are
about oursehes.
We are but a moment, a tra\eling
we have a past and a future. If for the able to live an adequate and meaningful
moment. There is a larger picture than just
atheist life is just a momentary experi- human life.
oursehes and we need to make decisions
ence, then he needs the Ivanhoe's shake We really need to stretch over time. And
based on that larger picmre. Our happi-
for meaning. In fact, he needs to own most of our lives we probably don't.
Ivanhoe's —and what's more, he needs to Much of life is lost in doing the momen- ness depends on
You can n"a\"el

through life tning to

own the company that makes the ice taiy thing. I become the activity instead of
a\oid momentary^ pains. 'S'ou can sa\". "I
cream. He is often not free to enjoy the being above the activity. I'm consumed by
want the easiest path I can ha\-e. Wliat's
good things of life because he must get eating the pizza. I'm consumed by the
busyness of the day, by the personality
the path of least resistance'!"" "I don'twant
meaning for living fi-om them.
If you just live for the moment, it's gone. that just chewed me out — as opposed to
to date
anybody because I'll get hun."
don't want to take an>' hard classes."
You've consumed the ice cream and being above it a bit. and thinking, "This
you're not even aware of eating it. person probably had a bad day. I'll have
"Gee. my leg hurts so I'll take a pill to

better days in the future." Or, "This brain

make it feel better" The professional
Whereas, if you don't need the moment
athlete could say. "I don't want to go out
for meaning, you can take the gifts of the tumor is not the end of all life." You see. it
for football this season, that could cause
present world that God has given you and could be something veiy simple. It could
pain." Oh. but think about all the glon.
you can also yield them. be something major
the chance to make a million dollars. The
athlete who looks at the fiamre gets
It 's hard to know sometimes when to So what are we to do? How can we go
through the pain. Christians ought to ha\e
enjoy and when to yield. about stretching ourselves above titne?
true picmres of realits' that stretch be\ond
Perhaps that wisdom comes as we focus It seems to me that is what we're about secular reasons for li\ ing. The call to the

on God. God is eternal present tense. All in the whole spectiaim of courses we teach Christian life is the call to understand pain
reality is summed up in his knowledge in a college. We're about this business of in the light of all time. Sometimes the call
and power For animals, at the other end broadening people's \'iew of reality, so we is to enter into pain. "I'm going to take a
of the specti-um, the present tense is just stretch the students' \iew of time. 'Sou hard cuniculum." "I'm not going to ha\e
momentaiy experience. Life flickers and need to know something about histoiy a beautiful home." "I'm going to go to the
it's gone; and nothing holds the whole from the ancients up until now. and then mission "I'm going to be manned

thing togethei'. Humans arc somewhere in you need to anticipate the future socictv'. and struggle through it and not just get
behveen. We
have a mind that can It's going to be multilingual, multi- di\ orced." The call is to see a larger

somehow hold all our momentaiy cultural, with a greater population. We're picture instead of momentan pleasure and
experiences, anticipate other momentaiy tiying to sti"etch students. There's more pain. We Christians should teach the
experiences, and put them in meaningftil than just you and your life. Some sUidents larger picture. That's w hat our Christian
packages. That's sort of what God does: come here saying, "It's just me. I need an uni\ ersit^ is all about.

statement of Mission

Taylor University is an interdenominational evangelical Christian under-

graduate institution educating men and women for lifelong learning andfor
ministering the redemptive love ofJesus Christ to a world in need. As a
community of Christian students under a faculty committed to the Lordship of
Jesus Christ, Taylor University' offers liberal arts and professional training
based upon the conviction that all truth has its source in God.
From the President

his issue of Taylor magazine is filled with cause His gifts."

^5 for rejoicing and appropriate pride. I find it It is in this spirit that

interesting that among Christians there is a way I acknowledge all of

of expressing ourselves that seems quaint, even you within the Taylor
contrived to those who do not share our faith or constituency who have
perspective. Do we call our results accomplishments, so faithftiUy given your

or do we call them blessings? Do we refer to our money, talent, time,

ability, or do we call them gifts? Abilities and accom- resourcefiilness, prayers, counsel, and encouragement.
plishments can be our own; however, blessings and We are making progress together as an institution.

gifts come through no virtue of ourselves, but from the Alumni constantly comment on the growth of this
hand of a benevolent God. Without being unnecesscir- institution academically, physically, and in the breadth

ily pious or forgetting to give credit where credit is of our understanding of our mission. Each article in

due, we have devoted these pages to a report of this issue is a reminder of the vitality and accomplish-
progress and a tribute to the stewardship of the Taylor ment of some area of the Taylor program. It is

family. impossible to divide out the individual and specific

Taylor students have heard me tell a story of a contributions because the interactivity is so much a

sermon in which I referred to the phrase, "only God total effort. Some are more noticed than others, but

can make a rose." After the meeting was over, an old none is unimportant.

gentleman cornered me in the foyer of the church and Please, never think that you are not needed or that

said with a little grin, "How much do you know about you are taken for granted. In many ways, the history of

roses?" Though I felt I knew more than some, he Taylor is the story of the determination and commit-

didn't look like someone with whom 1 wanted a ment of God's "littlepeople." As Paul reminds us, "not

debate, so I replied discreetly (someone once said that many wise, not many of great reputation. ..." In all of
discretion is the better part of valor), "Not much, I this there is ample room to sing, "to God be the glory."

suppose." "I thought so," he said. "What you are Our fabric is so delicate and our small successes so
talking about is a hybrid rose. The ones God makes by fragile that we simply cannot be casual about any of

himself, the wild ones you see beside the road, have our friends. The other side of this realit)' is that I truly

only one row of petals and seldom ever all of those, believe that as God is in our activity, nothing we do or

because the first often fall oif before the last appear." I don't do can thwart his purposes. Thank you for your
know he thought I was preparing a theological efforts and accomplishments, abilities and resources
response, crafted for atheists, so he quickly continued. and your faithful partnership in this ministry. Together

"Understand that only God can create and give life; we join in thanking Him for His gifts, blessings and
however, it seems that in all of His creation. He His evident smile on Taylor University these days.
welcomes man as co-creator. The hybrid rose is the

resuh of man and God working together over many

years of patient labor. We are husbandmen of His Kesler '58
creation. God expects our best efforts to be added to President

President's Associates
M/e extend grateful ttianks to ttie President's Associates — individuals wtio, by ttieir annual
unrestricted gifts of $1200 or more, comprise ttie premier supporting constituency of
Taylor University. In partnersflip with the President, these individuals share a direct and

Rick& Ellen Adams Pete Carlson Ken & Bette Flanigan Mary Holden
Leon & LaGatha Adkison Hazel Carruth Ruth Flood Richard & Kathi Honig
Dave & Barbara Allgood Jeremy & Sue Carter Jim & Roberta Fowler Dave & Dina Home
Nelle Alspaugh Al & Sue Chan Bob & Betty Freese John & Joan Home
Scott& Suzanne Amstutz Greg & Jeanine Childs Bill & Lura Fry Jeny & Delores Home
Merle & Avis Amundson Richard & Lydia Clark Grace Fry Dan & Rosemar>' Howell
Jack & Sue Anderson Alyce Cleveland Ted & Jeanne Gabrielsen Lee & Betty Huizenga
Mymeth & Jean Anderson Jim & Susette Cochran Howard & Anne Garver Ed & Denise Hurst
John & Jane Armstrong Mark & Martha Collins The Gates Foundation Independent Colleges of
Gayle & Sue Arnold Michael & Rachel Colvin Rex & Ruth Gearhart Indiana Foundation
Margaret Atkinson George & Jean Connon Tom & Julie Gearhart Bob & Margie Jackson
Avis Industrial Corporation Bill & Diane Costas Dave & Sandra Gelwicks Dale & Margaret Jackson
Beulah Baker Bob & Beulah Coughenour Paul & Barbara Gentile Ralph & Carmen Jackson
Carolyn Baker David & Phyllis Cox Les & Mil Gerig Don & Shirley Jacobsen
Bob & Martha Baptista Paul & Kay Cox Jim & Solveig Getz Dw ight & Sally Jacobsen
Mark & Pam Barton Tom & Bonnie Crutchfield Harold & Mary Gianopulos Jeff & Kristie Jacobsen

Lawrence & Mary Bauer Robert & Carolyn Cunningham Bob & Joan Gilkison John & Carol Jaderholm
Dave & Peggy Beamer Craig & Carmen Curtiss Dr. Noble Gividen Chip & Vema Jaggers
Harold & Genevieve Beattie Jack & Carol Daniel George & Jan Glass Dick & Regina Jaggers
Roger & Marilyn Beaverson Bob & Betty Davis Tim & Connie Glass Russ & Ruth Jensen
Steve & Phyllis Bedi Charles & Mary Dehaan Jim & Irlene Glenn Jim & Sue Jerele
Tom & Helen Beers Bob & Marilyn Deich Chris & Deb Goeglein Ke\in Johnson
Randy & Bari Behnken Dan & Cynthia Dew Dave & Alice Golden Paul & Marilyn Johnson
Bob & Marcia Benjamin Mildred DeWeerd Dan & Magee Gordon Reginald Johnson
Bob & Mary Carrol Benson Pat & Cathy Dickey Bruce Grabenkort Robert E. Johnson
Jean Bergwall Jean Diller Ked & Margo Graber Brian & Lila Justinger
Roland & Shirley Bertka Tim & Lucy Diller Grabill Bank Charles & Carol Keller
Barbara Bill Ed & Nancy Dodge Jim & Joanne Graham Gene & Margo Keller
Marjorie Bill Dick & Weezie Doermer Don & Jean Granitz Joe & Rosie Kerlin
Dick & Evelyn Bishop Bill & Lynne Downs M. Arthur Grant Jay & Janie Kesler
James & Carolyn Blankemeyer Edith Driver John & Phyllis Green Jack & Janet King
Ron & Margaret Blevins Wayne & Ruthanna Duckwall Corbly & Vivian Gregg Leroy & Dawn Kinzer
Dewayne & Judy Bontrager Brad & Sylvia Duckworth Dale Grimes Michael & Ellen Kinzer
Tom & Cathy Bookstaver Dale & Dee Duncan Marvin & Catherine Grostic Dale & .\nn Kitley
Leland & LaRita Boren Mike & Sandy Duncan Frank & Bea Grotenhuis James & Lydia Knutson
Alan & Marcia Bowden Bob & Margaret Duncan Stan & Ruth Guillaume Da\ e & Karole Kocher
Steve & Angela Boyd Addison & Thetis Eastman Nomi Gundersen Robert & Sue Kontak
David & Joan Boyer Herschel & Ruth Ell Dick & Bonni Gygi \eme & Miriam Koppin
Joseph & Judy Brain Bob & Marian Elliot Richard & Becky Haak Edmund Korafeld
Cyndy Briggs John & Bemita Ellis Dick & Clarice Haltast Edith Korpi
Martha Briggs Tim & Suzanne Ellis Jim & Edith Hall Mrs Harold Kroeker
Ted & Murlaine Brolund Charles & Kathy Engle Greg & Becky Harris Phil & \elma Kroeker
Bill & Sue Brown English. Bonter. Mitchell Tom & Shirley .\nne Harris Gordon & Ruth Krueger
Bruce & Lynne Brown Foundation Carl & Avis Hassel Bob & Lonnie Kmmroy
Craig & Susan Bugno Bob & Barb Erickson Shirl & Glona Hatfield Mark & Karen Kuiper
Pete & Kim Buhrow Roger & Donna Erickson Steve & Mary Haun Susan Lamb
Ray & Jeanne Bullock Ted & Marge Essenburg Doyle tS: Marlene Hayes Peler& Connie Leonard
Jill Burke Tom & Julie Essenburg Glen & Marilyn Heavilin Bob & Carolyn LeMaster
Slephan & Barbara Burklin Don & Josie Essig John & Lucille Hershey Lee & Nancy Lewis
Earl & Eleanor Butz Gregor & Mary Euler Roger Hirschy Roberta Lewis
Jessie Cain Keith & Debbie Euler Bob & Susan Hodge Lill\ Endowment, Inc.

Robert & Judy Cameron Joyce Evans Bob & Helen Hodges Art & Gladys Lindell
Bob & Sibyl Campbell Malcolm & Nadinc Evans Art & Mary Hodson Wilburt & X'iolel Lirtrcll

Walt & Mary Campbell Bill& Frances Ewbank Jerry & Jmie Hodson Lulu Lloyd
Keith& Jeanne Canhani Erik & Lynne Fahlen Carl & Jana Lee Hofmga Christian & Donna Losch
Bob & Charlotte Canida Don & Nan Fancher Alice Holcombe Cun & Janice Lundquist
Nick & Hope Cannell Wavne & Marilvn Fine Jean Holcombe Fred & Elaine Luthv

challenging opportunity to extend ttie influence of the University. In so doing, they gain the

personal satisfaction of actively strengthening the educational, cultural, social, and spiritual
vitality of Taylor University. We are profoundly thankful for their participation.

Lew & Dottye Luttrell Dave & Ruth Neuhouser Jessica Rousselow Larry & Judy Summers
Dan & Joyce MacLeish Peter& Shawn Newhouse Frank Roye Ron & Judy Sutherland
David & Carole MacRae Chuck & Irma Newman Russell & Eleanor Ruch Fred & Bee Swanson
John & Jane Maddox Wallace & Sheila Nichols Bob & Judie Rudolph Don & Joyce Taylor
Ray & Kay Maddox Kevin & Cheryl Nill Brian & Joy Ruegsegger Doug & Robin Taylor
Tim & Donna Mann Elmer Kussbaum Don & Shirley Ruegsegger Demeke & Marta Tekle-Wold
The Maranatha Foundation Kenyon & Katy Nussbaum Randy & Bormie Rumble Mark & Colleen Terrell
Doug & Connie Marlow Ron & Elizabeth Nussbaum Tom & Joimine Rumney Keith & Cindy Thompson
Neil & Jane Martin Herb & Louise Nygren Charles & Jeanette Rupp Don & May Thorpe
Roger & Marjorie Mason Don & Bonnie Odle Doug & Kathy Rupp Margaret Trefz
Allen & Beverly Mathis Ben & Doris Ogbom Gene & Nancy Rupp Wendell & Diane True
David & Jeanne Mathias John R. Oliver Co.. Inc. Rich & Nancy Russell Roger Trueblood
William & Janet Matthews Taylor & Sandy Oliver Richard & Pauline Russell Jere Truex
Roy & Rebecca Maxson Wallace Page Wally & Bobbie Scea Bill& Janet Van Treuren
Kevin & Donna May Kirk & Sharon Pan- Don & Jean Schaffer Gordon & Elaine
John & Marilyn McCracken Eugene & Laure Pashley. Jr. Bob & Marci Schenck Vandermeulen
Jon & Susan McCracken Gene & Ruth Pashley David & Diane Schmitz Judy Vandermeulen
John & Ola McDougall Tim & Marcia Pashley Jamey & Rachel Schmitz Jack & Barb VanVessem, Jr.
Ross & Vivian McLennan Chris & Arm Paynter Martha Schmitz-Wealleans Craig & Vicki Vielguth
Herb & Mary Ellen Meier Howard & Relda Pearson Mark Schram Michael & Pam Walcott
Laurel Meissner Ervin & Alfrieda Penner John & Jane Schroeder Robert & Jean Walker
Wah & Betty Meloon Clayton & Carolyn Peters LaVaughn Schuckers Leslie & Margaret Walton

Paul & Evelyn Mendenhall Jim & Dara Peters John & Carol Scott Tom & Barbara Warner
Miles & Jill Mercer Dick & Margo Peterson Lee & Mae Scroggins John & Vicky Wauterlek
Clyde & Jane Meredith Randy & Becky Pfaff Rick & Joanne Seaman Ray & Vivian Watson
Phil & Pat Meredith Todd & Natalie Pfister Dale & Barbara Selby Larry & Sally Weber
Cobum & Modelle Metcalf Bob & Girmy Pieschke Chuck & Bonnie Sellers Lois Weed
Jim & Ruth Ann Meyerholtz Bill & Sarah Pletcher Ruth Setser Marshall & Rodah Welch
Les & Martha Michel Thadd & Donna Poe Ron & Shelba Jean Shaw Todd & Lisa Welch
Don & Jane Mick Martha Puntenney Harold & Tova Shergold Andrew & You-Ying Whipple
Bob & Coleen Midwood Rich& Maggie Pyle Todd & Cindy Shinabarger Phil & Geny Whisler
Joe & Barbara Miley Hobert& Judy Raikes Bill & Carolee Shinn Art & Donica White
Mike & Sherry Miley Chuck & Sherry Ramsay Brian & Jennifer Shivers John White
Calvin & Eloise Miller Walt Randall Jim & Sandy Sieber Steve & Beverly Whiteman
Don & Doris Miller David & Karen Rasmussen John & Karol Siefer Bob Wilcox
Thomas & Debbie Miller Glenn Rathke Crystal Silverman Paul & Lois Williams
Paul & Karen Millikan Velma Rediger Chuck & Brenda Smith Paul & Ruth Wills
Joe & Ruth Miraglia Jim & Lys Reiskytl Dan & Janet Smith Ron & Barbara Winder
Carl & Judy Moellering Bob & Betty Renner Neal & Trish Smith Paul & Deb Winter
Nancy Moller Garnet Rice Bob & Lee Smith Jim & Judy Woods
Ellie Moore Keith & Marge Rich Ed & Ellen Smyth VidaWood
Tom & Donna Morr Kevin Rich Dana & Judy Sommers Woody & Deb Woodward
Cameron & Peggy Mosser Nerval & Margie Rich Norman & Jessie Soper Bob & Evelyn Wyatt, Jr.
Rob & Robin Mourey Stan Rich Richard & Ramona Spencer Bob & Pat Wynalda
Arthur & Beth Muller Mary Richey Ed & Phyllis Squiers Bob & Priscilla Wynkoop
Art & Gloria Musselman Gale & Eve Rickner Ray Squire Phil & Midge Yaggy

Karen Muselman Herman & Kathryn Riggs Dick & Rebecca Stanislaw Daryl & Joenita Yost
Roger & Naomi Muselman Bill & Becky Ringenberg Howard & Gail Stein Dan & Martha Yutzy
Pauline W. Myers Rae & Melody Ringenberg Paul & Ruth Steiner Pat & Mary Zondervan
Louis & Jane Myre Ron & Frances Ringenberg Larry & Martha Stephens Paul & Betty Zurcher
George Nagel Stan Rishel Dave & Nedra Steury *3 anonymous donors

John & Mary Kay Neidhamer Loren & Judy Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Stewart

Arlouine Nelson Jim & Mary Roden Peter & Joyce Stipanuk
Henry Nelson Ruth Rogers Patrick & Beulah Stillman
John Nelson Bill& Sally Roost Fred & Jane Stockinger
Timothy Nelson Jim& Mary Rosema Jerry & Esther Stoops

Don & Sandy Neu Roger & Lou Roth Roger & Carol Storer


A Time For Every Purpose. .

The words of Ecclesiastes 3:1 -7 serve as the theme for this year's Honor Roll of Donors. As
we briefly note a few of the exciting happenings at Taylor University, we celebrate our

donors — the people who play so central a role in making it all possible.

He who holds all time In his hand has goal in only its second year of existence.

purposed that this be a season of blessing in the — Realignment of the planned giving department
life of Taylor University. We are grateful, and to now operate under the auspices of the

extend our warmest thanks to God and to you William Taylor Foundation.

who, by your gifts to Taylor, serve as the agency —Successful completion of the year two in the

of God's blessings to the campus community. Taylor Plan's three-year cycle, designed to bring

Reviewing fund-raising developments of the the Taylor message to alumni and friends.

1990-1991 school year, we highlight: With heartfelt gratitude,

—A 9 percent increase the Taylor Fund. in gifts to

A time — Endowing the the endowment-building

to be life insurance program, exceeding its three-year
/ Gene Rupp
born. Vice President for Development

I he birth of Tower Associates

Taylor's Fort
The generous support of people like those listed below make it possible for Taylor to
Wayne campus continue a nationally recognized tradition of excellence. We are grateful to Tower Associates,
earlier this year those persons who each year give a gift of $500- 1 199 in support of Taylor's mission.

"has forever
Terry & Carol Agness Marilyn Evans Paul & Connie Lightfoot Roy and Marabeth Ringent)erg
changed the Jerry Allred John & Joyce Fox Andy & Eila Lindvall
William & Maxine Robinson
Norman & Sandra Andresen AlwinGiegler Dale & Marian Linhart Jim & Cheryl Robison
educational Dave Askeland Bertha Gilson Stan & Donna Long Wally& Marlene Roth
Gilberl Ayres Donald Graber Bruce & Rosemary MacFadyen Wayne & Lureile Rovreil
landscape of Charles & Bernice Baker Ruth Grant Maidenberg Associates Alan & Dorothy Schroepler
Tom & Elaine Ballard Rev. & Mrs. K. L. Greenwood Barry & Debra Mason David & Karen Smith
Taylor Univer- Verle & Demona Barrett Bills, Phyllis Gross Mr. & Mrs. 0. W. Maxfield
Al & Ardis Smith
JotinS Phyllis Battice George & Bonnie Haines Darrell & Leslie Mayne Bob & Rebecca Smith
sity," to quote Stan & Ellen Beach Lowell & Sherry Haines Paul McKinney
Hazen & Beatrice Sparks
James Bell Ron SVicki Hall Jim&JanMcCrory Kermit & Ethel Stams
one University Steve & Nancy Board George Anna Harrison Chuck & Margaret Mealy
Jon & Janet Steiner
Larry & Nancy Brown Robert & Jane Harshman Marvin & Karen Metzler Chuck & Barb Stevens
official. TUFW's Burton & Nancy Brubaker Kevin & Sherry Heiser Clyde & Betty Michel Dan & Betty Stewart
Tim & Carolyn Burkholder Gordon & Aileen Herrmann Dwight & Mary Mikkelson Hilda Steyer
urban setting
Roger & Jane Burtner Tim & Kathy Herrmann Herb & Jane Miller
Dorothy Svrearingen
Herb & Carol Carlburg Tom & Susan High! Joe& Lisa Miller
connplements Ralph Teuber
KC Carlsen Tim & Ashlyn Holz Sam 8, Pat Mott William& Lois Thompson
& Amelia Carpenter Paul & Becky House Tim & Susan Nace
the main Hewitt Gerald& Eloise Thome
TR. SLucyCarr Dale& Laura Hutson Frank & Liz Nelson Tom & Suzie Trapf
campus' rural VanNess & Louise Chappell Max & Doris Hunt Dennis & Renee Norton Andy & Nancy Trotogot
Dan & Kris Chilcolt Kevin & Donna Her Scott & Jill Nye Bob&LizVanHom
Upland location Art & Jean Christensen Jim & Shirley Jacob Terry & Rachel Oban Charles& Jennifer Vance
Brent & Megan Clodgo Ron & Jane Johnson Mr. &Mrs, JimmieOchs Lee& Marge Vida
and opens new Merritt Clymer Paul&MarciaJorg Rod & Coreen Ogilvie Etwin& Katharine Vincent
Dale & Shirley Coin William & Sarah Kanaga Harry & Jackie Oldenbusch Jules & Marilyn Walker
opportunities for Ted Dexter Kent & Barbara Keener Steve & Diane Oldham John & Doris Wallace
Dwain & Virginia Dial Deane & Jeanne Kilbourne Mary Parrish Dave & Lisa Wallis
student Bob&BobbiDiller Ron & Marilyn King Eleanor Parry
Ray & Martha Waloiski
Larry & Sherryl Dillon Don & Mary Kloplenstein Roger & Rose Phillips
Rebekah Weslley
involvement, Galen & Laura Dolby Nettie Leach Scott & Andrea Preissler
Dorwin Whitenack
Bob & Pat Dunbar Ernest & Mildred Lee 0z2ie & Cleo Purdy Bob & Rosanne Wolfe
interaction, and Keith & Teresa Duncan Dave & Carolyn LeMasters David & Lea Randall Alma Yerks
Ken & JoAnn Dunkelberger Wynn & Bonnie Lembright Daniel & Marsha Reed Gordon & Ruth Zimmerman
Denver & Eleanor Elliott Jack & Cynthia Letarte Jim & Pauline Rhine
Dave & Carol Zoulendam

Alumni Honor Roll of Donors
We are especially grateful for our supportive alumni, presently numbering almost 4,200. Their

continued support of tfie Taylor Fund, capital, endowment, and scfiolarsflip funds allow Taylor
University to maintain fier leadership role as one of the nation's premier Christian colleges.

m 1915 Ida Spreen Jones

Dorothy Collins Miller Winifred Brown
Catherine Chappell Jones
Kennelh Fouike
Madelyn Leak Guindon

Ross McLennan
Roane McClintock Dorothy Hislop Miller
John Murbach
Participation: 100%
Wilson Paul Mina Herman Derby Mildred Huber Lovell Rulh Johnson Hall Lester Michel Pauline Muselman
Iris Abbey
Garnet Williams Rice Mary Deich Forgy Mildred Macy Carol Brown Johansson Donald Miller Miriam Reish Nelson
Lena York Roth Genevieve Cushman Fox Rebecca Wheeler Maxson Gordon Kashner Elizabeth Carpenter Muller Jean Southern Nemore
11 1916 Paul Whitaket Eliza Gould Luther Ration Ruth Prosser Keizer Eleanor Parry Don Odie
Aflhur Hodson Waller Randall A Leroy Keller Jessie Burlner Skinner Irene Talman Pollard
Arttiur Howard Wallace Scea Deane Kilbourne Morton John MaxineDoppRehlIng
1930 St.

Paul lllk Marian Matthew Sleedman Lovina Shupe Kimbel Gail Malsbary Stein Ina Rowell Rocke
Participation: 54%
Rowena Walker Stucky Paul Stuart Harold Lanman Dorothy Anderson Swearingen Mildred BurdonRossel!
1918 Ruby Shaw Bourpuard
Ella Davis Thomas Wirth TennanI Olin Lehman John Tremaine Fred Rowley
Participation: 50% Edna Chambers Chandler
Percival Wesche Margaret Tretz C. Edwin McClarnon W. Erwin Vincent Mary Kendall Sanders
Marie Gibbs Tressler Kenneth Fox
Samuel Wolgemulh Leone Harris Milliner RodahElliotl Welch Frances Guindon Shisler
Cleo Beel<man Weaver Elsie Fuller Gibson
William Moreland Robert Wilcox Kathryn Rupp Short
Inati Masters 1935
Virginia Null Moshier Yaggy Lois Siagle
Lloyd Mohnkern Participation. 63% 1939 Philip
1920 George Nagel Dorothy Ferree Yocom Howard Spitnale
Lillian Morrison Blaine Bishop Participation. 74%
Participation: 50% Evelyn Mudgett Platte Homer & Wynona Dykeman
Jetf Paul Robert Dennis Donald Barnes
Wilma Shields Van Buren
Pauline Collins Rhine Mabel Frey Hensel Maurice Beery
Gwen Niebel Randall J, Ellis & Esther Prosser
Loyal Ringenberg Gordon Herrmann Geraldine Scheel Burnett Participation: 68%
m 1921 Beatrice Patrick Sparks Goldie Crippen lllk Dorolha Crandall Chapman
Maxme Weed Robinson
Virginia Longnecker Shaffer
E. Martin & Rhea Miller
Helen DurlingWhittern
Participation: 50% Mary Ella Rose Sluart Verlin Kruschwitz Howard Eicher Barney
Sherman Spear Mildred Brown Yaggy
Robert Shaw Mabel Gray Wier William McClelland George Guindon Margaret Hyde Behnken
Opal Sprunger
William Williams Clarence Miller Earle Hart Robert Boyd
Ernestine Pask Stephenson
1931 Helen Boiler Myers William & Mary Hess Hoke 0. Carl Brown 1943
John Warner
^ 1922 Participation: 53%
Lois Boslic Nelson
Milton Persons
Alice Holcombe
Francis Holloway
W. Wayne Yeater
Dorothy Brackbil! Buchwalter
Lois Chandler
Participation: 67%
Nelle Leisman Alspaugh
Participation: 50% Bern ice Kendall Anderson
M E Pillman Francis Johannides Albert Clarke James Brown
Mary French Mabuce Alex Bourquard
Smith Culp
Crystal Lockridge Silverman John Jones m 1941 Addison Eastman Martha Gerber Brown
Randolph Webster Ellen
BulhCobyVining Stanley Jones Panicipalion: 78% Margaret Haelner Elliott Gertrude Johnson Clark
Marian Derby
Robert Weaver Edith Persons Korpi William Armitage Eleanor Robinson Fouike Rulh Franks Clark
Ralph Dodge
1923 Merrill Livezey Hope Wiggins Barnes Santord Garrison Myrle Miller Dougherty
Hugh Freese
Participation: 33% 1936 Isabel Baxter Meadows Harold Bauer RuthPatowGepfer Elsie Preslon Drake
Florence Hazelton Hiester
Joyce Spalding Evans Harold & Muriel Sutch Miller James Bell Ruth Roseberry Herber Norma Hoke Fisher
Valla Rayl Johnson Participation: 56%
MarcellaHubner Miller Richard Bishop Naomi Knight Hicks Phyllis Hyde Grove
Mary Miller LeValley Ivlarjorie While Bill
Cyril Persons Rodney Brown Walter Kruschwitz Hamillon
1924 George Lee VanNess & Margaret Cline

Reuben Short Virginia Bunner Arnold Lewis L, Shiri Halheld

Participation: 43% Anita Hauber Leonard Chappell
Alice Butz Uphold Roger Burtner Howard Lyman Kennelh Holdzkom
Winihed Smith K. Edward Maynard Charles & Louise Longnecker
Ruth Imler Vayhinger Earl & F.Eleanor Anderson Gertrude MacDonald H, Wendell Hyde
Florence Welch Squier Cameron Mosser Cookingham
Ruth Anderson Wedet Butz Harley Martin Margaret Muilenburg Lixey
Clarence & Helen Brechbill Esla Herrmann Howard
L.Marshall Welch Melva Bingaman Clevenger Hope Fosnaughl Mathwig Ann Bengslon Lutes
Musser Carmen English Livezey
1925 Martha Mattfiews Wilkinson Edilh Charbonnier Driver Claude Mc Callisler John MalotI
Mary Poling Alvin Strong
Participation: 63% Grace Dourle Wolgemulh Gerald Foster Gordon McDonald Robert McClintock
Marguerite Deyo Pugh R. Rulh TaldotI Welch
Gilbert Ayres Noble Gividen William McKee Vivian Havens McLennan
Donald Rose
Irma Dare
Maynard Ketcham
Hazen Sparks
m 1940 Ruth Grant
Rulh Bingaman Hahn
Alphretta Meginnis

Bernice Greer Meyer

G, Miller

Jeanne Blackburn Pearson

R. Marvin Stuart Participation 58%
J. Laufen Naden Participation: 72% Nettie Lewis Leach Martha Brown Michel Ptiscilla Pallolla Pomarici
Omar Buchwalter
Kattiryne Bieri Sears Roy Ballard Ann Leathers Doris Horn Miller Conrad Rehling
Thomas Chilcote
1932 Belly Peck Bishop Ernest Lee

m 1926 Participation:

Mervyn Boyle
52% Virginia Roysler

Gerald Clapsaddle

Participalion: 62%
Margaret Woll Breen E. Crosby DeWolle
Frances Rowland Haag
Oral S Florence Duckworth Crystal Hawkins Dunn
Charlotte Kaetzel
Vivien Myers Freese Mabel Johnston Fields
Harriet Leisure Naden
Carl Hawkes Rulh Waller Hamann
Doris Atkinson Paul
Mary Rice Hawley Clarence Hamm
Julia Sherbourne
Cecelia Learn Jordan Aileen Catlin Herrmann
Raymond Squire
Reuben Judson Karl Keilh
Dorwin Whitenack
Marguerite Friel Kellner Joseph Kimbel
Howard Young
Fred MacKenzie Elhel York Kleppinger

Albert Mathias John Miller

1927 Mary lllk Mohnkern Theatia Shupe Picklo
Parlicipation: 20% James Rhine Leon Shalter
Elhel Boyer Frank & Alice Bissell Simons Garlield Sleedman
Alma Silzle Leah Loader Thomas Clayton Steele
Paul Stephenson

John Vayhinger
1928 1933
Marjorie MacKellat Wesche
Parlicipation: 41% Participation: 48%
Frances Thomas Allen Stanley Boughton
Rulh Flood Ray Brechbill 1938
Helen Brown Hamilton Merrill Clymef Participation: 58%
Elizabeth Beebe Irish Edwin & Margery Kleineleld E. Lawrence Carman
Susan Breiand Lamb Copper Hazel Buiz Carrulh

Sprague & Dorothy Atkinson Catherine Tatem French Arthur Climenhaga

Willard Elizabeth Sluarl Gates Virginia Cline

Melvina Gleason Wilson P. Ardath Kletzing Hoffmann Emma Alspaugh Copeland

Mabel Kreie Lemke J. Arthur Dahlstfand
Thomas Ted & Dorothy Weaver
1929 C. Lyie

Fred & Ruth Jabberer Vosburg Engslrom

Participation: 48%
Charles Garringer
Mildred Parvin Bastian
Allhea Osborne Catlin 1934 8, Clarice Bell HallasI

Marie Heinemann
Bertha PolliltGilson Parlicipation: 52%
John & Lucille Kruschwitz
Edith Stall Herbert & Roberta Bennetl

Joseph Shisler Marybeth Smilh Hunt EllsworlhRunyon Raymond Wilbur ftoyComslock William Redigei
Joyce HunI Spitnale John Juett Donna Williams Schmidt Josie Adcelson Cramer Wallace Rook
Participation: 48%
Harold & Kalhryn Smilh Gerald Klineteltet Paul Shackley Louise Dawson Rodger & Hasehnod
Bernice Schell Baker 1951 Olive

Springer John Kruschwiti Shirley Holmgren Sheard Pauline Breid Dewey Sctnwt
Florence Branch Bond Parlicipalion: 47%
Joyce Burlner Trumbauer Rollie Leeman John SIrahl Jean Miller Diller RoyShavy
Wesley & Dorothy Horn Bullis Reginald & Flora Adams
Paul Trumbauer Eslher Lewis Martin Shirley Gaetle Svaan Kennelti Duntelberger Margaret Paine Swanson
Mary Brown Calhey Allotd
Paul Williams NIola Holt MetcaK Herbert Wiggins Mariam Senset>ey BgsJi Elotse Gerig Thome
Alyce Rocke Cleveland Dorothy Eells Andresen
Lewis Wilson Kenneth Morse Merlin Wilkins Ruby Enns Mary Wilson Turner
Robert Deich Clyde Augsburger
Fallh Glenwood Wynne Elizabeth Good Owsley Lois Williams Robert Fraser Betty Ihalleio
Monroe Dullie William Berry
Phyllis Martin Younj John Pugh Harold Zart Rudi Endicotl French GlermaPlnnipsWaaiin
Helen Zimmerman Dunham Dorothy Kimball Blomquist
Winlred Pulsiler J, Paul Gentile MadtiaFordyceWeisti
Floyd Emshwiller Reynold Bohleen
Martha Wallace Beit Mary Goodridge David Wheeler
1944 Norma Hickey Fleming 1950 Paul Boyer
Paul Rupp Donald & Dorottry Huflman Donald Wilks
Parlicipalion: 64% Calvin & Belly Coats Fleset Parlicipalion: 40% Paul Bunish
William Siklberg Granitz WilmaAugslurger
Thomas Bailey Catherine Wright Good Marjorie Wyant Anderson Dorothy Butler
John Siner William Hayden Wisdmeier
Warren & June Pugh Bergwall Donald Hubbard Shirley Burmeisler Augsburger Robert Campbell
Warren TropI Richard Hover KennelliWri^
E. C. Bernstorl William Hunt Charles Baker Betty Cole Charles
Paul Yaggy Shirley LundeJacobsen
James Bertsche Don Kloptenstein Harold Beatlje Kenneth Chrislensen
John Kaiser
Marjorie Williamson Brown Ruth Waldin Lintelmann Dama Martin Burkhart Malvin Cofield 1954
Gloria Krebs Kleinhen
Paul Clasper 1946 Vernon Macy Frank & Betty Ireland Carver Marian Munson Collins Participslion: 451
Maurice Lindetl
Nancy Fox Crecrall Participation: 44% Ida Wessman Mannix Bruce Charles Theodore Dexter Sarah Andrews
Herbert Lucas
Edward Eyanicl< Joyce Wentz Bailey Robert Morris Arthur SJeanellen Stewart Dan Esau Joy Arthur
W- Nomian MacFarlane
William & Martha Evers Thelma Drew Beefy Martha Ladd Murphey Christensen Bmce & Ruth Lawrence Prase ShirteyBotileen
E. Don Martin
Raymond Garrett Virgil Bjork Jean Smith Rasmussen Elmer Copley Eugene Friesen Barbara Gordinier Brando
William Malbews
William Green Juai Evans Ruth Brose Rogers J. Robert Coughenour Donavon Gerig Donna Colbert
Harold Matthews
Ralph Johnson LoisGuyant Gallenberger Martha Johnson Strunk Murl Eastman Betty Thompson Getty Richard Corliss
Pauline Getz Medhurst
Josephine Stuart Juett Maufine Carver Holfman Charles Tharp Paul Erdel Ralph Goodell Lila Hansen Cosmades
Darlene Eby Melvin
Martha Leeman Karges Harold Homer Joan Powell TropI Robert Fenstermacher R, James Hagen Harold Draper
Clyde Michel
Betty Weed Kruschwitz Ruth Bergert Messerschmidl Clyde Trumbauer RevaZischke Frees Vilis Hayes Haines Violel GoWsoorthy Fraser
Charles & Marilyn Copley
Janyce Swearingen Lyman Aflouine Hamann Nelson Frances Johnson Willert Barbara Clark Gentile Fenton Hall Ruth Gentile Gearhait
Virgil fylaybray Dorland Russetl Emerald Gerig Avis Morehead Hassel Howard Habegger
Jean Morgan
Phyllis Steinef McCoy Stewart Silver
1949 Wallace Good Utee Clinton Hutchens Mary Von Bergen Hesse
Arthur Muselman
Martha Hulter McDonald ElizabettiStudabaker Carl Hassel Lauradean Snooks Kraklan OIne Holland
Participation: 50% Robert Neely
Bonnie Weaver Odie Alva Swarner Dillon Hess Waller Kregler Theodore Hopkins
Genevieve Beischer Beadle John Nelson
Glendyl Burgener-Jellord Calfierine Hatfield Welty Virginia Gilchrist Hoyt Andrew & Marilyn Shook Robert Hughey
Margaret Sherman Brown Marie Merk Norris
Ostrom Ptiilip Williams Daniel Hutchens Kulaga Forrest SArlene Smilh
Georgia Brown Canedy Barbara Rioux Novak
Kalhryn Tucker Schoen RuttiSteiner Zimmerman Gordon & Helen Turner Dillon Lalfin Jackson
Maurice Coburn Harold Oechsle
Elizabeth Suderman Jensen Andrew & Ella Kincaid David Jones
Albert Cramer James Oliver
Philip Whislet
m 1947 Clyde Decker
Gordon Johnson Lindvall
Grace Kenney Par
Lawrence Ijcour
Agnes Grant Wilson Joy Jessup Jones Calvin & Twyla Bergman Doyle Lehman
Pafticipation: 51% Leon Fennig Jerry Pertain
Donald Yocom Shirley Johnson Kennard Marcum Elaine McNeil Undell
Esttier Bradford Bekaert Gaylord Gerig Jack Ration
Dorothy McFall Zart Elizabeth Lucas Carlene Mitchell Matthews Esther Williams Martin
Russell Clark Inez Gerkin Elmer & Gloria Bridson Regier
Fred & Elaine Millhisler Luthy Erma Gardner McCarthy AlelaMastin
Ruth Coughenour Cox Wanita Sheagley Grainger John Rigel
1945 Clyde Meredith Billy Melvin Max Meier
Gwendolyn Somerville Gerig Carol Brewer Guy Ralph Ringenberg
Florence Smilh Mollnder William Myers Virginia Mrlteil Miller
Participation: 60% Alice Hitchcock Good Ruth Bertsche Hainline Richard Russell
Carl Muselman Jean Possum Nicholsen Gail Brenneman Nichols
M. Wesley Arms Taylor Hayes Robert Henthorn Mary Ktoplenstein Schmidt
William Ng F. James Norris David Pelton
Norman Baxter Gene Gibbs Henthorn Paul Holt Carol Gramlich Scott
Mae Gilbert Pierce Richard & Maty Winters Richard Raby
Gordon Bell William Jones Belly Kinsller Frank Shindo
Virginia VeensiraPieschke Norris Edith Casperson Rediger
Genevieve Shuppert Bertsche LydiaRuppJuillard Eileen Lageer Harley Siders
Elizabeth Stanley Pilkey Miio Nussbaum Vonda Lightbody Rigel
Robert & Mable Busch Gladys Brown Klinefelter Gnellar Chisolm Leeman Carl Siktberg
Lyie Rasmussen E. Herbert Nygren Oral Ross
Bontrager Ruth Schoeppach Klinger Miriam Lilten Long Ray Snyder
Carl Rice Martha Slagg Dechsle Phyllis Snyder Rowe
Lawrence Brown Milton Murphey M. Jean Mosher Morris Joyce Scott Sloner
Wesley Robinson Robert Oil Betty Blom Ruth
Sarah Burden Chrismer WilmaSteiner Petersen Elmer Nussbaum Verna Sleury Tharp
Betty TusantRoehl Everett Parks Richard Steiner
Hubert Clevenger Margie Billet Rich Rhena Fetch Harold Thornburg
Opal Buck Shoemaker William Payne Helen Ballinger Summers
Robert Cox Joanne GrubbsShickley Vernon Petersen
Edward Shy Howard Pearson
W Lee & Ruth Dixon Truman
Robed Tidg««ell
Thetis Eastman Laura Herber Siktberg Marjorie Leary Piter Richard & Pat West Unkenholz
Paul Steiner Robert Pieschke Guyvanna Tmman
Gerald Fisher Jean Hayes Silver C Lennart Poison Gertitt 8. Barbara Knighl
Royal Sleiner Dolly Hoiman Poison WillettaKinterVesl
James Giggy Boyd Skinner Beatrice Chambers Powers Vandenburg
John Svaan David Ralhjen Gerald Welsh
Catherine Hill Groslic DorothyOlsen Van VIeel Frances Prough William Wortman
Dalton Van Valkenburg Ralph Romine John Wheeler
flalph Herber Dorothy Fenstermacher Nerval Rich Ted Wright
Timolhy Warner Frederick Russell Carmen Justice Wilks
E, Jean Holcombe Villwock Ruth SIrohm Robinson
Howard Washburn Tammer Saliba CreightonWoltz
Robert Schenck 1953 Lloyd Wright
Marian Wilson Schindler Participation 43%
Judson Shoemaker Lyie Barren
Ruth Henry Steiner James Beaty
Ruth Muselman Steury Mary Fleming Berry
Jack & Ramona Ferguson
Carroll Stroshine Virginia Lindell Calhcart
Ralph Teuber Gerald Close
Demona Detamore Barren
W David TropI ErnesI Cobbs
Thomas Beers
Elizabeth Brose Van Horn Mary Getow Corliss
Sue Chessman Blair
Donald Walden Lloyd DeLong
Richard Cladr
Lois Weed Eva Dillin
Beulah Meier Coughenour
Valelta Short Werder Jane Ericson Everson
Doris Crawmer
James West Pierre Fisher
Miriam Deyo
Louise Reams Wiggins Rex Geartiart
N Arthur Edslrom
Norman & Eunice Berg Dorothy Burgess Greimann
Stuart Fiase
Wilhelmi David Harvey
Geraldine Gnes Hahn
Harry & Lorna Green William Hesse
V. Kathiyn Brown Henderson
Williams Ralph High
Dorothy Hiatt
JeannetleElissavanAatsI V. Donald Jacobsen
L Norma Holmgren
A. Warren & Esltier Hund
Nancy Jacobson
I 1952 Bonnie Ewing Joumell
John Joumell
Pjrtiapalwn (5% Roselyn Baugh Kerlin
Mary Filch Kaiser
Patrick Bacchus Anna Schwartz Lehman
Fred Kleintien
John Barram Larry Liechty
David & Rebecca Swandet Le
Lawrence Bauer Eloise OlcotI Miller
Joan Beghtel MikeMuri^
James McCallie
Merlin Birtiy Marion Unkenholz Muthiah
Neil McDowell
Marilee Brown Bohleen Arloeen Williams OInrer
Donald McFartand
John Bragg llenePenn
Phyllis Miller Miller
Doris Oswalt Brause Fred Pnnjing
Leon Nicholsen
Richard Btownlield Virginia Moliu Pun>lt
Harold Olsen
Lewis Burns Pat Lucas Rsby
Virginia Balk Pidiering
James Comslock Stanley & Connie Ross Reed


Jane Slenzak Barbara Thurman McQueary Lucille Stem Ulery Gertrude Krein Hampton Oris Reece Lois Staub Deyo

Margaret Cambridge Spring Anita Ford Prinzing Barbara Meyer Warner Dale Hochstettler William Ringenberg Georgia Dodd

Robert Stolier Charlotte Justice Saleska Howard Watson James & Annabelle Amstutz Veryl Roth Adrian Chandler Durham
C. P- Tarl<ington Dorothy lyliller Schroepfer Allan Wilson Humphrey Robert Rudolph E. Byron Fox
Rictiard Turner Delmar Schwanke Robert Wolte Roger Jenkinson Judy Lammon Sampson Anita Weimer Freeman
Margaret Wicliett Vida Ronald Shaw Silas Klaassen Joyce Huehner Chartes French
Failti Dodge Wheeler Curtis &DeLoisStoesz Smith
m 1959 George Klohck
Ash Kundenreich
Scharringhausen David Geddes
Alice Hendrickson Golden
Norman Wheeler Shirley Pletchef Smith Carol R, Larry Smith
Paiticipation: 51%
Donna Wright Wise Ken & Elizabeth Galloway John Lavanchy Karen Cheesman Snider RuthWolgemuthGuillaume
G. William Bartow
Martha Hayden Woodward Stark Manan Lehmer Linhart Ronald Spade Doyle Hayes
Roger Beaverson
Marie Lamb Wright Miriam Gulp Stewart Marjorie Kaufmann Mason Carolyn Haas Sprunger Janel Hardy Hochstettler
Sandra Moore Bedtord
Milsuko Higa Yamaguchi John Stroman Howard Mathisen C. Rex Taylor John Huibregtse
Janet Berst
Rhoda Evans Taylor Peggy Matthews Rachel Howell Tjoelker Marcia Van Doren Jorg
Alice Netzband Boyer
1956 Florence Johnson Thomason Evelyn Pearson McDonald Diane Tenpas Vivian David & Karole Bowen Kocher
Nancy Wittman Brubaker
Virginia Hamilton Tobias Thomas McGeath R.Scott Wilson Roy Krai
Participation: 40% Stephan Creutz
Nancy CimbaloTrotogot Nancy Anderson McMurtry Richard Wise Ronda Hutfer Kunau
Jane Springer Adams Gertrude Dahl
F. Laurence Warner Signe Hansen Meier Robert Larsen
Evelyn McNeil Aichele Lorraine Rioux Dahl
Mildred Andrews Whiteley Helen Padrutt Miller Roxanne Sprunger
Doris Spur Alexander Tracy Davis 1962 Leiciity

Edwin Wiens Millard Niver E. Lewis Luttrell

lona Amspaugh Wendell DeBruin Participation: 35%
Catherine Cecil Norman Joyce Gray MacLeish
Margaret Weedon Barton Patricia Stall Ekiund Patricia Liby Amsluiz
Margaret Bash m 1958 Marilyn Follett
Arthur Norris

John Okesson
Juanita Anthony Anthony
Loretta Thomas Mann
Bonnie Mcintosh Martin
Eleanor Shelley Bayles Participation: 49% Irlene Gierman Glenn Sharon Shannahan Arndt
Mary Oellinger Pahmeier Janice Franklin May
Riley Case Jerry Allred Sherry Perkins Gormanous Sheldon Basselt
Roger Peck Rudy Moberg
Elsa Dahl Carolyn Carlson Anderson David Gustafson Gary Berner
Gordon Polsgrove Sandra Rupp Moeschberger
Bradley Duckworth Beverly Brown Ball Richard Guthrie Sally Sweet Birkey
C. Dexter Rohm Dale Murphy
Evert Ekiund Verle Barrett Geraldine Ensor Hall Robert Blume
F. Marlene Wilcox Roth Everett Myers
A. Kay Brenneman Erb Walters Dolores Thompson Marilyn WilleitHeavilin David & Janet Foltz Bruce
Jonnine McKinley Rumney Evelyn Richards Norris
Delite Lieske Fahl Bauder Carol Coyner Hess Nancy Henderson Chrislensen
Wayne Samson Jane Lunde Pedersen
June Frautschy Stanley Beach Edna Nishihara Holdeman Rex Clouston
David Scudder Luanne Adams Phillips
Virginia SticklenGulick Marilyn Habegger Beaverson Lois Smith Hughes Lorena Armstrong Counts
Larry Sheets Ida Hersey Price Randall Center
Marlene Short Habegger Roland Bertka Waller & Darlene Reimer Kalhryn Heavilin Cutting
Sue Andrews Smith Charles. Ramsay
Robert Hankins Ruth Malson Bishop Huitema Arthur Deyo
Donald Steltz Gloria Gnttin Reading
G Kent Hatfield Jean Watson Carter David Kemp Timothy Diller

Roger Hirschy
Ruth Allspaw Hopkins
Jacqueline Chastain Ingram
Lenore Ringenberg Chernenko
James Dah!
Robert & Betty Davis
Jane Smith Kesler
Charles Kimes
Jack 8, Janet King
Janet GushikenTerui
Carol Howland Thompson
Andrew Trotogot
David Dryer
Raymond Durham
Leona Lewis Ehman
Lawrence Rich
Thomas Ringenberg
Virginia Doctor Roe
A time
Rosalie Closson Valutis Joanne Fox Rostler
Jo Ann Albfecht Kehoe
Joseph Kerlin
Victor Denton

Phyllis Engle
Leroy Kinzer
Rose Isaac Klaassen
Miriam Beers Van Valkenburg
E. Thor Foss
Linda Larsen Fuhrer
JudieOhlrich Rudolph to plant.
Joseph & Carolyn Cloer Robert Seevers
Dorothy Garneh Lehmann Jemima Ensing Delia Koch Tom Gehner
Wagner Dale Senseman
Loren Lindholm Ramon Farley Janel Hartman Kranz Ruth Gehres
Robert Walker Patricia Benson Shannon
Donald Love Ronalds Mary Loomis Priscilla McMahan Kreis Joyce Worgul Guslalson
Larry Weaver Melveta Brake Shutt
Marjorie McCallum Meske Fassett Shiela Kuehnle
Mary HenningWeirick
Donna Ramseyer Hallenbeck
Verlis & Lois McBnde Siusher
Robert Morgan Mary Cavanaugh Fendt Rulh Dillon Lambrighl Delores Steinbach Home
Carol Wharton Jack Souder
Phyllis LantiMorrical Carol Tyte Ferguson John Landon Robert Jackson
Carolyn Bennett Wheeler Kermit & Carol Starkweather this fall, the
Demerit Moher AnnaNewhardFullhart John Lantz Janet Judd Jenkinson
Jerry & Maxine Smith Willman Fred Stockinger
Lorena Smith Murpfiy Roger Gerig Naomi Sipe Lehman June Kearney
Ruby Moser Neuenschwander Gwen Davies Gettmann Dale Linhart
Roger Winn
Tal Keenan
Calvin Tysen Randall
LeahMedvidofskyWoltf Ronald Van Dam
Kan On George Glass Grelchen Miller Loomis Al Kundenreich
William Worth Mary Baker Whitehead
Phyllis Osbom Kedwin Graber Raymond Merz Janet Mendenhall Lanier
MarthenaRawlings Wilder
John Pelrotf Ralph Gyde Gloria Shepherd Nelson Kathryn Stewart Leonard
Jennifer Fierke Wilson
Velma Vernier Rediger Russell Hamilton Betty Egeberg Olsen ff 1961 Carolyn Woltgang Lewis Studies Center
Douglas Wood
James Robertson G. Arthur Hansen Frances Murphy Petrolt Participation: 40% Philip Loy
Lorraine Lindholm Ryberg Larry Harper Judy Weber Polsgrove JohnAlfleck Carl Lundquist
is unique
Evangeline Thomas Smith Austin Havens Cleo Murdoch Purdy Wayne Augustine Mary Weidler Lyons m 1964
& Doris Starner Donald & Miriam Hedrick Nancy Lindgren Rohart Richard Baarendse Rodger Martin 36%
Jarvis Steiner Martin Hess R, Waldo Roth Harold & Sarah Gove Beat Donald & Janice McDougall

Sharon Dalberg Anderson

among facilities

Wendell & Diane Beghtel True Jane Vanzant Hodson Wayne Rowell Audrey Berndt Donald Miller Ronald Angerer
DianKriderWilkey Karen Kelly Hosman Russell Ruch Judy Hoffman Bontrager Patricia RutenachI Mochel Elaine Springer Anspaugh
at undergradu-
Ronald Woodward Verna Isaac Thomas Rumney R. David & Joan Gratfis Boyer Melvin Moeschberger Mary Schneider Augustine
Robert Wright Jay Kesler Nancy Rowley Rupp Stanley Burden JuneNilsen G.Stevens Baker ate institutions
Dawn Shumaker Kinzer Joseph Smith Gary Cooper Connie Peck Margaret AnemaBarnhart

1957 Dons McBride Knoblock Sue Gorrell Smith Sharon Buckels Creutz Gary Pelzold John Battice nationwide. The
Elsa Anderson Kroger Barbara Udisky Stigleman Lucille Entz Oilier Anita Van Winkle Rice Phyllis Dye Bedi
Participation: 46%
Roland Sumney Sharon Rupp Ehresman Roger Roth Barbara Brown Bender
Joyle Allen
Rolf Larsen
Center offers
Orlan Lehmann Leif & Marjorie Starkweather Ruth Schinkel Falk Martha Dunn Russell David Bingeman
Mary & Ben Allison
William Loewen Tetdal Gary Forbes Tamara Schiiko M. Rosalie Bowker
Joyce Bowen Ancil
John Louthain Mary Maynard Theaker Barbara Hanawalt Ford J William Schneck Carolyn Williamson
Dorothy Brown Arthur
WilmaVanderbie Lubbers Robert Trout Mariene Silvis Georgia Janet Spitler Senseman Burkholder
Ann Nishihara Ayabe
Arlene Lundquist Art Turner Jerry Goss Barbara Archer Silvis Ann Newsom Bush education and
Ruth Unkenholz Case
Gail Malmsberry Ronald Valutis Constance Grant Green Carlton Snow Walter Campbell
William Chapman
Kenneth & Joy Hainline Gladys Haakonsen Westerberg Dona Hess Green Ruth Strong Dan Carpenter training for
Waller Chernenko
McGarvey Rosanne Shippy Wolte Charles & Patricia Hard Griftin Ned Stucky Suzanne RulenachtCorkill
Mildred McMurtryCopeland
Dwight Meier Mari Mieno Yamaguchi Marjone Chitwood Hamilton James & Frances Woy David Cutting students rooted
Mary Oavies
Kathleen Dilley Miller Harold Hatcher Terhune Daniel Dew
R. E. & Nancy Delay Dodge
Paul Millikan Garth Irey Joyce McClurg Todd David Dickey
Sylvia Mines Duckworth 1960 in and respon-
Eloise Van Natia Moore Lois Kedge Jackson Jonell Willis Van Dam Dartene Oriscal-Krebs
William Dvorak Participation: 45%
Eleanor LaughlinMorey Robert & Margaret Tatem Elaine BrunzVandermeulen Mary Ellen Matthews DuPree
John Ehresman
Anita Callaway Morris
Joyce Morgan Bales
Jackson David Williams Don & Nan Buecker Fancher sive to the
David Paris KathyLauberBlume
Judith Shater Needier Paul Jorg Mozelle Williams David Forbes
Paul Fendt
Bonnie Freese Pickering
William Klinger Beverly Horn Zell Deanna Mayne Francis command to
Rot]ert & Joan Lloyd Gilkison Joan Haaland Britlon
Alex Ramos Hubert Kuhn Nancy Ackerman Frederick
Robert Granville Doris Kocher Browning
Judith Kondey Harvey
Elton & Barbara Lawrence
Rosemary Harper Bucy
L- Ellen Tucker Lail
11 1963 John Freeman serve as
Rose Ruth Stockinger Meyerholtz Barbara Davis French
Carl Holinga Betty Augustine Burden Participation: 34%
Gene Rupp Carl Mickley Marsha Ekiund Geddes
Arvid Horn Gloria Moennig Carey Lois Jackson Austin caretakers of
Joyce Shick Schwanke Sally Runyon Mitllestedt Norma Hill Gehner
Joyce Kaufman Curtis Carter Elsbeth Baris Baarendse
Jean Lehman Sheets Janice Miller Myers David Gelwicks
John Key Earl Chrislensen Maxine Steury Balkema creation.
Carole Shoup Smith Roberts Barbara Jacobson David Golden
Jane Pel rceLesh CaronGillig Dvorak Carol Ellis Baughman
Suzanne Kuhn Smith Olson Stanley Guillaume
Rita Gefhardt Lindholm Robert Dvorak Marilyn EllettBlom
Nelda De Long Sonday John Oswalt Richard & Marie Raese
Blanche Burwell Louthain Charles Ford Timothy Burkholder
Arlene Frehse Spade Leah Yeley Parson Gunderson
Barbara Benjamin Love Robert Freese Paul Carlson
Lois Weed Stoker Sara Peck Roy & Lynne Osberg Hagen
Elaine Schrader Luce David & Dorothy Brunner Jacob Chan
Takako Kokame Tanaka Irvin Polk Linda Stanton Harmon
Barbara Anders Maggart Gehres Martha Niver Clever
Marilyn Holloway Taylor H, Fred Pomeroy Carol Haught Headland
Janet BenningMarquardt Jan Huffman Glass Janet Smith Cummins
Irvin Thompson J. Franklin Pyle Suelyn Satterlee Heth
Sarah RoushMcMillin Evalyn Deyo Hadley Sterling Davis

Jonalhan Hildebrandl Robert Ransbotlom Judith Paulson Woods RoyFlanary Orlena Rahei Klireieaar
Todd Hinkle Yvonne Rosecrans Robert Frey Ma/kKarts Thomas & Linda Hotliman
James Howell Beverly Petterson Scott Priscitia Hamilton Ganwood Margo Williamson Kraus
1967 Kellei

Allen Kallmann Gary Shuppert Bruce Gee Eugene Kent Carol Kubik
Participation. 30%
Jeneane Lomax Kindinger David & Constance Charlene Phillips Getz David Lorenc Melvin & Judy Lrach
Richard Anderson
Judith Fink Kirsch Cuthbertson Slater Eugene & Marylou Habecker Eane & Jessie Randolph Lusk Donna Trumbauer Loscti
Carol Marshall Ashman
Donald Knudsen JudsonSprunger Patricia Fields Harl Maria Mancini Cheryl Fridstrom Mahoney
Carol Payne Reals
Bruce & Carolyn Martin Konya Laron Thompson Gayle Acheson Hey Nadine Harris Marshall- Sieve Manganeilo
David Bowermeisler
Phoebe Dew Law Barbara Butman VanVessem J. James Jerele Wagner Jeanne Bankes Marino
Stephen Bowman
Daniel MacLeish Joseph & B. Elaine Shugarl Ronald Johnson Margaret Metcalf McClelland Pamela SdirediMcOanel
Carol Stfoup Buwalda
Rtioda Grosser Mackenzie Vandegrilf Cheryl Helle Jones Gordon Mendenhall DonhkLennan
Beverly Boldt Carlson
Marion Meeks Gordon Vandermeulen LiisaGreensteinKaminski Janet Michel Coteen Myeis Midmod
Peter Carlson
Lyndon Merkle Fred Walthouf Priscilla Arnold Keller Robert Midwood Lee Myers
MarciaSlosson Clark
Stanley Meyer Marilyn LakeWatkins James Linkenback Michael Miley Judith Nasialia
Robert & Sharon Connor
Helen LaDuke Miller Judith StarnsWillard Gary Lybarger E. AnneMoudy B. Peart Poc
Richard Cummins
Terrell Minks James Woods Bonnie Bennett Lynch Diane Kuhn Mundy Joseph Prilhrtz
Warren Day
Louis & Patricia Patterson Margaret Weiland Marsh Stephen & Diane Lundquist Dee & Ruby Pinlenney
Lonna Setser Field
Molic Barbara Coffing Matthews Oldham David Pyfe
1966 Rila Johnston Freer
LaMoine Motz Darrell & Leslie Mayne Mary Hicks Palmer Ruth Ijughlin Rehm
Participation. 42% Charmaine Elliott Freeze
Elizabetti Milter Nelson Marilyn McQueen Cynthia Moser Petgrem David Rich
Svend Abrahamsen Paul Frykholm
James & Dara Epp Peters Linda Kemmer Nash John Porter Elisabeth Koppin Rictnet
Sandra La Rose Andresen Richard Graffis
Wilbur S Gloria Callaway F, Williams Carolyn Knighl Made Pride Joyce Rinter
D James Barton Richard Graham
Regier Parman J Richard Pyle Walter RotHson
David Baugh Richard & Bonni Gygi
Ttiomas S Elizabeth Mighells Richard Peterson Nancy Wilcox Rockwood Joe & Carol Luginbill Romine
KarinHosackBergwall Claire Johnson Hallman
Schlee Wesley Rediger Philip Ross BrendaGlselRoiiell
Joyce Johnson Bowling Paul Hanson
Marily Miller Schneck Janet Doherty Ross Mary Slelma Rust William Salstey
Sandra Wonderiy Bowman Michael Hey
Ronald Scott Alan & Jo Liechty Rupp Joan Schaible Patricia WaidlSeilieft
Dennis Buwalda Carolyn Kraner Highley
J, Vergil Siberal Christina Benson Sargent Kathleen Sears Bumede Shilling
Edgar Cline Marilyn SerpeJellison
Dan & Janet Tucker Smith Donald Schaffer Sharon Leach Seebergef Kenneth Soper
Mark Clough Gene Keller
Paul & Nancy Badskey Dan Schar Robert Shatter Stephen Stone
Barton & Marilyn Stucky Kathleen Kubik
President Bush extends Spurgeon Jon Schubert Herbert Shaw Russell Stover
Comstock Judy Landenberger
words of thanks. Joyce Rouse Steyens Harry Shepler James Sicber Howard Taylor
Lois Horst Cox Ben Lester
Marjorie Carlson Swisher Karen Boyer Shortenhaus Nancy Ransbottom Smith John Terttune
Marjorie Neuenschwander Donna Fridstrom Lindell
Darleen Mills Tector Georgia Modjeska Showalter Ellen Ridley Smyth Cheryl Ashby Thomeil
Culbertson Jerald & Janet Aichele Lindell
Stanley & Janet Richardson William Siepel Jill Shulet Taylor Richard & Lynn Trapp

A time Thompson
Peter Valberg

Bonita Garard Van Der Kolk

Helen Barkes Cutshaw
Judith Dick
Joellen Rice Linkenback

Robert Lovell
Jeanne Hawk Mathias
Gordon Smith
Dowden Simmonds

Edward Smyth
Charles &
Donald Whittaker
Stephen Wilcox
Connie Webber Catherine Kult Trevithick

Douglas & Barbara Wills Carolyn Oman Norquist
to heal. Jack VanVessem
Glenis Sandlord Walker
Dickinson Ronald Philpot
Michael Sonnenberg
Karen YountStoltz
Timothy Wilson
Robert Witmer
Lee Weiss
Mary Knight White
William Downs Beth Preston
Marijane Ritter West Oralee Wauteriek Thompson Robert Wolgemuth Marti Wilson
Mary Lou PiegnetDye David Randall
George Williamson Douglas Trevithick
Susan Rosberg Emerson Nelson Rediger
Larry Winterholter Jere Truex
Frances Weiss Fach Linda Butman Reece 1970 1971
tvery day Ruth Walker Wood
Karen Dahlslrom Festa Judy Johnson Roth
Elaine Dupuis Walker
Participalion: 30% Pmiapatim 33%
Sandra Way
Kent Fishel Lifaby Jackson Roush Joan Alexander Nancy Anderson
Taylor students Wayne Wegner
1965 Elizabeth CiintFlanigan Jack Rozelle John Anderson Philip Arnold
Sheldon Wiens
Participation: 39% Ruth McDonald Fouse Dale RusI Barbara Bill Rachel Bailey
Theodore Wood
with servants' Norman Andresen Donald Francis Darlyne Young Saldan Janice Deurwaarder Boyd Donald Bakke
Donalds Priscilla Wynkoop
M. Dennis Austin Dee Friesen Janet Schantzenbach Paul Braman Timothy & Diane Bardsley
Dawn Singley Zetto
hearts involve Stephen Bedi Norman Guillaume Carolyn Breedlove Schwartz Dale Brown Michael Beck
Gary & Sheffyl Hatton Susan Hamilton Beverly Gnade Seifert Robert Brown William Beck
Bowman Onley Heath Sally Zart Shell 1969 Ronald Bruno Marsha CortI Becker
themselves in
Rutti Reger Buell Joan Nelson Horn Richard Sherman Participalm:31% William & Suzanne Kathiyn Costing Best
Dorothy Pile Campbell Karen Plueddeman Horsey David Showalter Dan & Vicki Alley Caiderwood JohnBonham
ministry Mary Baker Campbell Roberta Sheesley Hunsberger Marjorie Schippers Smith Marilyn Randall Anderson Carol Hilt Carrier Grelchen Mooney Bruno
Edwin Cfiappell Steve Huser Donna Van BuskirkSnell Pamela Ogg Barton Dennis Cart Bnxe Caldenvood
outreach to Daniel & Sara Guynn Darby Roberta Alter Johansson Kathryn Myers Snell Irvin Behm Paul Challgren Robert Canida
Jeanne Desposito Don Jones Charles Stevens R, Randolph Behnken James Cochran Lucy Millei Can
members of the Julia ThorneDrozda Judy Englund Kastelein Gayle Hansbrough Terjung Nancy Ell Bensley Cynthia Coulter G. RossChenol
Martin Earnest Beverly Cauble Klepser A. Gordon Thiessen Charles Bowman William Dickson Arleen Conrad

local commu- Thomas Ebright Sharon OestreJcher Kotapish Margo Dreyer Trout R- Devee Boyd Helene Murtin Diller Peggy Lortz Copplet
Kenneth Flan igan Ronald Krege! Richard Walker Betty Graftis Brandenberger Ruth Jones Dollens Janet Head Dale
Palricia Carlson Garrard Carol Hellrick La Grange Cheryl Wehling Kenneth Brix Gerald Eash Heather Ewbank Day
nity. The White Jack Given Charles Leach Barry & Phyllis Grimm Webrle Marcia Hendrickson Burden Janice Adams Elslon Larry Dillon
Joyanne Plummer Gustalson Suzanne Peterson Lindgren William & Linda Sweet Philip Captain Linda Sheiey Erwin Rebecca Embry Douglas
House honored Althea Steele Haight Elaine Willis Long Williams Andrew Dale Keith Euler Ronald & Margaret Oubach
James & Becky Beitzel Elsie Fogle McAlexancJer Kenneth & Sharon Osterhus Daniel Dame Ann Van Omum Fackler Gary Evans
that spirit of Hamilton Mary Eversden Meeks Wolgemuth Barbara Phinney Day Catherine Eger Fetters Rebecca Rupp Flagel
Joyce Knell Hooper Rebecca Harvey Moore Susan Gardner Wood Robert Diller Rebecca Huey Piter Franklin Fonnan
volunteerism in Barrett Horn Jerald Norquist Ray Woodcock Donald Dunkerton Kay Davis Frey Sandra Bennett Gephart
David Horsey Ronald Oakerson Merna Zimmerman Eisenbraun Ruth Mlkaelson Gee Linda Long GlDonJ
Treva Davis Howard Ronald Parker
1968 Anita Richards Ellenberger Robert Gnade Tommy Gilmore
naming Taylor's
Eunice Wollf Howell David Peterson Renee Burkhalter Emrick Evangelynn Dowden Graves Nancy Fiy« Gnade
Participation: 31%
Kurt Hunsberger Sally Dunwoody Peterson Tom Essenburg Richard Gray MktaelGoble
Community Judith Boyko Imperial Terry Porter
Susan Peterson Adams
Tony Gadon Janice Soldner Grindle Cheryl Gottfried
William Andrews
Daniel Kastelein James Rahn Lauralee De Bruyn Gates Dale Guhse Harold Habecker
Janet Colwell Barone
Outreach Joyce Helm Kuhn Roberta HIatt Rice Lester Gerig Anita Schwartz Habegger Susan Kiel Mall
Robert Barr
James Lindell James & Marietta Richard Charles Gilloid Stevan Haillich Virginia Miner Kaokins
Leslie Bartlett
program the John Losch John Roush
Sharilyn Barton Baugh
Ann Glazier Kay Knappenbetger Timothy HeBenltaget
Palricia Carson Lundquist Karen Huston Russell Mary French Grobis Heltenlrager ChattesHess
Jack Baumgardner
763rd Daily Dorothy Hess Lultrell Mary Porter Said Susan Wenzel Groiranes BniceHess June Hunt Hess
Sally Thoma Beers
James MacLeish Gloria Gates Schaller Marilyn Hay Habeckef Linda Doetr Hicks Karol Koehler Hess
Cheryl Spangle Bougatsos
Mary McDonald Massongill Irma Heiss Schar James Hall Dianne Gates Hlestand Sally Hall HeydlaufI
Point of Light for Diana Bueker
R, Eugene Maslin Robert Schmitz Braden Hamilton Karen Hovey John Hicks
Ronald Clark
Ruth Ann McCallum Barbara Gregor Schultz Richard Hardesty Ciaig & Marilyn Hubler Ruth Kimmel Higginbotham
the Nation this Bonnie Rauch McCullougli Trumbull Simmons
Rebecca Nunley Clough
Diane Powell Hawkins Stephen HuHinan Phoebe Gardner Hoflrage
Gladys Connor
James Ivlillef Jeanette Wood Sommers G Scott Hawkins Bany Humble Jo Milks Holden
R. Richard Cor>'
spring. Lynn &lrmgafdHolz Miller Margaret Hiatt Sprunger Robert & Kalhrvn Baldwin Roderick Huston Walter Hooper
Theodore Cryer
Nancy VerdellMoiler Jeanne Rupp Stautler Hayes Janet ConlinJeBrey Ruth Jushce Jeremiah
Carolyn Gtegler Cunningham
Richard Newton Kenneth Taylor Maicia Hayden Headiey Frederick Jenny Patricia Watts Johns
Dennis Dawes
Charles Paxlon Pal Nacey Thiessen Donald & Suzanne Hemin Roliert Jones Candaoe Baiter Jones
Deborah Oiemer
Carollyn Saxton Peerman Kenneth Walker John Mollis TenyJoidan Thomas & Carolyn Sparks
Daniel & Nancy Duchardt
Richard Peterson Carolyn Borg Webb Diana Beer Humble Dwighl Kay Jones
Robert & Jane Darling Quell
Toby Andrevre Peterson Mary Winter Wiebers Charles daggers Mary Cracium Key Phyllis Redding Keesling
Laraine Belz Dunmire
Gene Plalte Lynne Fridslrom Winterholter

Melanie Hawks Kemp Marjorie Imel Pamela Carter Kaye Frank Volh
Larry Klineleller Mark Sakula Rex Hudleson
Thyra McBrayer Jacobs Stacy Clark Betsy Clark Tomblin
Christine Knapschaler Darlene Seifert Salsbery
Martha Slone Kreps Johnson Carol Ives
Betty Donna Duren Clough Hughes Dale Van Valkenburg
Martha Kaller Lam Whitenack Audrey Satterblom
Richard Jones Sue Rohrer Hunt
Earl Copeland Rita Olson Wiley Jenniler Wysong Vance
Martha Hogan Lauber Letia Jones Jordan
Armeda Sawmiller James Isham
Arthur Colant Joseph Wise Meri Mayhall Weslberg
Cynthia Lislenfell Law Brian Secor
Philip Karl
Paul Cox Jerome Jacks Debra Price Wilson
Steven Zerbe
Karen Hall Lemke Bradley Shrock
Kathleen Kitzmann Ronald Cress Frances Janowicz Stenley Yoder
Judy Martin Zimmerman Lucile Snyder
Ronaiti Liechly Lonnie Taylor Krumroy Arthur
Vernon Dunmire 8. Linda Lolt Jones Carol Reece Zoutendam
Elizabeth Discherl Liesener Jonathan Lauber
Daryl Koeppen Sowers David Kaiser
Charles Engle
Janel Moss Little Joy Landis Lavender Julie Ringenburg Essenburg
1974 DavidS Donna Steiner Martha Koppin
Susan Slone Lo Presto Melvin Leaman Parlicipalion: 31% Dennis & Susan Schroeder Donna Burling Kruse
David Euler
Mary Johnson Lowe Lawrence Lemke Randy Aalbreglse Stevens Karen Fosnough Let(
Parlicipalion: 29%
Melody Ruyle Evers
Raymond Maddox Tod Lemons Joyce Day Accavallo Kathryn Lesher SIrapp
Maureen Bugge Lewis Kalhleen Sakula Abbott
Roberta Kitley Fowler
Richard Matchette Lee Lewis Rick Adams William & Angela Sturgeon Rick Lichtenberger Stephen Amerson
Esthet Meyer Futrell
C Lynne Dudek Miller Robert Lewis Bruce Anderson Victoria Swegles-Globke Debra Lawrence Lietzke Patricia Jacobs Anderson
Richard Garton
Beth Smith Moeller Linda Aull Liechly Kathleen Atkinson Arnold Donna Thomas Toll Connie Hall Lightfool James Barnum
Brad Gerlach
Craig Moore Janis Bragan Balda
Bruce Torgersen Dwighl Lubansky Cecil Bergen
Robert Livingslon Terry Giggy
Ted Mosef Nancy Jane Bametl Nathan Tropf Stephen Berwager
Marilyn Bloom Lubenow Norman Gundersen Beniamin & Darlene Master
Richard Myers Brian Kathleen Bogue Ukslins Laurie Bobbitt
Bradley Ludwick Samuel Hadley Behnken Mannix
Neal & Karen Isselee Newell David MacRae Paula Judith Vandermeulen
Allen Malhis Deborah Ruegsegger Bonham
John Hall
Siritlter Black
Thomas & Patricia Blue Norris Timothy Mann William Blanchard Gary S Rosalie Robinson Jan Coombs McCrory Marcia Geyer Bowden
Paul Hamann
Gayle OtI Janel Rogers Matthews Bonnie Brotherton Waller Karen French Steven Brogan
Connie Mignerey Hanson McMahon
Elizabeth Weyeneth Petersen James & Janel Goulooze Roxy Watson Norma Skyles Brown
Robert Maxwell Jane Stoops Harshman Gary Melzenbacher
Leslie Van Deusen Philpol George McFarland Brown Beverly Chalman Whiteman Thomas Cathy Bruhn-Rusnak
Diane Van Valkenburg Herris Miller
Joyce Kegg Pinkham James McFarland Guthrie Castle
Joyce Perry Winkler W Rebecca Burgoon
Linda Hilbert
F, Alexander Moir
Rhotia Leistner Pinto J. Michael 8, Beverly Gooit Craig Challgren Deborah King Winter E, Stephen Mortis David & Connie Abbott
John Hill
James Postlewaile McGowan Faye Chechowich LaDonna Filburn Wise Keith Mostad Conant
David Honan
Nanci Henning Pyle Robert & Janice Jeanine Donald & Ellen Morgan Yerks Beverly Confer Nay Sally Netzell Conklin
Miller Jane Ramsey Hopper & C Gregory Childs
JoAnn Kinghom Rediger Cynthia Nader Moore Melvin 8, Wendy Christiansen Rila Shroyer Zerbe Christian Newell
Christine Daugherty Cool
Jay & Martha Schrader
Meegan Weyrauch Reidy Judy Provinse Moser Gary Clark Raymond de la Haye Johannah Oliver
Terry Daniels
Deborah Daniel Reinljold Pamela Wonderly Muschara Judith Petersen Colant Deborah Koons Charles Dehaan
Susan Hutchison Olt
Stanley Rich Scott Dissinger
Roger Olsen Jane Tatsch Ingram Daniel Craig 1975 Kirk & Sharon Parr
Gary Rickner Rick Olson J. Dean Criss Sandra Schoenhals Patterson Janel Briner Douglas
Geraldine Covert Jenny Parlicipalion. 33%
Pamela GoeschI Robb Kalhryn King Duncan
Kenneth Oman Earl Jordan Linda Cummins Ellen Bromley Adams
Barry Pavesi
Jane Richards Rosenlreter fvlary Mieike Parrish Coralyn Daniels Arthur Pelton Cindy Durr
J. Daniel Jorg Janice LaBeur Allen
Ted & Lana Schwartz Syd Paul Kent Engle
Helen GieglerJugenitz Gloria Cox Dinse Susan Baut Beatty Trudy Plelcher
Robert 8, Carole Spina R, Kim Vaughn Janet Collings Drayton Alice Himebaugh Polston James S Angela Fansler
Phillips Brian Justinger Marilyn Taylor Bennett
Lawrence 8, JoAnne Powell Barbara Tatter Dreibelbis Steven Powers Richard & Beth Farb
Paul King Leiand Boren
Robert Shoemaker Joan Provinse Martha Wilson Dubbert Pamela Ware Prinlup Charles Fennig
Kenneth & Vickie Stockman Craig 8i Susan Bugno
Merrill 8, Barbara Skinner Christie Luellen Fouse
Susan Nussbaum Rayls Marian Perren Erickson Jeanne ScheriingCanham Paul Puntenney
David Sorensen James David 8, Carol Jernberg
Stephen Reash Robert Krumroy Fair
Randy S Kalhy Clarkson Darrel & Peggy Riley
Patrick Sprunger Franson
David Julie Reeves Jo Calhoun Farweil Roy S Marabelh Johannes
Kathleen McLennan Legel Mark 8, M Susan Conrad
John 8, Edith Shugarl Sliner Joan Grondahl Rich Louis Gallien
Karen Hardy Lockhart J. Allen Feeley Nancy Welsh Cook Ringenberg
Diane Millet Slone Ruth Murdock Robinson June Fenlon Kenneth Roath Christie Myers Garrett
Jerry Lugbill W, Marshall Cool
Karen Anderson Slowers
Charles Roney Mark Francis Pamela Ritchie Roesch Roger Getz
Philip 8, Susan Farb Luginbill Philippa Ellzrolh Culley
Rochelle Gibson Tabor R Randolph Linda Troilo Gerig Trudy Myers Rose Cynlhia Wallace Gillan
8. Bonnie Rumble Carole Pickering MacRae Dale Duncan
William Toll
Robert Schoenhals Linda Gundlach William Rosser Wendell Goad
Karolyn Knutson Manganello Mark & Judilh Oyer Dungan
Carol Wood Watton James 8 Bonnie Gordon
Brian & Sandra Scholl Dennis McBrier Kathleen Minatck Hall Nancy Ousckas Gregory F
Nancy Fuson Watson Candace Kiess Schreck Vivienne Smith Hall Bruce Rupp Dale Grimes
Gary 8, Heather McPherson Peter Dybvad
Rebecca Wilson Geollrey Schwartz Kalherine Hays Hess Kathleen Sonnenberg
Gary 8, Barbara Briggs
Terry & Constance Gordon Roy Finkenbine Rupp
Janet Berry Wolverton Jim Schweickart Guenther
Rebecca Landis Hill Denise Fix Marilynn Cariine Rupp
Gary Young Sharon Tucker Secor Cynlhia Peterson Brian Sauer Sherryl Kortmacher Haines
Vickie Haillich Miller Hillier James Forge
Diane Livingston Seltzer Thomas S John S Joyce Rulzen Schwenk John Hall
Kenneth Narvesen Janice Blue Holmes Jerry Garretl
Stephen Henry
1972 Van Shank Susan Rychener Netf Philip Hollje
V. Anne Renbarger Garver Randall Sellhorn
Gary Horning Alan Herriman
Calhryn Ito Shilling Rodney Shaler
Participalion: 38% Craig Nelson Susan Weiss Giggy
Ronald Hudson Kalhryn Klosterman Herrmann
Christine Rulzen Anderson Sandra Kashian Sieber Roberta Franke Norton LuAnne Starkey Gordon Merianne Cripe Shatter
Michael Simone Lawrence HunI Deborah Sleighl Elizabeth Amber Hollman
Gayle Arnold Rachel Holloway Oban Sylvia Cameron Gosztyla
Douglas Smith Eric & Susan Jarboe Barbara Chalman Smith
Wendy Feick Hummel
Thomas & Elaine Ballard Gayle Oldenbusch Marilyn Jones Gould
Jeanine Flaherty Isham
Nancy Wollt Bastian Rebecca Smith Leah Powers-McGarr Joel S Diane Nania Johnson Linda Hess Hageman
Linda CallanI Smith
Janet Schneider Sonnenberg Jehrey Johnson
Richard Becker James Parsons Wendell Johnling Thomas Catherine Sparks
Nancy Spaulding Beverly Hardiman Jones
Karen Nyslrom Beechy Carol Manning Patterson Wesena Adcock Jordan Paul Haines Susan Beam Sprunger
Charles Slaulfer Pamela HoyI Kammel Janis McElhinney Keenen
John Pinkham Ginger Guzi Handy Timothy Sutherland
Bari McCracken Behnken
Jettery Keplar
Candis Hooper Bensley Alan & Susan Koerner Sulton James Prins Sally Bosch Kline Thomas Hanover Ann Cookson Swanson
Debra Swilzer Curtis Knorr Mark Terry Chel LeSourd
Donna Stern Bolesta Sherry Ralslon Reash Kenneth Hardley
Paul Taylor Susan Shatter Kohoul Marlow Thomas Gary Lett
Sharmin Drake Brenneman Beth Slebbins Rediger Timothy Herrmann
Gail Roessler Loehr
David Brown Donna Sampson Trexler Tim Rietdort
Gundar Lamberts Peggy Douglas Chanller & Marcia Cripe
Ronald Ukslins David Donald Marcum
Donna Kouwe Captain Warren Ring 8i Joyce Leach Lawson Martha Dillon Hogue Thompson
Richard Veth Nancy Baker Lewis Sheri Poehler
Rae Crisi Massie
John Carlson Adele Courtney Roney Thompson
Allen Volh Paul Lighdoot
Carol Hitchcock Chenol Joe Rupp
John Douglas Wendl Timothy Salsbery Timothy Lockhart
8. Janet Clarkson
Sleven Whiteman Janet Macy MacKinney
Stephen Clough Thomas Schreck
Margaret Earl Copeland
Terry Willis
Deborah Speedy Schweickart Joseph Manilold

Edward Dillin
Cynlhia Quick Wilson Craig Seltzer Paul Mc Kinney

Keith Barbara Dunkel

Barbara Gardner Wolgemuth
Sharon Duane Meade
8, Sites Shoal
Lynetle Carlson Duplain
Timothy Voder John Slocum Kathy Miller-Hewes

Barbara Mitin Einhardt

Roger Zimmerman Marjorie Livingslon Smith David Moolenaar

Suzanne Wills Joan Smith Sorensen Deborah Seamands Mostad

Carolyn Barton Murtge
Robert Evers 1973 William Sowers
Jane Falion Richard Slellen James Nelson
Parlicipalion: 37%
Barbara Van Alden Fraker Lois Beavers Steiner Timothy Nelson
Jacqueline Nussbaum
Wayne Dara Apel Sterling Debra Neuenschwander
Sharyl Farrier Godlrey Judy Stephenson Sally Roach Nicholson
Stephen Allen Steller

Kenneth Greene Barbara Fesmire Stevens

John Norris
Lucelte Dektuyter Bamlord
Ronald Hall Suzanne Surber Gloria Nussbaum
J. Stanley & Jennie Banker
William Oliver
John S Gail Heere David Beechy Charlotte Davis Surles

William Heinrich Russell Sutton

Christine Edmonds Ozbutn
Cathy Newland Biglin
Mary Plelcher Hess Richard Taylor Georgia Paul-Miller
Debotah Briggs Bloomgren
Nancy Dylhoff David Janet Pielrini
Hill Thomas Bookstaver Donna Allmann
8. Terry
Richard Dennis Thompson Jacqueline Macy Pointer
Theodore Bowers
Thomas Bruce Pratt
Hollrage Gloria Conrad Bowman
Louise Thompson
Marcia Pugh
Vicki Bacon Holden Cynlhia Briggs
William Thompson
Glenn Rathke
Sleven Howell
Deborah Carnelix/Needler Daniel Tomano
Keith Rich
Diana HursI Hullman Ronald Carrothers Carol Barton Tropf
Jehrey Rocke
George Hutchison Lisa Lee Cart John Tyson
Steve Roesch
David Voris
Douglas Rupp

Danielle Messinger Malhls Slewen Fteese Nancy Burnham Sturm Constance Johnson Michael Kinzet Steven Haun rnutiyS Diana Bemell
James McCrory Thomas Gearhart Renee Purser Taylor Nancy Swanson Johnson Doreen Korfmacher Kevin Heiser Davis
Ralph Mello Karen Hoyt Gorman Charles Tripple Rick Jones Gordon & Ruth Krueger Michael & Jane Croner Brian S Dona DaKS
Shirley Marsh Melz Donald & Janet Granilz Thomas Tropf Elvlda Kastelein Robin Westervelt Kuhn HelhKge CtvislineLatsonDEMaan
Karen Melzier G. Douglas Greenwood Laurie Robinson Turnow Mark K Inzer Elizabeth Burdick Kuiper Kattileen Co<1( Hoflman Maiy Broknl Detiaan
Janet Kirkpatrick Thomas Gross Joan Olson VanderSchaal Linda Turner Kline Denise Gehdie Lane LeeHoldenen CttaitalFleictiei Diedrich

Midtllesworlh Rebecca Delcamp Hall JohnVignali Sandra Siroup Korensira Marlene Alderink Lattiers Richarit S Kami Konio Randall &MConeenB)er<
Lise Crow Mikkelson Sidney Hall Peter Vogler Mark Kratzer Brent Lehman Vickie HighleyHouls Dodge
Diane Schrock Miller Bruce Hamilton Michael Walcoti Richard Lloyd J Mark & Susan Koclk Long Margafel Funk Humtichousef Joy KruiZBiea Doles
Gregory Miller Catherine Wilson Hanover Douglas & Joyce Vaslblnder Christine Schleucher Maslin Stephen Long Jeffrey Hunt David Donnans
Cheryl Willmore Mollall Sandra Harris Wanly Georgana Haines Mullenix Fredrick Martin Harold Islvan Julia Dfook
K. David & Carol Kull Monson Carole Adams Hart Mark Weeden Merle Musser Kathleen Raikes Martin John Jadertrolm Jeanne BremDtioll
Dawn Nale-Jiles Andrea DeWeese Healh Randall Widbin Stephen Olsen Kevin May Stacy Herr Jarvi Beth Dosciiadis Eridoon
Denis Nielz W. Bradley Hummel Paul Wills Laureen Smith Pashley Donald Mc Namara Kent Johannes Debbie McOaniel Fes
Douglas Oil David Humrichouser Stephen Wilson Dennis Patton David Miles Ruth Smith Johns MaryFortney
Mallhew Pallerson LoriColanlJorg Barbara Winslow Russell Patton Todd Miller Ellen Vanderlulip Kinzer Joyiie Harrison Fox
Philip Pelersen Marilyn Sliner Koch Daniel Wolgemulh Susan Stout Penny Rebecca Norns Julia Koetz Rut) GualUeri Geary
Jenniler Cordier Reilsnider James Koerten Stephen WyatI Rebecca Lichtenberger Dennis & Renee Norton Beth Feldkamp Kumter Douglas Getig
Tim Reusser Sharon Chechowich KostarotI Colleen Wehling Yordy Reichard Sonja Nussbaum Oetzel Robert Lafollette Linda Goldman
Glen Richardson Jay Kuhrl Keith Zulaul M Frances Valberg Randall & Diane Osbom Thomas Lathers Tlionias & Laua Keslet Green
Kalhleen Showers Roberts A John Kuiper Ringenberg Ruth Warner Ozmun Joni Nussbaum Lehman Reed Greenagel
John Sampson Sally Wright Leath Mary Davis Rogers Jenniler Widner Prince Cynthia Liggett Dennis Hansen
Marcia Winkler Saltier Herbert & Jennie Lee Teresa Rupp Duane Purser John & Deborah Lorentsen Carolyn Nicholson Haipa
Parlicipalion. 25%
Constance Brown Schlupp Lori Vinson Lindau Joan White Rupprechi Michael Roger Thomas Luginbill Sherry PrisHenHeisa
David Allan
Russell & Jenniler France Ronald Losure Carol Maxon Sampson Rulh Reinhard Curtis LundquisI Sherry Sims Hendridis
J. Michael & Carole Alspaugti
Shaw Hans Malebranche Kathleen Oliver Schmeichel V Michael Rike Jenneva Haskins Madin Sarah Hen
Paul Anderson
Keith Sheard Susan Gutley McGrady Richard Seaman Sherry Canady Rogers Neil Martin Susan Shank Kghl
Gail McKenny Andre'
Jane Johnson Sherberg David McMahon Elaine Sellhorn Marc Russell Donna Behr May Bruce Holt
R Mark & LouAnn Preston
John Sieler Daniel Meissner David Shaver Jane Strunk Samuelson Gwen Eaton McDonnell UndaClariiHoltstieny
Audrey NeckersSliker Lawrence Mikkelson Donald Smith Rick S Rachel Diller Debra Boetsma Mechling Tliomas Housaman
Marsha Poucher Beal
Dana Sommers Ruth Davidson Miller Nanette Kennedy Smith Schleucher Laurel Meissner Jill Howard
Susan Odie Belcher
Daniel Southern Nancy Orlkiese Molilor Martha Cleveland Songer Jerry Scripps Jennifer Utiey Mertens Jackie Hubbanj
George & Bonnie Bennett
Ken Stuart Mark Newell Janet Carley Spence Terry & Janet Seagrave Karen Hadman Metzter Wanda Maleika Jackson
Tim Berlsche
Monty Swelnam Ruth Hosteller Nielz Janet Shaler Sprunger Teresa Kratzer Seward Paul Nassar Diane McClenaghan Jacobs
Gary Berwager
Glynis Marlalte Thompson Kathleen Nussbaum Paul Staup Mary Rupp Shadowen Jeflrey Powell Dwighl S Sally Jacstisen
Deborah Hayworth Bowen
Keith Thompson Eugene Pashley Teresa Grillith Sutherland Jamie Shinabarger Brad Ramsland Cheryl Gettmann Jaivi
James Bowman
Lois Giegler Thompson May Hays Patalano Carol SmilleyTonak Cena Whitelord Simms Kent Rhodehamel Vickie George Kaoano
Dennis Buroker
Donna Sheerer Tripple Leo & Rochelle Price Fred VanderSchaal Barbara Strange Smith Rae Ringenberg Linda Staller Kennedy
Jenny Lee Byrne
F, Cynthia Hughes Truill James Prince Vicki Olmslead Vielguth Robert Staley Cherie Burnett Ritz Reid Kennedy
Mark Cameron
Michael Turnow Gordon & Virginia Pritz Jana Johnson Wanner Steven Super Donald Robinson Jam! Miller Kinzer
Roger Christian
Cynthia Pearson Tyner Jack & Michelle Martin Quick Vicki Wilson Weeden Vickie Woodrum Swanson Mark Rogers Elizabeth Rotirer Klingsledl
Calhleen McClew Church
Timothy Welly Larry Rainlord Robert Wilson Gregg & Karen Remington Douglas Ruegsegger Ricttard Knovrles
Donna McDonoughCline
Gretchen Taylor Worcester Glenn Rediger Mary Cargo Wolgemuth Taylor Brenda Conway Russell Bradley Koenig
Patricia Charles Cooper
Maria Remington Zulaul Steven Rich ScotI Wonderly Rodney Wail Beth Pichea Sanford Bryan Krick
Mark Coy
Georgann Maroc Richardson Brenda Yager Pamela Wilks Walcoti Clifford Schmidt Thomas lee
Sue Herbster Craig
Ronald Ringenberg Mark Yordy Bruce Wright Mark Seabloom Janel Maier Lewin
1977 Dawn Comstock Davison
Asenalh Overpeck Rocke Mary Scherer Serna Cynttiia Price Long
Parlicipalion: 30% Basil Dempsey
Ned Rupp Suzanne Brooks Shinabarger James Long
Holly SpeirsAldridge Steven Doles 1979 1980
Holly Warden Sail Jay & Heidi Messinger Short Meleah Stone Longeneckei
Kristine Hayes Amerson Michael Duncan Parlicipalion: 24% Parlicipalion: 28%
Lane Sahler Kimberley Summers Slade Tim Lugbill
Kalhy Powers Aring Samuel Eddy Carey Alstadl James Anderson
Wendy Roost Sellers David Smith Douglas Mario*
Thomas Ayers Dwighl Ginn Robert & Tana Miller Catherine Dean Ayers
Diane Fuller Sellhorn Neal & Patricia Dial Smith Jane Cramrloid Martin
Rlla Bullis Bagley Timolhy Gorman Anderson Gerald & Lynn Riley Black
Kathleen Welter Settle Susan Smith Sheryl Lhnngslon Mealy
Richard Baldwin Karen Wehrman Graves Daniel Bare Brad Bloomster
Susan Healy Shaler Gayle Cook Staley Brenda Hugunin Metzgei
Anna Welly Billman DaleGuenther Ronald Becker Brenda Reinwald Bodett
Mary Simpson Shrock Craig Steiner Jeffrey Miller
Deborah Wolgemulh Birkey Sharon Black Gunder Ronald Blevins Valerie Watkms Boggs
Julie Merchant Smith Theodore Steinmetz Lisa Henningsen Miller
Dana Tucker Boxell Rebecca KerlinHaak Karen Rohde Bowman Enid Ruyle Brenner
Randell Smith Rick & Gloria Thompson Jeri Barlow Millhouse
Ralph 8, Ruth Boyd George & Bonnie Haines Karen Bradley Bradley Brinson
Robert & Rebecca Thomas Audrey Tobias Teresa Nussl»um
Curtis Brown Bonnie Johnson Hall Terri King Brooks Steven Brooks
Smith William Turkington Tamara Fiall Olson
Gregg Burl Terrence Harnish Angela Brown Daniel Brown
Judy Grotenhuis Sommers Christian Ulhch Ray Ptahler
Susan Cole Lorna Zimmerman Harter Marianne Carter David Brown
Robert Spence Nancy Wallace John Phillips
L. Eugene & Blair Cowherd Mary Kloslerman Haun Donald Collins Karen Blue Brown
Jeltrey Spiess Dawn Kalterjohn Weber Linda DIMema Phillips
Jay & Paige Cunningham Joseph Himelick Mark 8. Martha Kashian Kent Bullis
Arnold Sprunger Rebekah Westley Mary Lesrich PoleSi
Rebecca Pinder Daniels Mary Holden Collins Brian Burnett
Janet Rulledge Spurting Christine Irnin Wills Julie Undman Pugh
Mark & Jann Eisenmann Day Jenny Fagan Horner Rebecca Robins Dissinger Diwn Dutley Burnelt
Holly Sgueo Kristine Gibson Woodworth Lori Brede««g RamslamI
Galen Dolby Shirley Pullen Jacob Laura Shorl Dolby Joanne Roehling Burnsed
Douglas Starkey Rebecca De Krey Youngs Julie Rabine Reiman
Janice Eysler Kurt Jaderholm Stephen Dowell Rulh Abel Canlield
Gary Stern Cynthia Rowe Reinholt
Donald Faimon Paige Sheard Jaeger Sandra Fonseca Duncan Colleen Frank Cerak
John Stromselh Stanley Rishel
Barbara Habegger Ellis Carey & Julia Beers Cole 1981
David Roesener
Ruth Brand Farrell Greg & Susan Burdick Participation: 30%
Brian & Joy Hosteller
Eric Froysland Comtorl David Albright
Donald Fugett David & Carol Cleveland Conn Michael Alderink
Cathenne Cunis Ruegsegger
John Gasper Karin Danielson Gary Alms
Leonard Sanchez
Karen Rutzen Gaynor Dane & Laura Beers Davenport Lisa Wodman Andis
Paul & Sheny BradKird
Kevin & Onalee Giggy BrenI Dawes dayman Avery
Rebecca Ferguson Peggy Houghtaling Denham Ron & Kimberty Culbeison
Amy Yordy Shanks
Goerlemoeller Douglas Diedrich Avery
Todd Shinabarger
Bruce GrabenkotI Kalhy Oonica Wendy Lockhart Axt
Mark i Dawn Rile) SlaugMer
Nancy Grande Graham Sara DePree Donkersloot Carolyn Turner Barron
Sandra Prast Sloyer
Robert Greathouse Karen Stacy Doxsey L William Bauer
Kathi Small
Glenda Greenwood Angela Beckman Fahlen Michael Becker
Karen Tomrell Smith
Jamie Hamilton Jonathan & Susan Carnes Fiet Jane Kloslemian Beers
Mark Smith
Mark Hammer Kenneth Fink Jean Bergwall
Robert Sprunger
Kenneth Hendricks Lori Barnes Fox Kevin Biondo
Lori Jacol>sen Slaup
Robinson Hoeler Herbert Frye Timothy Bowman
James Stimnd
Jill Laird Hoilman Beverly Ehringer Fugett Sleven Boyd
Robert Summer
Roger Holmes Deborah Frierson Gabrielsen Marlene Frederick Brennan
Douglas & Robin Mook Taylor
Grace Bardsley Hunt J Douglas Gardner Robert Bnimmelei
Kyle Turner
Terry Jackson Julie Maxlield Gearhart Randy Bninstefter
Raymond S Dorothy Unangst
Kathy Coals Jaderholm Deborah Lapham Gillesee James Brjilon
Lynelle Beeson Vogd
Brian Jones Vicki Oaugherly Gollihue Heiko Burklin
Timolhy Wall
Richard & Jan Jones Michael Greenwood Martha Palmer Ctumbers
Timolhy Wesoiek
Judilh O'Mara Kaniewski Cynlhia Nicholson Gulzman Susan Chow Chan
Brenda Wheeler Wiighl
Carol Keiser-Bishop Terrel Haines Mary Clark
Sally BoweistWiight
Douglas Keller Rhonda Delcamp Hardi Martha Collins Cook


Kent Yost Priscilla Wilson Solsberry Sibyl Nelson Constance Lauffer Hidy Cindi Dawes Lantz Rebecca Archdeacon Houser
J.P, Zinn Jeflrey Spencer Phat Nguyen Susan Pringle Holmes Jennifer Miller Leitnaker Deborah Peters Hultine
Lisa Starr Bonnie LeClair Nystrom Shirley Houghtaling Patrice Link Timothy Jackson
Kathleen Sheppard Stevens Perry Oakes Kathleen Bowman Huffman lone Locker Marion Reeves Johnson
Pamela SchlichterStolz James Ogborn Guy & Tammie Hursey Brian Lydy CetiaZehrKallas
Participalton: 28%
Dena Strasbaugh Mark Olson Kevin Her Melissa Massey Lydy Barbara Kessler
Joy Wilson Aims
Ronald & Judith Sutherland Judith Goodman Osborne Randall Jenkins Jonathan McCracken B. Diane Laftoon
Lori Weber Armstrong
Leo Swiontek Kimberly McKinney Ronald Johnson Colleen Hullstuller McCrary Robert & Kimberly Brunner
Kevin Taylor Papanikandros Frances DeMeritt Kincaid Vance McLarren Logan
David & Bonnie Veensira
Barbara Bauer Thalls Linda Weller Patterson Karen Peterson Kuiper Melmda Harlan Ivlolfiti Joy Mathews
Colleen Tonn Dorren DeSmit Perrine Kevin Lavanchy John Montgomery Amy McCann
Stephen Beers
William Van Treuren Rebekah Kiltelson Pines Shannon Lightbody Susan Morey Susan Henningsen McCracken
Marilyn Collins Bennett
Jeff Vinyard Gregorys Shelly Ping Janet Logan Stephen Mortland Roger Musetman
Brent Bloomster
Laura Walker Carrie Greene Porter Matthew MacPherson Cynthia Griffin Mossburg Cynthia Nichols
Cristin Case Bragg
William Westrate Jane Harvey Porter Penny Miller Martin Jenny Klosterman Munson Jane Oyler
Robert Brolund
Scott White Scott Preissler Debra Richardson Mason Steven Parcell Arne Pedersen
Jay Caven
David & Susan Schuneman F. Scott Price Gregory Mathews Timothy Pashley Sally Perkins Perkins
Carol Askeland Cfiauvette
Wilkie Kevin Rich Davids Shelley Glenn Ronald Phillips Jill Garzon Pinkston
Josepti & Karen Heasley
Kimberly Westbrook Willman Melody RohrerRingenberg McClow Richard Pritchett H Juan Porter
Jill Meckley Witkowski Lana Roth Todd Meissner Peggi Essig Rallerty Jill Deardortt Rohrer
Martha Tilton Collier
Michael Wolford Randy Rutzen Sheri Kocsis Mergenthal James Ray Sally Bertram Saunders
Janice Roetil Cook
Janice Handy Yost Jeffrey Ryan Dorothy Birdsall Merrill Robert Reneker Mary Mahoney Smagala
Ptiilip Cook
Daniel Scales Gregory & Stacy Mervine Cheryl Rich Robison Linda Clark Smith
Jotin Cowley
G. Douglas Crew H 1983 Ronald Schrock
J, Lynette Miller Schultz
Charissa Miller
TaraByers Morrill
Roland Rohrer
Trace Roth
Thomas Spahr
Teri Gruhbs Stark
Susan Daily Participation: 27%
William Screelon Timothys Janice Morse Mark Schram David Steiner
Kevin Dayton Timothy & Ronda Genlis Able
Monica Sheets Judith Morton Philip & Karen Inman Schullz Sherri Steiner
Mark De Haan W. Douglas Allgood
Gale Wallower Sherrid Tim Neuenschwander Scott 8, Beth Flora Shaum Robert Taylor
Patricia Deiter Robert Auer
Kristin Salsbery Shoemaker John Norton David Slaughter Barry VonLanken
Judi Baker DuBois Carol Barnes Beall
Joel Shultz Charles Payne Darrell & Susan Vinton Stone Sarah Meier Wagoner
Jeffrey Dusek Duane Beeson
Douglas Siewert Carey Peters Toni Thomas Swanson Todd Wesswick Taylor students
Robert Engel Scott Beefier
Scott & Catherine Engle Judith Zakaluk Podgurski Bonita Brown Thompson Lori Gardin White
Laura Binder Essex Angela Green Boyd
Simpson Andrea Price Preissler Janice Walmsley VanMeter Ruth Meier Wilson
Julia Cook Estes Julie KlopensteinBrunstetter
Sharon Hicks Smith Claudia PrestelRiewald Andrew Veensira Mark Yoder
Nadeen Kozeletz
Tfiomas Fox
Steven Gabrielsen
Filiberto Theresa Todd Butler
Merri Cleair
Melanie Ludwig Coburn
Linda Stotz
Elizabeth Stoeckel Sullivan
Jon SCylinda Ring
Jane Jentink Rogers
Judith Vigna

Narlynn Dempsey Vinyard

A time
James Teela Randal Rosema Lisa Bushong VonLanken
W. Frank Grotentiuis
Patricia Millikan Hansen
Richard Cox
Molly Moody Day
Kathy Teeple Scott Rosin Todd Welch
Participation: 25%
Lori Kendall Barnette
to build
Thomas Thalls Shari Tarnow Schippers Deborah Springer Wesner
Ad!ey Harms Kirk DeHaan David Baxter
David Harper Cheryl Dial
Pamela Anderson Turner
Tamara Hinman Scott
Lori Shepard
Brumbaugh Williams
Smith Wynalda
Kelly Chandler Berge up.
Kurtis Hauser Jennifer Hasty Dickey Duane Birkey
Nyla Frey Vernon Penny Smith Shultz Leon Zuercher
Jofin Heffelfinger John Duchien Caria Peterson Brumbaugh
Douglas Vogel Sherri Hewlett Smith
David Henderson Keith & Teresa Walker Duncan Scott Buck
Elizabeth Watson James Stamper
Betfi Euler Henricks Timothy Duncan 1986 Peter Buhrow
Bradford Hole David & Deborah Entwistle
Douglas Willman Michelle Green Steinbeck
Participation: 21% Kris Bullock
I NO newcomer
Janice Beihold Wright Jonathan S Janet Steiner
James Horn Tracy Erickson Christopher Adams Daniel Carter
Mark Wright Kathryn Ludwig Teela
Christopfier Houts David Ferris Mailasue Amstutz KrisLeffingwellChilcott to the now-
Kimberly Wuebben Marks Colleen Wild Terrell
Brenda Wilman Jackson Beth Steiner Fisher Melody Anderson Michael Crabb
James Wynalda Linda Lubbert VanderMeulen
Cindy Beck Jotins Jeffrey Franlz
DarlaTowne YkimofI Elaine Weber
John i Margaret Barnelt Kanda Crist national debate
Cheryl Jo tinson Blair Freer Peter Barluska Janis Oechsle Davidson
Edmund Williams
M. Randall Jones Elizabeth Graham Freese
1984 Michael Wright
Laura Klosterman Bascom Frank Downing
over how to
Bradley Kafile Arlan Friesen Wendy Higerd Beck Joseph Edwards
Anita YoderKehr Debra Messamore Frosttom Parlicipalion: 24% Scott Bibler Judith Emiano
Bruce Kesler Patricia Vanderschaaf Fussell James Allan M 1985 Greg Billing LinnaeaEverill
teach values,
James & Pamela Krall JoyGardaGanster Susan Richey Allgood Parlicipatlon:21% LeDania Wallace Bowell James Fleming
Eric Lasure Lois Tropf Garringer Dennis Amrine Barbara Askeland Annette Shipley Bragg James Frintz
Taylor has long
Kathleen Lehman Carole Clouston Goeas Scott & Suzanne Amstutz Mark & Cynthia Bales Christine Hume Bresnahan Susan Galloway
Nancy Gerent Markovich Pamela Yue-Xuan Gu Gornali Lynn Bailey Steptien Bauman Scott Brubaker Michelle Glashagel been known for
Sheri Aylor Matthews Herbert Gritfin Nancy Barnum Sandra Flesner Beetler Jill Rabine Bullock Kari Crawford Gribbon

Daniel Miller Patricia Griswold Brenda Harris Barr J ScottBerge Lori Gerber Burkholder Heather Halterman her Christian
Wesley & Lisa Mills Tami Brumm Grotenhuis Brenda Owen Bartel D. Ii/lark Bowell Barbara Rediger Burklin Debra Weddle Hans
Kent & Lynn Mosher Lawrence Hasty Robert Benson Dan Bragg Jon Campbell LaMont Harlan
Byron Mossburg Peggy Weeden Hauser Renay Rossi Billing Elizabelti Raney Brumagin Kimberly Carlsen Richard Harris
David & Katherine Wells Thomas Heard Thomas Boehr SteptranBurklin Kathryn Stout Carter Joyce McDaniels Harshbarger
Nitzsche Georgi Brooks Henderson W. Randy & Nancy Erickson David Burns Terri Comer Michael Heiniger
Again this year,
Scott Norris Timothy Himmeiwright Brannen Rita Rivera Carnero Robert Conley Scott Hughett
Mark Nussbaum David Holt Carl Broman h/lartin Carney T Scott Crutchfield Danny Hutson the University
Anne Owens MarkHorine Lisa Calvin ElisaJessupCase Kevin Davidson Jeremy Johnson
John Ozmun David Hosteller Jay Case Nattian Ctierry Glen & Kathlyn Bieri Sandra Jackson Johnson received
Jeflery Perrine Alice Batcher Howard Bert Chapman Sandra Higerd Curran DenBraven Jennifer Lutlrell Jordan

Robert Peterson Gary Huffman Larry & Amanda Chizum Gregory Davis Linda DenHartigh Kara Johnson Kuneli
Martha Westerman Porter Marion Humbles Kathleen Allen Ciraky Patrick & Cattierine Beers Debra Dickason Paul Levesque
Sherry White Prescott Donna Pino Her Diane Hedrick Cullen Dickey Stacey Moore Douglas Wanda Rohrer Lewis
recognition for
Laurie Mason Price Kenneth Ingold Susan Young Curry Andrew Elliot Robyn Nowling Edwards Joan MacLeish
Joy YonallyPyles Robert Jackson Laura Smith Curtis Jelftey Fratus Juli King Elliot Rachel Meighan Mantha
Carol Holland Radwan Judith Swalley Jenkins Anita Gutter Dathe Beth Gabrielsen Steven Fahlen Kathryn Kurtz Martens
being among
Jay Redding Laura Jones-Gerber Marcie Sigrist Diosy Cheri Griesmeyer Christine Neal Ferrell Steven McKinney
David Reiman Karen Teeple Krzyzanowski Scott & Karen Gerenl Doane Roderick Halvorsen Pamela & Timothy Ferris Mindy Roost McLarren this country's
Keith Reinholt Mark Kuiper Pamela Drake Scott Hammond Ann Warner Ferro Joan Morton
Brenda Renzulti Charlotte KumpI Cheryl Anderson Duncan Nancy Hansen David Fisher ToddA. Moser premier
Christine Harmon Retel Dean Landes Thomas Emmons Gregory Harris Michael French Todd R. Moser
Lynda Seaberg Richer! Wayne Landis William Ferrell Robin Boyd Harris Sherry Furnish J.ToddMullins
Rebecca Owen Robinson Joanna Svaan Langberg Brian Ferro Daniel & Brenda Hauser Tove Shergold Gardner Karen Muselman
Kimberly Rockey Mark Lantz Leonard Fisher Clark Hewitt Marianne Gelz Naomi Humphrey Muselman
Karen Muterspaw Rush Michael Leburg Richard Francis David Hodgkinson Timothy Glass Mary Haupert Musselman
David Schrock Brian Long Linda Treen Friesen Sandra Wagner Horine Brenda Golden Michelle Bailey Myers
Monica Landis Schroeder Susannah Maley Kathy Lupton Frye Anita Louser Houser Thomas Granitz Kendall & Katharine Jones colleges and
Heidi Hopkins Seabloom Seth Marlowe Rhoda Gerig Kathleen VanOstrom Hresko Beth Russell Halvorsen Neu
Richard S Linda Shepard Mark Metzger Chris & Debra Glass Goegtein Ivlark Hurt Margaret Bell Hammond Krista Nicholson universities.
Cynthia Glass Shinabarger Janet Lee Miles RuthSchwalmGrubmuller Keith Kamradt Lisa Harrison H. Rodgers Ogilvie
Gary Sioyer Robin Hockenbrocht Mourey Sandra Payne Hagood Robert King Andrew Harshbarger David S Joni Ransbottom
Lisa Lehe Smith Wendy Priebe Mumme Jenifer McCaughan Harms Susan Cook Kniola Linda Hiet Oyer
Sharon Smith Douglas Munson Donna Carlburg Harper Susan Thomas Kubler Kamala Hitdebrand Jeffrey Petersen

Leslie Dungan Soken Robert Neighbour Heidi Ison Hewitt l^onica Logan Landes Hieronymus Randall Pfaff

Jodi Fuhrmann Phillips Michael Muter Jennifer Blum Natirstadl Ronald Huston Elisabeth Zehncfer

Scon Polsgrove Robert Mulhiah Raymond Nalm KristieKutinle Jacobson

Kelly Pool Scott & Julie Nieveen John Nelson Heather Jeffery RelEaaBcaMiFMiineir
Martin & Deanna Rielgtal Kevin Mill J. Aaron Neuman Susan Konold VidorPrpei
Paiticipation: 41%
Anita Riley Jennifer McNeil Noorlag Cheryl Clark Nill Coreen Konya Penny PolsgrOKe
Pamela Agee
Leonard Robbins Christopher 4 Ann Paynler Coreen Zoromski Ogilvie Stephen Kornetsen DamxiRader
Timothy & Lana Augustine
Sheila Rusk Brian & Jenniler Peters Julia Ott Rhonda Slorck Ladd Stephen Raikes
Heidi White Betirends
David Rulhs Sherry Pomeroy Petersen Virginia Ducker Otto Kelly Graham Levesque Carmel Tansy Read
Debra Benson
Rhonda Sahol Kimberly Kile Polsgrove Shawn Pala Connie Lindman LisaReany
Marcy Biennsren
Karen Schuiz Schull2 Sherry Coulter Porter Clyde Parker Gina Lucibeilo Mark Rhodes
Shannon Btowef
Brian Shepherd Jeltrey Ray Slacey Peters Minda Mason MaikRice
Anna Brane Bfown
Bradford Sheppard Jelfrey Regier Nathan Peterson Alicia McCracken LaucaRidi
Lawrence Bud
Keilh & Karen Singer Karen Collom Riddle Melissa Puckett Brett Means David Ronig
Scott Car
Kalherine Smilh Paula Rieck Kalrina Sloul Ralhbun Joseph Michalec DaanRoOi
Patricia Carroll
Randall Soulhetn Matthew Ringenberg Del Roth Donna Mickelson LisaRoudey
Rodney Chandler
Sandra Bragg Slaplelon Pedro & Robin Rosario Deborah Moore Running Lisa Moritz Miller MarkRouO
Kathryn Chennek
John Slark Darin & Lisa Roth Leslie Sare Suzette Moeschberger Shefi Russell
Christopber Clark
Elizabelh Pringle Sleiner V Kim Shaddix Breton See Jill Bollon Mohr Mary Schramm
Sean Copeland
Douglas & Jodi Wernberg LisanneShupe Lisa Puck Sepanski Charlene Mooney Jennrlef Scolt
Joseph & Micfielle Leverenz
Stephens Julie Wiseman Smilh Lisa Snapp Todd Morgan Thomas Sena
Elizabelh Dowden SIraley Deborah Spencer Daniel Snyder MarciaDillerMoHer ErikSmitti
Diana Crosson
James Swanson Richard Slanislaw Kent Symanzik R. Murphy Tabfina Smith
AnnJanelte Cuper
Sleven Vandemark Gregory Sweet Bradley Thurber Joan Munson Myers Alyson Flyni Slanislaii
Christopher Daubenmtef
Joy Walker Annette De Graft Symanzik Stephen Ticknor William Neal Matthew Slorer
Alesha DenHartigh
Paul & Colleen Powell Walson Gregory Thome Sarah Schenkel Trout Shawn Mulder Newhouse Maik& Judilh KiausSuta
Teri Tobey Dunbar
Rulh Plumb Wenger Stephanie Valulis Mel Valdez Misty Oliver Donna Mooie Teagle
Sharon Dye
David Wesner Rita Versendaal Randy Walker Christopher Otto DeanSTanilWATieio
Stephanie Frye Ely
Shell! SluiberWhallon Mark Wenger Julie Bagley White Amanda Quandl Overton Jeffrey Tynei
Susan DeBoer Engel
Ted While Mahhew Wengerd Belh Miller Wild Melissa Miller Peterson Jeffrey Unnii
Jill Faber
W Quinn White Jeffrey Wetherill Melissa Beamer Wilson Todd & Natalie Pfister
Deborah Foster
Jon Vandegriff
Training for sen/ice. Steven Wild Gregory Wilson Linda Wit Melissa Laidig Phelps David Vermeesch
Matt Garnett
Daniel & Cynlhia Diener Angela Smilh Wood Todd Yeager Kristen Plaggemars Jeniler Voskuil
Kelli Gerber
Wilmol Lloyd & Amy Work NilsRanneklev Peler Vrhovnik
Stephanie Golden
William Wilson Bradley Wurster Stacy Acton Ray Stephanie IWilsan Walker
A time James Wolll
William Wood 1989

Rebecca Smith Ancil

Douglas Read
Brent Reinholl
Mark Gove
Timothy Grable
David Granzine
Darcy Walemian
Brucs Wiley
BrenI Zimmerman Andrew & Dana Rolens Laurie Winlerholter
to gather Ladema Ztnsmeisler

John Bachman
28% Kimberly Baumann
William Baxendale
Rebecca Roost
Kimberly Gygi
Todd Hardy
Heidi vonGunten

Kevin Roth
Michele Van Camp David Benjamin Steven Helm
stones m 1988 Sheri Bedi

Cheryl Hubers Bixby

Matthew Schmidt
William Schureman
Jodell Hendrickson 1992
Parlicipation' 31% Belh Benjamin Chnstophe Boyd Monica Henry Christopher Bontei
Terry Shade
together. Janeen Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Cheryl Passon Birkey
Slacey Bishop

Merrill Brown
Scott Sheeley
Edmond & Becky
Gaertner Alicia Helyer

Daniel Burden

Lorri Shepherd
Whilney Anderson Daniel 8, Victoria Vile Book Warren Brown Rebecca Hussung Dorothy Ensinger
Sandra Shimer
Patricia Archibald Jill Burke Bradley Brummeler James S April Walker Timothy Fulcher
Brians Jenniler Austin
Jellrey Arnelte Cynthia JahnCallison Mary Cox Jurgensen Daniel Gm
Oround- David Askeland Jenniler Spmnger Collins Richard 8c Jacqueline Crist
Thomas & Dawn Sleftes
Shannon King Laura Hutson
Dale Barthauer Jenniler Craig Heidi Crulchtield Michael Kooistra Steve Kersten
Karen Strong
Brian Berce Michelle Moeschberger Jill Crouch DeHaan Scott Kooistra Daniel Kelt
breaking for the Jay Teagle
Julia Zehnder Berend Crowder Shawn Denny Kenneth Kuick Laura Kitchhoter
Shannon Thorne
Ivlichael 8, Amy Berlsche Jenniler Dickinson David Dunbar Sherie Lewis RachelleLit>ritlec
Communication Valerie Ennis Brady Joel Durkovic Susan Ebanks
Kara Jeftords Ticknor
Michelle Congleton Luke RobynMaczta
Brian Turner
Mark Brown N Lynelte Dyson Lynne Tucker Fahlen Rebecca Hubbard Maniglia Jeflrey McKenzie
Donalee Moore Vermeesch
Arts Center is Kimberly Smilh Buhrow Chad 8. Dana Deacon Emery Jere Felton Eric Manko Rebeccas Christopher Moell
Thomas Verratti
Cristine Burchi Michael Engler Julie Friberg Jennifer Mathis Christine LjRue Mortensen
David Wallis
planned for next Newell Cerak David Flood Jill Godorhazy
Stephen Wanvig
Shawn & Sharon Jenniler & Rotwt Womi i ri ci
Dan Chilcoll Jared Gerig Lukas Gogis Plueddemann Maxwell JonOchs
Sherry Wayl
spring. This new Lisa Clark Eric Graham Sonya Good Alan Mercer Bartiara & Andrew Peterson
Susan Kienle Wetherill
BrenI & Megan Clodgo Karen Ramsland Granitz Nancy Gore Lisa Besecker Morgan Jennifer ZutDurg Rhodes
David Wheeler
Daria Haskins Crabb Michelle Poller Gruender Linda Johnson Hankins Michael Mortensen AmySchnupp
facility furthers John White
Susan KellumCriles David Hackley LiesI Boggs Haupert Kipp Moyer L Jill Snyder Smith
Jane Hotmeister Wiley
Randall Crowdet Craig Handy Paul Henningsen Sharon Jones Murphy Cheryls
an established Barbara Davenport Crystal Handy Nancy Herman
Mark Willis
Stephanie Guedet Neal Kalhi Strong
David Winlers
Eric DeHaan Jodi Vanderlvleulen Hanlon Kathryn Hess Peter Newhouse Gary Wiggins
Jill Jenkins Wise
tradition of David & Michelle Donaldson Shelly Hardesly Ashlyn Fell Holz Bruce Peters Kendra Voder
Michael Woods
Deardortl Rulh Hunter Henn Kurt Holmire Chad Peters
equipping Dennis Dickey Timothy Hirons
David Dickinson Michelle Hollar

Wayne & Wendy

Christian men Dielcich
Rulhertotd Timothy Holz
Stephanie Bculher Hoolman

and women to
Brian Doss David Home Distribution of Current Alumni
John Ely Frances Horvalh
Erik Fahlen Janssen Hubbard
JL " /
powerfully Wendy Fisher Julia ReschHuber
Wendell Gallord Bradlord 8, Jenniler Ityin

communicate Judilh Gibbons Jeflrey Jacobson / ,= ('

Robert Hanlon Jennifer Johnson

Sandra Havenga
the presence of Melinda Fine Just
Philip Herman Ellen Suter Keck
Dina King Home Janice Canze King
m. \ '
Christ through-
Daniel Houset Jenniler Di Her Knarr

out nearly every

Sleven Hupcich Cynlhia Ludwig I \
L 8. Angela Gollmer Hutd Reann Lydick
^_ 491 \ p'
Carole Newing Johnson Shetri Lyile
area of human Mark Kach Douglas Maniha
David Keck Trenton & Jennifer Granneman ^^^^
endeavor. Nancy Frettinger Kirgis Mays
Karl Knarr Lori Mc Guflin

Todd Ladd Scott McMillan

Janice Lambert
Joseph Maniglia
RocbelleWilkie Martinez
Thomas Meeks
Esther Meier

Laura Menningen
Leanne VanNatlan McKinney
Brian & Kimberly Misbler
Scolt Miner
Richard Mulhiah

Honor Roll of Friends
Friends of Taylor University actively share in the University's mission of educating young men and women for a lifetime

of Christian service. We are very appreciative of their generous support of the Taylor Fund, capital and scholarship funds,

and designated gifts that serve to fund excellence in Christian higher education.

m Alabama Stephen
Norman & Wilda
& Cheryl Bauman
Colleen Shuler
Mildred Shuler
ii Delaware Mites Loveiand
Gustav S Janet Marquardt
Connie Klopfenstein
Herbert S Margaret Knapp
E. Lawrence
S Mildred

Mark & Kathleen A&botI David & Margaret Beamer H Siefen John S Jane Armstrong W. T. S Margaret Marsh Curtis S Nancy Knorr Glendolyn Carson
Edna Fox Stephen & Kathleen Bowman Duane S Shirley Smith Gary S Jean Berwager Judith McDowell Marc Limbaugh Daniel S Nancy Carter
James & Sandra Hagood Dorsey & Doris Brause Fred & Delia Soderlund Gerald S Elizabeth Foster Ruth McHugh Kenneth S Jean Morse Albert S Susan Chan
William Jones Bradley & Beth Brinson Raymond Squire Violet Mills Walter S Elizabeth Meloon William Munn Stan S Cathleen Church
Brian SLiiaJustinger Betty Callahan Ray Stansbury Lori Moell Joe S Barbara Mifey Tony S Pamela Muschara Barry S Diane Clark
Jack & Elizabeth Loose Jeanne Catlett Richard & Maria Steften Harold Miller Christine Ozbum James S Susette Cochran
Edwin & Rutti Messerschmidt Paul & Janet Clasper Martin S Joyce Stevens James S Sally Mittlestedt Penny Polslra Thomas Colligan
James Nelson James & Conway S June Swarner
District of Rudy S JoMoberg
Sally Alva S Pamela Prinlup
Richard David Collins
James & Mary Roden Hansel Cope Frederick S Takako Tanaka Columbia Mildred Muhling NedSCharleneRupp James S Joan Colquhoun
Carl & Marjorie Cripe Roberts Phyllis Thomas Michael S Georgana Mullenix James & Martha Russell Roy S Marie Comstock
Sven Dahl Joe S Florence Thomason J, Todd S Julie Muilins Paul S Sandra Shattuck Carol Cross
Alaska Sterling & Bonnie Davis Jane Troutner John S Alvira Murbach Ronnie S Sally Shell Monte Crowl

Donald Ctiase Jean Davis Mr. & Mrs. Turner Dale & Barbara Murphy Dorothy Smith Hassans Judy Dal lal

Dennis Knuckles David Delmastro

Robert & Ora Dennis
Joyce Turner
Judith Turner
m Florida
Paul S
S Maria Myers
Beth Nassar
NealS Betsy Tomblin
James S Dorothy West
Jack S Carol Daniel

Ken S Dawn Davison

Mary McMullin
Mary Morris Lori Dennis Douglas S Linda Tom S Holly Aldridge Robert S Esther Neely Aslrid Wilson Robert S Judith De Baets
Geneva Samsal Richard & Mina Derby VanderMeulen John S Lolila Barram Arlouine Nelson HarryS Alice Deboer
Robert & Mary Summer Kenneth & JoAnn Dunkelberger Lee S Margaret Vida Peter S Terri Bartuska David S Jean Nemore David S Janet Denman
Daniel Dyck David S Jacqueline Williams Stanley S Ellen Beach Dianne Neweli
Hawaii Dwain S Virginia Dial
Donald Watson
Howard & Margaret Eichef Gertude Winsor Lawrence S Susan Belcher Jules & Barbara Novak Harold S Ann Ayabe Roy S Janette Dickerson

B. Williams Anita El lenberger Michael S Lana Wollord Mary Bennett George Oborn Roberts Cindy Brown James S Katherine Dimos
m Arizona Thomas & Janice Elston Paul S Dorothy Yaggy Jack S Ruth Bishop John S Linda Parr Glenn S Pauline Rediger
Stanley Dodds
Tom & Susan Emerson Stanley SValliYoder Alfred S Dorothy Blomquist Rotlie Paulson
Edwin S Janet Terui
RichardS Judith Dominguez
Don & L, Stiirley Blackmar
Gary & Jo FanAiell Vicki Borrego Paul S Mae Pierce
Michael Tom George S Rebecca Douglas
Evelyn Boone
Leon & Roberta Fennig S Sandra Bovmian Lois Rees Stephen S Barbara Dowell
Scott & Kristen Brubaker
Arndl Fortlage
M Colorado
Mervyn S Edna Boyte James S Sharon Reid
Bert S Milsuko Yamaguchi
Joyce Drainer
Clarence & Madge Buehler
Charles & Mary Garringer David & Marilyn Bennett Emetine Brady Henry S Marjorie Rice Gerard S Julia Drozda
Keitti & Jeanne Cantiam
Walter & Ruth Gepler Robert & Sibyl Campbell Teresa Brainerd Kurt Sager 11 Idaho Robert S Judith Dryden
Leonards Helen Clark
Janice Goble Dorothy Carnahan Martha Briggs Donna Sarber Robert S Kathryn Duncan
Ttiomas Clauter
Maurice & Carol Guy Nancy Cascaden HeikoSKayBurklin Carl Schenk Wesley S Jean Dusek
Carlton & Ctiarlotle Clemelsen
Lowells Donna Hallenbeck Robert S Mariam Eigsti
Dr, S Mrs. Cabascango Ruth Setser Robert S Dorothy Dvorak
Maurice SMarleneCoburn
Dean & Rhonda Hardi Richard S A- Kay Erb Carol Carrier Joan Shaw Thomas S Judy Ebright
Charles & Karen Conn
Ptiilip& Suzanne Corkill
Terrence & Laura Harnish
Richard Heeren Gary S Jo Clark Jena Shea K Illinois Ina Eckburg
Susan Hatcher CarlS Jana Hofinga Beth Colegrove Michael S Mary Smagala Theodore Economou
Margaret Euckert
Lawrence & Mary Hawley Johns Sally Conklin William S Barbara Smith Jeffrey Adams N, Arthurs Ellen Edslrom
Mary Forgy James S Marilyn Jellison
& Corinne Allen Roberts Marian
Glen Marilyn Heavilin
Kevin S Ruth Johns Lyie S Laura Connor T. Smith Elliot
Stanley & Lori Fox Neal S Marilyn Anderson
Leette Henrichsen
Gordon & Irene Kashner Don Cooke Davids Priscilla Solsberry Denver S Eleanor Elliott
Blair & Jennifer Freer
Johns Sue Anderson
David & Suelyn Heth
Robert & Claire Knapp S S Janet Couch Patricia Sowards Edward S Virginia Elliott
Eugene & Leta Friesen
Bruce & Joyce Hooper Carolyn Cox Jeffrey S Kathleen Spencer Daniel S Christine Anderson John SBernita Ellis
Edward & Betty Hannon Bradley & Kathleen Koenig
Christina Howard William Crick Florence Squier Ron S Sandra Anderson Anna Eng
Fred & Trillis Hitcticock David & Donna Lorenc
DwightS Thomas S Bonnie David Anderson
Karin Jessup
Clyde S Betty Michel Crutchtield Margaret Stannah Joel S Marian Erickson
Willard & Maurine HoKman Norman Anderson
BrenlS Roberta Johansson M. Glenn S Sandra Curran Clayton S Joan Steele Robert S Barb Erickson
Pauline Hoffman Herbert & Jane Miller
Edward Johnson Evelyn Daley Paul Stuart Robert Anderson Evelyn Erschen
Leon & Virginia Jenks Marcella Morris
Janis Kauftman Beth Deck Raymonds Eleanor Talley Terry Anderson Arlene Everts
Willis & A, Kerns Pamela Neuschwanger
Douglas & Cathrine Keller Ralph S Beth Dodge Kathy Tatro William S Deborah Andrews P. Mark S Ann Fackler
Alvin Kfueger Stanley Noreen
Joseph & Marguerite Keltner Vera Doughty Ella Thomas Ronald S Nancy Angerer Carl Fidler
Roberts RondaKunau Eldene Ronnekamp
KirkS Linda Kennedy C. Williams Crystal Dunn Marlow S Nora Thomas Esther Anim-Addo Jean Fields
Leiand & Rena Leatiigfi
Veryl& Norma Roth
Thomas Kinnier Melba Durden Richard Thomas James Arnold Kenneth S Sherri Fink
Olin& Pauline Letiman Gregory S Darcey Ruegsegger
Alfred & Rose Klaassen Edna Dyck John S Bonita Thompson Rodger S Carol Ashman Carolyn Flaming
Jon & Janet MacKinney Charles S Brenda Smith
Gary & Sally Leath Dorothy Edwards W. David SAnnabelleTropf Delberl Augsburger James S ToniLynn Fleming
Sherman S Marion Spear S,
Timotfiy & Donna Mann Jayman S Teresa Avery
Virginia Lef forge Keith S Debra Euler Henrietta Ungrey Anna Flippone
Helen Mekkelson Fred S Bernice Swanson
Josephs Lisa Manifold David S Lonna Field Leiand S Ruth Vining Jayman S Audyce Avery David S Karen Forbes
Larry Mercer Leo S Tracy Swiontek
Robert Mason C. Corrine French Robert S Jean Walker Richard Bachman Franklins Joan Forman
Eleanor Mitctiell Linda Vonehrenkrook
Robert & Mary Massongill Joan French Emma Warne Raymond S Patricia Baker Randolph Foster
Kennetti & Jayne Narvesen Earl S Carolyn Webb
R. Eugenes Diane l^astin Robert S Debra Frosttom Charles S Rose Warner Thomas S Lucette Bamlord Gail Frank
Leanna Parmeler Todd S Melisa Wesswick
Lestee McAlevy Pearl Gaipin Howard S Cornelia Washburn Michael S Louee Barati Fred Franks
Ralph & Lottie Prafher RexS MarijaneWest
Phyllis McCoy Glenn & Marilyn Gould Erwin S Ruth Wedel Jeffrey S Nancy Barnet! Richard SN. Marlene Fratus
Raymond & Wilma Pratt Carl & Meri WestOerg
David McGarry David S Nancy Graham Benjamin Wehling Jeffrey S Carolyn Barron R.William Freeman
Erie Ramsland David S Barbara Winslow
Wade S Sheri Mergenlhal Thomas S Dorothy Greimann Philip SGeraldineWhisler Charles S Carol Beats Richard S Charmaine Freeze
lona Rasmussen Roberts Carta Wilmer
Bernice Meyer Frank S BeaGrotenhuis Donald White Robert S Mary Benson Wayne S Nancy Frey
David & Katherine Rathjen
Paul S Kathryn Best
Sarah Mills Willard Hanley Eleanor White Carl S Helen Fridslrom
William &
& Anna Rudner
Barbara Schultz
H. Arthur S Elizabeth Muller m Connecticut Terry S Carole Hart Herbert S Evelyn Whitney Randal S Deborah Birkey Paul S Linda Frykholm
Fusaye Pauls Lois Williams Hazel Blase Louis S Lee Gallien
Nitta Joseph S Margaret Hart
David & Donna Shaver Robert Artemenko
Scott & Teri Norris Kenneth Hayes Ronald S Barbara Winder Steve S Nancy Board Gary S Joy Ganster
Wesley Smidt Eleanor Brake
Kurt & Johannah Oliver Leonards Witkowski Harold S Marilyn Boberg Robert S Tove Gardner
Vi Hayworlh Jill
Robert & Joyce Soienson Kennelh S Nancy Brix
Jim Boe
William & Hazel Pannell Stephen S Marcia Headley Scott SGigiWonderly Patricia Garrabrant
Lucille Stevens Ernest Capen
Alpha Woolsey Onalee Booihe James &
Jelf Paul Dale S Evelyn Heath Patricia Garrard
Roger Stressman Bernard Esselink
W. Ted & May Sutton
Judith Peterson David S Martha Hogue W Wayne S Eileen Yeater
Richard Boothe Howard S V, Anne Garver
Peter S Denise Fix
Mark Boothe
Rebekah Pines Frank Houston Evelyn Yohner Teresa Garver
Leona Sweel Eugene & Catherine French John S Jeanne Borden
Marcia Pitkin Richard S Frances Hoyer John S Karen Gaynor
Robert & Ruth Wright Elsie Gibson Theodore S Murlaine Brolund
Lawrence S Irene Pollard Russ Hughes David S Sandra Gelwicks
Steven S Sherry Porter
Ralph S Dinorah Goodell
Ruth Jewell
Georgia James S Janice Brooks ToddGemelli
James Gregory
m Arkansas Beatrice Powers
Paul Hagberg
Francis S Mildred Johannides David S Wendy Axt

David S
S Carmen Brown
Michele Brown
Roger S Carole Gerig
Irvine SCIeoPurdy Ralphs Betty Johnson Carolyn Baker James S Solveig Getz
James & Priscilla Barnes David S Jill Hasty Larry S Nancy Brown
Duane & Frances Purser C. Richards Letta Jordan Jack S Marilyn Bennett Harold & Mary Gianopulos
John & Karen Festa William SLiisaKaminski
David Rein Eugene SNeliieKande) David S Ann Brown Alwin Giegler
Nate Lipscomb
Rodney S Edith Brown
Patricia Givens Robert Browning
Warren & Marcia Ring Charles S Carol Keller Margaret Brown Jackson S Jayne Gin
Roger & Patricia Hay Williams Labutius Mathews Edwin Buck
Phillips Pamela Robb John & Dorothy Knapp James S Kathleen Ciraky Dwight S Denise Ginn
David & Wendy Mumme Pat Mc Clain
Cheryl Bullerman
Russell S Ruth Rotiinson Waller S Virginia Kruschwitz
Thomas S Martha Dubbert Victors Betsey Glavach
Grace Nelson
Patricia Royalty Louis S Susan Kubler Richard S Margaret Burkhalter Julie Glawe
John S Carol Scott W, E. Ebersole
Ruth Burks
n California Eleanor Saunderson
Candice Schnapp
Elizabeth Scoville
Laura Lane
Mary LeValley
Earle S Laura Hart
Mark S Dorothy Campbell
Keith Goetz

Phillip Golden
H. Bradley Seidensticker
Henry S Julia Harvey
Alex & Anna Andrade Robert & Sharon Seeberger E Lewis
William Cannon Wayne & LuAnne Gordon
Clarke S Michelle Holtsberry
William S Catherine Sparks
Herbert S Carol Carlburg
Wesley & Janis Balda Audrey Shuler Robin Lockett Allen S Carran Kattmann Sherry Gormanous
John S Ruth Tatem David S Beverly Carlson

Reed & Pamela Greenagel Sally Morgan William & Marion Wallbaum Curtis 8 Evelyn Bedswortti Melvin 8 Cynthia Callison Daniel & Cynltiia Dew Bielt & Sheny Ftrnisti
William & Susan Gfommes E Morgan David 8 Lisa Wailis Raymonif S Aryss Beebe Mark S LeRaye Canieron David &Baft)aia Dickey Ted & Jeanne Gabneisen
Roger Gundy Roberl & Joan Moser Cheryl Warax Thomas 8 Helen Beers William 8 Nellie Campbell BfianS Jenniler Dickey H. Roger Gale

Douglas & Sue Haas Andrew & Barbara Mouw Timothy 8 Eleanor Warner Dale S Thelma Beery Polly Campbell Robert & Kathleen DrlKm GanyGarTiSi
Todd Habcgger Andrew Mouw Robert & Nancy Warren Irvin 8 Palricia Behm Terry S Rum Canfield Ertwaid 8 Gloria Dinse Raymond 8 BettBGarrea
Carl 8, Sherri Hallbauer Bob & Jenniler NahrsladI John Warton Chad 8 Heidi Behrends Robert & Cliartolle Canida RidiaJd & Ri;tti Diion D*i^&Bernadene Garret
Paul & Claife Hallman Paul 8. Gloria Nelson Debbie Wassink Charles 8 Suzanne Belknap William S Gloria Carey Norman 8 Artis Dixon .bmes 8 Lots Garringer
Scoll & Pamela Hammond Frank & Elizabeth Nelson Robert 8 Dawn Weber Ralph 8 Betty Bell John 8 Nancy Carlson Richard &WeezieO(wmer lanence & Ama Garrison
Mary Hammond Kennelh 8r Pauline Nelson Peler 8 Linda Wells Ronald 8 C. Joyce Benbow Theodore 8 Hazel Carlson Mr. 8 Mrs. DoersUa Tony & Luam Ganon
Randy 4 Linda Nankins Beverly Nelson Olena Welsh Glendon Bender Wendell 8 Mary Carlson RoyDonica Richard & Jill Ganon

Robbie Hansen Wilber Nelson Williams Karen Westering Robert 8 Marcia Benjamin L Hewitt 8 Amelia Carpenter Theodore & Lillian Dorman Richard Garzsn

Barbara Harkness Wallace 8, Sheila Nichols William 8 Barbara Westrate Christopher 8 Linda Bennett Richard 8 Janel Caipenlei David& Tammy Domians Karen Gascin

Michael & Cindy Heiniger Fred 8, Virginia Niemi Lorraine Whaley M. Keith S Nancy Bensley Hazel Carruth Lany & Mareida Doss Kimera Gaston

Palricia Hemminger Rick & Jenniler Noorlag Donald 8 Ruth Whittaker Nancy Benlon John Cart Randy Doss Richard SKaielGaes
Carl & Nellie Hepker Penny 8, Catherine Norman Randall 8 Nancy Widbin Laura Berkey S Kalhryn Carter
Jeffrey Walters Barbara Ooughedy Daatoi & LaOonnaGerig
Philip & Pamela Herman Milo 8 Violet Nussbaum Wayne 8 Lois Widder Richard S Janice Berry Jeremy 8 Sue Carter Ronald & Jane) Douglas Lester &MitdredGerig
Fred Hollman Thomas Nussbaum Merlin 8 Judith Willard Herbert S Nancy Bertsche Kimberly Case Sieve 8 SQcey Douglas Jess&lvaGerig
Linda HoUman William S Margaret Oakley Edmund 8 Rulhann Williams Walter Best Gary S Viola Case Donna Downs Wesley &HanrGerig

Ray & P Ardalh Hollmann David Ochs Timolhy 8 Wendi Wilson Mr 8 Mrs, Biberstine Althea Catlin V. Michael & Janel Drayton HerbG^
David 8, Deborah Holt Stewart& Vivian Odell Donald Wood Carol Bieda Ruby Callow Elizalielh Dresh Conrad SCharteneGeC
Gitberl& Nancy Hoi; MaryOndo Zoe Worner Sandra Biller Paul 8 Donna Challgren Steven & Judi DuBois Rogers Linda Gelz
John & Joan Home Matthew & Judith Osborne Ikuo8 Marl Yamaguchi William 8 Anna Billman Varner Chance Wayne & Rulhanna Dudnr^l Harold 8 Mary Gelz
Marion 8. Diana Humbles Dolores Oyler Todd 8 Mardi Yeager Edwin Bird Virgil8 Edna Chandler Richard & Carol Diigan Kathy Gibson

Mary Hunsaker Thomas Palmer Emma Yoder Arlan 8 Sally Birkey Terry 8 Becky Chandler Dale 8 DeEDe Duncan James & Martha Giggy
Max & Doris HunI Joseph Pearson Delmar Yordy Virgil 8 Frances B|ork Dorotha Chapman KentDyck Roy Gilliom
Kennelh & Anila Ingold Robert 8c Brenda Peterson Elton 8 Sharan Yordy Val 8 Linda Black Mildred Chapman Stanley 8 Dorothy Dytstra Jeit&OebraGipe
Claylon Irmeger Randall 8 Rebecca Plait Clarences Sue Blair Philip 8 Laura Chase P. Kevin Eartiart Jack & Joan G'nen
Ann Jackson Ronald Piro Colleen Blair Marcel la Cheesman Martin 8 Linda Earnest Benila Glass

John & Carol Jaderholm Albert & Evelyn Platte

Indiana Ronald 8 Margaret Blevins Viola Childs Gerald 8 Jane Eash James 8 Irlene Glenn
Sharon Jobb James 8 Carol Plueddemann Dennis 8 Joyce Accavallo
Lawrence 8 Betty Blinn Daniel 8 Lana Christian Paul Ebbinghouse Wendell 8 Anne Goad
Ronald 8. Jane Johnson J. W Podkanowicz Christopher 8 Sarah Adams Vergil Blosser C W. Christian Stephen 8 Beverly Eccher Marvin Goad

Jell 8- Carole Johnson Steven 8 Jacgueline Pointer Mr. 8 Mrs- Adams James 8 Jocelyn Blum Meredith Church William 8 Laura Edmundson Leonard 8 Gloria Goeglein
Raymond Johnson James 8 Mary Polcaster Donald 8 Leora Adams Rodney Boatwright Richard 8 Ann Clark Max 8 Sharon Ehresman Can 8 Reliecca Gua mnjufta
Daniel Johnson Lynn 8 Linda Rader Dorsey S Helen Boise Richard 8 Lydia Clark Melvin 8 Mabel Ehresman GeneGof!
Marilyn Adams
David & Leora Jones Douglas 8 Jane Rampona Carole Adkins
Crist Bontrager Albert 8 Orpha Clarke Linda Eicher Earl & Barbara Goldsinti

Mary Jones James 8 SuZane Ray H. Leon 8 LaGatha Adkison

Lee Boone Jan 8 Gloria Cleveland James 8 Mema Eisenbraun Tlnmas & Sharon GoUner
Clill&Jenniler Jordan Paul & Gloria Reading Terry 8 Carol Agness
Leiand & LaRlta Boren Edgar 8 Shirley Cline Jay Elkins C. Rossi Alice Good
William 8< KayJourdan Wayne 8 Carol Rees Lester Alban
Jane Bomlrager Kinzie 8 Suzann Cline Herschel 8 Ruth Ell Lewis & Jean Goodnin
Gene 8. Helen Jugenilz Ervin 8 Shirley Rhodes Betty Albaugh Ruth Botkin Ernest 8 Geraldine Cobbs Alvan Filer James & Nancy Gore
Bradley Karen Kahle Ruth Richards Lawrence Bott James 8 Linda Coe James 8 Margaret Elliott Robert 8 Jane Goitner
8. Michael 8 Doris Alderink
Harry 8. Grace Kaper Mark 8 Lynda Richert Frank 8 Doris Alexander
Barbara Botteron Helen Coffman James 8 Jeanne Elliott EBGodscttalk
Dwight & Dianne Kay Verna Rieches Paul Alexander Alan S Marcia Bowden Malvin 8 Kalhryn Cofield Carol Emery Kedarin&MargoGiabet
Joseph 8< Guycelle Keiier David & Virginia Roe Dale 8 Freida Allrey Curtis 8 Virginia Bowers Jeffrey S Jennifer Collins Floyd 8 Joan Emshwiller Donald Graber
Reid & Lisa Kennedy Beulah Roeschley Homer Allen
Theodore 8 Dana Bowers Michael 8 Rachel Colvin F A. Engel Richards Susan Giaffis
Slephen 8< Sandra Kershaw Robert Roos Wilma Allen Norman S Carole Bowgren Robert8 Jennifer Conley Paul Enyart Sharon Gray
Herberl Kieller Ethel Roszhart Ronald Bowman George 8 Marjory Connon Lee 8 Patricia Erickson David Gray
David 8 Barbara Allgood
James 8. Marian King Waynes Lurelle Rowell Beth Allison
David 8 Dana Boxell Phyllis Conrad Peter Eriksen K.L8SaraGieen<Kiod
Margaret Klenk Paul 8 Verena Rupp
Curt 8 Carta Alspaugh
Jerty 8 Penny Boyd Bemard 8 Nancy Cook Alan a Linda En#in Amo& Rhonda Gietillat
Douglas & Linda Kline Chris a Cathy Rusnak Carey 8 Laura Alstad! Don Boyd Glen 8 Christine Cook Don 8 Josie Essig Eloise Grile

Ruth Knapp Charles 8 Sara Salberg Frank 8 Betty Brackin Michael 8 Patricia Cooper Gregor 8 Mary Euler Maurice 8 Janice Grindk
Robert 8 Carole Amon
Marsha Knobloch Rodney Sanberg Larry& Palricia Amslutz Jeffrey S Cristin Bragg Raymond 8 Marjorie Cooper Malcolm 8 Nadine Evans Phillip 8 Mary Grobis
Jane Koessler Leonard 8 Judi Sanchez Merle 8 Avis Amundson
Jon S Belly Brandenberger EmmaCopeland Marilyn Evans HowanlGroen
Keith 8< Susan Kohout Fred & Joyce Scharringhausen ChariesSJoyceAncil John S Martha Brane Winfried 8 June Corduan William 8 Frances Ewbank Diane Grolt
Kevin Krestan Carol Scheldt Myrnelh 8 Marjorie Anderson Marks Diana Branham Virgil 8 Virginia Corll Sharon Ewbank Manrin 8 Sue Grooms
Ngai 8. Martha Lam Robert 8 Marci Schenck Paul 8 Laura Anderson
R, J Braunlin Mark 8 Jo Ann Cosgrove Barbara Ewbank Thomas 8 Lynnelta Gross

Jellrey 8. Denise Lane Melvin 8 Berneice Schlueter William 8 Norma Anderson Ronald Brechner Bills Diane Costas Richard8 Janice Eyster Williams Phyllis Gross
Thad 8i Judith Larsen Mark 8 Constance Schtupp Darlene Bremer Michaelene Coslin Dennis 8 Frances Each Randy Grossman
Steve 8 Lisa Andis
Kang Lee Florence Schmid
David 8 Gail Andre'
Alicia Brennan Paul 8 Kay Cox James 8 Nancy Fair William SF.KapathaGnnes
Robert & Kathleen Legel RuthSchmid Lois Brenneman Richard S Suzanne Cox Sherry Faulkner MacGuitey
Lydia Andrews
Linda Leigh Matthew 8 Sarah Schmidt Calvin 8 Judy Brenneman David 8 Phyllis Cox Vesta Fausnight Melvin GuillatOTe
Jon Appleman
Gordon & Janet Lewin Charles 8 Corine Schureman William & Gwendolyn Armitage Mr S Mrs. Brenneman Mark 8 Vicki Coy Douglas S Debbie Fear Richards Rebecca Haak
Lowell & Linda Levels Anthony Schwartz Sarah Arnold Gary Brenner J. Bruce 8 Marilyn Craig Larry Fellows Ronalds Anita Habegger

Kenneth 8. Elizabeth Liesener Jenniler Scott

Elizabeth Atkins
Timothy 8 Christine Bresnahan Goldsby Craig Robert 8 Anita Fenslemacfier Tillman Habegger
Paul Loehr Philip 8 Lisa Sepanski Robert 8 Anne Auer
Leiand Brell David 8 Joan Crane Charles 8 Rulhanna Davids Julie HacUey
Jerry 8. Marilyn Loltis Paul 8 Elsie Shackley
Paul 8 Edith Augsburger
John Briles Robert S Linda Craton Fenslemialrer Edith Haddin

Robert & Sandra Lovell Harold 8 Tova ShergoltJ Daniel Ayers Arthur S Trudy Brock Lynii 8 Esther Crawford Carlos Ferguson Ralph SEvalynHadley
Gary & Janel Luckey Gordon & Jane Sissing Alan Ayers Steven S Terry Brogan Ronald 8 Ruth Cress David 8 Shari Fertis Vilts Haines
Arthur Lundahl David Skan Ralph Broman Doris Crim Mary Ferris Clara Haines
David 8 Rita Bagley
Curtis & Janice LundquisI Gary & Nanette Smith Nora Bair Tana Brooks ArnabelleCripe Billy 8 Florence Figert Van S Palricia Haisley

Donald 8. Belinda Luxlon Daniels Julie Smith

Beulah Baker Curtis S Susan Brown Leroy S Esther Cross Barbara Fighls David S Susan Hall

Arthur Luxlon Richard8 Nancy Smith J. Christopher Baker Norman S Mary Brown Sarah Cross Scott 8 Susan Firebaugh Johns Carat Hall
Harold & Rhode Mackenzie Donald 8 Dena Smith Thomas Brown TomSDianeCullen Pierre S Carol Fisher Roberts Rebecca Han
Denise Bakerink
Michael & Cheryl Mahoney Randall 8 Ann Southern Kenneth 8 Mary Bales Hugh Brown Alan 8 Philippa Culley David 8 Melinda Rsher Wayne Hall

Thomas 8. Jeanetle Mahoney Gary Spaulding

Max 8 Maxine Balkema William 8 Sue Brown Warren Cumberland Henry Fisher Wendells Betty Hall
Donald & Sandra Marcum Edward 8 Joy Sladick Ronald 8 Beverly Ball
Robert S Janet Brown John 8 Joan Cummins Roy a Kathleen Fianary Melvin S Hazel Han
E Don 8. Vuria Marlin Kermil8 Ethel Slams Mr & Mrs. Banter Donna Brown Robert 8 Carolyn Cunningham Dennis & Elizabeth Avie Halvoison
Kenneth 8i Kathy Marlin Howard 8 Gail Stein Harold 8 Margarel Bamhart Jeanette Brubaker Mr 8 Mrs Cupp Redderjohann Helen Hamilton
John Martin Larry 8 Martha Stephens Raymond & Eleanor Barrick
Michael S Caria Brumbaugh Don Curry Charles 8 Jacquelin Florian RicKanjS Doris Hamilton
Gerald Martin George & Karen Slollz
Wreta Basset! Linda Bnjner Loyal S Floramae Cuttorth Mary FluecKiger Daniel S Margaret Hainnml
Roger 8i Marjorie Mason Beverly Storz Mildred Baslian Kent 8 Lee Bullis William S Helen Culshaw Gary 8 Marilyn Forbes MaryHamnck
Marvin & Shirley Mayer Philip 8 Carta Slough
Deborah Batchelder Ray 8 Jeanne Bullock Loren 8 Anita Daihe Ruth Ford Gertrude Hanna
Denise Mayer John a JuneStrahl John 8 Phyllis Batlice
Margaret Bunsold Homer Daubenspeck Margarel Ford Dorothy Hanna
J, Elizabeth Mc Connell Alice Stratton
Dollie Bauer
Robert 8 Marcia Burden Linda Davenport Marie 8 Myra Foster John SDebta Hans
W, Thomas McConnell Carolyn Strole
Jack 8 Karen Baumgardner Brian 8 Andrea Burnett Mr 8 Mrs. Davis Danny 8 Rulft Fouse Kenneths Sue Hanlley
John 8. Marilyn McCracken Robert 8 Mildred Strong
Claude Beachy Marvin 8 Kathleen Burnett Randall 8 Jama Davis John 8 Christie Fouse LaMonlSJanetleHattan
William & Colleen McCrary Cynthia Stuck R. Brian 8 Carol Beall Warren 8 Tillie Burns Sarah Davis James 8 Roberta Fowter Pauls Shirley Harms
Lee & Bonnie McCullough Irene Swanson Gresham Bearss Joe 8 Jane Bumworth Dennis S Yao-Hsin Dawes E Byron 8 Mildred Fox JenySGayle Harms
Ross 8. Margaret McDowell Harry 8 Toveylou Talley Richard8 Charlotte Beatly Dennis 8 Teresa Buroker Brent S Susan Dawes John 8 Joyce Fox Shirtey Haraish
Ruth McKeown David 8 Oratee Thompson
James 8 Oelene Beaty Robert 8 Tell Buroker Robert S Theda Dawes Thomas 8 Kathy Fox Lany S Sue Harper
David I, Carol McKle James Thompson Williams Marianne Beck Gregg 8 Carol Burt Harlan 8 Heather Day Edwird & Joyce Fox Steven S Carolyn Harper
Duaite & Cynthia Meade Gregory 8 Cindilee Thome Michael 8 Mickey Beck Raymond 8 Mary Bushur Darren 8 Molly Day Jellrey 8 Ann Frantz GTtnmasS Shirtey Harper

F Ralph Merrill Harry 8 Suzanne Tressei

Michael S Elizabeth Becker George S Theresa Butler Larry 8 Dianne OeBoer Mem'lt & Rila Fieei Bills Sue Harris
Joseph Meyers Alan & Patricia Unander Lynn S Judy Becker Mildred Butler Mildred DeWeerd Harold & Ruth French George S Anna Hanison
Joseph 8. Ruth Mitaglia Helene Van Husen
Flossie Becker James 8 Rila Butts Russell 8 Rebecca Dean Larry French Albert S Pam Harrison
Roberl Miranda David Van Orman
Irene Becker
LitaButz Robert & Janel Deavers William & Lura fry Roberts Jane Harshman
Warren & Nancy Molilor Sharon Vance Juanita Becker John & Martha Byler Basil & Carolyn Dempsey Grace Fry Elizabeth Haishman
Roy Mollenkamp Roberl Wahlgren
Margarel Becker Roger 8 Lynn Byrum Diane Dennington Robert 8 Mickey Fulbtighl Frank S Patricia Han
Jane Moore Donald 8 Pally Walden Jerry Becker
Jessie Cain Jana Deltmer Charles S Anna Fullhart V Jane Hart

Pelef & Lorna Harter James S Carolyn Johnson David S Karen Left Dwight S Mary Mikkelson Lee Oliver William S Rebecca Ringenberg
Lowell & Doretta Harter Wayne S Connie Johnson Margaret Lefforge Allen S Jane Milburn Mark S Pamela Olson Gerald S Violet Ringenberg
Susan Harlman Jeanne Johnson Eugene S Naomi Lehman Michael S Sherryn Miley Patricia Olson Morris Ringenberg
Christine Hartman Kim Johnson S Hazel Leichty
Russell Dorothy Miller Keith S Betty Orebaugh Rachel Ringenberg

Marianna Harvey Theodore Johnson Wynn & Bonnie Lembright Carl S Phyllis Miller Henry S Glendy) Ostrom Alice Rink

Joel & Alice Harvilte fulagdalena Johnson Fred S Jessie Lennerlz Calvin SEIoise Miller Evelyn Dttinger Mark S Deborah Risser
LShirlS Gloria Hatfield George Johnston Thomas S Jane Lesh James S Karen Miller Willis S Amanda Overton Missy Risser
Vincent & LiesI Haupert John & fvlary Jones Jack S Cynthia Letarte H. Richard S Helen Miller Mildred Owen Greg S Cherie Ritz
Taylor & Edna Hayes Harolds Joy Jones Stanley S Carolyn Lewis GregoryS Virginia Miller Joe Oyler Charles S Sandra Roberson
Harold & Kathleen Hazen Daniel S Beverly Jones Brian S Wanda Lewis Todd SDeann Miller Kenneth S Mary Pahmeier NeillS Judith Robins
Loren & Helen Heald Robert S Helen Jones Nancy Lewis Josephine Miller Steven S Pamela Parcell Kennard S Ruth Robinson
Lindens Andrea Heath Trent Jones Barbara Lewis James & Sylvia Miller Richard S Sharon Parker Wesley S Eula Robinson
Charles & Barbara Heavilin Carol Jones Carl Lichtenberger Phil S Alberta Miller Larry S Carol Parker Leo S Hope Robinson
MervynS Clara Heebner Carole Jones Larry S Carolyn Liechty Glen S June Miller Jerry S Pauline Parr Jim S Cheryl Robison
Harold & Garnetl Heeter David S Veima Jordan Clinton S Helen Liechty Alfred Miller Leon S Carol Patterson Diane Rodocker
John & Annette Heltelfinger Daniels Darlene Jordan Floyd Liechty Delores Miller Bills Linda Patterson Chris Roemke
Cfiarles Hehman Peter S fvlelinda Just L. R. & Debra Lietzke Paul Miller Pauls Phyllis Patterson Ned S Mary Rogers
Alfred & Diane Heim Laura Kammerer Wilbert S Frances Lightle Albert S Ellen Miller Dennis S Nancy Patton John Rogers
Velta Heleine David S Judith Kaniewski Carroll S DonnaMae Lindman Brenda Miller Barry S Betsy Pavesi Helen Rogers
Phyllis Helmke Janet Kasner Huyler S Kathryn Lisk Scott S Jodie Miner Charles S Calhern Paxton JR. S Marilyn Rohrer

Larry & Joyce Helyer John S Elvida Kastelein WilburtS Violet Littrell Maurice Mishler James S Audrey Payne James S Mary Rosema
Frank Hemersbacti Steve Kauffman J+-esSDebbyLong Robert Mitchell Williams Agnes Payne Robert S Jane Rosentreter
lylaryliis Hendrix Grace Kauffman Bruce S Diane Long Karia Mock Kenneth S Jeanne Pearson Philip S Barbara Ross

Jerry & Beth Henricks Tal S Lynn Keenan Stanleys Donna Long Jimmie S Carol Moehn Howard S Relda Pearson Irvine S Elizabeth Ross

Russell & Ardala Hepler Steven S Phyllis Keesling William S Lois Long Martins Beth Moeller Arthur S Wanda Pelton Dianne Ross
Edwin Hershberger Ivlax S Jo Ann Kehoe John & Meleah Longenecker Carl S Judith Moellering Ervin S Allrieda Penner Roger SLouona Roth
W. Frank Hershberger KennelhSPriscilla Keller AlanSGretchenLoomis James S Cheryl Motfatt Layton S Cynthia Pergrem E. Davids Judy Roth
Guenther & Norma Herzog GeneS Nancy Keller Christian S Donna Losch Peggy Mogush Milton S Madonna Persons Donald S Maureen Roth
Robert & June Hess C Richard S Rose Kellum James Loucks WalterS Florence Molinder Lynn & Jacalyn Pestle Larry S Janice Roth
William & Susan Heth S. fylarian Kendall Michael S Jane Loudermilk David S Lorraine Moolenaar John S Elizabeth Petersen Paul S Mary Rothrock
Kenneths Carroll Hickok Jeffery S Kristin Keplar Richard S Mary Lowe John S Rebecca Moore Lauren Peterson Gwendolyn Roush
Richards Constance Hidy Harlan Kerlin Philips Janet Loy Edith Moore Jerry S Marilyn Petrie Jessica Rousselow Training for sen/ice.
Kevin& Kamala Hieronymus Robert S Patricia Kern Lorraine Lueking Mark Moore Esther Petty Lawrences Wilma Rowe
Thomas & Susan Hight Virginia Kernoski Howard Luginbill Janay Morehouse Diane Pllanzer Mary Rowe
S S Morgan DeVonS Velma Phillips
Marjorie Hiidebrand
Edith Hildebrandt

Elsie Kesler

Herbert S
Celeste Kesler

Shirley Khatoul
Ruth Luginbill
Gary S
Rosie Lynch
Diane Lybarger

Phyllis Morrical


& Marian Morris

Roger & Rose Phillips
Victor Phillips
Karen Royer
S Doris Rupel
A time to
Pauls Helen Eugenes M.Jean Morris S Mary
Todd S Suzanne Hinkle
Hill f^ary Kibbey

Delia Kibbey
0. Stanleys Mary Lyons
Charles S Betty Lyons Glenn S Anita Morris
Marie Phinney
Nancy Phipps

Jerome Russell
Syiver Hitchers Barbara Kilgore Margaret Mabbitt E Stephens Lisa Morris Richard S Bonnie Pickering Betty Ruth

Joan Hobbs Roland S iVIariiyn King Raymond S Kay Maddox Arlene Morris Jim S Jill Pinkston John S Diane Ruyack
John S Shirleen Hochstedler Jay S Alice King Don S Barbara Maggart Stephens Erika Mortland Louis Pippin Ronald S Mary Said
Robert & Susan Hodge John S Rose Kirchholer Gregory S Nancy Maharg Todd S Myra Moser Robert S Marsha Pitts Betty Sailor

F.R.S Helen Hodges Anthony S Nancy Kirgis Vance S Tammera Maloney Novitas & Ruth Moser Barbara Plasterer Ellen Salamander The
Arthur S Mary Hodson Oscar S Reta Kirk Michael Manganello Gertrude Mott Steven & Peggy Piatt William S Connie Salsbery
Gerald S Jane Hodson Charles S Patricia Kirkpatrick Benjamins IdaMannix Brian S Marcia Motter Williams Sarah Fletcher Elizabeth Sanchez President's
Stephen S Artis Hoflmann Steven S Joyce Kitchin Robert S Billie Manor Geneva Motz Evelyn Plelcher Wallace S Bobbie Scea
Kent & Jill Hoilman R. Dales AnnabellKitley Williams BrendaMantha ErickS Julie Mowery Heather Pletcher Dean S Ruth Schaffer
Gregory & Vicki Holden James SAvalineKleist Lavon Marks Edward S Audra Mulberry Rosalind Piummer Walter Schindler
Larry S Barbara Holder Daniel S Beverly Klepser Douglass Connie Marlow Susie Mullet Elisabeth Poe Kurt S Shari Schippers

Kenneths JuanilaHoldzkom Daniel S Nancy Kletzing AI S Betty Marquez Robert S Jean Murphy Marguerite Poe Lester S Rosa Schlatter
James S Sandy Holland James S Nola Kline Elizabeth Marshall George S Marguerite Murray Re S Joanne Poehler Allen Schlatter

James SJudianneHollinger Williams Joanne Klinger Dean S Kathleen Martin Carl S Marilyn Muselman Irvin S Sandra Polk Betty Schmalenberger recognizes
RoyHollopeter Don & f\/lary Klopfenstein Steven S Penny Martin Arthur S Gloria Muselman Terry S Betty Porter Wilbur & Mary Schmidt
Francis S Dorothy Holloway Christopher S Susan Kniola Edward S Kathleen Masloob Kevin S Mary Musselman John S Ma'y Porter Marvin S Marjo Schmidt those who
Sharon Hopkins Virgil S Helen Koller Barry S Debra Mason Michael S Karma Muter Jane Potts Robert S Linda Schmilz
Rex S Jane Hopper Shirley Korabek Richard S Sandra Malchette Alice Myers Arthurs Eileen Poucher Steven Schmok
Dorothy Horine Bruce S Sandra Korenstra Norman S Doris Mathews Timothy S Susan Nace Eugene S Esther Pownall MarrisSchmuck
through their
Leon Horn Maynard S Jennie Kornelsen Steven S Barbara Matthews Donald Nash Bruce S Lenetta Pratt Rex S Marti Schrader

1^ Thomas S Lynda Morton Edmund Kornleld 0. W. S Helen Maxfield Joseph S Beverly Nay Samuel S Wilma Preissler Donald S Catherine Schramm gifts to the
Jerry S Barbara Hotmire Jack Krajnak Roy S Rebecca Maxson Suzanne Nearhood David Prendergast Schramm

Paul S Becky House fularkS Carolyn Kralzer Kent S Carol Maxwell James S Judith Needier Kurt S Sherry Prescott Norma Schrock Taylor Fund
Raymond S Anita Houser Thomas Kratzer Barry S Fran May Roberts Sybil Neel Mark S Linda Price John & Jane Schroeder
Kenneth S Treva Howard Julie Kreitzman Wendell S Jean Mc Burney Ronald & Neff Richards Charlotte Puckett MalindaSchroeder
Herbert & Nancy Howard Philip S Velma Kroeker Claudes Hester Mc Canister Robert S

Margaret Neideck Paul S Kathi Puntenney LaVaughn Schuckers

assume a
Oliver & Jackie Hubbard LeRoy S Roberta Kroll Cynthia McClain Miriam Nelson William Puntenney Robert Schultz
Brents Julia Huber Frances Kuester Donald S Marcia Mc Namara John S Jane Nelson Charles S Peggi Rafferty Simon S Elma Schwartz significant
Mikel Hudson Donalds Gail Kuhn William S Elsie McAlexander James S Susan Nelson Larry S Diana Rainford Jerry S Pamela Schwartz
Carl S Suellen Huff Steve S Beth Kumfer Robert S Margaret McClelland Wilbert S Ruby Todd Raker Donald S Morganna Schwing enabling role in
EricS Deborah Huffine Rodney S Carol La Grange Pat McCoy Neuenschwander Biaine Randolph Peter Scott

Williams Phyllis Humble Alfred S Anita Lackey Charles S Evelyn McDonald Ruth Neuenschwander John & Susan Rayls Perin Scott
fulfilling the
John & Nancy Hume William S JoanLadd Patricia McFarland David S Ruth Neuhouser JayS Marlene Redding Williams Linda Screeton
Ivlr. & fylrs. Humerickhouse Norman S L. Ellen Lail Joseph S Beverly McGee Bonnie Neuhouser Enid Redding Richard & Joanne Seaman
Clintons Dora Hummel Gundar S Kathy Lamberts Hubert SThelmaMcGee Vernon S Monna Nevil Don S June Rediger Breton S Sarah See
Taylor mission.
Steve S fylary Huser Richard S Ruth Lambright John McGinness Daria Newcomer Douglas Reed Walter S Linda Seiver
Larry S Kalherine Huston Ellen Lambright Vincent & Susan McGrady Carol Newhard Gary S Ruth Rehm E.Mattie Sellers Founded in
Dale S Laura Hutson Wayne S Beth Landis Pat Mcintosh Douglas SToniNewlin G. William S Phoebe Reid Charles S Bonnie Sellers

Carol Iddings Carey Landis Williams Linda McKean Charles S Irma Newman Michael S Meegan Reidy J. Douglass Kathleen Settle 1977, the
Dona Imler fylary Landis Dwight McKenzie Gary S Joy Nev^fton Brent & Tracy Reinholt Robert S Joyce Seymour
& Lane Gene S Nancy McMurtry S Rosetta Newton S Christine Reneker S Mary Shadowen
Garth Florence Irey Jeffrey Mitchell Robert Jeff
program now
David S Elda Ivey Fred & Edna Laprad Jerry S Barbara McQueary Gary S Sally Nicholson Robert S Betty Renner James S Marietta Shafer

Dale S f\/1argarel Jackson Gary Larrison Allen S Debra Mechling Robert Nicholson Florence Replogle Gerald S Merianne Shaffer

Alice Jackson John S Norma Lavanchy Roberts Pauline Medhurst Ted Nickel Stephen S Lucia Resch Van S Patricia Shank numbers over
W. fyl, Jackson Kevin S fvlarilyn Lavanchy Raymond Meinert Louis S Gladys Noble C. Robert Reusser Treva Shank
Ralph S Carmen Jackson Jay S Joy Lavender Gordon S Susan Mendenhall Mark S Sandi Nussbaum Stevens Vicki Rich Dorothy Shank 450 members,
LynneSThyra Jacobs Gail S Cynthia Law Pauls Evelyn Mendenhall T. L. S Janet Nussbaum Leroy S OrmaRich Allen Sharp

Charles S Verna Jaggers James S Sybil Law Alan S Rebecca Mercer Ted S Claudia Nussbaum Karen Richards Ronald SShelba Shaw
and continues
C R. SRegina Jaggers Helen Lawles Stephen S Betty Messer Kathryn Nussbaum Mary Richey Faith Shearer

David S Sara James P. David S Carolyn Lefylasters Ruth Metcall E. Herbert S Louise Nygren Gayle S Nancy Richmond DarIa Sheets
Mildred James Charles S Elaine Leach Marvin S Karen Metzler Joy Nyslrand Gale S Evadna Rickner Donald Shelfler
to grow as
Roberta Janney Juanita Leach Stanley S Betty Meyer Jean Nyslrand Carl S Linda Ricks Ruby Sherfick
IVIarkSRitaJarvis Juanita Leach Allen S Diane Meyer Ronalds Elizabeth Oakerson Terry S Karen Riddle Curtis S Nancy Shinabarger others embrace
Louis SOrexalJenkinson Ted & Linda Leas Harold S Elizabeth Meyer Terrance S Rachel Oban Charles SJackiRidgway Kenneth S Mary Shinn
Johns Janice Jeter Jane Lechlitner James S Ruth Meyerholtz Mr. S Mrs, Ochs Robert Riegsecker William S Carolee Shinn the vision of the
Joseph S Delores Johns Georges Mildred Lee Cynthia Michael Robert S Janet Ochs Tim S Tamara Rietdorl Carl Shirar

Valta Johnson James S Jara Lee Lory Michael Dorrell S Marguerite Ochs Herman S Kathryn Riggs Robert S Lavonna Shockey
Williams Sandra Johnson Constance Lee Carl S Ruth Mickley Michaels Connie Ochs Loyal S RhodaRingenberg Robert S Ann Shoemaker
Jeremy SStacey Johnson Roland S Constance Lee Stanleys Janet Middleswofth Ben S Doris Ogborn Ralphs Emily Ringenberg David S Betty Shoemaker

Betly Sfioemaker Jerry & Gail Svendsen Wilma Wilson Lowell & Janice May Edward & Susan BennES Mr&MrsCasqr
Mary Shore Johns Jane Swain Alan Winquist William & Sarah McMillin JanieBooBi Mr.&lta.Ciarti
Maurice Shugart Kenneth & Sarah Svran Bryce S Karen Winteregg Boyd & Neva Skinner James KVinginiaBfoam OandSUXaCoCns
Beulah Shultz Vernon S Margaret Swanson Marvin S Shirley Wiseman Dan Stewart Roland & Grace Cheiwek Gregoty CoMi
Frederick & Darlene Shulze David S Marlene Swanson Delores Witmer Karen Threlkel George & Sarah Chrisiner Randal & Lym Cook
Naomi Shumaker Tony S Diane Swarlzentruber Wayne S Caryl Wogoman Roger 8 Barbara Winn Raymond Coftey Gary & Manlyn Cooper
Tom & Melveta Shutt Gregory S Lisa Sweet Gary & June Woll Paul a Deborah Winter Ann Cole De&ra Cooper
John & Karol Sieler Dennis S Larisa Swiharl Wilma Wolf Ross Colernan N Gray JLorena Counts
Fredrick & Phyllis Sills Jane Swihart Richards Janet Wolverton Deborah Daman Jenniier Coutrigit

Caroline Simmons Norman S Lois Swing Leslies Ruth Wood Kentucky Jean Drooger AimCrolsef
John & Gerri Siner Ralph S Kay Swing Mary Woodruff Sharon Adams Shannon E/nfich Marilyn Cusick
John Sissom Joseph S Ivlarjorie Swisher Kenneth S Kristine Woodworth Gregory Austin Walter S Martiese Goehring John & Sally Dalrymple
David Slabaugh Michael S Rochelle Tabor GlendaWorden Larry & Martha Collier
David & Dolores Ha^ey Marge Party
ElinoreSlagg Kenneths Joanne Taylor Ted S Julia Wright
Wayne Cornelius Paul & Alice Howard HaroU Darling
Sarah Slater Kevin & Rila Taylor Kenneth S Suzanne Wright
Ronald Creak Marion Jorgensen Mildred Damport
Keith &Bonita Slaughter Robert & Melissa Taylor 8.L. SMadelynWurster Charles Crouse William & Sarah Kanaga TempaDavts
Ronald & Chikako Sloan Donald S Joyce Taylor Wayne Wyman Craig S Carmen Curtiss
Edward & Susanne Kelly Kevin & Deana Dayton
Dales Bonnie Sloat Rick & Patricia Tedder Alma Yerks Margaret Dargan
Alex & Joanna Langberg RicliarO De Freese
Roberts Evangeline Smith Timothy Tedder Paion S Hazel Yoder Donald S Ruth Dollens Michael Love Carol De Man
James S Suzanne Smith Richards Carolyn Tempest Steven S Anita Yoder
Edward & Rachel Erny Howard & Carotynn Mathisen Joseph & Joyce DeCoot
Larry S Sue Smith Marl lee Theiss Warren S Janet Yoder Hunter S Ruth Fairell Robert S Judith McAfee Sieve DeLong
R. Larry S Laura Smith Clyde & Cheryl Thornell Amanda Yoder Juan Fernandez Peter S Leah McGarr Genevieve DeLool
Russell & Barbara Smith W.Donald SI, May Thorpe Ronda Yoder Paul & Susan Hamann Robert Mechlin Bruce & Elaine DePree
Kevin & Sharon Smith Charles S Julie Tiede Daryl S Joenita Yost
Mr & Mrs Hieb Jane Mutti David & Bonnie DeRou^
Allan SArdis Smith Daniel S Janice Tomano Gary a Linda Young Wayne Parker Kennelti&BisabelliOeVries
Franklin & Jenny Horner
Charles SLethaSmilh Gerry S Carol Tonak Anita Young Dean S Jane Pedersen Peler&Det»aDeal
Gerald Kays
Kyle & Doris Smith Bruce & Kathee Torgersen Daniel & Martha Yutzy John Kays Peter & Joanne Rostler Herbeni Kathleen Derstiem
Richard S Gaylene Smith Harry S Myrtle Treber F, Philip S Marguerite Zabel Jerry Kioptenstein
Carl S Donella Siktberg Susan Dickman
Lawrence S Penelope Smith Joan Trossen Pauls Beverly Zell Verlin & Ruth Kruschwitz Douglas S Miriam Stewan James & Sara Dortersknt
Harland Smith Robert S Beverly Trou! Frank & Carol Zeller Allen LaBonte Alvin & Raima Strong Peggy Dorgan
Williams Judy Smith Vera Troxel Janice Zook John & Suzanne Lindgren Donald Taylor James Dtiscoll
Seeking answers. Michael Smith EIroy Troyer Harold Zook
Howard & Elaine Long Edward Thomas David & Linda Dnnger
Steven Smith Kermit Troyer Linda Zumbrun Martha Moore Donna Truesdell James Draoger
Larry Smith Roger Trueblood Paul S Betty Zurcher
Louis& Jane Myre Peter S Ann Valberg Monroe & SNdey Diffe
Norman & Kalhryn S Trumbauer SMarthena Wilder

A time
Snell Paul Willie William Marcia Duggins
John & Karen Oswalt
Don & Mary Snell Don Twibell Marilyn Dunn
Thomas & Karen Snider StanSCynlhlaTyner
n Iowa David S Lea Randall
James Sluss John & Carol Ehresman
M Snively Andrew S Shirley Valpatic
{Michigan Kenneib Ensing
Mary Bear David Linda Smith
to get. Fredric S Marcia Snow Neil SBonita Van DerKolk Sara Beers AC- Sparrow

James S Nancy Aardema Ted & Marge Essenburg

Dr. S Mrs. Snowhite Robert S Elizabeth Van Horn Ouane & Aletha Beeson Williams Kim Turkinglon Robert & Janet Agee Gary & Wanda Evans
Daniels Teresa Snyder Phyllis Vance Edward Evenhuis
HerlyBexiine Paul S Isobel Whitaker Glen S Elizabeth Akers
JeraldS Valeria Snyder Elaine Vandermark RocJney & Deborah Bowen Stephen & Maria Wilcox David S Kimberlee Allan Everen & Jane Everson
Frances Soldner Margret Veale RuthFaJli
Ann Campbell Terry & Charmane Willis Roger S Dorothy Allen
I hanks to the Francis S Linda Solms Andrew S Deborah Veenstra Michael Carson Paul Wood Patricia Allmand Douglass Catherine FeOers
Michael & JeanelteSommers James SWillelta Vest James Carter Homer S Lois Anama Marvin & Lillian HeUS
effort and Ross S Nelda Sonday Sharon Vincent Suzanne Caves Bernice Anderson Betty Rnn
Jacks Christine Souder Peter S Lisa Vogler
Agnes Deraad
Louisiana Roger Anderson David & Rebecca Flagei
Mark & Nancy Souers & Sharon von Gunten Anna Fletcher
involvement of J,
Denise Dickel
Jane Berry Barbara Armstrong
Ethel Sousley Terry Voorhees Linda Flute
Laura Draper Robert & Marilyn Deich
Nancy Austin
Ronald & Patricia Spade Simon S Martha Wagler Suzanne Dylholt Randalls Linda Babcock David Folkert
committed Thomas & Amy Spahr Douglas Wagner Rosemary Felter
Lurlene Koonce
Jack & Donna Baker Mark S Karen Francis
Robert & Deborah Maxwell
Leroy & Carolyn Sprunger Scott S Sarah Wagoner
Nancy Fischer Peter S Carol Baker
William Fredonan
Mark Schramm
faculty mem- Patrick S Pam Sprunger Marilyn Walker Paul Frederick
Gerald & Eloise Thome Paul S Lori Barnette
Lawrence & Reva Frees
CliltonS Susan Sprunger John & Doris Wallace Faith Frens
James Hennings Robert S Rebecca Barr
Ivan Sprunger Roberts Martha Wallace Etic&STieileyFnjysland
bers, Taylor Kevin Holub D James & Gail Barton
Larry & Janet Spurling Richard S Christine Wallman Richard Hruby {Maine Mark S Pamela Barton Leonan) & Aiiene Fuller
Richards FerneSquiers John & Jean Walmsley Daryl iiUuralee Gates
students are John Huston G Williams Peggy Bartow
Edwin & Phyllis Squiers Raymond & Martha Walorski Johnson Peggy Gaulbier
Phyliis David S Joyce Bates
AraS Claudia St John Leon & Jana Wanner LanyS Elaine GaveBe
Martha Joseph Robert Bates
increasingly Jerry Stair Charles Warrix
John Kaloupek Brian S Joyce Behnken Peter Gavrilofl
James S Angela Stamper John Waters Donald Landau IViaryland Marcel S Esther Bekaert Glenn S Elaine Geerts

Involving Douglas & Martha Slarkey Cleo Weaver Trade Maurice Marilyn Berends Cheryl Geister
Malcolm S Jeanne Stauder Larry Weaver Eleanor McClellanO Patricia Both Chartes S Doris Belz Brad & Sharon Geriadi
David & Donna Sleenbarger Dorothy Weaver Cathryn Brown EdnaGertz
themselves in
Richards Marilyn
Max SSallie Meier MaryBippes
Steiner HarwoodWeimer Thomas Miller James & Lisa BryOon
Stephen Bishop Janice Gesthaendl
Kerry & Lois Steiner ThomasS Jean Weir
Weir Nelson James & Jenny Byrne Tim Blake Artioldi Deborah Gillesee
the research Craig & Rhonda Steiner Mary Weirick Pieter & Phyllis DeSmil ShirleeGillesse
Enid Olson Susan Bless
Ernest & Janice Steiner Russell S Eva Weiss
Marcia Reid Harold & Bonnie Draper Milo S Juella Boennan Bertha Gilson
process. USA Paul & Donna Steiner Evelyn Weissert
Fred & Alice Rowley Gary & Barbara Ellis Ralph Boese TrmothyS Connie Glass
Betty Steiner R.Ruth Welch Edward & Kalhryne Sears Paul & Kaye Fendl Michael & Barbara GoUe
John S Karen Bolthouse
Today has twice BarryS Judy Steinman Todd & Lisa Welch Monte & Amy Shanks Luvada Foley Kirk Bortel
Russell & Sharyl Godbey
Donald & Irene Stellz Walter Weldy Bruce& Sandra Gephan Eleanor GoKtnan
Wilbur Smith Bertha Bouman
Clintons Ruth Sleury Willis S Catherine Welty James & Joy Gilbert David S Sandra Gollef
named Taylor Metta Steury Irene West
Ronald Strauss
Linda Grove
Evelyn Bowen
Thomas S June Goossen
Kathleen Thomas Bruce S Joyce Bowling
Laverne & Ellen Stewart Marydona Weymier Frank & Jeannette van Aalst Michael Haskins Rulh Bradtotd Pauls Dorothy GonJon
students to its Dr. S Mrs. Stewart CalhenneWhalen Michelle VanderWeyden Doris Homan Pam Bradford Merrill & Helen GonstKaft
Hilda Sleyer W.BIytheS Virginia Whealy Norma Vogt Ida Jones Margaret Bradford ThomasS Dona Green
All-College DaleSlickel Charles S Carolyn Wheeler
Fred VogI Harold & Henrietta Lanman James S Valene Brady Marvin S Catherine Groslic
Judith Slickel Phyllis Wheeler
Philips Jane Wade W Norman 8, Shelby Paul & Janice Braman JohnSMrchelleGniender
S SOonica White Nomian & Molly Guillaume
Academic Team Rex Maryin Stiltler Arthur John & Marian Warner MacFariane George S Barbara Brancato
Peter S Joyce Stipanuk DeverlS Mary Whitehead Noel Washburn George Merchant Kurt Brinks
Stan & Linda Haadr
Georges Evelyn Stisher Donald S Christine Whitenack Raejean White Philips JenniterMenens Dale S Margaret Brown Marlins Marilyn Habecker
In recognition of Victor Stockman Jacob S Mary Wiebers William S Sandra Oliver Thomas S Teresa HaiDey
Douglas & Cynthia Wilson Bruce S Lynne Brown
J. T. Stoops Edwin SAdenaWiens Charles Wunder Robert & Judith Podgurski Burton & Nancy Brubaker Cart Hale

their research Jerry & Esther Sloops Harry S Karen Wild

Wilbur Zike Sandra Proctor Robert & Wendy BrumrtKlei
Douglas Halgren
William Stoops Harolds Rita Wiley Lena Roth Mr S Mrs Bryan Judith Halley

efforts. David S Elizabeth Straley Gerry & Roxana Wiley Paul S Joan Rupprecht Gary Buddenborg
Cheryl Halter
Deloris Slratton PauUDianWilkey Kansas Robert S Diane Seller Kristin Bulled^
Michael Hambley
Bradley SIrock Richards Martha Wilkinson Mr & Mrs Souzis Geialdine Burnett
G. Steve & Catherine Baker
William SIroup Philip SEIoise Williams Noble S Dorothy Swearingen Lewis SD Jean Bums Pat Hansen
Ron & Brenda Bartel
Glen & Rowena Stucky Jacks Lois Williams Mark & Kim Terry Joan Bush ThomasS Shirley Harris
L, William & Jeanelte Bauer
Ned S Jean Slucky Lawrence & Marie Williamson Charles & Jennifer Vance Nancy Harrison
Eileen Benton
Nesby Button
Dick Slump Paul S Rebecca Williamson Lawrence & Susan Calms AnnHeilbom
Steven Cowgiil Dean Walter
Larry & Judith Summers Christopher Williamson
Donald Campbell Robin Henckel
Arthur Dyck
Roland & Carol Sumney Martha Willman
Greta Carigon
Mary Henry
Esther Fisher
Steven S Susan Super Allans Barbara Wilson f Massachusetts Gwen Cartisle
Alan S Valerie Herriman
Austin& Gladys Havens
Steve & Charlotte Surles Stephen & Pam Wilson Paul & Sherry Carlson Ned S S3l^ Heydlaun
Richard& Lori Knowles Beverly Aronson
Tlmottiy S Kalherine Bonnie Wilson Gertntde Carlson
David S Carol HockenbnxJit
Merlon & Elaine Luce Mary Bancrolt
Sutherland Franklin & Christine Wilson Joanne Holman

Stephen & Susan Holmes Wayne S Virginia Miller Eunice Slighly Duane S Ann Bush Lawrence S Mary Bauer Williams MaryWortman Thomas & Esther Futrell
Michael & Judy Holtgren Bradley S Georgia Miller John S Penny Smarrelta Thomas Cairns Keith S Linda Brown Mr. S Mrs. Zabel Tommy S Sandra Gilmore
Harold & Dortha Homer Verna Miller Robert S Lee Smith Mary Cairns Mary Brumbaugh Williams Alice Zakaluk Ashley Griffin

Waller & Marie Hooper James Miller Williams Jerry Smith Robert S Judy Cameron Tom S Margo Carlson James S Edith Hall

Jerry & Delores Home Pauls Karen Millikan GeneS Donna Snell James S Jo Carlson Kenneth S Eleanor Christensen Hawk
Gary& Mary Horning John SEIoise Moore Harold & Ellen Snyder Gerald S Ruth Close Wayne Cooke
^ New Mexico C. L.

G. Kenan S Joyce Jacobi

Nancy Horst Kenneth S Eleanor Morey Sharon Somerville Marcia Conrad Joan Day Dee & Ruth Friesen Russell & Ruth Jensen
David & Judith Houston Beverly Morrison Kenneth & Gail Soper John S Peggy Denham James Free Raymond SWanita Grainger Raymond Kreiner
Daniel Houston LaMoine S Sandra Motz Norman S Jessie Soper David S Joyce Eggert Dillons MaudieHess MichaelS Victoria Leburg
Clifford S Ruth Keizer
Jan Howard Robert S Robin Mourey Sheila Spealman Gordon Sfiita Ellison Kenneth Holfman Thomas S Karen Luginbill
H Fred S Sandra Pomeroy
Stevens Phyllis Howell Eleanor Mouw Howard S prowl Sheryll Evans Harold Kroeker Don S Kalhy McLennan
James & Kathleen Hresko Gretchen Munroe Pam Stauffer Earl & N. Blanche Gates Davids Judy McClel Ian Charles S fvlargaret Mealy
Donald & Nan Hubbard Calvin Nagel Melvin Staufter Richard S Denese Graham Michael Myers m Nevada Edwin Morris
Virginia Hubbard Vita Nederveld Karen Steckley Cloda Harrell John Neuberger Cameron S Margaret Mosser
Lloyd & Lois Hughes John S Mary Neidhamer Walter Steed Ralph S Nadine High James S Lea Ogborn DonS Diane Mundy
Gordon Huizen Craig & Donna Nelson Angie Steketee Harris S Jean Hubers Laurel Pace Dennis & Erna Newton
Lee & Betty Huizenga Jane Niday Connie Steketee Mr. & Mrs. Jarvis Clayton S Carolyn Peters ^ NewYorl( Charlene Newton
Williams Elizabeth Hunt F. James S Charlene Norris Fred S Jane Stockinger David S Betly Johnson Beth Rexitius Davids Judith O'Brien
John Hutt Dale S Roberta Norton Margaret Stockinger Gordon Johnson Herman Rohlfs Johns Patricia Aflleck
Clyde S Kim Parker
Marvin Huyser Richard Oftringa Gary S Pamela Stolz James S Lydia Knutson Loyal S Donna Schmidt NilsS Carolyn Anderson James Price
Dan & Jane Ingram James Oliverson KeithS Joyce Stoner Mabel Lemke Paul S Linda Von Behren James S Linda Barnum Daniel S Marsha Reed
Harold & Brenda Istvan Harold S Sally Olsen RussellS Kris Stover Wilma Lindgren Thomas S F. Jeanine Barrett Williams Sally Roost
Charles Jacobs Rick S Mara Olson David S Karen Stowers Donna Lundborg Gregory S Nancy Bastian Charles S Phyllis Rowe
Winifred Jacobs Margaret Oosterhouse Sherry Suggs Todd S Margaret Meissner
11 New Hampshire Harold S Dorothea Bauer Davids Lucille Ruths
Barbara Jansens George S Sylvia Orchard Robin Suggs Clyde S Jane Meredith Mr SMrsBeardsley Elizabeth Scott
J. Douglas S TerrI Gardner
Marna Jeflery Marcia Osterink Leslie Sukup Wayne S Patsy Munson Lowell S Marilyn Blom Robert S Nancy Seevers
Robert Irion
Donald Jennings Ronald S Sue Parker Bruce S Teresa Sutherland Everett SCarmella Myers George S Cheryl Bougatsos C P S Alma Tarkington
Mark & Jeanne Pride
Garry S Cindy Johns Denise Patrick Delma Swathwood Kenneth S Joan Myers Williams Marilyn Brosi David Turner
Alan S Dorothy Schroepier
Syd S Barbara Paul Virginia Cathcart
Richard S Patii Jones Janet Talboys Kathleen Nelson Harry S Barbara Shepler Ray S Susan Woodcock
Florency Jones James S Evonne Paulson Patricia Taylor Roger S Pamela Olsen Norton & Ruthclaire Chapin Don S Kay Wrigley
Cecelia Jordan David S Lucretia Pelton Wirlh S JaneTennant James S Mary Palmer Ernest S Joan Clapper Stephen SMarleneWyatt
Floyd S Sandy Jousma Lisa Perazza William S Mary Theaker Cyril S Elizabeth Persons m New Jersey RexS Marjorie Clouston

Refaat & Pamela Kammel James & Barbara Peterson Robert S Marcia Theule Philip SDebra Petersen George Colby

Keith S Mary Kamradt Robert Peterson J. David & Norma Thrasher Williams Brenda Rosser
Svend S Arna Abrahamsen Barry S Constance Colyer m North Dakota
Janet Andersen
Nettie Karel Adriana Peterson DuaneS Linda Tinholt Glenn & Lorraine Ryberg Clair S Olive Day
Ruth Baker C Bernell S Evelyn Aichele
Marks Sandy Karls Betty Pettilor MaryTinholt Richard S Addie Sarkela Rot)ert S Pauline Dewey
Robert S Brenda Barf Ken S Barbara Mettler
S Larry SSherryl Dillon
Harolds Mary Karls Gary Marilyn Petzold Frank S Rachel Tjoelker Sharon Schuh
Lionel S Marion Muthiah
Margaret Barton
Theresa Kehoe Daniel Pichea Carole Tompkins ArlenS JulianneSeverson Charles S Carole Fennig
Barry S Susan Beatty Isabel leUnkenholz
Dale & Barbara Keiser George Pickard Robert SLuEllaTraul FrankS MitsueShindo Eugene S Carol Ferguson
Kevin S Wendy Beck James S Diane Vivian
Eugene S Carol Kent Theatta Picklo Mose S Ruth Troyer Douglas S Rosemary Siewerl Craig S NadeenFiliberto
Charles S Barbara Bender Timothy S Connie Welty
Norm S Willa Kersten Gordon & Rulh Plaggemars M, J Troyer Stephens Sue Ann Simpson Alan S L Jane Forbes
Ray S Helen Brechbilt Burton S Rebecca Youngs
David S Gloria Kelt Gene S Karen Platte Seth Tuesley Kathy Smith R. Wendells Rulh Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Btinkerhoff
Thomas S Gertrude Hampton
Arthur Kief Robert S Dawn Pobanz Richard Tuinstra Nelson S Leslie Soken
SheroyI Kirby Bill Pohl Gary S Jean Urban Daniel S Lon Southern
Hazel Brix

TerryS Doris Browning

Sheldon S May Hepler m Ohio
Mary Ktakulak Acton S Juanita Pomante Thomas S Wendy Valle Royals Polly Sleinef James S Sharon Holland
JoelS Ann Bubnekovich Kurt S Paige Jaeger Donna Abel
Bruce S Georgia Kline Sue Poole Harry Van De Riet Paul Stone
David S Martha Chambers Charles S Jane Adams
Gerald SGeraldineKnapp Richard SKandisPrilchett Nancy Van DeWeg DavidS Ann Swanson Theodore S Kathryn Jahn
Thomas & Carol Chauvette Lucy Kelly
Paul S Berniece Adams
James & Doris Knoblock Charles S Beryle Pritlie Philip Van DerWerff RichardS Donna Veth
Irving S Louise Clapp George S Margaret Klohck Judy Adams
Beverly Knowles Dennis Protitt Rick Van Deweg RobertS Dorothy Villwock
Timothy Drake Donald S Judith Knudsen Paul & June Allen
Harold Kooistra Roberts Julie Pugh Don Van Dommelen Thomas & Barbara Warner
Connie Drake Nancy Allison
Verne S Miriam Koppin Edwin S Virginia Puroll Loretta Van Engen David Widdilield Walter S Patricia Kregler
Williams Mary Ellen DuPree Evelyn Altick
Timothy S Sharon KostarofI David S Karen Rasmussen Judy Van Ooslerum Gerald Wilson Donald S Anita Leonard
Donald S Diana Dunkerton John S Judy Linstra
James Amburn
Jack S Lauradean Ktaklan Alvin S Jo Rediger John Van Oosterum
Sluart S Marjorie Ensinger Roberts Linda Amstulz
Susan Krall Janet Reed Kenneth VanProoyen David S Jeanne Mathias

Shirley Kramb Jeffrey S Martha Regier Sandra Vander Maas

m Mississippi David S Beverley Paris
Dan S Sheri Matthews Mary Anderson
E Thor S Lillian Foss James S Elaine Anspaugh
Wayne S Janel Kranz Sherry Reinoehl John S Cecilia Verwys Esther Menwin
Bonnie Black Nicholas S Nancy Frederick
Mr.S Mrs Miller John S Sharon Arndt
Ronald S Darlene Krebs Paul S Christine Retel David Verwys
E, C, Craft
Robert S Donna Granville
Johns Janice Okesson GayleS Sue Arnold
Ronalds Suzanne Kregel GeraldineRicket MikeS Deborah Vischer
Johnny S Cynthia Doude Donald & Evangelynn Graves
Walter S Betly Olsen
Zelpha Arnold
Donalds Bonnie Kregel Robert S Susan Ring Jimmy Visser
John Doude Joseph S Kari Gribbon
Luther S Ruth Patton
Helen Arthur
Bryan S Susan Krick Kenneth S Deborah Roath Jack Vredevoogd
David Fancher
Janet Hal lard
Bruce Phillips Lynn S JoanAschliman
Donald Krick Richard S Linda Roberds Lawrence S Jean Walcott
James Fancher Hammond
Jay S Betty
Robert S Joanne Pontius Keith Aschliman
Sharon Krieger Richard S Gretchen Roberls Richard Waller
Geraldine Frazier
G. Arthurs Doris Hansen Richard S Carol Radwan David Aler
Robert S Donna Kruse Ronald Robinson J. Calvin Walters Billy Langlofd
Warren S Kathleen Hoffman
EilertS Jenny Ranneklev Brian Baab
Norma Kuiper C. Dexter S Sandra Rohm Thomas Walters Alex Lawson
Louis S Judith Imperial MaryRiblet Larry S Laretta Baeumler
David S Kara Kuneli Cynthia Rosema Victor S Barbara Wanner Hilda Martin
James S Shirley Jacob Kelly S Rebecca Robinson John Bailey
Don La Roy Janet Ross Laurence Warner
Robyn S Michelle Myers Grace Kneibler Irving S Nancy Rockwood
Richard Bailey
Robert S Dawn Larsen Samuel S Evangeline Roth James S Nancy Watson Howard Scarborough Kenneth S Judy Landrud Dorland & Carol Russett Velvet Baker
Robert S Jodell Lawrence Gail Rozeboom G, Richard & Leola Watterson
Ernests Mildred Lee Richard S Barbara Baldwin
Walter S Sherra Layton James Rundell Ted S Carolyn Wedepohl Jelfrey& Lisa Ryan
Sharon LeBlanc Ellsworth S Edna Runyon Mary Weetier m Missouri Grace Lippincott
Robert S Linda Livingston
David S Barbara Scudder Mary Baldwin
Roy Ballard
Nettie Leach Richard S Pauline Russell Wayne S Susan Wegner Walter S Shirley Sheard
James S Karen Anderson Walter S Gail Loehf
Susan Sheehan Daniel S Rita Bare
Fredfic S Paula Lenger Jerry S Judy Sampson P.Craig Welch
Ernest Baker Dwight S Marcia Lubansky Darrell S Charlotte Singer Robert S Sandra Barkey
James S Kathryn Leonard Earl Sams Douglas S Carol Wendt
Richard S Evelyn Bishop Harry S Anne Lubansky Douglass Audrey Sliker
Martha Barnhart
Ben S Linda Lester Wayne S June Samson Richard SShelliWhallon
Kathleen Buescher Williams Anne McClelland Milton S Margaret Spring Tom S Janel Barone
Lyie Livasy Norman & Janet Samuelson Douglas S Geri Whiteford
T. R. S Lucy Carr Edward Moore John Taquino Janel Bartus
Don S Margaret Lixey Murray S Mary Sanders Rockney Whitehead
John & Donna Cline Deborah Mouw Edward S Darleen Tector Paul S Laura Bascom
John S Ida Lorence H. Douglas S Beth Santord Edwin Wickey
Elmer Cope Mark SArlene Newell Stockton S Ruth Townsend C. Dales Carol Baughman
Ronald S Nancy Losure Brenda Savifyer Karen Wiebenga
David S Elsie Drake Blanche Osborn Arden S Jean Travis Linda Beadle
Kenneth Louis Phil S Mary Schaap Sheldon S Patricia Wiens
Jerry S Julia Esles Timothy S Marcia Pashley Bruce S Donna Trexler Harold Becker
William SWilma Lubbers Robert S Marian Schindler Kathlyn Williams
Teresa Frey Eugene S Ruth Pashley Doris Van Dyke Jeffrey Beery
Pauline Lucas Maurice & Ida Schippers Margaret Willis
James S Bonnie Higgins Marian Petersen
W. Enft'in & Katharine Vincent Cecil S Kalhy Bergen
Roberts Michelle Luke Rita Schlabach Robert Wills
Johns Peggy Hirt James S Patricia Rahn F Duane Vosburg Brian S Mary Bergsten
WilliamS Bonnie Lynch Anita Schlabach James Winship
Karl S Vivian Keith Ralph Rennard James S Susan Berry
James S Val MacLeish Mary Schlabach Bruce & Arleen Wixtrom Norman S Virginia Wheeler
Maynard S Gladys Ketcham Charles S Mildred Rossell
Melvyn S Leah Woifl Janis Berry
Vernon S Evadne Macy Susan Schlabach Barbara Wolak
Silas S Grace Klaassen Beverly Seilert Rolands Shirley Bertka
James S Susannah Maley Neil S Judie Schmachtenberger Kay Wollert Failh Wynne
Joel S Katrina Rathbun John S Barbara Simmonds Thomas S Elly Beutler
Harry Mansberger Sally Schoon Kenneth S Martha Woodward
Keith S Margaret Rich J.DonnellS Jemima Small Dorothy Biddle
F E. Marquard
Thomas Marsh
Thomas S Karen
Millord Schultz
Schultz Robert S Gretchen Worcester
William SPrudentia Worth
Barbara Saul James S Nancy Smith ^ North Carolina Charles & Cathy Biglin
Modell Scobey Richard & Ramona Spencer Evangeline Billing
Thomas S Jenneva Martin Gladys Schwenk Dayna Wright Harry S Susan Adams
Wallaces Sue Smith Russell S Linda Stark Kay Birk
Nellie Martin Ronald S Tamara Scott James S Darta Ykimolf Michael S JuiiaBerend
Williams Janel Van Treuren Raymond S Karin Stratmeyer Gary & Marilyn Bishop
Joan Mc Kenzie Philip Seagren Johns Phyllis Young Barbara Blackwood
Ken S Ruth Wilson Timothy Teo James S Carolyn Blankemeyer
Pf iscilla McDonald Phillips Patricia Seibert Karl S Linda Zurburg Bethanne Blackwood
Roger S Wilma Wischmeier Calvin S Elisabeth Tysen Kenneth S Tamara
Johns Ola McDougall Randy S Wendy Sellers Audrey Bowers
Arnold & Inese Ukstins Blissenbach
James S Karen McFarland Robert Shoemaker & Mary Cathey
Scott & Michelle McMiilen Edward S Betty Shy
M Minnesota
M Nebrasica
Craig SVickiVielguth
B. H.

Brian S Susan Crites

Brent S Carmen Bloomster
David Willis Lawrence Blundred
Gwyn Medic Harley & Rose Siders Naomi Anderson Victor S Waneta Denton
Ruth Willis Walter & Florence Bond
David S Dorothy Merrill John S Marianne Siefert
Edward S Cheryl Bixby John Durkovic
B, Stanley S Ingrid Wiren Ida Both
Kenneth Miedema Arthur Simon MikeS Patricia Fussell

William Bouw Gregory 8c Rebecca Harris Harold 8 Pamela McDaniel James Saylor Bruce Whiteman Charles & Kathleen Engle
David & Connie Bowefmeister Kenneth Harrison William 8 Ella McKee Deborah Schaeler Janice Wilcox Inrin Featien Gcegcuy&JanePalef
Carol Bowman Lowell & Virginia Hatlield Hansel McOuinn Carl Schell George 8 Sandra Willianison Edward & Noma Fleming John&BeuUiPu^
Robert & Thelma Boyd Robert Hauger Rr'-:: 8 Sheryl Mealy Molly Schell Paul 8 Ruth Wilts MaiyFraas MaeRalhnian
Philip & Shirley Btandl Mr 8 Mrs Haught Fayet'o Meier[Ohan James Schindler Darlene Winemilter Judy Prey Sarah Rictilef

Faye Brandt Paul & Carol Headland Raymond 8 Sue Merz Thomas 8 Jean Schmid Kevin 8 Jill Wise Stiaron Friertd Hany Rider

Charma Braun Onley 8 Elsie Heath Coburn 8 Niola Melcatf Clillord 8 Valerie Schmidt Timothy 8 M Sue Yoder Michael & Marie Gallagher Lorraine Rohier

Everelt & Bonnie Brewer Marc 8 Ruth Henn Clarence 8 Alice Miller Martha Schmitz Donald Young Wiltiani & Oonna Gassen Jadi 8 Dorolhy Roaete
Jocelyn Brewer Dennis 8 Diane Herris Glenn 8 Diane Miller Wayne Schmucker Charles 8 Elisabeth Zehnder Slanley Geiger Russell &Beano( Art)
David & Karen Brown Mr 8 Mrs Herrmann Bruce 8 Ruth Miller William 8 DenaSchnupp Donald Zell Lynn Georg Elizabeth RuB
Juanita Brown Steve 8 Katherine Hess Scot8 JeriMitlhouse Georgiana Schroer Gordon 8 Ruth Zimmerman Gary Glass Theodore Sah<a
Harold Bfuce Robert 8 Carolyn Highley David a Marlynn Miser Susan Schultz Brent 8 Renea Zimmerman Grace Good Aleiandet&DariyneSaldan
Marian Brume! Ralph Hill Conrad Moden Lee Scott J Cortly 8 Vivian Gregg Daniel & Robyn Scales

Arnold Buefiler Timothy SCynlhiaHiliier Joseph 8 Betsy Moell Lee 8 Mae Scroggins Anna Groft Homer 8 Rulh Schroct
George & Dama Burkhart Mary Hilty Marc8JillMohr Ted Sebright
Oklahoma Richard & Virginia Gultck Dave & Monica Schroeder
David & Lori Burkholder George Hilty John a Loni Montgomery Kathryn Serenlus
Paul Bullen
Richard 8 Sarah Gulhrie JEtaneScoe
J, Michael & Dawn Bumelt Nancy Hoskison Sara Moore Gary 8 Mary Shade Bill 8 Mildred Copeland Frances Haag PaulSensenig
Neil Bottermore Lynn House Thomas 8 Donna Morr Carol Shade
Elbert 8 Elizabeth Dresser
Nancy Hacitman BnxsJGaleSherrid
Jon & Kenda Campbell Roderick 8 Vickie Huston Cindy Moser Adrian Shamp Charles 8 Karen Graves Althea Haighl Ednard Short
Georgia Canedy Earl Huston Evelyn Muenz Herbert 8 Sue Shaw Dale 8 Linda Hageman Douglas Hall Trumbull & Kelly Sinmons
Nick & Hope Cannell Susan tngraham Howard 8 Rulh Mullins Rose Shcllon Vesu Key Robert 8 Judith Harvey Evangeline Sleasman

Scoll 8. Dawn Carr John \mr[ Cheryl Musch Charles 8 Joanne Shickley Lawrence 8 Mildred Lacour Doyle 8 Marlene Hayes Paula Snyder
Timothy Carr Jerome 8 Rosemary Jacks Lee 8 Sandra Myers Gilbert Shilling
Gary 8 Martha Lett
Luke Heltley Rosella Snyder

James & Penny Carson Thomas 8 Barbara Jackson Stanley 8 Pauline Myers Daniel 8 Rebecca Shilling Arthur 8 Gladys Lindell Richard Heisey Bizabelh Silencer

Jim & Millie Chamberlin Mary Jacoby Margaret Navorska Velma Shilling
Merwin Pickney Willis Heisey Benjamin & Alma Slanslar
Eldon & Rulh Clark Johanna Jarchow Debra Naylor DaveShinall Ralph Heisey Donald Slates
Eleanor Rahe
MatyClillord David 8 Stacy Jarvi Danny 8 Susan Nell Ronald 8 Shaion Shoal Charles 8 Sherry Ramsay George Heller Cartlon Stales

Eugene & Dorolhy Cloyd James Jennings Robert 8 Rhonda Neighbour Diana Siciliano
C Jan Tipton David a Mabel Hensel Jellrey & Dara Sterling
Esther Clymer J James 8 Linda Jerele Edith Nelson Jack Signs James 8 Mildred Hertzter RuthSlolt

Anita Coleman George Jelter Carl 8 Elaine Newcomer Jack Simpson John 8 Dianne Hiestand Lowtl Stutzman
Lydia Cooper Denis 8 Violet Johannes Arlene Newcomer Robert 8 Kimberley Slade Oregon Florence Hiester Robert Swan

Elmer & Rulh Copley Roger 8 Linda Johnson Elban Newcomer Jay 8 Gwyn Slough Timothy 8 Michelle C. LyIe 8 Adele Ttnmas
Jonathan 8 Janice Cook
n. Richard 8. Mary Cory Kent 8 Sally Johnson George Niemeyer Carla Smart Himmelvrright Louise Thompson
Elizabeth Dehne
Garry & Dawn Courtney Terry 8 Linda Jordan Millard 8 Margaret Niver Winilred Smith John 8 Ruth Hollis John 8 Mar^rel Tyson
Grace Drake
KimberlyCousino Kurt 8 Coreen Joviak Jenniler Noxsel John 8 Nancy Smith Robert Homonai Keith & Lucille mery
George Faul
Joseph & Lois Cok Robert & Joan Joye Christina Oberlin Greg 8 Linda Smith L- Elaine Huber R Richard &ShirteyUnangsl
John 8 Gwendolyn Gettmann
S. Jean Crawford Harold 8 Lydia Juillard W C Ohirich Ray 8 Ann Snyder
William 8 Mary Green
Mr 8 Mrs Humbert UndaViselli
Daniel SMarjorieCuibertson Willis 8 Martha Karges Jerry Osborn Allen 8 Janet Snyder Earnest Hummer Fred 8 Carol Watlhour
Cart 8 Helen Hawkes
Ralph & Charlotte Culler Philip 8 Jane Karl Elizabeth Osborn Kenneth Sommers Sarah Hunsberger GayWarrek
Gaylord 8 Naomi Hicks
Dora Culp Kent 8 Barbara Keener John Oven Jellrey Spiess Daniel 8 Suzanne Hussar Lawrence 8 Salty Weber
Ragnar Hokanson
John 8c Esther Daniels Jon 8 Melanie Kemp Everett 8 Ruth Overturl Reno 8 Sandra Slaplelon George 8 Joyce Hutchison Dorothy Weir
Ron 8 Cheryl Jarvi
George 8. Marian Davis Daniel & Judith Kemp Clarence 8 Eiizabelh Owsley Ruby Starbuck Peter 8 Diane Jacobs Janet Wenger
Howard Keene
E Glennard 8. Barbara Day Jocelyn Kennedy Anita Paddock Carol States Anne Jennings Timothy & Julia Wesoiek
Timothy 8 Janis Keenen
Betty De Mars Susan Kenning Robert & Cheryl Page Roy 8 Cleo Slaub Roger 8 Ruth Jeremiah J Christopher 8 Cheryl
Jim 8 Frances Kincaid
Joseph 8. Sandra DeRosa Shirley Kelron James Parks Stanley Stedman Reuben 8 Mary Judson Williams
William 8 Catherine Loewen
Mario Di Santis Terry 8 Mary Key Bruce Pasch Larrv Steider Donald 8 Alice Kach Wesley 8 Elaine Willis
John 8 LaVonne Norris
Jean Oilier Shan Kilian Nina Palton James 8 Michelle Steinbeck Inez Keith Nathan Willis
W, L Pitkin
Irene Dintaman Ralph 8 Jeneane Kindinger James 8 Anna Pelton Kirby 8 Judy Stelter David a Gloria Kemp Linda Wintennuie
David 8 Claudia Riewald
Raymond Dixon Helen Kitson William8 Lenna Peterson Joseph 8 Jennie Stevans Pauline Kintner Wallace Woin
Betty Roehl
H. Ray 8. Anne Dotson Freda Klehm Mr, 8 Mrs Petno Heber Stevens 8 Ethel Kleppinger
Arthur Dorolhy Youngdahl
Carlton 8 Sally Snow
John & Helen Dunham Corrine Klinker Ray 8 Wanda Plahler Gary Stewart Woodrow 8 Ruth Klinger J. Jellrey 8 Dawn ZeSo
Ronald 8 Nancy Woodward
Thomas & Lynette Duplain James 8 Joanne Klosterman Edward 8 Luanne Phillips Gary Stickley Andrew a Marilyn Korih

Donald & Anita Dyck James 8 Nancy Klyne Barbara Phillips Carolyn Stirn Daniel Kolb

James 8. Sharon Edwards Galen Knotts Patricia Piecuch James 8 Marilyn Stone Pennsylvania Melva Kraekel
Rhode Island
Marie Eggeman Robert 8 Sue Kontak Elizabeth Pitthan Betty Stonerock Ruth Kreider Ricnarc i ;.!= .iii ?:a,-c^
Timothy Suzanne Ellis John 8 Priscilla Kreis Larry 8 Alice Polston David 8 Kalhryn Strapp Alien Adams Sara Kulp
John 8 Ruth Gn<linuiiei
Thomas 8c Leigh Emmons Lawrence 8 Martha Kreps Steven 8 Susan Powers Diane Stuber James 8 Elaine Allan Paul 8 Barbara Kuntz
Robert 8. Bonnie Erwin Ludwig 8 Elsa Kroger Foster Price Trinda Stutzman Mary Allison Wendy Kuntz
Richard Si Laura Essex Arland Krueger Robert Purdy Denton Sullivan Lynn Andelmo Rulh Kuntz
Edward 8. Evangeline Evanick Agnes Krueger David 8 Lorie Purdy Donald & Helen Summers Georgianna Anderson Dorothy LaFrance South Carolina
Max Evans James 8 Ruth Ladd Renee Purman Ray Sumpter Rodger Anderson Adam 8 Mildred LaRose
Donald 8r Margaret Faimon T Dwighl Ladd Kenneth 8 Darlene Pycralt Lyie Swartz Tony Arauio Sharon Lacey
Frances Rader Vernon Sydlaske Ken a Lori Armstrong EliasLandis
Thomas Fainrveather Carane Ladd
Oradell Banker James 8 Lmda Landt
Darrolt & Maureen Farney Renis Landes Rachel Rader Allen Tannehill

Larry Fast Barbara Lane Hobert8JudyRaikes Daie8GaylcTerjung LyIe a Lorena Barrett Daniel 8 Phoebe Law
James 8 Thomas Dayid Beach
Jane Faulkner Sandra Lane Susan Ramsey Patricia Philip 8 Theresa Lawrence
Wendy Feusse John 8 Jean Lantz Stanley Ramsier Raymond 8 Linda Thompson John 8 Carol Beals Melvin 8 Joan Leaman
Richard 8c Joy Finkenbine Donald 8 Camilte Robert 8 Mary Ransbotlom David 8 Mary Thompson Clark a Sandra Bedlord Blossom Lego
Donald Fleming Lautzenheiser Mildred Ransboltom Harold 8 Carolyn Thornburg Dale a Sally Beers John Leid
AdalineLeMay Loren 8 Sue Red Betty Toedter
Ruth Bell
Wayne Leininger
David 8i Lynette Flick
Thomas 8 Dawn Lee 8 Rebecca Tomes Lauren Bell Helen Lenox
Sue Flora Terry fteichard Paul
James Belt
Joselina Florando Robert Lee Brian 8 Jenniler Reilsnider Mark Treadwell Benjamin Lincoln South Dakota
Mark 8 Jenniler Leitnaker Melanie Reno Thomas 8 Suzie TropI Alien Berty Wayne Lynch
William 8. Sonia Flower
Phyllis Bills
Jellrey 8i Michelle Fralus Ronald 8 Helen Leu Dave 8 Sharon Rex Gerald TropI Margaret Mallelte
Mike Freese Gary 8 Lori Lindau R, D Rex Mildred Turner Jerald 8 Deborah Bloomgren William 8 Jeanne Marino
Kelly Fuller Mr 8 Mrs. Lister J, N. 8 Helen Reynolds Mary Twining Ronald 8 Donna Bolesta Shirley Manm
Thomas 8 Daniel & Kerry Bonura
Carol Furry Sarah Liu Clyde 8 Gay Rhodes Gloria Uliczny Brian Mast

Dave i Priscllla Garwood Richard 8 Kathleen Lloyd Kenneth Rhodes Dale 8 Jill Van Valkenburg Thomas & Cathy Bookslaver Clarence 8 Edna Mast
Stanley Boughlon
Linda Geaslen John 8 Marilyn Losch James Ricciletii Mr 8 Mrs Vaughan William 8 Janet Matthews
Ralph 8i Melba Gerber Mildred Lovell Roseann Rice Stevan Vaughan D Keith Boyd Lois Mc Conaughey Marylyn Adams
Gaylordi Ota Gerig Herbert 8 Betty Lucas Viiginia Richards Aric Verhagen Wiiliam8 Norma Brown Charles Mc Inlosh Joe Barton
George & Jacqueline Gingery Jerry8 Sandra Lugbilt Richard Riley W Mark 8 Nyla Vernon James 8 Rosemary Bucy George 8 Crystal Mcf arland E C 8 Eileen Bemstot
Walter 8. BerniceGisel Charles 8 Shirley Lugbill Patsy Robinette David 8 Jeannine Voris Rebecca Burrichler Daniel 8 Cathryn Meissner William & Lara Blanchard
William Gore Elizabeth Lyons William8 Maxine Robinson Gilbert Wagoner Roger 8 Jane Burlner Steven 8 Shirley Melz RotHTt&MsrcieBrolund
Ronald 8i Nancy Grannoman Manlord Lytic Donald 8 Lori Robinson Edwin Waldiop John Chapman Norman 8 Vickie Miller F Gulhhe 8 Renee Castle
Robert 8 Anna Charles Thomas 8 Deborah Milter Thomas & Margaret
Imogean Grapes Dale 8 Pally Maczka James Rodebaugh Zane 8 Elaine Walker Chilcote
Johns, Phyllis Green Bernlce Mahan Dennis 8 Trudy Rose Donald Wailinglord Helen Charles Albert a Emily Milter Alten8BartiaraDreiliell)is

Janeen Green Hans & Sandra Malebrancho Daniel 8 Alice Ross Vert 8 Glenna Walton Connie Charles Sam 8 Leone Milliner Edith Driver

Jay Green Carol Marcum John Ross Robert 8 Mary Weaver Ruth Clemmcr Douglas 8 Jill Mills NanHaHgger
Kenneth 8i Bonnie Greene Nadino Marshalt-Wagner Elinor Roush Kenneth Weaver Arthur8 Lona Climenhaga Marlene Moore Dennis & Ginger Hwdy
Virginia Greene David 8 Ruth Martin Russell 8 Linda Ruckman John 8 Mary Welsh Theodore 8 Kimberly Cryer Samuel 8 Pal Moll Ruth Hilt

Herb Grieser Sherman 8 Rae Massie Orvllte 8 Frieda flupp Evelyn Welsheimer Robert8 Janet Cummmgs William & Gait Nichols James & Karen Koeden
Dale 8i Lorraine Guenther Ohien 8 Pauline Mast Ralph 8 June Rupp Matthew 8 Tammi Wengerd Mary Cummings Artene Noll Chel& Susan LeSourd
Charles 8, Ruth Hahn Gary 8 Christine Maslin Gtonda Rupp Valelta Werder Jim 8 Susan Curry Harry 8 Jackie OtdentMSCh ChartesLodolt
Robert 8i Geratdine Hahn Gregory8 Elizabeth Mathews Karen Russell Bryan West Gregory 8 Eltie Davis Timothy 8 Tamirj Olson Sk()hen Marshall
C. Norman 8c Shirley Hansen 8 Ctiarlene Mathias
Albert Ronda Russetl John 8 Jo Wheeler Edward 8 Rulh Dillin
Robert &BartHra on Diane Mason
Connie Hanson Mc EIroy Dorolhy Oively
Richard 8c Evelyn Robert Saneda David 8 Karen Wheeler Richan) Panko Steven &MelinlaMollilt
John Harbal Shannan Mc Eowen Tom & Salty Saunders Kenneth 8 Belly While
Robert 8 Patricia Dunbar Robert 8 May Panlano Carta Muldock
Michael 8c Judith Hardy Wiltiam McCormick Etwin Sayler Hal 8 Constance While George 8 Joan Etjersote
Harry 8 Susan Penny Merle &Katny Mussel


Anne Newell
& Jan Newell Deane & Jeanne Kilbourne
Jotin& Eliza tiethKtingstedt
Wayne S Dorothy
Lulu Lloyd
Leininger Carroll

S Maxine SIroshine
S Nancy Thompson
Thomas S Barbara
Barry S Jo Holden
M Puerto Rico
Charles & Cindy Mies Ditlon & Vivian Laf(m Tim S Carolyn Lugbill Keith S Cindy Thompson Philips Jamie Holtje HumbertoSRitaCamero
Carey & Beth Peters Philip Loving William SCarollynPeerman Thomas S Dana Housaman
Richard & Margo Peterson Bruce & Rosemary MacFadyen Philips Mary Ardis Jacobsen

Jon & Jane SherOerg Sam & Kathryn Martens Greg S Joy Pyles
m West Virginia Georges SueJotinson
M Canada
Oavid & Monica Slaughter Donald Moore J. Samuel Shellenberger Larry Allen
Dorval S Gerry Karlen Roberts Eleanor Bayles
John & Kay Slocum Derrell & Sandra Patlerson Michael S Gail Simone Alan Anderson Jack S Jean Kelling Harvey Brodhecker
Jene & Sherri Smith Matthew & Luanne Patlerson Thomas S Betsy Smith MaeBowlin Stephen S Kathy Kornelsen William Hansen
Wayne & Sandra Smith Al & Priscilla Pomarici David S Brenda Thacker Herman Buskirk Edith Korpi
W. Alexander S Linda Moir
Vicky Spodeck J Franklin & Lynn Pyle Ben S JaneTimian Kathleen Cumberledge C. Hilding Lindetl
Doug Parsons
Richard & Rebecca Stanislaw J. Richards Margaret Pyle Joseph SWilma White Waneta Drake Ken S Ruth Lintelmann James S Merle Postlewaii-
Walter Thomas Evelyn Rhodes Paul S Marilyn Ziemer Paul S Betty Getty
Fred MacKenzie Lawrence S Janice Rich
Gary & Ethel Wiggins Charles Ryrie Williams Carolyn Holbert Mark S Gwen McConnell
Ronalds Jennifer Wilsoii
David Zinn Robert S Rutti Shaw Miles SVirgilia Mercer
Robert S Carole Smith
m Vermont Jami Hughes
Marie Marks
Donald S C. Lynne Miller

m Texas
Bruce Thacker
Richard Wepter
Mary Bower Harold S Peggy Murphy Gary S Sonja Oetzel
Alfred Olson
m Internationai
J. Arthur S Eltamay Dahlstrand Mr. S Mrs. Nelson
H. L. Adkison Robert Willis
J.Allen & RondaFeeley Stiirley Nelson
Mr, S Mrs. Paynter Jane Alien

Gilbert Ayres
C. Raymond Woodrow Mr S Mrs. Green Lindsay Norris
Roger S Ida Price Joseph S V, Inez Archibald

Albert Yeomans Joseph S Diane Prillwilz Donald S Sharmin Brenneman

Dan & Darlene Carpenter William S Shirley Kennard Martha Pierson
Shelley Chapin
David & Carol Zoutendam Peter S Joyce Todd Beatrice Rhodes David S Deborah Reinbold Meredith S Joan Britton
Williams Anna Wendy James S Lys Reiskytl David S Janet Brown
C Dale Coin Willis Seller
Paul & Roberta Rice Thomas S Cosmades
James Comstock
Glenna Crist
m Utah Howard S Helen Young Loren Sexauer
Maynard Vaughan Frank Roye Ray S Natalie de laHaye

Lloyd & Evangeline OeLong Stacy Scott DrusillaWade Edwin Schroeder Stewart SMarlene Georgia

E, Crosby & Ruth DeWolte

m Washington Howards Barbara Watson
Russell Sells Chye S On Goh

& Rosalind Dew Timothy Waugh Harold S Karen Shorlenhaus Roy Habecker

William & Gwendolynn Downs

m Virginia M.Wesley S Florence Arms
Gordons Lola Bell JonnyS Joyce Winkler
Donald S Barbara Silvis Jonalhan S Dorothy
David S Barbara Sironi Hildebrandt
Rod& Linda Gerig
Shirley Albert George Crader
Annetta Good Harvey S Jane Storm Hugo S Carol Johansson

Mark & Pamela Gornal!

Sandra Angell
Daniel SKathyAring
John Crook
m Wisconsin Bradley Slumbo Carl S Sharon Kotapish

& Constance Green Thomas & Naomi Vrhovnik Ernest & Barbara Moir
& Vicki Habecker
& Geraldine Hall
Mark S Brenda Bodett
Virginia Bragan

Gilbert S Janice Grouse

Miriam Emery
Donald Gallenberger
Phyllis Grant
& Sue Baas
Mrs Beauchaine
William Bonfield
Sarah Vrhovnik
Jack SArlene Warden
James S Carolyn Mudge
John & Bonnie Nystrom
A time
Tom & Diane Hawkins Gardner Wills Perry & Elizabeth Oakes

Joseph & Ruth Higginhotham

Samuel S Connie Eddy
Wayne & Marilyn Fine
Gary S
Helen Kellogg
Krisline Johnson Pamela Carrao
John Certalic
Mark S Susan Wilson Joyce Pearce to keep.
Josephs Patricia Himelick
Betty Wright Wane Sawfyer
Roy S Barbara Finkenbine Larry Larsen Kenneth Chatlee
Williams Phyllis Younger Robert S Sandy Shatter
Lorene Hinlz
Ed & Carole Goeas Alene Lindquist David & Carol Eckslrom
Keith & Edna Holdeman Mo S Ann Shields
G. Douglas & Cathy Greenwood Ernest S Kathleen Miller Jerald & Marilyn Erdman
Steven SCenaSimms
Johnny & Carol Hughes
Everett & Betly Jarboe
Gerald S Krisline Hale Kathy Noble Brent & Beth Erickson m Wyoming Mr. & Mrs. Sterner LJy their
Fenton SAnn Hall Joe) Schwarz Deborah Gerard
John & Patricia Johns Tammy Schoch Leon S Martha Strunk
Harlan Haywood Thomas Steury CariS Cynthia Gutzman
M Andrew S You-Ying Whipple
Randalls Elizabeth Jones John S Masako Huibregtse Chrislophe S Margaret Stone R James S Lucille Hagen returning to tlie
Bryan & Anita Kehr
Raymond S Marcta de la Haye
Victor & Roxanne Leichly Charlotte Stone Roberts Mary Hankins


semester after

Honor Roll of Parents
We wish to recognize parents ot current and former Tayior students for ttieir generous operational and capitai support of
Taylor University. Seeing tfie benefits of a Taylor education in the lives of their own children, these committed individuals
their approval of
help to ensure that the same Taylor experience will be available to present and future generations of young people
and satisfaction
Mc. 8. Mrs. Adams Milo&JuellaBoerman Jan 8. Gloria Cleveland Stephen 8. Beverly Ecchec Michael 8, Judith Hardy Stephen & Sandra Kershaw
David Carol Eckslrom Jerry Gayle Harms David Gloria Kelt
H Leon 8, LaGatha Adkison Daniel 8. Kerry Bonura Mark 8c Rebecca Clough 8. 8i 8,
with the Taylor
Terry & Carol Agness John & Jeanne Borden Eugene & Dorothy Cloyd James 8. Sharon Edwards Henry 8. Julia Harvey Jay 8 Alice King

Pauls June Allen Norman & Carole Bowgren Maurice 8 Marlene Coburn David & Joyce Eggert Doyle & Marlene Hayes Oscar 8, Reta Kirk

Roberl & Marian Elliot & Nellie Hepker James & Avaline Kleist
Rogers Dorothy Allen Gary & Sherryl Bowman James & Linda Coe Carl

Wayne & Carolyn Allen Jerry 8. Penny Boyd Malvin 8, Kathryn Cotield Gordon 8, Rila Ellison Mr & Mrs Herrmann Bruce & Georgia Kline

Robert & Carole Amon R David S Joan Boyer David& Lola Collins Stuart & Mariorie Ensinger James 8; Mildred Herlzter Connie Kloplenstein Taylor's student
Neal S Marilyn Anderson Philip & Shirley Brandt James & Joan Colguhoun Darrell & Maureen Farney Martin 8. Carol Hess Donald & Judith Knudsen

Alex & Anna Andrade Mr St Mrs. Brenneman Michael & Rachel (iolvin Mary Ferris Kenneth 8. Carroll Hickok Donald & Bonnie Kregel retention rate,
Lydia Andrews Mr & Mrs Brinkerholl Barry & Constance Colyer Marvin 8. Lillian Fields Mr 8, Mrs Hieb Ronald & Suzanne Kregel

Ronald & Nancy Angerer Kenneth & Nancy Brix Michaelene Costin Roy 8. Kathleen Flanary James & Bonnie Higgins Paul & Barbara Kuntz nearing 95
John & Jane Armslrong Keith & Linda Brown S 8. Janet Couch David & Lynette Flick Thomas & Phoebe HoBrage Kenneth 8< Judy Landrud

Lynn & Joan Aschliman Larry Nancy Brown Garry Dawn Courtney David 8< Kaien Forbes William 8, Carolyn Holbert James 8. Linda Landt
8. 8.
percent, is
Richard & Elshelh Baarendse Robert & Janet Brown Joseph 8. Lois Cox Roberl 8, Mickey Futbright Larry 8; Barbara Holder Robert 8. Dawn Larsen

Mary Baldwin Oavid & Janet Bruce David & Joan Crane Michael & Marie Gallagher James & Sandy Holland Thad & Judith Larsen

Max & Maxine Balkema Mr & Mrs Brvan Leroy 8c Esther Cross Daryl 8. Lauralee Gates David & Karen Horsey Donald &Camille
among the
Mr 8, Mrs Banter Robert 8. Marcia Burden Richards Janet Cummins David 8. Sandra Gelwicks James 8 Eunice Howell Lautzenheiser

Michael& Louee Barati Timothy & Carolyn Burkholder Mr. 8. Mrs Cupp Stewart & Marlene Georgia Oliver 8i Jackie Hubbard Melvin 8i Judy Leach highest in the
Harold& Margaret Barnhart Brian & Andrea Burnett Loyal 8. Floramae Cutlorth Charles & Linda Gilford Carl & Suellen Hull Roland & Constance Lee
G William & Peggy Bartow Joe & Jane Burnworlh Hassan & Judy Dallal James 8i Joy Gilbert Mr, & Mrs. Humbert Wynn 8< Bonnie Lembright nation.
Charles & Carol Beats James 8. Rita Butts Daniel & Sara Darby Victor 8. Betsey Glavach Barry & Diana Humble Fredric & Paula Lenger

Mr 8. Mrs Beardsley John 8. Martha Byler David 8( Bonnie DeRouchie Michael 8. Barbara Goble Mr & Mrs Humerickhouse James 8. Donna Lindell

Mr 8. Mrs Beauchaine Roger 8. Lynn Byrum Douglas & Barbara Dickinson Russell& Sharyl Godfrey Louis & Judith Imperial John & Judy Linstra

Lynn 8. Judy Becker Lawrence & Susan Cairns Robert 8, Helene Diller Chye & On Goh David 8i Sara James Jerry 8i Marilyn Loltis

R. Randolph & Bari Behnken Robert & Judy Cameron Timottiy 8. Lucille Diller David & Sandra Goiter Mr, 8( Mrs, Jarvis Jack 8. Elizabeth Loose

Robert 8. MarciaBeniamin Walter S Mary Campbell James 8. Katherine Dimos Thomas & June Goossen Stephen & Janet JeNrey John S Marilyn Losch
Christopher 8, Linda Bennett James & Jo Carlson Norman 8< Arlis Dixon Robert 8, Jane Gortner Roger 8. Janet Jenkinson Michael S. JaneLoudermilk

Edward 8. Susan Bennett Tom 8. Margo Carlson Mr. 8i Mrs. Doerstter Ronald 8. Nancy Granneman John & Janice Jeter Carl 8i Patricia Lundquist

Marilyn Berends Richard 8. Janet Carpenter Richard 8. Judith Dominguez Robert 8c Donna Granville Joseph & Dolores Johns E Lewis & Dorothy Luhretl

Brian & Mary Bergslen James & Penny Carson H Ray & Anne Dotson Kenneth 8. Bonnie Greene KenI 8 Sally Johnson Donald 8. Belinda Luxton

James S Susan Berry Jeremy & Sue Carter Johnny 8; Cynthia Doude Stanley & Ruth Guillaume William 8 Sandra Johnson Charles & Betty Lyons

Richard 8i Janice Berry Mr & Mrs Casey David & Linda Drooger Richard 8< Bonni Gygi Don & Cheryl Jones Bruce 8< Rosemary MacFadyen
Roland 8, Shirley Bertka Jim 8. Millie Chamberlin Roberl & Judith Dryden Douglas & Sue Haas William 8. KayJourdan Daniel & Joyce MacLeish
Gary 8c Marilyn Bishop Robert 8; Anna Charles Richard 8. Carol Dugan Ronald & Anita Habegger Roberl & Joan Joye David 8, Ruth Martin

Kenneth & Tamara Arthur & Jeanellen John Durkovic Roy & Lynne Hagen Dorval 8. Gerry Karlen Kenneth 8c Kathy Martin

Blissenbach Christensen Donald 8. Anita Dyck Gerald 8. Krisline Hale Gene & Margo Keller Edward 8. Kathleen Masloob

Steve 8. Nancy Board Mr. 8, Mrs. Clark George 8i Joan Ebersole Carl 8, Sherri Hallbauer Daniel 8. Judith Kemp

Clarence & Edna Masi Ted & Claudia Nussbaum Wayne & Carol Rees Gary & Mary Shade Christoplie & Matgacel Stone S«nm& Martha Wbgia
Richard & Sandra Malchelle James SArloeen Oliver James d> Lys Reiskytl Paul & Sandra Sliattuck RuthSliong Zane& Elaine Wakei
Sleven & Barbara Maliriews Keith & Betty Orebaugh James & Marietta Richard Joan Shaw Johns Sandra SIrubhar Riciad&ChrisfineWaUnian
David & Judy McClellan Anila Paddock Gayle 8c Nancy Richmond Frederick & Darlene Shuize Roland i Carol SumrKy John & Jean Waknsiey
W Ttiomas McConnell Richard & Sharon Parker Robert 8c Susan Ring John & Marianne Siefert John & Jane Swain RohertS Nancy Wanen
Ross & Margaret McDowell Jerry 8i Pauline Parr William & Rebecca Stephen & Sue Ann Simpson David & Marlene Swanson G. Richard SLeotaWaierson
Patricia McFarland Paul & Phyllis Patterson Ringenberg David & Barliara Sironi Dennis& Larisa Swihafl Barry S Phyllis Wehrte
Hubert 8. Thelma McGee James & Evonne Paulson James & Mary Rosema Dale & Bonnie Sloat Norman & Lots Swing Thomas & Jean Weir
Damd & Carol McKie James & Dara Peters Daniel& Alice Ross Jay & Gwyn Slough Howard & Jill Taylor Peler& Linda Wells
Robert & Coleen Midwood James & Barbara Peterson Roger & Louona Roth Donald & Dena Smith Kenneth & Joanne Taylor Hal & Constance While
Ptiil 8, Alberta Miller Richard 8. Sally Peterson Samuel & Evangeline Roth James S Nancy Smith Robert & Marcia Theule Douglas &GeriWh<leiord
Douglas & Jill Mills Mr, 8, Mrs Peino Lawrence & Wilma Rowe John & Nancy Smith James & Patricia Thomas Geny & Roxana Wiley
David & Marlynn Miser Jerry 8c Marilyn Petrie Russell & Linda Ruckman Thomas & Betsy Smith David & Mary Thompson Paul S Rebecca WrII'iamson
Jimmie & Carol Moehn Sleven 8, Peggy Piatt Robert & Judie Rudolph Wayne 8c Sandra Smith Raymond & Linda Thompson Wesley & Elaine Willis

Carl 8. Judith Moellering James & Carol Plueddemann Charles 8c Sara Salberg Don & Mary Snell J David& Norma Thrasher Lany & Lynne Wimsfhollei
Nancy Moller Robert 8i Dawn Pobanz Norman & Janet Samuetson Norman & Kathryn Snelt Duane & Linda Tjnholt Gaiy&JuneWoH
Robert 8. Joan Moser James 8. Mary Polcaster Elizabeth Sanchez Jerald & Valeria Snyder Mose & Ruth Troyer Kenneth & Shaion Wolgenulh
Samuel & Pal Moll Irvin 8( Sandra Polk Richard 8c Addle Sarkela Richard 8c Ramona Spencer Mr & Mrs Turner Theodore S Susan Wood
Andrew & Barbara Mouw Gordon !, Judy Polsgrove Donald 8c Gloria Schatter Ara 8c Claudia St John Thomas & Gloria Uliczny James & Judilh Woods
Don & Diane Mundy Robert 8. Joanne Pontius Neil 8, Judie Richard 8c Rebecca Stanislaw Alan & Patricia Unander Ronalds Nancy Woodward
Mr S Mrs. Nelson Lynn & Linda Rader Schmachlenberger Karen Steckley Thomas & Wendy Valle Boh&PristillaWynkoop
Carl 8. Elaine Newcomer Douglas & Jane Rampona Martha Schmitz David & Donna Steenbaiger Andrew & Shirtey Valpalic Sleven & Anita Voder
Tied4 Virginia Niemi Robert 8. Mary Ransbottom William 8c Dena Schnupp Mr & Mrs Stemer Mr. & Mrs. Vaughan Warren & Janel Yoder
Renny& Catherine Norman David 8i Karen Rasmussen Rex 8c Marti Schrader Dr 8c Mrs Stewart Paul & Linda Von Behren Elton & Sharon Yordy
Jerald 8c Carolyn NorquisI Loren 8. Sue Red Homer 8c Ruth Schtock Gary Stewart Thomas & Naomi Vrhovnik Mr &Mrs.Zabel
Richard 8. Mary Norris Daniel & Marsha Reed Lee & Mae Scroggins George 8c Evelyn Slisher Philip & Jane Wade Karl & Unda Zurhurg

Faculty, Administration, and Staff

A m G to
II Ygyior is blessed in having a truly outstanding group of people who serve in the employ of the

S p6a k University. The operational and capital support received from these individuals bespeaks an added
level of service and commitment to furthering the mission of Taylor University.

Academics at H Leon & LaGatha Adkison Jean Copeland Sidney 8c Bonnie Hail Jay & Jane Kesler Charles & Irnta Ronald SChikako Sloan
Wayne & Carolyn Allen Winlried & June Corduan David & Susan Hall Jack & Janet King Gary & Joy Newton Dale & Bonnie Sloal
Jeftrey Arnelte Mark 8c Jo Ann Cosgrove Daniel 8c Margaret Hammond Charles 8c Patricia Kirkpatrick E. Herbert & Louise Nygren Altai &AnjisSmim
Taylor speak for David Askeland Robert 8c Linda Craton Paul & Shirley Harms James & Avaline KleisI Jon Ochs Dan & Janel Smith
Elizabeth Alkins Dane 8c Laura Davenport Shirley Harnish Daniel 8c Beverly Klepser Stephen Olsen Richard &G3yleneSrralh
the themselves. Beulah Baker Linda Davenport Albert 8c Pam Harrison William 8c Joanne Klinger Jane Oyler Francrs & Unda Sotns
Denise Bakerink Robert 8c Janet Deavers George 8c Anna Harrison Philip 8c Velma Kroeker Richard & Sharon Parker Martha Songer
Building on a Mr 8, Mrs Banter David & Barbara Dickey Charles & Barbara Heavilin LeRoy 8c Roberta Kroll Paul & Phyllis Patterson Marks Nancy Soueis
Raymond & Eleanor Barrick Timothy 8c Lucille Diller Larry & Joyce Helyer James & Sybil Law Barry & Betsy Pavesi Richard & Feme Squieis

tradition begun L. William & Jeanetle Bauer Norman 8c Artis Dixon Timolhy & Kalhtyn Herrmann Wynn & Bonnie Lembright Roger & Rose Phillips Aia& Claudia John a
Stephen 8c Phyllis Bedi Richard & Ruth Dixon William S Susan Helh Jack 8c Cynlhia Letarte Robert S Marsha Pitts JenySlair
Stephen 8c Jane Beers Theodore 8c Lillian Dorman Mary Ann Hill Paul & Connie Lightlool Barbara Plasterer Charles SBaihaia Stevens
in the first half
Thomas & Helen Beers Donna Downs Joan Hobbs Philip 8c Janet Loy Scott & Kimberly Polsgrove DelorisStralton
Ronald & C. Joyce Benbow Richard & Carol Dugan Robert& Susan Hodge Rosie Lynch Douglas & Carmel Read -
Johns Sandra StnjUBi
of the 19th Robert 8c Marcia Benjamin Lee 8c Patricia Erickson Gerald& Jane Hodson Lance 8c Tammera Maloney Nelson & Beth Rediger Ronald & Judith Sulheriafid
Christopher 8c Linda Bennett Tom & Julie Essenburg Stephen & Artis Hollmann Steve & Karolyn Manganello Slephen & Lucia Resiji Kenneth &Saiah Swan
century, the Val 8c Linda Black Marilyn Evans Sharon Hopkins Robert & Billie Manor Karen Richards Donald & Joyce Taylor
Rodney Boatwright Barbara Ewbank Jerry & Barbara Hotmire William 8c Brenda Maniha Gayle & Nancy Richmond Rick & Patricia Tedder

University Daniel & Victoria Book Sharon Ewbank Paul S Becky House Doug & Connie Marlow William & Rebecca William & Donna Toll
Theodore 8c Dana Bowers Barbara Fights Herbert 8c Nancy Howard Pal McCoy Ringenberg JereTnjex
Mark Diana Branham John Joyce Fox Oliver Jackie Hubbard Rebecca McPhearson Helen Rogers Marilyn Walker
promotes 8c 8c 8c

Gary Brenner Robert 8c Elizabeth Freese Date & Laura Hutson Slephen S Betty Messer Joe & Carol Romine Johns Doris Wallace
Stanley 8c Belly Burden William 8c Lura Fry David & Elda Ivey Tracy & Shari Michael Dianne Ross Lois Weed
pursuit of
Timolhy & Carolyn Burkholder Herbert 8c Kathy Frye Alice Jackson Dwight & Mary Mikkelson R Waldo & F Marlene Roth Andre* & You-Ying Whipple
David Burns James 8c Lois Garringer Dale & Margaret Jackson Phil 8c Alberta Miller Roger & Louona Roth Arthur &Donica White
Christian Joe 8c Jane Burnworlh Charles 8c Linda Gilford Jeffrey& Kristie Jacobson Peggy Mogush Paul & Mary Rolhrock Bonnie Wilson
Robert 8i Tell Buroker George 8c Jan Glass Charles & Verna Jaggers Craig S Cynthia Moore Jessica Rousselow Alan WinguisI
commitment Mildred Butler James 8c Nancy Gore Roger 8c Janet Jenkinson John & Rebecca Moore Lawrence & Wilma Rowe Lany & Lynne Winterhoter
Waller 8, Mary Campbell Robert & Jane Gortner Kim Johnson Slephen & Erika Mortland Gene & Nancy Rupp Robert SRosanneWoHe
and academic Kimberly Case David Gray William 8c Sandra Johnson Erick 8i Julie Mowery Richard & Joanne Seaman Bob&PhscillaWyi*oop
Shelley Chapin Sharon Gray Robert 8c Helen Jones Tmothy 8, Susan Nace E Mattie Sellers Daiyl&JoenilaYosi
Faye Chechowich Arno 8c Rhonda Gretillal Thomas & Carolyn Jones Ronald 8c Myrna Nell Todd & Cynlhia Shinabarger Daniel SMadhaYutzy
James 8c Linda Coe William 8c Phyllis Gross Daniel 8c Darlene Jordan Robert 8c Margarel Neideck Robert 8c Lavonna Shockey
Jellrey 8c Jenniler Collins Mac Gulley John 8c Elvida Kaslelein David 8c Ruth Neuhouser Frederick & Darlene Shuize
Since 1983, Michael 8, Rachel Colvin Dan 8c Patricia Haisley S. Marian Kendall Douglas & Toni Newlin Caroline Simmons

Taylor has


been named by
n Foundations
US News and Taylor University benefits greatly from the continued support of foundations who, through their

generosity, assist in funding a number of important initiatives. In the past year these foundations
World Report as
have provided benefits for students, faculty, and the public alike.
one of the

nation's top Chrislian College Consortium

Rice Charitable Lead Trust
English, Bonier, Mitchell Fnd.
Stratlord Foundation
regional liberal Les Gerig Charilable Found,
The Mennonite Foundation,
Lilly Endowment, Inc
LyIord Cay Foundation, Inc.
arts colleges. Wynalda Foundation
National Chrislian Gharitab Fn.

Business, Industry, and Organizations
Taylor University is grateful to these friends of higtier education for their vital support. By their gifts they make a
significant contribution to the quality educational experience Taylor offers her students and help to prepare continued

numbers of outstanding graduates for careers in service and business-related fields.

AMR/American Airlines Bill Jarrett Ford-Mercury Digital Equipment Hershey Entermt & Resort Co Mcjohnson incorporated Raytheon The Allstate Foundation
Foundation Borg-Warner Foundation Corporation Hewitt Associates Mead Johnson & Co Fd inc Reign Forms & Graphics, inc The Baxter Foundation
AON Foundations Bridgeslone/Firestone Trust Dow Corning Corporation Honeywell Foundation Merrill Lynch Restaura Inc The Black & Decker Corporation
ARCO Atiantic Rictilield Fndn. End Dow U.S-A Hoggins Auto Sales Metropolitan Life Foundation Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Inc The Delta Air Lines Foundation
AT&T Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Dun & Bradstreet Corp Found IBM Corporation Milton Hershey School Richard Harner Trucking Co The Guardian Lite ins.Co.ol Am
AbtiotI Laboratories Fund Fnd.,inc. Dutch Corporation ITT Corporation Mot)ii Foundation inc Richards Dictation Service The Hartford Group
Ace Auto Body Service, Inc. Brool(field AMC/Jeep/Ren. EG&G Foundation ITW Foundation Monsanto Fund Richmond's The Johnson Foundation
Aetna Lite and Casualty inc. Eastbrook Foods Illinois Bell Motorola Foundation Rockwell international The MITRE Corporation
Alcoa Foundation Brotherhood Mutual Ins Co Electronics Metal Finish. Corp. Impact Products. Inc Munsee Meats inc Rubbermaid incorporated The Prudential Foundation
Alden-Parl(s & Co Brown Funeral Home inc Eli Lilly and Company Independent Colleges of NYNEX Foundation STAR Financial Bank Thomas J. Lipton Foundation. Inc
Allied-Signal Foundation Inc. Butler Mtg. Co. Foundation Foundation Indiana Foundation Nancy Wagman Beauty Salon SUMMCORP Timberline Motel
Amcast industrial Foundation CiBA-GEIGY Corporation Eikins insurance Agency, inc Indiana & Michigan Power New York Telephone Schaffer and Company U S West
American Cyanamid Company CPC internalional inc. Elm Avenue Vision Center Co Company Schmitz Family Foundation Upjohn Company
American Electric Power Serv Campbell Soup Company Emerson Electric Co. Indiana Academy of Science North American Philips Corp Schrock Plant Food Service USA Group INC
American Express Ptiiian, Prg. Caterpillar Foundation Ernst & Young Foundation Ivanhoes, Inc Northern Illinois Gas Service Auto Glass, Inc USX Foundation, Inc
American Slates Insurance Co. Cenlury Realty, P. C. Essex Group, Inc. Jobside Fasteners, Inc. Northwest Airlines, Inc. Servicemaster Industries United Parcel Serv. Found.
American tJnited Life Chevron Matching Grants FPL Group Foundation John R. Oliver Co., Inc Northwestern Mutual Life Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc United Technologies Corp
Insurance Program Family Tree Residential Fac. Jones Funeral Home Ohio National Lite insurance Sherex Chemical Company Inc Upland Medi Mart
American-Standard Inc Citizens First State Bank Financial Counseling, Inc Kahn Brothers & Co Inc PJ's Sports Hut Sign America Inc. Upland True Value Hardware Inc.

Ameritecli Foundation City Savings Bank First Naf Bank

i of Chgo. Fdn Keebler Company Foundation PURDY CONCRETE, INC. SmithKline Beecham Uptown Videos
Ameritecti Services Classic Properties First Natl. Bank ol Warsaw Kmart Corporation Pacesetter Bank Foundation Urbana Physical Therapy, inc.

Amoco Foundation tnc Cleveland Elec Illuminating Foot Locker LeMaster Steel Erectors, Inc, Pacesetter Bank Southeast Banking Corp Van Gilder Funeral Home
Animal Medical Center Colgate-Palmolive Company Ford Motor Company Fund Leo Burnett Co., Inc. Paulstan Inc Found Varns Guest House, Inc.

Anthony Properties Computer Solution, Co Fricke & Sons Sod, Inc Leonard Signs Peat Marwick Main Southwestern Bell Foundation Vicki's Investment Properties

Arthur Andersen & Co Fou Conneaut Valley High School G D Searie & Company Lubrizol Foundation Foundation Spiegel inc Viskase Corporation
Avis industrial Corporation Continental Bank Eoundalion GTE Foundation M/Dance Centre J C Penney Company Inc Square D Foundation W A Witney Co
B & B Store, Inc. Cooper Tire 8. Rubber Found Gannett Foundation Maidenberg Associates Pete's Place, Inc, State Farm Companies Found W W Grainger Inc
B F Goodrich Company Crouse Sales and Service General Electric Foundation Manito Rotary Club Philip Morris Companies Inc Sterling Winlhrop Inc Wallpaper World
BP America, Inc. Crowe, Chizek S Co General Motors Maranatha Foundation Pina Hut Summit Bank Walton & Son Inc
Ball Corporation Crum & Forster Foundation George Welding, Inc Marathon Oil Company Pizza Hut of Ft Wayne, Inc Summit Bank Warner-Lambert Company
Barber Really, Inc. Cummins Engine Foundation Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co Marion Community Schools Principal Financial Group Tax-Pro, INC, Washington National Insuranc
Barnelt Banks. Inc. D & R Investments Gordon Food Service Marion Kiwanis Club, Inc Professional Financial Group The express Waste Management, Inc.

Bell International Dana Corporation Foundation Grabiii Bank Martin Marietta Corp Provident Mutual TOSOH SMD, Inc. William Bioss Construction
Bellcore Danville Rotary Club Grant County State Bank May Stores Foundation, inc. Public Service Electric 8. Gas Trinova Corporation Woodard Sales & Service
Ben Keideriing Masonry, inc Deluxe Check Printers Found H T Filz Simons Co. Mc Coy Funeral Chapel Quantum Chemical Corp TRW Foundation Xerox Foundation
Berco, inc Design Concepts Hercules. Inc. McDonnell Douglas R.R.Donneliey&SonsCo Tenneco inc

Best Lock Corporation Design Memorial Co Hershbenet Foundation RJR NABISCO, INC, Texas Commerce Bank

Corporate IVIatcliing Gifts

Taylor University benefits greatly from corporate support through matching gifts. We very much appreciate the efforts of

ouralumni, friends, and parents for lending the support of their employers to Taylor To find out if yours is a matching gift
company contact your employer's personnel office or call the Office of Development at Taylor at (31 7) 998-5389.

AMP, Inc, The BFGoodrich Company Dana Corporation Foundation Hartford Insurance Group May Department Stores Peat Marwick Main Southeast Banking
AMR/American Airlines Ball Corporation The Delta Airlines Foundation Hercules Incorporated Foundation Foundation Corporation Foundation
Foundation Barnelt Banks. Inc. Deluxe Check Printers Herstiey Entertainment & McDonnell Douglas Philip Morris Companies, Inc. Southwestern Bell Foundation
AON Foundations The Baxter Foundation Foundation Resort Company Foundation Ttie Principal Financial Group Spiegel, Inc.

ARCO/Atlantic Rictitield Bellcore Digital Equipment Corporation Hewitt Associates The Mead Jotinson Ttie Procter & Gamble Fund State Farm Companies
Foundation Best Lock Corporation Dow Chemical USA. Honeywell Foundation Corporation Foundation Provident Mutual Insurance Foundation
AT&T Foundation Borg-Warner Foundation Dow Corning Corporation ITT Corporation Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Company Sterling Winthrop, Inc.

At]bott Laboratories Bridgeslone/Firestone Trust The Dun & Bradstreet ITW Foundation Metropolitan Life Foundation Prudential Foundation TOSOH SMD, Inc.

Aetna Life & Casualty Fund Corporation Illinois Bell Millon Hershey School Public Service Electric and Tenneco, Inc.

Air Products and Ctiemicals, Bristol-Myers Squibb EG&G Foundation Indiana & Mictiigan Power Co. Ttie MITRE Corporation Gas Company Texas Commerce Bank
Inc. Foundation Electronics Metal Finisti, Indiana Bell Teleptione Mobil Foundation, Inc. Quantum Ctiemical TRINOVA Corporation
Alcoa Foundation Butler Manulacturing Corp. Company, Inc. Monsanto Company Corporation The Upjohn Company
Allied-Signal Foundation, Inc. Company Emerson Electric Company International Business Morgan Guaranty Trust RJR Nabisco, Inc. The UPS Foundation, Inc.

The Allstate Foundation CPC International. Inc. Emhart Corporation Machines Corporation Company R.R, Donnelly & Sons USA Group. Inc.

Amcast Industrial Foundation Campbell Soup Company Emst & Young Foundation Johnson & Johnson Motorola Foundation Company U. S, West
American Cyanamid Company Caterpillar Foundation Essex Group, Inc. K mart Corporation NYNEX Foundation Rayttieon Company USX Foundation, Inc.

American Electric Power Chevron Corporation FPL Group Foundation Kahn Brottiers & Company. New York Telephone Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, Inc. Viskase Corporation
Service CIBA-GEIGY Corporation First National Bank of Chicago Inc. North American Philips Rockwell International W. A. Witney
American Express Cleveland Electric Illuminating Foundation Keebler Company Foundation Corporation Corporation W. W. Grainger. Inc,
American United Lile Colgate-Palmolive Company First National Bank of Warsaw Leo Burnett Company. Inc. Northern Illinois Gas Rubbermaid Incorporated Walton & Son, Inc.

Insurance Company Conrail Ford Motor Company Fund Eli Lilly and Company Northwest Airlines, Inc. G. D, Searie & Company Warner-Lambert
American Slates Insurance Continental Bank Foundation GTE Foundation Foundation Northwestern Mutual Life Shearson Lehman Brothers, Washington National
Company Continental Illinois Gannett Foundation Thomas J. Lipton Foundation, Insurance Company Inc. Insurance Co.
Amerilech Foundation Cooper Tire & Rubber General Motors Corporation Inc. The Ohio National Life Sherex Chemical Company Waste Management. Inc.

Amoco Foundation, Inc, Foundation Goodyear Tire & Rubber The Lubrizol Foundation Insurance SmithKline Beecham Xerox Foundation
Arttiur Andersen & Co. Crowe Ctiizek & Co- Company Martin Marietta Corporation PSE&G Foundation
Foundation Crum and Forster Foundation Guardian Life Insurance Foundation J. C. Penney Company, Inc.

BP America Cummins Engine Foundation Company ol America

Taylor World Outreach Donors
In making contributions to the world-reaching ministries of Taylor World Outreach, the following group of benefactors

furthers the whole-person educational experience for hundreds of Taylor students. At home and abroad lives are touched
and future generations of servant-leaders receive training for lifelong ministry outreach.

Rulh Baker Ida Both Thomas Cairns Carolyn Cox H. Ray & Anne Dolson Jane Faulkner
Velvet Baker Patricia Both Betty Callahan George Grader John Doude Sheny Faulknsf
Max 8. Maxine Balkema RuthBolkin Melvin & Cynlhia Caliison E C Graft Johnny & Cynlhia Doude VeslaFausnighl
James & Nancy Aardema
Mary Bancroft Lawrence Bott Lisa Calvin Lynn & Eslher Crawford Vera Doughty Irvin FeaBiers
Donna Atel
Oradell Banker Barbara Botteron Ann Campbell S, Jean Crawford Donna Downs LanyFdlOKS
Allen Adams
Robert gi Sandra Barkey Bertha Bouman Donald Campbell Ronald Creak Joyce Drainer Rosemary Feitet
Jelfrey Adams
Martha Barnhart William Bouw Walters Mary Campbell William Crick Connie Drake JefBFelion
Judy Adams
Joe Barton Audrey Bowers William & Nellie Campbell Doris Crim David & Bsie Drake Juan Femardez
Marylyn Adams
G. William & Peggy Bartow Norman & Carole Bowgren William Cannon Annabelle Gripe Timothy Drake David & Shari Fetris
Sharon Adams
Janet Bartus CarolBowman Ernest Capen Joseph & Michelle Crist Waneta Drake WaidyFeusse
Deborah Batchelder Ronald Bowman Grela Carigon John Crook Laura Draper David SLonnaFieM
Robert & Janel Agee
David 8. Sharilyn Baugh Stephen & Kathleen Bowman Gwen Carlisle Carol Cross Elizabeth Oresh JeanFelds
Lester Alton
Kimberly Baumann Jerry 8, Penny Boyd Kimberly Carlsen Leroy 8. Eslher Cross James Driscoll Marrin&Ulilan Fields
Belly Albaugti

Shirley Albert
David Beach Ralph 8, Rulh Boyd Gertrude Carlson Sarah Cross David & Linda Droogei Kameffi & Shetri F>*
Claude Beachy Margaret Bradtord Dorothy Carnahan Diana Crosson James Drooger Betty Finn
Dale & Freida Allrey
Linda Beadle Ram Bradford Humberto 8. Rila Carnero Ann Crolser Jean Drooger SCOB& Susan Firebaugh
James Allan

Corinne Allen
Carol Beall Ruth Bradford Richard & Janel Carpenter Randall & Michelle Crowder Ronald & Margaret Dubach Nancy Fsdw
Charles 8, Carol Beats Emetine Brady Scott I. Dawn Carr Monte Crowt Robert & Jane Duell David Fisher
Jane Allen
Mary Bear Teresa Brainerd Timothy Cart Dora Gulp Richard & Carol Dugan EsmerFrstB
Larry Allen
Gresham Bearss Eleanor Brake Pamela Carrao Warren Cumberland Keilh & Teresa Duncan Carolyn Flaniing
Paul & June Allen
Michael & Mickey Beck Paul & Janice Braman Patricia Carroll Kalhleen Cumberledge David Dungan Donald Fleming
Wilma Allen
Flossie Becker Philips Shirley Brand! Hazel Carruth Mary Cummings Marilyn Dunn Anna Fletcher
Dan 8, Vicki Alley
Harold Becker Charma Braun Michael Carson Richard & Janet Cummins Melba Durden AnnaRippone
Belh Allison
Irene Becker Ronald Brechner Penny Carson AnnJanelte Cuper Joel Durkovic SueRora
Mary Allison
Jerry Becker Darlene Bremer Daniel 8. Nancy Carter Don Curry Nancy Dusckas Joseiina Floiando
Nancy Allison
Juanita Becker Alicia Brennan James Carter Marilyn Cusick Jeffrey Ousek Williani&SoniaFlaKf
Patricia Allmancf
Lynn 8i Judy Becker Calvin 8r Judy Brenneman Kimberly Case Wesley & Jean Dusek Maiy Rueddgei
Gary 8, Joy Alms
Margaret Becker Enid Brenner Jeanne Catlett Arthur Dyck Linda Rt*e(
James Amburn
Roberl & Carole Amon Stephen !. Phyllis Bedi Everett 8. Bonnie Brewer Ruby Callow Dale Daniel Dyck David Folkeft

Matlasue Amsluiz
Sara Beers Jocelyn Brewer Suzanne Caves Donald & Anita Dyck Alan &L Jaie Forties
Stephen 8. Jane Beers Kurt Brinks John Certalic Andrew & Janel Dale Edna Dyck Margaret F«d
Robert& Linda Amsluiz
Thomas 8< Helen Beers Hazel Brix Kenneth Challee Evelyn Daley Kent Dyck Amdt Fortlage
Homer & Lois Anama
Jellrey Beery Harvey Brodhecker Varner Chance Hassan & Judy Dallal Suzanne DylhotI Randolph Foster
Rebecca Ancil
Brian & Joyce Behnken Robert Brolund Lois Chandler Deborah Daman Edna Fox
Lynn Andelmo
Margaret Behnken Ralph Broman Connie Charies Marge Darby MaiyFraas
Alan Anderson
Georgianna Anderson
Charles 8. Suzanne Belknap Steven 8i Terri Brooks Helen Charles Irma Dare Eartiart Gail Frank

Lauren Bell Tana Brooks Robert 8, Anna Charles Margaret Datgan Fred Franks
Janeen Anderson
Rulh Bell Cathryn Brown Karen Chase Harold Darling P Kevin Earhart RIchant&N.MarleneFralus
Maiy Anderson
Glendon Bender David & Ann Brown Kathryn Chen^ek Homer Daubenspeck Paul Ebbinghouse Geraldine Fraaet
Naomi Anderson
Robert Anderson
Edward 8i Susan Bennett Donna Brown Roland 8i Grace Chenwek Dane & Laura Davenport George & Joan Ebersole William Freckman

Rodger Anderson
Eileen Benton Hugh Brown Viola Childs Linda Davenport W E Ebersole Paul Frederick

Nancy Benlon Keith 8. Linda Brown Daniel & Lana Christian Mildred Davenport Ina Eckburg James Free
Roger Anderson
Ronald Anderson
Michael !. Ma Berend Larry & Nancy Brown Chrislopher Clark Gregory Davis David & Carol Eckstrom R William Reeman

Terry Anderson
Marilyn Berends Mark 8. Sonya Brown Russell 8. Gertrude Clark Jean Davis Theodore Economou Roliert & ElizatKlh Fteese

Laura Berkey Robert 8i Janet Brown Rulh Ctemmer Sarah Davis Marie Eggeman C. Conine French
Lydia Andrews

Sandra Angell
Jane Berry Warren Brown Alyce Cleveland Tempa Davis David & Joyce Eggert Joan French
Janis Berry William 8c Sue Brown Jan 8c Gloria Cleveland Robert 8. Theda Dawes Linda Eicher Faith Frens
Eslher Anim-Addo
Jon Appleman
Richard 8< Janice Berry Robert Browning Mary Clifford Darren S Molly Day Andrew &Juli Elliot JudyFrey

Tony Araujo
Allen Berty Jeanette Brubaker Kinzie & Suzann Cline E Glennard 8. Barbara Day Robert& Marian Elliot Julie Fribeig

Charles & Doris Betz Harold Bruce Brent 8 Megan Clodgo Joan Day Edward & Virginia Elliolt Sharon Friend
Barbara Armslrong
Jelfrey Arnelle
Thomas 8. Elly Beutler Mary Brumbaugh Rex& MariorieClouston Mark 8. Jann Day Jeanne Elliott Eric S Shelley Froysland

James Arnold Hedy Bextine Marian Brumet James & Susette Cochran Robert & Judith De Baels Gordon & Rita Ellison William &Luia Fry

Sarah Arnold
Carol Bieda Linda Bruner Joseph & Karen Coffey Richard De Fteese Carol Emery Heitieft & Kalhy Fiye

Zelpha Arnold
Sandra Biller Joel 8. Ann Bubnekovich Raymond Colfey Carol De Man Shannon Emrich Roberts Mickey Fumrighl
Dianne Billharz Edwin Buck Helen Colfman Belly De Mars F. A_ Enget Timothy Futeher
Beyerly Aronson

Robert Artemenko
Evangeline Billing Gary Buddenborg Ann Cole Joseph & Joyce DeCook Michael Engler HertHl Fuller

Mary Bippes Arnold Buehler Beth Colegrove Steve DeLong Dorothy Ensinger Carol Funy
Helen Arthur
Edwin Bird Kalhleen Buescher Anita Coleman Joseph 8. Sandra DeRosa Paul Enyart
Keilh Aschliman

Lynn & Joan Aschliman

KayBirk Cheryl Bullerman Ross Coleman Kenneth & Elisabeth DeVries Jerald & Marilyn Enlman

Barbara Askeland
Stacey Bishop Ray 8i Jeanne Bullock Thomas Colligan Belh Deck Lee 8i Palricia Erickson Gaffoiri
Stephen Bishop Virginia Bunner David 8. Lola Collins Elizabeth Dehne Peter Eriksen
David Aler
Cheryl Bixby Margaret Bunsold David Collins David Delmasiro Evelyn Erschen Wendell GaUofd
Delbert Augsburger

Gregory Austin
Bonnie Black Daniel Burden Jellrey !. Jennifer Collins Alesha DenHartigh Bernard Esselmk H Roger Gale

Nancy Austin
Colleen Blair Stanley S Betly Burden David & Connie Conant Linda DenHartigh Tom & Julie Essenburg Michael & Marie Gallaghet
Tim Blake Richard & Margaret Marcia Conrad Diane Dennington Laura Essex Susan Galkmay
Jayman & Audyce Avery
William 8c Lara Blanchatd Burkhalter James & Sally Conway Lori Dennis Margaret Euckert Peart Galpin
Ron & Kimberly Avery
Alan Ayers
Susan Bless David S Lori Burkholder Randal S Lynn Cook Agnes Deraad Gregor & Mary Euler J. Douglas S Terri Gardner

Daniel Ayers
Kenneth & Tamara Ruth Burks Wayne Cooke Herbert & Kathleen Dershem Max Evans Owighl&Beniadene Garrett

Blissenbach Brian & Andrea Burnett Debra Cooper Jana Oeltmer Sheryll Evans Hmatd&V.AnneGanet
Vergil Blosser Joe 8. Jane Burnworth Lydia Cooper Cheryl Dial Edward Evenhuis Teresa Garvet

Baab James & Jocelyn Blum Rebecca Burrichter Elmer Cope Denise Dickel Arlene Everts Karen Gascfto
Robert 8. Kalhy Blume Joan Bush Hansel Cope Roy & Janetle Dickerson Williams Donna Gassell
Lawrence Blundred Herman Buskirk Sean Copeland David Dickinson KimetaGaslon
Brian Baab
Randall & Linda Babcock
JimBoe Neil Bultermore Wayne Cornelius Susan Dickman Fahlen Earl SN Blanche Gales

Larry & Larelta Baeumler

Ralph Boese Nesby Button Dorothy Cornwell Timothy 8. Lucille Diller LanyS Elaine Gaveoe

John Bailey
John 8, Deborah Bonham Roger S Lynn flyrum Mark & Jo Ann Cosgrove Larry & Shenyl Dillon Enk & Lynne Fahlen Peter Gavrilofl

Richard Bailey
Crist Bonlrager Chris S Cathy Rusnak Bill & Diane Costas Irene Dintaman TTionws Fairefsalhef ReiSRuthGeKtwt
Lee Boone J. Roberts Beulah Marcie Diosy David Fancher Linda Geasten
Beulah Baker
Ernest Baker
Janie Booth Coughenour Dorothy Dively James Fancher Glenn S Elaine Geeits

G. Stevens 8. Kathryn Baker

Leiand 8. LaRila Boren Caims Jenniter Courtrighl Scott S Karen Doane Richards Beth Fart Cheryl Gersler

J. Christopher Baker
Jane Borntrager Kimberly Cousino Stanley Dodds Darren S Maureen Famey J Paul SBaitara Gentile

Peter & Carol Baker

Vicki Borrego Lawrence 8. Susan Carrns Steven Cowgill Richard 8. Weezie Doenner Hunter & Rulh Fariell lynnGeoig

Raymond & Patricia Baker

Kirk Botlel Mary Cairns L, Eugene & Blair Cowherd Theodore & Lillian Oomian Lany Fast Deborah Gerard

Ralph & Melba Gerber Barbara Harkness Suellen Hulf Theresa Kehoe Sandra Lane Nellie Martin

Emerald & Gwendolyn Gerig Adiey & Jenifer Harms Gary & Kathleen Hullman Bryan & Anita Kehr Billy Langford Shiriey Martin

Roger & Carole Gerig Jerry & Gayle Harms Jami Hughes Dale 8< Barbara Keiser Mark 8, Cindi Lantz Rochelle Martinez

Wesley 8r Mary Gerig Paul & Shirley Harms Russ Hughes Inez Keilh Gary Larrison Diane Mason
Brad & Sharon Gerlach Larry & Sue Harper Scott Hughett Helen Kellogg Larry Larsen Robert Mason
Edna Gertz ClodaHarrell Gofdoh Huizen Jocelyn Kennedy Robert 8, Dawn Larsen Roger 8c Marjorie Mason
Janice Geschwendt Nancy Harrison Earnest Hummer Susan Kenning Thomas & Marlene Lathers Brian Mast

Harolds Mary Gianopulos Elizabeth Harshman tvlary Hunsaker Harlan Kerlin Daniel & Phoebe Law Clarence 8c Edna Mast
Kathy Gibson Joseph & Margaret Hart Sarah Hunsberger Virginia Kernoski Helen Lawles Ohien 8c Pauline Mast

Charles & Linda Giftofd Christine Hartman Steven Huprich Stephen 8. Sandra Kershaw Alex Lawson Norman & Doris Mathews
A. Keith Gilchrist Susan Hartman Ivlark Hurt Norm 8. Willa Kerslen Adeline Le May Peggy Matthews
ShirleeGillesse Marianna Harvey Daniel 8, Suzanne Hussar Steve Kersten Sharon LeBlanc Trade Maurice
RoyGilliom Joel & Alice Harville Earl Huston Jay 8, Jane Kesler Melvin 8, Judy Leach Denise Mayer
Walter Gillis Michael Haskins John Huston Barbara Kessler fvlichael Leburg Marvin & Shirley Mayer
Tommy & Sandra Gilmore Robert Hauger Susan Hutchison Shirley Kelron Jane Lechlilner Wendell 8c Jean Mc Burney
Daniel Gin LiesI Haupert Danny Hutson Daniel Ketl James 8c Jara Lee Cynthia Mc Clam
Jackson &Jayne Gin C. L. Hawk John Hutt Vesta Key Kang Lee PalMcClain
Walter &BerniceGisel Robert & Kathryn Hayes Marvin Huyser Delia Kibbey Robert Lee Lois Mc Conaughey
Patricia Givens Harlan Haywood Mary Kibbey Margaret Leffotge J, Mc Connell

Benita Glass Vi Hayworth Herbert Kielfer Virginia Lefforge Shannan Mc Eowen

George & Jan Glass Harold & Kathleen Hazen Iddings Arthur Kiel Blossom Lego Charles Mc Intosh
Victor & Betsey Glavach Mervyn & Clara Heebner Barbara Kilgore Kathleen Lehman Joan Mc Kenzie
Julie Glawe Richard Heeren Carol IdiJings Shan Kilian John Leid Leslee McAlevy

Marvin Goad Harold & Garnett Heeter Dona Imler Jack & Janet King Linda Leigh Amy McCann
Janice Goble Luke Heffley Robert Irion Jay 8. Alice King Wayne & Dorothy Leininger David & Judy McClellan
Leonards. Gloria Goeglein Ann Heilborn Clayton Irmeger Paul & Janice King Wayne Leininger Eleanor McClelland

Keith Goetz Alfred S. Diane Heim John Irwin Thomas Kinnier Lawrence 8c Karen Lemke W. Thomas McConnell
Phillip Golden fvlichael & Cindy Heiniger Pauline Kintner Helen Lenox Gordon 8c Martha McDonald
Stephanie Golden Ralph Heisey Leroy & Dawn Kinzer Ben 8c Linda Lester Judith McDowell

Eleanor Goldman Richard Heisey Jackson SheroyI Kirby Ronald 8c Helen Leu Ross 8c Margaret McDowell
Ead & Barbara Goldsmith Willis Heisey John & Rose Kirchholer . Paul & Kelly Levesque Patricia McFarland
David & Sandra Ronald Alice Jackson Laura Kirchholer Barbara Lewis Hubert Thelma McGee

A time
Goiter Heitritter 8c

Annetta Good George Heller Ann Jackson Anthony 8, Nancy Kirgis Lee 8c Nancy Lewis Joseph 8c Beverly McGee
Grace Good Phyllis Helmke Robert & Margaret Jackson Mary Klakulak Paul & Connie Lightfoot John McGinness
Thomas & June Goossen Frank Hemersbach Charles Jacobs Freda Klehm Marc Limbaugh Ruth McHugh
William Gore Patricia Hemminger WinitrerJ Jacobs Margaret Klenk Benjamin Lincoln Pat Mcintosh to love.
Merrill & Helen Gottschalk Robin Henckel Ardis Jacobsen Daniel & Nancy Kletzing Arthur S Gladys Lindell Dwight McKenzie
Mark Gove Maryllis Hendrix Mary Jacoby Bruce 8. Georgia Kline C, Hilding Lindell Jeffrey McKenzie
Thomas & Karen Granitz James Hennings David 8. Sara James Connie Kloplenstein Wilma Lindgren Breh Means
Phyllis Gram Leelte Henrichsen Mildred James Jerry Kloptenstein John 8c Judy Linstra Robert Mechlin
Imogean Grapes Carl& Nellie Hepker Roberta Janney Gerald 8. Geraldine Knapp Grace Lippincolt Gwyn Medic tndowing the
Janeen Green Edmond & Becky Hepker Barbara Jansens Robert 8. Claite Knapp Nate Lipscomb Fayette Meieriohan

Jay Green Russell &ArdalaHep!er Johanna Jarchow Ruth Knapp Rachelle Litwiller Raymond Meinert Vision is an
Kenneth & Bonnie Greene Philip Herman Gary Jarvis Grace Kneibler Sarah Liu Alan Mercer

Virginia Greene Timothy & Kathryn Herrmann Marna Jetfery Marsha Knobloch Charles Locketl George Merchant endowment-
James Gregory W Frank Hershberger Stephen & Janet Jeltrey Galen Knotts Robm Lockett F. Ralph Merrill
Joseph & Kari Gribbon John 8. Lucille Hershey Anne Jennings Delia Koch Paul Loehr Stephen 8c Betty Messer
Herb Grieser Williams Susan Heth Donald Jennings Jane Koessler James & Debby Long Ruth Metcalf
Ashley Griffin Clark & Heidi Hewitt J James & Linda Jerele Julia Koetz William & Lois Long Allen 8c Diane Meyer
Charles & Patricia Gnftin Michael & Gayie Hey Sharon Jobb Daniel Kolb John & Ida Lorence Joseph Meyers
Herbert Griffin MarjorieHildebrand Albert Johnson Virgil 8, Helen Koller James Loucks Cynlhia Michael
Eloise Grile Ralph Hill Constance Johnson Harold Kooistra Kenneth Louis Lory Michael initiated by
Dale Grimes Ruth Hill Daniel Johnson Lurlene Koonce Michael Love Tracy 8c Shari Michael

Maurice & Janice Gnndle George Hilly Edward Johnson Shirley Korabek Miles Loveland Kenneth Miedema Taylor's
Howard Groen Mary Hilty Gordon Johnson Jack Krajnak Philip Loving Joe 8c Barbara Miley
Anna Groff Timothy & l\rtichelle Jeanne Johnson Susan Krall Pauline Lucas Michael 8c Sherryn Miley
National Alumni
Diane Grotf Himmelwrighl Joel & Diane Johnson Shirley Kramb Gary & Janet Luckey Albert 8c Emily Miller
Randy Grossman Lorene Hintz Kent 8, Sally Johnson Donald & Bonnie Kregel Cynlhia Ludwig Albert & Ellen Milter

Linda Grove Timothy Hirons Magdalena Johnson Ruth Kceider Lorraine Lucking Alfred Miller
Council. The
Dale& Lorraine Guenther John & Shirleen Hochstedler Phyllis Johnson Julie Kreitzman Tim & Carolyn Lugbill Brenda Milter
Norman & l^ollyGuillaume Arthur & Mary Hodson Theodore Johnson Kevin Krestan Howard Luginbill Delores Miller
original three-
Roger Gundy Fred Hoffman Williams Sandra Johnson Donald Krick Thomas & Karen Luginbill Donald & C Lynne Milter
Richards Bonni Gygi Linda Hoffman George Johnston Sharon Krieger Arthur Lundahl G 8c Dorothy Miller year goal of $3
Pauline Hoffman Carol Jones Philip 8, VelmaKroeker Donna Lundborg Harold Miller
Thomas & Barbara Hoftner Carole Jones Agnes Krueget Belh Lundguist James & Karen Miller million was
s Haack Ragnar Hokanson David & Leora Jones Alvin Ktueger Curtis & Janice LundquisI James & Sylvia Miller

Williams. Carolyn Holbert Florency Jones Arland Krueger Wayne Lynch James Miller
surpassed in
Stan& Linda Haack Barbara Holder Richard 8. Jan Jones Frances Kuester Charles 8c Betty Lyons Joseph 8c Lisa Milter
Douglas & Sue Haas James S. Sharon Holland Robert & Helen Jones Norma Kuiper Elizabeth Lyons Josephine Miller
Harold & Vtcki Habecker James S. Judianne Hollinger Clitf 5 Jenniter Jordan Sara Kulp Manford Lytle Paul Miller
the program's
Nan Joanne Hoiman Earl S Wesena Jordan Charlotte Kumpt Phil 8c Alberta Miller
Ronald & Anita Habegger Roger Holmes Marion Jorgensen Paul 8, Barbara Kuntz Thomas Miller first twenty-four
Tillman Habegger Clarke Si Michelle Holtsberry Martha Joseph Ruth Kuntz Mabbitt Verna Miller
Todd Habegger Kevin Holub William 8. Kay Jourdan Wendy Kuntz Paul & Karen Millikan months. This
Nancy Hackman Timothy & Ashlyn Holz Floyd & Sandy Jousma Margaret Mabbitt Douglass Jill Mills

Edith Haddin Doris Homan Robert 8. Joan Joye Dale 8c Patty Maczka Sarah Mills popular
Samuel Hadley Robert Homonai James & April Jurgensen LaRoy Robyn Maczka Robert Miranda
Paul Hagt]erg Clifford Hoover Raymond & Kay Maddox David & Marlynn Miser
Clara Haines Sharon Hopkins Don La Roy Bernice Mahan Brian SKImberlyMishter
Paul & Sherryl Haines David & Dina Home Kach Allen LaBonte Michael Manganello Karia Mock
Douglas Halgren John 8. Joan Home Dorothy LaFrance Steve S Karolyn Manganello Conrad Moden
allows donors to
Sidneys. Bonnie Hall Nancy Horst Mark Kach Sharon Lacey Harry Mansberger Christopher & Rebecca Moell
Janet Hallard Nancy Hoskison Delia Kallas Altred & Anita Lackey William & Brenda Mantha Melvin 8c Sandra make sizeable
Judith Halley Jerry & Barbara Hotmire John Kaloupek Todd & Rhonda Ladd Carol Marcum Moeschberger
Cheryl Halter Lynn House Laura Kammerer Janice Lambert Lavon Marks Suzette Moeschberger long-term gifts
Michael Hambley Paul Si Becky House Harry 8. Grace Kaper Gundar 8. Kathy Lamberts Marie Marks Peggy Mogush
Jamie Hamilton Daniel Rebecca Houser Nettie Karel Ellen Lambright Al& Betty Marquez RoyMoltenkamp
from present
Scott & Pamela Hammond Daniel Houston Janet Kasner Donald Landau Thomas Marsh Charlene Mooney
Mary Hamrick David S. Judith Houston John & Elvida Kastelein Renis Landes Elizabeth Marshall Donald Moore
Willard Hanley Frank Houston Grace Kauffman Ellas Landis Stephen Marshall Edith Moore
Dorothy Hanna Christina Howard Janis Kauttman James & Linda Landt David 8. Ruth Martin Jane Moore
Gertrude Hanna Richard Hruby Steve Kautlman Barbara Lane Gerald Martin Marlene Moore
0. Norman & Shirley Hansen Virginia Hubbard Gerald Kays Jeffrey 8. Denise Lane Hilda Martin Martha Moore
Pal Hansen L Elaine Huber John Kays Jeffrey Lane John Martin Sara Moore
John Harbal Mikel Hudson Kent 8, Barbara Keener Laura Lane Kenneth 8c Kathy Martin Janay Morehouse

E Morgan H Rodgers & Coreen Ogilvie
Rader Elizabeth Rutl Jena Shea JucHiStictel
Sally Morgan W C Ohirich John & Diane Ruyack Faith Sheaief GaiySlidd^
Tara Morrill Stephen & Diane Oldham
Lynn & Linda Rader
Charles Ryrie Susan Sheetian JolnSEinhStiner
Beverly Morrison James Oliverson Eleanor Ratie
Scott Stieeley Carolyn Still
Michael & Ctirisline Stephen Olsen
Todd Raker
DartaSTiesU George S Etdyn SSsttei
Morlensen Enid Olson
Stanley Ramsier
Sager Donald Shefflef Fred S Jane Soddnger
Cindy Moser Palricia Olson J Samuel Stiell«it5foet RuhSloll
Eric Ramsland
Roberl & Joan Moser Mary Ondo Kurt Sager RoseStiellpn PautSkne
Walter Randall
Ted S Judy Moser Margaret Ooslerhouse Earl Sams Bruce & Gale Sheirid Belly Slonerodi
Mildred Ransboltom
Brian & Marcia Moller Betty Otebaugh
Joel & Katrina Ralhbun
Geneva Samsal Daniel & Rebecca Shilling Harvey & Jane Sionn
LaMoine & Sandra Mote Blanche Osborn Rodney Sanberg Gilbert Shilling Beverly SiOfZ
Mae Ralhman
Andrew & Barbara Mouw Elizabeth Osborn
James & SuZane Ray
Robert Saneda VelmaSMIIing Philip & Carta Siougti
Andrew Mouw Jerry Osborn Donna Sarber Sandra Shimer Alice Siraaon
Jellrey & Stacy Ray
Deborah Mouw Malthew & Judith Osborne
Douglas & Carmel Read
Leslie Sare Carl Shirar Oeloris Straoon

Eleanor Mouw Marcia Osterink Barbara Saul Betty Shoemalrer Ronald Strauss
Loren & Sue Red
Erick & Julie Mowery John Oven Eleanor Saunderson Robert Shoematef Bradley Strodr
Don & June Rediger
Kipp Moyer Dolores Oyler Brenda Sawyer Edward Short Carolyn Stroie
Daniel & Marsha Reed
Evelyn Muenz JoeOyler Wane Sawyer Colleen Shuler Kalhi Strong
Douglas Reed
Susie Mullet Christine Ozburn Elwin Sayler Mildred Stiuler Rotel&Mtldred Strang
Janet Reed
Howard & Rulh Mullins John & Rulh Ozmun
Lois Rees
James Saylor Frederick &DarleneShulze Diane Sute
Oavid & Wendy Mumme Wayne & Carol Rees
Howard Scarborough Lisanne Stiupe Cynthia Stuck
William Munn Phil & Mary Sctiaap Diana Siciliano Dick Slump
Terry & Rebecca Reichard
Grelchen Munroe Pace Marcia Reid
Deborah Schaeler Jacli Signs Lowell Stutzman
Douglas & Jenny Munson
David Rein
Carol Scheldt Fredrick & Phyllis Sills Trinda Stuzman
John & Alvira Murbach Laurel Pace Carl Schenk Arthur Simon Rodin Suggs
Sherry Reinoehl
Caria Murdock Larry & Carol Parker James Schindler Jack Simpson Sherry Suggs
Robert & Betty Renner
Cheryl Musch Wayne Parker
Melanie Reno
Waller Schindler Wendy Simpson Leslie Sukup
Karen Muselman Jerry & Pauline Parr
Florence Replogle
Anita Schlabach John Sissom Denton Sullivan
Michael & Karma Muler Doug Parsons Clyde & Rulh Ressler
Mary Schlabach David Skan RaySumpler
Lionel & Marion Mulhiah Bruce Pasch
Beth Rexilius
Rita Schlabach David Slabaugh Ronald & Judith Sulhertand
Cross-cultural experi- Bichard Mulhiah Denise Patrick Susan Schlabach Lois Slagle John & Shirley Svaan
Beatrice Rhodes
ences hone skills. Jane Mutii Nina Ration Lester & Rosa Schlatter Sarah Slater Jeny & Gail Svendsen
Ervin & Shirley Rhodes
Alice Myers Syd & Barbara Paul
Evelyn Rhodes
Melvin & Berneice Schlueter David & Monica Slaughter ImogeneSmin
Michael Myers James & Evonne Paulson
Kenneth Rhodes
Betty Schmalenberger Evangeline Sleasman John & Jane Smain

A time Nace

Barry &
Joyce Peatce
Betsy Pavesi
Roseann Rice

& Margie Rich

Florence Schmid
Ruth Schmid
Thomas & Jean Schmid
Eunice Slighly
Dale &
James Sluss
Bonnie Stoat
& Sarali Siian
& Toni Smanson
Joseph Pearson Marvin & Marjo Schmidt Carta Smart LyIeSwartz
for Timolhy & Susan Nace James & Anna Pelton
Karen Richards
Ruth Richards
Matthew & Sarah Schmidt Wesley Smidt Tony & Diane Saartzertnin
Calvin Nagel Lisa Perazza Marris Schmuck Allan & Ardis Smith Delma Swathmod
peace. Donald Nash
Linda Nash
Jacalyn Pestle
Jenniler Peters
Virginia Richards

Sarah Richter
Wayne Schmucker
Candice Schnapp
Donald & Dena
Dorothy Smith
Smith Dennis &ljrisaSMhart
Charles & Jacki Ridgway
Margarel Navorska Bruce Peters
Verna Rieches
J William 8f Marily Schneck John & Nancy Smith Leo & Tracy Swionlek
Debra Naylor Chad Peters
Robert Riegsecker
Amy Schnupp Kathy Smith Vernon Sydlaste
Suzanne Nearhood John 8. Elizabeth Petersen William 8i Dena Schnupp Larry Smith
Martin & Deanna Rielgral
I aylor's has Vila Nederveld Adiiana Peterson
Richard Riley
Tammy Schoch Lawrence & Penelope Smith
Roberl & Sybil Neel Andrew & Barbara Peterson
Gerald & Violel Ringenberg
Sally Schoon Michael Smith TaiNW
always been a Beverly Nelson James S Barbara Peterson
Ronald & M Frances
Rex & Marti Schrader Rebecca Smith
Edilh Nelson Judith Peterson Iris Schramm Steven Smith Michael &Rochelle Tabor
Grace Nelson Lauren Peterson Mark Schramm Tabrina Smith Janet Talboys
worldwide William & Rebecca
James & Susan Nelson Robert Peterson Mary Schramm Wayne & Sandra Smith John Taguino
Kalhleen Nelson Jerry & Marilyn Pelrie
Mark & Deborah Risser
Homer & Ruth Schrock Wilbur Smith Kathy Tatro
vision. Today, a Kennelh & Pauline Nelson Belly Petlitor Norma Schrock Williams Jerry Smith DonaM Taylor
Missy Risser
Mr & Mrs. Nelson Todd S Natalie Ptister
Harry Ritler
Malinda Schroeder Don & Mary Snell Kevin & Rita Taylor
new generation Shirley Nelson Diane Pllanzei
Richard & Grelchen Roberts
Georgiana Schroer M. Snively Patricia Taylor

Weir Nelson Barbara Phillips

Palsy Robinette
Sharon Schuh Fredric & Marcia Snow Timothy Tedder
of students Wilber Nelson Roger & Rose Phillips
Ronald Robinson
Millord Schullz Allen & Janet Snyder Mark & Colleen Terrell
John Neuberger Nancy Phipps Robert Schultz Paula Snyder Bruce Thacker
Ina Rocke
benefitt fronn a Rulh Neuenschwander George Pickard
James Rodebaugh
Susan Schuitt Rosella Snyder David & Brenda Tlackei
David S Rulh Neuhouser Richard & Bonnie Pickering
Diane Rodocker
William Schureman Sharon Somervitle Edward Thomas
Pamela Neuschwangei Men/vin Pickney Anthony Schwartz Kenneth Sommers Kathleen Thomas
wide array of Chris Roemke
Daria Newcomer Palricia Piecuch
Beulah Roeschley
Geolliey & Carolyn Schwartz Kennelh S Gail Sopet Walter Thomas
Anne Newell Martha Pierson
Herman Rohlls
Jerry & Pamela Schwartz Norman & Jessie Soper Chanlier & Marcia Thompson
academic Dianne Newell Jim 8, Jill Pinkston Simon S Elma Schwartz David 4 Joan Sorensen David & Mary Thompson
Lorraine Rohrer
Carol Newhard Rhoda Pinto Ted 8. Lana Schwartz Ethel Sousley Louise Thompson
Roland 8, Jill Rohrer
programs and Peler & Shawn Newhouse Marcia Pitkin
David Romig
Joel Schwarz Patricia Sowards J David & Nomia Thrasher
Ted Nickel W, L, Pitkin
Joe 8. Carol Romine
Donald & Morganna Schwing Gary Spaulding Charles & Julie Tiede
ministry Jane Niday Elizabeth Pitthan
Eldene Ronnekamp
Modell Scobey Sheila Spealman DuaneS Linda Tinholl
George Niemeyer Steven & Peggy Plait
Roberl Roos
J Elaine Scoll Cheryl Spellerherg MaiyTinholl
Fred & Virginia Niemi Evelyn Pletcher Jenniler Scott Elizabeth Spencsr C. Jan Tipton
opportunities Rebecca Roost
Kalhy Noble Heather Pletcher
Yvonne Rosecrans
Ronald & Beverly Scott Jetltey & Kathleen Spencst Virginia Tobias

Arlene Noll James & Carol Plueddemann Stacy Scott Vicky Spodeck Betty Toedler
designed to Cynthia Rosema
F James & Charlene Norris Roberl & Dawn Pobanz Randal Rosema
Elizabeth Scoville Richard & Retjecca Stanislaw MarkTieadaell
Lindsay Norris J W. Podkanowicz
Scott Rosin
William & Linda Screeton Ruby Starbuck GeraUTropI
prepare future Richard & Mary Norris Elisabeth Poe Philip Seagren John & Ten Stark ^4alhan&CalDlTlIlpl
Daniel & Alice Ross
Jenniler Noxsel Penny Polsgrove Sylvia Seagren Carllon Stales JoanTrossen
John Ross
leaders for their Kathryn Nussbaum Penny Polstra
Ethel Roszhan
Timolhy Seagren Carol Stales RobenS Beverly Tram
Mark & Sandi Nussbaum Kelly Pool Richard & Joanne Seaman Donald Slates JaneTioutner
Kevin Roth
role in an ever- Milo & Violel Nussbaum Sue Poole Ted Sebright Malcolm & Jeanne SlauHer Elioylroyer
Larry & Janice Roth
Ted & Claudia Nussbaum H Juan & Carrie Porter H Bradley Seidensticker Melvin StauHer KetmilTroyer
Samuel & Evangeline Roth
smaller global
Teiesa Nussbaum Steven & Sherry Porter
Trace & Lena Roth
Wendy Seller Pam Slaulter M J Tioyer
Jean Nyslrand Jane Polls Waller & Linda Sewer Stanley Stedman Mose&RulhTniyei
Elinor Roush
Joy Nyslrand David PrendergasI Philip & Lisa Sepanski Walter Steed Donna Tniesdell
Mary Rowe
community. John & Bonnie Nystrom Foster Price Kathryn Serenius Belty Steincr SethTuesley
Patricia Royally
Mark & Linda Price
Karen Royer
Marv Serna Craig & Rhonda Sterner RichanJ Tumstra
Mark & Jeanne Pride Loren Sexauer Paul & Donna Steine Mr & Mrs. Turner
Gail Rozeboom
ai Oberlin James & Jenniler Prince
Russell & Linda Rucknian
V Kim Shaddix Barry & Judy Steinman Joyce Turner
Sandra Proctor Carol Shade Angle Slekttee Judith Turner
Roberl & Judie Rudolph
Chrislina Oberlin Dennis Prolilt Gary & Mary Shade Connie Steketee Mildred Turner
Brian & Joy Ruegseggei
David Ochs David & Lorie Purdy
James Rundell
Teir>' Shade Douglas & Jodi Stephens Mary Twining
Dorrell & Marguerite Oclis Robert Purdy Adrian Shamp MettaSteury JelheyTyner
Deborah Running
Jon Oclis Renee Purman Dorothy Shank Thomas Sleury Stan & Cynthia Tyner
Glenda Rupp
Slewarl & Vivian Odell Kenneth & Oatlene Pycralt
Ronda Russell
Van Sr Patricia Shank Heher Stevens
Don & Bonnie Odie David 8 Nanci Pyle Paul & Sandra Shatluck Gary Stewart
David it Lucille Ruths
Richard Ollringa Joan Shaw Dale Slickel

Michelle VanderWeyden Edwin Waldrop Hanvood Weimer Karen Wiebenga Barbara Wolak Daryl 8. Joenita YosI
Fred & Joan VanderSchaal Marilyn Walker Dorothy Weir Gary Wiggins Gary & June Woll Donald Young
Gordon & Elaine Donald Wallingtord Evelyn Weissert Janice Wilcox Wilma Wolf Dorothy Youngdahl
Thomas & Gloria Uliczny
Vandermeulen Dean Walter P Craig Welch Harry 8, Karen Wild Robert & Rosanne Wolte William 8, Phyllis Younger
Henrietta Ungrey
Mr & Mrs Vaughan Richard Walter Waller Weldy Norman 8, Eunice Wilhelmi Kay Wollert
RictiarrJ S Pat Unl<entiolz
Maynard Vaughan J, Calvin Walters John & Mary Welsh Kathlyn Williams Wallace Woltt
Jellrey Unruti

Gary & Jean Urban

Stevan Vaughan Thomas Walters Olena Welsh Mozelle Williams Ivlary Woodrult Zehnder
David S Donalee Vermeesch Victor & Barbara Wanner Evelyn Welsheimer Christopher Williamson GlendaWorden
David Venwys Cheryl Warax Janet Wenger David Willis Zoe Worner Charles & Elisabeth Zehnder

Linda Viselli Emma Warne Bryan West Margaret Willis Betty Wright Elisabeth Zehnder
Jimmy Visser Laurence Warner Jeltrey 8. Susan Welherill Mark Willis Dayna Wright Donald Zell

Fred Vogt Thomas & Barbara Warner Marydona Weymier Nathan Willis Charles Wonder Paul & Marilyn Ziemer
Andrew 8. Shirley Valpatic
Norma Vogt Gay Warrick Catherine Whaien Robert Willis B L, 8, Madelyn Wurster Wilbur Zike
Homer 8. Wynona Van Buren
Linda Vonehrenkrook Charles Warrix Lorraine Whatey Ruth Willis Bradley Wurster Brent 8. Renea Zimmerman
Harry Van De Riet
Terry Voorhees John Warton John 8, Jo Wheeler Wesley 8. Elaine Willis Wayne Wyman Roger & Judy Zimmerman
Nancy Van De Weg
F. Duane Vosbutg Noel Washburn Phyllis Wheeler Williams Anna Willis James 8< PriscillaWynalda David Zinn
Philip Van Der Werfl
Jack Vredevoogd Debbie Wassink Andrew 8< You-Ying Whipple Astrib Wilson Harold Zook
Rick Van Deweg
Peler Vrhovnik John Waters Arthur 8c Donica White Gerald Wilson Janice Zook
Don Van Dommelen
Loretta Van Engen
Sarah Vrhovnik Paul & Colleen Watson Eleanor White Stephen Wilson Yeomans Karl 8< Linda Zurburg
Thomas & Naomi Vrhovnik G.Richard 8. LeolaWatterson Hal & Constance White Wilma Wilson
Helene Van Husen
Timothy Waugh Kenneth 8, Betty White DarleneWinemillet Albert Yeomans
Jolin Van Oosterum
Dorothy Weaver Raetean White James Winship Daria Ykimoll
Jutly Van Oosterum
David Van Orman
Wade Kenneth Weaver Douglas S Geri Whilelord Bryce & Karen Winteregg Amanda Yoder
Larry Weaver Rockney Whitehead Larry 8. Lynne Winterholter Emma Yoder
William & Janet Van Treuren
DrusillaW/ade Lawrence?. Sally Weber Bruce Whiteman Linda Wintermute Ronda Yoder
Kennelti VanProoyen
Jane Wade Ted S Carolyn Wedepohl Edwin Wickey David Winters Evelyn Yohner
Phyllis Vance
Douglas Wagner Mary Weeber Wayne & Lois Widder Jill Wise DelmarYordy
Sharon Vance
Gilbert Wagoner Benjamin Wehling David Widdilield Wayne 8. Caryl Wogoman Mark 8, Colleen Yordy
Jon Vandegrifl
Robert Wahlgren

Endowing the Vision Program Participants

An innovative program developed by Taylor's own National Alumni Council, Endowing the Vision allows donors to make
significant long-term endowment gifts from current income. We are especially grateful to these donors for their far-
reaching vision in undergirding the long-term future of the University.

m Class of 1941 Howard &

Ann A Leathers
Nettie Leach W. Erwin
L. Marshall
8. Katharine Vincent

& Rodah Welch

Ruth Herder
Virginia Kruschwitz
m Class of 1943 Georges Jan Glass
David & Alice Golden
& Lea Randall
Randolphs Bonnie Rumble
Ernest 8. Mildred Lee Rotiert Wilcox Arnold Lewis
Dale A. Grimes Doug & Kattiy Rupp
William L Armitage Elsie
Robert 8. Elisabeth McClintock Philip & Mildred Yaggy Gertrude E. MacDonald Stanleys Ruth Guillaume GeneS Nancy Rupp
Donald 8. Hope Barnes
Ross & Vivian McLennan Claude McCallister Rictiard & Bonnie Gygi Jamey & Rachel Schmitz
Harold & Dorothea Bauer
James D Bell
Lester 8i Martha Michel
Donald & Doris Miller Class Of 1942

Martha McDonald
1 Individuals Ivlarlin

ivlark &
& Marilyn Habecker
Sandra Horine
Josephs Frances Shisler
James & Sandra Sieber
Richard 8. Evelyn Bishop
James R Miller Lester & Martha Michel David &Dina Home James & Angela Stamper
Rodney 8. Edith Brown E. Martin Barney
Virginia Bunner
H, Arthur 8. Elizabeth Muiler Robert 8. Thelma Boyd Barley & Esther Martin
Rogers Marilyn Beaverson
N, Thomas & Lynda Morton. II Douglas & Martha Slarkey
Eleanor E Parry Carl & Martha Brown Pauline E Muselman Paul & Becky House Paul & Ruth Steiner
Roger & Jane Burtner Elizabeth Behnken
Earl &F Eleanor Butz
Ross & Mary Richey Omar & Dorothy Buchwaller Don & Bonnie Odie
Jon & Betty Brandenberger
& Verna Jaggers
Ctiartes Mr. & Mrs. Jellrey Studebaker
Ina Rocke Albert 8. Orpha Clarke Irene Pollard Douglas & Constance Martow Ronald & Judith Sutherland
Hubert 8. Melva Ctevenger Cynthia Briggs
Irma Dare
Jessie Burtner Skinner Addison 8i Thelis Eastman Lois Siagle
ivlargaret Briggs
Scott McMillen Mark & Colleen Terrell

Edith Driver
Harold 8< Kalhryn Springer James 8. Margaret Elliott Howard 8. Joyce Spilnale
Robert & Marcia Burden
Barrry & Debra Mason Mary & Bobbi Tibbets
Morton St, John Kenneth 8( Lucille Fouike Carol S Unkenholz Kimberiy Carlsen
Nancy Moller Kent & Janice Yost
Noble Gividen
Gail & Howard Stein Waller S Ruth Gepler Homer 8< Winona Van Buren Rictiard & Margo Peterson
Charles 8, Ruth Hahn Peler Carlson

Ralph 8. Betty Johnson

Dorothy Swearingen M Arthur & Ruth Grant Helen Whiltern
Paul & Kay Cox
Scolt & Andrea Preissler

John S. Tremaine

New Scliolarsliips and Funds

Scholarships and funds play an essential role in enabling the University to pursue fulfillment of her mission with
enhanced vigor and efficacy Taylor is pleased to recognize the following new scholarships and funds instituted last year

Business, Accounting, and Economics Departmental Lowell E. and Virginia G. Hatfield Annual Scholarship Elisabeth Poe Scholarship

Achievement Award Andrew W. Jarboe Memorial Scholarship Elisabeth Poe Enowed Scholarship
Class ol IQ-II Endowed Scholarship Luella Moore Memorial Scholarship Lucille F, Popp Endowed Scholarship
Computer Assistance Program Fund Walter and Anna Skow Oliver Memorial Endowed Scholarship Lon & Ruth Setser Endowed Music Scholarship
Grant County State Bank Scholarship

Estate Gifts and Cliaritable Annuities
Taylor University is especially grateful to those who by their generosity assure the Taylor experience will be available to

future generations of Taylor students The impact of their gift will be felt for many many years to come

Estate Bifts: Bessie O.Haan estate Mark & Lois Showalter estate Annuities: Paul 8, Guldie llllk

Mary L Ellis estate Martin Ivluhling estate John 8, Helen Wengalz estate Frank & Margaret Breen Devon & Velma Phillips

Frances A Fruehaul estate Henry G. Nelson estate Gerald 8. Elizabeth Foster Velma Rediger

M Church Matching Gift Program Participants
Taylor University is gratefui for tlie partnersliip slie shares witli the foiiowing churches, reiigious organizations and
individuais Together, we are abie to shape the iives of young men and women seel<ing the benefits of Christian higher

education The consequences may weli be of eternal significance

Marilyn J. Adams, Sheridan,

College Avenue United Coldwater, Ml Fort Wayne Evangelical Lake Poinle Bible Chapel. Muncie. W
Methodist, Muncie, IN First Baptist Church, Mennonile Church, IN Plymoulti, Ml Opera'ic'i l.tct za' 's< Univetsity Heights Uniled
Agape TrusI, Dublin, FO
College Baptist Church, Leitchlield, KY Fountain ol Lite Church, Inc., Lakeview Church. Zion, IL Peachtree City. GA MdhofclCludi.
Albany United Church ol

Chrisi, IN
Hillsdale, Ml First Baptist Church, Greenville, OH Lakeview Westeyan Church. Paynesvitte Evangelical Free indianaDolis. M
Columbus First Free Richmond, IN Free Methodist Church ol NA, Marion, IN Church, MN United MeDndistCtucti.
Alliance Bible Church, Warren,
Methodist, OH First Baptist Church, Sherman, Indianapolis, IN Ldwndaie Community Church, Philadelphia Uniled Methodist Beavetoi.ON
Community Church ol God, TX Free Melhotlist World Chicago, IL Women. GreenTield, IN United Methodist Cfiurcfi.
William 8. Norma Anderson,
Clio, Ml First Baptist Church, Missions, Indianapolis, Philip & Theresa Lawrence, Pickering Community Church. Wasco. CA
Kokomo, IN
Community Church ol Tekonsha, Ml IN Fas! Stroudsburg, PA ON Upland Evangelical kllennoniie
Archbold Evangelical
Greenwood, IN First Baptist Church, Troy, OH Glad Tidings Assembly of Liberty Bible Church, Pisgah Heights Baptisl Cluictt.lN
Mennonile Church, OH
Communiiy Church ol Vista, First Christian Church, Avon God, EasI Peoria, IL Chesterton, IN Church. Wesl Chester. Van Uniled MethodislCtuch.
Fay Baxter, Spokane, WA
CA Park, FL Good News Community Atene LindQuist, Spokane, WA OH Ctanlwty.PA
Beech Grove Communily
Church o( the Brethren,
Conneautville Church ol First Christian Church, Chapel, Pinckney, Ml Lion ol Judah Christian Pleasant Dale Church of Village Chuicti. Foil Myers, a
Christ, PA Meadville, PA The Gospel House Church, Fellowship. Portland. IN Brethren. Decatur. IN Wakanisa Missionaty Chinti.
Hollansburg, OH
Covenant Baptist Church First Church ol God, Columbia Bedford, OH Marion Christian Center. Pleasant Hilt Baptist Church. IN
Berrien Center Bible Church,
Columbus, OH City, IN Grabill Missionary Church, Marion, OH Smithviife. OH Waldo Mennonite Clwch.
Covenant Presbyterian First Church ol Ihe Nazarene, Grabill.lN McBain Baptist Church, The Redeemer's Church, Flanagan. IL
Bethany Chapel, Whealon, IL
Church, Amarillo, TX Elkhart, IN Grace Baptist Church, McBain, Mi Cofumbus, OH WaUteralle Baptisl Cludi.
Bethel Baptist Church,
Damascus Communily First Church ol the Nazarene, Greenwood, IN McCoy Memorial Baptist Redeemer Missionary. Toledo. Windsor. ON
Jackson, Ml
Church, Boring, OR Kendallville. IN Grace Church, Los Alamitos, Church. Elkhart. IN OH Walnut Street United
Belhesda Church, Singapore
Dayspring Church ol God First Evangelical Free, CA McKinney Bible Church. Fort Reedsville Evangelical MeltiodistChutdi.
Blue River Church ol the
Missions, Cincinnati, OH Rocklord, IL Green Camp Baptisl Church, Worth. TX Congregational Church. Chiiricothe. OH
Brethren, Columbia Oily,
Decatur Missionary, IN First Free Methodist Church ol Green Camp, OH Meadows Baptist Church. Schuylkill Haven. Ward Evangelical Prestiylerian
Deer Creek Community Columbus, OH Hammond First United Rolling Meadow. IL PA Church. Livono. Ml
Bread ol Life Ministries, Ocala,
Church, Bloomington, First Presbyterian Church, Methodist Church, IN Meadville Firs! Christian Alice A. Rink. Kokomo. IN WestMofiisSt-Fiee
MN Findlay OH Harvest Evangelical Free Church. PA SL David's Episcopal. Elkhart. Methodist. Intanapolis.
Calvary Bible Church,
Deertoot Lodge opr, Chris. First Presbyterian Church, Church, Kalamazoo, Ml The Missionary Church, IN IN
Hunlsville, Al
Camps, Greenville, NY Franklin, IN Harvester Avenue Missionary Walled Lake, Ml St. Lukes United Methodist West Walnut SI Church 0)
Calvary Chapel Worship
Dewey Mennonile Church, IL First Presbyterian Church, Church, Fori Wayne. IN Moses Hill Church, Loomis. Church. Kokomo. IN Christ Portland. IN
Center, Wabash, IN
Eagle Bible Chapel, AK Kokomo, IN Herbst United Methodist NE Jack Serez. Willowdalc. ON WethetsMd Evangelical Free.
Calvary Evangelical, Van Wert,
East While Oak Bible Church, First Presbyterian Church, Church, Marion, IN Mount Olive United Methodist Shelbyville Baptist Temple. IN CT
Carlock, IL Warsaw, IN Highland Congregational Church. Marion, IN T Franklin Smith. Dunedin, FL Whealon BiMe Church.
Camp Barakel, Fairview, Ml
Fred & Karen Emry, Marietta, Firs! United Brethren Church Church, Ml Mount Pisgah Missionary Sonlight Ministries. Casper. Whealcn.lL
Riley & Ruth Case, Kokomo,
GA Blisslield, Ml Highland Hills Bible Church. Baptisl, Kokomo. IN NY Whippoomill Commutity

Center Christian Church,

Epworth United Methodist, Firs! United Brethren Church Lombard IL Stanley & Pauline Myers, South Hills Assembly ol God. Qmb. Rocheslet. M
Matthews, IN Findlay, OH Highland Park Baptist Church, Akron. OH Eugene. OR Woodbum Evangelical
Fairmount, IN
Central Bible Church, Aurora,
Evangelical Christian Church, First United Church ol Chrisi, Southlield, Ml NAIM Ministries. Point Tenth Presbyterian Church. Mennonite Chun^ W
Fort Wayne IN New Knoxville, OH John 8, Nancy Hill, Roberts. WA Philadelphia. PA Woodbum Missionary
Evangelical Pietist Church First United Methodist Greenwood, IN New Castle Bible Church. Terrace Heights Assembly ol Chuicti. IN
The Chapel, Bullalo, NY
Challield, OH Church, Beaverlon, Ml Holtey First Baptist Church, Mackinaw, IL God. Yakima. WA World Gospel Church. Tene
C. Earl & Grace Chenowelh,
Faircreek Church, Dayton, OH First United Methodist Nv New Covenant Bible Church, Trimly Evangelical Free, Haute.lN
Richmond, IN
Fairhaven Church, Dayton, OH Church, Brookville, OH immanuel Baptisl Church, Cedar Rapids, lA Tampa, FL Wydifle Bible Ttanslalors.
Christian Service Foundation,
Faith Baptist Church, First Uniled Methodist Holland, Ml New Life Reformed Church, Trinity Uniled Mennonite Inc.. Dallas.™
For! Wayne, IN
Greenville, Ml Church, Goshen, IN Indian Hiits Community Grand Rapids, Mf Church. Morton. IL Youth lot Christ Inc.. Findlay.
Christ's Church al Plymouth,
Failh Bible Church, First Uniled Methodist Church, Lincoln, NE North Pointe Baptist Church. Trinity United Methodist OH
Millersburg, OH Church, Hammond, IN Indiana Alliance Church, Warren. Mf Church. Cass City. IN Zion Reionned ChunD.
Church ol the Nazarene,
Faith Community United First Uniled Methodist Indiana, PA Northlield-Tilton Trinity United Methodist GiandvillcMI
Kendallville, IN
Methodist Church Church, Plymouth, IN Karl Road Baptist Church, ilionai Church. Church, Van Wert, OH
Church ol the Open Bible,
Muncie, IN First Uniled Methodist Columbus, OH NH Union Chapel Baphst Church.
Casper, WY
First Baptist Church, Cadillac, Church, Lancaster. PA Kehilat Ben David, El Paso, TX Northview Christian Life. Marlon, IN
Church of the Open Door,
Ml Flagslall Christian Fellowship, Kendallville Church ol the Caimef. fN Union Chapel Uniled
Elyria, OH
First Baptist Church AZ Nazarene, IN OMS Internahonal. Methodist Church.
ColdwaterWesleyan, Inc, Mi

IVIemorial Gifts
As noted below, the following gifts honor the memory of specific individuals and provide a fitting memorial to them, in

honoring the memory of those special to them, donors extend the memory of their life and Influence In a way that will

continue to touch others for many years to come We are grateful for these special thbotes

In memory of: Wilbur M Clemland Aileen Gortner Larry Mercer Dorolhi Mayne Veryl Macy W.tMeyer
Given by: Alyce M, Cleveland Robert & Jane Gortnei Eleanor L. Mitchell Darren 8, Leslie Mayne Vernon & Evaline Macy HaiDH&Pi«vM»phy
Dalton 8i Miriam MelvaCKiaekef Ralph 8, Lottie Pralhei PliilipJ Miller Bea S Bill Selzer ElisanahPoe
Alice Bskti! VanVaikenburg Lil Haationsen lona A. Rasmussen James !, Karen Miller William & Betty Ann Alkins tMattieSeHeis
Donaid & May Thorpe Marion Crawley William E, Hansen Lucille Stevens Josephine Milter Alice Shippy Hilda LSleyei
Floyd M Baker Don 8. Bnnnie Odie Elaine M.Healh Roger SIressman Bradley Newlin Maty Ann Hili Mane Tabor
J. T 8, Sandra Cobb Havje Driver Jack P, Given Gertrude E. Winsor Thomas Konechnik Robert 8 RoseanneWolle Paul H.Wood
Charfes & Karen Conn Gene 8, Nancy Rupp Kennelb E Hoover Andrew/ W. Jarboe Plainlield Mon Mlg ol Miriam 8 Squire fuggy LSmih
Michaef 8. Barbara Connors Jobii Ellis Fiances 1. Allen EveiellSiBetlyJaiboe Friends Raymond M. Squire ftubyaShertidr
Rafph 8. Doris Lee John 8. Bernila Ellis Evelyn M, Boone HaielJones LotenS Helen Heald Isaac i Mirte Sleyer ^gnes 7)11X1°

Violet P. Mills G, Harlowe Evans William 8. Marilyn Brosi Joy Class Ben S, Jane Timian Greg & Jeanine Childs Charles &Jacquelin
Elsie Trainee Lester 8. Martha Michel Clarence & Madge Buehler Enid Hansen Lembert Walters Anns Sko\f Oliver Mildred S. Chapman Rorian
Doris Van Dyke Rhoda E, Taylor Leonard 8. Helen Clark William E. Hansen Dale Si Barbara Murphy William & Frances Ewbank Janice TooSaliei
Charles 8. Rose Warner Merrill Ferris Grace E Drake Florenrx l Loy fiiKS Bichey Luvada Foley Donald and May Thorpe
Robert Belmken Mary Ferris Leon & Virginia Jenks William 8. Laura Mary Richey Robert & Betty Fteese Cttgrtes Wiilslsy
Margaret Behnken Marie Genlile Willis & Burdelle Kerns Edmundson Harold SrKathryn Springer Paul Si Helen Hill Carts Margaret Barton
Arland V. Briggs R, J Braunlin Leiand 8. Rena Leahigh Veryl Macy Wellington Scott Alice Holcombe RoselynG Kertin
Harold & Muriel Miller Paul 8. Barbara Gentile Helen Mekkelson Vernon 8i Evaline Macy Elizabeth P Scoll Jones Funeral Home Ernest rents
AimaM Yens

Recognizing the cruciai roie of Christian higher education to furtherance of the gospei in ttie modern age, and the efficacy

of the Tayior program, a number of church congregations choose to financiaiiy support Taylor University. We are indeed
appreciative of their generous support.

Agape Temple, Loxahatchee, FL Corinth Christian Church, Muncie, IN First Baptist Church, Gas City. IN Harrisvilie Congregational Christian Novi United Methodist Church. Ml Trinity English Lutheran Church. Fort

Baugo Chyrch ol the Brelhren. Corinth Friendship Class, Gaston. IN First Church ot the Nazarene, Elkhart Church. Union City. OH Our Lady otVicL Miss. Sisters. Wayne. IN
Wakarusa, IN Crossroads Bible Church. FirsI Congregational Church ol Hope Church. Wilton. CT Huntington. IN Trinity Evangelical Free Church.
Baugo Church ol the Brelhren. Skowhegan. ME Florence, Berlin Heights, OH Immaculate Conception Catholic. Plainlield Monthly Meeting of Brentwood. TN
Goshen, IN Delaware Grace Brelhren Church, OH First Evangelical Free Church, Manilo. IL Friends. IN Trinity United Methodist Church.

Berean BaplisI Church, Burnsville, Evangelical Covenant Church, Lincoln. NE Immanuel Baptist Church. Saginaw. Prospect Christian Church. Prospect Hartford City. IN

MN Latayetle. IN First FM Church ot Columbus. OH Ml Heights. IL Tunkhannock Mennonite Fellowship.

Bertiand Bible Church, Niles. Ml Evangelical Free Church, Crystal First Presbyterian Church. Immanuel Relormed Church. Grand Shawnee Alliance Church. Lima. OH PA
Blanchafd Road Alliance Church, Lake, IL Indianapolis. IN Rapids. Ml South Colon Church. Burr Oak. Ml Twin Lake Relormed Church.
Whealon, 1 Evangelical Free Church, Gaylord, Ml Forest City Community Church. IL Lagrange Bible Church. IL Summer Institute ol Linguishcs. Kalamazoo. Ml
Calvary Assembly of God, Elkhart, IN Evangelical Mennonite Church, Gilead Church. Bryant. IN The Living Word. Middletown. OH Huntington Beach. CA UMW Providence United Methodist,
Calvin EasI Un. Presb/lerian Church, Wauseon, OH Grace Bible Church. Cissna Park. IL Kum Join Us Class. Union City. IN Sweetwater Assembly ol God. North Fort Washington, MD
Detroit, Ml Faith Bible Church, Cincinnati, OH Grace Brethren Church. Temple Hills. Maple Grove Evangelical Free Manchester. IN Union Grove Church, Muncie, IN

The Chapel, St. Joseph, Ml First Alliance Church C&MA, Toledo, MD Church. MN Tavares Assembly of God Ministries, Valley Chapel. Green Valley. IL

Christian & Missionary Alliance OH Grace Chapel Church. West Liberty. Mehoopany Baptist Church. PA FL Van United Methodist Church.
Church, Indiana, PA First Assembly ol God Church, OH Mohlers Church ol the Brethren. Terrace Heights Assembly of God. Cranberry. PA
Christian Ministries International, Carlinville, IL Grace Evangelical Mennonite. Ephrata. PA Yakima. WA Venice Bible Church. FL
Eden Prairie, MN First Assembly ol God ol Grand Morton. IL Mount Carmel Church. Hartford City. Terre Haute Sunday School #4. Westminster Un. Presbyterian. Marion.
The Christian Workers Foundation Rapids, Ml Grace tJnited Methodist Church. IN Urbana. OH IN

Montgomery, AL First Baptist Church, Crown Point, IN Hartford City. IN New Covenant Church, Harrisvilie. Trinity Church (Cong.) Inc. Bolton. Wyclitfe Bible Translators. Inc..

MA Huntington Beach, CA

In giving of themseives
— their time, taient, and financial resources — these volunteers invest a significant pah of their

lives in Taylor University. They enable the type of interaction, programs, and leadership that makes the Taylor community
among the best in Christian higher edcation. For their sen/ice, we are deeply grateful.

National Alumni
Robert F. Brummeler '81 Mr, Donald L. Granilz '52 Richard W, Gygi '67 LisaLandtud '92 Scott Preissler '83 Mr Douglas L. Rupp '74 Archbold.
Council Grand Rapids, Michigan Elkhart, Indiana Franklin, Tennessee Upland. Indiana Indianapolis. Indiana Ohio
Alice (Hendrickson '63} Golden Ruth (Wolgemuth '63) Guillaume Marilyn (Hay '69) Habecker Debta (Richardson '84) Mason Slacy Acton ('90) Ray Richard A. Seaman '78 Upland,

Harold V Beattle '50 New York. New York Arlington Heights. Illinois Lake Odessa. Michigan Indianapolis. Indiana Plainlield. Indiana Indiana

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Steven H.L, Honett '70 Michael D. Motlenson '91 M Frances (Valberg '78) Douglas E, Slarkey '77
Piano. Texas Berne. Indiana Ringenberg Indianapolis, Indiana

Taylor University Giving Totals Wheaton. Illinois

George E. Jackson III

'86 Mr. J. Aaron Neuman '89 Fran Woy ('62) Terhune
Fiscal Year 1991 ~ 1992 Grantham. Pennsylvania Lima. Ohio Gainesville, Florida

Capital and
Taylor Fund Other
Unrestricted Restricted Parents' Association Cabinet
Source Gifts Gifts Total Gifts 1991-1992

William and Sue Ann Brown Peler and Pat Dys Richard and Ruth Lambright David and Mary Jane Thompson
Alumni 437,162 359,889 797,051 Indianapolis, IN Fort Meyers. FL La Grange. IN Toledo. OH
Alumni Match 53,574 17,082 70,656 Robert and Marcia Burden Larry And Jan Gates Lewis and Dotlye Luttrell Richard and Nancy Torrans

Goshen. IN Granger. IN Naperville, IL Brenhvood. TN

Parents 60,879 104,300 165,179

Parents Match 11,104 Postelle and Dorothy Cochran Jackson and Jayne Gin David and Carol McKie Robert and Priscilla Wynkoop
8,634 19.738
Peru. IN Ml. Prospect. IL Peoria. IL Muncie. IN
Friends 144,561 516,479 661,040
Darwin and Valeria OeLaughter David and Gloria Kelt Samuel and Evangeline Roth
Friends Match 22,840 16,146 38.986 North Manchester. IN St. Joseph. Ml Grand Rapids. Ml

Employees 41,107 109,267 150,374

Dale and Lee Nae Oomsten Roland and Marilyn King Andrew and Diane Stewart
Business/Industry. . 32,490 126,679 159,169 Ludington. Ml South Witley. IN Indianapolis. IN

Foundations 2,200 376,395 378,595
Council of Trustees Emeriti
Trustees.- .•
7,108 818,783 825,891
Trustees Match 18,100 18,100
Or Ted W Engslrom Dr. John 0. Hershey Dr. Walter Randall Or L Marshall Welch
Churches 7,875 181,881 189,756 President Emeritus Retired Ch, ol the Board & Retired Proiessorol President

World Vision President Physiology L.M Welch & Associates. Inc.

Pasadena. Calitornia Milton Hershey School Stritch School ol Medicine Sedona. Arizona
Colleges of Indiana Hummelstown. Pennsylvania Loyola University
Foundation 91,693 Dr. Lester C.Gerig Upland. Indiana Mr. Paul W.Wills
Retired Chairman & President Mr, John McDougall Chairman
William Mutual Security Life Insurance Retired Executive Vice President Dr. ChariesW. Shilling Toledo World Terminals
Taylor Company and Director Distinguished Scientist Richlield. Ohio
Fort Wayne. Indiana Ford Motor Company Department ol Forensic
International Consultant Sciences (CPL) Dr Samuel F. Wolgemuth
Dr. Richard W. Halfast Bloomlield Hills. Michigan Armed Forces Institute ol President Emeritus
TOTALS 912,593 2,767,583 3,680,176 Retired Surgeon pathology Youth lor Christ International

Rochester. Indiana Arlington. Virginia Ml. Prospect. Illinois

Board Mr. V. Donald Jacobsen
Chairman of the

Mr. Theodore F. Brolund Board of Trustees Executive Director

Ravi Zacharias International


Taylor University Ministries

W.A. Witney Corporation
Rocl<ford, Illinois
Norcross, Georgia

Secretary Ms. Marta Gabre-Tsadick Mrs. G. Roselyn Kerlin

Mr. Kenneth Flanigan 1 President Danville, Indiana

i President

St. Charles Building Partners

Director ot Stewardship

The Evangelical Alliance Mission

Carol Stream, Illinois

I.T.G. Commercial Trading
Executive Director, Project Mercy

Vice President, Hel

Fort Wayne, Indiana


Mr. Arthur K. Muselman

E 1
Dr. J. Paul Gentile

Medical Doctor
Mr. Carl
W. Moellering


Berne, Indiana

Mrs. LaRita Boren

I Fort Wayne, Indiana

Mr. Robert C.Gilkison

i Moellering Construction

Company, Inc.

Wayne, Indiana

Dr. Williann E. Pannell

Vice President President Director of Black Ministries

Avis Industrial Corporation Kahn Brothers Investment Associate Professor of

Upland, Indiana Management Corporation Evangelism and Preaching

Alexandria, Virginia Fuller Theological Seminary
Pasadena, California

Mr. David Boyer Mr. Richard W. Gygi Mr. Richard Russell

CPS Corporation President

Attorney-at-Law President,

Helmke, Beams, Boyer &Wagner, Franklin, Tennesse Russell Homes. Inc., General

Counselors-at-Law Contractors and {.and

Fort Wayne, Indiana Developers

Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan

Dr. Joseph D. Brain Dr. Carl W. Hassel Dr. Fred S. Stockinger

Professor of Environmental Consultant Cardiovascular Surgeon

Physiology Farmington Hills, Michigan Texarlana, Texas

Chair, Department of Environmen-

tal Health

Harvard University

Boston, Massachusetts

Dr. Beverly Jacobus Brightly Mr. Jerry Home Dr. James H. Woods
Senior Program Associate Chief Executive Officer General and Vascular Surgeon

U.S. Department of Education Manpower Temporary Services of Milwaukee General and

Office of Special Education Western Michigan Vascular Surgery. S.C.

Programs Holland, Michigan Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Washington, D.C.

Mr. J. Thomas Crutchfield Mr. John R. Home Mr. Paul Zurcher

President & Chief Operating Officer

Corporate Officer Zurcher's Tire, Inc.

B H. Crutchfield, Inc.

Crutchfield &
Crutchfield Groves, Inc.

Sebring, Florida
Sons, Inc.
Navistar International Transportation


Chicago, Illinois
Monroe. Indiana
Please note:

Your name Is important to us. We have carefully reviewed

the names of donors listed in this report, Still, in a listing of this

length, errors may occur. If your name has been omitted,

misspelled, or incorrectly listed, please accept our apofogy and
notify us so that we may correct our records. Write Office of

Development, Taylor University. 500 West Reade Avenue. Upland,

Indiana. 46989-1001, or call (317) 998-2751,
500 West Reade Avenue
Upland, Indiana 46989
came time to make The automobile market
Census Bureau
showing recently,
that milhons
out less a quality decision.
different than the market

99 1 Some

more in this country are living at Information is Power principles remain the same, but the exact
the poveity level. As the news product mix is very different. The quality
In this type of business climate,
broke, I was watching CSPAN cabienet. demanded is veiy different. The trends for
infonnation is power. Companies can ill
The reaction in the various stock and 1993 are unmistakable: more competition
afford to make decisions based on
bond markets was tracked by means of a and increased demand for quality.
anything but up-to-date, thorough,
second screen on the television screen. In the world today, the most powerful
The ripple effect was instantaneous.
accurate infonnation. There
for example, when
was a
businesses could
people — —
and companies are the ones
The computer has changed the way we with the most reliable, accurate, and up-
operate on relatively loose projections of
conduct business— and the speed at which to-date information.
growth. Today, however, with veiy
we do it.
naiTow profit margins, the difference
Instant Access
between 5 percent and 4 percent grov/th
Caution: Ulcers Ahead
can be veiy vast indeed. "Up on a new definition
to date" takes
While giving a seminar to lower level Timing is similarly important. Our in today's marketplace. In fact,it some-

management employees in the General company might introduce a wonderftil times means "up to the second." For
Motors arena, I put into words what they new product, but it is to no avail if our example, on the New York Futures
already knew by experience not only do — competitor at the same time inti'oduces a Exchange, a buyer will purchase a fi.ittires
we have less and less time to make similar —and superior — one. General conh'act and sell it again, on the average,
business decisions, but the potential Motors, for example, was very much within 45 seconds. In such a scenario,
positive and negative effects of those caught flat-footed when Ford came out one's infonnation must be vei"y accurate
decisions are far greater than they were a with the Tauais. Ford thought that would and veiy immediate. It must also be veiy
few years ago. Today's business climate be the case, and it certainly was. How- reliable.
is such that the decision you make in ever, both companies have been caught In conducting the management
response to the opening of a new market off-guard by the fact that consumers are workshop mentioned earlier, I learned that
niche can provide great lift for your simply demanding better treatment. The type of infonnation was not available to
company and assure your financial success of General Motors' Satum line GM's lower level managers. To its credit,
success almost instantaneously. On the some in the industiy
has really suiprised GM has since recognized the tremendous
other hand, if you decide to market a Consumers have responded favorably to stt"ess their people were under in being
product and nobody buys you sell at it, or the car, in part due to the way customers asked to make decisions with very little
the wrong price, or you have the wrong are treated. infonnation. The company has taken steps
cost, you can drop from a position of to ameliorate the situation. As research
power almost overnight, as well. studies confinn. when persons are
"WTiat is your first reaction to that?" provided with quality information, the
Iasked the management group. One quality of their decision-making
of them immediately responded, processes improve.
"What that says to me is ulcers." That The computer's ability to

is what it says to great numbers of process infonnation at lightning speed

people in our society —hence, the has engendered a business climate in

tremendous amount of Valium which decisions must be made nearly

prescribed each year instantaneously, and in which infonna-
The volativity of marketplace tion is synonymous with power. On
competition has heightened dramati- the other hand, the computer's ability
cally each was first
decade since it to transmit the type of accurate,
obsei^ved in the "60s. It became much reliable infonnation we need to make
worse in the '70s, even more harsh in quality decisions enables us to take
the '80s, and clearly, it is going to be advantage of oppoitunities that
brutal in the '90s. The result of a would othei"wise remain far beyond
decision in which you have misread the our reach.
competition, misread your customer base
or misread the market in general can be Professor of Systems Leon Adkison. PliD.

very traumatic, and yet you have less and has sen-ed Ten lor since 1974.

The Beat of a Different Driumner

The computer hasforever changed the way we do business —
and the pace at which we do it.
By Leon Adldson, PliD

by Daniel G. Hammond, PhD

That the ivord "revolution" has

sun — not the Earth — as the center of our everyday experience. In classical
local universe. But in 1543, Copernicus" physics, time is measured with a
assertion was revolutionary. It laid the stopwatch. Time does mo\e relentlessly
other-than-astronornical over-
groundwork for a scientific revolution, the and in perfect rhythm, but only for a
tones can be traced to effects of which we are still feeling today. moment; it then stops while the clock is

Indeed, most science historians agree that reset. We keep track of the time it takes
Copernicus' 1543 publication. the Copemican revolution was the for a process to occur, but when we are
beginning of the physical sciences as we finished, we reset the clock to be used
The Revolution of the Heavenly know them. again later. Thus, time is rene\\ed and
Just as the calendar helped launch the refreshed. This has been paradoxically
Orbs. With the notion that the great scientific revolution, described as "intemporal" time.
first I believe
the idea of time will play a cioicial role in Newton's \ersion of time has another
Earth was not tlie center ofthe
the next revolution in the physical interesting quirk. It is re\ersible. His

universe, the scientific revolution sciences. Furthennore, I believe we are equations of motion make no distinction
now on the verge of that revolution. between mo\ing forward in time or
was begun and our notion oftime To understand what I mean we need to moN'ing backward in time. We can use
take a brief look at how the concept of the exact same equation to model a ball
forever changed. The physical time has changed —and not changed — as thrown by a baseball pitcher toward the
the physical sciences have evolved. plate, or to examine the ball miraculously
sciences are again on the verge of reversing itself and following the same
Neii'lons Laivs pathway back to the pitcher This
a revolution, one that centers on re\ersible nature of time has important
Sir Isaac Newton, that great math- implications for our societs's notions of
our concept oftime. Again, the ematical physicist, is regarded as the cause and efl^ect and detemiinism.
master of explanation of the physical
implications are legion.
universe. Combining empirical obsen'a-
No Time For Free mil?
tions and mathematical reasoning, he put
together a way of viewing the world and — Writing at the beginning of the 10th
in the process, adopted a certain concept centuiy. French mathematician the
was on its way to
Easter becoming a summer

of time aspects of which have endured Marquis de Laplace argues that the

to this day in the physical sciences. uni\erse is completely detemiinistic.

holiday when Pope
Indeed, our cuixent society's view of Exenthing in the past, present, or ftimre
Gregory XIII asked
time boiTows heavily fi-om Newton's can be deteniiined b\ the law s of
Nicolaus Copernicus for
concept, as expressed in his laws of physics. Newton's classical equations
his advice on refonning
motion (classical physics). In Western can be used to model the motion of some
the JuHan calendar The
culture, for example, time relentlessly object (.such as the baseball) in an after-
famous astronomer was not much help.
marches on in linear, causal fashion. Too, the-fact description of what happened,
He realized there was insufficient data on
time is an objective, quantifiable phenom- but the same equations can also be used
the motions of the sun and the moon
able to make the needed adjustments to
to be
enon —we can spend, buy. sa\e. lose, to predict what will happen in the fiiture

steal,make, mark, and waste time. gi\ en the same set of initial conditions.
the calendar. He decided to make the
In subtle ways, howe\er. time in Therefore. Laplace suggests, we can in
necessary obseivations, however, and
Newton's equations is different fi-om what principle use Newion's laws to recreate
eventually came to his well-known
we generally perceixe it to be in our the past and completeK- predict the fti-
conclusion. Today, we readily accept the

ture. Of course it would be impossible to initial conditions are set, the universe is a useful product. Unfortunately, the
do this in reality becausewe would have entirely detennined, wholly predictable. human beings who worked in the factoiy

to know the current position and momen- In a clockwork universe there is no room became component parts of the machine.
tum of every particle in the universe. for real chance, (chance is only a reflec- Since the machine operated via the laws
Nevertheless, Laplace's arguments —and tion of our imperfect knowledge, no room of classical physics, the people, as parts of
he extends them to include all of human for the intervening hand of God, no room the machine, were forced to adopt the
behavior —have significantly affected the for free will. physicist's notion of time. To achieve a
thinking of our culture. Close on the heels of the scientific particular end (i.e., a specific product),
The doctrine of scientific detemiinism revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries events must occur at precisely timed
fueled philosophers' image of a clock- came the industrial revolution. In the new intervals —
intervals measured by a stop-
work universe and furthered the credo of clockwork universe, every detail of watch, not by the ambiguous time humans
deism. According to this view, all of science, commerce, and trade was organ- feel through the familiar changes that

God's creation is viewed as a giant ized around the ticking of the mechanical occur in the world around them. Thus, the
machine that has no need of God to timepiece. The factory was a machine (a notion of time from classical physics was
intei-vene once the "clock" is constnicted smaller component of the machine one ingredient that helped dehumanize a
and the mainspring wound. Once these universe) whose fimction was to produce large segment of Western culaire.

A Long Winters Nap bear and, most recently, in the polar bear.
Though HIT remains a mysteiy, Bmce says his colleague,
Peter Oeltgen at the University of Kentucky, may be close to
Shhhhh. They're sleeping — hibernating, actually. All defining the chemical makeup of the substance. "All
over the country. In nests, and caves, and dens. Hundreds indications are that HIT is a small protein with qualities
and thousands of them. Chipmunks, 13-lined ground similar to morphine," he says. "But what is it made of? Stay
squirrels, little brown bats, and woodchucks, among others. tuned."
There was no fanfare, no national sounding of curfew. Besides the intrinsic value of defining HIT, there are
Nevertheless, something —
some as-of-yet-undefined many potential medicinal applications for use of HIT in

substance — ti"iggered the hibernation response in each one humans, according to Bmce. He cites cancer research,
of these creatures. Hot on its trail is David Bmce, PhD, kidney failure treatments, and surgeries as among the
graduate of Taylor's class of 1962 and now a physiologist at possible benefactors of HIT research. One application from
Wheaton College in Illinois. hibemation research, first put into practice almost 40 years

Bruce has spent his life studying the natural rhythms of ago, is that of lowering body temperature during surgeiy to
life. "Each of us has a built-in clock that is evident in many slow down bleeding.
of the things we do," says Bmce. Many of the body's cycles HIT's makeup are successful, many
If attempts to define

are circadian (from the Latin, circa and dies, meaning questions will remain unanswered, says Bmce. "If HIT

"about a day"). He cites body temperature, which is lowest causes the animal to go into hibemation, we have to ask,
about 4:00 a.m., and peaks about 3:00-4:00 in the afternoon. 'What is behind that? Why does HIT have that effect? And
Other cycles occur monthly, the female reproductive cycle what cues does the animal receive that cause the substance to

being perhaps the most familiar example. Circannual be released?'

rhythms are those that occur on a yearly basis. Migration is "It will take beyond my lifetime to answer these ques-
one, Bmce explains, hibernation another. tions, but the quest itself is challenging. The intrinsic
"Hibemation is an excellent example of a circannual fascination drives me: I think it drives most of us. It's
rhythm," says Bmce, who is well qualified to discuss the interesting. It's fiin."

subject. That inborn rhythm of life has captured his interest It's also instnrctive. Bmce readily makes many personal
since his undergraduate days. applications from his research. "We do need to pace our-
In 1969, just one year after Bmce completed his doctoral selves and not get caught up in the rat race. There is a time

dissertation on hibernating bats, researchers at Chicago's for preparation, activity, and restoration. All this is illustrated

Loyola University coined the phrase hibemation induction in the animal kingdom in those that hibernate. Ground
trigger.HIT gives name to that as-yet-unknown substance, squiirels, bats,and bears prepare for hibemation by the veiy
present in the blood of hibernating animals, that triggers the high level of activity that precedes it. Then, during the rest
complex metabolic changes that accompany hibemation. It fime, they definitely slow down."
remains the focus of Brtice's research. Humans can leam a thing or two from the smaller crea-
Bmce has demonstrated that the blood plasma of a tures, Bmce says. "Many of the small hibemating animals

number of different hibernating animal species contain HIT. live relatively long lives. The little brown bat is the size of a

He was the first to document the presence of HIT in the small, small mouse. An old mouse is two-and-a-half years
blood plasma of the little brown cave bat. He then extended old. Yet the little bat can live 20 to 25 years. Twenty years is

that research to show that HIT was also present in the black a long time for so little a creature. Rest is restorative." —DM

Relativity and Uncertainty we tend to feel that time is not reversible. irre\'ersibletime from the laws of motion
Time seems to us to continually progress that impose reversibility on time.
Newton's laws stood for almost 200 There are new frontiers in the physical
forward, perhaps slowly at times and
years. Around the turn of the 20th century,
more quickly at others, but it is flowing in sciences that will ha\e the irreversibilitv-
however, the shortcomings of classical of time as one of their hallmarks. These
one direction: forward.
physics were becoming apparent. have esoteric names such as non-equilib-
Although Newton's laws modeled the rium thermodynamics, non-linear
Revolution in the Making
day-to-day physical world fairly accu- dynamics, and chaos theory. These
rately, became obvious that they were
it There is one branch of the physical theories, like thermodynamics, will deal
only approximations. They did not sciences grounded in these observations with the universe that is familiar to us all.
adequately describe or predict motions of common life which would agree that The physical theories that insist on time
that approached the speed of light. Nor time marches on irreversibly. That is the being reversible deal with fairly special-
did those laws work well in the realm of science of thermodynamics. It is ironic ized cases that represent only a small
the veiy small scale world of the atom. that physicists have been able to "derive" portion of all physical phenomena. The
Albert Einstein modified Newton's laws the laws of thennodynamics based on pieces of the universe those theories deal
so they would apply to objects moving at with are well-beha\ed from the physicists
speeds approaching that of light. This was point of view. It is much more difficult to
his famous Special Theoiy of Relativity. model the less well-beha\ ed but majorir\-
Later, quantum mechanics was developed
of natural phenomenon. But attempts are
to model the motions of atomic scale
being made to do just that \"ia these new
Both of these theories have modified What is being found is that as a
the notion of time. In relativity theory the
process becomes less well behaved, the
most obvious change was to make time a
new physics predicts not just one. but n\o
fourth dimension on par with the three
altei"nati\e pathways that may be taken as
dimensions of space we are all familiar
the process unfolds. It is not possible to
with. But this modification of our
predict which of the two paths the process
understanding of time is not quite as
will in fact follow. This limits the abilit}'
revolutionaiy as it may seem; it is really
of science to make predictions. A com-
more of a mathematical convenience. mon example is the weather person's
Time in relativity theoiy is still considered ability to make a fairly accurate prediction
reversible. According to the theoiy, time
of the weather on the short temi but not
expands, or slows down, as one ap-
the long tenn. Not onh' is our ability- to
proaches the speed of light. The General
scientifically predict the future limited
Theoiy of Relativity suggests that gravity
because of the alternative paths, time also
can also slow down time. Both of these
loses its reversibilirs'. This is because, as
time dilations have been experimentally
the process is pushed farther from what
verified. This time dilation, coupled with
the classical physicist would consider
the belief that time is reversible, allows
well-beha\ed. the path splits into altema-
for the theoretical possibility of long
ti\es and these altemati\e paths split again
space journeys and time travel — the stutf
and again until there is a web of altema-
of which science fiction is made.
ti\es. It is impossible for the exact re\ erse
Modem quantum theoiy has also
of the process to occur because it would
expanded our notion of time, most
not be possible to retrace the exact path
importantly by introducing an uncertainty
back through the web of alieniati\es.
in our ability to measure time. Quantum
PR0GN0STI(14T0R: Keeping Time becomes iiTe\ ersible. Time travel
theoiy denies Laplace the ability to know becomes impossible. Detenninism loses
the position and momentum of all the
track of sidereal (star), solar, ami
mean time the function its grip. The power of scientific prediction
is of the Soreiis
particles in the universe even in principle.
clock —the most complicated asti'o- is limited. Free w ill is possible.
There is a built-in, fundamental uncer-
nomical clock of its kind. Among other Thus, the concept of time w ithin the
tainty that makes it impossible to have
functions, it predicts eclipses of the physical sciences has e\ oh ed but the
ci>mplete and precise infomiation about sun and the moon and models the most significant change is \et to come.
the physical universe. This docs severe rotation of the planets about the sun. The scientific notion of time has pro-
damage detemiinism of classical
to the including Pluto \i-hich lakes 24S years
foundh intluenced society at all le\els.
physics. But the characteristics of time to complete its orhil.
No doubt the new notion of time associ-
held by Newton still pretty much hold in Non-equilibrium thermodynamics,
ated w ith the new In de\ eloping theories in
quantum theoiy, particularly the notion however, suggests that we are limited
the ph>sical sciences will ha\e just as
in our abilities to scienlifictdly predict
that time is reversible.
the future and recreate the past. significant an influence.
I believe that the axanl-gardc in
According to this emerging theoiy.
theoretical physics will have to deal with
lime is irreversible: free choice is Daniel G. Hammond. PhD is associate
this notion that time is reversible.
possible. professor ofchemistiy at Taylor. He has
Through our common experiences of life scncd the Tavlor communin- since /W/.

Taylor gatherings unite alumni, friends, current and
prospective students and their parents—^friends, all. who
share a common interest and belief in the mission of
Taylor University.

Taylor Club meetings the assistance of Bob '63 and Dawn President Charles Jaggers spoke of
Larsen, Diane (Fuller '77) and Randy TUFW, while Alumni Director
"75 Sellhom, and Scott Kregel '93. Chuck Stevens provided a campus
Greater Indianapolis Area
update. Retiring Club President Scott
Pizza picnic, June 26
Elkhart/South Bend (Ind.) Area Hughett "87 emceed the event.
Four members of the National
Club picnic, August 8
Alumni Council. Debra (Richardson
'84) Mason, Scott Preissler "83,
Don '52 and Jean (Hufiftnan '52) Bahamas
Stacy (Acton '90) Ray, Doug Starkey
Granitz coordinated a picnic for new Presidential dinner, October 31

'77, and their spouses, hosted a pizza

and returning students. Nearly 50 Dr. Jay Kesler, Taylor president,
people attended this event at the addressed the 54-strong crowd. In
picnic at the Preissler for alumni who
graduated from 1977 through the
home of Bob and Carolyn Lemaster, recent years the Club has taken an
parents of Andrew '96. George Glass active role in ari'anging events and
present. The four NAC members
concentrated on contacting alumni
was guest speaker Joe Foote "93 also assisting cun'ent. new, and prospec-
shared, along with Stacey (Moore tive students.
who had not attended other Taylor
'86) Douglas.
events in the Indianapolis area.
Greater St. Louis (Mo.) Area
West Suburban Chicago Club reception, November 5
Nortliwest Indiana
Dessert reception. September 19 Jeff "82 and Narlynn (Dempsey
Dessert reception. June 27
Club President Jack Given '65
The Glen EUyn Boathouse. a x"85) Vinyard coordinated this event.

hosted the reception at Christ

newly renovated meeting facility, and The Alumni Office was encouraged
Community Church, Hobart, Ind..
adjacent lake were the setting for the by the number of alumni from the
while George Glass provided a
event, hosted by John '80 and Carol past four graduating classes who
Jaderholm and Kurt '78 and Kathy attended.
campus update.
(Coats '79) Jaderholm. Among those
attending were both Upland and Fort Greater Indianapolis Area
Greater Upland Area
Bus tnp. July 10-15
Wayne parents, as well as NAC Club luncheon, November 5
member, Frances (Valberg '78) Scott Hughett '87 and Susan
Destination: Philadelphia. New-
Ringenberg, and tnistee Ken '65 Miller '86 coordinated this event,
port Beach. Boston, and New York
Flanigan. held on the northeast side of the city.
The Club is led by Dennis '65 and
Vice President for Taylor University-
Lois '63 Austin.
Greater Indianapolis Area Fort Wayne Ken Swan provided an
Greater Cincinnati (Ohio) Area
Club luncheon, October 29 update on TUFW programs; Chuck
Participants met downtown for a Stevens shared regarding the Upland
Club picnic. August 1

luncheon during which Senior Vice campus.

Wendell '56 and Diane (Beghtel
x'56) True hosted a late summer get-
together for returning and new
students in the Cincinnati area. Upcoming Taylor Plan Banquets

West Michigan Jan 7 Chattanooga. Tenn. Feb. 3 Columbia. S.C Feb. 23 Nashville, Tenn.

12th Annual Club picnic. August 6 Jan. 8, 9 Atlanta. Ga. Feb. 4 Charlotte N.C. Feb. 25 Knoxx'ille, Tenn.

New and returning students, to- Jan. 21 Albuquerque. N.M. Feb. 5 Raleigh/Durham.
gether with their parents, were guests Jan. 22 Tucson. Aiiz. N.C. March 4, 5 Washington. D.C
of honor at this Grand Rapids event. Jan. 23 Sun City, Ariz. Feb. 6 Greensboro/ March 6 Baltimore, Md.
Sharing about the Taylor experience Phoenix, Ariz. Mnston-Salem, March 29 Northern N.J.
were Walt Campbell, Sarah Brown N.C. March 30 Noiiheni N.J. ]

'92, and George Glass. This annual Feb.l Ashe\'ille. N.C. Feb. 15 Madison, Ind. March 30 New York City
event, which draws between 60 and Feb. 2 Greeneville/ Feb. 16 Columbus, Ind.

90 each summer, is coordinated by Spananburg, N.C. Feb. 22 Memphis, Ind.

Bob '81 and Wendy Bnimmeler with ^- '--.... -

..:___ ^_:ji
Enoch Bunner 's
was a long life,
and one distin-
guished by senice.

We Lost, But We Did Enoch Bunner:

Make History Long Life of Service
On June 3, 1 883, Taylor Univer- Enoch Bunner was one of Ta\ior"s

1883 sity took part in an event that would

give the school a distinction unlike
1893 first students to smdy on the Upland
campus, following the institution's
any other college in the world. mo\ e from Fort Wa\Tie. In his latter
Taylor University, then known as years, he was one of the few people
Baseball at Fort Wayne College, participated in He was a who could recall visiting with Bishop
the first-ever baseball game involving William Taylor during the Bishop's
night? devoted
a professional team to be played at only visit to the campus in 1895.
Under night under lights. minister Bunner enrolled at Taylor in the
lights? The idea for the event originated fall in the 893 and graduated with
1 a
in themind of James Jenney,
who never A.B. in philosophy in 1898. Dr. Burt
was almost president of Jenney Electi'ic Com- tired of Ayres was a fellow classmate.
unheard of pany. Fort Wayne, who thought that Upon graduation. Bunner entered
giving of
lighting a baseball tield for a night the pastoral ministi">' in which he
in 1883. game would be an effective way of himself. sened 37 years. He retired in 1955
Taylor's demonstrating the wonder of ha\ing pastored n\ehe circuits.
Like his
electricity. During his lifetime he answered the
team, the With this in mind, Jenney biblical roll call of the North Indiana
home-town organized a night game at League eponym, Conference of the Methodist Church
Park between Fort Wayne College 65 times.
favorite, he, too,
and the Quincy (111.) Professionals, Bom November 14. 1869. in
lost and the members of the Northwestern walked with Bobo. Indiana, he was the son of
League, a foremnner of the American George A. and Phoebe Bunner. He
local paper God.
league. The game was to played was manned March 31. 1915. to
reported under the glow of 7 huge 1 electric Stella Stant. To this union was bom

that base- arc lamps. one daughter. \'irginia Ruth. The

Despite the fact that all the lights Bunner famih retired to Upland in
ball at night went out temporarily two separate 1936.
under lights times during the game, the teams After his retirement. Enoch
were still able to play nine innings, continued to take part in Ta\lor
is "imprac- with Quincy defeating the college acti\ities and church aftairs. On
tical and team, 19-11. Januan' 5. 1965. Enoch Bunner died
A Fort Wayne newspapers of that at age 95. lea\ing a legac\ of
will not be date says that the telegraph lines were faithftilness in senice.
repeated kept busy all night reporting to the
countiy what had occuned.
again with
The game took place nearly 20
profit." years before any Fort Wayne homes
were even wired for electricity. Too,
it was over 25 years before another

game of any significance was played

under lights anywhere in the nation.


Olive May Draper Meni/iers of the
as she appears in a 1949-1950 Trojan
photo taken for the basketball squad
student annual.
i^^ ^ ,p' -K n^ \ returned victorious
from their Western
road trip.

Teaching More Than First Western Road

Just the Three "Rs" Trip Proves Goldmine
If the name Olive May Draper '13 The men's basketball team made a

familiar to many Taylor alumni, it
with good reason. Professor Draper
1914 Western tour during the 1949-1950
season, the first Western trip for a
served Taylor University in one of Taylor University athletic team.
the longest tenures ever to be held While out West, team members
a Taylor faculty member. For 4 At a time showed the local fans how ball is Following
years, from 1914-1955, she worked played in Indiana, compiling 325
when the admoni-
in Taylor's Natural Sciences Depart- points in five games to average 65
ment, teaching subjects ranging from women points per game. tion, "Go
mathematics and chemistry to were often Under the direction of Coach Don West,
physics and astronomy. Odle '42, they won four of the five
Draper's reputation was that of consigned road games. California Tech at San young
being a demanding teacher who to teacliing Luis Obispo handed the Trojans their man," the
called forth the best in her students. only loss, downing Taylor by a score
Bom in 1888, Draper was a 1908
"gentler" of 62-41.
graduate of Sutherland (Iowa) High subjects, The team ended the season with a basketball
School. Upon graduation, she taught 19-8 overall record.
in the public schools for a year before
Olive May Members of the squad included
team did
entering Central Holiness University, Draper took John Bragg '52, Malvin Cofield "51, just that,
University Park, Iowa. Later, Draper Nonnan Cook '51, Don Granitz '52,
on the hard and hit pay
transfeiTed into Taylor where she Owen Haitley "51, John Nelson '52,
graduated with the class of 1 9 1 3 and sciences— William Payne "51, Oral Ross '54, dirt in the
received her BA in mathematics and
and at the Howard Stow '51, Nonnan process.
chemistiy. Wilhelmi Kenneth Wright
'51, '53.

Draper pursued graduate studies at same time and Ted Wright '52.
the University of Michigan and earned a
earned her MA one year later.

In the fall of 1914, she returned to reputation

Taylor and took the position that she for being a
would hold for the next four decades
until her retirement in 1955. Even
after her retirement. Draper re- gentle
mained and commu-
active in school
nity affairs for another 20 years.
Miss Olive May Draper died on
February 3, 1982 at the age of 94
The number of lives she touched
during her 41 years at Taylor cannot
be counted; neither can lifelong
devotion such as Draper's be
completely fathomed. Her legacy is

perhaps best expressed in the lives of

many alumni of the school she

retires from active service to Taylor

December "The go
Habits of the Heart this
probably going to be tough, though
right now it is

exciting and I am

During nearly 30 years ofservice to Taylor University, looking forward to it. M}- work has
been \ery rewarding. I ha\e lo\ed it.
Betty Freese has served as fiiend, confidant, and a listen-
I am going to miss it."

ing ear for countless Taylor alumni. Her many fiends That work started in 1955 \\hen
Bett}' arri\ed at Taylor with her 1
recently found opportunity^ to return the favor
month-old son. Bobby, and her
husband. Bob (now a 2 1 -\ear veteran
Dearie. It's a self- sharing with me about a difficult life professor in the education depart-
Teaiy styled description, and one circumstance." she says, staring out ment, also retiring this December).
that Alumni Director Betty her office window and into that bank Bob enrolled in the Uni\ ersir\' and.
Freese uses to account for of memories. "The little twins that upon graduation, accepted the
the tears that tend to well up died. The young husband killed in an position of admissions recruiter;
in her eyes at emotional moments. accident." She turns back. "There are Bett\- worked as secretan' to Dean

"I'm one of the original Teary just so many, and some of them are Milo Rediger. She credits him with
Dearies," she says with a gentle so hard to accept." broadening her earlier business
laugh. "One of my fiiends back in Freese has learned by experience school education. "Dr Rediger
Columbus, Ohio —we worked that there are some jobs which
in brought out of me an interest in the

together in youth ministiy there — is one's personal life cannot be neady liberal arts." she says. "He was a
just like me. We
would share about separated fi'om one's work responsi- professor of philosophy and opened
spiritual matters and we would both bilities. The job of alumni director is up a w hole new w orld for me. e%"en
be blubbering, and she'd say, 'We're one of them. "Sometimes my prayer though I didn't take classes." Bobby
the Teaiy Dearies, aren't we?' I don't list is long because these are people (now known as B..!.) was nine \ears
think she's gotten over it, because I've interacted with, people 1 lo\e old w hen the tamih mo\"ed to
when my husband. Bob, and I and care about. Columbus. Ohio, where Bob w orked
attended their 50th wedding anniver- "I enjoy hearing all their news. I in the public school SNStem as
saiy, she and Ihad a good ciy enjoy meeting all their new babies teacher, assistant principal, and then
together I don't think I'm going to and so on." she says. Her long tenure. principal. Eight % ears had passed
get any better, either. I'm probably 21 -plus years in the alumni offiice. w hen Tax'lor officials asked Bob to
just going to keep on being this way," and role as editor of Taylor accept a position in the education
That inveterate quality has often magazine's Alumni Notes section depaitment. "We came back home to
shown itself in the course of Freese "s have all sened to make her a pan of Ta\'lor." Betrv' recounts, "and we
near-30 years at Taylor. "Many, the continuing Taylor experience for ha\ e praised God for that e\er since."
many, times through the years the many alumni. Indeed. man>- persons ha\ e praised
tears have come while I've been on Freese readily admits she will miss God for that decision —those for
the telephone with an alum who is that level of in\ olvement when she w hom Betr^ Freese. as Tavlor's

alumni director, has come to mean know how people heard about Bob's
Taylor University. Betty began as condition," Betty says. "It wasn't
secretary in the alumni office in 197 anything we published anywhere.
and soon discovered her earlier Just by the grapevine of fi'iends
experience at Taylor was invaluable interacting, people heard about Bob's
to her new position. "Those eight illness and wanted us to know that we
years in the Dean's Office were veiy had their prayers. What a consolation
helpful to me in working with that that is. to know that people are
base of alumni." she says. "In those praying for you here and there."
years, from 1955 to 1963, the Taylor When the surgeiy was over, there
family was much smaller and I was was good news: the surgeons were
in a pi\otal spot to get to know eveiy able to do a much less radical
student personally." By viitiie of her procedure than originally planned.
expanding duties and graduated Too, neither follow-up chemotherapy
promotion to alumni director. Betty's nor radiation treatments were
contact and involvement with alumni necessaiy. Though he would ha\'e to
continued to grow. remain vigilant against the cancer's
"I have loved the work of the return. Bob would be fine. "It was a
Alumni Office," she says in no time of praise," Betty says. And in

uncertain tenns. "I am a 'people fact, that praise resounded from

person" and the contacts with alumni Florida to Colorado, and many points
are just great. I just keep making new in between.
fi'iends and being reunited with So wide a circle of friends is tribute
fonner ones." to the influence Betty and Bob have
Those friends were able to offer exerted over the years. "The Taylor
much-appreciated support and family is a good family of which to
encouragement to both Betty and be a part," Betty says, as tears well
Bob last December. Bob had been up. unbidden, to her eyes. "It has
diagnosed with a rare fomi of cancer been one of the Lord's most special
and the very radical surgeiy he was blessings." —DM
facing would veiy likely leave him
significantly disabled.
"We tried to commit it all to the
Director Beth' Freese retires from
Lord," Betty says, "and Bob went [to
activeditt}' to Taylor this December,
surgery] in that spirit, but for me it
along with her husband, Bob, who
was a long time to sit and wait and
teaches in the education department.
pray." Praying right along with her
During her long tenure, Betty has
were numerous Taylor friends from
become the heartbeat of Taylor to
across the countiy "I don't even
countless alumni.
11 1 —

Betty Freese,
Alumni Notes

Christian leadership. Dr 283-A, North Manchester fN

1923 1953
Climenhaga founded Resource 46962, and serves a United
Loraine (Freesmeyer x) Ministries in 1984, serving as Methodist Church north of the Hugh & Janet Sprunger
Chappell passed away June a seminaiy professor at large, city. Daughter Martha (Orr returned to the US in July,

16. She had been hospitalized Bible conference and evange- '76) Boltz is an elementary bringing closure to 38 years of
since January. lism speaker, and associate in teacher at Heritage Christian o\'erseas ministries with the
Brethren in Christ missions. School in Indianapolis, and Mennonite Church among
1926 He and wife Lona reside at son Fred II owns and operates Chinese people in Taiw an and
Messiah Village, PO Box an insurance agency in Ft. Hong Kong. TTie\' are now
Rev. D. V. Whitenack and
2015, Mechanicsburg, PA Wayne. Clara is also sur\i\ed working half-time with the
Helen Louise Lewis were
17055-2015. by 3 gi-andchildren, Jonathan. church's Commission on
mairied March 8 in Summit
Suzanne and David. • Rev. 0\ erseas Mission in North
Station United Methodist
1939 Paris Reidhead, fonner America, and half-time among
Church, and now reside at 1 62
missionary, pastor and Chinese Mennonite churches
Birch Ct., Leipsic, OH 45856. Dr. Paul Sobel died April 13
evangelist, died March 23 in in Canada and the US. Of their
Helen is a fonner missionaiy at his home in Alma, MI. He
Woodbridge, VA. He was 5 children. 3 attended Tay-
to Africa. was a retired Presbyterian
founder of Institute for lor Cynthia "73. Meribeth
minister, and had sei"ved as
International Development and '77 Kraybill. and Nancy x*75
1931 presbytery executive in NJ
Transfomiation International, Ferris. Four of their children
from 967 until his retirement

Rev. Kenneth Hoover died organizations providing ha\e ser\'ed in mission w ork
in 1984. Wife Ruth lives at
May 28 following surgeiy. He guidance and seed money for o\erseas. Their current address
1203 W. Superior St., Alma,
had been in ill health for over a small businesses in Third is CO Michael Spmnger 638
MI 48801.
year Ken was a graduate of World Wife
countries. East End A\"e.. Lancaster PA
New York Theological Marjorie lives at 290 17602.
1942 Cohasset Ln., Woodbridge. \'A

Seminaiy, and was ordained in

the United Methodist Church, Carol Unkenholz passed 22192. 1955

sen'ing in the New York away July in Grand Forks,
Dr. Fred Prinzing. professor
conference. He and wife Irene ND, following hip replace- 1952
of preaching and pastoral
(Witner '32) moved to Sun ment surgery.
Jim Conistock remmed .April ministries at Bethel Theologi-
City, AZ, upon his retirement,
15 fi'om Colombia where he cal Seminaiy. has been named
and were actively involved in 1945 worked with World Gospel acting dean of the seminan. as
leadership with Taylor alumni
Larry Brown has been Cmsades training pastors in of .April He and w ife .\nita
1 .

in the area. The Hoovers

elected chaplain for the senior methods of e\angelizing. His (Ford x'57) are co-authors of
would have celebrated their
seminaiy of the Methodist cuiTent address is 200 Mixed Messages: Responding
58th anniversaiy in August.
Church in Brazil. This summer Haymeadow, Cairollton, TX to Interracial .\farriagc.
Irene's address 10639
he completed 40 years of 75007. • Pearl Hoffman published by Moody Press.
Saratoga Circle, Sun City, AZ
ministiy in Brazil. His address died May 1 1 . She had sen ed They reside at 1435 Knoll Dr.
85351. It is the family's wish
is Rua: Anita Franchini, 260, at the Women's Christian Shoreview. MN 55 12(\
that memorials in Ken's name
BaiiTO Santa Terezinha, Hospital in Multan, Pakistan,
be made to Taylor University.
09780-Sao Bernardo do as administrator and exangelist 1956
1938 Campo-SR BRASIL. • with InterSene. • Jack
Clara (Eibncr) Orr went to Patton is teaching in adult

Arthur IM. Climenhaga, be with the Lord on March l(i education for Broward School
commencement speaker at after a long illness. She had Board and the Parks &
Ashland Theological Seminary scr\ ed Him as pastor's w ife, Recreation department of Ft.
on May 23, was the recipient mother and career teacher in Lauderdale. He also pro\ ides
of an honorai7 Doctor of Dan\ ille, IL, and Ft Wayne, art classes in his home at 848
Divinity degree in recognition IN. Her husband. Rev. Fred Springtiee Dr. Sunrise. FL
33321. Phyllis Osborn 56
of his selfless dedication lo Orr "46, lives at R. I, Box
education Ebenezer Bible holds master's degrees in divinity received the PhD degree in
1963 history from Bryn Mawr College
Institute in San Cristobal. She and theology. He and Marilyn
serves with TEAM. Her address (Russell x'70) have two chil- in May. His dissertation topic was
is Apartado 355, San Cristobal dren — Christine (21 ) and Daniel a comparative study of Albany

5001 A, Venezuela. (19). and Boston, 1630-1750. George

is history depailment chaimian

1958 1969 and assistant principal at

Delaware County Christian

Chad Curtis, son of Ted & Carol Brenda Brenneman completed School in Newtown Square, PA.
(Miller '59) Curtis, is a rookie the MA in professional psychol- His address is 1808 Bellemead,
outfielder for the California '63
ogy from Geneva College last
Havertown, PA 19083. • Susan
Penny Smith
Angels, and was their leading May. Her address is Box 37,
(Dicken) Satkamp, a counselor
hitter in June (.307). His proud
School, Monroe, NC. Portersville, PA 16051.
at Valparaiso University,
parents live at 2 1 5 1 Ridgecrest
facilitates an intense, experiential
Rd SE #6, Grand Rapids, MI
1964 1970 therapy group for sur\'ivors of
49546-4347. • Bill & Catherine childhood sexual trauma, and this
Loewen, 2201 Willow Dr., Dave & Marcy (Minks) Mays Lee & Claudia Gerwin announce
year has presented programs on
the birth of Bradley Joshua
Newberg. OR 97132, celebrated live at 1 1 S. Bums Dr.,
the subject at the American
Samuel on Febmary 8. Bradley
their 50th wedding anniversary Brownsburg. IN 461 12. Dave is
College Personnel Assn. meeting
and sister Abigail Lee (6) live
on August 2. The Loewens, who Great Lakes Regional Director for
in San Francisco and the Big 10
with their parents at 71 1 Hickoiy
formerly managed the Taylor the Association of Church
Conference Counseling Center
Ln., Carol Stream, IL 60188. Lee
Bookstore, are retired managers Missions Committees, serving as
is a research analyst with Nike meeting at Purdue University.
of the bookstore at George Fox a missions consultant for
She working on a handbook for
College. churches in Indiana, Michigan.
Securities LP in nearby Lisle. • is

leaders of survivors groups and

Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky and
Dr. Joe Roniine, TU athletic
maintaining a small private
director, was the author of the
1959 Missouri. Son Mark is a sopho-
practice. She and husband Gary
co\'er story, NAIA Athletics
more at TU, but is spending the
have been married for 12 years.
David Gonnanous, beloved Administrators Covering the
fall semester at Daystar College
husband of Sherry (Perkins) Bases, in the Febmary issue of
Their address is 8 1 7 Academy
in Nairobi, Kenya.
Gormanous, died May 15. David NAIA NEWS. St., Valparaiso, IN 46383. • .

Last October, Lois (Hallman)

was a partner and principal with
1965 Upham was selected for the NE
the accounting finn of Arthur 1971
Ohio Registered Sanitarian of the
Andersen & Co., and had Gary ¥ Jerry Young x is pastor of Year award, and in April was
authored and edited many books Shuppert has
on taxes. He and Sherry have a been named
d;< Christian Congregation Church in selected for the statewide award.
Alexandria, fN, a congregation Lois is an environmental health
son, .leff. and a daughter. vice president
that has just celebrated the planner for the Ohio Department
Jennifer. Sherry lives at 632 of operations
completion of a major addition to of Health. She resides with
Melrose Ave., Kenilworth, IL of The Ohio
the church accomplished almost husband Bob, a program
60043. Life
entirely by the members them- specialist for the Summit Co.
Insurance Co.
selves. Jerry, wife Chris, Carrie Board of Developmental
1962 He resides Gary Shuppert '65

Beth(17), Kellie(ll)andKevm Disabilities, and children,

with wife
Shel Bassett was inducted into (15) have sei"ved the church for 18 Jonathan Paul (11) and Elisabeth
Shelby and their two sons at 5840
the NAIA Hall of Fame this past
Oakridge Rd, Hamilton, OH years. Marie (6) at 2366 Frederick Dr.,
spring for his meritorious service
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221-3702.
in tennis. Shel is director of 1972 • Susan (Scott) Wilson died
Moody Bible Institute's Solheim March 16, 99 She is survived
1968 Jean (Peterson) Galica has been
1 1 .

Center in Chicago. by a daughter, Molly (9).

promoted to director of the
Kenneth Bell
children's department/ministries
was appointed
of Los Gatos Christian Church in
July 1 as
In Memorium pastor of St.
CA. The church ininisters to 700 David Voris is group executive/
children, and Jean oversees SS. vice president of Bank One,
Prof.Vida Wood, Mark's United
camps, Bible schools, etc.. for Columbus, OH. He manages the
Honorary Alumna and infants through 5th grade. Jean treasury services group, including
Professor Emeritus of
Church in
resides with husband Frank, an cash management, international
Biology, died July 3 in
Cedar Rapids,
engineer, and sons. Anthony (13) banking and merchant acquire
Marion, IN. Miss Wood lA. A graduate
of Princeton
and Tim ( 1 1 ). at 658 Meadow sei"vices. He and wife Jeannine
taught at Taylor from
Creek Dr.. San Jose. CA 95136- have one child. Alexander David,
1954 to 1970.
Seminary, Ken 1955. • George McFarland bom December 29, 1991. The

family lives at 8334 Davington annual conference. Janice has Inc. The Bowmans live at 700 Stedman is li\ ing on a farm west

Dr., Dublin, OH 430 17. • taught for 1 5 years in Blackford Fondulac Dr.. East Peoria. IL of Muncie. She is in her last year
Joseph Wise is director of County Schools, and recently 61611. •
Dean Swanson spent of doctoral work in literature at

CrossroadScience Summer served as president of the local the summer of 99 getting his 1 1 Ball State Uni\ ersity . Her address
Institute, Santa Monica, CA, an reading council. Her address is new home at 86 Webb St., Troy. is 14290 W.McGalliard.
innovative program providing 0840E lOOOS, Keystone. IN MI 48098, ready for his family. Yorktown. IN 47396. • Beth
secondary students hands-on 46759. • Phyllis Vance, head He and wife Suzanne have two (Kerlin) Toben is the first

participation in current science Softball coach at Huntington (IN) children — Eric (5) and Deanna woman president of the Waco-

research. Last summer the North HS, was selected to assist (2). Dean works for EDS. • McLennan County Bar .Associa-
.students built an STM (scanning in coaching the 1992 North-South Tom Triol x. a general assign- tion, and was honored as

tunneling microscope), a near- All-Star game at Butler Univer- ment photographer at WRTV, Ch. Outstanding Lawyer of the '^'ear
replica of the 1984 Nobel Prize- sity. Voted MVP in softball all 6, Indianapolis, was nominated by the Waco-McLennan County-
winning instrument built by IBM. four years she was at Taylor. for a 1992 Emmy in the Great Young Lawyers .Association. As
Phyllis began the softball Lakes Region, a competition with deputy first assistant to the district

1975 program at Huntington North, and about 70 stations. His recognition attorney, Beth"s caseload consists

her teams have won four sectional was for a service news story. Tiny primarily of sexual crimes against
Mel Hall has received the PhD titles and one regional champion- Miracles. women and children. She and
degree from the University of
ship. She lives at 425 Lyrmwood husband Brad, dean of Baylor
Notre Dame. He and his wife
Dr., Huntington, fN 46750. 1980 School of Law. ha\e one son.
Leda are both teachers at Indiana
John (4).
University-South Bend. Brad & Beth Brinson announce
1978 the birth of Hope Elise on
1976 Ken & Dawn (Comstock) January 17. Big sister Sarah is 3.

Davison announce the birth of Brad is senior pastor of Cypress Ellen Johanna was bom .August
Dr. Louis "Buzz" Gallien has Evangelical Free Church in Mike & Doris
their first child. Wesley Paul, on 14. 1991. to
joined the faculty of Wheaton Box 27 L Westfield. FN
May 15, 1991. Proud grandpa is Cypress, CA. The family li^'es at .\lderink.
College as associate professor, 46074. Mike
Roy Comstock '52. Ken is a 12421 Casper St., Garden Grove. is a research
teaching history and philosophy
psychotherapist, and Dawn is a CA 92645. • Karen Johnson scientist for Boehringer
of education and secondary Mannheim
nurse. The family lives at 1703 and David Snell were married in Corp. in Indianapolis,
theories and methods of teaching. 99 Karen and Dons RN working
Lakecliffe, Wheaton, IL 60187. the spring of 1 1 . is a is an part-
He and wife Lee have one • David &
Mendi (Beatty registered nurse and Da\id has a time in the cardiac cath lab at St.
daughter, Saralee (5). Their
x'79) Dunbar live at 721 degree in aerospace engineering N'incent Hospital. 9 Carol
address is 1 5 1 1 Ashford Ct,
(Lowery .Anderson and husband
Longtree Dr., Wheeling, IL from Embry Riddle Aeronautical )

Wheaton, IL 60187. • John

60090. David is a math teacher University. Their address is PO Scott both recei\ ed master's
Hall director of youth and
and coach at Wheeling HS. and Box 3281, Missoula. MT 59806. degrees in Biblical studies at
family ministries Center Grove
Mendi substitute teaches at • Laura (Edwards x) Lullo. Dallas Theological Seminar." in
Presbyterian Church in Green-
Elementary School District 54 in former director of employment at May. In .August they returned,
wood, IN. He is also an associate
Schaumburg. Their children are Edward Hospital, is at home with Erica (") and Ryan (5). to
staff member with Youth
.lenni (11). Dan ( 1 0) and Randy ftill-time with daughter. Lindsey the United .Arab Emirates to work
Specialties Ministries and a
(7). • Gai7& Chris Elise (4). Husband Ton\' is a w ith TE.AM as tenmiaker
curriculum writer for David C.
(Schleucher) Mastin announce dentist practicing in Lombard, IL. missionaries, targeting the large
Cook Publishing Co. .lohn and
the birth oftheir 2nd little The family lives at 321 1 Barnes expamate community in the
wife Carol have three children
blessing, Kelsey Marie, on April Ln.. Naperville, IL 60564. • capital. .Abu Dhabi. • Dr.
Candice(I3), Adam(l2)and & & Lorene (Muthiah "84)
1 . She was welcomed home by Neal Trish (Dial) Smith Brian
Kirby They live at 3088
happily announce the birth of Coffey announce the of
Alyssa (2). Chris has taught in birth
Brixton Dr., Greenwood, IN
elemental^ grades for 14 years. Karsten Parker on Febiiian 9. He Jesse Daniel on June 4. His
46142. • Donita (Clinc)
The Mastins" address is 1807 joins brothers Britton and Grant brother is Jordan Ta\ lor (2). Tlie
Hartcr died ,luly 1, Icaxing three
Kingsbury Dr., St. Marys. OH (9) and Whitney (5) at their
sister Coffeys li\ e at 625 Winnebago
daughters, Wendy, Allison and
new home. Box 878, 4901-55 Trail. Batavia. IL(i0510. •
Erika. Donita's parents are Rev.
Hillside Dr., Bridgman, MI D«ight Jacobsen has been
Eddy '66 & Shirley Cline, 3808
1979 49106. Neal reports. "We didn't appointed \ ice president, regional
N. Locust St., Muncie, IN 47304.
want to be bored so we built a marketing director of the N^'
Keith & Brcnda (Tansey x'81)
new house and a new bab\ at the metropolitan territory for The
1977 Bowman had their 5th child.
same time." Neal, a dentist, Putnam Companies. Dw ight and
Wesley Earl, on May 13. 1991.
returned to Russia this smnnier Sally (Thorne) and their Uvo
Janice Nusbaumcr was
Siblings are Austin Philip (II).
presented the Outstanding Ser\ ice
w ith Christian Medical and children reside at 3 Syhan Ct.
Megan Christine (10), Molly
Dental Society to set up modem Pompton Plains. XJ 0"444. •
Award by the Central
Elizabeth (8) and Abigail
Reading Council and the Indiana dental clinics in churches Ron & Cheryl (Gettmann)
Keith owner and operator
State Readini; Association al the
(5). is
throuchout the countn . • Barb Jar^i. and daughters .Angela and
of Bowman Manufacluriiii; Sales
— 8 —

Wendy, welcomed Jeffrey well. Inc. Emmaline Lara Mieko employees to receive the

Alexander into the family on was bom inFebmary 99 and a 1 1 . company's 1991 Chaimian's
September 20. 1 99 1 . .leff is the second child is on the way. Achievement Award in recogni- Jim & Holly (Barber) Mullen
7th grandchild of Gwen (Davis) tion of outstanding technical and celebrated their first wedding
Gettmann '58. The .Tar\i family 1983 marketing accomplishments. • anniversai7 on July 6 at TU while
lives at 2755 NE Boyd Acres Rd John & Bonnie (LeClair) \ isiting Steve '65 & Phyllis (Dye
#7. Bend, OR 97701. Tim & Ronda (Gentis) Able.
Nystrom and their children. '64) Bedi. They had met at a
Daphne (5) and Ryne (4). live at
Brianna (5) and Eric (3), retumed singles group in the Bedis' fonner
103 W. ElnoraSt.. Odon. IN
1982 47562. Tim is a PE and health
in June to Papua New Guinea home in Gaithersburg, MD. Sheri
after an exciting, energizing and Bedi '89 sang at their wedding.
Lt. Tim Balver has completed a teacher and head football coach at
encouraging ftirlough year. They Jim and Holly live in Obey, MD,
3-year tour of duty based at the North Daviess HS, and Ronda
serve with Wycliffe Bible where Holly teaches 1st grade in
naval air station on Oahu during teaches gymnastics at a pri\ate
Translators, and their field the Montgomery Co. public
which he flew in the P-3C Orion, club. • Dean & Mindy (Date)
address is SIL Box 365, school system. 9 Dr. Mark
serving as tactical coordinator and Anderson announce the birth of
Ukammpa \ia Lae, Papua New Benson is chief resident of the
mission commander. One of his Paige Chandler on March 24. Her
Guinea. • Perry & Beth Cakes family practice program at The
deployments was to Oman big brother is Bret Montana (2).
have been assigned Panama
to to University of Oklahoma, and
(Desert Shield). Now he has been Dean is associate pastor for youth
translate the Bible for the Teribe begins his medical practice this
assigned to Texas A & M at Concord Bible Church, and
people. Their address is Apdo fall at the Family Medical Center
University to teach naval science Mindy does some freelance
29 1 7. Balboa. Ancon. Panama. in Danville. FN. He and wife
courses to ROTC students, and is editing. Their address is 4949
Republic of Panama. Vonda ha\e two children
working part-tirne on his MBA Clayton Rd #6. Concord, CA
Mackenzie Ruth (2) and Joel
degree. His address is 1305 W. 94521-3015. • Luke Andrew 1984 Andrew, bom .July 2. Their new
Villa Maria #D-.106. Bryan. TX was bom .lanuary 29 to Gary &
address is 1950S. 200 N.
77801 • Dr. Timothy Cullison Joy (Garda) Ganster, 616 E. Tom & Leigh Ann Emmons
Danville. IN 46122. •
is an anesthesiologist on the staff Emerson, Lombard, IL 60148. • reside at 460 Federal Circle.
Jonathan &
Susan (Hcnningsen
of Ball Memorial Hospital in Joe Habegger and Judi Leonard Delaware, OH 43015, with son
'86) McCracken announce the
Muncie. fN. 9 .leremiah Daniel were maiTied March 28 in Jordan (2). Tom is an account
birth of John Wilson II (Jack) on
was bom November 8. 1 99 1 . to Indianapolis. .ludi has two executive v\ ith Compusen c. Inc..
Febmary 27. Jon is sales manager
Frank & Tami (Brumm "83) children. .lessica (12) and Corey in Columbus. • Ron & Marion
for Up-Right Scaffold. Inc.. and
Grotenliuis. .leremys big (II). and the Habeggers expect a (Reeves '86) Johnson announce
Sue was fonnerly with Pmdential
brothers are Ian (4) and Isaac (2). child in .lanuary. Joe teaches 2nd the birth of Joel Hatton on July
Insurance Co. as a financial
Frank is a teacher at Haili grade in Washington Twp. 13. Siblings are Lauren (4) and
analyst. The McCrackens reside
Christian School in Hawaii where Schools, and .ludi is office Ronnie (2). Ron is associate
at 6 Sunny View Dr.. Succa-
three other TU grads also taught manager at Georgetown pastor of Living Stones Fellow-
sunna. NJ 07876. • Vance &
during the 91-92 school year Chiropractic. They live at 6109 ship, and his father is senior
Mindy (Roost '87) McLarren
Loral! (Gleason '90) Crow, N. Oxford St., Indianapolis, IN pastor. Their address is 7 1 1 N.
announce the birth of Connor
Susan Yoder "91. and Siieryl 46220-2925. • Daniel Joseph Pratt St,. Crown Point. IN 46307.
William on May 19. Vance is on
(Schrock'91) Boyack. The was bom August 24. 99 1 1 . to • Janet Moir is a rehabilitation
the administrative staff of the VA
Grotenhuis family lives at 14 W. Mark & Sharon (Beeson x) caseworker for Associative
Medical Center in Indianapolis,
Ohea St.. Hilo. HI 96720. • Klemme. 4845 Main St. NE, Rehabilitation, Inc.. in Chatham.
and Mindy is at home with their
Kelly Holt has been promoted to MN 55421. Mark is a
Fridley, Ontario. She lives at 303-45
son at 1422 Misty Lane,
di\ision manager of Quaker State computer programmer with Timmins Cresc, Chatham. ON,
Indianapolis, FN 46260. • Kim
Corporation's greater Detroit Cardiac Pacemaker. Inc., and Canada N7L 4L4. • Tim & Jan
Offenhauser and John Mahoney
area. He and wife Marcia Sharon is now home with
at (Pinkley) Morse reside at 4731
were married May 9 in Lincoln
(Melvin '84) ha\ e two daughters. Daniel. # Robeil & Kara Carbeny Ctr, Charlotte. NC
Park. NJ. Barb .Askeland was a
Laura and Emily. # Chris & (Boehm) Molenhouse were 28226. Tim is a field representa-
bridesmaid. Kim is director of
Vickie (Highley '80) Houts blessed with the birth of Thomas tive for Randa Corporation, and
personnel for Madison Financial
announce the birth of Erinn Marie Edward on April Bob is a real 1 1 . Jan is a senior accountant for
Group, and John is a CPA. They
on May 13. joining brothers Brian estate appraiser with Household Wellman. # Avery Malachi was
live at 22 Normandy Blvd E.
Timothy and Ethan Christopher. Bank, and Kara is assistant bom April 6 to Jerry & Lisa
Convent Station. NJ 07960. •
The Houts family lives at 15033 director of financial aid at Illinois (Lickliter '82) Swartz. joining
Scott & Beth (Flora) Shaum
S. 25th PI.. Phoenix. AZ 85044. Benedictine College. Their sisters Autumn (5) and Anna (2).
have completed their first tenn of
• Nelson & Leslie (Dungan) address is 1 102 N. Webster, Jerry works for DowBrands, Inc.,
service with Overseas Missionaiy
Soken live at 625 Poilland Ave., Wheaton,IL 60187. • Steven a consumer products subsidiary
Fellowship in Hong Kong. They
St. Paul. MN 55104. Leslie is Nygren. product manager for of The Dow Chemical Co.. and
will return to Hong Kong in May
development associate at William Nalco Chemical Company's Lisa is at home with the children
1993. Until then their address is
Mitchell College of Law. Nelson Mining and Mineral Processing at 3535 E. 79th St., Indianapolis,
137 Foster Ave., Elkhart, FN
has completed his PhD in child Chemicals Group, was one of IN 46240.
development and

46516. • Steve & Margaret

is with Honey-
. )

(Millikan) VanNattan, 21 17 (3 ). .len teaches 6th-grade math at Jodi IS music program director at a casew orker \\ ith Central Baptist
Winslow Ave.. Flower Mound, Southporl Middle School in Port Kentwood Christian Childcare Family Services in Elgin. They
TX 75028. proudly announce the St. Lucie, FL. The family lives at Center in Grand Rapids. The live at I342-C S. Glen Circle,
birth of Rebecca Anne on 1 5 1 4 SW Abacus Ave.. Port St. couple resides at 12051 84th St. Aurora, IL 60506. • David &
February 2. Steve is a product Lucie, FL 34953. • Jeffx& SE, Alto. MI 49302. • Rachel Karin (Hall) Rogers celebrated
manager with GTE. Tami (Tucker) King are Jordan was bom May 8 to Dan 1 their st wedding aiini\ersary on

delighted to announce the birth of & Cindi (Diener) Wilmot. Box June 29. Karin is a 1 st-grade

1986 .lacob Michael on February 29. 1 5, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, reading tutor, and Da\e \\orks in
Jeff is in the US Air Force and PA 15010. Cindi is director of a law firm librars' in Chicago.
Hannah Raye was bom March 25
Tami is at home with Jacob at student activities and residence They li\e at 1066 Spring Garden
to Michael & Tracy (Bane)
996 Dakota Dr., Ellsworth AFB. director at Gene\ a College, and Circle, Naper\iIIe. IL 60187.
Goodson, 6336 Gray Rd,
SD 57706. • Pamela McRae Dan is a supervisor with UPS.
Indianapolis, IN 46237. Tracy is a
teacher in the Perry Township
and Michael Prell were married They have one other child, Philip 1989
December 28, 1991, in Philadel- James (2),
school district. • Susan Miller
phia. TU participants were Amy Tim & Ashlyn (Feil "90) Holz
has been promoted to assistant have mo\ ed to Texas where Tim
state director for US Senator
Halvorson, Amy Young, David 1988 is in a training program in retail
Bachman, Nanci Plumb '88,
Richard Lugar, and works out of
Andrea (Nelson "86) LeRoy and
Dan & Kris (Leffing^vell "87) management with Home Depot
his Indianapolis office. She joined Chilcott thank God for Jonathon (referred to as "the W'al-Man of
Claire Pontius, daughter of Brad
the Senator's staff in May 1 99 1

& Gail (Verch) Pontius, both

Daniel, bom August 6. 1991. The home impro\'ement stores"!.

Susan lives at 3921 Gable Ln.

'77. Michael works at Eastern
Chilcotts' address is RR 2. Box Ashlyn is studying interior design
Circle #616, Indianapolis, IN
College in St. Davids, PA, and
214. Sharpsville. IN 46068. • at a community^ college in Dallas.
46208. • Gregg & Jean Pam works at Borders Book Shop
Randolph Clerihue has been is 9350 Skillman
Their address
(Yordy) Morris live at Azusa appointed public relations Rd=201S. Dallas, TX "5243. •
in Bryn Mawr. They reside at 1

Pacific University in CA where Fair\iew Dr., St. Davids, PA associate at the Heritage Ruth (Hunter) Henn completed
Gregg is a resident director and Foundation, a prominent her master's degree in 1991 and is
19087 • Scott & Kim (Kile
Jean is a graduate intern. • "88) Polsgrove announce the
Washington public policy a social worker in outpatient

Karita Nussbaum is a counselor/ research institute. He holds a therap\' at Lifewa>- Christian

birth of their first child, Mark
teacher at Camp E-WEN-AKEE, Taylor, on July 12. • Doug »&
master's degree in journalism Counseling Center, Cincinnati.
Route 2, Box 6800, Fair Haven, trom Medill School of Journal- Husband Marc is a broker wth
Tracy (Jorg) Rollison live at 900
VT 05743. Operated by Eckerd
N. Cuny #44A, Bloomington, IN
ism. Northwestern Universir\\ • CharlesSchwab & Co. The\" li\"e
Family Youth Alternative Inc., it After spending a year in France at 7885 Chrisrine .Ave., Cincin-
47404. Doug is a graphic
is camp for disturbed children.
designer in marketing and
teaching inissionan.- children, nati, OH 4524 .• 1 Jeff Kiger is

They erect their own tents and Ruthanna Denton is now a reporter photographer for the
product development for
live in them year-round. 9 Todd teaching 5th grade in Henderson, Twin City Journal-Reporter, a
Microsphere, Inc. Tracy
Wesswick and Melisa Robinson NC. She lives at Seaman weekly new spaper published in
completed her MA in July, and is
1 1 1 St..

were manied ,Iune 15, 99 in 1 1 ,

breeding Bichons Frises as a

Oxford. NC 27565. • Michael Gas City. Jeffs address is PO Box
Denver. TU participants were
hobby. • Ken & Kathy Siegle,
& Lynette (Francis) Fisher are 627. Upland. IN 46989. •
Bob Herriman Lance "74, proud to announce the birth of Jennifer Johnson has begun a 1-
25084 Orchid, Mt. Clemens, MI
W ygant "85 and Roland Rohrer 48045, announce the birth of
Jocelyne Claire on June 16. She \ ear intemship in the area of
"85. (Don Saucr was to be there, joins James (4) and Julianna (2). women's ministry at Elmbrook
Kaitlynn Marie on April 2. Sister
but was busy becoming a father.
Amber Joy is 2. 9 .Alan
Michael is co-manager of a Church in Waukesha. Wl. •
Todd and Melisa are teachers at
Symonette and Patrice Fox w ere
discount dnig/groceiy store and Da»n (Hendricks) Keller has
Goddard Middle School, and Lynette is a busy homemaker. completed the MDi\ degree at
married November 30, 1991. TU
Todd coaches football at Arapa- The family li\es at 8948 Southeastem Baptist Theological
participants were Michelle
hoe HS, They live at 7429 W.
Roberts "88, Ron Symonette
McClannethan. PO Box 495, Seminar. and . is assistant dean of
Frost Dr., Littleton, CO 80123. x"91 and Carin (Dunberg "91)
Temperance, MI 48182. • Kim smdents at Louisburg College.
Frederickson and Earl Schmoll Louisburg. NC. Husband Jeff
Symonette. Alan is on the
1987 ministerial staff of Calvary Bible
were manied May II, 1991, and x"86 is a prenial ser\ ices ot'ficer

li\ e at N3928 Shamrock Circle. for the federal court s\ stem of

Tom ,4rchbald is program Church. PO Box 1684. Nas.sau.
Appleton, \VI 54915. Their NC's eastern district. The Kellers
director of New Life, a Christian Bahamas. • Todd Thompson
daughter, Danielle Marie, was li\eat5^13 Halyard Dr.,
adult psychiatric unit at Charter- and Jodi Helgesoii were manicd
bom Febrtiai-y 27. • Stoe and N'oungsN 27590.
ille, JeffNC •
Barkly Hospital in Chicago. His August 4, 1990, at the Miami
Universitycampus chapel in
Tammy Fuchs were manied & Jennifer Leichty, 12" \V. 1

address is PO Box 206, Beverly

September 1, 1990, in Marion, Ludwig Rd, Ft. \\'a\iie. IN
Shores, IN 46301-0206. Dan • Oxford, OH. Todd completed his

MDiv IN, w ith Jerry Kempf "87 40825, announce the birth of
& Jennifer (.\ldridge) Bozonc at United Theological
participating. Stc\ e is an ad\ ocate Joshua Ryan on September 14.
Seminaiy and is now pastor of the
are the proud parents of Emmalea
with Ri\en\oods Christian Center 1 99 1 JetT is a s> stems consultant
Danielle, born April 3 and .'\lto and Bowne Center United .

Methodist Churches in .Alto, Ml.

in St. Charles, IL. and Tanimv is for Computer Task Group. •
v\'elcomed home by sister Chelsea
Joe & Lisa (Moritz '90) Miller 9 Adam David was bom mental health associate at Rapha
have moved to CO where Joe is Febmary 28 to Daniel & Laura at Cedar Springs Hospital in

enrolled at the University of (Sampson) Massie. 576 Via Pineville. They live at 7208
Denver College of Law. Their Colinas, Westlake Village. CA Wallace Rd #202, Chariotte, NC
address is 992 S. Crystal Way 91362. • David & Elizabeth 28212.
#204, Aurora, CO 80012. • (Foote) Olrich had a daughter.
Katherine Olivia was bom June Devon Lorae, on March 14. They 1992
23 to Bob & Stephanie (Soucy) live at 16500 Quarry St. #226.
Barb Alexander and Andy
Panciera, PO Box 372. Monson, Southgate, Ml 48195. • Teresa
Bud '90 and Linda Kay '91 munch cake Peterson were married June 13,
ME 04464. • Tlior Thomsen, a (Kneeht) Reimschisel has been
at their wedding reception. with Alex Smidt, Heather
Lance Corporal in the US Marine appointed coordinator of
Myers, Nate Peterson '89 and
Corps, is on a 6-month deploy- admissions operations at Taylor.
Melissa (Miller '90) Peterson
ment to the western Pacific and She and husband Trent live in 4034 Woodland Creek Dr. #201,
participating from Taylor. Andy
Persian Gulf with the 1 1th Marine Bluffton, IN. • October marks Kentwood, MI 49512. • Lynda
is an actuary with the Wyatt Co.
Expeditionary Unit from Camp the 2nd anniversary of Steve Nelson and Bud Kay '90 were
in Chicago. The Petersons reside
Pendleton, CA. Thor is engaged Wolfe's service with JPUSA martied March 14 in Caiy. IL.
at 1525 Fairway Dr. #303,
to be married to Kristen Heisler (Jesus People USA) based in Bud is completing his last year at

'90, a 3rd-year
NapenillcIL 60563. • .lune 20
medical snident at inner-city Chicago. Steve lives Trinity Evangelical Divinit>'
was the wedding date of Mimi
Stritch School of Medicine. and works in the .JPUSA School, and he and Lynda
Barahona and Scott Crook "91
Loyola University. Bob & • community, which provides anticipate leaving for missionaiy
in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Sarah
Deborah (Patterson) Weber, physical and spiritual aid to the service in .Jamaica next July.
Brown, Craig Crook '93 and
63 Landmark Dr.. Fort Wayne.
1 1 residents of the inner-city and to Their current address is 3855 Old
Rebekah Haddad "91 were the
FN 468 1 5, announce the birth of the homeless. One of Steve's McHenry Rd. Long Grove, IL
Taylor participants. Mimi is
Andrew John on June 24. responsibilities is the scheduling 60047 • David & Marianne
doing consulting work with
of church groups who come for (Koop) Orme have moved to
Conplan SA. and Scott is
volunteer work. His address is Trinity Evangelical Divinity
manager/owner of an Italian ice
920 W. Wilson Ave., Chicago, IL School where Marianne is work-
Jennifer Cutting just began her cream shop. The couple's address
60640. • Betsy Zehnder is ing on her MA in Old Testament
second year as a junior- and isPO Box 20087, Comayaguela
pursuing a master's degree in & Semitics. Dave enjoys his work
senior-high math teacher at DC, Honduras, CA. • Emily
health science at Duke University at T-Wack Software Group, a
International Christian School, Brailey left August 5 for a 4-year
to prepare for a career as consulting finn in Arlington
Apdo 3512, San Jose, Costa Rica. tenn with Africa Inland Mission,
physician's assistant. Her address Heights. Their address is TEDS
• Marcia Diller and Brian
is 1-A Carson Circle, Durham, Box D-786, 2065 Half Day Rd,
teaching Bible and English to
Motter were married .June 20 in missionary children at Rift Valley
NC 27705. Deerfield.IL 60015. • Ron
New Haven. fN. TU participants Academy. • Jane Moore x and
Symonette x was graduated this
were Chris Gerardot x'84, Karl Ben Wilson were mairied May
'88 & Jennifer (Diller '89)
1991 spring with a bachelor's degree,
24 in North Webster, IN. TU
magna cum laude, from
Knarr, Ruth Venz x"90, Tracy Ann Calkins and David participants were Emily Brailey,
LeToumeau University with a
Mains '91, KT Strong '92 and Abraham '90 were married
major in aviation maintenance/
Tammy (Gurstung x) Brown,
Kevin Diller '93. Marcia is in her March 28 in Norfolk. VA. TU Fred Luchtenburg, Mark
business. • April Walker and
3rd year of teaching at an participants were David Johnsen Vanest and Joel Brown '91. The
Jim Jurgensen were married
alternative high school in '88, Laura Mihara x'91 and Wilsons live at 9067 E. Hatchery
May 2 in Greenwood, IN. TU
Warsaw. Brian is a quality Michelle (Voder '90) Halleen Rd, Syracuse, FN 46567. •
participants v\'ere Jennifer
control engineer at Othy. Inc., an Both Ann and David work for
Baker, John Hein, Eric Manko,
Mark Turner and Julie Howell
orthopaedics instniment The Family Channel, Ann as X were martied June 3 in Grand1
Erik Smith, Dina Stickel '93
manufacturer. They live at 2932 program schedule coordinator and Rapids. Taylor people in the
and Deena (Walker x'87) Stein.
Williamson Warsaw, FNDr., David as production assistant for wedding were Tucker Darby,
The couple lives at 646 Nicole
46580. • Lorall Gleason and the sitcom, "Big Brother Jake." Rob Wegner, Chris Schutte,
Dr. #D, Greenwood. IN 46143.
William Crow were married David also does free-lance video Jason Powell '93, Jackie Howell
# Tani Waltz and Dean Trejo
August 5, 99 in Parker City,
1 1 , graphics for a Chicago company.
were married May 6 in Eaton,1
"93 and Ann Turner '95. Julie
fN. TU participants were Diana Their address is 1056 Riviera Dr., received her BSN in May from
OH. TU participants were Gina
Crosson, Deb Foster and Jen Virginia Beach, VA 23464. • (Trejo x) Shelley, Lisa (>iugent
Messiah College. The Tumers
Scott, all '91. The couple lives in Michelle Congleton and Robert reside at 4755 S. Breton Ct #174,
x) Mantha, Dave McPherson x,
Hawaii where Lorall teaches 5th Luke were married June 15, 1991,
Terre Trejo '92, Amy (Pertee Kentwood, MI 49508. •
grade at Haili Christian School. in Grand Rapids. TU participants Febrtiary 8 was the wedding day
"90) Deering, Heather Clark
William is finishing his were Pam Agee, Lisa (Moritz of Elisabeth VarnHagen and
"92, Johnny Bird '92 and Shawn
bachelor's degree in agriculture '90) Miller, Maria Lofgren Jack Lugar '9L They live at
Crooks '92. Dean is a systems
and economics. Their address is x'92, Jon Rudolph '92 and Scott 6237 NewbenyCt #1901,
analyst with NationsBank in
PO Box 2001, Keaau, HI 96749. Kregel '93. The Lukes live at Indianapolis, fN 46256.
Charlotte, NC. and Tani is a
. —


Time for Reflection

Time. Eveiyhody has it and yet What Do You Mean, "There's No
nobody seems to have enough In His Time Time Like the Present?"
"Time is the friend of truth." Here's a quotation which I find
of it. It is a commodity to some, — Coach Paul Patterson fascinating:
a gift to others, and to a great head basketball coach "...time itself isn't \ery important.
many of us, a scarce resource. It's the English who think time is a
We talk about it all the time, but A Life Saver straight line which can be di\ided up
I don't know who said it, but one and labeled and parceled out in an
seldom pause to reflect on its
of my favorite quotations about time orderly fashion. But time isn't like
role in our lives.
is, "Time is nature's way of keeping that: time is a circle; time goes round
Here, a smattering of Taylor everything fi-om happening all at and round like a w heel. .And that's
facult}- members do just that. once." found it in the article on time
1 why one hears echoes of the past
in the March 1990 issue of National continually — it's because the past is
As the Flower of the Grass Geographic. present: you don't have to look back
Years ago I stood at the graves of —David Neuhouser down the straight line, you just look
Emerson, Hawthorne, Thoreau, and professor of mathematics across the circle, and there are the
Alcott on Authors" Ridge in the echoes of the past and the vision of
Sleepy Hollow Cemeteiy outside A Management Issue the future, and the\'re all present, all
Concord, Massachusetts. Sadness Time is a priceless
1 asset, but now, all fore\er." (Susan Howatch.
and beauty gripped me as the shade once gone it's gone forever. Good The Jflieel of Fortune)
of the trees and the cool breeze usage of this asset is a facet of —Jessica Rousselow
played across the tombstones. It Christian stewardship. professor of communication
seemed to me that these writers, in 2. Alan Lakein, a noted consultant

whose works 1 had spent many lively and author of How to Get Control of Magnificent Obsession
and artistic hours, should not be Your Time and Your Life, suggests M\ bab\ brother's birthday was
there, quiet in death. The old, old that people continually challenge just the other da\. He turned 44.
theme in many literary works flashed themselves with the question "Is this Children — or the lack thereof
through my mind: the brevity of life. the best use of my time right now?" make a difference in one's concep-
I commented to my companions, During my 12 years at Taylor,
3. tion of time. .As my wife [Barbara,
"Isn't life strange? We are here today most of the Taylor students ha\e I professor of music] and I have no
and gone tomoiTow." Indeed, "Art is obsened to be understanding and children, I mark the passage of time
long and time is fleeting." —
well-rounded academically, by my youngest brother's birthdays,
—Hazel (Blitz '38} Cairuth spiritually, socially, physically, and in e\ en more than mv' own. When he
professor emeritus leadership qualities —
ha\e mastered turned 30. it was \ er\' traumatic for
the important skill of time manage- me: w hen he mmed 40. it w as e\ en
A Higher Purpose ment. more traumatic. Now he's -M. I'xe
A person must spend quality time Some of us in the B.AE faculty been obsessed by it few days.
the last
with God if one's life is to have have conducted time management .Age, how e% er, is becoming
meaning in living out the responsi- seminars for a \ariet\' of audiences. relatix e to me. I ha\ e seen e\ eryone
bilities of daily activities. Spending We would welcome additional come and go at Ta\lor for the past 32
time with God will establish the opportunities to do such. years. It is amazing to see children
reality of his presence in exeiything —Robert Gortiier and grandchildren of people I knew
done for His gloiy. associate professor of business at Ta> lor now attending here.
— ./()(' Burnworth —David Dickey
professor of cdiicalion Director. Zondenan Libran'
Environmental Protection Agency.
This is our Father's world. By your generous gifts to Taylor University you
And at Taylor University, we're serious about our make this possible.
God-given responsibility to steward the Earth. Thank you for your
We have been for quite some time. continued financial
The new $2.1 million Randall Environmental Studies support. Thanks,
Center is just the latest evidence of that commitment too, for making a
Here, future leaders are learning the information and difference in this,
skUls they need to be wise stewards of God's creation. our Father's world. Randall Environmental Studies Center
The new Fort
Wayne campus
oflFers unique
for students of
all ages.


Up and Coming: Helping launch Grand

Opening Ceremonies for the new extention
campus, Taylor University-Fort Wayne, are
(from left) Dr. Jay Kesler, president; David
Arnold, vice president for economic develop-
ment. Greater Fort Wayne Chamber of Com-
merce; Paul Helmke, mayor. Fort Wayne, Ind.:

and (on podiimi) Dr. Charles Jaggers, senior

vice president.

US Postaoe
Tj\ylorUniversity PAID
Indianapolis .

500 West Reade Avenue Permit No. 8

Upland. Indiana 46989-1001


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